e/f RMEV 1 EWW 0 F T HE OBSERVATIONS U PON SOME OF HIS Mnjas-mas late Anfwcrs and Expreflés. “,3 Wrltten by a Gentleman af .Qg4lit}. OXFORD, Printcdby Lnorun n LICHIIIIILD, Primcr to tlzernfivcrjity. I 6 4. 3.. 1; ‘:3 . « 11¢ m R I « 3 ‘ ,fl .¢f'tI”" I ‘ \-1;‘ MI'r., ‘z 7; am , . I ‘ v _‘ ‘ ‘ . 4. .2 um, ¢‘_-‘V ‘ ‘A ‘ , ‘ ‘, ‘ V < 2 ‘ __ \w’“h ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_ . _ ‘ ‘,1 ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ \ M.‘ .‘ ‘ , 4‘ , ‘fin ‘,J» u ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ W % ‘ , ‘ « r v: ~ 39:93’... M ‘.'..._,,_ T“ ' V‘ M f"3"7”"" ‘ ~ , ‘ ‘ W '.:.f._'. _ ' . .“ ‘* .M ~ ’ »= :,,‘ »'.',‘ a .‘ '. ‘ ‘ W M‘ ; ‘ . ,..‘. ' ‘ fflg fiw ,, §;#%$ ‘ ' (&.Ju.» 3.1‘. W‘ "I - ‘ = — \ . ‘ ‘ ., ' afi@b_w‘«x“ ‘ ‘ . , ‘ 3/ 9 3,,” 4 . ‘P ,r W, ‘ s 4 Iv . J. ‘*: l ‘ ‘ “ I ' V ‘ ' 3 ~ - ; “ "‘ ‘- g‘ ‘ w " ,§f 9‘ M ‘W; .. «V ‘ , ‘ , , .‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ A‘ I‘ ‘ ‘ A ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ K A % 54 Obfcrvations 1JPOn fomc 'oF*His Mozjefiieslate./4I1fmers%4nci; V Expreflés. M ; N the Conteflation between 3R¢.V-gall and; I ;‘ Parliamentary authority, finding by the ire» W qucnt Dcclarationso the two Honourablc r Houfcsmadc unto the Pcopk, (like fa many, .- a ~App¢a1csAoft:hc Body rcpI€f¢ntac:iVc, to rim A .B0dy;at ~1:arg¢»r) that the« Smrcraignjudgc-x 1 . A A A mmt of all things is ( upon the matter) = '3 1 «@ brought unto the Pcoplc,I {cc not, but that it: % A “ 7 A y % f is both1avvfu1l.andz c‘-van thcncccifiry duty of every private %man,Acha&hat§h any undcrl13nd»ingafchcAchings in qua“-2 Pcior::, to Publifh his particular iudgcm en t 8: apprchcnfion of them; That from the moibfffif and Uflivfltffall agitation ofthc truth , fdnig judgement from that vafi: body may be r,cndcred“to the ap calors Iitisfaétion .. And [9, haying conocivcdthav: the Agcho; of 3 ;; ob, fcrvations upon H1s%Ma}cfi1qajlatc Anfwcrs, hath upon this fubjcazs brpach¢d divcrn SW-T§~d0&r1nq8a fifiilhtr agn':cable% to our Lawcg, nor yet to THE: ChIz1fix=mwRc1ig1on= and that wit: (to the prejudice; ofichc Tmnh,)%thcy havws trurhmgot a flrong prcpotfcilion of menu, mindcs; I have thought fit ta offer» fuch notions upon the {Emma of ' them, as I c:oncciV¢ 9,11 htw bring thcm to a mom fcriousrc-cxamiu. nation. , Saving%thCnc crew His Mm“? Hi§ Right ofAnimadvct-—- into ghcr pa.rticu1arf4Wi¢I: ¢'%fi»lv~mr,d andfidflifim M/wwrzier in thc*fcvcra11 Pfigfa ¢$V0Mf4 that book!-'5 1»0n1y~ apply my (calf: to thq 1' umgnc and fcopc cA crcof, and tharl find up be to this pmpofc, A Firm That Godiis no mm Authfil‘ 0511638“ Pmver than om-i. fl9craAtica11»A%a;nd as wémthofi of ufurpcd Domirrism of lflgcrcdiy W)!» Time °m,8*n%11Y Inhmnt !h¢Pc9nIc . and but dc-é ” A 3 ‘ A gifvarive, £§¥ii}“ {mu-“U _, W «,;x».!"- .‘ I ‘pun “4,-.. u. H ‘qr ‘kw ‘ J E’. ‘ 9;’ «mi?! N» '.2.f',fi\ |wI+:,% éx {)0 ‘ “'r,,,¢‘?p mgzg. '1'’ M93‘ *:M -Gen.4.7. “of the xffucs propagated. to the Father ofwhom the ( 2%) rivmivéiin KfiI'8§§;:‘l arid firxaiil cauié 9FKingir.l~Thal;tl}1c l1am¢_0fKilfl€ 13 fl0ti15gP€ater then of People. That though the Ki:ig‘lbet/ingnlza major; yet Heis umber/;;‘>>:inar. That He is not to ., lfflccwntedaratflfid, 21‘gKiil1g5 3 Lorcl,a Father (1§'6‘,gtO the Peaple canjmzftim“, butfldififllm otilyl. T~ha«t Ti'ea{o’x1('fo Fat-re as it concernes the Ptiné: tr) Prince. ~ 6:. ‘A A In the better examining of thefls, we finds; A That God creating man fingle, left him not other meanes of multiplying, then only by propagation, and in propagating; hetgave the Rule and Soveraignty A y were propaga- red; and ifiidcfailance of the Fatftcr , 9 He gave the Ruleof all the gounger (talndlconfequendy of then: defctendanwtoo) unto the firltu orne, (as we may fee where God tells (‘aims ; T12} 3rotjl:erAflmll 5.-rs fgéjefi ta7 tiara, Mal ::boaJb41z éemne. rule‘ war him“ thgtall melilinf” tisnot {Q horrid in lnfitflrlfi a as oppreffion in a 1 the beginning were“b%orn‘Subje&s’,’~ either tohim thaé,n5"“a?turalfl.yj “rag their Father , or ’to*%himythat;by right?6fi?primogCnitul‘léwas repreafi fentativclyithe Father. Aftfir-Eh€l'Fl0'Q(d; lvthe then co;fn%mon”Fatherl ofthe world; hétring a family%ofthrce Sbnncmf difVl‘ctlr1fléllTCC>ndlitit;m,,:;: and they I (for the plantation of the then unpcoplcd world) Mb y Godg»d;eccrrqin‘a‘fe lfore-«cpluncell difperfed into three difiant party ofit, “ ;thee'ldet“Btothletsitightttlfll; Soveraignty ever thoic you‘nger, (through dillaniée 3eF‘lpldc‘é3l‘< Eantltwrant ofoccafioni _and meanestto "ex-'- ctciie it,j 2c.r ,"Mni1ane anew, amend like u rgrflfbapperfl and t'ac"t4jt‘rr_l)r2&f3d«7iC*)flll1C5?' vvinde, ‘or like Cadmm his men a fprtmg outfof the earth; where snone‘ den.» ving from any pre-exilient Parents , had all ofthem ~equ_al1’originall and power, and therefore rfubjeét to no civil] Power but what b w agreement they themfelrvealllordained ? But where m;an~ia hornle offa , Farh¢r,7.,i7:orrwhom,r byrrhe lawoi L':ol‘d?ancl rnature ehe.»1afui>}eé?c, l he is A»; A in (4) A foiasrrl ‘froinhaving inherent roweroriginallyinhim, as that he hath p not‘his own originall being but only in fubjeétion; either to his Aim- mediatc Father, if his Father were abfoluce. or to him and his com- mon FatheAr,«if’ his Fathcrwerc a Subie_&_.. A NOW if man, i_nhis parti- pp cularandl naturall capacity, hath not orrgmall Power of hnmfelfe i n- lfherentih him , he cannothavesoriginallinherent Power, by any civilleapaciry whatfoever. A .r A l it A r gr And thoughm pen the overthrow and breaking up ofliingdomes, inflame: may perhapshe givenlte; that Peoplehave made themfelves a King, yetldoesrnotthat "1 prove. “th‘ePeople to» be the original] of fliinglfy 1?e~Wer;_ no more than going upon crutches, a after Aloffe of a w | Jl¢;gg,=teplbreslcrlutchges rheoriginall and natural] way ofgoing : for people being by tmisfortunedeprived of their natnrall common Fa- ~th€:r,a»nd Sovcraign, mufli ofrneceflity entertaine