v.‘,‘‘" M.‘ ‘A V “ -I‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ . H1,‘ “ ‘Ir 5‘ §PEN ;; L; *5 f §1§3 Balaatns AITC, Firfi, To hi~sMaflcr Balaam. " ‘ 53%“ Secondly, To his Maflers Ohaplins. ' 3 Thirdly, His Apologia to the Miniflry; " — *Fourthly, Hisrelblution%of'thcqueflion, touching gu%iltincfl‘c «gvfbloud in this Warm. ’ % kg-QFifthly, His Petitiontothe King. % Vwmdthisi§wa11d1at341/tam?/Ifle will %peakfo1" tuxs 'I’errn. "—_‘¥ ————;.—.....__. ie%%%%&%;%§:°é% 4 A Prir1t'edVin the year. 1642,, [ I‘ A $5: - W 25%? ,.». I ‘ ‘ ‘ TMMIM .4 " “ “_, " vi,‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ 'w._ H I ‘ I A ‘_ ‘ . my W4‘, “ . '1‘ “ . ‘_ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ Q. ‘ my » . ‘ W _ ‘ -‘ t . . ‘ _ I _ . ., M‘ 9}” ‘ ‘ ‘ y 0 l I ‘ I ‘ 4 ‘ y‘ S Li km .. ‘ ‘ , ‘* " 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ I 1‘ “ ‘ . I V . -r I ' . H ’ ‘ . I. ‘ f V _ wawsswwswxwgwaww W $‘§’$‘¥*%i‘?$*¥’$fi’$‘¥’$‘?$'F¥%*$‘%”'E! M‘ W Mm“‘w_,,,,,,,_._ ._»—--~‘.~.-....—. V U! l »1 ~ ‘zl“l‘~l?.?l «:é~¥&1=%<~t"€éo4t‘4é*¥ht" l*W°3§4l;3'°$M33‘éW4l>~?ééfé°$%lstoe15~2»v:é‘o:v‘$:m The Open.l\/Ioutll of 5342-lémmx flflét l s s’ Ifam férced to open mytmouttla fofféar tho fward“ drdnm irzzlzclbmml the Angel. 7 ‘ t I . fl J V _ {" l.« .. A tA(ter Bazlacmz , W/by diddefl thou diflurhc Sbotlarzdr ‘ peace, and for my Sovcraigns Stamp upon thy Mon. {lets ?,Diddczfl thou notié: d aBook of Innovations ' robe prefllfd , L wand“ imppfgd upon‘ the Churcheso/F M thatNation at; And! diam thou not plot and pm ‘ V t t €’c.iié to fizbvett their ancient Government, {tl‘tt—lng- my Soveraign forward by thf: advice of thy private fpirirs: flsducingw him to proclaim the Ioyall Scot: Réhells, For not admining thy Hie. A rarchy ; and caufing him--to nxufier up atgteat Army _af;ain{t them; and what was the ¢V€Dt é’ Were not the Scot: Forced to come into Eng-t land lagainfi thee Q Balaam, anddid not~tl1c 1' word tof the An gel fight ‘fot them; couldtft thou make our_En-glzfb Souldiers fight for thee P No, they rather rm'1cchoic~:: to fh-:-athzz. their Swords in the Bowells. A of th~:irPopifl1l~Con‘1mandc‘rs. This difpofition of our E¢:glzjb‘Souldti-. ; ers towards t__hy wicked" .WarrE (flirliumt Ej2Lij"c¢op.¢Ie),might have been» warning enough to thee O Btzlrmm to malie thee clelifl, So {hould not I3h:1vt:had4need to open my mouth, A“ A A t t . ” Ag.zin,Diddeft. thou notperficute tllcCl111rC”ll€Sl.Mlw;]jfiry,0f Eng-t. A ll l.;171C'15.byinllPdfi’HgUp0U them Popifh Innovations 5 {Emma vvitihowttt ll\,l§,;W,.“_ and fame ag;i$1&La§v lg, aMfilymW+itbhramm*WW’fi”ffhércto my S0vc- taigns Stamp» as if'~Sovt:ra°zgn Authority 'Vs‘7Cl‘é bound byntrcelllty roll countenance land juflihe all the itrelgfzllar Clanonlsofftlie E piftopall; party : What were thy tllreatndingsyxtcomrnunicatiomg,aggravatiotis, 4 depfigrMiOl]S,5CC. againft painfitll Proeach-:rs,and con féionablc heaters» of l the World of God 5 bar a way to force them to flye, fhmtc into Now-A’ I Ezzglmd, andotl1ct'remotet places in the W orld, all t°ob“idc-thy “Atari- c~hri{’tian Trinltets». by baniflting, thoft: tl’12tClC3lC€I‘n.Ed}£l1y Bahilonilh‘ Goverment.Again,Diddt{t thou mt devifla a wicked hook fbr Liberty to prophane the Lords S,%2zl)l1.zi=:h,8:;fotrcc it to be read in mofl Churchcs - in Efzg/a72d:.p1'.M.