The Copy of .2: ‘~42 mg? ; \y i ‘ . "9 ‘ ‘ as « "L ‘ u. ‘ ‘ .’%V.“: 1 ‘ = flytufi 9% L"”’{0”; Pfifltedfor gfiofipé Hzmfcm. 05705.18 .1642. z _aa% %§w§2%§%§2m@s@s§2s§2@ %?e%¢fi$9%*§@%%% %%:@%%%%%%§%%%€§%?§2%%%§ “‘ 3/I95‘? G:-aciom Eweraign, A A 4 F is held a common Tenler,,,T!1at an Vilpalegie doth imply an, offence 5 Whereof if I were confcious to my {Elf in the leafl breach of "Allegiance, due Arc» Soveraignty, I ‘would not blulh in the ingenious acknowledge- ‘ l A _ V (in alll:mmiIlty)1;hrowmy féll-‘down in Your Majciliess ta.-ec,l though culpable: in nothing c113: ’ ( IE; far as my conféicnce doth fuggefi) but of a greatavcrflznellé in difpofition, and a great rcluélatian I h-avehad within my {Celt} lag-ainll all thelarc; pmceedings have been attempted in Your Majcfiiels Ser,vic:.e .1 which (if it fhould be fuund cri_minalI)rhere hm-«L-ellnot many of Yam‘ Majefiies bell adviféd and bell afl‘1:*€ted f{ul:%j€¢51sor fervants of any quality 3 who A {land either for the glory of Gad, The Homzmr of Your Maiefty , or , The peace grad l1a£ppin€jfl?s' of the Kingdom , What _('i71fZW‘c071fZ‘icnti4: can plead gmiltleflé in that point: And if there be any of a contrary Jen{&( wlw gre confidtzirable) I1: will auppearlfiupon a llri€’c féarch) ;Thatflam:ry , fpleen, or emulation , hath rather zrlainfported them than any thing clfc, will be found eflénziall, to make fizch bréach as tlc-26:1 Kingdom is rhreamed with mzhich (unpr¢vem:- ml: )my burythem andth%eirL pofierities in the mines thcreof. Zeal I have bad to¢%llYdut Maicilies . F aphers Servicein Ire» .;lé;,t124’,w§nlié£li1ng'tl:Iel?rovin¢é of 7/lfier;1ah‘lndtolYourlowm Ser- Jricé at Rama which in my time hath had no example) -will Azl “ A ll Vin» L V pg.“ ‘£4’. 4!\a3-',.. ‘4‘ ","‘n'I"\M_x.~“V-»‘.'r‘_u" . I Mm KM’ ‘gr. '“ El‘ ‘ "M" ‘ ,%,,,,g;.s‘ jg A» H W‘ ‘ ‘H’ v‘v A ‘ ‘ I ll men: of my guilcinclfc ;Ab;1twoul$.l vindicate me fremany.afberfio4t: may be cafi upon mic-_. fither of ~ iegra.t_itude,$or clifleyalty '=r;Anclthat all Your M31355-65 WIOUIS have pmclugteel no other cffeéis ta} me , but to have “ been ,made the fulqiiiefi of all caflumniee, and detrafiion, that Amalie: eomld" Lmtadvme with, and a deep engagement in 2 0001 debt: alter tlte {pending of 36 years of time in Your Maiefiiee Fathers and Yoiaro.wn.Service._l I did adventure upon a great fi'€€-;-M dome of _cli{i:our1E.‘ with Your Maicfly at Nezrmzfile , upoln the fubieft of X/Vatjt; Awhich if itjhad taken alI!)"v'ia‘.’«'l-Ql't“.lllL'J¥I1(ll-1tal)lfi~ to the linearity of myheart) an buflnelle of leléigh a Nature ‘ did require, Your Maielly might have avoyeled many unhappy accidents which have encouutred all Your Attempts fimce that” time; which mrmot be interpreted to have “lfprung ft-em any; other fource, th;-n {rem tne rla£ltnefl7e,l arregmcy, and fambitioml “of fame prefumptuous firits, who havefdrawntY0u.rtMaiefly upen ruinous Precipices, wbicheeuld not but bring forth the like Wrctfillfid €fi°e:.-‘fts : Their aym was at nothing lb _much.,as at the diigrace and overthrew eat‘ all Yam: Meieflies welleatfeétted 3 and leyall {u»bie&s and i7:rvants,l who were nestle flamped with the Chataéler ofthe time ; and men gagéY'*~0ufl'Maliel’cy’ie~tbeir unhappy Inset-cits ef ambition, gain, malice, tevenge,de1pair‘5 and emulation; as if Your Maiefties [Crowns ,‘ and their defpe-9 rate Fortunes,had had but one and the fame Center 5 as if both had been cafi NW3 3311311663, to fiend or fall, in the difi‘rlac9cions of the times. A When I ~ didllebk upon the Iatnentable poll use of three Kiflgdbmes, reduced te 2 great height of delbllatiwonl I and miffiry : Whfifl I did perceiv-e tlml: notcernerin alllYOI1I'_ Dominionethat ceauld afiord came goed,man3t?tat was Iénlible of A the purity of Religion towards Gedaaf the Ht-::»nom~,Peace,and e Safety ef 4Y0flFeM3i€l’t‘V*— and Kingdoms: who did not groan under_tl:eeex01‘bit3l3°“35 “ft the time 3 lAmd‘ when there was {mall probability (ufllfiflli l_3y miracle) that Your Maieflies Diademst muld retayn tltat ancxemt lullrc and beauty 3 nor thofe Hdlcyom dayes of pebiake P§0fP§£il7 Year loving» fiztbiefis and tl-aeir Ancefiors had formfirly leneeieyedgl1mc!er:ltl2e Raigns ofjiout lR;oyall%Preg€P3lt0{S (Wliimtlheyekefplt at regular courfeofl lMGe;- % “verntneltit A then Parliaments.) I ceulcl finale nq bettee vvey tq do.Yot1r Ma1€€%y~a mete agreeable Service, tthenbyl fioppitn-g . ¥h€ the gourlé of la. Civill War, fo fat as muléllfall Within the comm _Paflv$.0f my gndeaveura to emibraca any fix: opparnmity (flared r (gs!