A AAcArueanex‘a& Re1a¢1n£iW AS ;:i;AAIAAAAAA;AA1darC1,at N0”mgbdI72,' on Mu11dAaAV:$tl1£& A A % A A A A V02; ofAugu{t., 1642. A A Firft, The ferme%*f'*§tj£¢ lint atthc advaxfim A AA ' Secondly, Thc danger effecting * “‘ " A which cnfucd ArIacreon;A % M A Thirdly, re! A Aionof $.11 éhc Stand FeurthIy,thcnamesofthofc Knights " A“Sta:1datd~ bearers. f'With t A manmeof his Maieflries fettingup offlié €92 = W‘ ‘ ‘ V M Stmdatds A,% and A _ A A heforccs that are appoynmzl to gua1'di1:. I P_1f‘3bIY5’Th¢ manner 8f '5': KA gs commin%gAfiz‘{‘»i%to%%Camntry. " LA , S1xt1y,ThcA 2e:z«alz'am'AArcfolution tend‘ dangcmus thrcats which they V uttered, if tht: King conch; A his grgat Cou-nAcc11 the Parliamcm A and divided London among“: O I "Moreover how . tAh themfzlvcs alrcad 3%, A ’ A A ‘>i.. 5451;‘ f"5;:‘r‘ A 3 .: .»,.,.,.\_1AN,«;,m,2.;,., ./.~u.;;«.¢~._ ,.r_AA ‘I: Q», %Star zdard:a$q1‘t is here figurcdA,A:,WW§i1d when were prm “ - _% AA A AA A % A a.. chedamaga’; ardsthat eve%r4wc1V'c fefup by any A Kin:g%. Awhoare appmintcd to be the Kings “Hive dcs a pcacc wAit_houtth:Am, or hcarkem umtg cy have Iharétd‘ 3&5 § %%%&“A V’ 1 ,9”. ‘...; “ S ;A.._ 1‘: 114+ »‘ T’ * _ V f; ‘x s;”W§r34“*°%w“~ :3? 9%-33¢ ~53 ‘A"?‘$‘« A tru.6V%Rc_1atiQn0fA,t11eAim%‘a;nneA:? A ofthc fctfingup ofzhe Ki%hg”sAS:anAarmd% at VWg‘¢é???rhc~2n: °*f2Wf¥»164i2~ .J§“‘V""w " aw ' «ms: V,,;;//4»z;;;;r,;, sis anhhtéicnc qu?e4i‘t4i6Vj¢xr¥i‘iéfzj1fi"e‘fi§fiklzgflijpr Fa';%t’m€é 7§§‘;vc %~m°"f*’C¢1‘““=As 5‘ it iSAv7t:tofa1I‘dou5r> that b°fi‘At33.V¢ A J;a;md«¢~'1c5arIyVFaI{‘e,; ‘l‘hb.‘t.0fl €:‘9.101T§‘€;“KdQ§33 3'11,‘ a;1inifl1e:<3-f _ ‘ A chem1oth‘1ng ; 21;n*§:iHc:c;mmox1Iy they thatfcttie zhgmiélv 3 A ’ix’3}‘.'»‘7.',.£‘AA* iunftéiM’thew1‘rc;>>Cén&‘c;‘fai1es‘;oth’e;j, ‘b1§1ttheM difficulty is % W*?°vI0Y%*t*?é**f*¢$3$‘=t?*"¢r4=tpyV. cfimzcially Whm A it is within 14ts?%ovijfi‘I( id gd§;)"r*1%1«:%:AoV1' boxX:‘g%I§ *I"VI1«te1*\fcv5;;§+é a5 "P;-ihc¢V %";,3-§%g.[zf’;.Ab¢ {um rthzit 1faAimvar jufi 5 for ]"’t11°riVc”c‘ inufl 1‘r)%%.