Inch {upplyof their loflh it as thajrrfortunelean bell afford them. And even in that cafe tooA,Atheir making Aofa~King, wasno other, than the choofing of7on]7c l;tobearetril»,tht¢known Office of the true and naturall common Father. «Forawe: note , they nevzcr made'Kings by giving them power -~co;afHtx:t£a:e, to doefo, and fo; (asthey muft have done, if Kings had had nothinghut commifiionary authority from the people,)bur they gnade Kin A s, only by ehoofing onexto beare the office ahd pcrfon of fame overnour, that the law of nature had before dcfcribcd «andppauthorizedltocmmand and govcrne. -9 A it A A l “ 2 A L” l 1 l Thopugh therefore pttheatcn Tribes of Ifime/1 rebelled againfl Re- boboarrgfor rcfufingto rcleive their greivance,madc Ieraémm Kin " panda ,God;tfhrbtadl Rekaéaam to wajrre againft them for it . yet‘ this’ iprovcs people; have power of making Kingdoms or Kings. For 1 ;himfE:1~fe had firlt declared, that he would rcfid ten Tribes frQ1?M:heA Kingdomxc of‘ Judah, and that Ia-ro£va.mA {hould be King over them. gmdtllihad yaraéanm and the people attended Gods will V: and plcafurc in It,g_(as TDnwi4’ afterahis annointing did ) he had been: ta King aadr they alllflingdome not of. thcirownmakingbut omoas. r Burrito Afhewphow quick} yfthc bypafi'oéi;ionerof the peoAplepervcrt'»thc lright,work_ofGod,» when7rhcyt1ooleople,even fitomthe fallof mm; to the pre..; fcnt. lwhcn%itfl1ouIdlbeexp¢<5;t€d he flioulcl fhew the Sovleraignty of this Kingdome to be deriqecl Frame them, he runnes hlmlclfe into A a pnzlc, A and then breakcs oil“ and tells us what he thinks; and he rh:{n,ké,that;.vbe»; mcgff Ccvéxantrics gavefimfd am‘ man Art j;2dpMc‘.en‘é/er nr V :7; War “ 1; [5 ace 2! new Alia: , we‘ ‘ereé Mr: maple ma 4% am: it: own panéezg: en ti daégrr right, zazitbolzgtl dygnsréjizcé to itfllzfe, or injur} to ‘7’i~i2ir:';9: ; ll he ‘were mzjuji‘ that mm/21 appafe 2/Mt art amdm-a'cr. That ‘.'.7’r1'we.r may net 5: l=c_-yomfall limit: of‘ Law, nor tryed zepa-:1 them 6 be ‘prllivatapmziéx, the whale-%:Cammxwiz‘] in itsnmlerivneci Madly, //‘ml./Z comma: my doc Iflffica, Cfiec : ‘and: id he goes on infinuating, A that our Parliamgezitsllare fuchpubliquc _A;{Tcmblies,. wherein the Commu- nity in underived Ma yell y convenes to doc fnilice upon the Kin g. Truly I am not {:3 vséc-ll aflgitexrzl ta arliaitrargr Government, as to. admit the jud ement mac A e V e t e t mug t of one man to be prooFofLa.w End Government, We*fl1all therefore by Gongs hclpe examine how well this new conccipt: agreethwith our Lawesand» auncient fctled flame of Government. But this is obvious at Fore- hand, thatlt isfiafarrefrorm being true that mofl Countries, have found art land ordvcrllof Afleméliex wherein the ‘People may afl. fumg; the power of doing thcmfelves right. As that unleffe you will lcbalnlbfichefljfemélj ef {ome mecrc popular Repméliqae, fuch an e nfl%mé£}»:«: zherc4is:not the ordinanee of an fuch azfl2.»mé{y to be found in all the world. and the rfiducing of our rliaments to fuch A em»- éligs, will fuitas well, as the Ihaping of our Kingdom: to the tame A of the common-weal ch of the Vmetimn-, or ofthe Hoflanderx. "That we may know fhercfore that our Parliamentsarc no fuch imaginarye nfllemblxes , an which the people in undcrivcd Majcfly V -4 A convene tbgafihme any Power fuppofed to-bctheirs originally, and withthat Powerlro doc thexnffslvean right. Even the Obfervourl himlclfc hath allllred us. when m angl loofc play,he unaware; i- V C011“: (93 » ‘c-onfoflethlthat tho compofition ofiour Parlliamont'sloourolawvgivingmilmon obwined frail acre ~ ‘VA*Mo!l1i%l%9ol’govommcnitglfilm flabililtywhm» ,. B 2 W of it Found to be iiioiie Eonoetnedmintthe poiiiet oimaking laWee,; ~ than in any other power belonging to the Soveraigne) did for prc... venting innovations that might fubvert that fetled regularity: in. a fuch a fort elizabliih the frame of State and government, as that the Prince fhould have his‘ hands bound up from o ufing thelcgiflativee power without the eoncutrenee of the Peers and Commons. But‘ then, to the end that they (xyhofe confent was brought in only to- prevent the evill which ahlolute power might worke againil the fctled flame of the State j might not themfelves become that evill, to which they were called to prevent: The Law gave to them no morelintesriellc in the ‘ legiflative power then itghad Pcill left in the no handsoi the Prince, to wit, to every of the three parti es, the King, the Peers, and the Commons, an eqnall power of affent or difiimr in making of new Law. And fo by oppofing the fingle power of eve. ry one of them i, _[to.the votesteoi every other two; made Io fecure a hallancing of their powers one againli: another; as that no pracfticeof any two of them can doe any thing to the prejudice or diminution of the third,without that third party it fclfe doe give confé t unto i to A Nor did thelprovidenee of the Law here reli. But confidering that in the power of making La West it had now op-pofed the pow» ers of two numerous bodies, againfi the power of‘ the {ingle Sove- raignea I t fotefaw,and feared thatgby the Soveraignes confenting to Iawesfot the café and benefit of. the Subicfi ,- t things might pafle to the prejudice and diminution of the fovetaignty , if the tingle per» {on of the fovetaigne (furcharged with the care of the manifold af- t fhites of the Kingdome) I fhonld be left all alone to advifetand «iii?