«age- aceeqazees4v»:=«a~¢»»:»avea*ee:»v*:~a+e»:e4e«:e»:«»:«a:ea:e»2a:~¢e¢~:~>xesi»et«2» A A I "V‘3°'% % 4. -or‘ - _ % A "3?’ ~§ 0 K it 3? ’ A A eac- +2=- V . V .. A M. .. % _ -ag; The S 0Vera1~g11s Perfon 1.5 1"ec1u1red 111 tI1ct.:’+>... % "‘ % . ~ -30- great Councels or Affcmblxcs of phc State, gfi: .. A afwcll at the Confultations as at the 33’: Id‘. Con.c1ufions. -a£‘:'« § 2%: ex» ~-—~ « —-—~ ~a3~ ** ‘*"“%§§%*<« : “ ‘ $4» ~9¢}°' J A # A as? V J5‘ 4:; % Q ‘ .. .mg.. . V _% I ‘fig . 0 X F O R D, A Printed f01fVL :3. 0 N A an L I c H 1: I “E ms,’ Printei‘ A A to the U.nivc.r'fity. 1 64 1:. ¢%%¢#%¢@%¢%%%%%%¢%%%¢¢%%%%@%%%%$%¢%$¢%%%« ” [V A A I‘x1cc' of’ the 1%‘ Afl'“<:mbI.ifc§s _j1D"iev1*iVcs'“mcnt ioffio1‘y2‘1nd'%R<:- _«3co1'ds by.p1e;:cs lea-me‘ us : ant”! ‘té-J deduce It thc x:d'inances* -oneliy repVo~rtc%d’ to_'pofE¢:riwcy*i1r£%: 111.71? Y This ’(@éfl:ion (though c‘1ee*r) ‘in‘f gc;1er2i;1JA1' irca‘.l. . Vx;Iee1"cr down ,' ’Af'om;e cffentiali »:ilrc11n1fiances of Tzmmic, %timem %p1a cc ocCafi0nV,andpmfén *1‘ .[ e 1:1 g“enemI1 =fl1o1*t’lyt0L1;11cd,_b°efor¢ the force of ”pa.rt1cL1Iarp1*oo-fsbe layd down; A ‘ :1 LT'11is..NobIcbody aft-’1he Smtci '(n‘o‘W +&icz1iAlcd‘thc ‘*Hoi1'{'cs F I?ar'1ian1c.11t) ‘i"sV1m'¢1:imcs, @11“Vi1“—' A §a?em1g*pzz;¢;;zm§5» and fometirfies rS~y22022%.¢~,;&aV11cI“‘S3é;2ia;%.» ~ £535;-:5 Ethel» £4154-%. decreta ,f,_a11thQugIi~ afyv~eI1"pl1e: LcaufeS~ 0ffch:: V W” R“g‘5‘ Common"-w.eé;th« ks; C%hL1r».c1fnveAre there detxdéd; 3ng1,1Phus The N-amegof %ParHVam-ent(%cxceApt in the Ab» .Croy1:inden: botts %Cl1.ap:er$bw“a~si nevjcr heard 0fE1I‘1t0f"th€*Ra1gI1 of Kiixg 330/jivz ,_ :~':nd”the;1, but 1'are;1"y. % Regifltz B10». mflzcs. - mfii;111y;.:2.rzd tfie; ;preféncie, P"r ivy»:;11amB-er, az1d5o~4 tzher Rooms»: <;c111v¢;ni,§m:?? fb:1'_‘thc‘.%VKings- in fbrmesr V tin1és(as‘3i1.oxv),.At%hen. Lgfedg, for What is the pro» ‘ §£ém:,H61:sfe ofrL.o;rds’But fa) atvdais day , and jws:;a.