3 ‘J, -« “ . ‘ -0‘ , , «W ‘ - ‘ ‘mm - . 4“ , . , ‘ ~ ‘ “ ., i ‘ u:wa w W21 ‘. ' , W > ,2‘_ _ ,;_;_ 1‘, . -w , — . ,» K . ~- .. mm». In . ".»*-I‘*\-&i"9‘$Hv‘fi3rt~‘9i3i(zh»4.-. .22: Z‘: \ _ . - ‘ v M-iv * - V , on-vwa..,.‘........, ,. _ _ > ‘ ' > "W-~«\. »..4...».m..y.. ‘ « » , ». Vjj To he fai. M E 5 AG . Z SE PTRM B E R 7-; 1542- A ‘W A " m kLrmdm¢,P,rinted by L.N.and f;P’f0r'£'.Hméazzdx$ and ?.Fr:wc£=_W % h 4 ‘next cigar to the I(ings~heag.i Vinfi Flcetfiréet. Q» af %’*«’~* 2'? -axv;l~,£} M s Majefliesé. TO TH E ‘ " D and 5 C OX1/IMO m Parliament ,Sep::. 3. ‘ } .% T Together with % A Dec1aratio.n of“ the Lords %ari*ci“% Commons in Parliament, Hi IN 7 Lana 5.. Septeméer, IA642}. % ‘ H. E {/:1mgx~, Clam. Pm“/. D. Cam, .-g _ ‘% . ,. ., ~ Z $ ~ ‘*5 =. &, % »»*»»:wQsa A ~. yam. —§f=z-~"=%=:'% 6%.:-i‘¢~.g§‘*;,§.'!*”3€’* a:f~r‘%:~ "smi Rdéred by the L 0 R D .5‘ A and 9 AIM 0 S in Par«- 4 A liamcm, That this befbrthwith%Pri11té:.iand publiflled :7. % V‘ and’ are to be? {mid armeixr fl1o¢psirr%rf1:* M°iddle—Tcmp1c;?, and % ‘V His ..-7*: ‘ 5‘ gym’ A} V A QT». the ,Lords Ccmmkms in Parliammtg, *4 A-5' +‘2%1fVTW§/‘fl’? E R the Fifi- E wi11.not repeat " n 3"’ M ES MESSAGE T A’ meaneswe have ufcd 1:0 .. % A 4? prVevent+ the % dangerous ’ I" ‘, W ‘ é ‘ fir - ‘ ~ 0' I " ;. ’ \ .. ’ _ "W MW‘ 1,5, fl " ‘ -‘ ‘ , , ‘ ‘ ‘ "aw-mm..,.,.-~*' \:»-4nwu.,.‘_,‘___,,-w_‘ _ W! “ I » ,- “ -Mu ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ /‘ v ‘ up '/ ‘£64 ‘ ~*'»-'T'fm ' .‘ ‘ ~,,’/' . ~.I J ‘ V" ‘ ‘ ~ 1' " " ‘ ~iI1gdom.,.,n»orhw thofémeans havveA4been iwnterprcted, becaufebe... fdemousw 4t“ avoid %Ieffufion of load ,‘4. 111mg to decline fiat might make: d‘ur& offer ofa T1jmt1e;l ’ % c rt:-adzy accepyred. 4 f fl. @356 . cmemory . : of for er“ bittcrmeffe ciam new av ‘ W J ‘ o... mi, . . m ‘ v ‘ . “ ‘ ‘ W ' g . ‘ “'_ . ‘ N.,, ‘ V ‘ intended to_ “Declare both Our Hanks of Parliament Tzfaitoms, .01‘ fet up ur % Standard againfi them, and much leflbitoput them t and this Kingdom Ourpro» A. gainfi it?b€fre Godw and vvr - u A » f€&i.C3I1 ; ' . - 0 And £ur:11e:~; to %Eal1 poli- frb =eVA&sSCr.up1eS*% hic":h=s* rfi§y%hihderV the Treatyfo much defired by Vs; beappoxnted byuyoftffor cherevm kingof youxfgclarationsagainft 3I1[P€fI:Q,fl*S3W’ :A;1faj:tour%s V or waye$,*fo'fafsi&ing:of with all cheerfu*J:nefl"e” upon the; ‘\ famedayrecall Our,Proc1amations*%#: 4 and TDec1arations , and take down , Our Standard; Inwhich Treaty, 6 ‘hall be1‘€3dY*°~% srant%anv #3198 thing that fliaflaebe rea1*ly’f01‘~the demanding and mutuall confidence n-daucuunbuouom-. ig00d‘0feOL1ArS1;1Hjeé?rs%; eC0n”ju1'ing you to c“fider“th9e bIe~edi1d7g condi»- tion of Ireland, and the dangerous c