- pure His Right againltallt the wifedomcand follicitation ofthe nu» “ metous body of the 8ubie&l.i To prevent that: it ordained, thatthe King flqonld at His owne diferetion fwearc unto I-limfelfea body at Councell, to advtfe Him in the concergnements of H18 Soveraigne Rights, and fafety ( which 1:; H15 Prtvyocouncell) and a body of Councell at law, to advife Hirgn that He may neither doe, not fuffer contrary to the rule of Law. And through this even Counter.po~i{“e at ballance of all the three States of Parliament ( as through a mean ea. wherewith God hath efpecially bleffed us above other Lands) doe we cn1’oyi{the aflilrance ofa regular fifeedome, under the govern: ment of a jufitandtlegitinzate fovetaignty. In which, if without the concurrence of ‘every of the th1'€€ ordained patties. theregihall hog (H) be any innafion and exereife ofthelegiflative power; then {hall the a well ballaneed Fra me of legitimate avv- making be overthrowne, and with it, the rightful! being and uf: of Parliaments defiroyed. But the Obfervor havingnot afisribed Inch underived Maiefiy to C Aflemblies of the Community, to the end to maintaine the rights of Parliaments, but to innovate Parliaments to the deltruétiun of their true being, and to the transformation of the;State and government. « Howfoever that fin’. I 5. he tells us onlyof fome defeéls in Parlia-ta 3 ment that might receive amendment .- yet Iet’s he flip, that thofe ;. Defeéts, are Divilions betweene the two Houfes, and betweene the King and them. Now Divifion being almoft inevitable , and power of difienting neeeflary For ballancing the three differing parts ofParliament, to prevent this power ofdiffenting, were to deilroy the ballance and being of Parliaments, and to make them Courts of popularity,whe'-re they that pleafe the People fhould abfolutely car-» ry all things. Though therefore he here difcovers his defigne , yet being allured not to bring it about, but by mifleading the moit faith. Full and well--afl'e&ed both to true ellabliihed Religion 8»: Govern- ment, He covertly pnrfites His purpofc altogether unéler the {how of vindicating the Rightsmriviledges, 8: being of Parliaments. r t So, whereas our Parliaments are alfemblies wherein the whole State in three dillintt formal} parts oonvenies in Councell,8c where- in every of thofe three parts have Free power of allowing or difal- lowing ofany thing ptopounded for a law , and wherein the law ta- lteth notice of no vote, nor aft, For any gcnerall law, {are what cloth paffe with concurrence of all the three parts of the tA{l"embly, t The Obfervor tells us , that for the King to fay, that without the I(£ng.r concurrence and cexfis’nt,tP'a1r[inment.r are without all power, t/3:24 at am How canfozmdr all Tarliamentr , nndfnéjséir Mr M er ranéamrdad at Regiment afoot/an Kingx will , nu ma} Nation rmder Ham/an ever i" fafil-rad under; And his reafon is, If Kings may fo Frullrate Parliaw ments , He mayby the lame meanes frullrate all inferiour Courts, & then farewell LaW,Right,Liberty, and all thin S; 0 impedance! does His Majelly in this claime more‘, then eitlgter the I-‘ionfe of Peers to it felfe , or the Houfe of Commons to it felfb challengethf Nay, claimes His Mafeity more then He acknowledgeth sine by the law to each of the two Houfes, as well as to gI-Iimfeliesfreely to af- rfent or tlifalfent toyvhat is propounded for a Law, andtloe not, and 3 . have i‘ C (:2); hate? not, hbththey. and I-IisMaj'teP:y:atndo'both their Preciecefioutsii’ ever ptaetifed that pow er!’ {:2 as we have had fcatceone Parliament wherein either King or Peers, or Common-s (or perhapsevery one of them ) havcenot ieveraliy dxflented from the votes each ofpthet ” two and rye their diffent fruitrated the votes of the other two,; and yet (€fOdb€”‘p1‘aif€d)0LH? Parliaments rice, and (we hope) [till {hall continue, notwithfi-andingfuch zwderminingfom: would bring that three fold! Cord of our State, into the fingleiiring ofa popular Ail. fembly, and all thingofo into confufion 3’ to And how fa1feis‘=theiconfequence thatif the King by difientiog may make voytd; theffentence ofthetwo Houfes oi_iPar1iamen1t He gnay alfo voyd the fentence of any inferiout Court of Iuflzice? When A 1n_Par1iament, thelaw hath appointed the King Himfeife to give A 18 owne Vote and confent, petfonally if He Wm, 01‘ by His Let- ters under His great Scale, if Hevtill. Butint in-iettiour tCourtsihath appointed noneto give fentence or Iiudgement but only thofe Ind»- ges who in a definite and formall way are ordained to be the oniy Minifiero and Deliveters of the Kings I ufliee and I udgem ent in that behalfe, {o as no petfonail or inihfumtentall aflent or difl"ent ofthe Kings, can alter or froth-ate the fentence or fudgementof an y infe-he tiour Court, become that though the Iudges there give the Kings Judgement , and not their owne C; yet the Law having authorized ~ none but them to be the give.rsofthe:Kings Iud ement there, it taketh no notice ofzmy other 1' udgeznent in thofe ourts, then only of the {worm Iudges themfelves, and though the King, the Peers, and fiommons in Parliament have eveetytone the power; by any i oneiiof t=heit“voteé** tofiufhtateethevlottestoftwvo of them , it frotm be-C» cmming the I udgemefit ofthe whoie Court : A ytetecatnnot the ‘Vote ofeither the King, the Peers, or Commons alone, or ofany two of them ,* Frufiraete or change the Iudgement of any mfcrxout Court. find it is further to be ohfetved that in th.oI&—:- Courts the Iudges ‘A1 " judge as Eirangets of matterst that eoncernes others only and not thetm-feives and t=hereForet'rend~et- I_udgemem ire imzitxm, againft the will oione orfthe parties at Ieafi: , in which cafe becaufc o-xpedit am‘ he pzéliea mfinzixfiz litmw, ifall the I udges agree not, yet Iudgement ‘than be given aaccording to the Iad.gement~oF the Major part. » " V A 7 But now (contrary to the Life ofi7im'enont Courts) The parties~ in tPa:r1iamentt i n Cthoiec things that*oneemeth‘eh publique) meddle ; A not ( 13> notas lmeere Inciges, but at lPartilesintete~fl‘ed, withothingerrthiat eonceme every of their ownefiights , m whicheafe itrrsyncami Law nor reafon, that fome of the Parties fhould determine oftlrafi that concernos all their mntnall interefls, mrra altemzperta, g{Lgm-only the will of any one of the Parties. But that all Parties coneurr1e,or’r elfe their mutual} interefl: to remaine in the fame condition it was‘ before, For Parties cannot meddle with ‘lodging £ni‘invirzm,r but‘ part