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A V '. “*3 /§2'254gu¢i;gfl. /;r2k;mW fl:z*«i[e;{ vfl?}.;”z.'}3' I1<:2t:2;¢.3}L%3!y{r,}.1§:’; jg A fe%ve1‘.:2]~l '%;.7;s Rogues ‘n1u1*t15e i<;e‘i‘*;;i%%1:':1'2.mrfollowed 51%:/1*,--’ Strm527 amciw W'.«.7.§vz‘-j?f4,z¢".::=;r._,- ‘:.:1’:“':,i:*;*.s~.“ ” ‘they‘11ad?‘m1u'1't1ac1rced his Cluazice}E@1*, his Trea {urez+', CE1i»t'fi§L1e%v$q fiic}e,fa11d%otherS and brb:I«:e;~QpAo11 his Exc.'1ieque,:~,X gmcl cc>m?-3 mitted all 111anf1e1f..0f,0_LxtmgcS a:1di%vii_1a-~z"2ies =, ianci why fdidlac do%ic, é%1;m:fi.co _»..2WO.}§.7d‘La.:“g1‘t3Z’Lt.€:T1‘f da..:2.z*2grc*1‘4-:f _ 1"d*¥fla:«v,_Il it be ;:fi1£.’d W {;d*i'{h~&mQ1'« f1r%%King4? ®¢~:;37,<§ivldVV’; 1;o;;1ar: I‘1Iom=:fi »c1c{€.~resVV E ‘ Eis ‘:SL1bj cié’csf«;?« ‘ rich _,tl1c>fe EM: ¢J%t:<‘:1.l tllcl Isiifigg f.J.ch 4t:z,!Ae::., fC%11‘t%I1eir A A h own diVfht;rr1<913fx1c>ttI“1é,Kjgi1%gs&[g th¢,I—Iom1*f tlaeffiizzigxs Supre::m1,~ A ;gnc1‘;b‘c1r1ggu:2u*dcd by ]L2£t1ce_%ar1d E3*ie2tj,;.,V'?~ is; ,ca:%me~A A ’ ‘cc i;v%eéi1,.n @“tt1"1t‘:—1“ wmmd nQr‘f’t:.1m,:,% nay, Igimg(:'m;rZ5Vl1;;n:h:£}1cx>w:d }~I‘i'L:1';.{?;§I fiti»*fi11’£it§1‘€fp€‘fl: 11?: 'I&f£f*: R0ya11 1; them ~37 P1'cd<2{ic::’T0 r::2',, fc)1*fH1s‘0flr‘e1'of 12:.-1rdo11 to t11ofcV.i:l;au:%1%1; opinicstz war:-e;*d:',11;.":z1 ,Tr;1%ytci1*s’,‘p1‘0ve%d( 11*'2‘L1"cI1;g Vnay,AHiS'fi‘€q-ifiélfi ;m«:1fi&p;:i::Iic1: 3TV<'3~%-“ ‘ A c~a;1t;2.tAiQxiAasL*i-c were of m:c:i1f"i’n1;1c five M\fifi313w€17'S:§_=¢>Z'il').r2:I with- '¢iraV§'i£xg;?[,His4”Accu£1£i‘@n:}gJ0n~:fECQh_d~»£h0qghts, grcv;g.0a)Mci pa-e- AA g A 2 A V “ W 1r..ific:~s, __ % % E 14 Mmiffes td gf<31tmiV minis wt-1Ac1iuAFibz1.fV‘L%aptt§n ,”Athr;.11;_ Re d7b1ig*11.ts»i 11 7pe:;ce,% §i11dA h:J.dA 1'at¥~?1Ac rAjdfivAu}‘geA rifle pf‘) 11%;? “0Wh»Aet~* ring , th “11 be the author of that difqxuiet, which mufi 11avcAfo11owcdA A th1'0L1g11.«A:11cAwhole Kingdmn.,, if'jhc .wi1fu11y pcrfi1?L<:d inn 1 fartrher prfecutio:1,%a-vraxre thingjn P1;iAnc*es, .ax1d,iu {beVw:%csv11i1n as divfinc 23.3 vertuous, in tAl1atAthe’ 1:c:fiitur:i0n4l1c nmdc themi xvas ' off-Ehe fzmie11atu1~e%,;:2as:Athc wrtbirg fixppafetzfl Wa?s~L ‘’ both being publique and is; mm: tAl1~iAs ra~jAfuFfic1["ent ¢g$1+o+p4t1dFAf‘f?