§ 4A.bei’o¢1‘e;_Vthe .fi%riz1g« of I lie Pa1‘3;cc~, an PV€ff771i:¢[fer A . av; § L 8;, :w'1fxoW Vthc:r1 A iti1tiZthe1‘§5‘~ r.CCided:. A ‘Ihip1:oBab1éV. ii:”is to A believe the King e>§tC,ludéC'I ’ his own “p1'éfence,Aan’d4 L1flI11'£U1I'1€1‘1y_iE is 50 1f guefl:s; V Kt the Kings C?;>urLt1ic$‘{'e C‘onventi“ons w.e1°e b;nj1’"e_ hi.;n1, %the_ir,, §:pmp;an3{ ,;who 7 g_avr; to Vthctxx .t1‘i¢:ir int¢r4t=1inment»%a . 4 » ~A :11: xvasaxt--fii‘ff(as now) E.f«sz’z'z5T?a'A }arm.cipz3',_4Vat t:1ic%‘ “§.%.Kin,g5; pIE.flfi;iI‘e, 1€egifz‘:% ‘[€:’}7fL’. Ailaxalézs Mon‘? ~ %. __~ " 1: hé fliops, 'Ear¥s, %;1nd"7Lo1‘d§ (ex mazw.) Llien af1"en'1-— A34“ "‘*"=— "m'*°‘ b1cd;fo arc. the~fi:equ@nt words» i.11«~a‘:l»1 the Annalkr, “the. K»iri1gs—%.0f'coL1rfé v‘c~ftVed'xv.i't«l%£rV. his Imperiall ,C1*own%b"y the B"i{I'10p~7,5 and tiic VPc¢~rsafTcn1b1ihg., 3a;egi&.A.: M Wig; in R;ecogx1icion ofthcirob1igcd'fi1ith5 prcfeni d.uty., “ ToVva~rds th '.:Werz1dof; the Sgzxam, ::mdTinth’c 5ft1n1~€-‘Q.f‘;‘E1i€ ’:.gV077%4}Z‘I-iilxlgj’, it. Read m ($uft‘o1ne_-—«» r gra,c;e;:i11.. Pcer,‘Witfu11tid%é,, .:md”Cfir1fima,sA fixed, A. ftillda Eu..- 73nd fe%rviCVe,I1)Lnti1I tI1e'*unfafc:$ time QF‘Ki'11g%$§13al§fi;,4 {by oVve1*'popenu éin€Ypopx11a1*Lox:ds)gaVe difi;o11n-la A ten-ance‘%co~%::hi.gac%ca:a{tmw gracverinf Kings 5;, and chm: it f*etV‘u1‘i1éE:IT yt*‘t1"1LA§:%‘ ‘ux1.ccrtain*é» -g1eafiz1#c. mofi. the: [Sm-r;;; vc1‘ai9:rie~fiim‘m0;fi‘S:‘v A ; Tfié"C14l1f{3'S "'tHC11A—l(3.S nmvof fhchA;Affémb1wiés«5~, were ~p1‘ov~i fi;011V.;forA>fhe fizppoxtz; of 1211:: Sta%tc;~_Q1‘4 namg MW Pam“ {Ind n‘1oney',:.. V;11‘1cF“% 3.V€'$H’7i o1‘dm:in'g <05 %fhei; ' ' §i11d- C4"0mm"on-—wcaI‘th~‘5L. ax1&"°'cTet¢rn1in£ng.=~ 10f7fucH. ‘-Caufeswhich o1*dina1‘y‘C'dL11*rs. mfkieémt jzmfiazzrre. (‘as G‘2’£w?z2.ill4 thC_ grand’ _IL1dge*u'11:d’Eri Htzm z~.;f:1it1V1)~ where thé ‘P1+er»iEn‘c e'1o-F 1:115: Kinrg;was Aflti-All req,ui1*ed5, it being ot1§erwiiE abfixrd, to «x1:1ak»cA; t'he’.I{i11g%afIE11t~" rt), the jL1dg’€11’1‘EI1{ 0-E P:.11*1iamcr1t,. and": afi?or-d'hi1m no pf~11‘tO‘f the COI1fi1ItI.1t'i0n.§ % % A N * ATl‘1"c: Ane:c¥£e{i‘i*tiés~ I‘1c.1'e:off’ is vvcll ana~1ff5fL111V%dedué?t¢¢ Ed» um:o us iiimrévcren C{i1};‘I()I'1’L1f1’I'L‘311t~,_" 11onfEi1:re%::fi*Qn*r« t:7I1‘:.5zt:Vgrz1V“e=~111:ms't:ir1*1e, A in tlicfe Word 8,, A »Rt’_x ‘renew: 0'7:I*z}2,?mi‘6/0fa”?