\"'s"J\ .. . '4‘ .,.- ‘ ‘ Tm . H \_ 3% “I. ‘ egg. ‘ 1 . -V‘ ' ‘ . ‘f " U. ' ‘ - “ ,«:!.m. :4: - ‘ -=~;.-‘...»»= , <~’'‘‘~‘.1?..-m.‘. ‘ The Gentlemen of Y0rl<fl*1i1*;;«:&3 0flTht1rFday,che fourth {of ./fugz«s,.*’?m 1 642. ~39 E? is Pfintcd atfork, and rc—-printszd atLondon, A by flaNortor2 } 1642. ,4” T i§§% ‘ ~ % ' V,-~. ‘ ‘ .:..:r \ V;.».-‘ ;: wt ‘in’ ~“‘ A M“ v ~“*.~.-.,= x V ‘.3’-W wa. . ‘:9 2w. 1.-‘.1 . ~.‘'.‘.-. -.I‘.-.*. — m*.'." N 1 W. '. -- "fa. -v'»'o“- . ‘.u:~'»'. .v M " 2. ‘W’ "' """ u ‘o‘ " M 1 ~ M-) " » 4 ¢ ‘V .1 : cl 9’ " “‘« “ 0 ‘ -N 3 '0! - "W. ‘ «vb ' ‘ :1 7‘ \ ‘~ . It‘ ..i" ¢, “H , J , " z‘ . 2. ' u .a 5 ‘ 0‘ fl .’1?n" '4 'u"a“‘.I "an" ‘ ' _ ,2,’ ’’‘-q‘ no’ ‘ “ F; n V 4' M ‘ ' ‘H _» ‘ ’ z.‘ vr 'v»g:‘_'A“"‘.r<,u',;|“" ‘ w‘ ‘ 4- ‘. v A ‘ 4 . ‘ u' ' ‘ ‘ " 4 ' _ ‘u .. .3" “ u - ' 3'9 '4 "wt "7 ‘ 4 ’ . ' “‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ W,‘ v 4. « M ' ‘ . . ‘ “ J ‘ - -.‘».'-'‘r‘ .‘w . . V» 4 4- ",v' .~ ‘.. ‘ aw .‘ ' " ‘ ' ‘ M -w" , «I ‘ ‘ J‘-u ' n. 5» J. "M H‘; wIvV‘ r,‘.‘. A ‘ M‘.“>fv Qxféfl‘ I «"‘:‘Xp""{‘ .' J‘&§‘.',;f I \ ,9 "¢"o.x'1_,; “ "7,;:g'Q$‘ ‘ .HI"”"' Q‘ “I 9".‘ ‘w. '?'I'_0; L, ‘Q: .34"'J',‘,‘;" “ . :q‘O"[‘t ‘. .L:p.:l.v‘v ‘7 ‘;:‘s,'.v’:f«.‘gu, 4. l£,_:J;‘\. Id ‘, ,;A\éQ::1(- “V V .; 0”‘ 1 ‘ _ Pix’! ’-‘_ .13.! * _ 0!‘: V .3“! 1 . L . V ‘J’. L "5‘o\.¢fll .3 ‘K4. 3 4‘4‘»!'«‘v fir“ n v V. - 3 , , I ' , . .‘ . « ‘ , 2 . ‘_ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘- ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ " . * .[ .2137 “'1. "' . a‘ - '9. m‘ -‘ ‘ o‘'.‘ .. * ‘no’ I F‘ ac" ".“« -F" “"‘ H’ ' ‘,. A m7" 4' “ ' p v ‘ ~ ‘ 3 , N‘ ‘.~ r "W ‘ . ‘p a ' r . . ‘ . «o---- g N. 4‘ gr \ '3‘ as .1 %'LiT‘.,€::*.f=*"" E? :5 ;v a» .2» A. M 4‘ r L /.14 . n‘ M ‘a‘?i§tiemie~n of‘Y0rkfl*1ire,0n Thuril His§1\aIaj efiies ~*Speech:, to the Gene my ¢he1fQurth¥»QfA‘iugufi” » “ entlemm, H A Henldireficdflxat SfimOns*Tfl1ouf3k% — A A .b¢‘»w1Itn.1:.«VOun myour mcctihghefe ' , ; this‘da.y pxinczpalxend ms, % Vi‘ V 5: That I might give ~youthanks For % % the greatforwardrwfl‘c:a4n%d%cxprefli~ &onsryou have.:madc of your affeétiens‘ to’mcc% fiflcvfi lcamci incci this Ccméntrygnd to arfl'uréy440u, «T 119-1? 