*awLr¢T1>:“E’>‘3€:%f4'%c)wi“c-‘L’ VVé1bi3:, -MAD éI%11§c~ A ration befbrc Eicccutidm ’~ 7% _.A% A A A i A \“ A A Thc:1E:re:&f3ns4A~i$11%%a I-’ ri%11‘ceFo'r tazimkhzg a»wm~% wifh‘ 1 ownb % peopxc imxfi be VvQ£}wnqV%Af%¢¢V;; ;f ytcaF4¢;%::}1%y 31ri:“tQ~ bye awbFi“c5;1‘%ccifl Ia"iA3c1_’r,: rzflzz can/£5 j¥¢§z§;;z'nlfarnag*: :S'3?coz1Tdiy *t“/mt Mzflw or%a'vwtizl¢fc:d¢%rb£15“; Thirdly, thFZtAI/‘:15’ A flrqngm I$TdiF.3:‘l1t"£.*%2*_/9'r‘3z't*t«1I"§§’¢!!?~)f3L‘: Bfit Wtxacc xiéxx::!“£‘A1l‘c;‘)‘§?If*cWé;:i;;;‘;t:AA:;i1c;$Acjzi:.1{’c ,7 %iri§to% that A ggg)A:;rLi<:l§1nd%% FwxindnEib‘nA. amd m >tinfoAthe%‘1fltA1%e ‘<3-r”&:*»H'7m{*,°cA°4 yAwa:41:a:h i7t7S La.v{'~s andA; ’O1‘di«1'm:nt.“r:s: a.sf‘W‘e_t1“:;1s Peat: .- Godfavolmrs 5ju_{%%;~;xrars, ancigivcclx the vic9cgg-W9 mam 'p1i§Ta‘{~i2§1111"i1n,4 a;Vi1d-thé:.;*Fo1'é \2xre’:«i'i4ii%![4’t fixfi xmke our iéljvca ca,pa,1;jl:’ci x:?*ff7 ch ig 3.F££“{r?oi1f'*f7fO;,1j;ht“i1‘Wf'C371 Vcq::%i4ty1 ojfithe c::~.t;;£ ¢%c>1j cntcrprizc; 4 Wm: :1fiA’W&fA.I10‘I3f'b'@:.bWg§.1%§“i*?«iE1'i‘i ilj‘x.‘:.=<‘?1fi«=%:-"r*'r;z’1"ii:%"'c*”zf1 flax‘ Ii gtzitifés g%péz1%cvé:y%occa%13cn {'0 I:h.§t_11:1 131:'av¢}5ANbx;air“an§;:2&orbL¢flarz;¢‘qxzcerere trinmpbfiéim ”,% iuiit’ to ¢f‘cek-.v%i+ élory For every occafion :_And abmvc all,a Prince muflz mkct head thcft Am... frifjpim vr4‘*é£?i‘«”zri'a‘f¢?;%A(3 501:7? “J\T:;g»5t-1c5“0WJg évill %Cou"m"c!lox1rs%, poflkflé him nat, arm 4ca[;“x:”y:l din: Abby 61% i'~f‘e:Tx»{<*§.~i1i"a..L ‘ ‘kev-I‘n%’i~c%11fé.rc:‘ A always , Ai'f"I” dam fpcsak truth, thc J4 an‘ A ~ maly and ordxnzuy means and motives to wa:r_, to im:c:nf'c a»Px1m*a :0 gears: K 1 ““‘. .52"! 'r A Aw ‘ . 1‘! ‘ ,'.-"AV, ‘ x, ; .. ‘V; ,»A ‘. _ ‘ ‘ '|1*g4:{’§‘ "‘n'*A'(*‘ w’“4w)!‘C‘ "‘ V ‘ I M % war withfus awn pee:ap1efor aV;fi%1itt1e,jnay toofafre and too much a flfétchéd \prc:oa'at1veg;.A?ax1d thxs IS tommonly (may of the: caufe-5 ofa. N»AationallA Wan-C; to .. in maintgimging axadbuffixig ihco xihé care (fa Prim: the rights and Pre.rocaa ” at ‘ v _ u w “ V I ‘ W n‘ . tives ofPri;3c¢s over their pco‘pI¢.