4.?‘ J m L M M % M . N z»smw3”a*;i;€ fa _y S U E. E0 ugu/3.1642“ N D T H E N c E N minted 18 ex! and new ©bl7e1‘Vati©ns. W Kings were firfl oxdaimcd in this Pmalmgtlm» every one of thofi pardons or Counties was committed to fame E'arle,to govcme and defend ‘ Izlflicrv, p. 3. %_ A Thofe Earls after they received their government in each Countygl Kingclome was divided into 4.0.portions, andj icagainfl the enemies of the Rcalme... Myrrar of Qivided them lam Genmrians or hundreds; and in avery hundred l wasaplpointed a Centurizm or Cqnilable , who had his portion and limits afllgned him“: tol~:ccpelar1d'cl.rel'end will: thc powerofthe hun~j.ll dyed, and’ were to be xx-zadyupon all alarums will) chair Armcasl agazlnll ; the mmmori enemy. Theta in {brim places are called PVlzpenm/gulf, Wl‘liCAl1l0_FI'€nCl1 cloth I-lgnlfictalimg olflrmes. U’!/zjrrrosr p... Ion 2 1% $l..fa[.; 16,1 7.. A J A Kmg Ag“rm’ firfi arrlaincdl two Parliazm:m5 to be kept every ycem far the g0vemxI‘2em ml’ the people, A where they ware to mceive Laww andiL!lllCE.1fl'£{}'w"or.19.1093 K. «V ‘ l V J l l’ _ ~ The Peeves in Parliarnem were to juclge of all Wrongs done by the King tqanzy his lilbjeéts. /M_'}'r:-ma,p.9. A A‘ A T133 flflclfifll manner»-olchaofing ancl appoiming nf 0lfli'cem- A ‘Was by ll:».o% om wliomll tlmir jurilfdlcfiion cxcexlldmzl. ll - _ Jnfimacwll A 1; ?:vti9i:ag%=2p2:»z. This; gm-3 ‘l/V“;?3;'5_.,~’M‘id at this Pl :1 5 3; is cllcallm by the men all h>is%cm?x1 :1: t&’t&ing? armlbgr them Pffiffilflfilgl to am l_.£:~::U: to be fwarxxcfifi l"«3rM'tlzle l.";"l‘.!i? ~:s::xr:ctxzi0n oiflnais mflice. A V ‘ l flnnfllzéfx. 'l"lrzis officer is chofen by the inhabitants who are raw» be gfivermecl l3y~l7:lm ;., and thpfeyof ‘the place where his juriidiélcion l li;e;i;l7;, alt;-uzl pl;*’a1Il;s%Vzf3.t:-.1r;:’i lllllltfl tl_1r:~: Lee: :40 ba fw=.:>z"m . l A 3l$3”0?fiW’l and there.-fare was chofcn by the F‘rcel1oRdcrsA of the Cotmtyt, in the C.0‘tmty~c0tix*t. C00/qg | Cazrmyp. K7431 75,5 59. A 4... Such as had charge ta punifh {itch its wmta violattrs OfAL3”t7d§;'H5z Cartatgthetfc were choft.-ni11~Atht County-Court as appcarcth by SAW. 28. J3d.I.c.I.x7. ” t A ” A g. Slaerzfl}-.‘ VVc~:~m in time pafgaxtfl by the common Latvgto be cha- fct1Ah'tke__Wif7eixa the Geumyncmzrt, Lasméjmcm iazw, I g6. Sramzfi £3. E. 63,13. C0013; Lflfitgqtta Carma, 173559. ./3/Iyrsttkr p..8. . A V 3§.C'arbm:r.This Ofifitfe hath iurifdi&ionA within 'theAti/Y1cIA_eA ACAAtT?l.AAA1f.?;‘A§'}’ 3 AA 6. Lifit-Kw-flaI1t‘S of Counties (tmcimtiy known by time narxétcgf AlA%~ A mm/0) were choifen in thetCoum;y~tourt,(which Coakg flp0A1}A.27ic1£'p1gtm; A warm p969. cals the Folkmotc) Lazt1s5»S.¢t.wtz J;z1at.t,fNZ.