/‘b}<&.r£l.*'ifé’7‘. mrerq/]"c' P;fi_l7"17.fl??$(’}7f0;, mfi fper“ ‘¢m3'1iomlemA %zegritrzdi;¢m1-» a’:3t2”mmmr -,»,A and t11~c11‘to;ac~ » ‘x.i]t;1;z1:i~r1t1:«11‘c::-Pm:1'i.a.m'entA 0f‘rfL1c}‘ri“0c[4cimm* mztg)9¢¢m:e:xitrn illondinum, qrmd %G°fl“ 3d‘ G3‘-'Na”r7‘3v;‘4ni ( ex Framorum’w7afwemdz72e)~ Pmcliammtam A “‘°' '1»: ”‘p¢ll:mt,» where the King and all his Barons apeae ‘ .Le”d,GbcYw”yflr for hiVsh.'r®£%hc&1“24.¥wzrezZ: cieath». The Earl; A A ‘ija&: _:5*o8'AxL:.‘“ {me A3(3FVfi1c?1f;»"Vyiflifik-ni)blVies-%, ~t1T€“I{'i=r1‘g'.‘,, ~th*e- ¢ H i%i'i1ofo‘35 L j %.:1x%c%AI«§mgd«‘on1w%w:é.1-eA%pre‘fex1r¢; tfbr ~s%mrd$'« “ ' “ " ’ "?:‘£rf'fi11@-Rc<:mjd“;. A%The'*cJau{é be-tw}c4cr1 '?{’1‘*~ ilvcsm: A 3T‘T{"1_“fi.I'-Y- ~;v1%.1yn<2dV vup, and A3iie::1V1‘c:?g iM;1 1‘“f:';w0.t1«r ;;{‘msr:'4”'i7§:ir{zzg)11'&i’ § in %fl‘i5'_e f 4?-4 .z'?~rm?.W::“* :t1';aa.£} ~m*:7z?7e'r‘n97w71¢z*;fl1Z’ie19’z1ttV 3¢e7¢fzi(i€7¢¢A"w%b#% "-55l[:z;5A1b.w;*4*’e__»:__4j¢:=;+:A;rL:3;/2F*,r?;*.{g>; Av2:1w:¢'Z §j‘;rm*g:';~£Vc0y7]z‘2it7ge;éz1r» n¢1¢?z{z¢a»= Jimm- éiajwrzi/z’it*;z; 017fiW£7;i:*:3b?}:3£,; M eiléwmqcnti em.=r$.~*,1«’>v37l; fribwgas 4~V29xrz;_«gr;i«¢»zf/2% aiiw aopiu-m%?fM”z‘fI1c£r at ffkxrawi, (whic11 vy;1$.»tilI‘1_g=,. as %w_r:_n0*w :1c.coL.;z1t)‘f:Z*c»¢ré«zr.a5j$~4 7¥"5c*:z.v4 Gawmsey,."‘Bw3zra2:w5 é:P:»vm:*a=:~v«c*;v,gg§*»wdmwaflrwfi; tahcak‘ miid" d%:i'«‘r:'<:1‘:'2:T1«i;1e=~A6r}ufei$5 W*her=c’:«*«by hm: t2z.«i"1a7f: he flit?- «magma »-«:9 f’?1I.,“i:J'-Ao* ‘fraflitiic ii*L1§:*tI1V oriesgavgq tI‘rfi5 Qgc .;.~¢,re*g}t l;:’:an~ qdice qLfici*c21anVceV0€tIi~e[%‘at¢51a.isbefl&»1rog;;n'it01*s. “ 7 %Z1?h.«e«xwacx*u ofihis..xmm:2:-t%1iat*1fi~1cseed»: %% ?i is 1»*@n1em~ Hcn'I"IL1Ij1t5f1§‘~}§« M:11111sImryf~ =3’%f¥>a%{*@ci;.rex*c1gy%7~\w1?1e3m%»'fi:>%1:w;vIie »dié‘~b:-1§:5bs Jana ~=difputé~s. ¢4i1?1er»l«1»z:‘:1'.;;d4%1—r1$~ pcri‘mI*~wit;h' the" 3Afr‘c1i13‘ifhop' 5,. “i":£W"£T§L£:“ I-“.R""\ ma: -;LVo;2:;£g:¢;;_.% d£»sr£<22a*qy¢W aiid 4~‘;Ifi~?