i e h t K.‘ ' a . s“ l t L to F . , o 4 % L alZ*{D,S<'C’ 0 TL AND, and j ‘REL A N D % L%iManiFePced in thefc iritercliangeaiblc pallages between: ‘ ' % ~ . them, rw°:{. ‘ A - l Declaration ofhoth Hon/Z»: ’ofParlz'ame2it to the Gmerall Aflemlll} in S’cotla22al.. : 2.4 A Letter ] ént hy fimze Mirzillero in England-to the General! Aflemhly in Scotland, 3 Hit ll/Ia_‘7'eflz'e.r Letter to the General! A in S cotlatzfl. \ % t . _ 4.. The Petition of the General! A_[l§,n3hbr in Scotland to the King; Majefly. ; " l ”<.'. he Declaration of the General! ./Iflémhly in S catlarzd to the P arliamerzt in Englangfll; * : 6. The Argfwer of the Generall /lflemhly Scotland, to the Minijlero in England. pi e’ . The C ommi ion o the General! A omhl fior xohlic e Ofiicery, ora executin I theifaflq 7 , , J P 5 . . faire: with the King a1zd1Pa2'liameiI:t. ' V . A 3. A2; A52.‘ anent the Aflemhlie:/defirexa to t e C omzfell a7zz_l,Con‘2rm'j]io7zer: of Peace. 9. The P etitiorz of the C ommifliojzerx firom the */lflemhly‘ to the Lord: of theflacret C omzfi*ll.’t I e I 0. The Petition ofthe‘ Lordx of the jécret Oogonféll to hit Majefly. ' f‘ 7 I I . An All a’ifihargz'ng all P etitiorzr in ‘1he‘1\l‘ame of the ' kg, zvithoztt their kr‘2o;p]ea'g¢‘ . '1 2. An Irzaliflion for a Fall, andthe caufu fhgrreo . . o l h .' 13. The Or-a’erfior the LoralMaitland's going to oio luajefly, and to the CouImz'j]?onerL4 3' A . of this Kingdonze. a T ‘ " I 4. The Petition of the S co;.“h N5lii.lit_v,a7zd Knightx, €’9‘c. in I relaml. to the Aflemhly i * -’ ‘A - V S€0tIl177d. - h l V : 15. An All giving Cqmmiflion to the fbfinjifierofent to Ireland. ‘T lit’: _ _ ‘ ' V , I _ ‘ I A V \_ + Printed for '3-“aha Bellamy, Szfialfzh Smith. 1642?. 0 L A l A ./ V .»v _ {=2-J ' , I ‘I/‘ ‘ ' . (9 ,-':»=¥'J Declaration of both I-iloufes gl lbultion within the bowels ofthis liingclcme, which if by our Cupplication to in , all force and warlike preparationsbeing laid afide, we may retiurneto 2* / ‘L . 4}‘, twee -15 ._.x. 2%‘. u 'a* T‘ Lrvfil A x : - .Parli~an1enit, lent to the Gfe11erallAflE*m«g V "bly of the Churchof Scotland, i i E LQ1‘cls and Comrnons in this prefente Parlianienti aiiern’ 1% “l bled, finding to their great griefe, that the dillr~a«9tio11S ofthib Kingdome doe daily ii ncreale, and that the wicked couuféll and ypraétice of a Malignant party amongft us,if God prevent thegfi 'l -not, arelilze to call this Nation in blood and confufion,teIlifiL ” - a * e - ‘ing to allythe world, how earnellly they defireto aroyde a°jC’i’ vill W.ar1‘e, they have addrefled tliemfelves in an humble fiiptilicatioii tohfs‘ l‘vilaj;{-fly, for the prevention thereofla Copy of their Petition they‘have tliotight lit to lend to the N-ationztll Fxfleziibly of the Church of sgmzmz, to the ’inte1'1t fhatthat Church and Kingdoms, Whereuntotliey are united by fo ‘many, and fo neerebands, as well fpirituall as Civill, may fee that the like minde is iiowi in-them that formerly appeared tolbe in that Nation; And that they are as tens cler of the effafion of Chrillian blood on the one fide, as they are [zealous ori the other fide of a due Pteioinnation, both in Church and State: in Which. worl{e,while they were‘labouring,theyehavebeene interrupted by the plots and prafiifes ofamaleignant party of Papilts and other ill-affeéted perfo'ns, efpe-_ flciilally of the corrupt and dillolute Clergy ) by the incitenientandinfiigation 'o,L A‘ l3i{‘ho:ps and others, whole avarice and ambition lueing not ableto beare the‘ fiL€l‘O1'H13ClOi1 endevoured by the Parlianient, they have laboured (as We Carp exgpefftlittle better fruite from ll1Cl‘1 trees:l to kindle :1 llamea and mile a-Com-~‘ . 7r his 'l\'laiel‘ty, it may be’Vp1'eve13ted.,and that according to our earnelt defire thjereé eaceableandParliamentar roceeclinc-. We doe not doubt but in the blefl E V y Y P _ 2:; I V _ _Y ling of God upon our endevours, we {hall fettle matters both in Church and; tate, to the iziereale of his l‘\/Iajellcies Honour and State, the peace and pros fperit" of this Kingdon1e- and efpecially to the glory of"God by the advance-, J _ . . J I’ t_). ! ' ' . ment of the true Religion, and fuch a Pteforruation of thechurch, as {hallbc molt agreeable to Gods Word: out of all which there will mofi U.'11ClOt‘sl)r‘-edly‘ Ecllil-Eajtlilrg ‘Ptableg and firnie union betwixt the two Kinggdomes or :E??