35, %thC%WhoIe Ki:nVgd'omc hath gteat,rcafEm ‘ £oAva1ucVyou cxcecdi:ng1y Fo1a,.ic;,*“-fo Iflwzll bévery » AA Uflratlsfifid With my fclfc, mil I have: found fame ' ~*%W3y torfix amark ®ffavur,, and cflimation ups» V : A "'03 $1135 Cotimsy, and this peo:pIe5Which may téli ~ V ~P0.Pcc1ity,h0Wgb0d=fi1bjeé7tsy0uhavebeemand 1 "*:—hoW mmh Gentlemen 5 and ‘I am confident the memory ofit m7i1%3gvo\V up with my Sons m0,i»m a4jL1flaaknoW1cdgxn emu; Thiswas the moi’: Im. .13 2 mended t€t1s3€.d; E95’-X: toyom but ti ‘I % cimus‘:a4¢dif%ur%be%, Landco nfQu%m:1,:hgpgb14ij%kc%;,« vvhenI% Pcacc. How} was driven fiom Londmz, 1¢r«t-is an .‘F%mqL1£C"g 1393 chqfe fiuis A‘;;>1e§gcc,%A4for my4A,13feit;i;is fmridté1*%iQu§,tha'§” 1. ;:.1i-m§n know it, who kr;oWL tiny‘; %Vt;hing!;;; with what flrgngcv violence, ‘and: igdignitiwcs Imwvc bin purified, fificé E cam4”e h4ither, nced:s“noA0thcdr: Evi; deface, then fix: Io/322% Lflgg/yamzg.V‘,behav§.Qur @.£‘._ Hug} who is newar$rivAc&at¢‘th2gt i_ni:o1cn<§c;, Thatfhcc wfllflot fuflefffiis tzzdafon’ to » be Ion get ;: 1‘14fin%[’ed A . a%1L&,A‘b&ufiém:a I:)f3es: jam: T@W“};UP?°fi4h531%“0?W1'Ubi€5?5 5b1:Isr1as»% an:AA~p1u ndera::;iheit »I+i%%@3;1?i’ andWit;h;%umV1mrd~vcEcmai:y;,;cw§§ne’Vmi§“:‘{$:“&:+3i*‘j:s<é:r:~ W18 ;A‘%‘AAAflTC3«:£4h,iSflfiffih fU.fm4.QM$h 6Wél‘ig?h if ?Tli at °l 1‘ce;_ 'W1;11%d:nO1‘t%11avc tgh~e*..pa%:i‘;é%nEie5%ta vvair‘"f’x?*£rh at: An...» fW§§‘V:fl10L11d bfifent mu x1'iyf.ij=ui1‘ d‘én‘mn‘ds*,~ th o_11jigI1~4A* inV:th 3Q_,1f€fi‘p‘«€ 5 It mg-Li ged T ; {E1 Fe; ta {aware to Ufiéafly force, and k%fep*z‘¢my§ wqrd ; hm: cIa?Jo%éé'the Hight%Vb,eForc tVhat'7"car;1e5.*A("asfi h’co.‘we1l I~:m:wV \’V133t¢~vAflfiVcr I was to receivwm th offs mats 1‘a.g7€s. Y0“ f€“€% €56-»f‘.ad_ efF‘:€’rS 10 F Féam-s and €E£1OH9~§‘ A ;§”§;29,%t.I1¢ 211i1‘cz:é.cs they have’ produced ;~No mm” L tc1i%}*m1 the leafi ;g0»Od they n}a’m*b':~g11g;hs~ {mm W f1:srt::°’ra, gm’ tha evill th ey; have «pvcveAn ted 7‘W*h::1t ; i~n ‘r3"Loiivea1i4*e:~h?