u " .,‘ ‘M. ‘ “ .‘ ‘ .“. ...‘ E‘ -P A“R1’~H A M; Tmrethefourth; with £5: A V Lordfhips anfwcrithcrcuntog, % 7Ifogethe1*««witl1*a Letter fentby the V ” ‘I LL"0’”VG*H‘B32", to an Honourable? ‘H Member «of=I:hc Parliamcnt. exflcad at a Confcrcficc bctwccnlmrh Houfcs t-his» qighth of lune , g 64. 23 . 7Loz~zrz>o2\L; mmea foxwlxzg oowélbfiloveaiwéfi ‘ 1 , . ‘ ‘-n u H W ‘ "-,‘~-. . A ‘nu’ “ v£ * so M A A % ' A ogoorcexoyou owcilwwoh areas we um o L o:r;ain¢4 2nd”“imoufl'ez:she - A - A owoflff%wLoi72col22e;,Jundér P::;§cnC¢o%F an . 01*3%ifiéoce of P- 1~Iia¢mcon't,WfiI~ié1*cto%Wéchavcnot:L A "~ v.o:raiVnooo’;o Bands of oi:royCoAL2ntic givenour confcnt ,, which is not only contrary to. 1aW»bu¢t0~o°W=0mmandand p‘w‘ur¢fignifiedb our P1'ocla.mm:ion fkcnx; to chcliigmh ShcVrifl?‘:oF that our County, Whcorfoxrc thJac?yot1.may not hcrcafu A tcrpleacl igr1ora.nce~ of fuch our prohibition .{ We do by thcfc om: Letters comomarxd and charge you upofi your Allegiance to dcfifi and‘forbrea:' to raifc, I‘I‘ll1fl€1‘,7 trains , cxcrcifc or affcxnble together any part oftho trained Bands ofchat oL11*County,cithcr A by your fclfior by atuyoootlacrscmfloycd under you, or by vvar1~antfi'oznyou,And Laecauflé you 1nz=:y,For What you have ahmdy done co1icern~iog the Afifim ” tiaoflhatou1*Coum:y _;, plead thatz you had not fa ’ ° ‘‘ _z {var cm Particular a command Wee flianlipéffi by What A yoVu%Ah3V(:..al%rcadydone t11crcj114,_{j7o as W.-1“ e_nitly*upenvé:; your fcccipt heréGfy0ufl1a11 defifl: and give over medlingaxny ~fLu‘ther with fiily 337hAii5r3;g;I;A)_AA"c;Vil«:>;agi4i:)g;,to 58;hc.lVIilfztia ofchatour Counfcy. VButifiyou%fh_al1 not pr_c{E‘r1ti‘y’3“Efif7i';’42;fid Af0'rbe3;1:'e’ med We are r"ei’£fx1v*ed*’m~c;:‘iAt you ycaur there; % giancc rd tH1é'conttary;and‘ ” {ha11 “e H26-ém and 1Vega.1*1=C¢:n~m~a%n"a s" giwn yen upon%yo‘u:";A11¢.;% ¢&%é~‘dagaihI§ youasMa»ai&uxbarof=.:he 1:>c“afcc“of«c5u,;§” V /Ghrmaft onrcoarc at ”i"“o 3. K, tl:z»fowfl:a.~A,§ ’of L%'Iune 16 42? A “room riigivt tiwyand VJW¢1bé10V¢d % igmrd A iflontg/353%: %dfV?,f34r}J}:é.#%.. A & 'happinefTeto.