« 36;. C;.5*1@',¢*rar A AA p;,1g.3.1l_,)I2. t- y A. 7.. Majms and»Baylifl"es in BL‘iI‘t”0W€$ and Ttwvm ccwpcwatt, are ~ chofizn by the commonzalty of %the1?a1t1eA Gorpwmtitm Within thcit $tat.7 Hut. cwzpmfiu I H. 5.1. 8 H.6.c.czp.7. to H.6.cw;}.2. jtmtifdifliun. A 8. Ctanfizrvamrt of the peace: 9 were a.IiCi;€UtI y chofen by the Free- h0lde1‘sin_the County -court_., C00éaaz£gnua C arm, 558 ,, &c. 9.Kx1igEats for thwatliament am to be chofcn in the County-cnurc A m. Vcrderers of the Forrcft are chofen within their jurifflifiigtt by the itthabitanta. Coo/{g m.tgzzaACawa 5 5 9, A . _ A V 3 L Admiral! , being the Shmffs oftht Cmmties , at .S’¢=loZ.miA5 hit J1/11'}zrec‘l¢t#fMm,p. 169, I88. afl“itme9., mu[ttb«%cch.of¢nAastE1?e Shettiflfts A were, wk.» in the Cotmty-court. But: the Parliament MAR» 2.)%l§:at9. faith they were chofen in the Parliament the rAt:p_reftx1tativc btzgdy of the Rcalmtg btcauf: he had the dtefence of the Reflux by Sea commim A A A ted unto him.» _ ~ A 7' AA A A ~ . A I 2.. The Captains of"(‘»z/l.;m,Aviz. Rickufiarla 051'?/szrxvzcigin wtmmt of H6. mfu {ad to give up his Captain-fliipof 05.4113; mm the King: , bee cauft: he receiveci it in Parliament. ("owls Afnttarpretwfzt 2?/36 wmi A A ‘I’azrlz'm1¢mr. A M 13.Tbe Lord - Chianmllot to whom is commimzed the gtmt Stale of z:,w€g/mgbaing thcpubliquc faith of the Iitngciczzttt ,, AW£tSAi11f0I'm€r Ftitmt chofiari in Parliament, Lazmév. Arc/m'a;v:'.p. 43. D.can..Atlmamicle, p.A. 139»‘48fl95~t AA A A ' A I 4,.Lord~"Fteafurer,A an Officer to whomis oftrufi commiAAttc&AAAAtlm A Txmfure of nhe Kingdome, was in IikeAmannerAchQ{E:t1i11 Patyyliarntntg A A 15-,Tht Ghiefijttfiicc an Oflicrsr unto whom 18 ctrmnzitttcfi tim mi-~y _ A A A A AA 2 A trtigitiratitm « T AA A: mihiflratiovn of aha iufiice 4of»theRea1mw;8S ¢3h0fi=I1‘ in Pafiliéiilenf. Lamé. Arc/mks:-'. p.43, 3'/fit fizprafiw % % .% % /mm 15. Ed. 3.. £E'1cKin;gwaKs petitioned inPwar1iiament, £‘H‘VRfi‘t[‘}e }1ig,h ;OHi;ex's of these Bfingtioxne might (as in FOWW” iii”1fi3)b€flhca?«:n ,5n%Pas.1iaz:nem3 to WEE}! the King yeeified that ;hc«y,!7houId be {worry in Pc1rIi;~1men%t,% 93:2. c1)7'«J;r:£c.'[.45, p. I 95*. .Qs»:a2r.«.i£l1c ParIiamcnt1‘§:Ie,a:z:3 pezicicmsa. M 4 ' And it evpgmr.-cmh by a p':~§iw:¢ed F.catu£e A'mw I5 E43-3.&cAf.. V3} tfmt a he great Oifkers 0': cm itngdome wexfasz fwozmafigo ;zwa1j;,nt;!Vinc x'?s?'a;;gmw fl§‘.4::r2“.:s‘. M ‘ % . % . _ . % . % A 1'6. The gr»;~:<.ar C*j}£.}?j§C,C.,3}_(igfi_h€' King and ngfiom fiN_a£f1f1€§§f the ~Par.~ ;ii:.~tncs;t~,_i.=s$ t:’§mf¢n (‘Em cmurnonsg fa)? t 516:3? 6350056 I h‘? Kalightsaszd Citizc rrsganaj §;?»ur§;e£?§:s, or Bsmnsnfor 1’o_th::.