-v- ~.-:1... . .q..n.~ 7.1‘ ‘ ’ ,I':\ o I V '.~'f,.. . $3’ ‘ """“) 0 i C I I | .5 } N “J K | V . 0 ( fl .' I 33 k‘ \ ‘ 5 [T “‘!‘b'‘:. h‘ “ ‘ x. ‘V 4‘ > V I. F PRCAIWSTIONS Bythe K I N G. %" S F 4’ A . __ _ t ‘A .1 e B:/IQICRICS P 1' OC I’cUI1€1ClOf1 £0!‘ thee more free patfage of all His loving _Subjeéts,:ac1de the free carriage and V conveyance of their Horfes, Provifions, or other; . Goods from any one place or part to another, ‘ lyvithin His Kingdom ofEnglam1,andthe A Dominions thereof. - 3 Prihted at Tori’, and re-imprinted at London by N’; For? L __ geigheggtl gggagndx, at 1155 {hop wxthout Eudgate, V1642, \ _ ." I , ' ’ I I '4 ‘ -\ . . . ,4 _ ‘ , - , - ‘"- ._ ,. , , , "_/ _~ , .__,~ . . .- . - -. J ., ' I v ' ' ‘ , - ._...- .. __‘ ..., .1 ,. . - .,-' -9- , «;/ ' »,. . :1 .. -. ‘ l *5, v .4. .- -a-- .. —..~:—-»~'o- _ .. . C . . V " v /y o ' ' ‘ . .' r s '\\ ‘h .. ..' _ ,»“'£° ,. ‘., ’. , " .".'..., .7 -""_‘;”",'fl‘_’,‘~' ii ‘_\.:=.‘,.. ;L .I. J.‘ V . L7’ lirvsasdanl €9m§1.3n_=6 ha‘:-5 to 1150? l W» . . ;clZOl£)l1.r;0l_'_,l'0't‘§’1‘c Tatc O1} 2 / .sfrrihE~'.beF tO§ll_1‘»‘-I'_1iOl1f€_S,.(),lfR'€!rlla‘m§1'§(‘, 4 ‘the ferlans ‘of’ diver; Q.L1r‘lq\(i1)g. S§:l}j:€t;, (sis .well’Ou"r dwn l‘erva_r:1ts .,. 11$ 9£l)é_1'S )F._‘:{nd * ,tbe;ir i)'rfes,~g1:e;s%i_fi<'>ns ,,a;1§o§t}cxf§vo9_ , 4' at feverall p'la«ces.in"«the. W3y.S_IOW@YdS T43, (which hath peradventure a_ll'b'h;1pne‘d.eL§l where) have been “ftopfaed, ‘examined, fearched, l1ayed_ agd.m9l¢- fled,oncl y upon cauflelfe fixfpiziozi, to their greatvexauon, dlltur- l b;a;icé.§nd_ _l‘xinélera£a<_:_el,’c.ci>gntra'nv ,t<)..t-hé wanted }ibe(t}'nnd"frcE]om "of the Su‘bjeél,and th.e‘e{h1blI{hed. Law of,the.Land_, I ’ _A ; 3 - .. ; A We therefore,’ fol‘ the prelent relief of 0ur_gQQd Sdubgefis her;-‘A "in,and to prevefit all furtlie,f tfoulilc t0 llsnpon other xlce Cort}- plaints (by a timely andmfblifie nbtice id that behalf) doe, by this Our Proelamat~ion flricfily chargeand commzmd all maul pf r- w'fons,_Ma'gifirates*,O*flicets,Minii’c<;rS;afId othé; l011T_5l1l’lF .3 W 4 =1 ' 1 foe-mt, whom .rhéfcn'1'a)z any ‘ways ccintarn,l1‘1a'_:a:t:‘tla"eyg dfidiflfy A of them; {hall ~,-- and do: from ’heh’cc-forth: ‘from acne 1q‘t5f!'!¢\p€{'* mit and {uffer all arid eVe'ry501lr_’ ‘1‘_1}FElY :‘ ably?” «witlmut'any‘man'ner oi‘ fiéppifig . "5"%“*“““?g;>.v C‘ l Llflaying, or molefling ,,*eeéxctpt11f10D.g09¢l 3'” W$’§% flw .. - e ‘Z''».-* <~.=; ‘ 'b\’;’thec J ‘PP¢ar1n_g,andWf~:Wit»l;.<:${e?~~*>!W406 .« :~. - ‘ ‘>5 “I6 had :m.<%riai::1*;e¥e:‘;’»?=?'~edash? W éwsgfiffifi 3*‘ .13" :“£\l..*£”.ZE-L_;¥:¢T$£b ' . ' ' " t{3ob.vcr*td‘ Hor1es,Prov1fions,and 0thCI' Gbqdswbfi _ e this out ‘c $5 ‘gut- . ,_z'”‘ rec --V '.