’ 0*!‘ V . L m0*f111g%vny Magazine ofam: C.t2~uncyg8iic,C» A a. maid ding any %rc1%iau;mxag‘9g mg Twm *Q0HIlty4»0f Kiéxg2$a¢w§ae;z1«%H»w1{;,A V Hi@sdMa:iefiies pwrdon: m4 alb the ~ffic%crs mafia 4 ‘SL§>uEc}ic~zfsAvs;it%liiA114‘§b~ac;TQwnp and»Countim ’ 7‘ _ nu» ‘ ‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' ;... ‘ mu. M... L, 2' m ~ .1 ‘|. I‘ 7”?” m5 7 an ‘ M r ‘ -..— '7 M’ ‘ ..‘ v' u y ‘ ‘- .4 '1 2“: 3' r ~ ~ » % M mm %,,».‘ «w V7; ‘- ‘ . mm ‘ “ W 1 ~ ‘ 1,; "v «‘ H « .‘ x , ‘ W K-A9“. ¢.,§;- nu wwpu \4 av . W .. uy’'‘‘.‘ ’. ‘K’, . :17. 2 M M 5‘ W7 J H ‘fit é M M, mi-p:r1nt¢,d,at an “on by F. tor‘ aw , ych¢King.# $ f.orcib[1e«%seizmg, urkmavvingaany» % the Ma.%ga2;§”ne4 01*.%AmmunitionQ,vo£V may County. “"And concerning the Executi€m»of ' the %_c.Mi/itflia W'_i”thir1thiS Kingdoms. R A‘ \\ vc:m:h of Maylafl, in%purfi1ance of; Hcre'"as?by«(i):%x14rPfoclamatitzm efchctwena A. 3 A ‘and according to thcVLawcs and;_ufag%es » . “ Serjeant“Mai?or§, C;ag>tai11s,,"0ff«icc1:s» and~S>u41f%.Cmmmand, ‘Wen: flaoyuld thcmczgfii {harp ,if1‘g$?0€li.CiEn€‘t0;.,a-flCi&£.ACCQ.flfit, A aé.%pm~¢.=c;d1egauy again ‘them ‘as: vi‘o4l1:m.3r~3:¢ofLAthe lawes H . fl4d“*ES;’?S¥5 93' W? peace 40f‘thc1Kinsd°m AMA“. _! the cightccmh dayMVof%»Imc 3a&_.,- forthe reafops &th¢1";in* V ”?§¢X15P¢"Tfidi%V:C ha??? and command a1lQM 0A.fl‘i§¢rS:%4%§nd ’ raiI: ¢dwithotit oragainfl our confént, As‘a%1%f0{«a1§ A0» 7A.1i d w1m:tcasA.wc ;&idA Iikewifig by Prc§dama(c2on ef fhou*?d ,fbrTchcAfu.pprcffiLng%A ofall Smcvics and Férccs.r_zuTcd or w ‘ »-lhélt our;1%9vAin~g»Subjg&,, wthiat they be; a'?;>ftc;f1dihg ; laizdin gand Aa1T1fli~ngo%ur%i”aid Qfiiccrs A 6.: minifters t1%ctin.. .. «!A‘n*d WhCl‘_as Win have aW3Fd€d.iIi§f0 th:rIcv¢r;1!1Coun- %tics OF onrA*Kin;gdom of vfizzgtzrudand Damé%:a1 <¢mef’4 I/’i’i;!c,: %ou7r fevera11~¢om;x9iiIi9nsAo£fApra.Ayb t'h_mi*by giving pawn- Vcrto fevcral1per{c>ns 0f~H01“10ur,R :;»putation,andVE{%a%tc ‘ win: thrszfxid C ountics, for thc~4{2«1f‘g:rtyMar1dV defence of Vs, gear Kingdom,and out g0cid%-Sul>j«;;=fé;’csAfxom time tc>&timé 4 as il?*'fh;;iMU be n§[cd4fu»ll to Arr.ay~,Train,* Arm,md Mvuffér “our Subitéts inhabiting in the iaid Coum:Ecs,an d. in cafe of imnminent danger to con~du,& andlcad thc m "fmf the -dc£’cru&ion of our-Enemies“, andin the defence of the- A Country midthc Kingdom, Whctrcof by mi;.