air e e%e¥aaias$%eaia»* *4’ ea ea wee §§$@§eee§e§%&eeeeeee R av ‘ . oughttoeyadhcreto theTm"li4ment. % J {cone doe men forget t'he4byA-goil VVH TS KI GDOME ' 1 timeoftheithafflifliong’ orif' they 1'eta.ine Ape darke and miffy remembrance of they time pafc, they wantfthe difzretion by . comparxng it with the time prefent to A fozefiee and prevent evil} times toecome. And this feemes to benow the condition of us the peo- "A ple ofEngIemd, who lmve almoit forgot how our Re- livion La.Wes— liberties‘ and m ertie-sir: o111*eI%ates V :3 9 3 :2 lay bleeding; almofl to death at the feete of A a. Malignant of'Pa.p1fis, Pre1ates,e.nd Court I3’1'1efis, Innova-— ting Coumtellors, corrupt _Iudges;, With thexre depen-N dents,I3etty«Fobgers, So1icito1‘s,P1'ojes&oz's, M-rb;1opoljw«% A A fers, a.x1:i other P1*erog:u:1ve ‘‘ Pamfites : How unjuf’c and dePcrm€‘cive. 21 warre was p1'0je&ed by" the faid. Ma.1ig«.- nzmts betweene us and 0m'bmthe1' Nation of Scotlmdf wherei11 wehwere flare, if we xvere c0nqe.e1'ed., to 1001?: our fI::lw‘e:3 rmd all we lied m the C0:1q:ze1‘01*w?:i_1whozn M _We fc)1.1:~;2,‘}:1t;, andifwee (Ed c0r1querJt0% the eP»"§::2.U§g;z1a21t pa1‘tiefbr Wham We feLzgE1te: H-aw {tan feemre c:=«:,:1' beam e A A M £38‘. :?f6. (25 Q diage) the old Englifh Souldiaryr of Prc>tefl;az1ts being i ii idisbandeci in‘Irrl:z2z..r1._,an Army of 800:0. Inf/be Papifis, (the l.ce«ndu6’c01*sl at this clav“ of the bloody rebellion rhere) were raifeol by Srrafioiwl, and kept: hovering over‘ our heads,‘ ready to fall upon us l{_wea.l5 G~od)i<3Vere~0_f11e,ia1id fare »Pci1l_.enV;ir0ned witliall :- How fairhfullyito ouribenefit theylhavei-dislburfed the ‘. publike‘ money; p7 ands upon A What 3111}, neeefl‘ary,‘rri1egall , grounds, and with What reFpe6’c to the King and King- dome they have managed all our affaires. T,H0lV (as ~» Chrifl: was led afideimzo the Wilderneffe to bee temp- red) his Majeflie is led aficle fi‘omlhis great ~Councell the Parliament (in. Whom there is fi;1*ength‘;s into a. Wil- derneffeof errors and wealcneffes: And what rhepomts i Aofdifierence bcrgzveene h1S Majelhe and ‘Julie Parliament are at this time; He‘ there is capable of .f%.risfé.éiion., and defires 4 withall to kqgxv what {hare he is likely to have in the publiike calamiiies (if not prevented) and how to «Carry ihimfelfe tlaerein, let him rlreatiethe third lRemon4l V fignes (diflzruéhve to the being of Parlianmentsand ‘roe fl:rar1ce,_r.he Ieverell Declarations, tile genemlil accduntsr A _ oftlie iK‘ir-rlgclorrie publilhed by the Parliament, togerhere’ with th0f€~m,0P_c excellent 0i§le1'v2r~.t~i0i1s 5, the me upon’ his <3) a his Majefcies axifwer to the Lords and C0mrn‘onsA0fth.;e 1 9.ofMay,Az 642 . The other upon fome OEA his Majefties f late Anfvvers and -Expreffes. A "Li‘ZfPhyficke before our Phyfitiansrcan perfefi the cure, ~ and had ‘rather venture. at 1‘€1f1p{€t;Ih€11 co”t1fi1'rnet~ot_zr healthes by flirting up naore humoura: A ~ A ~ . Secortdlyfloecattfe the Parharnentdzd not fetafonablv a fatisfife our anger withprmifiament of Delinquents, wee. are new tr red” W 1th expezirattort, and as angry? Wrtla the- Parliament as Wtth Dehmquettts. V But 1:? weer twztirdetrr 1 howpmd bv whom they are §fii’Ot€C?.”