~24»-:~«:»»:~z~+»:«z+z«:«za«s¢»«t»+wzvetaezoezaex-exact?er»:~4e¢:+»:oez»aza~2»~:»»:g¢aez~zaw '§4*‘$f=*.¥~*¢~1*- I % T Q’ @‘ .§<3§f@ 4 $1 .. -‘- _. _a. ....... .... _ . W9. ":9" HisM.ajefiies s P E E C A N D 1\/Iade min the Head of ‘I-Ii3Arrnie«, be- ‘tween Stgfifird and Wellington ,4» the % " . 19”‘ of September, I 6 4.2. After the Reading of HIE Orclerfi C ,f . '5.‘ "'f‘ ‘L’ R % . . . ‘ “ . ’~ ~' -~" ~%~—-’-‘%’- m-—. .~.«~—...—;. -2. . .’ "@§§?§§33?:3§§§5§.35§?~:‘w§§9§':i¢§;??§.§?§_§°3§_”zE39:§?3:55§3 ya %wwwmwwm‘ww@m% ' an . . A 5;;»:;a;'; _ Prmtcd by R 0 3 15 R. 1' B A n K 2219., Prmxcr to ~%:r~4,,+§* A the Kings moi’: Excellent eftie : And by A the Afligxms of jon-N Bx LL. 1642. A 3% flo- 2% "6 r % ‘P V “*4-” V - ' "7-__ I . ' .3; I :- wfi 5"~:‘~.§‘c2e2!«-=-‘~3a§%*r“’~ V w _ I -~«+'?§.?3~.«'s”%=.'7§%»i%;a*i3‘'’ .« *: ‘fit v..;-'=~Q;~:.<;au..4...V.*.'.:eVst 1% 525%}! -33,» mag; ;_.g% =*?'*% 2‘-.:%@_,§ n1:n}‘!tJ)-‘t'‘J3=;5‘i.\ ‘ .1r.;atwu~ gs . $3} =é, a- %?‘‘‘%<- “§. - £46 -ca ‘J -_ Q. '1 < 1 A’; L His Maj'ePcies” Speech and Pratcfiation, édic Vi the ad of Hi‘-; .Arm§c, bCtVVE~¢11“"StZ1fl.0I’d ian C1‘ Wéllznkgaorz, ;Mtl=1€ I5_9*. fOfi3ef4jife;Igber, V2.4. after the bf V A ~’His Ord_er”s. ¢ 4 96714431776”, W 4 ~ A A ‘ A A ~ V ‘ Ou%ha”ve'” hcaml ‘théffc ‘C)1‘d‘c*.rs ‘Q; ‘A mad; ~I~t«isy0ur partin your ' feverall places 'toA=V*obfi:1*Ve them exaélly: The time = - 5,,., «cannot be lo11g'beforeWc come to Afiion,‘ therefo1*e you~haveVthe more reaibn tdbe! carefilll : And I -muft tell you, *I fhiall be ve-ry¢fév‘ere in‘ the pu-Q nifhing of tl1ofc, of’”=what’ condition foe- vc:r,. —who— 1:x.*at1{grc%fi1=: - t*l1*efe —IuBc1"u€tions. ~ A4 2 % I ‘ §a%"§%§?7 A ‘it. ‘A .43?! *“ “~’?7—? "**”::‘*5 :"“"‘,_,; 7(5) cannot fufpe&your= Coura;§e&%AIf{efc!)li1.g4~. tion 5' your %.ConfCi€nAC9.‘émd h2§t4¥Ibf}b1ight~¥°11%hifh¢r't0f$fig’1it%+f%>ri R:¢%1i’1pn§¢%iyou~r Kimg,%.~a1:»d:: I4afi.ji'1Afd->;‘,$M:r." {hall witfi no} E1‘!€mies,.. but T1*?aitour_s,~ moft» of them: BroWfiifi7s,;; Anabaptiflfi; aI1d%1Atheifis&,. f.1c‘h% who dé.. fire to »%def”tr1f%Qy bo&tvl1 .Ch11I‘»Ch.aI1'_di' S4ta‘te,Land? who have %ali*e‘ad”y 7iconde1nned» you . cm L mine for; beingr' LoyaliI7%At-*oUS. ’ Tha‘_t* yQu= A maxi??? What ufelmfian '0fy.oi1f valour, if pleafé .God~ to b1_efTe itwithv Succeffig, I have tho1_1Aht fi_‘t:to publifh my Refolution to youinj a ProtePcation,whichVF when you Ahavicheard Me make, bcleeve you éannot'fi‘ght in a" beMtt;e&r mill; in which I promife tio" 1ive.:{and'~'.%di¢*:. with y[ou;4.. ‘I L . m . L M 1 ‘ “-5?” A7]; I: A O / fl/['1->1 ‘ ‘I W 4 ' my)‘ ' V '79 . '.. rs mnnzrrerntvewmw — %fen§coE%1tzb1tgi)t¥cI5*8u,,~ ¢aan ‘as ope’ 02 £5». ; 21519 £1'vng, mm ,.i@zu_tcct:t._.».—=v W _ E °“»55W33m;‘“ 2 utmnftof my pometnea , ffiflfl $1111‘ lllaffltflffl '5*he*‘%%tr11ei R’eformec1i%‘* I A ‘ P;1*o«tcfi;a11ti. Religion ,3 efiabltiflleizi i’r'17‘t?11<~: 3 3-3; (4) .Church of England 5 mm by the (mace % at mngin the fan:zm111%1in2ann m::c;% neficetogo11ztnJb;2 iT11evvk1io-am Laws oftheLand, anutbatrhe LJwercy %Properry ofth; saw tnzwhehv tljzm pzefmgep north V»tI)e.fan1er%<$:atsef as my omttiuft 331'_q:I)t§.. $1111 if itpizm @013, bp1)i§ 2i51el1'iug upon tijig ,.‘£i%tmi~z vaifen fa: mp ncceilhty Encfmcz , to me:-. fmae me from this fiehclismu: E no fnlexnnay filth faitnfuiip 19;mm’fz‘m the fight of (£5011, to ntamtazwrhe juiwri. ~ viledges and Freedom ofParIi£1fhent4, "anh % $0 go1J_g;n%bp]. Th}: knewAt¢1Laws of the Land mum utmofl: pmlm , mm gaartiss flllfllill? C0 YEBIW illbiflfi am? The Laws Confented ._,o~ me this Parliament. 1 in tbzmcan while ,%3ft1)i5 tum of want, am: the great nzsemtie mm fimmg 3'1 am .nommibcz1 tn beget aw biolatimr cf tljnfe , Imps it #£1)a1i~%beim§nut¢a hp cm: aua[4anto[t13c 2mt1)onr.<:~An.f tbismav, ann 1mttom1:?[,%lD1)01):1‘mtfn catncli-!pA%iaha%un2Es =fnz £11: a9;e1&v3;_.w'o:t Thfif Peich of this I{i,ngd0m.’ A fiaigm (5) when 3] miiimgip fail in thffepatd ticulats, 3! ma: expect no min ozfieg. lief from anvman, ozimotection fvom maven; %utz'n this aaefoiutionfli bone 4f0z.t1Jt’» fbmfull Qfllfltantz nfi.T.a111goon%nzen5 a11nVam % A % [0;Ufi hBflt,flf.;(I5DD£ 215g1c£1'i:tg.i_M% + #33‘ F21 N 1 5; fifififififififififlfi %%%%%%%%%@%w«%&%@@@®%