~ CIi_,£iZCl1S wprc ancicntly caUe=::1;5 and the Cinqueparts rcctaimz that. %%naVm$i: stcnphig day.” 7" . And; .ahis,. vmim‘:,’-is I conceivg:,zbc anc%iezxw1~‘z Ccgzzgltiwtiaqn mi" the King-~ " ~dgv:z‘:3a;‘4 for ch::m1Ez‘.a9' ofthcir Oflicers. K.) Izwma next%;:>Eaz1c%e it WEI}. be rcquifiate m mqurie ‘a,v§1§c!1§"5t?2::{'e. % %Ofl‘i«.cr‘s 3re nQv;'a1te%1%cd5 and by what 2:u?§3c,~«:‘ity 5 Ararxwci E.-If 0f ;3}2::“1ffE$. % ' J »% % WM , % “_ "i’.”he chbicte oi‘SE1§r’V§&':s Wm‘. firfl: t;:5£‘m:': fif«::$m rim F:‘e%c:*hash;¥_.c;'s by %S*at:. 9 Ed. 2; ar:d?‘%£he%chc1$iCc bfrhem committedro the L0rds%C.h.m-% ‘mHf;§w Exchequer , % amj ch¢J13[fiQ¢$ of c'i:hex* fiench, C‘w,!;_a m~:.:g‘m mtg? p. 5; 59. A v%V?{:ThAis eIe&ic:~m is to E.-mmade th::zI1orz"OV»* afitcgr Af§«i2;mz!cs:day in 111%‘ M '§Exchc*q~Azcr,by‘F&a.t. :4. Ea/.3.c'. 7. gof every Cmmty byizis Px'e.~:%~oga%tiw=:. La. -Qidrr". Ifthby chraufe nomeat that day :.u='xd p§aCe,_ but at %i7;:sm;eL other £ime,w1=2eLher the choiqc be good 2’ m: if ha ha c%hafE:n by W any zzathem A 0/2. The King himfelfie doth ufizaiky %m,a;kc and apppinc Slza:_If§;fi2:a w’5'c2Z;‘ It hath been agreed by all the-judges that the King cémzmt apa A point any other to be S§2erifl'"e than flgch as are %n.,amed and choiA?::n%ac-~ % cord ing to the {farms of Lwca/22. flange magma C.%¢7ffW5z ;:r,. 5’, 39. If M, then it 3;: qtmfiionablc whethcrflwe making «:23f M. H4_/hing: She-4». mfl"; £“i)f’.L8ic£P'fifi‘fi?;J6z)l’r€ be vmrx*antaB3e by; Law or mm 7 A , _ Q j ’ :1. gswre. Ifno Sheriff? bg Iega!.Iy ohofi-;n , whetlaerthe Frec;,boI~ " “ ders 0 fth6COLm_t}' fl1a11’h0;cho_c-riie m1e;._a%s§bcy wereiacctrfiow V H-mdlyagfxgrcthc making {If theflatu 05.9 E45 3: ‘hi’ W!L{0ns» Mr _ an Ifth~are.heno4$h.&rE&'e legally Chaiem, tgéérc Wm“ Ea a fbyier M" A fiuflitewflhich Ihe*LaW =wiflll.nocpermit. ‘ A " _2. Be..c_auie.§:he flapuce h'I§he.;afi'matiV~€, and therefore &ozB rm ;a1wgcth4er,takc away ALh3e4i_c pcmcr 10‘:-_Ch0Ofi~i)g;, becaufé% afirmmive fiatutcs dpe mm al§,cr%;V{he ;wrum¢ofz_;n Law- cxt Let us coenfider the c%ho‘ice of jufiiccs of the peacegwho as ;_they are c0Amma%f{i:.mea*s of the peace «am not Oficers by the ‘ common Law, and therefore this came will differ in {mm raw V fpe&s§?I‘0m.~th8 fflrimrg it ;5»¢:i%»!?g an £2flfic%eAcrea:ted by flag new A I CQn.ceimc t%h1;a@: ms; Conant rgmy, b%e4¢§11;cja;??:«e:,;;i wit1mw:the authudry gn:£ .;% ;m_1i6£.A17g1e¢x::“§ ’For%%t§m-Cm3rVt firfl fruits was crefited by fiat; 3 2 H; 8 L,c.;,s>.45.