-:_/;ll6173dl. ' l ' '5 3' K“. i l l . - 1. ' .; . \ L \ B and 7 <2)‘ " and Scotland, which according to our Protellation, we {hall by all good w-ayes V j ‘and meanes, "upon all occafions labourto »maintaix:e and preferve. ‘ c’ * ———.: _ A Letter {cut by fome Brethren of the Minifiers of the « A Church of Englimd to the Generall Aifembly of the e r W Church of Scotland; Right Reverend in our Lord and Sazrizizzr, r V ‘E received with much joy and fatisfaétion, the anfwerof your Ge-in l nerall Afletnbliy, vouchfafedus to our Letters of the lafi yeare : some of us in name of our Bretl-1ren,thoughtit then fit by Mallet‘ Alexander H erzderflrr (‘a Brother (0 julily approved by you, and honoured by us ) to returne our defired thankes: And we now further thinke it equall upon this occafion, cc... 4 make a more publicke acknowledgement of fuch a public ke favour : You were; then pleafed to give us faire grounds to expect that Brotherly , advice and ende- rvours, which the common caufe of Chrilt, and the mutuall interefi of the - united Nations, command us now againe to aske, if not to challenge. We doubt not but your experience, together with your intelligence, abundantly. informes you of our condition, What various adtninilhations of providence - «we have palled thorow, andwe liill lye betwixt hopes and feares, a fit temper forworking, the God of all grace inable us to improve it. As our hopes are A not fuch as may make usfecure, fo neither doe our feares prevaile to the calling. away ofour confidence. Your owne late condition, together with this De-. claration of our preient, may acquaint you with the certaine, though fitbtle Authours and fomenters of thefe our confufed confiiéts, which we conceive. «to be the Hierarchicall faflion, who have no way to peace and fafety, but- through the trouble of others. Our prayers and endevours according to our meafure, have beene, and {hall be for the fupplanting and rooting up what- foever We finde To prejudiciall, to the eiiablifhment of the Kingdome ofChriii, , and the peace of our Soveraigne. A ndthat this Declaration of our {elves may .,n.ot leave you uniatisfyed, we thinke it requifite 1’ uvth er to exprefTe,that the de- efireof the moi’: godly and confiderable part amongii us, is, that the Presbyteri- i an Government, which hath juli and evident foundation , both in the Word o_FGod,and.religious reafon, may be eiiablilhed amongli us, and that (actor... tl'i‘r'1gto.your intimation ) we may agree in one Confefiion of Faith, one di- rectory for worIhip,one publicke Catechifme and fbrrne of Government,Which , things, if they Were accomplifhed, we ihould much rejoyce in our happy {ub- je&ion to Chriii our head,and defired afl"ociation with you our beloved Bre-a thren : For the better efiefiing whereo F, we thought it neccfi'ary,not onely to ‘acquaint you with What our defires arein themfelves, but alfo to You, that , zjs, that whatihall fcememoli fiK§C0 the c wifcloxne of that grave and Religious». Aflémbiy, A ( 3 3 ’ Aflembly , may be taken For-the furtherance of our endevours in this kind We underliand that our Parliament hath beene before-hand with us in this in timation, and it cannot be butour duty, who are fo much concerned in th bufinefle, to adde What powerthe Lord hath given,with you, to the lamenpur-\ pofe. This defigne and defire of ours hath evennefle on the left hand, and difienting Brethren on the right, but We doubt not that as our hearts iullifie r us that our intentions are right, and fuch as We conceive tend molt direfily to the glory of God, and peace of the Churchesaofthe Saints: So ( by your bro- therly concurrence in the molt fpeedy and effeftuall way you can find out the worke will in Gods