«$4, gr "2_e%i.;. ‘ ‘ ' Q".-_;F,;f~._;,:‘§ E W , ‘ a ’ ' ‘.4 E '3‘! u‘ A.’ ‘ Both Houfes 1‘ V;‘,\ ‘Di? pi‘ -‘I ‘Iv/3 ‘W 5'» 7% ‘?»»r’.%2»,‘* ,t.‘~‘f:.. :93. ,~a= fin. %§’=T~a*~ ..~:‘§:. ’<<»;*?%s§ 3%. .&.’<».:§§9 .' =¥».¢w~ gm, ~ -1* wt ~m;.:m 35' 2, m;.. fim, mm 3“ Wf:-353%rVd$@‘r:-gag-§§,n~3Z\:;[j1§cfi__ e;»r.re9’<4cEx%a‘_-‘.3; r§§;«g::~E.\4£-L flrmgmww, «-g.;::;.-2.1413". . .:. W‘ ii’; W ’ 655;; V’ Cu '~ ‘ ‘ W 1‘ 1 A ‘ ()(_;‘§\‘ 0 v 5 ‘ .,5*y"§, ,'~ ‘ ‘ t{"i"1-‘.*‘-I"3¢*"‘i”3‘$‘§ ~3."'{°7‘$3 5 . *5" % W,‘,h'. ' ‘I. ' ~. fig}-:13 *§ %‘~“~€§~z ’ - -43» *3) , i as 1;‘ ?v.¢ T". ‘:1; ., 1. If ._ %;’\?$éV9;bi;é$;£§'E:: To . F P arhame.-nt, ” c~Jpri/28- 164.2. Q ‘fr 9 #3:?’-5 gég. ‘ ? xq. ~s.a:. fig «av: % Q, . _ % ,1 h % % _ ‘ % _ fit "iwfm 114;‘ $9 Cam‘m;mg : /52: J u ml to pa 3 fig}-:3: 2 % tl’1cBiI1fi:n'the-Nlilitia. %€ 5% é°‘i“'¢“’%‘§ is _ ‘ LONDON: _ % j“ Printed by R o 3 n K 1' B A 9. r. R 1:. , Printer % ' to the Kings 1110?: Exccrllcnt Maicfiic: And A by the.-Affigncs of} 0 H N BH. L. I fl ~:«a¢-:-«M-$M~a %%%%%%%%%%%%%% @aeam:s¢+g»;¢g:g=&¢=:.:a:§~a.ese4a4: e:«a*=~:v . ‘V ., « .u AL 4 . . .. _.»M...u.».-«Q nu‘ ...?J. .3 4 . ....n...u. lAIr.I.I ‘.-.u.R... 3:: tan nw -flu. .. .. .. . 7.3 ‘7! .... Q /. a 1; ' ‘G ‘ “W: a ‘ 3*’ » ~ :v‘ 9} ‘ W... ‘ ‘ - ,. .9 -«E"‘’''‘_- 'i’ “ ' ‘«r 5‘, VA , -\.. ' ‘ 7. l‘ ¢'«'w.~.-n,, ' ‘ , I I ' ‘ ‘ , -1‘I.:, “ r K» r« r '~ . . ‘ A ' "£33: :1‘ r aw“ ~ V ~ w . M .~~.-. « ~ ~- w w % ‘ 2 ~..a.~ . .. I, ‘ ‘ ' ~ ‘-54; . .1...” ~‘ , ‘ ' ,..‘ _,.V \- .. .‘u\ .4» ‘.*"~' . ;, ~ " ~- ,~ A 1 \j\,':'J;., ‘/1%‘. nu.“ ‘.2 .. :;:‘M X _.l ,_ - W -‘t:. J Qtfi. "V:-Ev!" "IQ ‘ Kn ‘ ' " r w. ‘ ‘ ‘ " . , . to % 1;" His Majefiies Mcfiltge co both Hou.-5 M A {$3 offar/iamcné, pril 28. 1 6 4. 2;. , . %~coMmrni11g I-'IisARcfu{allcb paflEthcB : x. L A % j for the M‘. I L IA*r;1A. V M A V « beret: (it concerning was much to % ‘ will gatience ineigben arm Coiifi? meigu tigeiconfequencw of there tmmilicia arm %{t1)ougb it Igat.-I) not been ufualil to g§h¢e amzzreaton fazflput rainfall to mite‘ any mu. (tthetttg ahfoiuteiaz at war poimev > IL/am hefogzme paifeit) youwgfitll ~ f {attew fentto 11115 fog the fetimg of to paife, 02 not paffe any Q~ctfent4unto%Aw by you, if mac co:zm'?a4e itApgej4uhiciaII%to 9Duv $211? , 0: ins conheniexztfngwuv %ubject5:, Afozmhnnn we are A twitch. annmutf one may misc an acr;ount)_ . 3221: in tljtshufinwe oftbe Militia, which bung ntufuunw ftoon amongft s£Dm: goon %uhject§~.. hac1;.hemufeu M an %1:gumer¢t,a5tjf am mm not bégiiattc V mough fo; the gauhlflw lhfewx. ..