&cA*i»*anamrmth'qmrriy~zHéiiw bid }1e“r_§‘;§ What": t%7r~:Aban%&e:1"m:1.} p}?a1ir1t§)AVAt:he"114fr om 97 -*5ozz%z{Am.2r Is :&uAEm-;£5agz;11M «sate n1A:iybd::‘its:kcn rl1exe*~A4A:T”i am fi%{r:€+¥‘%it1A.:1?i«f4i!:Wf1;c>2';:' bi‘e'c:r1.A nd to give ys:>%11_thLié"f {L1} in: tcfli n1m*i4y4;.%0f;12 » V affi:‘é’cion E0 y*0u"f; mid to am to fl1%:“:: W4y0w;t1m E; 11¢; W10 éiitm vakc m 61m m stkc jfit ‘Apia C6; ha Ache ‘feat ;;>V%.1:z?é§%~ \‘v.a.r‘, ha~v¢.fa%r y;o%ut:i:1kcs ,pa{Tgcd 07:/<:i?LVx;;he A fi,jdm~a¢.tirofxsVVi:.:m'{ ulmsm 3:’: _C2t”§;Wit’t3 im;»;»a A the ieprioéia es: e»vety4%4%VV,ayz slexid 6;?1aic1% n%0»a£i¢r2»sgz, "V - .4 \ _, ‘ ' ‘J 7" x,'x _f' 5 ‘ ‘ - ‘. ‘v.n mu ‘ *4 ‘ '- “ m ‘J ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ K A v v w‘ ' n “ ~ "‘" g ‘J 5 2 «,r x . .._‘ ya? - ., ~ .4 ‘- In that» pIaE:e,%:th*at:A .'»:;lf1t%y m zry mt have V theV~1»:::L%Jf:E pair: tch cc of d0<%%.ng, y;0.11% i ffifli 3 F€fvPii“c2IiA4ai:{c«» ».§fi?l~l%=cc} «wifih; armed mdm & to Tde...» g.-flzroymccvi my-money and Provaifions ofnfn. ’ houfc takcn¢fifom«~mAe, and all my 17uvbjeé’rs fp:bi*dd and t¢h1*eratned ifchcy come near m¢e,tha %3°u‘5*? 1+3 Grcéwry day a%PP¢.a¥:by ‘=11? P¥0f=fl'19PS OF+%¢Y¢ryCbunti¢¢ For I this=*afi7¢fi~i0nsiV¢f€my pcCvp1§e%, ~ amif Bleffihg and affiflahcc of God _, 7the%j'ufincfI°c Of my caufEf,* ? mid the % love cifmy Subjeétsg toretqjrer What is‘ takcn7fr[omAAA%me ancl%%.thém for I jufl:-1y ray 3 V 4Gcntlcr§;1cg,V I. dcfi:réfyA0u :9i%%;confi3¢t* 33 tfitfistakcré Wit élié éxcurfibfis from Hétfléhd -the £i4i¢"1EnéeA\$&§hiéfh threatens you from :hcAnrcc%V; ‘I'wii1affi~&i'ydt1%>any:* ‘Way you proPofe.i~.Ncxt,#.I&cIirc:you, oucofche pub1ickc~Provifio"n;, or%'y"ou“r private 8torc,co fur-- mifh ‘me with "1" uch a*m.1mber «o<‘f-Arms A (Muf‘qu¢ts~% and Corfl-ets)a»s uyoui may conveniently. fparea, which I c1o%%pr0mifc#Ar*t«m~feefullyrcpaidto you: "Elic.fc% A 1fms.I defiremay be fpeedily d¢1iv excd to W . S ¢ i5€'%& V‘ j , uia d2>rin&ciP9~11y r;.e ai,£";qr:f%%:oft»hcir‘d1i9tan“c¢’ frdm ffifull ar§ev1es:&%»¢fa1E>i; jéflc £02116 fears ofvmexacejfrom themcm 1' or% €v