‘uhe%Couy:7t of Wards by (tat. 32 R8. mp. 46. Athe.C-dart of Juttiuc in HF/a"1’1fi’.1'_byfiafe 34 H.3..mp.. 26.. And power to crc£’c'Cuur£& giv_,en,% I j4Mzr.fi w2,.m_;t2..;r€3. %An,dA%?icWa%s refolasred inthis Parliamem: Ja.t,Lh,e:ryaa,lI of the _E+.rl:e4 c>fSr%:-4.zfiZ:m!, that the Gceuzt Wat Yorke was ggainirk Law,a;ibci2:%ic hath had c0nai»:Axuax1ce%AthcVfe I03 yeeres, bccaufe it was nmt er:e&<3d by Parliarnczm - % A V 1‘ §AI3C§Jll&1C§S‘Qf p%eaCcVAbeipgA Judges of Renard vverc firfl ordained by fiat. as a?ppea.rcth.py 18 Ed, 3. c;zf;2.z%.. And :34 ‘E6_l.3‘.-_6.1p.I-~ with Inch o%thcr addimns Of 9powwerAas,l:a,w;1' %iM‘u»t¢:5 havc given um them. A V 1 jumcgs of peace then having thtir being by vcr:meAof thA¢;flatmc-~ Lwmthey are to be ordained in the fame manner asnhé fianutes pm- flcriBcan%dW1*:ototherwife. 1. After their firfi inflimmion gchc (‘natures did leave the choiik;of* them indefinidy in tha C ~:oma( as I conceive) until‘! the flatutejof W R. 2 .us7.Whic%h ftatute dmgh intxufit the C,hanceM0r,Treafi3rcr, Keeper ofthe privy fade, St‘c:ward and Chanlberlaine of the Kings Houfia, aha C}%!a:rka aftlze flo3ie5, thejufiiccs of both %Ben¢hcs,Barr€:m$ ofthqr Exchequer and others,to%namc and make chcmw V 2 1 ° 2. Other aiatqtes doc appVoimA: .whm;ApA;cr.fons%AIha1I bx: chofén to ba N’ '}’ufiiccs of the%pcace5Nam€1y,fi1Ch a$tsczfideixz%tAlm1amcGot1my Wham: . A they a;V;~.; jaiiicas r:ufpeace,as ftafiwl 2. R. 2.940.“ And they mufi be of the mzgpfi fufljicient I‘Inight:~t,Ez"quircsmad Gentlemen mfthc {cane C«ounty;; .S’rm%.. I7. .Rick'.:srd 2.10. and dwelling inthe fame Cauntyn A3 H:-mg... T .S‘mt..?..a%, z.f“’Exmpt 'L0rr§3 and ]"uflic:cs 0f.Afl"1Zf:s)_t1pQp Achislafi Scaruta» V M it ma A be: dqub?mdi£%'¢;hoAyce1nay bemade ofapy Lords, and ces o_ Aifizea whikzh haw: no rcfidencé or eflatdin the Cflumty w?mre:% _ zthey are {*0 made jmiiccs ofthe pcaccrwhich if it dtothfit ci¢;;th% mpeale ail fartner {muses which £::::'nfi~nca them my fuCh’pcrf§9n$"fl5 are 03‘ the: A r u . E‘? T é‘én&E駢‘[i%s»againfl theit‘ meaning‘, A for than :1 [mute doth oxmky dfifiyencer with the refidmce of Lords and juflices 7‘ of Aflizea becamé: {awn of the {ame%County,inhabiting in the County Awhfire they arejtnzifipces ofpeacegin fegard ofcheir mher imploymentta .33‘! Fife Cummowwaeaith , which neceffarilyrequireththcir abfi3flC¢i3 ma? £9-it anmegmteth cmely ta a difpenf-’a%tion for their refidcncy. Um The common prafiife is that the Left! Keeper doth appoint ghom he pleafc , and that by venue of the Statute of 18“ Hemy 6. ap, 1. A ~ A V ‘ S621. Tms: 3 fuc‘hvéi3VtE":e pra&ice,l but theAdm:~bt is how wamntablc A his Aft‘ is, «fa? the fi3'tl3'tC afz8.H.6. doth gm th3e”1oz*d‘Chaunca1lor (alone by himfelfa): ma Aothzer pom: but in Cafe there be no men 0Ffl1fiL:ienc3ri3n;the Cémnty ,,and where none ofzoslyer mmzum amm - he found. For in Inch Cafe hm hazhpower to appoint fixth as has conceives are mmnwfi fin. But