$86 . His Majcfiies % :&%'¥’ 4 ‘MW’ t ~w_,.*._fl&* Both %PHou res bf PA R‘L1"1.Hl E N T 55 ofthc dcvcnth of lad}. ;642]. #* 4% *5 ~,. g Me’ ’ \ ' ATecB'rHz1{’ "“ \Wntb,His‘MA)1; s T I Es ‘Prod ation ° dccglaging HisM A j 1*: 315.1 3 spurpofc to ' go 111 is Royall Perfon to”H gpg: y_i and the’ true occafion aqd cud '§h;reafl ‘.1 .;:Pp Ln_ ' ' }_~ ; 7 ‘ " ‘ . . 3. A A I V . . . ‘ . ‘». -‘ _ . ' _; ~ ’ ‘ V .‘.___ ‘''f' Q (1 _"‘ ‘ '31’ .’ ._'l L. L O N D 0 N: _ Printedbyfionmvr BARKER, Printer . to the Kmgs moi} Excellent Majefiie : And bytheAflignes of]oHN-BILL. 1642. yr/3 cm ol- _{,_'.,..2_.., .."., T, .‘ A.'.,\.': ‘ . ‘.1 ,. .. ‘¥°'£*'£P'3"3>*£°°l**£"N*Ie¢M"aP'1' ‘1";«7~3 %* €39 ESSAGE .1’, '£"l'I‘¥§"!°P’7’F§“!"§"5“"TWW V Hi: Majeflicr ZWcflEzge To both /Houfes of Parliament of the eleventh offub, 164.2.‘ Y Our former Declarations and tltit O'm'Proclamation ( which We here- with fend you) you and all Our good ‘ Subjcfis may fee the jufi grounds of ‘,' Our prefect Journey toward: Our ”‘ Town of ma. Before We (hall ufe \ . force‘ to reduce that place to its due " i Obedience, We have thought fit once more to (‘Elite on , that it may be fin-thwith delivered up to e bq}mes being of that nature that it can admit no delay ifyou final! conform our felves, We‘ final! then be will’ to admit fuel! add:-e from you, and return {i:& Profs ztionsto you, as may be proper to little the Peace!’ this Kingdoni, and emnpofe the pref:-at Di- fitaflions. Bo _ dutie Ilereingtmdbeaflured fi'om'I.ld in the word of a ' , that nothing (ball be wanting on Gut part that may prevent the Calamities which threaten ' this Nation, ind may render Our People truely luppy. If this Our Gradous invitation flnll bedeclined, God and,-in iudgebetwixt Ut.We flail expefi to receive {'14 uafafiion herein by your Anfwer robe prefaced to Um: Beverlqalpoa Friday next, being the fifmenth day of chip prefect July. ' A . -59?. .A (By 04 0 iééaézggégazaéaaagasgaiéaggéggéa 2% 'W§3W5W3??3333??355‘5$$?$3i§$ W 333 * %*§§:f;}::?;:is:,z%e:::rr:% 3:“: £31a%L%1‘:%t:$.§° 1&7 q’-'Bythc .K_'u1g.‘ ,_ . ' 1*‘ » _ pccafiqn and en,d_tl=xereof. --~-4¢q-.——o<. Taz‘%neniiig§‘tong'tomp1a;uea of we Iyigbi ' ’ ‘ %atftontD0ueunto¢a115tn fiburomnibzva ' , tomb? %Dm:John H(‘>tIt}I1afi1 , fitpiycag) $192 ‘I mentto, urtotmm u to zemx up .Q{Ba_g‘§5tn§ gab WW3» ®;ItfD,m“ me: = nzr $00113 a,tf.i1Bz.u;a1Ihz alfiuincb to call « “ any thing £9211:omn.)mbxqb,t1;c:1Jm8.r&. gggmggg muz.bg,:fu%u3nzc colour €%fn%I'1n2%)v;f botlygbariaoutw %a, !&mmt,l’¢D,. .; t %, _ . againtt ~_£Dn’c contwt» bmIent{v%taI:w.§1nD%ca%vrI.9b ,f,t’°1‘“.% fiamcwnb {oz that the flcomn It telgbemg tyzpztntcmafl. gfazt anbmu oftbfife flqflmm P6¥f5“Bft1)I$ ifiififlhmifi fiI&aBarl§ke1m&\1It£t,UI§b ma;x12iJut,1D2£D6.~ of 900131?- uvs batlgbcm-kept 3 mamtatngn agamlt €35,823 adfiama than mugomqt 9f¥9at.‘8$ agamifau afinznuzfls Qtmtbat, 13 ~ ammo «a , %'“‘3“°"£.:;~:°$.'m. ”@t*.§1.%,.,.1..,.:°”°““%o,°€..*,%.?*g‘g‘;':** mcnfiin 1" Q 9 btgnitit; febetalt mess am txkiotgs-_0_f+t1)2’91,9c1!0Z~ pact, mgnpgetmt, t)anaAb,aen mab¢to_1u£ttfle ailtmsaa ’;Lzga1I-,ml3t'ch mmers ann tniatefi mouth babe 0115 , sums, to bzleehe, upon me many zazutettationzi tn ‘. 4,""o I '3'- aaaxsgnameurcsg. which nan; toe: mint, fifiigat thew Uadlbmattmtbiflfl 7J0Wt1}8r%I'fl<61!