can/Tmfam, and therefore no major part of ms three Partiesin ‘Tarrlirzmmt, but the confent of all three, mat’: makethe fudgementl ‘ ofthat Court, other wife two of the three Parties, may totally grain‘ part opprellie the thzrci, and then one of thofie two , oppreffe the other, and be at fole arbitrary Tyrant. at T he King and Pecrsl m*ayrop-l }m'e{l'e the Commons; the King and Commons, may opprcflhthhe ~I’eers, the Peers and Commons may opprelle the King : and then the Peers being eafily fiappreffed by the Commons, what {hall hin. der but that fame Appizm drcemrximatc ( that under fhevv oFzc—;-ale of refbrming Church and Commonvwealrh 2 may carry thefound and W€‘lt'Ia3fl:‘Clfiedl Subjeft with them) After they {hall have not only poffeffedlmena mindes with the lawfulnes of their authority, but pofsefsed them {elves of the Militia 8: all the Power ofthe King.» A a dome, and two or three yeare kept all that power in their hands, pretending they cannot fooner ‘perfeft their Lawes of ReFormati~ on [though indeed they doe but time-it out, till they fecnreallunm their private ends) (as Appim in all thingsidid) what then (I fizy) {hall hinder, bntrhat by mcancs of fome fuch dccamoimta among ' the Commons, fome xfppim may invade an abfolute Soveraignty over us,or milling that, refolve yet all our fetled State, into an rm.- fure troublefome zlrzfloamcyf at Repnéliqm 5' ~ r Thehetterto prepare the way to fome firth npfhor. The 013.. A fervor findes a defecftin the frame of our State , he cannot fee how Tarliammtr can have fufficient power, to reftraine Tyranny, if they can cioe no A6’: withontthe Kings confent. And he finder, that if‘I’°;-i:«n:w in mattersthat concerne the publique , be admitted’ toalpreferre Weake opinions (as he callsthem) before Parliamcn. tarry motives, then ‘I’a:rlmmmr.r are vaine, Primer nnlimitabl e, and" Suhjeéts; miferahle. i A o The Obferver will be more wife and Faithful} then the Law in fclfe, andrloohing only one Way, “tells us ofinfufficient proviliom A A A the (:4) for trefiraint of regal] power, without fome coercive fhperinreni dant be laced over it. But the law that lookes every way, tells us,that t e erecting of" fuch a fupcrintending power , would unfo- veraigne our King, and "make that fuperintending power Sovereign, and when it were made, the exercife of it would be fub j eét to more dangerous extravagance: than tcgall power is. and yet 1efl”e capable of regulation then it. Therefore the law _( knowing that there is none but i God, gm’ cufladialt ipfbr carffades, that can refiraine fu- pteam Qiovernourss and knowing that nothing in this world can be reduced to {"0 abfolute a perieétion offetlednefie, but that in the lafl: meanes it muitmecrly depend upon the providence of God) after t a full confideration of the weaknefli: and imperfection of every fe-» " cive fuperintendan t, was a {ufficient and the heft verall formic ofGovernrncnt, concludes, that the Soveraignty was better placedin the hands of a {ole Prince,,then in a popular, 0rAri- ilocraticallhand, and that a pofitive knowne la W, w ithout any coeru boundary ofregall power, againfl aifl)’ 1'm7é’,Ularity whatioever , efpecially when the Iaw (being backed with a Parliament of all the orders of the King- dome) fhall thereby find meancs ofdifcovery and rmanifeiiation, both of the truth of the law it fclfe, and likewife of the violation-of it. For the law, and the tranfgrcflion of the law, being both at once made manicfefi and notorious, that willfo fufficient afecurit of the future obfervancc of the law, as Princes will not further en-A A ‘dare to violateit; becaufe (as the Poetiaies) .Z\£’ccpmro.r comm popzzfo Medan truvidar, xfazt/mm.ana pnlam aoqnir exrzz nefdriw fltrctiar. “ A r ‘Infamous acts will not endure to be committed in the tight ofall the World. A w _ Therefore to fay truth the Obfert-ror‘s conceipt of having fome rifuperiour power to enforce the law that Ihould regulate the power of the Soveraigne Prince, is a meere falfe conception, of an beam: as traiterous to God as to his Prince, who would have abfolute fecuri- ty by an atme offlefh, when no fuch can be given to it. For, to re... , gnlate his Trim: , he would not only have _a law, but a fuperiour power to enforce that law ,2 and Inch a fuperrour power being once erected, that mull alfo be either boundleflc, or muft be circumfcriw bed with a law .- if circumfcribcd with a law, then alfo mull that kw hay: a fuperiottr coercive power, to enforce it: and mutt we A hare Yd ‘ Wfisfi A A L 4 5“fha'v7*cé fi1petiourPoi%}ér; Eflcrtt tu-gcrioutPovtr_bi5; M/5;; ad’ £w}j?n£tIé?.fz:r,:«; h['x‘c’8 " yet: at 1a&,1¢-avg the moi} fupemour;poWcr,1n th.at'»Iibf-Tty whtch the A Obfcrvourtcallcth bound~1§cfl’c,t;arbitrary,and tyta‘mi*icaIhI.t ‘Ahndthow % “ aiafilrd a thing 39 it to imagiflfits That‘-when the Law hath truflséd the z fovcraignc Pow¢p%.inath_<; hatntds of thc«King. it fhouidfagain diffruflz . ‘ Him and 'unfov.em»igr1¢ Him,wand~.pI'acc in another‘ thtefovcfaignty tdfa ghc: fafme favegaign ‘Emil? and /with a fccond"abfurd1ty ica-ve in the M Kings hand the: Powcfef calling tOgci‘hCr'and diffoiving thc powén whereby Ht: himfcl.fc{hou1d he con£.’traincd’? and (to mékc up al 1*} " flwuld by authotityof that powc_r.,conPcrain all the?-leads cifthe p’co-- » ' plgand-cvtcn tthe rcptgfcéxutativc hhdyoffhat power, by :foh=:mnc: *' path,%Lto dcqlarctthat the Kmg is not @1113: Sxtpreaiy Ghotvefnour, bat ‘ that He is the 02:1] Supream Govcrnourt, when "(Inch ffizpcribuht power admitted) he can be neither on1y,t10r at all, Suprciram. A % But the Obfmvour aiming more to fubvctt vv’hat is cflab1ifhed,' than tomducc things unto their fir&..cfIahIifly:nent,guarrcls fhlhlh with the Regal] power; and hcreafons, that wlnetljcr or nothc “Law gives the linglcfetfon of the Prince as full dud "free a Vote‘ to afl"cn"t or not « A a"1Tcnt,as it cloth to either the Houfc of‘Pcers: or Houlfc: of'h‘Cotr“+mons, yettis nofthc Prince 1:0 ule thclibcrty cf His Vote liccntiotifly, bait: ahdvifttdlyhnd by Counccll‘. A and What ,CouflCCIl ham: He hzi%~veM'm‘ote Awife,h faithfu1l~and.imp.alfti§i“ %, than thcirs thattrcprcfcnt fhc whoI”“je ‘Kingdom, W110 Cannot be In ppofcd to have private cntis a8“Churtie, era, Cavaliers, and private men may!havcP _ V A A k ‘ Trul that Prigccs ought with.grcatrcfper‘3: to'I=e,afkén to the ad» " vice an information of thc great Counccllh of thhetbad yoFffhc‘1't pea?