<2um left‘ we mouth be tigougm Ietfe contrauc in mm: iiiemiutzv A moms, am: cut? 251%! to be we mum am am: mum . 130.115 am Iaagaetimugbp fictoigim you, arm am me A rmogm partwulmz fattafactwn may we camsmt, Wfiilt nut . mutt notasaflefimifi 1B‘é1I,hetTng&:%)em*% wuialifze lfiiii, to war mxneraflggmcc, mat mm ms 9 2 % mm A % C2‘) fum tigw §%m:iiawt‘e.1xt fiénvnf V ¢.§3e*vs,fm;;z=e ‘am mam cempiam , mjatijamms ea:%?m;e“en mes K” cia;¢'Ia.a:w mm ;2a.r€icu1w:iwim%§m:,g §.:m»am~,A ma i?§3n?;:a'i?a>*;sz~2i?:V@a;wg flfingg 3 A avAAV*é*"waaa my ”é.%E’:£3"21':a**é;;a;%a»3a,feas,we ’3s:~mA*%;I”n ;~::Va.:¢,'ms.“:.»'» . *= pwafem twat “fiz:*zf1fi‘»z'a;rzTn:a the ma: ‘i1“é5i~%‘fi»5‘i?;*t’ii%t‘:‘"§% 661$??? GW:»::;=%f::£zc Jmhmaszm ( t:a:m;,z f mégicb We eam cnzafxmm ;¢Dw;F ggmm %m.u%aams % m:,:;:in WWW wave mam comm) emu £E;§£3§"'£1"1t%§i:*5 1 ‘ A \ samiy rigm may wi”z’i11g.m;fiII§5 ma M41: %E>£Wi£,‘m§j§fl§;} fi‘:':’*£ mnaz~11?a3af;:ma2a'.ii:r’*a3‘3I::3 but Em ma m,%*a3z1*£3e*a:ms:a4fs mc autsmmcb. “J. V we tefuifjen to swim? 31:0” 12am Hbgninaama gm fa; 2311922: tiymgfi , fM7m.t@a1:mz mm: ‘mm pump»: tn me, §2m*i’nng mmdmtera tixgmcam W nériemasx vi’ ham -A4%9flHif£% $5 §‘am:€:Za.naant , emmmg ’>m’a,g»<’ man my 43§E3~»s::f:.:~s:se1’; 113:1 Am:’E’§3c~i‘i‘$imn mg: ®~;=m::imm21 M ‘as, eagemw mafia 'g>2m.~ [flfééw was amyifw W4 mg a*m-- rm EE&‘Z'&"3‘£’é§ timt wzfifii £E;mainh.=:>: gagzpaxfw ., mffi air» tea: in man fi:~§!?E?7‘9$ us‘: $‘a‘,m&rn:212:‘»p ft}: m)’ Ma1*c11i§.”:;i$‘A tn me nf %%rm‘£;r %£§'mm‘%‘w .1. we tam ‘mu if M fmj%9;.% izmii m:“.;:La‘&BVi3a gmpa‘rm%.m'it’£gs fizirmt bj.«:..m:;jw tmmwamfi m.~;»:‘:*wf flaw gzwplg m«€.%,3>zz mmzzss tum mi’ ww.%m‘a:n2x sum afcim £¢p%;e,%gii§;*m; % fiB§§&€ gzafléb (amug,:ji3‘1:n fiyagz mzmzzmgm mm: V hung fimtmev. smmmug m$i;a,t«~%m::,.za11ent)¢::fwa: : was mm mm gmaimiag 9%‘, , am am m:m%:mm,. w-feggw. %i£%§}£E1%§1*@£m‘i”fim:¢%39I.%fi§ .-£11./”**e;z*a:r:§.1n:z*a'?w=2gx?m: % 4 $213K <3) . A m_Iré1a}a';d {grams m man 3: wzw wfwse mm wmiytm new mam sf WlI:‘i§ tam gwmer 3: h%2&aw I w;*u;3iw h "mi§:‘i; mam éfmw 3 W2 fm%t:-,. imam mag; & gz mi tag: macs A“§$«:m3ute go at dream auegleaioufiea are notaef fact; a twature, aa-a are capable emu etbeeeemelm than be Ieamna nae no mower: m a point of we gveateft izupogtance , in 1ni;t’ci)®ee ana we JLam bath teufteu 21113 Intel? ; ’ ane mice we were eentetttee 41:04ttyaeeieaiiottmzou‘ bp£Dm:a2BtII , 1332 rpuctiua it am; a greatevinte me A 4 {Janna efuparttcuiiar ®uhjecta.