%m‘e,A% than to rcéceivnz 3:9 'rea~d*Y%‘an obedVienc63aL9V’-133’ a¢‘3-‘6°cions4 & fol uPc cotnfeflc the diFfi'cu1cy.r. at this time notm A Mile} ih¢c73vir fth%+*’cxp‘m{-Tc that duty“"W hichi §.I <5W?e% to yo?*ur% j%c&“ies ‘lam Co%m’ma.nds, ~and» %no:*>£a1fifia shat tmfiz ft:-~% ofi:in‘mec:Vb1 = ouxghi h~?»Cour: P Y Y 3 A Parliamcnvflirough*AWhofEeparticu12r «dir¢éti@‘;i.9; §:>* .:m*1w%noW come inm4this °m=m~t;r wv Fcttlc rm Mia, %ac’cording to‘ we ordimncg oi? !*a2%1i&mc2a:t'§f ~whichwby the Votes oF myrLord %Lizt£eto22g% amid flAa*e%rs the “Peerts %bem<=:3:*¢wve%rfm;::vin*% aha fI“3a\Véé~5ifli¢x1~» felffé; %asra4*leg3Ihzhi"fig; ;‘L'r‘:d; ¥h’athéfin«te bée~4n %cm:fir:ncd::~(i£i cf ezczzniiplc, :1n&~y*'m3»1fi: Mfleflies chiefe %I:.1i7t’rr.:é:;, $ir'Io!m=~: @mzc'kA5,,b01h in tzhéikt Ogdj 11a»1~‘1c§e3%2znd‘i* £150..-~ ' mixmacinw Cémand ymzr Majefiy, whcrga? A uinfo“endeavmws%4A%ca;mmi»c gi-v'c* fox 1 cv»thJe1ir\”*:D&f:§puti*:a %Lit#?fém1nitS%;A’h0W ‘much - farther :l1ey'aprcedec3;t know mm: bm=«Si‘r,‘if* the A opinions 093:5 ‘great Eakvycrs drew tn e‘=info ‘:m~? u;1fxji¢§‘b*‘ié§i%§;¢,~¢‘y mgrr Mia fcfii‘ts' 1i}€i"n «*2 ‘h ®p’e.th¢*?““ Mr;.~;::.r1‘t:% 0;f3y§c;atc34’rwiMIc*x cu féfmy. \2va m; of -jud gem £:’%r71:1f;. A * A. A A V . , .% W q ngagefi in their fe%%5:vice‘, as the mmA§5C’am;nt9%c0 Fummotx the Ccaunizy to cw fly noz;.tQ:»i:«m:7§z £?jc%td~ V ‘mu n:tcd&%2*md £153: 3:116, Mandi;FCx;make**nm %m%or;cV mihappy be: ska; prbifirvax immf r“fi1,;:: pnacc» 4;§«.::»f'Q‘)§ VT14m‘#EE tfEhi1“Ig.'S Sir§~1.hl:,Q+nr€t**" morci. hAu§;1bly4%,”Ab;{e;g;ch % 1-your M.aj..¢f}ic, Vmay:%4:e4e;,~ taken. iafl%I:0 ,,}*%tmr% gtfapicms c¢&e5% % ’.jar¢1i%avme#;z*g.;, I; :4%£;iV¢zm£rm,;3md~ aft*,e1:.V aids: ;f’~ifl~"‘7€;1v‘ %~m“e-%.«Fé1£¢: tonhaffe reIy¢m% 2confid¢ratim1;,and rth'3..t¢‘yQl1' kazould; An;-Aver be éfiplcaa Féd.£0harh®u1tg1ny.mi&0%nccit;9f*I53€€,Or "(?”'f“&',t,_.y}‘:)§i5\‘ % ffiéfiqiwgfi £1vVczc%:n Qthi¥zfxg:wh:aih%y€t;pa:(I‘¢d mm V mz:~n4d%s:!*fcrb, 501* c;~vcr~fl1:&ll ;;:':;B11:r\7v.ha;%flia%11» ten d. to 1 t;hfi~¢.«boMn m1*1'?4%La*ndj4i4fafct%y of your M;3+jV€‘f{'i.€«sGV ‘"0 cu. t_c§:;th c«mnt@m[c (*i:‘I;sh op: %0f":;il1déym1.r M aj?¢%fiAicsd~4 _ in: 1‘€maifi E34 “ ”7iT9P€7..