€d, wttere they take A A, A A A A " W‘! . V — as a ‘Tu W » v - 1' _ .2, 4'‘ -:‘‘.2 -30 V‘ N--7 Rage 3...; 5:: 1 12;. v"'v'*" V”‘‘"‘‘'‘ 5‘ fa ’ ‘ “:3? «M. t 4 4.; ‘tn’? 1? at ‘T ;;.*~..«, at *« ~ . ' ~ \ «W t ., \ . mzzv‘ - ‘:5!’ h mt .San.€%u%ary: and how the multitude of offenders, their F gftiends and abettoe1's is f'uch5 tImt——4-—Hosdtfi.m’it mama.-A rzagl jzméioqztc zmzéoflep/nzlmgesg They are too many',, too flrong tofbe brought toit_punifl1nient, unleffe the Pa.t~1iatnent hound more abilitie in :themfE1Ve"s and more confi‘ancy;t1 the people then they h3.ve__yet met wtthall, the Pwetliamehnt is to.tbe—excufed. W Second1y~outward cauf es of our unconftancy and‘ ingretitude proceeds from the A fubttltxe and 1ndnf’try of the malignant partie 5* whon'With'hal1dilligensce in their re-ports,‘ di{E:otz1'ies,w1*itings and pttbliéations, Anaj/‘ins Churches and Pulpxts tier‘ fame gloflesss upon their owne fowle aétions,‘ so and with fou1epaint§ngs,fiaine the f§3.i1‘e nterits of the Par1.ian1ent.; Let us em» e ble. A A A g A A _ ' sh Firfl, the MaIignants4oh£7e1-ving nsto bee Freed from pa.inefuI1tSymptomes,and willing to takeout‘ refi and Aeafe‘(t1pon the'adVnntage of our floath); perfwadeusA to take this for a. cure (though the difeafe 1i€«yetl1.I1'king in our Bowells) and to grow angry with,and fi1Fpiti- sous of our Phifitians,‘ as if they kept us in an unl- nece1Ta.ry CO1.‘£__1‘{E of Phyfieketo continue their power and egovetnment over us. “ But then‘ de1atesApre*»ceeded A A pttrtfir fiiotn the throng of great and weightie buhfinheffes, ‘which ( h1«;.e wewescontmttally falling in one upon ano-' from the flights of the M 3.1% ggnants. ‘then? hindel‘ them {elves in the crow d-," And principally % Secondly, the Malignants olavgeaflfi that this P3.1"Ii-;I- ment is 2. hnrriezt tothe Comtnoz1-WeaIth,that they free us from Taxatisons of Shi11ing.s,h by impofihtionshtof Pounds, by Snbfidies,PolemoneyjLo.9mees,8zc. - A Fi1‘fi,;In*~ defpexfate dii"eefesA (ittchas the Malig- enants had infefteds this Cotntnon-Wealth wvitlzall )3’ h .;B1ood—1ett1ng1s neceffary, the vemes W111 511 againe if mine fome 0f.i'.A1ih€iI:AtC9Q1.L11T1fli€S3 for all is 2 impofii- 5) ii'thevital‘l parts“ be preferred ;, ifwee contributey part ofour parti_c.ularvvea1th to free theCommon-Wealth from flavery and l‘I.1p€I‘liZ1_tIOI1 ( the parents of repining floath and dejeéied Cowardife) wee {hall incourage in-4 duI’try,, and renew ourftoclte : but if weefloopeu'n- A der an Arbitrary govermnent, who will worlte that others may cievoure the fl‘U.ltS A of his labours 9" -Li- bertie is the fountame of 1ncluftry,& incluitry of