% zaa1)at~mouIn all <1Vb@ifliaH¥9%i"W5 bi“ ,%f}£fAZIl31§ ,;afcee aeeigab pat; A “ tee“ (acne azfitfl :3 190110 mania they halite £1>m: %eée ‘H heeatmttg :? am: yet: fate meteiaemitatinn mi ‘ A efrjezeaign aegincea iaefemee geouhnaef gem: feta? A my : ifizae; ‘me are confmene_;bpt19ac time pouebahe t7;e;ei;nIe.cenfiaereb the poiftbie com'eqa:et1ce’eftI;e 16111 @031 earn: t’eIi:»ea>;. any we; rertot‘ were gone §>ab1ei-ace, you agm t;be«y,1nzIIg§he we tyanfsa fee not ceafemvng met , finamg tl1e‘te ccmeitton ( Dan A fitpalfen) Itnetobatne been re pleating uatefiyem. nee.aeope aeigea Sammaeberftott will he vnohgeaci; of eoupeemehtievfiea mtlgia tbzeng of a?.BuUmefl'e, e arm%L£tempee"of flfiecttona: «ate po»tTihIe*fecotm tlqouglytatrnappzefene feme‘m1;atte11eueeomineras ,tt70ri5ifliJi€1)‘ETCa;§3BD’g7Oit, befeee. V * ~ ewe :paffeD,ti)‘::a zaarizarrgent, at your ezmteaw, a 2Be1I;cnm:emmg the cltaptmea at AIgiers5&fft1D‘mar— beeamane flmjectietraef £13m: enema to we contrary, 1131013 <5) " onethe l30nQ"fi£rtII"iw1?olt; hehethet it pzohe tu-table to houttntenttone, oz mhethet hon upon %fogmatt‘o1tthat the fiufineffe have been A mange - have not hhfnme pzjhate agghete futpergnehl that act of eaatltament, upon threw at‘ the nti1’taIztnge,»» you heft Imam: he Ithengtfe what other great , tetatgone you hahe mahem other fifiille hatfehthte %e1m:me. we tammt mfie nhet the puttmg then: names outof this 73:11 tnhom befozehou eetom: mermeh to the in heat mzhinattte, it feema, rmte thinking fit to ttutt thofe who ‘mettle eheh rm dhuihe but the1La‘m of the ILattn(1eei:nagiaeeaa, . moan: not teeth the thumb m @111: ehtxuattoa of t ethete, feltpm that },7pII‘l3 ahule) am: the Ieahtaghh out by fpettali peehtfnzm the pzefent jbngahwaxogt of. London, aea petfgrm in how: hiafahour; mheeee ag“ we mutt teliyou, hie wemeanout. hath been, ggth, that the elitth, am; the , Inhale ihh.eg_hnut tat, eholhimg to htm foe hte exampiet , my continue, the no not fmne ®uh {elf hnffeffen: at ruth an eeteffe hf zeoheee , that it ie. ttttutteaaté (ewe, 02 content gt fhohm he in otheerpetfona..( as re ntretten by thth Ihtu) armthetefneeheeethaelt , “ hem upon that aeopau might arm, gluttteittttoztzt which @011 am: the Iham hath gihegt the fo2‘?1)B;‘ fap:p:eIIing atj1Behe1ho~ne, arm refitting dfoetetga g;n1eafr’o-n, hahtth hath pgeteeheh this eiatnghoau tn the tune of all, ®£It:'fl!1CeffoI1r§ , am: mhtth We houht not, hat the than be able to «Execute -, hem e not maze foz£DIIt: ohm lhenoue ann 1Btght,,then: the the I1«i1121?t12a~t1Iv Qatffit? A of @1117 Maple, we eamtet tonfent te paffe the 15111. e A V IN 1% 5;