due time receive a prayed for , and hoped for ilrue. We [hall not need by any arguments from mutuall, Nationall intereil (though we know ye will not overlooke thefiz) to in force this requelhthe fame bond Where- with We are all united in one Lord jefiis Chrill, we are aflured, will alone in. gage your faithful! endevours in this bufinelle. To him we commit you, with thefe great and important Affaires you have in hand. Be gpleafed to accept of thefe, as the expreilion of the mindes of our many Godly and F aithfull Breé thren, Whofe hearts we doubt not of, neither need you, though their hands in regard of the fuddennelfi: of this op‘portunity,could not be fubfcribed, to-r gether with ours, who are i Tom‘ mofl afi£lionateFriendr, am! Bretvbrezzi London, 2 2,. I 642. in the wor@ zftbe Lord. " Sicfitbfirikitur. _._4—-._.4 " ‘wji , His Majefiies Letter to the Generall Alfernbly ofthel Church of Scotland. Clazzrler Rex. Tr:/zfl} and nrell-l9elovecl,Ir‘e g}*t'et}r)u well. N the midi’: of/our great and weighty alfaires of our other Kingd0mes,Whicl1«t God Almighty who-is privie to our intentions, and in Whom We truli,1v_ill in his owne time bring to a wilhed and peaceable conclulion. We are not un- mindfiill ofthat duty which we owe to our Ancient and native Kingdome, and to the Kirk there now met together by their Comrniflioners in a national-Aliems bly. God whole vicegerent We are,hath made us a King over divers Kingdomes: And we have no other dehre or defigne but to governe ‘them by their owne. Lawes and the Kirkes in them by their owne Canons and con llitutions gwhere any thing is found to be ainifle We will endeavour a Reformation in a faire‘% and orderly Way, and Where a reformation is fettled, We rcfolve with that au-“ thority wherewitl: God hath veiled us, to maintaine and defend it in peace and " 7 a trouble that can come from Without, aEl_againfi aflshcrcficfi _ y I (*4 >‘ a~_nd-Sehifmcs which may arile fromwithin. Nor doe We defire any _-_i_nyg_an_1or_e in that Kingdome, ( and When We {hall heare of it,‘ it lhall be _lggi_e1;igl1!;: and matter of gladnefle -to us)then thatthe Gofpell be faithfully prea-.- ‘pl;.,gd throngliotit the whole Kingdome to theutmoll skirts and borders theree ‘ a'»f,.-knowing thatto be,the meane of honour to God, of happinefie to =the peo-.-l 4 plc, and of true obedience to ussand for thiseffeét that ‘holy and able men he put L ‘in placesDftheMiniPtry,and that Schooles and Colledges may flourifh in lear- nning and;true piety. Some tliingsfor advancing of thofe endsswe didof our ovirne accord 4p‘1’O111ll‘€~ll}«tli€, L*ette:rs..to the lafl:.AITembly, and we make -your ifclyesjndgesiyvho were witnefles to our a&ions.when;We were there in perfon, 'yw.he,therWe did not performe them both in the point of prelentations which ii are in ou_rehands,and inathe liberal provifion ofall the Uiliyerfities and Coll.edg— iesaoftheiliingdonaeg-not onely above that which any of our P.ro«.genitors,-had gdpne be:for_eus,. butialfoa above your. owne hopes.and.eXpe&ation. _ We do ‘ 3 not make cpIn.Ine_moration ofthisxour beneficence either to leafure our ft-Ives, l or to {lo ppe the-.-influence of our royall a bounty and goodne ‘e for hereafter, but ' thatby thofe reall demonlirations of our unfeigned defiresand delight to doe gopd,ye may be the more confident to expe&:from us whatfoever in juliice We 9 can grant,0r What may he expedie11tfor~\:you to obtaine. We have given ex- p._refle"cha1'ge to OiI1fCOfi1fi}jillO11e1‘tO fee thatall things be done there; orderly "9 and peaceablyasifwe were prelentin ourv-owne perfon, not doubting but in -e thankfillnefle fQ1'yOL11‘pI“Cll.’:I‘1t e:”tate and condition you willabfiaine from every ? thing that may make any new dii‘:nx‘bance, and that ye will be more ‘wife then 1 to be the enemies ofyonr orzvnsz: p:-ace, which would llnmble others atidgruine ~ yonr.i'elves:~' We h'a\7€.1lft}COi2‘n'im11CleCl our Commillioner to receive from you your inl’t..andt realbxlable degircsa for ievhat, may fintther ferve for the good of .7 Pteli*gion,t-hat tak‘in-g-tl1e1'n:t0 onr_c-o1e1lide1*atio11 we niay omit nothing which :2» J may Witnefle us to bei11deeda. nurhng father ofthe Church wherein we were if borne and -b§aptized,. and then if you be not ha.pp.y you may blame not us a :7 bnt,yo,ur,felves.e.y And now whatdoe we againe:requi1*e of you but thatxwhich othervvife you .OW_e to us as your Soveraignexbord and Ki-ngieven that you-pray 1?