‘m%;/2k;:¢;#%,a,vro;1;:a foxy :.ug1dc)thc{1*s of his part , at the grcatefib CbL1‘nce1lé5 the ‘R;:e0i{~’c: "Mm- ynafi dmbéllo: itegifi : Linc: .tf"heA1'eci1‘eH'Ae c>‘f€11cA-many ‘complaints of’ A the. Comm man-3 Vaga-irrfl: uv-Aragcsé and c:xc>xtions4 0.1? _C1e1rgy~_- »wmen‘. M A ‘ 4I11;t‘h-c ;yec1';.xo57=.2Die I4’e:«z4ric:ojhe,»4]mwZ S. Edmum am,:he;fame.1§ing,m(dg4dematwc i:4figmft+w)A with the %‘%~iBifh<>fpsg =i°»»blb1ott‘ss.Ear1esaand VBamns Vofthfi; King-r :d01mVe~,,%.u;fatc» ~ci*ai1=y h'imI~e'1«fc and ’l1aca1=d%V4a=11l»r1ihe de- r~bate%sv~co11cerIming tihe ‘L-ibc1=t;ies zmgtl. ‘C-‘ha?-tt€t‘S‘ of %;mrel£% /Ms‘&i.e;-% the .~interIocVut0ry .»fpte.c'11cs :~zfxvc1l‘?c;3f“ A~t:1”1c’~.IQi11_g aséxhe ~.L0rds,= and :par._pi¢s ~a1‘€‘:~ 21‘; flfuMl1~rc13.;~» s:e£:1iLn aRcfgifi’e1‘of t11e~C‘hu1+c3ha% V A ’ »‘ “ ‘T he .1" uit b«etwec.m:7hc ~C11urc'hW ofLi12C0l;«z and A[29am,. i:22Apracfm?.ia Egg-;'5. %?Arc/2i~: epjfcqparwm, Em, yzfcoparzm :amm'm A2231?-=%~ AVva=mit4tmiA :58 BM‘ gnzma AR eg2¢i,,44Vxras at Wg/fminfier tdeinateid and kendcdb .,and;hVaac;1~thc Low: Qf mcmo..1:y» and¢trut»h1bir;a P1-one” ~.4éto~1f* Agouthc jpubl.-icfk~Reco1vds «:oL4fthe% State, as, the szzwe of —:«11e»; C1crgya;de.nfure,:A}was 6aA guard to .,their,s six»: t€imp€fl:€l1S:tin1€$,::W[¢A‘¢’ha%d not‘ib,¢en% %1€fi: £9 the ” -’£ri‘:end.f1ai,p~ o”f‘;2vIzza1¢k.v di1igex1ce4fo.r cxanxplc in this ~A»ts4Linrcalfl'§hcg%A1=c1ibi%fl30p, fame Bi‘fh0p’=%,~ but .3311 theE.axf1e.9eand~Ba1'9‘ns of 1:h11q.4:;_Is2~ingd%o1nc% , _A‘I/ma mm 1!? agar -ff3a.dz¢2¢eV cangwegdtiflzf ~ -cpflqquizim de wzzcarv $73134,-R€gE{3.,SCOfix§ (fait‘h- :1 Rcgificr ».o~f;;that Church-.)_ AA ,.%«T~11;s,;V;xa_~fc A-ufld C1’. King -'-H-en... »3..— Ancédcth n%oVf';::1';11_§.1-" ‘P17901’;Eh’3fl=_4sfhQ‘§jWfiEt 1:053-u111 moms,‘ then , (:.1s'; ~f0m"c urt:jp.01it:*)} »£ra_1n¢d, -mprcfling »'bo:;‘?11 the K¢i1‘1»gs mind ,:an¢I;%%p:*aé3:%ife4.;% , A “ I A" K M 11:. A is .‘lV.ae3zfium:; magzkaiiéfrm» : Zo‘0;§’ ‘£9’; my :rua#.Wifiaiflfiw [véwr f?7%¢C?’32:V35ff: eW§?£« l,.