‘Clt1g upon it the Stamp of my Sovtzraigu, as an order lf'rorn,H'3s lvlajofty ?~A»ncl diddell thou not pttiécute thofé mofl godly Mtinillets that refufiad to read it 5 iljy inflléling 1’-Jponlthtmfuffvcmions, 6xCOmmt1DiG£tiOI3S,’f&ql.1fEfir'JEl0I.IS, Stc, to the great difidvantage of their flbckslin the progtefll: of Cl‘1rit‘tiatnity,t;w in which cafe it gé .Atimalo.rt!htc to pgzay Wit-Ellthy brothtt oB.2l.mv, tlgat LlIDu»mlgl3£Cfl die £1" « ‘ I; « ‘ Lfiak. , the deathlllolf the ti,g‘hteons’;~e A A‘ though I fear thou wilt" never be To zealous in {elf-:;lAove~to thine downy’ -tho], as "was that fitlfé Prolphetlu Balmskr time, becaufeAt~_l1oulPtill goth: . «on in thy wickeddefires to cutie-Ifv*aelA.u A . A l 7 e7t,thinel—*~énld ht'ightl1‘lhe lli"keA»tAhé&.tsd;, Lal’tl«y,l\aV0uldeft thou A:n0t.'.h21V(:' built anAAlt£trf'otthdy» by bland-hgainll theALaw of ‘God and man, eby.la»newdeviled Ootln, ;.toA{tAa-A- _ blifh thy wiclfé~hh42tln»eo€l07’ing““i%; «do?3in«trt1th‘7=‘flriv~¢y t A tO;bt£"5lIT’(l0“i.‘I.?I] the _I£.')(',3la"m,i;lT of ;;jgja':dlitm{~l7: ; and it It u't;1y§'pz::akf11lly.. Itmulft need3'{:;y, I§~;;m~; f(';»lT:.'ll:t“t,,'t3tl tfa'”t.;‘ttr;;,r l 1;xl<:mra"rlm ~I*‘otmaliils, lyectnevier any ’ powerfutll godly 1'w?r1liallex"$ to .t<;:pt~o‘v‘e Setfitariesby thetoarmstof lPurl-A ’Atans,l P reoi H £11174? ow“ B1()1TmClli1t'i‘3dS , ;j:~.reachi’ng in Tubs, Woods, 0rl'.l31ll‘lUS9 as lmh been the culhjzne of our Formalills of late dayes. It is a nil{E2"r“;2- -belt thing, that the people fl]f.].lL1l~L‘. have need topexhorttphofe that {:11 mid be their Teachers, but it is to in manycongregations, Thereforeldetl me exhortyout, to exhort them: thatthey beomote z,n':alous_ in preaching 1-"epentance, and {string forward the prafiztlie of Chtifiianityuin their. ‘Parillnes, thin goof more moment then thofe doatings ahoutfaélions, tvhichtinfieed otoppofing dcvifion (as they would fzin be reputed) lzlhey become the only Seedfinen of deviliotxsgfalfly lllfOWCllDg«Il1’£lIl[‘l3lV€S\U n- der the Vail of holding up the Unity of the Spirit in theeb‘and~olpeace; ‘His-refolution of the qucllion touching gull-tincfle l 0F blourzl in this Warrte. A e A b Any men are much trottbledfome for want of jndgemengothers A For want of courage in"'a good catzllet one {ayes the Kings plea. Jiurfl is to be obeyed, either in doing or Tuffering, as is witn.cfl?:d,' Ham. 1 3; 1,2. And ttalllllflatrtyrs of former ages hovel?) fufiered, not ttfixling the power, which is the Ortlinaoce of God. Now the quefioion hearis, whotlter mllilfiing the Parliament, be a refilling the power and Ordi. name offGod, and of whom the blond vflwd in fixch afwarre fhallbc reqt1ircd.V- _ l o y To Iiuisfie this quote, I make no quefiion, V bt1t”Waynyboth learned and godly have given their opinions,b0tln by confiztehcé and maniflrript, whleh mayJver.y well