in} cafe thiere ara’7n1cn of fuffiéiént 6-6 A fiatesih the County to be foimd, ha mufi joyne with the others mam tiloncd in; the {3zat:mc,vire:. the Treafixrer, privy S;eaIeA,*’ &c..who have a joynt and undivided power ‘With him. ' . % Ifthisibe fo, than it may be doubted whether the Lord Vicount Fmickzfwwl being I20 Peer: 10f the Reale ,* Sig‘ Pater Miché, Sir Edward Nziclmlxioflatc ‘put: into‘the;C0mmiHibn ofthc p’éace,in maxay Counties of zshis Kingdome, are by the Law capable of be‘ing]u~ 3 Mess of the pca~c¢: in thole A Counties where they doc not refidc ?."Et- _ a fimiliém. A i Qx1.m~3l~alf'o,‘ whether *a juflcice ofthekpeace being ance legally chow , ién aqcgzzrdinfeg to me fiatfutc before mentioned” may be put out at the plazafurc of the Lard» Keeper alone, without any inf: caufe allegefi, .ibr‘bcing a jzzffice ofl ecord, whether fome matter of record mufi not Esappeamrc £0 difable him 73 for being feiitlcd by Law , heis to bc dill 4” placed by Laur.a1;a;§ not upon difpleafure or furmifiu % ;:.; 3..A thirfldfficae is the Lieutenaints in awry Cc2um:y,'in"f0rn1ertimes. §mown(' for aha Mme onely is out Vofufi: ) bythe name of Hcratacév, Lrfiamlé. .5'm:w¢ L;z1a%e.r. fa/. I 36.9! And? here’ will fall into dcbatc the Qrdimncve inVPa.r2iament, abcwut the Ietling of thc"‘"J2’l*liZz‘rz'm7of the Kiimgflomeu .; "§7he;mhQi’Tfl=;Qf;fl1?:1f& as was fnrna’er1y%&iAmemioueafi was5*by&I1cfre%c— §§:»€:i1I:?er_s.5fh§~.'r. ;32':2:'c>gazive%. ‘ .:; §iri%: it ‘is m be‘ flemamcfedwvbstlzgr the Kings prerogative’ cam“ % 3’ take A takt away that antittnt right which the SubNie9tt&dhad vtfied in thtm ? if fa I than the; King by his prertgativtmay dtm W1J‘Oflg§WhMh 13 contrary I20 a maximein Law. I~’ar;¢3/we ale It-giéma f@«c.._;I-"av/.25.. Ifnat, than whethttthe power ofchz1fingaI,icucemm; .m'.Hert'wc/J dothnot yet remaint in the Subjt&A, it» as tthcyxnay A A "gmw chuf: one afwtil, and by thtt fame right they did l'flf0i‘1511"!¢%£. times? , A A . A V A if Frefehowtts ofaflountjr may yet chufegthen Etonttivt the Pam- I§iamtnt,fbeiztg the trcptcftntative body at the Whofie Kingdoms may ttppoint Lieucenatntt 4‘: betauit they inciade them, or at leaf’: theyare ntotttxclmdtd fmm fniicht a power. No more than wherethtitatute A g'xvin~g}poweruntojutticts of peace tog%;tn’qt1itcW”0f.a riot, deth ex- §ClHd€t£h€ pmtzet oi the Kings Bench , which no man witilafiitmtg And thtttfmte the otdinantet of the /Wlitia islegall , A A That the Parliament hath power to make an Ordinance, may be \ proved ttzi mmri. For t T ,, A IF the inhabitants t>faA‘Towne , without any cufiomgta inabit them V may tmkt an otaiiuanct, or «by-Law-fott-tttht reparation of their Church ,, Highwty,or«Btidgtit1decay,ot any the like thing being for thtit%pub1i'ktgt)0d_.,A and ilpcm :1 ptcuniaty paineifl cafe of ntgltétg and if it btmadt theAAgteacettpairtt,AAthiatt it ihtflt bind allwith. in that TOWm:._., ashath. bet:1»eagt*eedfot L:tW.4.4.eE91.3.f«7[. It . 