} for our profperity-and thepeace ofoun.Kingdomes, that youufe the bell meanei-5 to lgeepe ourpeople in obedience to us and«oun Lawes,Whichi doth very much -y i ' i.t:1;_Ol!.1‘ PCITOIH11 abftnce; from this our Kingdometdependa upon your preaching 5 and yourowne exemplary Loyal-ty,a.nd faithfixll-ne,ITe,and that againft. all fuch f }ealojufi‘es,, and fufpitions, and finiiirous rumours asiare too frequent in t-hefe l timfisg and l1ath'b¢€nee,—falfified time pafi, bythe reality ofceontrary events; a you iudaeeof \U3,a11d o nr Profeflions by our aétions, which We trufi, through Godi,in defpiteof malice, {hall-ever goe onxina confiant way, for the od of ” 1 E_§e]"igi_on, and theWelfare«of..our People, ,uVV.l‘li-.Cl'1lS«_-E1164 Chi6fCP(.O£.O11E,in§€nti;s. .1 i 517% %¥;1d.d€£fiT§.3=-s, And, thus, W619-id.yot1 farewell... , ‘ i ‘ i A__ an fe:e.zm c«ma»Lttz;ersr,f:a 23. o/M, .1642; may checxiag iiibfi eitcellenti Majefly the r.ea;2y t1,e;.,,1»<{g—i% ving and humbleiPetitioi1 of the'Generall Affenibly met at‘ ‘ ’ Saint t/Imlr'cwe.gitthe427.~§fu@:A;e'154% p ._ as U R hearts were filIed“Wi'th‘great icy and g.adneHe at the hearineglofyouri . Majellies Letter, Whichwas read once and againe inface of the,Afremb1y,,"l every line thereof a‘lmof’c either exprelling fuchaffe&io11’ttoy the re‘forn1edAReliLé ' gion, and" fuch royall care of us as wecould require fro_n1a Chriilian Prince; or requiring firth neceffary duties from us as we are bound to perform'e'as‘.. Nlinifiers of tire Gofpel, and Chrifiian fubjeftsz for Which, as folemne thanks. ; were given by the Moderator of s the Aflemblyg So doe We all with one voycc in all humility prefent unto your Majelly the thanl{fulnefl"e of our h_earts,witlI‘ - our earnei-’t prayers to God for yo u1fMajefiies’ profperity and the ‘peace oi’ your Kin gdomes, that your Majelty may be indeed ainunfing F'at‘her' to all“ the Kirks l of Chriit in your Majeilies Dominions, and efpeci‘ally_to the;Kir'ke of Séotlanci honoured with your Birth and Baptifme , pronxifing our moft lferious endea-t vours by Doéirine and life to advance the Gofpeli of Cl1ri{’c,;md to kee-pe the I .ople in our cliai/“gee in unity and peace, alidin all loyalty and obedience’ to your M ajzlly andyour Lawes; Your l\/iajellies commands to your Commiffio- net the Earle‘ of Dz-mz arm/izzg to receive" from us our jull: and ‘rcafonabie defires for What may fi1rt“r’rer {erve for the good of Religion here , the faVot11‘sc~wl’ii‘cl1 We have received already ,. andfyour .l\«’l;:jel‘tie's defire and delight‘ to doe good‘ \ ent‘s't,o us‘, to take the bold; exprefled in your Letter,are as many encouragem p neliein all humility to prefentyunto your l\4ajelty (befide theparticularsrecomé mended toyour M;1,j:fii€S Con1miflioner)y one thing which for the. prefent is e thechiefeft of all ourdel’i1‘eS,as ferving moi’: for,the.glory o*3Cl11‘ifi’;:.for your ‘ Majeliies honour and comfort,’ and not onely for the good of ' Pteligion here_ a, but for thetrue happinelie an-dpeace of all your Majellies Doiminions 5 Which‘ 7 is no new motion , but theprofecution of that fame which was madeby the‘ : « ‘. COmmilii0h€1‘S ofthisyour Maieitiesiiingdome in the late treaty,and wch»-your. f Majefiy with“ advice of both Houl'es-ofParl. did approve in thefe Words,‘ To ‘ their defire concerning unity in Religion anduniformity of Eh u rch ‘govern-~ ‘ ment as a fpeciall imeanVs.fo_r conlervinfgp ofpeaee_betWiXt.Ehe two Kingdomes, ‘ upon the grounds 8t‘reafons contained in the paperofthéi Io.oF .71/_/arcb,givE11 L in to the Treaty and Parliament of E2'2glam15lt“iS’anfWered 1‘Ip'0n‘ the fifteenth of . j‘z«me,r That; his Majefiy with advife of both Houfes of Parliament.,j doth tap,-; t prove of the afiefiion of his fubjefis of Scotland, in their defire ofh'avi”1rg con- ~.L formity of Church government betweene the two Nations, ‘and’ as the Parlia. 