% ‘ r_f¢i11cen<-iiairies Aa:1d~¢fix~e«b£az:zdémgwac , §<2A:,iA%2;I1€A ‘p%.:LT“L |wL‘dy§t‘l-‘C.-’1’3‘Iarlpa vla/Q’ or f'?9ff0!13€'03.d grudg-;AAw a;»KmgAd'mn*e, ‘a\re.1-and to kindly: and‘%1nHa%in%e th€1.3:__ APr1nce : Bngt a:Vuw%i1%c%A S:overajg,;i¢fAWVi11}%%% I fuhmé f€1f%i¢:ii1A'W¢‘==%%Aw *3€3‘?i1‘“‘APr0V01rFear4i:'1g4 :Vv,a.1:37;m§.i~th€fid‘#‘{Gil’§£é;t1¥g’ bis Owiic fiat: %0r4a*»t1«:>t1’i€rS» #%~‘?CiA=’:1.Ws1{1s% [Submits;%A:A£%axidAi£agg%~%:~ccxa=2:5: \ hQp:N%;x:3ci% feare,:1or;éommi11g. to ChQ1fi §w:;tr¢a;Vnities~:E V inakirég @A‘3h¢¥5 £5? P,€drifl1;fOrf;§}i§:h L5W%)E4, the: fortune of'o1%i%é5I%i£5i31“réA§" §T‘y“§Y 9V¢”thY0W% 53?“ h*0fl0‘-11' Abmh g*{>;Et¢I1;a1~'1d hoped For:.iA1id::there%~is“%no%war imdertakcn byany worthyw C'1ty,butAcithcr For%f;:_i;hfi11ngfi”¢, 0313,; fafcty Q5 §béit'Ki11gAafidCountry arA1d4the1;ibc:§yAofI!=hcSubje&. A; : ‘ King - .- V . A Isms Vt_:ueA%A1”n a1la;<:s A (amt%Hi&'erc11ccs:%VA%grod1m; hath bhmgmtwcw wd P?QPI§-.‘ thfi firfi-.tMt our Chronicles «W-kcsA%¢men:xo;:' ;i‘Gf‘éJ“: was m che- €'itiiec§f‘%A%, Vfvvhé IEtVup hi§_Sta.t-ldaxd and Awem againfl. the VV¢1ChIiA5¢f'5_31}fJhA5iY¢3‘55 I0i9%%<%3-A3’V’iih 3 gffifiét Afxny ofjh}cbrfc% and foot: , at? xéxhicia é:im‘c’he 'lQfi‘%div¢rfc efhis foot and horfc ;Ihc Afécmnd hKingA(ha1;_- ,;,m_.A;.A E,{ifl°1"¢5 ‘“5¥1‘¢51n¢¥?‘hi°“*‘%.fW3-5in 317$ l~W'5~tim‘e i1iJtAhcVyc%a,r@. I M £—$.\ANh0~‘ w‘¢:3:A Ema Wfilésj-agéi11fi¢A‘ hiS fan fin La;w,‘”wh0whad mziried his“ Ba- PEa%r‘d”daL1g%hf€r ;‘”“al:%% which‘ bimzaxle he fubducd all the Nof)Iesand"Princc-5“ 'Wi‘h°**t?C"A913.EVQ1c%3~ Th‘? d7‘ 15d~1E11Afi§n¢ 035 Stmdalid wh?ich1‘s~madt’: mtmtion Aaafi 'was"in phc Vyéare I 337:r.._._ and A111 th-cfourth ycare*A€rf11isT*Raigxae;4w%hmg~E A thcx'c was )9. gre.:lxAt4,F>a;%tc1l% fqught bfipwccn thC,EmgIifl~1Aandg-».th’¢ gwgg, at A MOSM1 -hm“ mac: B ;it;§;V'§C1v2:;_ hér%e div er: of the Scots: were *fl‘ainc:m"nda‘cii&v4cr§ ’ At'»'-‘WI? Prifwers i-‘Jfh¢'Fourt11%VS car-1&a1‘d that ¢‘W'~‘*r:was cre€tee1AinV:1a:s Kingdoxmm. was 112‘ phc 9*yem:;j o%\f2E;g/3aw{Athe fceond, and h'].t.h€‘ycAafe I 335 «W119 ha. A ‘V1‘l1gf€;§iE L1»p:;%proc1i;unw:d 3. 