€m*¢a %iwpe;zjdcré, winch; §worA cgma, Afiimp1j;J¢:4t;h’ plmxiely t1"xe:’Ii\’I%1.11;gs%p;fcf:w2z1éc.% V W 1f1«f<1t4tr;h¢,: ffiflflfififdlfl®¥"*P1'f;1"'f3:;;i.ffi 3Wv*é%S?“1§‘on1;‘tl‘1.6A$ E11 y€ef,&j%0f flwaW17»Lt11eV.¢ fourth Tp’I‘0p€’r .?RéVc0£.&,$:7 cat’ t4hisA IIf:qui1*y?(t11e ;I<>mr1{ia:1'i}l BQQk€S\_4.'b.§i{1”g*'V %14Q’fi 3% I.:;a:1’I1AAe:nfi$i:‘ced‘ [A:oA%?d1‘:,;a_~w.v;~Affmm, ou;t:t1‘;¢:* Ra yrs:h<:~1:I21“:t;h€‘37 Afixt yée%e1',Iz¢far€4mzt ;R£w-:%i:¢ C».;4z¢f'z._; “$01522; 3;. .138’ Gray; Gmlielw 4.D}e'13»&%~Zri:fz6/2“5 €1n7:fi70«’T74??¢ia ;[n» the ~ ?*fifccei1t11%4<.;yeV¢:*.5 V Athé Ki\;jg4%$.i:1¢ 11:11? P~21im;ed~ C11:1A1*11bm:fitting Wi£h~Eh€ Lor&s:A~i:1%% 0w11i111t:14t¢iOi1Ag Elli: A1?c11bifl1;op a«f:c@1:pa1‘c%0m p:1%a13a:¢?S;;, %§1m;f01?~ b'«'»-~: tel‘ ,sa*1ers;riz#21§.;V ~h:i;n%afa1f:.5vA;I13e;nmy»:b:A%§::xyec1a:in«v fLzLL11?%1:f;&i: l~i~fi111E*zx:au;wsv‘hAich?vvasV ::g“ranted.; in £hi‘2» iEVc:1t¢%¢rwuh,‘mfiammz : ::z!?§»¢~ ( flowwcalled 1:116 C10 urt <95 4RegyrL¢;e/:3‘ 3 ¢%.V;1zci{g;a,i*4izk’ %R"egmI;&» N % In the t~etrr"»4tV1-*1ycciiciffiévb .~%the:4i%;c.on"<*a&t1?1€ I%Iing~ dep:,1Vr%ted fmnl the P;1rli21m~c*11:~‘Vi-nf£;m»c;'di{EOAI1£§?I‘i}t,% A “ B when ("IUD sifizer%fdn1.e“%?t’§A%:i1Ve*:;A o:r+d§ we:*%e% ;fent'%:“toi;‘pA1*ay His pxefence, ».;gn'd~to~ 1:1 ferme ‘Hrs V4M‘aj;;Pd~y ,, alum: 4 if hi?‘ foxrboreh his%.prefen;é:c* a1n'oz1gfl:tI1¢»m%- f'<:51‘fy} dwéye sVL,‘f71;Ziz1t%‘ - 1:1-;e+:-:3, L ex azgtigmg SV%i*4;witf»9 they‘ ;:12éa.yAAAr%c-- a;uf;rn>{2:V13f5~,?‘, daz¢¢igaro¢V1;eg.i;5 4:0 u-heir fizvemll home ; %AHe;‘¢r~;: 1the fou;rth=%bVegu'n hrs Affrff Par1m111en$%tAft1*m A fi i‘£~’:? OPN 21-ueVr%2£v?. A and’ was the Vzijth dé-i..y4 (55 the» fmné‘ ' about %thAc* D=Lzk& “of 3 B*riziaineg. ih*é:A"%é‘£i%i%Li%tit¥th day tlir: caufif"0F'thc4 mc11EVw1>ifla0p%%T%»v.a4s L ’befo%1‘c.I1{1rr1«pz?0pbfcd?:me“I’y*.‘ A AA ~ :4 A TAh6‘Vt1iirdV" of N@~vm£zm hr: ‘W£iS‘*_? at the 'd&:b:.1te *."°<.r11ct1*;»<;.?1T+‘ ‘:11 <=:i*;i ECTO rn:1u)r1s‘ A had< right: 70f A ZL1dacz1‘tL1%x*t3; yea,I"01'£1o‘-.A ” ‘"t}i»¢ te_m:1-*1 Pic‘ xvw; wi"th~t1ic¥ Lord’s in tii.ei1:*s~ @*%0nfi,iA1tari4<~)q aI‘3oup_tl*u:= expeditidn agait1 t11e»,S:cw“s; thé «C:;1:eai:4id‘n oF*%r"t:h‘e<*D u7ké.