éi>vi‘ *fi1ib!je&s faitll, so bc1:Ai~cver11atf his »AMajcfiy tuende1;As l1isA~%%w{u4bj:e&s WE:1Vf?are as his own, z11cA%pr;3f€rv:3.tici11 emf m.:1_1'A~LaxvVeAs»%ecg1L:1H?y “A with that of his ~owni7p1ierog“atix*é;A (mi ‘fl1fiicc11o1:},. liiis 13330115» aflcii <3fi:e;1'1 pL'o~ticAf’ca'ti:0r1S 1”:§t.:*‘i<1-1g’ AA ifiinjglfiy Co CT'"tI”i”z1t A l71?onoA1~y'ouA 0WAe Ahimx oVf“giving C1‘€di£AAt0 lnis: -grz71ri%<*3us% '"'pr0mif"e*s : VAA1=;i2*2>t11"he um ci¢fi»redAtheAj~1$1Af1%4 G0dAm’ cEc:rA1%AtwAi£‘hl1i11'1 and »I;1uis‘A , z3.s>3«:;" f 21%: cicalesxvitla us :3 A a;i1AdAA{1m11;wAeAApr="ma : ;fai%th1cfl7e~g:emra;tio.n, as c aurld‘ fiA;1:Au::.f‘2*A wxtzh ifiavdiza p1+efcnce«%4111‘A:1s 1fiie.::%ouId fimfmffi: ffilfi ;DeV1IA1%hiAmV- f€1fli~x1beix2g {O ur1n3;m%r‘a:llA t0 Aihisf CIm':1d£Eefl1, 1:13 tQb“1_'e.?rk uh wife re ~ A Iigius"%p1'otAefia;:i0ns, *.up*c~m 1:115 AApe1tf7mm$a~m:e~A mf ;th¢%:ir A A3*tv¢*eA1%i:::2:’;m £r~*A1§:0E:Iy. A ware I ww"c%1?c Awomz xnsm ;3;1i3~;€- ’ q%A.1:a:11A5, az1dVfh-:a}f91 We :m»w Mtzzfie that i;i"i1‘th7eAf‘r:n.A¢?¢: AI1A1A«5i1<~«i4i1f-".', =«1i9;:f‘i"m:~eAs ~‘worfct:1aAc~n 1§3eafax1:ts 3; rx<:§‘.1: to "be ~ b.er1icAvc4Ad =3‘ Befides , wVAh:m rc:af‘0n imave‘ we !:'A1 @5W” £65‘ f.'ufpc&biA , the AjAt*alou%ficsA of fm%1‘~ imaw % ‘czxr-zmt c¥nte~mzi%:1AtI*ra.z;» £332, Afm: mne.fi~»t."‘¢c=ou1dAbe ”tA the King to Hfl1mr4i.n»% 21% A1"t;:‘.~':r1*'A<:>r¥v jsfo 1A A rh‘eA »£;:9«w«cfit:§‘leA r51‘1»z~1A3{3@;$5‘;-2£1TO"b?@£§.€it€If€~thfiy haa€rcA% wftm ’hc1—d1»A.hcr : pi with *¢vhAi~;; the c;c:m12i;ntu2n<:t: 1:h_is I7‘ar1i%a.;% m.cj;r1A1:,~AAanc1AAt"2mrthe pafi n1V11h%apVpyVaccidczm; in his gO’\,?€1‘fIfl:Ii1EfI}tA5 4 fi“:~—~ethe;1Ab.4um:1:szz1tA iE.2t1sm1<;‘J%fi.:§,>:1 he hath gixren 1:01;-1Ai.S,p”€‘0§T¢4, by C13.1T11i’1i1‘ig pf5B1mZpnI0z1y.,and p%afl‘ing the Fc>1*.% tzdézing dm.*m~c the: 7Sm1*~;<;hambcs.' Aand 114igAh% %C~omm¢i.ff1on Coéuxti: a11%di»‘tTI1m; itbr £fxi~s.#4%§"2»1*«:*»mi1‘5: my dc th€t1'u_(i* Pm: fit:-nt Rcligicma milk to mind rm gxmt é‘¢fi‘L?