Wealth. "2. Beficles, the 2Parliament, hath already paydfus liberally for all the Taxes they have made us pay; and our payments are but for theprefent; their bene- fits anclgood Lawes are perpetuall. The abo‘li‘fl1i11g ¥ ‘of fuperfhtion and 1'eforming our Religion. The vin- dicat1ngourLaWes,‘,rLiberties and Properties are ine- fiimablml .Shipm0ne_V did yearely col’: tl‘1t3ilooc>..pound., . Leather alrnoft 4,ooooo.. by potind, Salt 400000. pound -, all thefe, with many other Monopoliess ithisi Parliament hath talteni away. it »Belides.What infinite clammage tho{e,dileotr1’a9,e1nents ‘ r of trade brought invifibly upon the.Common-fwealtli, as Well lLzm*o at/fezzzte, as Dzmmo emrrgmte.-lAnd{Wl1ich is the benefit of all benefits, the (fiinteifexice, the Eli:-ter,tl1e fpirit extraéted out of all their indeavours) the more ofallthefewrongs is “cleclared- to be againfl: a law by an Act of-Parliame-nt,being an arbitrary power, which (for their owne benefit morelthen his Maiefixes) ‘ the p1’€1'Og.&t1V€ parafites" pretended to be intl1ei I{ix1g,9 of taxingthei Subjecfts Becharging their cflates at pleafiare, r without limitatiox1,and Without confextt in Parliament. «This. Parliament had not beene fo chargeableto W * V” r B3 ‘ " the” (6 ) i the l-zingclome, had not the Malignant partie continually l V. multiplyed their troubles, charges -and dangers, and re» A .~t2trcled the remeclies. Tl’1i1‘Clly,thiS Parliament is rrtore hated thenarityfor-= mer Parliament hath beener:.rFirit, becaufe it‘ hath found moreDelinquents,e and it lmth gone farther in fearching and cttringwotlnds and idiféafesgand eftalvlilh-» ingaperfeét reformation both in Church and State, then ever any did. Longintermiilion of P-arliamentsf having filled this Co1nm0n--wealth fo uni$ve1'l' ally with ill humours, that ( in this old doting'age, wherein it drawesi to its period) Wee can neither ii1clure 1tsrdiiea~ lies, not theterneclies. And herein this Parliament is it imofl: unhappy. S€COI1ClljV5 hecaufe it émnot he broken l without‘ tlteirpwne ;COnl‘€1'1t: Ever fince which at‘: pelt, gall wayes have heene taken by the Crourt~fa,i0n,to di.-.. folve tortclelhsoy it 3, before thofe qttarrells about Hull lot the Militm were thought oil A All iwhich plots ifityling, they now attempt ljwltat no age will ever beleeve, unlefle itrbeias witcked as this) to itender odious nand_ fixfpetited to the i people this onely ‘ _; Sanétuary of their Religion, Lawes, L1~be‘rtie$,‘a.nd properties... The W 1'eprefe1itative body‘ 0fCl'1<3‘.VVl10lC King-— dome. ii i V i A Fourthly, they labour to make tl1i—stan.d all. other Par- _li-atments invalid and of no attthoritiie or reputation with the people,by infufing {itch opinions a.t1dicloyt-Strines into them as a_1*e1nconfii’cer1twith the I1a.tLl1‘€ of Parliaments, fly, that Parliament p1‘iviledges’ no where to be read, :?.I1Cl~ will itrilte cleatiythei V€1‘_V more of ~them,if they bee generally believed. Firit, that