fatisfie any Chrifiian, .thgt.ft. ‘+0 the Lordlor knowledge with txprightnefle of heart, t ya": in rega1*dn,+gt‘ byte -comes A not to the ban ds of all. Therefore Balaam: Afletcryes-out,a77ll ddelivers his opinion, as followed). It is aflizmed by an cxce1Ienjt""lWriter..Thongs private man may lawfully defend himfelf againftl thetuntjnll affault oF~a Magifl race in ‘cafe of a perfonall aflliult, lbecaufe the ®td,_inanceofGod is conferred upon the oflifbe of thellhxlagiiltate, nottupon His Perlbn. But if a Magifirate prefle an unlawful] thing upon a private man, and tall him to qoefiionl by aform of Law, _ then the private man mull um- ydergo the cenfurc of that form of A Law withou trefifiing. as in theycafl: of our Martyrs in Qxecn Marie: dayes ; but if more Biflmps and Mal.- ygi-firatées that nulawFul'ly impofed upon the Martyrs the prafiifissof ~ Idolatry, " hadcome violently upon them to killthgma for notobeying ,1:heir =-i.~.t,;..i;=.u-.. muu/£3/(6/‘) /as ..e....m: t~hi:i"ri imiiw fully coifihwiadndsi 3? dbubtieflé thofe M-iwityzsi in'igh‘thwiEii~Gi”e%y.r ccmfciences have ta_kenupi Aims in defence of then1fe~lves5 and 'ti1l3blOl1d _ £h_;d in limb cafe, muff Aneceflanly be charged u pom the confciencesgof fiich V Magifirates, withtheir a~fi‘1'1iCa~ntS {Z1 aflimitiing without Law, ordue fbrm of Law ?' But faycsioine, there is greatydifference bcc’wi_xc a King and an 0r‘din'ary, Magiftrate. Iwnfwer, there is this difference, The King is the {upream head_undcr Godoni ea-rth, The inferiour Magiflra:‘e is.fubordif- have under him, yet hothin the execution or exerciieof their Ofiice, fits" in /1%_fi:: chair ; But the priyace or pefifonall effiulc of a Magiflrate of the: higheft degree wiv.jhout.due form of Law:, fepiraces that aébion of'the“2M1i. giih-are from /Wvfinrichair, and puts upon is his own Scamp, nocthe Scamp. A of Authority, which gives liberty to theyaffiulted pirtyi by the Law of Godgby the Law of Nations. and by 1heLaw of Nature to defend hinzieiig. and if this be 1?) for a private man, then thefitme rule will hold for a pub-~ ?iikeiPariia1nem more {i rozxg, fbcuindz:m.legenz : The blond {bed not charged- upSn'ti3€COI1{L5i€nCC:s0i the fzlf defenders. N ew bring this home, What due form ofLaw was there irxigoing absutco brimgup the Army out of t-he~N0r:h, agézinfl the Ilariiament, or what due fgrzn of Law was there in ycomingyto r11e‘iPariiatnentP€{:.-tufe with :4 crew of Cavaliers: to challenge. Cermitu Members ofrhe. ivlazvauiie as-Traiwrs, and ii) to take them by force, if God had not prevented; or by when due fer-in of Lewis this, Cavaliers warre againil the Parliament and Kingdom, under the name of Round-he heads grounded. Is it by the Commifiion of Arrziyy? Then illegall and »p.er£bpe1l. bI..opk upon the Scriptures, cheruie of the Word bf Gad, haw pan thrre apmpi A idsfiendingecheuifelves. King Sm! would by a viola-m iiaffimilt uuiawfuiiyi have put to death his foIme_7mm:b.z2z, 1 Sent. 14. 15.The peaplcreTcu:d’hhim agaimfi til: pevfonall command of the King”: "Buthear‘iyouwiil Cay there was no blond (had. Ianfvveigtnight there nor.