(:fl‘ orfa thmugh Rf: _f0m1ati0n,% whi%c1u his Ma. jefty Acxp:rcsiI"’-d41;)y pgszflixmg the A6: for*t‘aRi;n.g Q away of .Bifl1_opfs Voting in the Hou£eA_ofLAo1'ds, (ind IikeWif‘e .his.d¢~fire of aloxrg -wi£hed~;-flax‘.Sy%m>d 3% hi-%s%*‘ m:.2n_v PVrmc1a«m;a1:i0x* againfl: Je-fizitéi A d fox‘ ex%pul£‘i4x:1A¢=' of R.~€«Cufa"11.tSé om: of I1iVs‘m'n1y_ ,,A an W hich ate zevid-em; fig-gfnies.0-Ea.wcI.A1-meauixag P2.fr1n*c:%<:-.-, ancf than for {lime Li- “bexity of Sub:j":*€cwl1Aich he vv~=JS ta i3Vl1»':’tiAf°iIf_13«.ej§1'1§'..._‘COflfid£i’l5 whether E"«1.-*:h:.11:“h rcfiz£?3dt0~1~cavc even4t114c»fc 1;1mt' IMVBV had ::heAgre;1teIt vfl;1:.1.re Of his. princely favouxgpso the §,Li€fié:;€ 3.0? {ha Lam ,. Vvhtiffi V theyhaveT1*z1y'te‘rouflyflconipircd tO“5©th.¢1"-_tGJr fiA1bvcrt the fi'ut14 (“ma-tmn;ta11 ‘I:;z2.we$'A A~.o2’:'»~ the I{in§;do»1nc, Am‘ b. fpAe3.k cam,-cc fra1§I,, me: §_§iw:bL1t:C;afi 1;ewi{s,tm1x.d1net1t ;,V":c{V'z15;. theVAp0FrI*és rule to Ifiexitioxi ‘@2143p':zti=::mc5cV <>f533052, wljmzi 1143* not igzmrzmt cf hrs 1n.1pz2.t1« If ‘ M 4‘ IE;?."1?.z_2.L -V‘ C312}:%th§)ft”e1ity toféek Voutg ;.:md~his kl":- , {:5 ;a_-,.::»s3“z;‘:":<>s.z~s:*,z,nzrcgsmteé A0x,v,rI.».a.de oowima to futux cages, mgr» 5:; ’1*:1o§.:‘z:1:1‘*d Z<2a1_0t;#:};;V'lfe%a1*n nmdfsfiy i‘r01n thafe 05:111- “A r... .- 1-’_h“ g;;;;;;~g,r_a“~Vg'ni gmzézufg é;:h?é: -P%é:r1i:miefit",i :§.¢;»%_,dI1vc::: thcnx rm1;:211be:x:,4 -rim: 5.1. ‘Es, be ti1.é>"i2§’11t 7t1ie'fi'ui.’te; of .21 gmod c ‘;a;::?;%j'§m.:§;}{'?>_i1§ét€‘L<>i*~hav%¢ th,o:i' 111611 di{’c%Em1‘gc%ci”'itheir ebcchimacc .4‘ r: . -_., -A I 1,.‘ gap’? A11? ( tax. I‘..., ’\»‘ V Y’ P. ‘ , - J. ‘:1; . . .- ¢-r1“'*, 5; '; 1‘ 1.. h\--.!. ' z.‘ . 00"” ‘K £{§{rj35Vi1;:.{{w‘ié:V%_:_*;=¢z1 t1_1‘f:;*1i"i 'I;_.;°.i‘z'.ft%:‘:91"'r~;_5Pzéitcxits %t~':> ”C{ifp'e}‘1c%3 wiila th‘c1'r f _ Cfw V ‘D: f ‘u §*Q_1r:": -*~~:r~ "w: k at ‘Wv . . M ‘1-(.‘.3.~ ,, I I _Ci1fl'.§~£‘..s.€;(‘2n €4_.Ef3 . tc.r2§1i%s‘v%%1"-.?§:{z‘5 .,t it . * . * . : -’ ~h;1f:1 -, am C1 3: E3 3 EL?‘ ‘C ‘ “ 3;:«.:%..%::,,, a::’u;A:s :V*§€3*c zj»::e E 2 *5‘? Mia '::.~1:>‘§;:%‘-,f iJ”%jm.:,s§1‘%:;%s2‘?:t.*,’;,V J , .4 ‘- _ .... .’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V " . .u'-.:,—W;-- ’ M‘ «ea «'37. ;- ¢-’~::“".:.w. 4' H,"-.::.