- - A plc, who can fo jmjchté~s;1naket*ta qugtftion of it? But ufhy’ fhould thcfe A -thingé beobjcflzcdto His Majcfly? h}For ;txéhat'Prft1cp” of 2i1I’hisPfe+- dccaflbrghath fo harkenegi .:8c~tcond¢‘fE:cjndctI to” hish ‘great Coun~ ccll, as I-Iis?Ma}'e[}y.at once hath done unto this ptrefe’nt'Pat1iaxn"cnt‘? ‘Not any onc:;'Na.y,not the wholevfucccffiéxl of I-Iis; predgcéhbrsfimc the granting of the » teat Chahter hath done the hk¢.._ "iWitné_{fe‘thh A ‘trondcafccnding to t e Earle of Stafford; attz:indet*, «the, dartjnitig df Ship-- mQny,andQf all Bflctlcipolicgthc istar- (.‘hha1jx1bcr»,dnd high ?C£:m» _znifl'i<2mV Court, the taking away of the Votes oEBifl1dps‘& df Pdpifh Lords, the patting with_th»c long mfedh pOW’§.‘.¥ 6f'ia1pQfir'3‘g u‘7pt5n met-3 tc"h1ndi;zc,h bounding hf 'Potr!c'[ts , and tycclriingto the regulation of tgyhatfocgcg furthgt ;gtciggnc¢_ fhotiltt he “fauna; ‘in common... A ’ ‘ Bug:,c::- 1feAiwAc%,Icavcthispointof~?hcar1 fgfiafitingféf a ‘mi maiagx Parkiamenr, arjdrhe p§:fp4§%ttI%a§1n’g‘0?f t1*?is% prdcm Parl%iAamc”m:; . W; M, What.difPfiHfa5rio$noftI1_¢ vnolatmg o;f(:Ih¢rif%i%aI1ityVcanag subject A *(tl’i:‘€)t1gh all th&fc3j‘p‘rcfu”m t1o“ns‘to theccmtrary):charg¢whis save» ;a§ga_e_wi¢:hAaAvAcrfn es to pig % 1iquieWcounAfc1l4»aflVd‘inC1’ih3tion' cdprivm: wfxifiiiiffirs th 1:beLing%amnceApone&orkro4%’man~yno:%1ong {ifiée un1:¢ped% for :a:isfa&ie:=s% ;: mie!étn9¢~[Wan= h=érVtéet0cnicy‘rhem! azzdacknowicdgerhcm.1 A A V A A But: the fwo H0(1fcsthcu:ght;tHe I€?ingd0rne%*ini'"7I;“1mineht danger; . and dcfired% it {ho"u‘ld bl:-':_put in a.pq&:;re ofd'¢fchcc%~,?. and %His%Mafefiy, . by¢va1%1C¢un'{c{114 réfuféd and dc-Icr;eAa thffh. % "Tm’iy the Obfe’1fvo*1.:4i* mzti:crh:acch%no.rcan fljeww-‘h3tH15.M33€fiy, FIPOILH %the« Pa“r}.i"am‘cz1ts a_pprc%hc;nfion Qfydange%r,L rcV_fuf'«cdto_takj«j:-‘murder f'dr'%the dé.fenc.e of the‘ Kingdom;Fo17%thVc'contrary»thC1'€f05»18“tm€~~ Andwin. His fecléixig to {Cu écuiéc it by‘; a: mi1%%itary1 p;a{‘u1re', : He. To Fat?vr¢%CGndc%f§cnded ‘to théfaAtis§g. V'fa&ioLn‘qf,His Pa_'1gli4i?;an.t, 1 as that Heicflcred ‘to change Vthé f3erfbns,% warm my CE)u‘i1$yflha‘d” thcChafgfi c;£’:I1ezxa¢;1;z;:4m, ‘iFH‘is" PVa‘:>1£:zmenz*A:~ macifiany. 31:9: c> ;‘¢cptio.%ntoa‘I*£y *0f‘thcm§A,jA~191d for His /mz.£afr’%:':.r ‘com; ’1n,ingiftmhé Parliament to FI?':[?f79iMj?;¢*f.,w cyan: in that :a1ro He “fo fairrc , }1cAa%t£cjn.%?cd to them as §;hath€.off'€1‘€d,that1f,t0 £¢Cfl'f¢ future feétlitioxw, éthcy-gwo%u»I‘d %xnakc% {Qmfi cxem play ~ pVtm1{h.m,entA of the Afters in‘ the. ¢ 1a\%f€j?é{£2.3;2u4,T:;m;¢/Ixtéwr:gH€ vV'i0'l11d%cvjC11%C0m%c?thithtr. %A:n_d be. ‘ m. «:9 ing ;'¢fu%(édA i'n7 thzitr He n6tm?’ithfland‘ifi9 ,; i:V(>fl’eifé’cl fh%e‘x”:f1 to com E’ 'tO an ygoathfcvr%.indifFcrcn%c‘ place. A As For the-.plac;c:%whAcrc thcyvnowmg, . Who {‘tha;;A ha§h:7vo.W€d His Faith to the. . ' M ‘ r _ VL«awesf) ftI1e%LantI,andtam « thij ’I7rV1§jV';l¢_d'g_.€-Qf,?’i?'[£?§mcJ7I$)'jC3I‘i1'I1fflChCOnfC¥331CC.3SH€ will arji". V +f§&§';r%;Gbdixvitha1l; hjuld’ that a, p1ace%ohn<-:t1fi“ercnce"andofV frcédtmi . ‘ z¢%vo‘¢;¢%‘i“g; w,hcre the pcopléin 7"uaa¢;zlr*dcIharz?ded ofthc I-Ioufénf ‘Commons m kjnowJwhe.w.creLAthc Lords that refiuied to vote with AM-:c“m,~ and:,wherAefomcAoif. thcflvere were aflimlted by the: maxltirtudcfi having Ad%i‘fl%:rcd in (hair votes fmm,th.cm;and yei‘ floii%c"oF£Px"e“{é4;; "fiszmxzlzcm.\vere;.puniflmd orcver quefiion¢di¥f0¢rit 4 A ~ A M «m*‘th“e: advicc.of~Par41.ia-. mé§;gv__c;mu& céfidcf tQo,th§tt thcmgh we gram: itbehoovcfull for they: 1{}ig_2g¢M_;o,_h%ca{kCn‘ to,Hi£ P%a»r1‘1aVmt3nt, M c Amufiznot undcrfiand ]i t fobceau : lhbuv¢Afu13g‘ as ,1;haT: thcrcj flmuld bcinevitablc. ncccffity laid uppnj. ;: n,,,. ‘aha E emufi fallowwharfdc V-Cl‘ th§:y%ad‘vif2:g¢"f"or theniat oncfl cV9vexchro32:w;=sh¢ iw§.§!a.s319.'!1£?1!.1ei%:2z.& .hfam<=.of Par!iWms~ 1g*% % % U7) Effiom any of Vthc.Vtht:¢e fgrmail ;»p-ms ofchg-'Patliaméiigefwe way; the=fr*ecdo~mc ?o£vot1ng,,%~ 't0gaH‘€l'lt "or d1{fcntA,M wej I3r,¢a£:cc‘ the % —mhr”eefo1dcordw%o‘t the State, Wecafl aw%ay.thc= b_a1M1anc:¢df i 5.: evens < ‘diHo1%ve%th\e:>vcry;frame»itfc1f¢. ~1f;wh~en_; f¢3r,neccffity.%()f4S;a;e;:, k the Head affem bles ;%thq,who]c body. in*$Counf€l1a (W?hcrc~£.‘hc,;iaws.giVes . Athé Hefadtbnfe vote-.af:hrcc;:aadVa1towe4sHi+m 3; VB0d;y of Pl'iV,y;€Ol‘1U;gv _ “cell w,?ma1i4I?x£ai11theprcrépcr-Rights":ofthc:"*Hcad) the Hcadmay not “ Q uf: thatPovvcrwhichthcLaem; A and ‘Oath of fsuprcamacy of the‘Ccmg1nrnns: and having ufcd their cmun”fc:Il, A at His Iudgcw A rmentw?diflt>l?Ves»~ic.: A121“ aiiisx’ («IV fay) isthcn a‘ing::etf;%mifleadin:gft‘01:—» -malitypf the law, The ‘%Sovcraig:«1t«y‘(agairiflza1,1:our"*Oa:;hcsi *and ex?- -prcffiiofis tar th.c?*c‘onUraryi) Ai$1m1:‘i”m3thc*-=Ibc.1ng.hzcfwar fi:n<"cct‘he firfl beginning :o?Ftf*he i€iAngd¢amc; «the ,who1c”i gclncratian sdf;:t*11e S+uhq~iecf’tcvcrf%‘fizic“ae,;, ’~“ha‘t’h 1'n‘;ur‘y i5F% ou?:;Larw as, been na%o[7cI£m'pioufly mii?i:3worn%c weir a1.1¢gim¢¢5Vang agc:_rr‘0u:r hath néyjcy Q6613 ciifipdfgfered rill rim mApcrii11IA%a11d:9KiYn‘.g&~» A W31i:aié«KfiEg6ome» A (Having now fo1cmnTyfwdr4iic1Atd &and to; ancf défcnd I-he Lawns )g~cannot rcccadc Vfrom their wrong~fworn.obcdi-- encc, bAur- with thmgqilt of univcrfall pc:riury,and under the burrhem A . gfghaz ggi4p§ex,p@¢¢g§;ggLd gmwn Kingdom, to..thc hazards of a new A_ framed Loom mon.w¢;.m;,,; Ml. rhisdoes4nec;cHari1.y_ follow, if we» M make aw;_a%y gt-11¢ ;:haKingMsA¢.aflcn%t‘4ancLdifl}:nt,. in ‘jaqrliar . men:-, aribar-r-e Him Aof...Lt§i%é;;_L11§cmil-I‘iaelC:ounf<:1.ls advice therein. I {hou1dJi:.c}e%AAnc@d t@..fay.;an«y wthing cmnccming that-which the ~ ofxn cm, are voyd af7cor:5uE§.afiE:g&%ionsa«nd fi'p11i5:at¢i¢nds%,'and that ‘ bfcrvomt fo muehpne@es,t1’-T£Its‘3Om m.uniri4cs,{and univerfalinics M %‘ phe.g¢%fm-¢A.g§;¢§;;dcfimg apc%z}’jway.cs I=n&;%A and A their counccll faithfilll V and impartial}... But wh’§n»ita:‘.tha.f3113CyDfthifi P€l‘fW3fi0n thfiffi A L % ayes (Lfcar;) ag‘reac. pan: of thc.