co P ‘I E 0 F T H M ASTEiR%P 1;: s Ogali thbfe ..£ma;J:#: jig: % _ave§ v the%.9‘D1)ajoi?,%V-V¢tf}lA:i-«z A ;, %,mea,%_§a§i§i%thc pf the-Camus’ Cndnfell of . v ;h¢:('yiq gf.LoNDon. L. v+,, . "~_ ' -' \ , ' ,::'T r’ -2 I . /9 ‘ 1 ' . _. A” ; "-“.- 1 ’ 4 I.‘ . -. ' ' ‘ M _fl , _. - - " .~-j, {_ ¢ N 5 '4- 7' f- ' ~ ,. . . - . " l.’_ ' '.. rt. _ ~ ~ "- . 1. I u fiat . % " ¢a'fPt.r 1-zsnaw cothe, prcf,c§_t_. ‘ % ‘~«‘%T”J,5§&:$a:»ei£2é?=hecm-j % + __._~...‘ . AV‘; :hr__5 , 7. ‘. -' , , 1' 9’. _ .l~“ . x3’ x EH5‘-0‘*3' 35 ' P Tl;c:efi,lvl/-‘ ~ V t71tC'._1!z'eof.LONDO,N.j j‘ . 3 " " .:.» ,'.’i;Q 3.. l" -- l ,7 ‘A "fig; 2 r; l,=.~‘+:*',‘-.: l l ‘Hat 1:: ol)¢d1ence,;pA;an.Ordér 6f thxs_ - .‘ #- Honourable Houfgthc Pctit19n.crs__dpjc I humbly p l¢l'en»_c _a, CCrtiflC35;C hcrjcto _gpa'xi¢¢ of Tsxr IQH N B'1rCo.N 19 he I . % Olficc Qf I.iévtc_n'a'nc'of t'hc:’l,¢??'_,:v,c?r_f.iis %_ ‘ . ‘ A 1 the_Caufc pf;f5tbc’et‘ra'nc'é"‘éf bringing Bullion to tl'1e~,'M>i,ni;.,A_nd' bccgurc .c_I1éc.~diV¢fr§;9§h§_f Fortsfgnd strength; bf.‘ ‘t‘§ié.%Kin?gd,oi11g,’by gand;2g4 Sea ai'c not placed in {ugh ha'n;l's“,' whom the fP4f,7.¢4.'; amtt. mayponfidc ( with Which, ah.’ up other this Clgyg (as thcPetitionc1:s hu_n,1bl.y'% coi.n§g:';vc), IC_fl1:{@ti_'~5;fi¢d,a and fuch {applies h'a“ve'no't beetle i:i’th‘cly {cut u‘t'1t'o fre- - A 2 /and %';’>ll<’>C3 andéxecla :"me9§titig- lTh49'x1iez$3€?_ =3-’\ -.|- ti-) yd,’-3 -wig; fun 'Q5mm1$om,as tvere gecefiat, to, t.vith— mud and fi=92t¢fl"'?*§¢ We Fm‘-'* there ;ebn:.g§a;r§§=K:neéwh< 1'e_ Ho: cpf C moms to lend rooooo I. more for the l'u‘g$pIie§ dffyi-eZ.'md, which they are neither able not willing to doe, till they {_h¢J.l.hme tIc¢'3IV!d !h=M°°¢y% already but . _<_>r,tha:, the guita- mom, (which they Ihali ‘fpc'eti‘1Iy'_té[ii‘éf¢nt maugg‘ ’3.’.%‘: }2;5‘i:€. *3é2.‘:.‘:?:’§“£‘§.i’¢.'.’;’.i?§’;,’ 'Yt9Ww=r=:t+=o‘t macs an whachpzcrraresy uh"de1{‘§i_fh¥,eh they gmgé. and languilh, they eannot‘hut‘.iept¢{¢§: (9 Lordlhxps, that’very many ftl1'oufan‘d‘_s.of =C.lothie‘rs+ani} Handiqtgafts Amen andetgexr Fatni_lie‘s ,3 who _h4gy¢.A;b¢;1.’,., ‘.::,?1:,";‘,‘:::::; ;1:::: L.‘:t‘:‘::;°:. “W ‘W M 9 , ones anal lam '51; ttyci that they are DOWA)’ able any A.IQn‘g em; ' ¢.r,.:o.Inbfi&, buy of their tit.iQn:'r’s[ ” ' not bec‘attfe the Petitioners and others do not waregyis formerly they did; That the Pe ysdicedandl (3-) . 4 not €06?) till Tkadetbc qui e.k’ried‘b'y thefiaeedy reliefe of lreldnd, till Pdfpifls befully difarmcd , and the ftrangth whercofthe Trade of theKin%g€lom': is fallen to folow lean ebb , that the‘«Pcti'tioncrs are not able longer tot proceed thCt€i018g,formerly~_: Which n;¢§clficated§fqr- _ * bearancc of Trade and lcarcityrofmbacy, will (as they: verily ‘believe ‘ l ‘ ' -multitudes of t ofe poore men into fuclx‘ a depth ol'f>o‘-'t ' L-vcrty and extrcmitie, as will inforee them-upon fqmc : :- dangerous and def erat attempts not fir