¥ 2: J 1W3}/M.v1£7Z2bJfi; an nmfl 11111 J M [mummy ;’’f~4W ; V L AV’ #3 3% ‘A , ‘ .‘ ' ‘ HI A-u ". ‘ ‘ V V ‘ . ‘ V. A , . " 1 ‘ ' W‘ ‘ ' A - -. '- .‘ ‘:1 V‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ H. 5 5 ' ' A "\ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . ‘IN 7, ~ A» ‘A; ‘VJ ".» > £ ‘A . A’ A .. i 4 -‘ - A A“ " A ‘. A ' 1“ ' V" 1. K '4 -- _ ;;?t:I_J:c¢§cr4_i’r0V1ii1,;ybi3:1'fléofaflaip, in V ~.* ‘gmzc1§ EheHou_fc4"iw$p§léa4Afe to rice m.ec__:z , A ;vc'ty~ hg%+r<;i‘Tat‘I‘ic:;.;.;T1}oi._ir,' flirrg aAB0__Ve‘ an y def?! t r _; , ofmxnc-wand httlc cxpc?&edbyA1nc--,forn1y - Lord,1wc1Hmow my'obca‘i<~ncctye4s mt A ' ' g g *-to,4%f1,x!Afi1VI »%t.h1Eii%’I"~C0n‘Im£inC3S, and in that I “ Mg, 1 have c.’cF>'n“c-,1 hi1wLrc9Bu"t doncmy duty, and thm; which eve» ry man ‘pug!1t?.t”oAdo,andj oweth of right tdthc APa*r« iiamcnr; and whofbevcr hath thzztprxnczplc inJ1im,it will “dichrctolui-m as mAu‘ch,and kccpe“ him fiom other by- .W»ayc;s¢,&,,a.n4d for%my>owne ,_rp.a;m,V<%m-y Ab&f:3AI:tV"C*VC'1)‘ 7*-was, zmci M evm-%rhhai1A b:-.,vbo;h fm'7;va;rd%_Aand ~rc;zdy to obcy"d~sAcutAf¢A*4%i1igAht:u£Onhiin}amiAAAl1i$;4*h;z—t V %ca1‘rw-(any ot1 mzmds to have thcrefi Qfthc Militia put in prefet1tAcxe4- cuticm, and truly my LQrd&‘Ait;A~wasAout of tliat regard thrt A Idid incimatcit to my Lord of Eflcx, as holding ‘it .1 A thing much conducingto thc%pub1ic4k good, and the only‘ rcmg~:-dym cure thefe difl-ra&ioAnAs which the Kingdom “ is in, not out offiny rcgard‘Am my fclfa:~,f§§r_I%_know if E ‘ A V j A A 4 F-'6) ufi"crwVinvfVexetmting their Lqrdflfips Commandgfi it mufihe zggaidn fi%the irT‘tv3l‘%!;V§; *:a%nd%w}1en that day comes; Iiwi1.l%w.n0t _givea ftmw for alfl have, were I but a: locker on. My Lc>rdV, as I wastliis day at Limolne, where I appointed to V begi_n%w:0 Muficr, there came a Mcffcngcr ,4 {(0111 his AMa;c~» "A {'56 5*»*i’*i%‘f11§this% Letter, W i£h mxa it y¥;du ty: tQ’i%%a¢qu"a—ig1t V ~ ,"‘f3?@\H<3>i1T€ With, and‘i.iIL;_cwifcV£r}y’ A%a‘nfwe1*,4and a‘n1A fOr;Lié;« fcrzlrzr, wl%.er:: as an all ‘o4;hc:, wt I-0rdfl2ip~ giacts, I[’{ha1ll_3:q reVad},{ t;;:§ fisrygc o‘ J‘ 3:03;f,maj?"‘i§urfi5Ia]E¢'vag¢$, LL M G H%n.~1:i£%% % “bur giwe you”: L‘