( ,, 5-~——~~~~ —n out afiy Iuch or other Order or direé‘t-ion‘7ol7one-or~ aboth_ Hollkéfi-E i-Parliarnent, made or given, or to be made or given , Wlihout my cxprelle confent thereunto , and not orherwife in any forts amfi fuch O rder or direétionto the contrary in any wife notwithfla , m _ , .. And futher, That in cafe Subjeéis in their pafsing es, pgovifions, or other Goods whatfoever, in thfiif a?“-'¥’Y“,‘§figf c_on'veying,be otherwife flayed, then all and"every».fu¢.l?;®'“§ 1 rd je Cts be forthwith fet at Libertie, and fuch Horfes, prov1fi0_fl5:3i§ other Goods forthwith delivered to the Owners thereof. 3 j And We require all manner of perfons whatfoevegwhom ‘I’ ‘may any wa (fo upon the way) any Of “Y loving ys concern , to take fpeciall notice of this Our ~p1¢3‘. fate, and to performe all ready obedience thereunto in all ‘points, ‘as they and every of them offending to the contrary , Will anfW¢‘ fghe fame at their uttnolt perils. ’ i Givenat Our Court at York, the eighteenth day-of I"??? theeighteenthvyeer ofourkeign, 1642. O. A .V . By the King. lfi Proclamation to informe all Our 10: Tying Subieéls of the Lawfulnelle of Our Commifllons Of 1 .- ,Array, i{Tued into the feverall Counties ‘of Our Realme of '_ ,Englam1,and Dominion of Wale :, and of the ufe of them 1 Ant! _ commanding them to obey Out Commiflioners therein named, in the Execution of their {aidCommiflions. i Hereas, by the Laws of this Land, the Ordering and G93 ‘ verning of the Mzlztiq of the Kingdomfor the preventing and fuppxeflion of all Invafions and Rebellions, hath (as a molt known and undoubted A right and prerogative)bc1ono¢d' in all times folcly F0 Our Sclfc an<%.0»_1r Prosénisors. Kin ° gs of §ngla'nd.i 1 And “ 3969‘: 6%: 'F‘ \ \ be otherwife detained, oria*nye7t’hCiT'H°r' ° L Wei have notyct been informe gly have been exec}; _ D , rL€md §1!9S’§°. have ca .164 *9. foluddcnly F0! SW? §9!‘~».. ‘._._ _...._ ""'--- - »~.a.-._ i.iicC°rd’"s‘313'i Wee have hCret3C5f)‘0re' awarded‘ Com millions’of I:ieV5‘:* ‘tfinancy into the feverall Counties 0‘ this Our Realm ,for the gals: j}f€fmng.and exercifing of the ‘Souldiorie and =’I1rained=Bandsn there,‘ ‘1}ledc.rc.ds.. ~,Y¢,; ,,o¢vg1eh1r41;a1ng,*o ur°:*wo'I-ImIf 65 0 Patfiam¢m,~i:i&c4d’rq£ Tue-h Om: C6't'mi1ii"s1 ' immi11ont«_dangcr,;1gd éf 'putt§n'g>0ur~Subj¢€ks intoa ,9 15tC_*QtdcI for thefetling of A _ gt fcvetall ‘times had ’be<5n réffufcd t¥r¢1m_2Ij@r'pé1rt of‘; P_c'.cr;cs_-)3 ' ' ag:a’inl’c10ur Coz1£~:1'1t (-the r to all Our Subjcfis) is not fidcnt of former ti_'m red)aI.;& “goo Sub” &’mt‘m°m um" ’ _ _ _ tray, Train A'rdm.da’nd Mu9c‘er‘Our’5Ub}'t avasmhabnum‘ th faid_C - ’ -"d ,- : -d I , ‘get-,tocondu§‘anud 1:adcm:§?