it the King clelert the P3.1‘li3.m€1‘1t3~ it is 3. voyd ail"einbl}r,; and R}’itl“10uE power to defend the kingdom-e,eVen frornopen violence. A it ’RighE,I1»0E denied to a private perfon alfitttlited. Second—- and 4 l body eifthe‘lking (7) and To the Reprefentation of this Whole kingdome gives them no ptiviiledge not lauthoritie. "Thirdlva that the ma J"or-“pa1:‘t in Parliament “IS notconfide1*cthle,when ma... my‘ are ahfent 01‘ dilrfflt. But to {lay untill all, or almoft all are._prefe_nt and alienting, and motto acqm-'e{fe, in the Majontie, 13 never to bring any ‘thing to concltifion, nay to bring allltot tusmults and confufion. Fourthly, that the lmajor part is no major part, beceufe the fratd of§fomefeW'iI1ifl€3.ds them. This Pofition divides the Parliament inm twounworthy forts of111en,Deceivers, 4| end Dec'eived.Fiftly, that Parliamentis may doe difl1o- notable, nay treafomtble Aaflsl. And that this Pa,rlia..-‘— ment hath beene Yo blinded by fome V few M&ligl1&n‘t$, as to abet Treafon in Silt 530/m Homzm. ( "Anfwerto « the If9.PI‘OP0fitVlOI14Svj7.A2h./SEC the Anfwer‘to the De~cla.- ration May 26._p. 1 H and 28.29.)Here you fee Tim» fon charged upon the llreprefenntative body of the king;-= A dome; an conf‘eucnt;?”by ‘1*efleétion,,upon the Whole 6 A ome reptefented_.If therei-b1*e his~~Maje. - file take Armes,1t muftbe agamfi: usal.l(Parliemen~t~a11d ‘ ‘I3 eople)mvo1ve in one ncorninon C1‘1Ffl€ iofTreafon.And e yetthe the law i_£s,tl1ia.t no diihonorahle thingis i‘: to be prefumed ofPa.1'l1a.ments. And (Ilhellieve)neitl1et‘ «:te”afon,nor example can fhew any thing 'a._ga.in1;‘cth1s»ru1e. "Sixtly,thati the Parliament hath trampled upon all‘. - La.w,and the Kiitgs ‘P1‘erogatiVte,&{'ought to i-nfleve the’ whole Kingclome. During the long» abfence of Pa.rlia~nl ments,the l’re1*oga.tive hadefwallowedethe Law, twhich i this “Parliament itceufed to bevoifnited up egaine, and A reftored toythe people, when the lMalig11ent, pal‘-E16 thoughtit hadheexte digefled andeconvetted” ‘ into the very nature of the P re1*ogsttiVe..l And this his one “dztnge- tons effeét ofthe long; virantiof Pa.1:lia.ments,that whet--A foever the P1‘C.1‘Og3.tlV€‘ devoures,,t11oug'l:1 it “digeit ané ; A incor— — e” ‘ (8) incorporate not with it, but breake forth into Wensi and . otherunwholefome eiccretions 3. vet (becaufe they are of fome continuance) both Prince and peopletbut efpe- cial-ly eVill¢Coux1i7ellors (whoa onely thrive by” the a--: « buleof V exorbitant power) take it fora part and meme ‘e ber oftl1e:Prerogative, and make It a matter of {Ban- tdall and quarrelhthat after {'0 long a fitfl’erance,the Par?- liamenit lltzould launce or pare away thofe tumors; But - that the Parliament ((5 {mall ’ a body armed onely with a derivative power of reprelisntation, havingtan Aétive Anti-pa—rliamentary faétion ofMortarchifis in the heat: ofit,and which hath beene put to labour for its prefer.”