1’:oc1anu;;tion f_'a1j a.lI his A51-zbjzcflsto aydehizrr = agaunfl thcmK1t§g. ofScQ:s»,;,Aw4h0« yvcnt yery lpvmgly and %%fi¢¢1YW1/Eh Ahim; .; b¢c2}L:fE: it] v=.zfaA§ t}.=xer’1 heI'dA%aAf23Arta1g11 %cnf¢g%r»;y to our Smg ;A Vwlm hi,a;a;rChcd~% imQ,=* corlmd. élfljd the mexnynat %appearmg«»A bum:'e“n1y fomc~3f<>w:acs,mci fo “me fir(’c‘?(?c'a11.d3-:7d wh1€h mi‘ ¢""F*1 r=*Yf€d§n the bawe1sA%o€chis Kifngdom? A % WSAM the thud year991‘i1t1g.A.Rwb»fit4AAth¢.thxrdend in Zfihfi ye.mA: 483a: M h »1:m?eca11cd‘Rfedimte, 3:16:-':i*<': t0 the Towm‘: of-B ofwcmzh, where hec pitchéd V ' is cents inithc open ficldacalled all his foiildieirs togctlacr , and declaring” the Lauie of his Ililkllig‘ up ref armes, and the fcttingiip cf his St£{1’1d211‘;d~ :.;iwhich Was.againf”cHmr_'7 Earl-c oFRichm~ond,hre11ing‘thcmthathe was 011- “ V iy comma to fpoyilc their iLa1~‘1~d and hioufes , and raviiih their wives a‘nd~c:hi1- A dram; aiici ta.-eiiipciffefliriaini, Wh0AW:‘3.‘S their lawfiill King ;fand to this put. » pofe he made a la1?gcifpccchh%to his fouldicrs agaiiafi th~c~£2iiidiiE:1ri‘i»bF R'ich.. mend; enccmragirig them to flax-'1dto% him now or emf: never 5 thenfiling ~R;’¢hardhaviiaghfktht-iiip ihiSSt2ii11d.i1rd whiéhiwas formerly fitnfhth him out of the Tower c9f'London, and bI‘.C}1.1ghtt0 him Si}: Robert 13n:l{eim&u1y,mrho »was%4:hen Li»r:L1tcn:mt cftliéz To*wt:1' 5 Whozn h-cc aPpOh_;;itCd tohe!=iis«cl1i~eH:: Staiidard‘-W-heater , together ‘§‘Vit}-.1‘.“‘Siri.i‘j-ik?9??¢i}'i% Bap:c.~’az’cr, and 3i1‘F’2""}z.,/rg»7* agzggrfg;rd, amgl ,r.‘1ii”x*<~;gi:s other Knigh=.s ‘aixifd Gf’:I‘lthi‘!-‘I’1vC1’1,mi1'1«‘WhOm F.‘-]e‘.