=ha.ve been bipud fhed, if Sam! had pmfl;-.cuced his unlyawhlll pur- paie, but it pleaied God ro {imp {hi rage of V the King by the peoples fiend-a» ing {£3 ftoutiy 5 and Ido pray that God will fl'0p.fi1c11»rages»»ini alllfiings, Wirhqurigoingonin fl1ti'dd'IflgOi blond. Again, lock "uipony K611050317! ii a-nd‘hi's Aipeopie, I Kirzgii 12...1:e,weuid« forfike the grave Cisounceils, and be.tai;1i‘«. word; Q ~ ‘ ‘ t J .~5,u:t__t V‘ ‘ mm‘ _ V A ‘ flt V ‘ ‘ < u '\ ,“‘ ‘ J ‘ " ‘W ‘ ‘ ‘ ' V ‘ ~ JV 5! ““ t ' ‘ 9‘ V ‘ .‘ , '\‘ ate, figttifies fbrfakin g«otf«'e1li11g away ;; ta,ro;:‘d accordihg to the Matgent n and ah:‘houghior{a1{ing or falling away treachctoufly tram thehords Ann ; oynted isa Rebellion, as the firm: of witchcraft; yet this tfi-a1%l’ing away from Relcobaama W£1~S*ft) Farr: from Being difipproevfid of ‘Gad, That when Rcbaboam had rwifed great forces to fight agalmfi Ifiael, the Wordof the lord by the mouth of jSem.zi.zlo for-bad them to fight, becaufe it came of the Lord; The Rory féyes, they hcarkned therefore to Word of the1Lon§,- * and term-tied to ‘depart according to the Word of ‘ the Lord. My prayer is, That thefir thétt take up Armaagaitzfl lfraelunder the name offioundheadss Fwoult! I-Jearken unto the Word of the L0rd,and accordingly depart, ' See again the Rory of D.zw'd.r taking up Aims to defendhimfilf, agai-n{-E < the tmlawfull aflimlt ef King Saul, and his forces; mix! was a Subjea-3 A F :§'.:ml 3 King ; yet in his own defence he took up Arms, as you may fee in thefirfi Back of Samuel; and although -David: heart Gnotthimefbr cut. ting of the lap-of Saul: Garment ;‘”y€t that makes Hoqflbut rhuic was J lawful! f0r’D.z71id to take up Arms to defend bimiélf againfi the Army (af " e Samrlz» What now dees the Parliament, more then D.-mid did ?A Sure the Lord at Iaft mu {it needs rake thematter into histown hands, "and “take thefe wicked men from the "King, that His Throne Ittiuy be eflabliflted; mad thie " is the thing,» and the onl y thing that is fbught after, by our merit honoum... A islecoutt of Parliament, and it is“ warranted, Prow.25.5 . “His Pctitipn to the King. .. A,,;jiPetitiont have been preflznted to Tour flizefijfiam Lyaur pgrljdmmtye A fiom, Tome Catmtim CititI,eutttfmmttTour A " jem“;“*“'&"“ A A Emil: If England and Scotland, =77Jwat—Tau nwxld be pleafed to repair in Perfim to -Tour Parliamazzt, and to /eteerkm arm: ' tb¢irgra'72e>Caz4ncc*£?Jtt I yetmme could take cfiéfl 5 Tlycrefirre Balaagme A 1]‘: it bold to beftccb/{our/Majefl}, tb;u“'1‘ga will At/oink upon tbircfufiqn of Blaud, and corzfider wet Ha‘: ‘if’ God [3, ,1“, month if Semaiah: bid’ I0“ “tum andfigbt 220“ 1Pvgcrdga‘“iiffiIGacl:Tfie parliament Igy 2/it Law of God and max, ought tolve ~?l"0nr.'Cm11c'e?-I1, Otbgrgfire "Axum my Savcraignt to the Cavtmcflg-, appointed Tau by‘ t/acLo$rd,. and leave tkc V “_,4cbitapécl.r to tkcmfclw-:1, So flatill Your Kingdomx, Tmw Ceuiuier, *-Tour Citiex, 3»~,p;r V,?4rliamcnt,aud Gad: Pcqalc cw2_y wéeem czyaloudc 4:/wteflaaut in Harmft, . A God fave the Churgh, ‘GoduIive4 the King.’ P INIS.