to be cxprclfed, -in very {hart time czlljnnumeréb-la’ much lclfe jnflifie , which they have held ‘ltbeit-T_d,1t.y. to iminyate, angifo to lcavcit to thewifdome of _t_his molt Honourable Houfe to confider and preycnt. -Tb: Ilnigintt: 25:55:, pm} , Tim time may I»: 4 fpml; and cfeflxafl turf: tafienfcr rtlitviug of Heading la n L A N n ; .o£.ybe Kingdoage bx Land’ agd Sea put ipto the hands ,~ I offuch as t~hc-Pariiuvmt maicolifidc in, through vgant « ” for reluovit IR d:jIra£?zax:,aadf:aru at home, ) J:/armitg . of Pdpxfl, J ptlitfng l‘l7fltl‘«.Po;Il'J 41:4 /fienglt/9’ of {la} Kt";!g4'6‘7fi6‘ 5} I4n;d1;udbS.c/is baft;‘1;bt Pa rlnaxzegxc jbba’/43$??? M, an t 8 ‘cc 4_ In 0 0 I cwtuzit I .0 , Commrils £115 fiuzif tofoar Loraflnfitfu tbclgeairflfgaod Q7/:11; Kgngéaxd Kfftzgdadmiy 3 I:vbtrt£7t5c fga/71:67 flflfenrf rd and cc can an I e cmiuu: cu » e an exam - ed tdtakfaf (£7: we're: /10 the cr :1 doc/rtII:‘r/1.15),!"/.3‘ fiex f can») tboufand; of flare p:{ple,, tbaut/Jerri f threa- ‘tex too plain!) the tr4r:[(rgfl'_£nioftb:l'r Dmjiyfivclz. *1 % crow ‘way: assay drflxréc {be ;uél;{:“[ea:::..¢3:4ib4;4,rd I e Ha- naur arzljaft-I] :6: K in w,..Parla'.€ai}i't,";mJ Kifghme. fmd+hey flu.-.ll d.13}y’pray. 8cc. 1‘! 3 "' A ~Zff.T() ft 9.» ' I ‘-1 .a 73"‘ i i . - ,r‘; .' . ..‘_"-.‘ "bvI'v;'."« ,',, _ .'_ -',- \(_ .’.o4.r -II») '3 €- , -. . f - I - S/791961.11: - *. W " ‘J ' , / \ A .A “To-fHJE 1'10 N O%gERA B L *1nfes 8t other 5 orts, the not managing of them, nor futniihing them with Ordinance andhmmnnitiomthe not placing all ofthetn in Inch hands in whom the Parliament may eonfide,and the not fettling this Kingdome in a pofinre of defence, in times of fo many feates and jealoulies of forreigne inva- a«I . meat of th€.;refi.of the malignant \ I 1 invafions and inteftine confpiracict; the not removing the prefent Lievtenant of .the Tower, and putting fuck a perfon into that place,as may be wellapproved by the Parllament, hotwithfianding the earnefl: petitions ex- lnbited to this honorable Houfe for that put ol'e,which hath produced a forbearance to bring Bu! ion into the Tower in this time of {carcitie of monies; all which cannot but overthow trading more and mon:,and make monies yet more fcarce in the City and Kingdome. 9. The Kings Ships which ought to bea wall ofdc- fence to this Kiugdomt-,and a canny to the Merchants (for which Tonnage and Poundage was -granted) are not fitted and imployed, as the pr Kingdotne and Ireland requires, but fomeofthern for the conveyingawayoof Delinquents-, who durftnot a.