600$‘ Z££»,»;.. fol. 63 the Chtamberlaitxe of Lomtwzt tails: , Clarke: café and } X . J » 4 I a Tmtmfhip b anterccd*ttmd the Neighbours by afléntt {ball afléflt tcertaine fluzn upontvttyinhabitant 3 and agree that ifit be not payd by fuch A21 titty A., that gtrtztine ptrfong thereto affigncd fAbaIl%,, dfltraitme : and in thi_st‘:ai'€"thé flxfiyrtflt is lawfully Dofior and £’tvLzdtht,V Ha by-Law that t.-vetytone that holdtth Land _’fl1tAAI1.pav t.td.ttc:§-7 W«’.i§’&.$» the tepawation of a Chtttttt, and for warm payment [.ht1i%AfottfAefit to that-Chllrchwwardtris ztzwtbcgtaod arid tdqth" bind t,,"A astht:ba<;2‘ke t.._ r with 2 2. H..7.fol.2o I‘:-‘IO1d¢£v;h« A 4 A_ A A M AA I f a Totmt make by—Lawttn and they £13211! bindc every onctofthe Townc ifitbc: fot the tttmmon ooct, as 11t.tH.. . «xi. 1,; .9 thenb the t M *5 . 7 M? Y fltmc reafcm rmzy the Parliament make ordinances, and %by-Lawes for tht common fitiifld of the ktngdtrxytt, as flaall bzrzd all. For if :1 Towne may make Otthnamtt much more may the Knights and But- gcfltts ofthe Parliament, btcaufré they have their p0:W€ra1dfitt'itz7d,sz'm A» Aw ca7z_flwt£c;rdmr7. . As apptt.tttE3 of record‘ l1flé€L‘f{l§1€;ir.,haEld‘S, and ;A t‘533..’.‘~3 V mriéa“’§¥&a¢0hwn¢eryV% Em“ Mm mm 0%’ mx« {mm.11V¢m¢M K:w%aigE*w,.s am E3»ua'gcIT::_sa M V Laws as vrvfw~ve.«wepram meéncaafler :mmy~ he‘ma&a””b4y4%ktW0%a an?cl 5at‘hffix?d £fz1:a%v2=u£;Iragm§a1g mt a1%m§%?. r3»m~w?t~.:s,;ifé‘,“%{t,;1i§¥;;g:2f%l‘ji”nc§ t“E¢;i&7 ‘pw§‘t ?t‘F‘n‘a§x1*155;;%%gf3féiVf:;;rief3i*zt;¥v'5&Amwgfifihceg &'9;‘d2” fi%n:;w Vbfi iiijgfi firm {of ii: ;3?¥<‘ 33:35:”-i9;»*.2 3wf’t10t53’tbM3é§?*Xiat‘¥im*tj _»_ , 0“w%inaz1c::Am31J¢i,nM?firIxiam¢fi£%V §m.A2.$a%.a;_g%%;“£1x:‘a:%%r*:"u{%’M *§2r?ith"th€;3Vpr€§M&:;aEiox3s MAt§1¢;Ap§gaw¢wf4Vg:Vhm Amg§m~fimagg 3*” % % » _ ,9 .%.%giwe «»~+~fiA Fm’ erarva%%irx Vaviimaycioxz of £{iwnV7g%sLVa¥zz1d"g%-9 and Fim&¢':3«£’&£V?Vt;:ycazi%ic§:x aw pwi” ~hreaj‘sa:e7 i:1mmA.mra‘Parl'»23»2H»‘5»Wf«‘2 ya % , A A . , V ‘ Thine ;j%uac3;gw az:vd.%C}g§t1rI:%a% af?v.fl«%+iflim%m‘%%Vaww5§1sj:~;::g%y‘4;1{j§1%ga£g;§ muse fbrfikefi t we paiid"Vzxx§€t:> 5th“d'~‘C1¢aa‘Ei?e’= M 7Tc¥1e’fiw? 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A r 7% mfiaér as an omen af tram which may not be mccg%1%jt:¢t;d M M ¢% 3,;Su;chzmwfficremquiresperfcwnafl attendance , for otIwwii‘;: phage *%Cmxmy' ma’j;r be ovcrchrowm t1nawa:?cs;,VIrmhm abfcmm mf fuck a (3ruvm‘nosar?m0m himhargm