.. vation ever fincethe Billpaflied for perpetuating of it ) Ihould trampleupon the Law, and inflave the whole kingdome. feemeswonderfull; it beingthe onely foun- tame and foundation of)ourLaWes"_ , “the San&t1ary whither the people lflie for fuccourwheni they at-c opa ‘ preifed in their Lawes, Liberties, and Properties and _ which fo l_ately hathredeemedthe People andiallthey l ‘ can call theirs,out of bondage, anclthe members there—- N of being fure to fufieriamongfi the multitude, whenfoe verfour Lawes faile us. Seventhly, «-1 £3‘ AA alto Parliament fougltt the bet1'aying '05 Chui‘cht.andtState «.3, and to efl”ea: the fame, had eretfted a new Ll_pfl:a.1‘t a ttfi, in the Mi- . lliti/1, and levied warrev upon the “King. Theymay pro- v perly belaid to betray Church and State 5 whoeiicorrupt « the doétrine and difcipline in the one, and fiibvert the Lawes and former of government in theother- And if any man be fo great a ftranger in our Ifmel as not to know who they are, I will tell 'him. Firfi,the Prel-ates, and Court Prieflzs brought many‘ alteration's into our M Liturgy and Rttbriclcxicontrary to the Acit of Parlia- ment, whereby the Common Prayer boolre is eltabliih- ed) Vaine Ceremonies,‘ Altars,ax1d many new tdofcrines .‘J_.. ‘ into (9) imoour ;;Cht1reT1(to‘emake us more wnfonent-*to the A CIrim'ch*Qf’ gZome)a1s Epi1E0pacym1d Titties, §732~meDi«- ‘ eviééfi. “ “eTI39i:: itliefi Kiz1g"'h’:»f:.t_h :3.’ 31"3ivi1:£eV;? §P‘i'e1*ogat§v'e~“ pa.» A e‘a'é.11‘ieu11t§t’oew ’ea1&.¢1:reL¢wes;:e 3 The:‘t11e"~AeeCh1x::eeh 0u‘E“»e Ramé is- 2.5 me; Chmrch aiifl _‘eeA‘e1*‘1*esee :n‘_2:~ A =iTr1 A»e?’fLxi‘1datne‘11+ ea-.113 (andthen wee are Sc111fn1atzc‘keS5»-ate 1ea£’c)'Thae Attricular confeffion is ofneceI’fitie,v&c.e Thefe are a. few“ of their‘ d(5r’1‘uptioris "in; D0&"1'ine i «ifiriplirme follfowes‘ .2 VTheyi#inI_a.r’ged1etheir1 jufifdi&i0n7iag*a*i11fi« “Law. A The High‘ Cqmmiflion txiéd the Tempmall Svsreeofrd by A‘ fining? i111p'rif'Qg1i't1"gg‘asf‘Well_‘ as the ’ fpi1“itua1I~. 4i._TheyM ufejd an independent jL’iF1fd1C}10fl5fl not derxved‘ from t"he’* ;Kin;g‘;(‘vfi{hie1io‘the'1 C~l9;;irI1:ei<4fl93_i¢}*ee‘i.15F2J{mJ)«“in -theierA qwne"e;1agfie;;<%.: ed“;-es w:1:1_1eie* =e¢SjWt‘T1’e‘: :m§feaIees5, 7c:f0nti‘2u;‘yw e ebf*’the’*»‘eStat;1‘H;e%8:.‘ C; 17'. I . Ed. 6. C; 2. ‘MI uzforce In :the State; The;attezxjp:§' of (the =:Mehgn'e2zn;: partie e to?" ffiBv'ert,¢~bufe ; ii¢ses"e&iid ifiopeeftiess and £0: ” rr1*yoeréé1e’e.Ps/foirazrchsf ‘{inetoeea”.« meere ;t5Efbit*"1'*é2"rj} Gdvehiment ‘have ‘beeénte >'fi1.fl"1cientely :’: proved in¢“;ce1ae+er*ya§11¢e_and ;at:t_aimde1‘ ‘_of" t»If1e.”EarqIe_aAr1ia1ne11t%{7T1*1A;°utfupvz-:~:a;—111e Com: mid Cczxztnfc-:11 now ' d'e!'erced by the %17‘,to ; Im.xré:,rec<>L11*fe to z1;em,;»1*eg.nae_ T...:mr, Sfllfa’/5 ;j>c1»z2;r4£7i 110:fif.