‘?Proclama5§ «ion of the ‘twcmzith day of Imam Iafl, WE gave nhoticcwto a1lc3ur4 Subi€&$:» and did thereby fx1rthcr%Charg%c.and Cornfmandall éunoflicczfs and miniflcrsfind other Que V Loving Subicfis, ,thé"tV they be attending._; ayding, L Eng, counfelling, and at the cnmmandmcnt ofthe doth; ~mi‘fli0Vn¢rs%of* Gur feverall Cmmties r_cfp€6ti\{elyit1thc A-_cxm:u.tic>n% eafthcixf faid C0mmiffi0ns,V3mft 1;ey4wQuM ani- éfv§r'er the comraryat their utmaflzpcrils. And wee‘ fiid the reby alfodec:1arc~,”T‘hatwhofg¢ver,afier%that mm pm- mlamation pulylémed .,.. fhould d0 any zhingin =Qppr.>fition ~mfourA laid Cmtnmifiiurxers by diffibcying MA tA1"1<:ir Com. % m_mds,4 ‘ acemding to La-w,0ruVp11tting‘in gxecutjgin any ~~m:her%commmd¢concz;:rni»ngA the .Mz'!}i9ia minty‘ Kingdom contrary to Lamwee flmmfld %ac<:oum%t'h¢m{L;nwQrt&h?y sczpf mm Grace and M ~*—5+j~+~A ,. and iiaclf; ass #1131’! e3¢'j$; if'§+th:zt % Wk: fiich Ordcrerflgdinancc , 1 o£%¢ithcr"m:}mtla7 f-Llofifcséfif -P3?-1i3I11€I§t.mad¢.0rto=l?¢1m€3%eappr¢hcndAotarrcift any , V V‘ Emdcaveuri93V=.¢ fur*prefli:ar2$ ,W ltvxésgar F0m:sr%ai%fed V0; to vb,¢V ra.i{ed“ W?1«tbo1“1tO me con. Amqrxetuangca ¢bcyMfih¢% fF**§1‘5~,V0ifi1Pf€t¢Pd%“ A “ ¢d;9r§fiAnmce-tpucbinthe c2i‘W1ifi4VaA AmiJ~a"1%oforthc "v>at:@fi1flga~,an6 agprérfiwnding:¢Ea11%»fuoh’p@rf°ns, «asigfoir %44i31%¢?id4*:*i3Ln¢cing 1???“»¢0?1E¢?f1’1i!??%%fli3¥’¥€75‘54a%4 than awry ~¢fl*d¢3v9ur;%maP'PM§¢nd::Ao;warr:r;;f%anyofOur S ubjcfié", ia;r¢5¢y;;;gour~caamiimgnexs;;&A1my%:n their 11m, “‘ A ~f1"IA1%l COIfnI%I1éiflwd$_w,_% accg)rdia1gVV§ot§3¢;Tcnur ofihcirj 13:3 ,4Qi0mm;_'ffiQhs rggfpeajvcly. %And'tVl1c‘3 fiiiai ofl‘}:x)dc‘rs% lb .a.rrcf£ed;and1app%1'e»h.e;3ded.., to” lcanty to chc%Coqm1mi1 .:G0al ofthe {aid Csauntv, whefc the f::.idVOffi~':nd::rs fhall 396-{Q apprehended‘ or 3rrcAi‘wd.,thcrc% to rcmaine tiI.1At11:.:j¥ fls1al1b¢§ dclim:¢d~by $315-.15 coflrfc i<-‘if Lam % giam at owcm 4;m;:, +153 four:/v .W;z,,zy,;% 5» 2% *:Ei€5t¢¢mWar%«f CW Rw;za~ 1:6 4% ‘ Byth¢Ki%flg- « M TA Proéilamationfgorbiildizzg aIl‘Rclcc\}ing or, fume coating of the Town or County of Kizzéggafl