«fii‘;1n¢c%;. fin‘ whieh Gods angtrr now fa A . A _ pubTique1y.doth- flxcw it:.i{c1£c.uponus,;;I, would be loathxo pafleh: ; A9vc1:.vv.ithom;.an=y; couch at ~a=11'A;:: I s‘:car%;e: we.-.ar¢:': :tooA:.diffidAcnt¢..:to refl: A upon theAot=di%nance.%of?-(Sod:-I.£ca!:c%W€: 31I'€ t0.owconfid%cnt OAIIEA A fc~]‘vcs,. as ifiour owns natmalxlprovidfincc (if v,v7cwcre_ lcfnnnto it) ; %werc bcyond a.nyo.£hcr mcancs offafcrya'a1xhough{1t were the ordi} . nancc«o£;- Go-dztmco. us.%.%., Awward'%-on-u;tWm;£11a11 notitsbcrefore be llnflca»-fl M th%em1cIvcs,a::1e Qftcnfi1bj:fliendA:«, .,f;>rfAAthoug1i?thc A thin‘ A..int;¢ndfid .'t>_e:; to .c«he-,pne[c.m; good +0515 1;‘; .:g;zu5zi1iL]ue,;my.ct being Abcfidc he m=din‘am:e and way?,icAis%»;j.g; geonfialaencéiaaainfi the g9°¢¥an§AW€aé.¢: efahc msb3iqu¢»A& 179 agaiinfi H ' W ‘H. . ...¢ .’..,... . 4.. M‘ . .__. ‘ .. -., . ... (I9) thcverytrcncfsofthc publique. Anclas in the body;naturaII' a vcrjzj fictw mcmbcrs C that is none but the cycs) have the Fenfe offecing. but a11thcmcmbctshavcthc% fcnfcof fccling. {o in Communiiics V all have the fence of cnjoyingwgoodwor fufifcringcvill; but very f €_Wt the facul ty tofdifccrning the cauié and mcatns ofcither. Yet the E11215. 301' part ofthc Community: (mote cattied by. fcnié: then true d1T-- ccrning) oft makes the judgcmcntof the whole Community, and» brings it to aft that,that;agrCi:tth notwiith the intended wcalc ofthc..,: Comity. By this means (‘at thcybcftj the whole univerfiality oftlszct. Jfiwzelitcs (contrary to their own final! good and profpcrityj _. forced.- thtcirflricft tojfct them upvgoldet1Ca1vcs. By thisttmeancs thctmi-r» V verfélityofthem ag;aitnc~~*rcivnltcd from David [their fingby Godat immediate/Ofdination) to ;A&fi2lam an ufurpcr. 3)! this means the K» univcrlality of the tcnnc Tribes, for tcdtcfltz of their gric:v.ances. _ mcbcllcd againft David: Grand- child, and {at up 7:-raécmm, who re-s t vaiving A thcir own taflfcficd falfci r~c1,igion,atxthorizcd that finnqwhich purfucd the-rn$ intheir tcxtirpattian. ,.1CiS.Ihcr.CfOrCal3‘ unI!‘uth,,,.to fity. 4 thatfiotmmunitics can have ‘no private .¢nds, and a belying of the Law aHd.~T:Il1th‘t0.[ay (asfo1.23,.) A that-C'V.~Cl‘ thcr.c.tw.as fuc:h.a.~ V‘ V A V utit~wiI1”bc~£aiaI,; thatthoughinCommunities the bédyatfarge‘ : ‘ (in which tthc:s(u1gar~is~thc gréateftpart) may be fubicrétto corrupt : aflE:<.‘tiona.and ends; .yCI‘.t"ithC.'b0dy raprzcfcntativc , which is; the “CHO-iGC()ffihC C3ommum'=ty,is to be ptcfumcd. free from corrupt ' ;tmds.a%nd afftr5tions,and thcrcforctttmofl wi:fc,.faithful.l, and 3Ka1FCd.'. Tru1ytw‘¢;1pray., t.th&,.!E fincfwiflfl this-knot lye man.y {i:ru“p1c:s that '5' wrim tthcittconmgicnccs o-Ftltoufa 11013 in our Ifimel, we; may» with ma» A def}: tccdom, wtcafontthe thxtngsthat tend to clearing thc hono£1randt' -, _ " :qbfe~x*vanc¢ due to reprefentativcs.F'1‘:o Wham we acknowlcdgathe ~ highcfthoncatzrzand obitrvancc that can be tgivcmo the body reptce- » A tttibntcdt. Busttthahontour and authority eifthe .rcprcfcntative'wilIaIp At twaics depcnd»tup'on«two things? that 1-S ,Lthc:,quality and cozzditionw ¢ ‘:OFth‘€'bDdy‘ tcprcfen teal, and the quality -eofttzhcz '.l'Cpf€fCt-fltatifln it J A ftrlfc: FE-)1’ as that is more or lcffe proper and livc1y,.tfa»wi11 it t dcrivz: .- tmote or Ieflb authority and reputation, Ifthcrcforc thc=body_at1:zrge V gbcr an abf01mZ£‘.‘.'_fi‘CT_€ favcraigna ( as is the Community ofa tr-1' g'htRa.~ .publ§quc)thc true reprcfcntatwt: of that bgdy1s.thenm;~b‘c:obfer» ;§§t.cC;I,Wtitll_§_1_1tfqjffitfiigflc;f1QnOl11iaIgitdl.1,€ fubjcétion .}2 ~_but.~if~the. body A st ' ‘gaff §“:2rgé'V“be it feifcfia S t51bf€1%,‘th€ih‘0h0ut' 21113 authnr"igy:c£ dwthcA rcpreiét A : fri:n‘rat’ivAc cannot “e$zc”eed “t:T1éxeh§o;1out- vanrd.ajmhoricy' *ofa?:~3ubfcflf: for no.9: can make their«image»r1}o4re*thcn thcy thcmfclves are. Next’ A then, (bcfidc-asthata1irepr'efc:m:ar1ons how plenanly foevcr autho-:« Arizcad, muftevcrbc fubjeéf-to,%thc cond‘ition «of the body rcpreiicn-1* ‘Ated %) ~_T*he repute and authority 6%’ 'rcprcf_cn%tati«ve*s,~will alfizs fallow Vthc ibundnefie or 'weakne£fe,% exa&n¢fl'ef ‘or isnpcrfeéfion of‘ the reg’ '}’51‘ve%fc11tacion i t i?e1fe; I .:For%«if' throughout an who1e'Community«th¢.. ‘V rcprcfenters ba cquafly ,and'i propo%rtiot-mbly ‘ordairsed«< according to the trap tclativjc i«m:e:rcfj:, that eachpart wh”i’ch A féndcth therrzi hath. fothewwha1%e"~pub}i;q‘u 6:; # (39 in thsé unitcd?P:rovinccs they are) them will be axxezm acignowlcdgcmcnéof;au1:hm-icy? to the rcprefenta-*6 rive, that pofl'ib1y‘can be Ato%tl1é ~bVoZiy;atA1a;1fgc: %and?%t171er“e7wi1l alfobe: -%f0me%prefun1ptionV that thc reprdentcrs ‘a1“?::A authorized ‘, I “to determ- 'minc1foveraigt11y %ofthbfr:A thing>s“tha: concV:rnje:A:th%eA4 pub1jsque_ iEu»n AiE’(on.Athe&othcri%{4ideA:)Amereb‘¢zme.cqua1ity,~inM.m%ki;h*g r&priefemers,* abfer’v.ed:A but: thur£o"mepatts:1cnd»asfmdn~yas ot.he.::s?‘*thac%Aare an-{mu--3* % ~ dre’c1Atime:s ‘gr.eater and'=%mor%e«t:oz1{iderTablcgrboth ~.i'n’+Vp@wcr*and~fup-_e“ perm? burthcn in theACom7monawca1th. and if fdr §Afomei.oFth?e parts gnonearc admitted to choofé the rcprefcnters, but fubfiantiallildgall Freé-holders, and for other pm-ts"aI1 AaMreA%.a’dmTi‘tticd~’6EWhét ~‘%condirion V ~ ffijever. And ifthe nLIr1;x%ber:off.-«tho£cw%% tha_3: .:a1”E?1nfldpbr%tiofiabI A afiéi proxnifcuotxfliychdfen ;.