*n--runny 2%?! my " ‘;._,'-'«..~r.\§}.£3‘ "~.. "5; .* 2-5. 2.‘ LXLLAE 3. . ‘M. ‘'.«--'n..... CA.'.1.. (.3. - .3‘ ‘ é “- ~ ~ ‘ 4-.. u 2£éfz‘~'o?2fl¢z;:~é£';éV:f#",*iA{:'tl1;eL Way to honaur God be to ’§a.’Ii:14,<;*;.;;I 1‘1‘*’=,r,I h:Wc 10---L021{;:‘+.1nifi:1{min 11aIV“{?:*lf; V. u2..L'. ‘yr tau: ’:&::, s:.:6‘1>«.‘=i$‘i*':t> , - *:§.*r-.‘=~-f,,r cicfiiuié £‘;:,( ‘;t* only 1ii%h1;b]uE hr:t1121t {+3112 a;I.5. ‘A ' v I .0 F:__“‘!,7' “‘.‘.“‘ N-.r.\.-“‘n' I "Jr ‘ 7]:-7" ‘ .=e.£ ".‘ 4." to am. ob{crv:mcje'of Géds %1%.:1w'Tess‘%-; :;md 'Wfpec‘:1yc0s.1rAfc bc~nQtta1k4e"z1 by"~thc’£‘c 01? ’%:i:2"~*fi0 ~£%.:2.i"€3 E1 ‘v«.~*r.éj fflé; 2.23.1 }m*VcT% A Ii*;n0v:3ti0:1's Rt-iii» msp in .,%%x\r~%7i1i§f1i Wi11% iii: Alength fin j ‘"30 " V M ‘A ' ‘ V ‘ r V '5 4.; ~-":':v,'-'r?1,7 |. .a I... - L .‘ oi-.'i_‘ « - I I - i ,5 (:4 '\ Q ..g‘.” #3:. ..'''r: “E my-'-1'» G. -I*~.!W‘.n"3 .w 0 2 .59 **..'*‘:».L;{); -.s.i':~ ‘1zi.,,_1!:21‘%'.,2:-‘ 1» ‘ " " '<‘ ‘v‘.' "I :q5:~... "u¢‘&<". ‘u q -n .o..'ls‘_ = v .. .3 {.:\,{§I:.."1.ixLa‘1(..w"f,7‘ )7 I) f”1‘e;*y«%”1a.ier14%r. ‘tr'<§i1i"53.>:1:.1b1逓i"ipc3eches, E €3.64 1 . - a ‘ Ix’."s.-‘.") "' < - wan-' V4‘ ‘la ‘."~p¢'\.a 4...-a...L» »- r» r’ ‘V ‘ ‘ _ ~ I fl ‘ V“ N.“ - _ ml - ‘ ‘" ' ' a _' ,‘ C “ ‘, -‘~'‘ ~' ‘ ‘ ~ .I . ' H‘ ‘ ‘N A :".»“:»§.:.2§~s:* flit’ %{wgma2-1*«:~i‘Z:"§'ipt10141>%:$ mzhofc % 33: thcfft tl tion and St1'atag'@m againft e-itwhct 5Chutch'ortCoztmtott"~;vea§t?‘;.;" 1 1in,9_:sbeit1gin the HITFL‘t}i¥IflC€1‘CI1"l€Cfi€d'iI1.Eh€ Cht”.1rch.; A t1m:.,1f}7..tett“e;::} anti that beingtdoite by this Vhzrppy Parlitatxltnt ,_, the t».ve1*y pjtmifli- l’1'1t‘. I'ttOfthC‘ Axmb.%tptifls,tBro-wnifts, Sep~et*atif"t3,’ ah"d‘ I Zi;:”1oxt+»>'; A 1’10.tfV§5I':1£it‘ ts: call tltem, f.V7i}‘1fpcf.1I: tltefé tif1‘1;<"3‘S3:iSt glorious tr; paw I’-V fiéljityj i1i_thtit' Rt‘fot1naticm ,’“2ts new th cry %1a‘1‘c%t1;1imentéd:t t~in;,J‘»-A AA thei1‘pe1‘IE:cL1tion : ;¢z.mfqfiVzzt;z;7¢j2:~9o]}eré fiaccéclzmtt ti‘£.$‘C‘ fi¢m2zz;ae»t~-it/95" mg/z'gx¢;¢z‘W ci.irt1ime.. A V " ~ ‘ 7 " V y‘T11:-t-2 m=~.*x.t way} fat? Subjecfts ta en it Free ql.Tit':‘f\_'3I1d‘p_€.€?.C€--‘I’ abI‘etlitf¢,, :r‘.