‘i;?:i'I.1;£:',:’jY »ih3d aigobd affiantfe at1d’itrLi{j’ch: ”1‘kacS‘:a”m:iard‘ ibcsing {ct up“ in great Sttitc, 3: ‘well Vguardmcd, 1;11eA_\A'ho1C"COE111t1'cy being much difpleaibci b2CaiL!fi‘":iEi‘1G1‘;i11g wwuld znake their Couztétrcy the {Cate oF\/VaVr, b1‘:3.1{€: out and declzired by certainc papers which were fcactered and thizopwiic about the Army ; wliich. they had ht::m:d of by ancient records ; that ifhmy King doth proclaim V'Van,~ and {ct up his Standard within his own Ki-:.:igdcm1c, and agaiiafl his ownc pcop1cia1iici‘hNntioz1,not hzwixig any L19: occafion , but only :1 rafh humour, iiiiiri11:»iidi7;*fh"c mfievengc ; ami nothavirag no afl"rontmvcm him byf?;>r1'eignci- I9 a~<; , vi “ H,‘ V - i-D ‘ ,~ . 77Pf1;1C@Si,'l‘1O;:h1‘S I..and iiivfryicciii by my forraigzic fox ccs ;L2pO11t1‘i§iCtt1l1g up cifaciiyifiich Flag drh LS f‘El.‘1'“’1d£LI_§d_“\ firfhtlii :h L aw it '4 f‘fVf1fC;;Mf‘€i1{;L‘.S-iZO» bcziofzmy‘ "“i¢O1'C'&3 Séco1.id1yi§fil1at4“2i11pi'ii”om*:rs ihrhatiibcvcr thaclay in] cufiody ufaoiiia- my {‘L1‘ii‘f¢ o'FLa.w, O1?¢rXc?CLh1EiO11.,Cflliigtéfnpt,Qijally other; diccrear: ‘«J$'Cr€p1fC‘1‘(:I7iAt.. 1y fi-ecéi, anic}~¢h‘c doom; of nhcuprifd21H{ct¢ open, A :1h11d~t11a_;E.11»0:I:{y_IQ;; Whatfpg- iicver to di‘<:caii1;«:iti1<:r11ig;A1§2r Iflifitjfilcll Kiiijg might {Q 1-flail“. ’7pofi'¢{’I7c§d ;,:1r{d‘ his bcihi gzixif ar1>l1¢r:F()L1rtl1Ijrgi V11\§'.?).'11IhC¢’_IZ.l;l(:h,1T‘AC)1‘ my fé3«his‘i.po{i‘e'isi%tyAfl1cii}‘14:i jo; iT{iicrjc:ffion to c11chCrowi1ia11d‘Dig_ 1i1«viiit:g,?r39f'I‘i‘iiskcgiifiifiiiig Vtoitihéi YiC:__V_'§*a1i1’§1dEfflilghthflfita and went on in ‘his W€ty'1'€g$l'1“d‘11'1gflflthilifiigd(€_§5§f'1di1‘Ig uponhis oin'ncifl'r:*.i1gy:i1 and thc for- iic%é:“‘s<~i*r<é4i;:rci ;iB“‘tatfccVvir11g.t.:h«:d1ifi‘§3cii}v'0Wcrcan £10, h’11ciat§Mt1’xc%bamqil lciii his owri71¥1§fé;’i ?\rv§i.§:&‘§flieiariv«z*;gic)fIjiims a11d%D_igi1ity, 3-Lf1dFi£E?fl;€‘(h)fhlSp9ftCri- 0'1;?Ki11“d71* M’ ilimjoycdii:;iii§i"I{'i”i"§gdo1iicv 5%:1n}d fhis” was ahj¢iEfri¢:\J7vfar.fc1 ifE5riiich a*sfh%9Th'{?s*’é.s,Ii pray Gfi'Jd11dg0OdVchffiiflklifl:KinghIi1ayk‘f(§,1}Q\};i.’hhjr) gs £ii4“!‘£2‘1’£ii'Vl,JbL11?'i:CI“1it8.