*da.c:uhree {r fdtu=Vé;.:fc3ld~*,%*e:xrt‘”el*:tl the "érxof "thcrn rhafare Pcrit"Hy% *chofcn for %thc mqfl princi:'pa]'1» '¥pm~;t;gf4 %fl5§'**¢% Commmity. Andlafflyg if it lycinthe pcwer of? ‘fame arhcnauthon Ia-ity £9 give to fame: pamgicular» 'I?owincmh¢$s:powero£ reegre... 1’r:nters,equa11:i%n“numb my Eh?E:’gt'Efat€fl:i gyiz,‘ V Thfefé C.ircumf’:anc‘es wiil mt%%nn%IwyAEdetra”fl'% fi't)m’thV?t%:r‘r¢putetand;V am. tharity that a more exaét reprefentative 0f.Ih«3 Coi”mmunity;% might have, but-veh%emc§1tly _dcmcmfhfatc .th_at the infiiturion Vaxgd ,gm1 _ Inch :1 reprcfcntatlve *1s;ra1:hmfm to ¢m1n1{}fer informarf"ig:)n»0f the? {faté “ . and condi tion ofevcryVafi:h1c’pa:rticu%1ar»p1aces A;aw2adv‘i’c&;”%=and%%gr. siiflance to fomc other fbvcrai mzwmd ztowmfent him; f7hé?‘j;‘fg§ Vdetcrminefo"Vcraign1’yit {B1 6. A A gation of..»t-he 4w:ho1c body Aw1m»1itiqne4,,~£b has that %thieh.cad M as A W¢;j.;1»gg o comethen %to»thc:~0bj'c&ion of the a%4fl"urcdn4é}fl"e ~of7%R.Vépr;¢Mef.L,a;1§. tativés in thciriudgcmcnt and*fid%c1i5t3g.' 1 fAinKingdoms,4wc bythie mprefen-tativcbody oftheCommu.mty means ai%p~9erfc6%'rMe§p%re{e;1;. ;th:¢ ‘;fa}ling«.t A (21)A jg,1;2ic*: pthcmpartsdnve:44£i€eely”epi'xperaéei‘and cdhc§u*rre4 ($19 A‘f;n Adar AA-&‘gA oAfP2ir1iam»ént"ic:A ever datfi) .A:Ath%e‘nA i Acan%we prc fume no other‘ Coun- Afailc more afl'urc:dIy Awife;fE~.ithfu1],A or7A.{éf=cVfor the publique, 1;}, en 13. ‘V the caunfaiic ofthc uzaivAcrfa.1l: I'€f2pF€«fCflW&tiv¢A‘.. in that A feniie. A But: if 4 V Ahyrtbc raprcfen:tativc§WAe" rnc2Aan%At:fhe.rcprcférfitation of Vthe gram: of*—' the body without the head 5 (th“étA4 is;tl1eAA Iieprfifflmativé %‘Aofi:hcAVboAd_vA A0‘f’tl1€AAA$ui5fC&*0nILy ) then” is rzkie ::‘Ifertic>t2AAf2x1%ie,;Af“oa;*4 I116 La w. préfmnea A not in the reprefentatiAveAoFAth.e“ Subj'x3&, fo affircd A jLidgemen%t and fidelity for govern‘mcnt,’asAiiif dfdth in the foyeraigne;headAgIdne;V~ fem r %Ath.ttn A1tA:Wou}dAn0t have placed jthe fowetaigAn~ty in the h‘eadI,bu:t in me ~ A 1‘~wle'rta 4 -enforce th e‘ Soveraigncrbut Farther to-cl-iflolvc all difliculticsv in this falfe alfertiona WC»mu9£~l£1wW that in A Parliament them-rare" dive-rfc alrinds ofgudgementau And that thcrmecr rcptcfcrrtative. bady, that is, the houfc of Commons iolcly, hath notiany judrca toty power by itlclfis, unlclle it be in particular cafes concerning their own houfctt -and members. But thcy arcr-as.the»grcalt Inqucli of the "Kingdom to «enquire, dilbovcgr, impeach, Sec . A a'1‘hc houfé ofeecrcsl hath.gcncra1- ly in all things judgement » preparatory in -ordcrwrto -vjudgrmcnr qt .Parliament,«astfo give Oath, to take recognifance, to «final to impri--‘ {an am, I n lmattersrthat com: before them by writ; offirror, it hath judgement decifiw to determine and adjuclge: Law. But this judge-5 mcntit hath not as -it ispart-of the reprefcntativc body : for the re» Ptjciemtativs body hath. not therein arzypart with it. Eat the houfc: of ficercs aloncjhath this -fupcrilor judgcmcsnt, as grcac Court of the Kings Batons of;he~Kingdom, which bcingaflifted with thc Iudges of all the Br:nc_:hcs,tis by formall Ordinance of Law inlall matters 10 .comir~2gbcforeit, the proper and immediat fixperior Iudge of Law. But it is not.ab=folutc fupremc Iudg-c»oELawain=all things: and there-V .forc~ it cttnnat 1 rcvckc the? fudgrsmcnt which it fclfc hath given.Nc‘i~ .t}..-,e;- can ;he«~I—iouIe -of Com mans, not A the two k‘ houfcs together ire-» lvoke, or anull anyliudgement given in the Haufc of Pcercs,or7elfc- vwherc; tlzxerc-fore alfo the two Houfbs arc notfnprcam judges or de. Aclarers of Law, A That Oéfl:-mar ( f01.44. ) ltelllsyou the «reafon, To be ihpream ;ude_;c.-jpr declartcr otF.LaWlis al—l—o_ne astto be‘ {hprrzam maker % gofl’.-aw, and that you-know the twat Igloufisslairc not. But in the whole tl'1rt:e‘~EPratcs oFl?arl1amcnt,thatl1s, In the=King, the Pccres .and Commons, thgre and there only are all powers ingredient. for V trhey upon;-Billarcttnot only judges ofthe laft rcfbrtl , l to rcvcrfc the judgemenlt o,Fth%c~H0l1f¢-~05 Péfirfis andttofllxnfcrxor Courts , but they ,;.:anirepeaIc and rcfiarfia and 1‘€P.¢31¢ agaxne Win izzfirzimmt; their -own Qiudgclncnts and M13. Arid théy can not only dcgflag: the Law but athtyj tag) fhéi ih&»I a}'1'é'?;»V:§imdE?nbnc?bu£*thefi Ti1cji:%aI*oiiEai*c*»thcy4t%aat 1A qannonwbealmund.bVy%}313eLcgdcntsor A615 ofParIiam¢nt~,§.rh«ey.alone Am-ar:AiVthc"y that VhaVc*~?th%¢ 13€gif1a~tivcAPower'.:%L and therefore they.» and oe=n1yth:y.t11at~¥havc';hcabfolntcsuprcam I udgemcmofthg: Law. _ L ;, I;B;1tfl(WuhJ;h¢ Obf¢rv¢I):7?he%4Kir_:gdefirrra Ht} Pdrl2‘¢ment,impIyé% ing4%t1;1fit:1éh¢n the:tWAa'?h”p§1f7€a% Fmufibcfiupreazn judges-though otherw 59 wife.they§ve%tc not. ‘As..we1l Axnfay he impiyahacif the-;King come‘ A mot tgrzi Parham cm: than Iarcé €114: two Houfcs no more Subicéhgbut Sm. ver,aign’s,‘yea5Soveraigtfain the higheft exaitation. Let usfcc W hat thisd¢fcrting'i’s,that'4fh«a1'l fbeafil-y %cr.a-ate ?Sovcraignty~ in Subierfh. WcV1k~nQ}v thatby tlrTc%~A+IaW3fhC ;Kings.vp€rfana1prefen%cc is of noabfo-- Irm ileccflicy to the-pmcecdings of Parliament, and that by the law {declared and %confirmCd% g‘3.1Hm:.8. A2 1;) the Kings prcfence is not mecclfaxy at iflisgiving mnfents to A&s paired, but He may give moment in His abfencmby His great S“ea1c.> If then? tha Law count HiS“12C1;fqna1l abiancc rm défertingaf {and =as“"m., d?eférting« For want of int! and rcafonable confent In their dc2m*ands;,His Maicfly be fo little A fhulgntawatd this ParIiam€m:,as* rharrhc hathgivcn‘His ‘Confcnt be- gan the % exgmplc of‘His~ePredc.ce{fours,.; Whcrer%hc;1‘fl;a1] a {inc ere _jmn1x;ifi¢nc§1Vn~-any d¢°fcrt1ngXrhe-?K1ngThath madc,findc warrant <2-a npugh t<:»7d¢femthis ’Scxvcréigmand.acIénaw1cdge.an<5thcArSupcriaur5'» A %bucto%mnurn»»~ W ; ‘ “ 7‘ u A M A % A ‘ % -%Dive;rfityaoFPow%crs and authorities’ cxcrciiedi n the fcverall parts 05Patliamcnfitmcccflhrflymufcafia diivcfifi :.y.;u£ rc;fper.