*;#i;171x*r1<3cg1.ic_».tc*: Ififi: ims#fi*Qm th€: Law of NatL:1'e,;,xxsi11c11 te2L't5T1et11eve1'y x:xf01"2'r1e,%\§:1‘LH1c1=z;; more E111'l3.i1, and nxofizof all 9;. w1_j;o1Ve,N3.t1o;1 t§>p1'ov1dc; for its defence. ~ 4 a ,Befiaies5 it z1citI1%e:%%§§1<3;:;,<:g;S“t:Q tide paxrfixz.«MCzj1Q;'iV%4calling ofche King to <:::~;»pc2uz,1;d tl1e]L2;3ves* » But xhgg t;3ie:P%u*1i+;4 £«.*<111t‘:I1¥!;hf5tthj a pox,xrc:r1;0V d_ec1:11*c Law x\:i:h9;;:TA.£he%%~ I<;i‘i_1gs4~- cou1"ez1t, ,n:ty,;1{?: 1§,_ Cti1o_ug11 A%_1jg.o;:-LAg;o‘ ;x11%2gI;.2L:2‘eI?1t:;,; fox‘+a11%4inf@1*iqg;:.£%A5%CoL1%r§S» 11swi%e;t1iC i-,a.1:n ea A.;:*a11%d‘,w114at V%C*mu1£e1%Ior;;. md:¢j~Ii1«te rp%:m~s. 1 Qfti1e Lem’; ,VgP$/[a,§:,e%»ft§? A;11c;u:I1 %i1ow’ 3,bou§W1;1_i:m,~A :9 pug: };;1x1celW1AtI1A%AtI7xe fa,1~t11“anci lesmming ofa:}Vl1olc1I?~ar1iame;1ts.?V A 'W1'1:.-u pofitioms of7La.we%s and Stac;~‘#chey4%gh.gwe nglmcigzg Let’:his»laste-p4ub13C.&tVi0.¥1$ and Co:nmifi3c_>m.%%of A_1+;a;y:, em; gaixlfi. the? pat:u6'x1%.~,Qf:B»1gi3t5»Twa.11~C1thfiir, oginiozaggandg. 1 jénxdgnaents;gi?a~é11: 'fi1‘1:<:;e»1:17i’§U; vxras anafiednapaxm Ship;-mo-; ney,H:i19£zz~:f.¢orpoM5(§~’c‘;. tefci-fife.‘ 813'. ‘”TI1atL1?4r%li4m.:2;~2ts came: dec1areL2m:,, bus: in pa41*cicL1IaArAi4;(jafZ=:s, legally ”br0ug11tbe-fo1f¢,theiia» :1 .fl10fild 1661116. by §thi9;1?%??‘r4 i2aww¢rs;¢11axArWeno:€o:1~u1'ancwf Caufis',: but u’p5>2L:%coLn- piaints »e.3«:tm f ~B7ut;t1‘fe f~?};Ioi1fe«+0f..GpV1nm0nS,,;bcing Ehfi? g2‘e.2u: E::1q»11e{’cVof‘£f1<:Is’E§;1gdo11‘1e%,.A!1fnay5;Vaxxd ozlg-11tt;%<,) take Co:1u.fi1nce Qf C%v:uAITCS;d of :Pub1iq1,1c c<3::1¢:ernAment, M «trf/frfio :zmdAAisV%~ a:MceoL;nr¢d%% mirféonxxfimt 95=niQtlii11%- 91% Tim*1’»rr1i»:zmc'+#2r;vet1'e~%V«qt1¢ff10I1a“blé and*§1?4Vab1@ “¢1“f€-v wlxere-. A T11ePzzrZ¢;—m¢cntA is the41up‘rea1ne~4Court, a,:n<,irh%:}'.;I1 m?,}e»IaPc agppeale ;, Anciemzly errors in other Cotirtswcre — t%:;.3*@d there: T A~TVh«emfQre L1;0~r0§11erV 5”COTL11.‘t;:%C’c1I1* hawcqe ‘nylfaeilfifi (II). riufétxlce‘ omfthéiis A 53:10:13 1lC3 1‘ }?§e1'fOnsA ‘ «.;,A Wfvliicli Wje‘r;é to appeale ridicu1oufl}*,, upwswds and dowmva1"d§’.A And if 21 Paylizzmezzt bc~:t1‘ia1v1e and a1'raig1mbIe befbre 121:6 King hi111fe1Vfe : Tlxen Imh the iE{ing”a:'1 ‘unlixnited dec1eLrkativ:: power c)FT..xaL*.v "ztbove all Cou1jtS, in his *()W11b1*eaf%*;,ax_1t11e1‘ fl.’;1tL11ft"f atlawge, In the ()4b‘fEéi*\r%;xtions upon his Iviajefiies EM (1 fi{;1?L’.’-‘"5 and E x'prc';[]"cy. A A ‘ A §,. But t11eTBzag»i7c4re ¢wvI1ic1Hvor10Y «e¢v*%1§iAdee.9?P1?e£fien« of an ri:)_ic1*a.ry A*Goveem:ne1:t. . ’( n10§'eeT%[1*em4f:.di1ee1Z"'ee» and ‘n55 Ie1i"eeWz1fi:ir1;g*tl1en‘ Aa. 1va.1*re.)’ And ei:he1* no mere . Parliaments (for, whenethey may take what they Iii}: ,y:Qu:{ha.1i never be called t( ) givfe)o1' (if by Vertuc 09 .ye4uv1*‘+tArian11ie11'AL9:)% there .