‘C¢ him as :1. King, fir ’hqiy?vaSA.gaII€d§‘§§7badinnziii;Iéiiifgg; I{'i~’h“gT fbr~ti1éhLaW3 he {then iT;;i'd e." _ V _ . . , . i . _‘ 3*“ 2‘: 1% i,‘“;*:>i‘.-A gut». Novv msixhc :%"-’”*’-W“ P‘?FiF)’“75 .¢sW1 cw ‘Qt;t%}}*§iV§fi?g1€"i«I§“§flxg€1Q.xmt}§Q*‘t:Qh:£r ig#~i*%acidti‘s’ Sovcfraigri woulci ifibt _“1‘éEi §'Li‘.i1 C 0ui1Ci51Q1'i”s whcrcbyithig \- i g1ori0L1«:'s a;=;‘d4ifan=yous I;{ix3~gdoii;ie bfitéxli-E ifi.iiia~ziitéd and waliowin its y‘\ ‘V ‘We "*c:;‘%:§fi‘t:% ’b1o0d:,,»at‘1d efpcciafizy ‘i‘uc~h a pious Prhface as his Majc[%y igawmm mm; gszgre way totho{¢L;r3a1:gz1az1tPartzesjxy,1ao=f<‘: and and Pcudy is only forbloed, A Wid th?“)0°!~1‘-' P¢5~‘~%C‘3‘W1 E“‘é1?*~1‘-d W3‘? NOE 56 ,1m.de %Vax1%Acé}d3rma'%fie1d of ‘ ' ‘ -" I. I In . I. ' ‘o 1 .' “ ‘ -~ ‘ _ o u . , ‘“ gblogci, a11c_1%iu3utmc;tr{11es repogt that ms klageiigr was guxlty of ipzllmn fa mum of'h1sownc Sxtbjcfbs b1oo<:1,b:u: as it 15 the Bifhogas:-and others of 1:11: C1¢1‘§i¢s %v§*A=?»rs» 19 not #0 PIOM than but 1zm'crheIn andmch like drchtz- qucncs tow t:m:?c£:11W1u%1i%g: g:f,cIw1e%Law; w ‘ M A V A V ' v 4;: »::11;1 .__:':"~ 7 . ‘ «gr-fur *«“r!~rS@~»%“-.L‘.’r'-'k- :3», mm saw «v % , a*.:s'3‘r:.:£‘W‘3W.=S W6 ¢°*~*c=1try»amd wazh (me A ‘A Lords and och_ex's In cumpany_%rcf>dc to Leicefizcr, Wherfi * V ‘ hcd1n'cdthatd;1y at t}‘]€“TA:'.I).by hptifi-:, the Cggpn-cfl¢ bf : *’ %Devox1~fl1irbAs%:%h“oui7.<:. hc5Wé3ié%r ” A % ' % % “ u““‘5°5 03 ~¥ '55“ E ,W1t1 much Confidence aver m11Ch*1kct11‘C1r pgher rC1at10ns.)Ath 3;t f"ieKing was %§vith hxs Arm in ch: tfielet Ia? Writ“? fifths‘-‘ batr¢11iBe§v%’¢cnc €h?}T¥?a andfléxe Lend Broaéf for “i¢'¢¢ss%4 whichW218¢wru4:2ti11Athc1agarmfbwzifigg. *Prct‘é:a‘czy arm dsmxm.-the togkerifhcrfc » j*ee.;aw;sans«‘roam :wm;;3g~nam whcrgwas grg:a‘tA "p{cparatio11%Af'bif‘ch¢A{7fttb1rig "S ii%aMtid'ar&i _t'h:icL §7‘c{a “}§ 3; was braver}? appo1nt::d. Notlong aficr thee Kxngs cc-nfinxxjixtg to rownegg, S‘73”d‘-‘rd “Q3 mkV¢".