- bide the tell of the ‘Parliament, to the great encourage- arty here, who when and themfelves be erected, know how to efcape the hand of lullice through the abufe of 3 _Roy-; ds of to. The not quefiioning thofe m unltrgown perfons, who are fheltered in Cove2zgardeg,_a nd thereabouts, which doe not imp oy t em elves invanv lawfull calling,and it’s very prob able,lye in a readinelfe to adventure upon forne defperate attempttto the en- dangering of the welfare, eace and fafetjjofthextngs Majcftie,Parliament and itie. » 11. The mifunderftanding betweene the Kin and Parliament, the not vindicating the priviledges 0 Par- liament, the not {upprelling of Prote&ions, the not pu- the not executing of all nifhing of Delinquents. and legally condemned, while others Priefis and flefuites, 4 A contrary topriviledge of Parliament have beene ille- 1 gally their delignes efent condition of this n « ;.§ifi,;f;'3’="é3 I " % A .. .. “V1 a\ i ’y (es the coacdgvfc) cfiuged with’ teafon, to tbét.‘JEtming‘of worthy Members from ditehzrging ci;g£t;duc_tgs, audio ficjclhoyingoi the very bei ," exceedingly fill the tnindcs o infenfiéll afefied to the publike, with many fczres ant? Hifbnra-gements tbvonghmt the Kingdoxnq zndfd difibfé them from tlmcheerfixfl. afifiance which 'tbeywuu1d"be'ghdto afford. ' ‘ ’ :2’. Byhxeanes ofthe Premilfeo thereis fneh elecayof V A fach {carcity of money (neither ofwhich Eadie cntcd,tiIl the former Evil}: be removed)’ as» it is lyjnyety flaptt tiue,to tat’: innumerable mnttitudes poore Artificcts into fuel! ad extnmitie, gs may enforce them upon ‘fame dangerous ' ifdéfpenteatt ,. not St to be cxpréfled, puck 31) Id": to bcjufiified ichitbiey la-re’ (nth fpecdilfeoconfider and prevent. L r‘ ‘ - - ‘ ‘fiiuauevasuaaeruhien die-Petitionersdoé~e§:6eE3iifi'y~h* boutgnd l1_qgui{h_. which they humbly conceive to him A §on:aincnh9*°1!|=:9’?t11:3¢'t:t>fcti F651;’? 39 i_ csnffrxuq Ho- 5:.*.‘;;..*z;“;1r“‘=9;:sf,*‘*n.=,..» P‘ of am ’ a;':~*;:,«g =2 t’ wnun _v es ~ ’ in the Houfi of’ Pcccts « t . AV , 253:5: flatbed b¢>cf‘.axbj}.II;~Trc1>r; ,,,;.,zi,;,, W ,4_ _ J _ _ ,l‘ocrt4Uj"a' an? I/xnffa retain! tbi}'MJbtr, In '15 ~ ’” ' 6 wn'm«$8 eHofifi " 3 mdtbutéey A1»: oncalft/2.33517 ' g .7. . ."‘_4§d l(_in$Jan¢e; I1»e)bumI:1}tron Imaveto .. _ [fut 01¢ Galumdt lug/2 COW: ?4rIt4rnent.;tbac ’;,;y‘f.,;b;; . I, grid f/22'!/‘_J(4:)'t_’5r£!'/.7)'t1:',_in(fxdand, qr gfzng flmfl i Proaficipnpmlfily _ 10702,. tm_x_ aiflmgmagori 22¢’/Iarfiiagolgmgf; -'. . oqgiflntluhnup orb¢?'Pttmonerr,bu¢a1I}lo~ afl:ullg,ag, 50!! f:eed')' aw cftbe etc’ ‘fir: recited tbge -o ~,'.,.‘.. ._ _,,._ ,‘v t :f°a7'?'o»::r’r§s/§r?'.7¢rc':/'E§'§;'}:5§ :L,«,:..:?:"""'/"’?*W"*-*”*‘* *2 F I N I S. .‘~?;.!?.'1!' 5 bl DA 412 16 42 . L6 unvnm or snow - ELL SPC RRE RARE DA412 1642 .L6 llllllllllllllll 010-006068925 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes TrueCopiePetitions1641 December 2017 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Pages 7 and 9 page numbers cut off in origina1 document. Derivatives — Access copy Compression Editing software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Graysca1e and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Graysca1e pages canvassed, images brightened. Co1or pages cropped.