{hou1d bee Tanothe;;,Pg.1-liaw A meent.Afi1;11n1<')ned, ~v;r1'1%a.t fai’:he%a11d'eCouerage% can you ex. peéit from fiiéh Mernberseaes. mm’; either offer up your Lawes, L1bert;1e_s and properties that ef?:nt:l1em,Vo1~ A (beg. ing : dePc1rut€- «Of YQt11‘ePr0t€&ieoq)" beccmej fthemflrz-,1V_eS a S.9»c1‘i~fic6~ 1*‘S ,.:uCh a.eflav”irh Pa:~1iamcn: .wi11e1a;y the fine fcmndatifon gof ==~1e-1»,0tu'%flav€1‘i¢S,=e,1?0»r 3-5 '_QE,i:r' Lafvvees 9150+- tmft us and all that 15 ours , and P;4.;’V11;a111ents jpfl1‘Qte6t our A I..,2wares, To we 1in11fiep1‘ote&t11em.and ,thei}r A vs w from vioI¢xa,c.e~eeeee me: e~c9r;fid¢r eh0W»e fofraignee%;-king. €1Om€”3 em-*.r1;1;§§ed=. £3%’€E};e'5fe»“-‘+»§‘f¢)r iww 9*-ef’ *Pe%'1ia Lmeza:s) the Will’ of: the Rance fend ”h1sj.%,Ea.vor;tees ' M 15 _the A Law ofphe ePeop1e-. C And how :th1$vk1f1gd0mcrWaS gover- v.priVi,1edges . A ned dm‘ine.the10ne intermifione .<_T\Vh¢r1.eh0nefie men '4‘-’_We:r¢*‘0‘L1ft‘GAef hQ‘p¢’ and knavese out £1? @116) A0? eP:ar1ia- »m¢ntsl*3t ° e ‘A W “ ' ’ Secondiy, He the: {:hi1i1§esa'Paf1iét1ient can be4¢forfa.~ ken, knowes not the power of Parliamentsg. ‘for if the Pa1~1iam¢nE pljeaefeeormzreagee your mmafiancy Ba faith- 1e{f¢.cowar%ieife5~eaed,eedcf5%:§tiflef3?011%teintefiéfia. P!~11‘1'u¢= on- 13? their own’, and C011“$P3efé" ?’v"1th‘5h€K1n%‘sT.h€V9~T€ 9-We to doe ham fervxce m ovm.-‘:nv<.*eek, than flfqfepé chd to I’.[mr:w.5 in twice {even yeares. They can make him imiare abfoluteetlxenanyee. Prince, in. Chri{tend;om'e, nay ’ A V then“ < m then“ the Tur1rioit*‘Mttfcovite. They“ can repieale an thegood Laws they have got for you : Theyy can re- rvivethe tSte1'»C1mr1ber;, High~Commiflion,, &c;.r and? fetthe Piilory upon your netkes, and little £42m’ upon your eai1*ete.gaii1e:They can bring in and na;tura1i‘ze the Excifee of the II..ow~Countries, the Gabeis of’Frar1c'e, the Aiczwales of'Spaine., a1‘l£i.€l.i1tii.‘1fL" Taxes. of 'i3io1'eiice, and make England the Map of all the opprefliorisr in tire wo1'ltd,they can give away your Laws, Liberties, and "Properties by a~Sttttute,, and efiabiiyfla £1 ip"erpetu:ti1Ty,- i many by 2:. i;..ew, which {hall Prop‘ your mouthes for evegwhert youflnall be told thetyyythe A6’: of the Re» prefentzttive body is the -Aft oft! Whole Kingdome, and you are bot1ndyiby»the~L2Lwes of the I;.a.nd; Com-» m piai11tsfa.g3;inft illegall Taxes ’-fl'1a11*then no more beep heardiin your Streetes For want of I..awes.Neit11er tbinlt this plot fofl1atIloW,otha.t the members of this Parliam ‘ mer1t,01‘ti1Cif pofterityi fliceull draw in the {itme yoke with you : Noythey may entaile their fevemil Votes and Seats in this already perpetuated Parliament to thetn-« {elves and their heires Males for ever: And (as the Pebble faith, that the} Lion proclaiming a. genemll clay of'hum:-- ing, all beaiis of prey waited upon him for their flmres) fo thefe may have a. fubordinatef fha.~z*e,:iecording to their feverall capacities, in your fpoiles and booties“ The L.iTreaFurer Brtrleiig/5 was wont to fa.y,He /mm» Z20! whit 4iPzzrlz1rzmer¢tzrazilrlzaotvdbe -5% And‘ truly I..1m”r:)W not what“ a.*Par1ia;’me»nt (c’°‘E £7" ()\11‘119*fldSm¥; xlneet it Wuh KW xxroxm‘ W3%”Cth6L 316:3 COME” kt;-I{Lx:;