-gu callmy iélf within I:{wZl)lll7vherebyl1r1yxealand afiafiiom * l~ go the publike gciod might bé d‘emonfirated', in a fl=:rvicel%ft>rl“» tlm’ common Interell @ffY0ur Maiefly and the Kingdom 5 whlchl9 %Wh0fbever {hall goabouc to feparate, cannot: bus exlpefl fuel: *-V flearfull events as olfdinarily do accompany all fuch,lwhc> would * mtercazn and 'fol~ler‘a%wolull ‘Divercem-amt bctwima ll’ri"nce and * A his Peeple; a wretched divifibn betwixt the head and ‘.:l?1le1}1ElII:l.... bars ;which (‘of necczflity) mull bring forth prodigious iflhes , I asmay not anely make the fbundatian of ‘Monarchy , but alfa l»l ovexflciaw the fertile and pleafam fields and valleyes of this * ' Kingclmme with {lreams all innotcntl blocsd , which might: be; rlzorelfaflély refitrved for more advantagionls , and more honors» ~ ble employmcmls, than profu {édly fiem, infthe ripping upof‘ the bowells one of another ,l of Ybur Maieflics guod fmbie&s,:, bym inrefline War, which will divide the father fmm »tlae {on-, A the brother from thebx'mh::r, and the neerefi‘ kinfman from his‘- dearcfl; friend ; and that (wlhlich isllnlmlll deplorable) rhclgmumdl of tl1bWar~muf‘: arife firamltlxe unfietled aindillmzenflanr appe:--1 rites of Iblxzefaélious and mglbulzent fpiriclsgwvérladcdi with >211: % blcterneffe of their (awn paffions andlintercrllll, aracl at *=ll:1ch an" unléafonable time, when a xnorcliull»,-,arrglllal more honourablel. {Ubl€&”l0r2 lWa’r, cannot be long) Waqtingglfthe unt?2afona.lll’ Ble dilléxnpersnf thélrimal could allow ycmr Maielllies goocll fubicfls a little time tolbméathe in the calm ayr, ahdllhappinetlésl A of a blcllcd peace, umill inch time aS~Fmzzcc and Spain (by: their mmuall clafhings) have fo far debilitated each other, that both might run the hazard to be made the Stage for Your Ma-I ilcflics juft limdignatilqn’, provolrgeu:, if they can finde an eopeperrunity to »ren1ember, A A The fefiizitick plots to exxzirpaceerhe. wholeboely of Proteffams in rigs Ilanda which (aeit was in fomxeretiames, the onely faefee ”"San6h19«.ry and prcatcfiion of aI1twhat“fuH:c2r€d under ihfi tyranny of Rome; may (by Lhefe Mzzchienaciones, rooted here tooedeeply) been me a Cage fomxnclean birds to n-eme there-in , and difleureb theepeace of thefi: Kingdcms ,a;s a poewerfii1Ic:ffc& of toomuch fimpd1i%cicee rrufie put in fame, 1eho*~yvi1I%%prove in eetehe end Your e’iIv1aAje{iiesegrea:e{’: enemies; zmd uf“cbeoeemuéhenegle&= of othersg, who will be found :he ebefl: fuppvzvrcers of dignity of Y01211‘ Berfona and Crowns. mend if there be a ‘War real I y Aintegzrieda _€7‘there‘is ;; neceflity pi? a more Nfolid ifoundaciene*thener¢hek7prom..e efllion bf eVviAIfan4d unadvifed eMini{’cers_., *whQ~mY0urMajePc«ies. Predeceflour "Hem theiouerth of England, eewou1dr’” inclinable tn give way to all finch nourfés, which can prefage non leife thena fearfull revelation» if Your Maiefiymhwlhonld continue inacenflant-~ccmrI‘q~o‘f -being - .inexnrah1e to the perfwafions , counfells, and petitions‘ nf Your leaving Subiefis, %invic'ingYour ;Maiefiy‘to adhercw your grcat hhcouneell of, gagliamenc, when are only ablc to makcYonr maiefly no Icfiiz-happy 8: glorious than any ofyour A ‘ Royall Progenitors: Gad grant that in end, Ynur Maiefiynmay V be fenfibleof rhecommon callamities your; good Scbinéts are ~involved in, and thihr fame proper occafion may bcrepreiénted, whereby every true: and “loyal! Subiecit maybe ehcouraged, to Loffsrguph his ficrifice of blood, for the honour andgfizféty ca? A hYourVMaieRmy%Wand ynur who1[c.;Dominions,A whereof norm h;:..€h,a1I;bEI morehhprodigall Then .- Tmw Mljfiflier nnafi F.vz£mlifa' A A-mdfnitbfufl Servamfi A I 0-’ [L nhnnuwn‘ I my