§:t:i:5’%‘d1n are or mmmmt dflmd -.1nd1’nchcdcfcncc*)fthcir C ' d A . j 3 ‘Which power oxgan:k:g%13:;g;?§:;E}g§ Si-gcd Om’ ‘and 0“ K1983 03‘: as it is inhcrcntddin add’ Our. .Cx.'own,('9 it hambeen " ’ rims of. the like ‘Sr:-as .cha!;c:by»1eiAg°S’b°‘h'5“f°’°“°d “““U1i=¥ gm 05 41° 03 liwrathcghixd o;i§,51.“;f1d_‘ctdi3'1'f¥¢*1d‘5"',‘%’ L . .ufgéni.anddiné3vi‘;3bfi1’c‘n€€§f§’§f3”f' L d ‘oaure 0FyD%fEti?:é;.hév€'1fi3d¢{ thc4M’z'Ii£ia’,‘;uhdér4he name of MOI? ‘ dinpncc (rw hith twoot tht: nd bqing ‘mad f not o.n¢1y W7f50Ut:b'*‘t-d pjqrfons whercé are fiifl“1éiefit13l1'<fi0Wn¢' Us othcrwifcfprovidcd 501': folvcd to rule and govern 0"? ’ dc ,. fuélion 5: our Encmiés. d défehéc of U9- , infeparable from - warranted’ by Prcf d . - 0Wl1§o§hc"vcryftim€th.§‘ , ‘ J ‘ Com’: C €omn'1f1’sions’of ’f;ievtenmeie:w‘c‘re‘grafitea",'. wag lfigall‘ cven\byj~rl«ic‘two‘lé;zrn¢dTud¢¢s*, .53‘ Ge‘o”rg,éA<)*\%{€1'S given iro DurfC:ojmii1‘Ifs‘i5fiérs,Jn, afl 'poinrs'followcd that Commif’si‘on ‘of Array, whic'h.W.‘a%s~ agreed! upon byrhc King and both houfes of P;:rli:zmcnt;aFtcr confcréncc. with the Judges of the Realmfin thcfihh Y °Ct€o0'f Kingrflgdrj fourth, 3nd'w%.1s dons upon*tl_1‘c dcfirtq of the :C.Omn1oi1's'," 10.’. have’ fome alterations from former Commifsions in certain over-flrifi‘ \ CIz1ufcs,.Whereunto ncverthclcflh no exception’ was taken, forthe. legalitic, but the Kings A‘fl"cnotaocknowV1¢dgcdAasan Afi o£7g_re,at'§ Grace,-as app :=arcri1 by the Padiament‘ Ro1‘I's of‘ that y,c'cré.’ Smcnf ifsionsof Array have frequently ifI’ucdfoi‘ pjrc. Which‘tim.e. C om m‘ _ ‘ vention of 'dangcr,eithcr offincrmcs abroad or at home (1nboth— which rcfpcéts Our Houfes oF.P.1rIiamcnt have‘ yotcd this King;-3 dom tobc in dzzngc-r)‘thc fame bsing indeed the-old ’ordina4’y‘ way.’ for the prefervatzon ofthc King and Kxngdom, wl_1o mull _not ‘_dc->3 by thcir'prepar;;tion till {uch dam:-r break {oft}; xnto aéhop, and 10 .p¢.,},3p3 move mg Ljtc,‘ And thcf; Commxflions of Afray xvcgrg; not di{~'cof1tin'ucd,‘ till by rcafon ofthc C oxnnnffions of Lncvtcnan-3. CiC(Which1'n Tubthznce conmined the-.po.wcrs gnvcn-byuthofc Ciom-~ mifsionsof Array)7.-hey came to belof l1ttlc,uf;+. _ ' r - ‘And’. Whcrcas by.thc §tatnt_,c,ofthe:fo;urth rand‘ of’; t}1¢WRcjgf1'of’P}J!]l.P and '/liar; Kingfand ',<3_u¢¢n_c qfIEflg14H_.J, It 15 en.’ ‘ aéied * T7hat'if "any pcrfon or per/fons that’_fli3I'lAbC«COn‘I’A_rl1alld:j§i: . " néra 1913' ‘or Tpeciauy to Mnficr 35°F? 3“Y—f”°hF‘o,‘ ‘h‘?1,2;T,"~V§ ‘A“ ' ' n:?emé“nt forth‘: fa’me,by,oi-‘from t c Kin .0; or other perfon or _pcr.f9nsat_1t1,1qrII§:d for -or*:h'emfc}j7c§‘fifofit tflclflmc‘ . ablr: cxcufé ‘of’SIcknCflE‘, or o. . ‘ ‘ C Jityflr Comma any Li¢vtenant,W;2rdcn, _ V: i . ;1m.fg.mg','dd -w~iLlingly-'\abfent"h1fIl Muflcxs, having no true and \ 5 { \. . . ta) . vkhgr, lawful} Imped1rnent,or at their a -,..,_ . __¢ not bring with them fuch their belt: he‘ or they {hall then havefor his ort heir o wn pet for; in .readxn¢fT€,_ thatmfufih perfon orperfons ifhal,f‘or everyfuch default and ofi'enCes, incurfuch, pen.alties,and IQ be’inf1i&‘ed' in . fuch man {aid Stf.,t,ute,a're limited. Which Statute is in fiullfforce. — ‘ A W.E.do thereFore,by this Our P command _a'll‘Our Sheriifs , Jufiices of Conftabl‘cs,andall;othcr Our 0 flicjcrs jeétsof Our feverall‘ Counties» Wale: refpe&ively,l_Tl1at they be felling, and at the peace, Majors, Bailiflis, ,and other Our loving Sub- attending, aiding, afsifling, coun- commandment of the faida Commifsionersof , . xvely in the execution of their Com‘ \ mifsions, as they will anfwer th e contrary at theirutmofl"perils.. l — _ hing doubt thatany of Our loving Subjeéts mall or willoppoiie ° ' ' ' cution any power touching ‘the Militia, not warmnrcd by Our A1 thority, or otherwifetdifiurbing Our faid Commifsioner-sin 1ce,,con{ider.ino ircumfiances , bythe flriéi: : Yet left any ill-affeéied per- fons, too far prefuming upon 0ur“Clemency , ° end Us and Our Laws, contra- -,VS{ee doe hereb ry tnthis‘ Our proclamation Suhjeéts, That whofoever fllall, after th liflied,‘ do any thing in oppofitiont of our obeying their Commands, accord tion any. other Command concern contrary to LaW,Wec {hall an . Mere , ing to L . aw. , or putting in excu- rngthe Militia of our Kingdom," , Given an: ditr Cam bf York; the tmgfiggl, 44] a ::s5Lwf.0f*: §~'.¢- ,.1§4a.- 9' 1*¥1°3i9!fieréz5tr¢rIé’ .131}? .13: ppearanc e- at fuchMu.fief5sd§' Furnirure,or array 8: arm_our,35. roclamat-ion,iexprefly_ charge and . of England ,.-e and,-Dominion of" D the extream danger wherea p and in hope of im- . ydeclareto all Our ' . rsour proclamation pub» » Commifsionets, by dif-3 ‘ RARE DA 412 1642 .G893 «man at anon - ELL SPC FIRE RARE DA412 1642 .G8 Illlllllllll Qallll 01 O-0060688 27 $1 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier TwoProc1amationsFreePassage1642 Capture information Date captured December 2017 Scanner manufacturer Zeutsche1 Scanner mode1 OS 15000 Scanning software Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) Optica1 reso1ution 600 dpi Co1or settings co1or, 24 bit Fi1e types TIFF Source information Format Book Content type Text Source ID Barcode page at end of text . 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