% of” Eanazg/?ér'%;? thét: ¢ p‘1*ohibiziox1 bf.’ xifiew‘ f'1‘“oém 7entrV.ing;t;11i‘s~..3K.ing.. é1bme- 3-A Tc$1i:’é% (7‘1+diri:1:icE:s *—1‘vcrje=at %t1*fi:sAV* %t'imje% c’:[~ 11*{a?1€er.<=,gVir¢ie%Vnf1*c+11“t:%A“baitxivix-:1: aha: Bifliepfib ixfarmz-:6*A: 1”]?/’I}:0??'13¥Jf;?O“ Erpzng-:mm4a % W H On tlit tWet]§icth‘4L iTaygVofgthé'V‘1fi1;m'é*4'M’oneth,.%I165’ A was 1ée»fcne%;it«% C’u:nVce%ir1*:£mw fit; ppreffihg-o£é'°h Wc=l/Zr" R~cB%:-Ms 4;, f¢~f»o»1‘ ;:;:Vb"c+:at%i%ons«o£ fixgghtiadla an;d A»cqx1eay« » cerning phg P%i'af,r+ 1‘fm.::4; » 1 ” n tlf; aft: fiicg, Athcy; jadvif'é. befbrc; thé. King. Qfitkm, S,cAm:rti%an 0.3r.dcr:.. {On 4 ( "I ; 0%r1A1i11e‘i'ec0I°=51*‘0FMM. 6?? gfhfi *i5t&tvte of Vépra-A5 ~v—1fionsA f,g the ’I{Vec:p<*:1*At1ae p1'i‘?i‘%'v~cd fi*on:2 the Cwurt. .. %%7T"he;V%ncx;t*¢€iay aft ‘flit Petition o°f¥11¢ 'AC~0mn1ons,; “he; Vtcptdke upcn Him to 1feco r1ci’lé A . the , Eaflcs 0f L1I1bz11‘.; .Nm*r.l1 uAmbe1‘Iand;md,% ‘Wcf’c1ne“1'1a11dL: Agavfl on Eh; ‘twang-y two of ..Feéw: Of Ncm;huVm‘bcrlAa%11d an& In 3. APa1*'1izim'cnAt'dft'}1%c t»'€véz"§ty Tfzvenila o%ffHe::z. f61:_1'a. A c'§1a1‘1engc cf S‘«::atin Pa:r1Vian1erxt,‘b::twix‘t ~‘-the 13221-165 ofA‘rLmdc11 and D_evo_nfhire«; ‘was em-Ia nlinetifl, Azrmci a7}:>p0ii1t;cvdA by the King ‘1N'i\t;113AAt11C‘ E1§lL- :v1fc:“ofthe Lcmsds. A A A A ~-‘I«n t:hat4g1'eat Capitc[11f'CaufE (if the: Duke of TSufFoIkf¢, 2”8,.A., H Isfiiid 1191: t'AhcI{ing cemezc grcu fént at t'11edebz1;tc-,1v..1t the Duke; :1Appeal;mg fi'0111Tns m*i;21i4by Peemge E0 the King, isA1>r0u.g*htfi*<3-zf1:z:<:aLv: :£11c.I{s3~L117:: of Lords 12.0% z1%p1-AavzaccAACha111b.e1',whcxrcz B 9. $1.161 % imam. I§ing¢V ~ "Gh;mce;1%1 P c‘1?a>r4ié‘Md:%%iA?i"1”i4S ,<3f’Fé‘n€&«_;’”43nd yt1‘1<3 Heuiflé ‘érE,i~~t5r~g loft) c:~:»ccpt4f§3 mucAhasprefe1~yesc1ae pail"; - gas. oi’ eight dayes”, in ‘the I:;?.'D—f7hVi's Riliigfl ,”v in 'whi‘c11~it1‘1¢ Ifiing W213 f"o1"m: %dayesvV‘V-p1'e1Ent an d7c-%- i‘.aatc:59§’ ;m‘z¥»w;‘i:Ah his om: mind, *and5Vt}“1ii1‘-’- tieth day of the Pg1r1iamczw.t.,~_ cie%I&ivc%1'éd» in 3,» Bill of 4 ’T1':f%u'.’