‘Q‘3‘40f C53f:MVCaiVi_Ie,- Vcgrrxcd Into the field a little on A the backfide ofthc Cq_fi1m+a1I‘; .T_he% I';kén§Sfl‘e”'QfI the Agmndard it iiS‘;mu¢h _ ‘ ,~_j;_ -57‘: H ‘ 3.; ' f “_Ms W ‘?,.:.~. ‘\ -« ,~_ . ‘ “ fifth c_{1{'hron of" 7:112 C1§yf__(jtrc;1mc1s ufigd at 1:13;, .L_9_;-d M3 I011; ;Q3@&3.’¢%v1.:,9:Yim%? 1 L ‘ ) lm «Hi _.‘ W» ‘ ti: x I K! M - A ahbfit ;;.%e:;:w.ii is be caffiéd, aficr t'fiE {E1:ncV x.:sr:1y,;V% on the to hi‘: aifljfilbudy’ A)1'n1cs%qLiartc1'cd , vviLi:%h llancfpgni. % ‘‘f?’ff”g3 '56 *€rowne‘which Pwlnds a1sdve,w:rh 6-:is»,h-=:~;5:c..g = am cps/«mg. éfivé IsVi“1:= 5?a:I?¢S:9f'§*9fi=Knight-B s vahgce wvcréappoimed totem the ‘7f3r%="r“*rde’s‘¢1‘?Wi2%e»rh:¢i¢¥fi€F¢fwas: SzVir475;72*222:»»z2n=ABrac»ka.r, fir .4»;z,¢;~ Ham” 5; 1'T**»vw*t‘*%*4~"F’m‘l€;»*:**‘a‘iI[d‘fir Rvéw‘r;iDa«i£$%g:w;¢ A j 7 % T T’ 1 Likcwiié thcrcé was “darken mp: 05 Horfi: appm-ed ca. mace “pal Ache’ ” % AA A L ' Sr;mdard_ siandard , ' to hcaréw ifamei h3€ki&\~T3ir$3i5h axiiii ‘fE):r$".K"a,rC.!Si-’\,‘. ‘i-‘£iiD0!.~i!t. f fife: huntirczd A {pct S01.l1diC1‘:%.flS tciA1iLiiiii§i:éd to ah C}i;fi¢ifd in A g.1'iea'1;fiiatx:,: M:-1i'cfi if Aiiti}iieiiiPrincc, I-i’i£‘ii.!iI‘i;i_Ci‘i(..'.‘iL§"i«:"i(,I£s:7‘£‘, wile:-nilhis MiA‘A;i'i:%i_i1:ig sgiong vyiiii V«.if1vcrs uthfllj L0rd5 anii C3€:n:.ic«- A m'ctA1of' i"1iSii\411jifP£i€$[_I3.ii'lC,b€f1d€gY‘€aiIC€3§§1p&1‘1y Qt i-Iorfe zzmd Fact, “Aim all? i to Athc; number :rhfc>’i;c ;wo% thpgiiignci ., Mfhb ic:s.m{: mate to fee the hzinhcérgf ‘u o£”;heAA;1+;ing. ith:iAn;xpyiiAqiaies £>i’t"::r In fi7i{"¢z1Lx'i.é:ic-2? to his Mg jciiy, Ah itiiciw -..;fi;gr,:;. A ws.r(h3 evicichtiy _!_,‘I:pO1‘§IV.ti7lC’L‘ tahiiig d;::wuei,oi%?ti:ici S‘ra‘i3ci,mfd.i.i i \ thcrci wézrefAi:x:§:,%Aiah3,wAé £hiri.‘yA ti-ifichi**xA<:A’tri:+;i1'1cdMh3;nd:iL ofizheciihto come ;,in j to“i‘iisMiajie{3r}iri,A which becé.%L;f¢j:i1c;r mini M*:§iije{iy rcfuim to acceh: oil ih<:r‘iii*;?