‘%Vand obfcrvatzcc TQM mlfiimd nw,sth¢~m; Bhflsthoixgh: !tHejeim;;J;igcm‘cntVo%f the rcprefcn-I ” tagivg oftlm. Ss‘7zI§‘i¢€c; ‘uhnuim£¢gthb%:@mna A¢agn;1A*ic;omdmr5nds jfin ‘there thapgswhemc:n:w1s$pryqpm-1-ykcmcifed, bughcmhavc eficem and cagscditébmfnmanryfg flmthfifl ismsigemcniroftlze-Subic¢5i;4‘xfcér is it not to ba V Oppyffidz 129Bhmddgflmhtrofufihélfiévcfiaigne,‘in A:thofcé things which tlwéljmw hath siammmumdgtm Hm: iudgméntiofrshe.Scjvcraigmfor thclawéi znéfimh mkmm miudgefih uofhavc iudgmcn::,fidEI5ty,& pm‘: vifion ofall ncccfl‘ary:i?ncideh§m;:ffiicnt For”rtha1:‘trU£f.‘ aiifld than itqi“ pr::f¢Y1ffl;.bpk11:;ifh;c A€fis?aud%iddg%ement , of tlwpiartytrufied, béforc my ethmzxudgaementwhatfm-mrcr.Nor is theiudgmcnt ofrhc whole A 1§i,rflgcf:<1Int:%ar1:y&WhiI *flight¢d% thércxby ,, ”n¢c:»m.o1”*e thcfni"finV p;ar‘ticui‘a1' $c%i£:m¢:mv ;(aswiV.i%1ity» Phi:}.bfi>phy%,PhyficMk°, MJathcmatiqn%e, 650:) thd Viudgcmaueztof the : pt*af&d?Ym:sie of.~::hoAfcfScienc€a flaou1d#bc< préfcrred bcfiaxjc ;hamdgqmVcnt?q£;hc A~yv,ho1¢:4bady%reprcfcntacive., A was... wzigyg rhP4-£3; .«§:-gig; §nf;M“1W?’W‘% crm*m&2;2m;A~‘ %MattersVo£1hStare¢&hd%£&étc2§:”oFg&ai?ern£* A menu are not only unfie.%.and d»a+ng;erous tio be ptlbliqhcly7managed,by: £50 numcrousa bcpdy as our m=:pm iE:ntativt‘c ~is,A but the ‘greater part at‘a;»5 is little experienced or Vabfkzto manage them as tharin Eda»; that“ mirds v;ime,A% th e Houfc ofccammofis thbmielves Kajsthze .Obfervbur ‘ ($01.6. tcflus ) dcfired theymight b?e:ifpamd.:'fi*.gm%giving3dyice.jn‘ rhoie mattew, dc’ 5/zmax ii; mm p.micvg’m'::mrta, «of which they had“ m>tt‘.h<:“. Cogmfans. The Iudgrementof.thcbody rcprefcnt-ittiveéit A fclfe, di&%n‘ot at that time be1eivc,&but%that afwpli‘ the Iudgcmcms‘, as the carat: of “the Ardm~Regni, wdxd“ Chcifiy lziékxng ten the King; i'I‘“ox‘ whom alone,’ thé Law having::t%comn‘:ittcd rhe%Sdv¢mign ‘G?dv43erH-5% mt:-;-m, ordained him withall, ;-a body offworn privy Councclim ad.” wife with therein, and a £wo:ne%Cuuf1f::1lat Law mmivife ¢H1mo§? t»11e%B.ights and Prifvilcdgca that belong‘ mum H ~fi,zprea%m Gm; vemour, and%:firf¥mfth e“'Ihmc: AStames o€Pai*1§a:r:imt; 11 L I Fa nyof theft: fwom Coz1n%fai»}»e%rs {ha} 1 Cc:>a,z*r;rfi?+%: the ”King :‘1g‘é1‘iu'f{:4 thc known Law, or afiy by their Coujtfi‘ai}%4$ , rim’??? thing againflc it 3 after Iegallprocccding and %c*onvi?€tiong. it*wi”flE nut mcgmucefiiw on what {hall become of them ;, But if’ withmxs @g;A»:1*~z?i2r":&€“iof“p:4ru { wiculars, firchcoim faflétirs [hall gén ern}jj1%x,M%:‘%x“:;i=.% i1”:"=;I»::*-=:* i?;%«Z$3!:V1:y-ix? £3t‘.i5Abe (‘Ea-‘ furcd private xvhifpcrbrs and 17:.2dw::cr4s of ’1-,f<‘«%;;I:§~:<,a;:»:;r.rfi» to be %x:he1«T'y" ‘removed from Hi m: then {hall the King g~: dz ngEr0!3flyA»d7é~ privcdof the conibant meancs1Fvhicfi‘wtht?*I;aW*?hutfi‘ efp;e~c;ia“1ly:"%or-« dayned Him, fbr fupport of Hisflight aVga:inf£ the oth”<~:r?tWd‘i ie$ppi;;;¢ fed powers; and for th; good ?di{cVbarg7’e:4ofr‘Hi§ Kitagfh? *”‘55ffiAC§i‘;* B cw {idea if men flxaxllfo besmndcmnbd and ‘mitfiiffi tygfimore: l§y:s=civ¢;;'~?" rfaignty and uncontrou1abicn‘esAd£Iudg¢inefit:a1crib&s:d to the wc‘on~¥ dcmrzcrs, then by cIearneiT:: bf‘ evi%denctbo1d,iarmcJ,&V and in "authority ,. and % tI1erefor}::Iicentioua,and tumulting in every place. ‘ » A V God will require an accwuntofour Oarhcs, and Protcflations for 5:i¢f¢nc¢V Ofthfi @303 Pr0.tc{kant4% Rchgmn. asvvcll agamfc Schifmati- ;(&a11VC0rh;nptigns,as again{’cPopi{h. And an accoumof our falemu Qathcs of S11 premacy, and ofobfervancc of yhe Lafwg as well agéinffi .p0pl1k\Y‘1HfO1€HCC3aand mvafions of Sovcrangne power, as againifi ,reg9,H Tyranny. L¢t%us¢&takc head mm: when émmfa qf Oatber sm- §L4nd‘:a1re:ad4y4mog;rg¢;:;. Wcflglrough an univcrfa1l%br€ach cf Chzthges ‘ ju5nakei‘t notfor pTcrjury%Amrsu1‘n more "greivoufly. Igcafiz “when Awith ;~;our icflemn athas, we hm: brought the anixnadvcrfion ofour cab... ‘ Jcrvancc of Law , o I ngh;,and of Rclxgwn, before the “prefcnce of [$k (?;.¢;;.;J1,:a,s4 Iudgc and lievcnger of it ‘;' and with% our own hands 1{i-nd--‘ ‘I«Wcda%firké““For%tI%=1%c” trial! ofit : We Our Ieivcs beffound! gui1tyAof;‘a breach, or ra_f,haVL1ting%in it.’-. Let us Wcigh’wc1 1 the can fc, the ground, ..mhcww,ay, and the end of our taking Armes, that the horror pf uniuft %fl€1¢““f¢!f?£i¢ izlmé-fl=¢é€1i31%a may n°t1Y€“1?°¥1”551“*¥${?“ WW ?D3~% i& mfie is amawa1.za gm-ct,‘ which we may do: axreaay"Vhave wgaam May we notaftcr famcpmvifioxi made: For fbrbcarangggf {gm}, ' CcremoniAcs,as by thcludgement of the Church {hall be: thought fit‘ A to béfparcd, havethe authorizcdfcrvicc of the C hutch eflablifhed 3 And after purgation and regulatz-on of ‘fame enoifmitives in %Chur‘c:h “ -gevwernmcnt. have ti ac difcipline of the Church of Ekglmzdin a good A°0F1Adi‘i0‘fl ¢f¢“~'}€_<1 :4 With fevftrc penal“ provffi'on» againfl: cernnivcrsw and Innovators mthe one on-1n’ t_h;c; other .? Hath not Hig Ma jefiy dag dared Jhimfelfe ready and wxllmgto croniént thereto P Agafnefi :0 nzake fin-e theabolifhiug of all gricvarxccs already fupprcfl , and res: regulate Armes, and fame other extravagance: in govcmmcntnmt yet provided for , may we not have fit M provifionary lawcs, with ieverc%ang{s;~;1gcna3ldfimning of all przaéfxcqs to the con‘trary.,<" Doth non 7%!-H5 Maj'cPcy:to t“11"3.tA a1{ofrc~‘;1y ofi'ct‘ His coni"¢ntP ivhat canbgc wan- Y “ring to the igttling ofas found and Well a governed C%hurcB andiStatc3,A as any Nation under Ha“-:avex1hath ever lived in P Forif by d few: re law the pcrfons ofthem that fhallattempt any thing prejudicial} to? A % the fetlcd prafiiccof Rcz-hgion'or to the dcclarcdiibcrry of the Sub... V jefi be cxpofcdto excm‘p1afyw%punifhmcnf,no feare of I nnovatign m the‘prC}ud1CCof€1th{i‘r can rcmame. Nor can We {care His Maje. jfiax‘ tolerating of ofl-"<~:ndcrAs% when befidcs his imprccatingin that Mcafc him felfc and QHis,h<:E has ( in caf: he foAvitflar:es the Law) with His owns mouthhdifpcnccd wV_i chI+Iis Sub jisfis obedience; ” As for ” Oar Pzzr!i.«zr:se,:etx5 i t can no way be in th: power of”rh