§.<3 tI1c?ré5rr:%‘:zc1=,hm. ha 01 the? m<~:~11*x01tx:i11% reinaiued, o I‘ her‘é3~f£i?f£tA‘%CA=3%t3%i't azpgaeazrct-114'45 :-.=z.“fim'e11A"»%1’.11AAdc*b4:s.2;mt it :I::;; :;2Wri’Q:L12:»z;¥WEmt% %Av.ro1i»1c'§ b e:Ve’n‘c: Vf<~)L1»m.i as ‘?‘2%r.:@:§s.:c3ht 2511 ‘E!1*1£3 Aggeaz %_<:>v..m.ct.:fl “<3 ?‘P=a11¢tI1&;1‘1ner{1%t A “:13 “ was m‘ the Stan-~c11:zm%4b>er A,7xv11c:-zcby ‘the Reg-i« .9 '1 € ‘ p1‘iV are . M ;m_) p1‘iV:£te iEA$;”Atha11t ’tA0A1i<§ hA néiéhe’ 1iFe”11m,‘ mAmnESe1';,A‘ A A as t11ofeAofpub1ique care -A1116 A“évery”yeear of all . his‘ R21;idgnc_was oftengaqnrefizmt; AA V ‘ A‘ . Of_HmmMAv.; 8. ; M‘€111§D1'yhA2E1121Ot¢ beene» enviouAs.,“ ‘ ~b.1.An:}Ai i1cs%we~me«: rdotj 0fc€£1AA prefénfi A _.,$ peradventiufi A t?£mt- xmy be the c:aufe-0~f Eh-'€%A_('Hf31'..d€1'A, AAwhich~ the: A 1A?(?.é;).1’I~}€_3d3_,MR<'3COI‘d€1' FZeetwoA:m'AAVin his prefacc t"<:>wt1ier flmm/1’: of 23.5. R. 3. Hm. 7. 8. H‘at~h.§:>bfer—~ firedi1‘:;}:11eSt;2tut€s"n1:1de iAn~At1;1er Kiizgs dzweslg, for wzhich at-:.;7.uf@ he 112;t11Jfeve4reAd'%.their Im’e;vA{’1*o1nwtheA A A fi:>1Am1ci', z1r1dAx1a11CI:1§l-ay4iAn theA_VV%i}14 Of Wolfey, W110 was 0V€1':11i:11Vil~1ii%gA£0let :—hA;at Kiizzg fm with his 03‘-}V'[]("j-(jy’gf‘§a_,A, A ». -% V_ V 7 A ‘ _ A Jialzzuzwi the {I i41A:1‘,ci'}mf¢5t~ of his yoL1ng"A years ;;3:..m.y bi‘3 VV'C11'CX.ICUf‘€«d, but than: vfi1ch’W:1s_hi3 pm» A poié ap’pe.a1.fs.%%»by21~1I)¢mo~:'i;111 A@f‘:hiAa ofizle Ahzmd 5 who pu1‘po{ingA the ;1.f£::Ai3:*'«.*:~; 0%" CoAu:w:e11A ti) feveraflx pcagfons , rcf<.=:1*xrc:{A1ccA :3. wee:AAke -to: I1e;2r<2AA:h~~g':.3:113 cc. A A A A A ‘ « "I '.1;r1i’1‘:ne*1A%fc:-bySexinahis Vtwto {ucceedAingA Sift»- A (ITS; t0A%A%AiA9<:z‘Ai"c) freq11ent1yA p‘1Aei"c2m as At}’1t“:i1'r fox-m%eAr ozxzmcl y=r:.16%:i{'c. A % ~ “In, C0.:E{'i.*i1EA£1tiAO11S czvf Stzite ,‘ imd decxficms of pzfivamal §.%A1:a.im:s, it is clear: from evil times , thfi W;ssM,.x10t <3;;r1ely pref€:ntAt0-A advice: zmd I1c;11“e., hi}; :0. d<:r.e1'minc .:d”.