‘;O‘tftOt* Pcztnéi too much t1p:ton~Ithci1‘ tp2u;1t:z.17I@-s wi.th‘f 1 A that lawftzll tincc 3 wtm by fOI‘CC.th€y compell ?th<3]i~,1: PriVm:ettt~ ‘ tog, by the fzmf1%e4 :mt1_101‘ity ittis ufi.1a11yfb 1*Qi<2€I1,b11t_V'x? h €fT*'.KiE1«g.’S». d-‘<3 frcelyt g51*£LI1t,, it is alwz-tyres flt3.1néfL1I1“t0thcn;1td xvit1tdtt:;m*»t-;,~”td F31“ ’ft‘was never ft1tf5L,bIé,tto»R,jQyal A A %% . Ird.iWP.Qfi_EiQ 1i1S§i:; tO¢bc tfo1‘tCié?d 130*‘ ' tliiit Miitfih ,fi11¢Y7i%§*iF¢9nd% ‘C0 k¢¢p%4t.:imVi<>1%if€i1é¥~,atn:i‘ if %ts1e¢ét13if3;§f‘;V fcfmze ithem .tQ*'3:11"1a kc? at awn: :t.tI11:h_Ié: ;zz”]‘3j”g2‘2‘i5zfj§,;" tldzit SL1bjC&Sa1‘€*li:-:1bl€ Attottthepfitnte L:.jt‘w i“Ot1‘颀u.’?2 e ‘cadbm !z’.*c~g fo_1'—th0t1gh*?1Kinvgt;Z;'5ln2;drIlVZ£he* t:hitd t‘11OE,fi.I.h_¥1‘ jt-(St to fO_1fC gyc; i1c;rw;»2s téo‘ x‘1ec'.effi’ty;'\=€fhi(3i’i;be<::t1tfér=it:tw;:.mti0- %1_c'1'it,‘ he s2:avciw';ty:t0Ati‘t,% ‘ z1_ndat‘_ tF1¢f §f*‘¢q%L1'eti% OF‘th'€“P;3flié1I11‘1"€I3‘KT ' Iioldcm tttinwtlm fiftieth ytpt‘ 0fih’i*s# Rtii;g13V,“%11%e dfiid‘ owtgatngi . QX7.§11t_;~g@ 'fi*o:n,his 1,7t1;€f6'i‘£~€jZ_e2.2:1v;e;rt(.f21it114 Eato‘le:‘fiaz’.¥fgi_c»»s,)grazfiofljfafl I V . « '\ J£ag}%::zg§Awi3.x2;A 4what«im:-if’: thou? ( E§n:,@:.7az‘r$m ;¢,éeZ;{7_{§7* 1% ‘Warm :t9m:}.*A-«J A ;~§£:d’%i this were bLi?t"c«&onfi:dc=:19ed, the blood-t‘hi1'fl:i$n,g ‘M-'ox'Ad &df.:1;1'x M--V A 1F:l€:@n~en1y,_ byfa tim%tlfy11pwioz1 and prepaArati:on 'n12a.yi3t:p%1“<:ve3t1tc:ul, and ~ the thin ribfcita1“1£ai7Ic:AA0rf A anuiverAfa1Hzm1vin‘e may hm: lxis cr;fiw1npt1o%n< %1':::9:m"¢;c& bye; fi1pplyh*o.nn oAt;ir¢ n‘e1ghbour11‘1g$Nat;im1s ,; and the qu1c_k.~ jv V-fggreair;1é;;;:g vcnomt at an mfiaeftiious A.%1?*::fi:iJ°:::z1'c_<:d may fbe rL=:vc:nAtéd aby am:i~ VAd~;o*t%eS, andqtiaflllifimed by ph}‘fica}i.rr:x n€die_§ ;_yea, Tliké :]hef %1§§inV“g§~ev§Il ifcj A may be cureAd_;,by His Nfajt:1'3:i?:s fret-":4 p%ermifi1o4~n <)f6%t11‘c Pa%’*1ffiamc3Ants mic-dtfifl: £3.11d_g5.flf’i(€ procA€:edin»gs,.% both forHis vindicrazgion-, and o‘1i%rAAp}*cFervacion thereixz inciAi;2%dieéi. AWhat: if the Pai1'fi.:4:m%en~t4 in theirvaficwif€doA1nflmuId A czontcm; %tb pardo:z1%1th(§fe' gzteat :D.