<é1‘E Fe incqo.nfid¢rabic,;i,~hi5:“ iiA$o{'hmic‘“asA:hciA S iancicrd was (Ct kip» 31151 W3 M3}€fiy3fidi1i1€:*;;iDthch A L(§1‘C?iS‘p1;ici:di3bout iAt,,i:1AHcz'a1.i1ci at Arrhcs mcuiic ,rc3¢i:Y ~‘Q"A Priidaimzé ‘fig. ' Proc1amat:~on, Ci_€C1:!1‘!~I1g thegroimd and c:mi%: oi his hiajicfiics fetting up ’ it of’ his Stzmderci. W1’1a1'I1C_iytdiupprfii-ihitim§,*:_1Z€tC{1(i‘t3€iR czhciilion ohthc Earle» of jx1ii):_c¢%s_;agai§]1/at him, $i\'i1ii.(_;i1 hm ,«i~«it"i’:AL‘1I.;Ii1't’:‘r aifairc Treaty and accoimmédation ef P;-3c.g,, and that a11.idif=Fc‘rcriccs and mifiahcs mighthccgmcd, §nd;aiii.:b¢fii1¢1 mgnngr afwartc :9 gcafc in any Land and th_atii_tiim1gii1t_:Ah§: fan: ovwtzrirhi i F I A A A hlrchmd Eiarlcbf:Do'ri'ct, the :Ear1c of Afidutihampton and Sir Ia/13¢ %Cu[p»per , 3 1* 2s% M % ‘J ' A ;~. ;ifr:atb*,¢t%Ah¢y AVw11l¢£thcr hgan f I ? 49' 4,, ‘1 ‘ :3 % ‘4i‘hW-ingtifiis oppfdrfimi%tyAta ‘ct1ibartyfro;ni4tbc'ir “ P agl‘-rd cru;cIty¢Ic 1s tru¥y$%x;c;p‘o;*tc4d Vthgt Cax%a~lic%tj§Var¢ ill &M?Krf|V.V'?}ix‘g¥“,v ; bm5%gfii§*&5W¢City L9nd%n,V they inh%ab?itah%§;$%‘ etbki iiré ramcfivy-wiehiia rhhmr:1vcs£har¢&J 111% divid::AeIV%7y%it Vvcidlotedd m; themffiiivcs €3:%acVic’i1==!f’cre“ct;% mum %Lumbard4fi‘r¢=4t, adth¢1’S.haWc; flia%md‘V°Chvwfid¢,Ad 3 Pae:1s-chui*chéyard;~*¢srbets AA;rd=r>¢:2nzn thcrich A » i thggy ccd,% V ” AA % % A %1od£<é‘FévV;i*”f@$4fi falumglfi Vaevalimur A _ V, 9 WMIVI0FcAru=1tY*in-44mafitétfidfl-~«%4{aré;‘ % W ifif ’ A _ . ed mmy, %pf0t6& both “ ’ wmi fwTm~dsA may ?intgghéir ’“"»g1-fi1cI1::.g day_ ‘ “ Mn. 3 ,, J y t \c:.W « “ ,1 ‘-I , ‘ iv“ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ w * ‘ 1 ‘ > “.3, », K V . rfro:*ba<:¢hsH»pufcs ‘{mm‘;his ?Majr?cic’—,"diéc1ai~vmg‘Aéff%5e~W % » fair: !«I r*%4Ah5$%15aa§n>da%§:d%*<% n-M n-cxn;Aa:%Angmmg A $Msi“=fii9.fl»;t1s%ds Vuzei %1xi%$‘%main:' 5-asrrrw -ml or all tm;yrto%ts thaprcfufc toobcy V -‘ W ,\ “ nu; :3 W3? "4 *‘ «~ W“ \ '1‘ "3" ‘ , 3 V’ a '14 .r , ,1» ‘ ‘ W‘ at max 4\ :23 M fin —w W? * "‘ ‘£ , ). . g ‘ - ‘ W a .% = “ Jr. '1 y ‘ -1 . ,. ,, ‘ H 1‘ 6 2‘ : ‘ ° > “V, x W _ ; ,‘. W ‘ , ; V % ay¢;?9y=s,AandM4» ?¢Wi¢*=s