{Z>.,; A Am AAnccfio1f~sr;, 1<:;d,in» the i11Aoccafi®nA of {rich opiml-J _ A~’;(I4T3 , f iin fine C-3:fCVS? Ac35i“mim1l% A and Ar11oto¥‘FA ‘1:71c>c>&iV,4' 4 w rbamzz‘ the~”K»i_ng%ap:.11*twere.tcrfeclude’11im%; but rthe doubtis allowed -iucrimss n1eeir«ivCapitaE1;,a%n& *~.:1.I"”:i1%17.% ‘fut-h a cézfé 1:he- King -ficszmg aha-TV»3rct%tl1e jud.gcm~=cr:t of wthcl two ‘Houfe‘s% be 1zzwFu1‘l.,wAl1y :.m“::y:£h4:y ~.~n<:>tZbe lawfufl ‘iz1”0tLhcr §;1;’7£és vw§v:;hout% _ the King, fecxzmg the Kmg ;rAcfuVfes:~h t0?j0ync.wit1%1 ;‘E11€m‘r."€““| . %VTh*c cxa1np1e§»ix1fhe'”’d3.L:4{£7s ofthe ilhizl-ac o£'a'Suf7.. ~ ;'f0?-.ke.4 28. A 'VV3here~i-the King g21VC7jddge;.. . } :mént., was prom!-‘ted ag§&1in%Pc by the “Lorfds. V 7] T‘hz1t40f xiihc; AADz.1.-1~:{<3 of QC z1i*‘c:-1ce,,6 . 4.. “Whe3A'c zflwe Duke of :BL1C,i{hi11g‘hflfl1 the high "Ste-W;;11‘°d , Vand the "Lords ‘gave judgement, $~ms pmntefced zzggeinfcby't:he'-Commons5 w~i:r1 both of thefe the: Kizzgwas'»f0n1e%tii1*-ms pref7cnt. 4 33ut whi.Ch of thefe n- % ;f'eqL1e1rzt.fr0zi-"H§L=zefZ: preced*en.t §"Prc‘fid”c0n.tix1L1c fi5€df;1{’£ in» that Pcatxom what cnor-~ nutics focvcr accruevupon. it: or:1:l1en1(\v11ic11 nci..4 mi1c:r.c;:;1n n0x.ar_c.a. few... )‘ in. cafis. c:ffi.:c11 Dixrifiozi. % W; 316) H“0¥Vh®C€fi31W thén ;thC iSvm'eV1*a§g11sAJ P é‘ 11f0:1“s - -=-is 4 requircd*in4the prefemz,Couf1ce1ls4o1*~ Afl"c:rnb1ics 05’ A that fltzaifle, . afwellat:cQnfi11s::1tions as at szlac ~conc1u- .Vi_‘}‘0,nB.;‘jk".1f":£nt"11E€i‘a'ti®‘ma‘1E'1V'» an‘j'LX'& e5am¢ how lmaltgli--« $30“.£h€.s*W€fl1€-‘P1153if-7k{1‘.‘OE t11€?~4Lz%.n{’:,e1'{izgy., ‘ c%?:a.y1y pray an A1e1b.Qu1‘% that. an 10:1 ~v=—m.;miS 1"iif1iW{i~ _p y ckcvifimzg,wbo:I1.p£:V'orére- v;1z;«1;e:§,t%xe «3:i1c;x'A‘r;1a';§r 6 £63563’ that W'€1C‘O1nc A CE1‘m:1},r{ fat aperimd ,*#m ;,this;2' cl-ix??‘iVfiA4o%1*i_ gan 0'1 M *c-hicks’ tA11~roug~11Aa blfi E :3 . en, =b%othjprc4fcnt :::mcVi ft:cg:*t:e~;4c3 A gas , ..£’’s».€2zy zmz;¢z we P;~z¢r*.-f.’;{arms:a=m.t‘ 2»v,it.~‘§*am$ A :65 I_iNG., % ~.- .. ~-...—, 7. T. ,_1 “*t_‘ A; _ W W