upon A C % ag§;1inf{*I-Iis M AI E S T I ~ A Hcrcas ourTown‘andiC4ountyofKimg am A A A ' uponfiull, is, andhathfor i:ome;Moncth”s A4 paftbecnwith-held from Iézsaiad Qyumr A entr:1f1céiI5tb~th%c f.maetrayt eroufly’rcfific’d and%opwpo£%é3 4 wichAgrcat%fo::c_e;1nd rgmrnbcrs of arxned mm, commanfl éd%and&,:dirc&cd% by Sir In/2:1 Eqtbam, who (We undcrfiaml A (mow 1a1?5urin3 toV fedi»ccA%m9r¢= 9f°"r1°vina 5"‘)? H A % ” ede, by this" Proc1amatiem,«&~ Rm’-tl‘y’Charge%"and V! Aommahd alliour loving ~fu6ic6ts; that? they do:nm;*gifv:~. Him anyAfi’1I’cancE3Aidbij Srmcbur, iby thciwown W per; Ilicmsgor by‘ febndmg anypther thi'2:hcriry»and104!nv¢ ignc=ra!1‘*§rfa“$9int9 «ha dcr=**°.“¢ A A ~ , A arm; V VV‘v'ar ;1a;{ainPcu:~u A” aefif %"?:*fid§1m%iMa§~flig3gi afi; of? tying fmwhg 1:m1¢ ~a:md@wAg+%3@i«lIigzg.gq;» mwn»4eh¢amnm,s,~md, w;ie%h%ér .§:!1§n%fcivc:» 0.11% Law :which‘jfl1:&fl %rcd;qgt;;ir¢-:@~,.% pzar4%o;n. A mm theme m1w:=ié~:»Sig whichhgwér §1'fih~t1S'.. 0% :. . :afi.fi them, am, am? ;<«;2~49M E0;Vf¢i*£ur¢$%¢::“ w:h;xnfiowIa?n§ «h9eva§2%i1?:>c:+l4vI=¢3i3«‘>:§?‘12<::§ 59:52 Qmc. wfimm afirhe-mm5fi«ifl"t§,:%©£;%w;11Mf¢§*:%§1Ea133*? . mm? ;7I(€'jf£?"3ii1(§»5(&Ei$ffLh§.’-E "%‘w;5~Q‘.;¥:§”1.;9»§ 5” 3.51 ,& \ ,‘?3'F}§ ;-2,. Hcgrs, orwsucccflhtzrsw, or any éVth¢,E&%AW»fic.i1s LA {at or by rcafon of the. 1;: d §JzAmci;x,7¢»V:«;;%ef rcquirc‘: ai10t1r1ovin.gS::bi€c9:s ,w110r'§1ir may cbzzcern, to take notice, zmzhcir p<:'r,;i1~§j.f ‘51 o:A%om:Q%raccar3%d howws‘ We hért*bv pro-» mgifegjffizigé?*f£§$f1;i&,3ia4vé§m£’%ox4iam&¢a8iubaelm; W-{hai1tfin*h=%tx%: 1{61‘d”of tiiis gfjgii 1* VE"§;§%;vo11rA,,:i»%m mam» ‘I've 06 fr cg :Q*ém1~&-7;I::»s;; §i§§.:(€97 *t§();t>h421~1% awrbmdgw arxdztm pay; T mfg %tl1céii‘n.At‘ul*1 Mmmths my, thcVr;exuith; no; ye t,151é‘z2ia;{?”é:¢‘z%?%t*‘s~¢ i1\§1t?»i$fl:' V%-n}a¢y»4“¢; A AM1:% 7:'.d‘=i£poft‘ vnf gwthcina £31-3.r;é‘oa: bgV%o&ia~6§e»&§§&:»da4p <3£f€d_ to; chm%.%g'gmdz 6e’z”3a2'¢2z;.zAr‘%%3:Az;r }*;irf5§tt~Té%lc¥1h“@?I%;fv»m1a§.d,;g. g,61a;y5xm¢-zlvm whim m¢:‘%;a~ay a;;,r 232;»; %W:¢ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,, r ‘ * "“ W» sf»: r % v - ; % ' * '1 9“ ‘ " ‘ vvfifi «I ‘V "L: ‘ ‘. a .‘ ‘ r _ - ' A ‘ ‘o 1s'<- an .‘ “ ... \ “_.. w». ‘-. .‘ ._ Q-