-:1‘inq1zmtsm1 t:hfc’Kings, mufi:i:hx,% V ptzoplrs t;heAr£;‘f‘::>’1*c»m1;2rmu1*<2 at them‘ pA%1Aoc&e-dinwgs , ~AAas’%AifthcyAl1ad auc1i¢~y_% r.;i.£y to %do%%noth:Ang butwhar; plcafieth them ? or what though thofc Athaz. IAg;av;c done ‘their dutiezs __im :1;enAdmg the Pa r1iaVm<;m: ;: Mon_<~:y a]rid:fPlate, £h~01:1%d%bAc cont€nt%to% rccemzmn equ;aII{1aa1:c of that whith is yet txnfizaccmi, and ’fiayA for the ref’: ‘kZP’¢::!‘-1¥"y‘t'.he f;;1;rzeA£aVichV t%he.y‘ha%ye. for it M1,; ft: ‘th€.‘ r¢ A7 ‘mVighc Pezgfc ej A ( N i1PcAthe ‘i1‘1‘;<:ii7giduA$~I¥%L1IAEfm:dA€‘,4 A1br:ha{e’«of ‘trim ffatéhif ” fiity’ g1“i‘_€‘VA e, Abecagxxfa of _i'he?fai¥r ¢’ i1L‘iA xzvcax;x1‘c¢§rhc’.n% e"~[~ agfebd "iipfifli ishjmm A 4 2-h¢‘€E"13fi0%n%0»£*n1or€‘"b10ud E if notbeAtter to 'fa~v*”e ?{aAme,»vhAat cc:rmi.nly*m AA t:fiaAn1m:Imar& a*1»‘iI; andi¢pcfi7::£Te AAno.u“gh‘r 1722:6337? iefp ecial\—I?%y;Ai;when\the %g’ia.MVim“. rag. ~mu£tMa£ nccci‘5"tyd0Wfl‘%biYA tih«€:%;10fTE: ; 4w.iL1x nag ~Ch§“If‘”f Ig{1Q1*y of grggzgmd 1; Mafia.-_t1‘E.‘i5z wgithSt’he ‘ o£fa}m1wL§ n‘ob3éH5V'1bO%d,,..V1*afi& »2§_.1i1i1ny b‘rfav’é v%1*=.a.~ VA%:‘;;:i1AAies, IQW.hi€hTth€C0i1ti3:ifiénACE oFV:t.AhAis uh1%r:;mac~e ¢;(iiQf:‘}"2 thmatizn ‘rip, , §§nE*:?.~WiH~.&012A=r%fi€1_a$ grow. fti: t*!:i”I;c:4:V iMhumda”tio‘nA éf*‘Mc:1I%d P‘ 0i*;%%dt$1fl1zz‘ry9 rpzjze deligigt iri behofdiing pefifive Ma~t£or1s,"£ic:.¥f7::rz%rnimI1figtocfistio f'rbquc:nt* A F11néA§*éi%1s fit)? thaeiAr fi;‘iught‘er’d‘ ‘-¥i@19banvdsiéfid%“ifiiies ‘ §%éfWeiL*y l+t>x1A”E:c?:»“x1‘4’V%4 A fiiaafiaife riutsy %’t%is41f.Q?‘ £%o‘otpéi: F-fin’ Airtfhbfa tI1i7nAg§Tt’hét ”ma:—:.y:n%otA rA1?r21u?I1;.‘% % %V ’taIpoVn%%A»ou%r R&}i‘:g*iM%; and"Ath€*n4.1;I1t2}r=;~;isgi1i fihdC,.. I:hi§AI{ingdcama3¢pcrfomted in t:*17e;;fa*blE: h”3bi,TT0f-N a Vwiddowfg; W-inh %Adii'he%1vVed%hai1*s, flm1aAaA:oAP%eAtitia;m “ A f§;}1€}f£‘_A‘ ~Qi(‘*A"A.H’k'ZE1f§I'IifEyAygthflfll finrc ;fh«3Ais tI1Ae..E%mthcx*.%¢of: znt3fi:zosf us, and 9., V mp~IL1:1f:';: t};t?aV{0_;3'$faW:_1rl,: 1;.l;:xfa_:;tiI1eAy Wo:i1%Id%¢ta3«;€« fomfi‘ mfpecdy ofdcr ‘fb1‘V.hcrr4:.'-{‘ ~‘ . V V M % ¢ % A V Q2715?/Z92 _/21.?’ 52:3 éfcfla pgctm ” '7:a.c;:9_/]?m;»5 A¢A;mm«;:,