‘5‘ ‘ L&*_, in many other thtngs of that nature) but for the lateral otwur aberfon, the laononr of war alromn. arm the gooo of the latngoonr; as it ‘moans oirectlp contrarpio there Qcttons of teoltilttp coulo iatistte ms, at any reas, tenable man, not hlinoeo ‘mtth {elf otinion. oz ahnteo ano milleh by hain anh falfe évnrnntes og grounoietie glealoufies ; nee have now looheo iomemhat more nars rcimlp into the manneriof émr, John Hothams carriage in this hrs intplorntent, anti his name be certain tiies lation of others, idrihattog the diozttfgzitg of the eeiazte againtt zn1s,hts Iriege Item. heheth urea the We pi firth In mahing outstooziss to Defeat: the ziL'o'aJn ; he hath pars potelp cut the 2Banns,ano let in the ‘meters to ogotrn the Eaneepafiages, aim to make the worm/linaeccelfthle by that may 5 he hath fet forth a zetnnace t atnongit other goon §erh_ices)to intercept azetnnate of wars employs etc for carrying of ‘Letters. Qfieliages ano aeatlengers hetmeen mas ano s1Dnr Zeeereft ctoniozt the zlllueem he perntitteth his %ouloiers to time out of the etomn, ano tozrage upon the ttountrepg he hath not onelelelattlams tulle but°'dmannicallp.call out otters finhabttairts of the dcomn from their ohaellings, becautehecoulb not ’_cIonfioe in them 5 he hath bilarmeo all the rlliomnfsmen. that he might put the role power in the §>onlmert um oer hisroinmano; he both‘-i compel! tome others of the ‘ilflbalqttants, oetirous to oepart the otomn with their fannltefi, to ahioe et continue there againit their mills; a he ozorontng of the lanos about the tlioron in manner as afiozefaio, he hath beliroteo the ttures, flfieoomfi ‘ano erozmlanos tntthin that comna e. containing tome outanos otacres of new lruittttll greunos, amount; I “J in to a great value, to the great impoherithingof the ‘E . . owners ann occupiers fllereota. Qno he hath, iozbibers — Q 3 moneths, mmtethstoutimttn mm may htmnnne of%9“W‘»t . ttmam enneaboutethmxmet pzetente ofauwom? ‘WW. tbhe tmo hearts: of xaatitamettt. to intteafe tbm mm” 8!? from the mountte Of Lincoln aDi0Yui“Ss 3110 7130111 - othet plates ; am: thts at the p;ubIt‘que'thatge of kgmghom. am: out of theft momefi vzohtheb to: W3 W ltefofthe mttettts of Ireland, am: payment of the em‘ Debt to @111‘. iiingbom of Scotland. , heheteupon . nee being new fenftbie of this erttw“ %1fbonout to msmzhat a mom of futh impoztantmanb to met to the plate of ebut pzefeut Jiteftnettte, theuw ht thus fogtthemhept. 3 matntamen agtnntt 0115 #15193‘ W 190:1: maaifage h'g%ea month he Defenben agamft 11353 W £D_ut omn %1]ipS, unmet the contact of the wati at War- wick, ‘who beinglegallg mfthatgeh by the ofhts emplpee ment at %ea, g mu: ihebotatton of the ctotmntffmfl fozmetlg gtamten by we to the tfiatl of Notthumbfl‘ land,’ Sun by ®..t tommann figutfien unto htm uh?“ SIDLW ohm ham: , to nelibet the tommanb of £Dut $1???“ into the harass or anothet perton name!) by 01133, hath. notmithttanntug 9Dut tam dtommanas ( to which 6113 A V @6171 05 Northumbcrland pain 3 Dlltiftlfl obehience) (amen uotonel! F0 Dtftmffetfe the of mu: Iain fiahie, to unplug It agamft me , ant: to tech: ezifonets tuth of SD11!’ ttaptainh as etpgeitcn a loyaity to the actozbing to their ®EltU9§ am: the butt of fbubxetts 5 am: that e sjsahip of mutt! lately mutate? “*2 0m: nattitulat Site mm mtg Holland, ant tetutnmg {tom thence mug; mm of pgopzh $00985» U5“) 1398!! CURQD fig gbgm 35 gm (Enemy . an_nmfo.2ce0.fo.21J¢t ffiffl?» 00 pa mm a (mat! ttreeh mithm fit fllfifless of that @0331 , am}: there to am on growth. to the SW3‘ 935379 0f at (843 metteu ; am: that both am $91!: Sub @0033?’ ‘W9 Wm Yet rtmams Tug 31$ in ban to be tutpziato by mm own fihbtetto. We toohaggxntzgmt momma the flrthof Wt!) from York tomatbs the tenth mlnto tab: a mm of fiat tat; fihtp aztowooofi thuo oxppfzo to aattget; me 3331115 3113, some to teat that %It Job: Hothcq, arm otbttfi of 11:5 Eogtftoetacp, moutofiiogwm goon. 3% the goo of the ismgoom ) make game of theft alto s 31"! bl’ oppoztumtp ofthat journey, £192 £011: Fibelf are how tulip mfogmto of the tettainty of thofe thmgfi. which W hob befoge ltettibeo but ftom the tetsttou of 9a39Y:5',_&!Tb theta tetezbto a lanmjttatfiz iaetftton of xmza %lIbJect5 of thofe partfi, COt1Ipla»§ItiflQ.0f the tmhearu of- Sittfoltnte ano figarbtmfmt of fin John Hotham , any has firmo flbut 111% am: peteflaep zbzottttion of them from thofe ctuoil mppgofltmfi , «spot: on which coutioztatzoas . that 1198 xnay at Wm, aftztthislongpaticnot, no thatright to sDu: . fionout, @151: ¢tobm ano fiflyallibigttity, mm :1; mm B003 Subitctq tn gtnttalI,a:1o theft ofaoo mat to §Duv $013111 of Ra?! m partttulat, which me hey tcatnn to hunt z%«co from was two fioufzaofzoarhaancnt; but habgfa oofthtrmitorogw, long cxpcctatum, by the mom: offome fllsatizctto (putts amongft them. who flu: on nothmg moztthtu by rain: ppctmves to omufz ano abut: out goon P8011125 1192 _ taken thto iaefolutiou. _bzd§oo5bIta‘mg,ar¢othoQ tftantt of nbw: goon gun: Jtfimtq M61 $116101!“ Hafiwn 6 alltbflt than take part with htm :11 the ntmuft out tttafonoblz Eefmte ofthe mama of_l-loll agamff §I13s,to that obeoientt which to out by Quintet: to thttgmtgt logo ago %oocm‘gn , an!) to rent’: the Mutants mttuoento fiat John Hotham from max min qtoumg of Lincoln out other places aoiopning, if that “NI attempt it. anoto this purport 1198 will agzo requtre - e-- e u now) " teqttitealt wntloohtg iauusectfi to— yeelo theft heft sac». nuance of mhat Binoe foebe c, to to neceffoty o oefence of- £Due toecfon , ano tuft binotcatton of fo great an injury e otieren unto nus , A to the ottbonout of tins flatton. out 1192 too oeclttte. twat mlgofoebev (hall gtbe ms mett- cbeetfull help at this time , anb to this putpote , ettnet mitt; fllaen, iaozfe, firms og Qlaoney. tobe b;91IgiJt,, tent oz conbeyeo unto 6115, not tballloon upon tttasea; éecotce never to be fozgotten. flno this nee publnh to at! SD11: évubjectfi , ono toollf the nooztn , that tuey may truly unoetttano the cleenng, T of gDut ’3§ntentt'on$ ein . as we Shall oo in all otueei tlnngo concerning ut clfiobetnmentg fino that nee oo,~ nno ebec {ball maintain tbofe aaefolunons not have pzoa feffeo to often, am) to fetioufiy by amt fozmev Eeclataef ttonmrleotpoe wilt conttnue ano oefeno the tent mote; Rant ilieitgton no 1t 65 by Item eftabltfiaeo tn the finutcn of England, @1708 Items ofthe ]1.anD,fl2b¢.3B8g1)t5 pub iutf mbetttes of war fiubiecte . equally to ono tutti) was omn can zezetogattue. ano the true zaztbfleogea of about Itaynentfino nebet tnftinge any act confenteo to by mg; tine zeotltantent . Qno tyat nee sane not , nae ebec hoof me leatt thought of tnainng 119317 upon ®ut tioofioufee. » otzoaeliament . as both been flanoetouay ano‘omtiIict'zi ouay pubtifbeo. inn there tbfitafi . not war mozbfi one-} 19, but oil mm: actions mall make goon. Qnotn tins Iaefolutton ano the nut mbtetbation tbeteotynee malt botnlmeannoye. e . «. -I y I. Given at Our Court at Beverley tbs cighth:d'ay‘0f]uly,it14; Ihceightecmh yeerofOurRc1gn. 1642. L »4.f‘IN:I-S- " RARE D A 112 1542 .G383 uuvuurv at noon - ELL SPC FIRE RARE Illlmzfiiiiisillll O1 O-006068738 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes HisMajestiesMessageJu1y1642 December 2017 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. 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