¢$¢&¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢&¢%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢¢g3 w E N G L A N D S 3: OATHS E % . ° eé. . J. 4; V Taken by all men ofQ1aIl1ty 1n jg; the Clamb and Commonwealth of E N G L A N 1:. ‘I196 Oath of Supremacieg Tin:-10423/9 of/1 llcggiamze.‘ A N D ‘Ila; l4t{c%.‘Proteflation,i N =H~i~=$' of. his Parifhioncrs, 4-°$'°$'=£°4eT°$~4nsi°v2ee1°4°~I=4° ~iv~£a~I°¢4=ér4r4v=tv4~1v4P4~%=Iv4°~$='%*vIv°3*~3v 4°v1v4"i=*vZre1vs$=4*et» Iiandon, Printed, i 6 4 2. A "I°‘l“°¥”¥°*i°°$’¢’°$°°P°¥‘°?‘¥¢'°¥°4°°W'°i*‘i*'“$"‘l°‘$*"E‘°W‘$°‘M*"l°"i*'°¥‘°‘3°°¥°"1" oar %‘I“$'°i°°¥° Publifhed by for fatisfaétion ‘. +¢¢é¢+¢¢¢¢e¢+¢gea¢e¢¢¢é¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%e¢¢¢¢ YE‘ _ _ mi‘- I 1“ V , . ml . ii’: i:: A .. . . stqsm» I 11mm 4: g‘ ‘K-‘$51 ix,‘ "V ‘Q. ""‘ ‘* 1.4.. ' "*'?~ um ;. 1 .-:_c «___ i i 1;, . ., "' ,,;x‘,_,(§v‘.<,xc.~',-v-'‘‘‘ ‘ - 'a'-..*.'‘'" ‘I " ‘ Vi“ '...4V‘ ' ‘ E N G L A N D S Oath 5.: if 7). ,T.alj€&S of their Allegiance and Obedience to His Majc... flic or to give Licence or leave to an of them; to lgeare Armes , raife Tumults, or toyofler any ‘violence or hurt to His Majefiies R0 all erfon State or. Gpvernment,’ or to any of His Mgjeflie; Subieéics within His Majefiies Dominions. Alfo AI floelfweare from‘ my heart, V that, norwithflan-, £493 any Péelaxaaoa .9! §¢n§a39¢ of Excemmu-in nation T3) “rfication, or Deprivation made or granted, ‘or to, be made or granted, by‘ the Pope or his Succef-3; fors, or by any Authority derived, or preten-‘ dried to be derived from him or his Sea, againfl: the {aid King, His I-Ieires or Succelfors, or any Abfolution of the {aid Subjeotsi fromtheir Obe- dience ;, I will beare faith anditrue Allegiance to His Majellie, His Heires and Succelfors , and Him and Them will defend to the vttermolt of ' my power, againlt all Confpiracies and Attempts whatfoever, which {hall be made againft His or their Perfons, their Crowne and Dignitie, by rea- fon orcolour of any fuch Sentence, or Declaratia ” on , or otherwife, and will doe my belt endea... vour to difclofe and make known unto his M ajefty, His Heires and SuccefI'ors,'all Treafons and Traite. rous Confpiracies, whichl lhallknow or heare of, to be avainlt Hitn,or any of them. And I do further fwearetjfhat I do from my heart abhor, detelt and_ abjure as impious and Hereticall, this damynablc Doctrine and Polition , That P rinces whichlbe” Excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, may be Depofed or Murthered by their cSubjeéts, or any other whatfoever. And [doe beleeve, and in con; fcience, am rcfolved, that neither the Pope, nor any perfon whatfoever, hath power to abfolve‘ me i or‘ this Oath, or any part thereof -,- which I .aeknow.; ledge by good and full Authority to bee lawfully minillred unto me, and doe renounce all Pardons and Difpenfations to the contrary. And all thefe things I doc plaincly and finccrely acknowledge i A 3 ‘ and b-—...-w . (4) e and fwcate; accovrciing to theFe'exp*tefI'e words by mefp,oyken,l and according to the plaine and com»- m,o.nffence and.t'1nderfl*a'nding of the fame words, withoutanyEquivocation, or mentall evafion,ot A fectet refetvafion what-foexier. And I doe make this Recognition and aclcnowledgement heartily, wil- lingly, and truely , upon the true Faith ofa Ch1‘i-; tftian. So helpe tne G on. taaia i an The late Troteflaaian. A. B. doe in theptefence of Almighty God, ‘ i omife, Vow, and Proteft, to maintaine and V ‘defend, as faras lawfully I may, with my life, a powcr,and eftate, the true reformed Protcftaut Religion, ~exprcH"ed in the Doétrine of the Church at tofEngl«md,againfl all I,’opery,andPopifl1 Innovati- on iiwithin this tRealm,contrary to the [ameDo6trin, and accordingto the duty of my Allegiance, His Majetties RoyallPcrfon., Honour, and Eftatcg as falfo the Power tand*Priviledges of Parliament; The lawfull Rightsand Liberties of the Subjeét, and every perfon that makcth this Protefiarim, in wlxatfoevct he {halt-1 doeliin the lawfull putfuancei tad: row powcn and as far? as’ , , 4. aw.- (st) lawfully It may,T will oppofe, and by all‘ good; “wayes and meanes indeaivour to bring to con: dignc punifhmengall iuch as {hail either by Force, e Plots, Confpiracies, or otherwife, doe any thing to the contrary of any thing in this prefent Pro- teflation contained. And further , that I fhallin all jut’: and Honourable wayes, endeavour to pte-' ferve the Vnion and Peace betweene the three ’ Kingdomes of England, Sm-tland, and Ireland; ‘ And neither for Hope , Feare, not othet gefpefi, {hall relinquifh the Proxnifem Xowsand Er9tcfiati9n§ ”