7 ment hath already taken into confiderationf the reformation of Churcl1*gove1'n; A ment, fo they will proceed therein" in due time as {hall bell conduct tothe glo; gl tggof God;;l}cpeLaee.e£ §heQhurch3 andtof both Kingd*omes. Tl1"e”e1eventh’o" i mze 1642. y_ In our Anfivcr to a Declaration lent by the now Commiflioners f this Kingdome from both Houfes of Parliament, we have not onely prefled _;.his point of unity in Religion and»unifor_mity in Church-government as a R came of a firme and durable union betwixt the two Kingdomes, and without hich former experience putteth usout of hope long to enjoy the purity of the y t ofpel with peace 5 but alfo have rendered the reafons of our hopes and con. gfidence as from other confiderations, fo from your Majeflies late Letter to this >7Afl'embly, that your Majeliy in a happy coniunftion with the Houfes of Parlia- Ftnent will be pleafed to fettle this A blelfed Reformation , iwith fo earnefily defired at peace in all your Do-minions. And therefore we your Maieflies mofl; loving fubjeéls in name of the whole Kirks of Scotland reprefented by,us,upon yythe knees of our hearts do mofl earnefily and humbly beg that your Majelly in the depth of your royal1wifdome,andfrom your affefiion to the true Religion, and the peace of your Kingdomes, may be moved to confider that the God of Heaven and Earth is calling for this Reformation at your hands, and that as ll, you are his Vice-gerentz to you may be his prime infirument in it. If it (hall pleafe the Lord, which is our detire and hope,that this blefled unitytin Religion 1;! and uniformity of government {hall be brought about : your Majefiies confci- ence in performing of to great a duty (hall be a Well-fpring of comfort to ' ' ame renowned to your felfe, your memory {hall be a fweet favour, and your n ‘ all following generations. And if thefe unhappy commotions and divifions fi . {hall end in this peace and unity, then [hall it appeare that in the providence of God they were but the noyfe of many waters, and the voyce of a great thunder { before the my cc: of Harpers, harping with their Harps,which {hall fill this ; Whole Iland with melody and mirth, and the name of it {hall be, The Lord is a there; ‘ if ‘Hon ef Warnelioun Knight C/677/55 tlaereto zrxfitizeflirzg fn} mzmmll. figrze and fiebfcription T/91?: Petition n‘-at prefinted 12} ibe Lord Maitland, Augzzfl I I. I 642. a ‘V1 ,! :———Z 1: E Anfvver by the General Affembly of the Kirk of S cot- _ l4;zd,_to the Declarationpfent by the Parliament of England. A THe Generall aflémbly of the Kirk of Scatlafld having received a Declaration » from the honorable Houfes of tlieParliainent ofEng;Lz2;.cZ,exprefiing their care to prevent the €ffilfiOfl.0fC«hl‘ll(.ll1n bloud in that ifgingdonie and their affeftionse R deration as the importance of f0 weighty niattei's,and the liighiefiiniation the y Extmffedflzrtb of the 500% Of the General! Aflembly me Sir Archebald ]h0i1- fent unto them by the Commilfioneie of this Kingdome now at Lwzdazza _? to reformation both inKirk and Stai‘e,aiid having taken the fame to fuch confi. t <7) , ‘it have of f0 wife and honourable a meeting as is the Parliament Offizglarzd, did i require 5 have with univcrfall confent refolved upon‘ this following Anfwcr. ‘ 1. That from the receint fenfe of the goodneiie of God in their ownelate deliverance f, nd from their camel’: defire of all happinefle to our native King. pp: and that Kingdome, they blefle the Lord -for prelerving theniin the midfl of F0 many unhappy divifions and troubles from a bloudy intefiine warre, which is T from God the greate{’::' judgement, and to {uch aNation the Compend of 31] ca, lamities. They alfo give God thankes for their former and prefent defires of 5 reformation, eipecially of Religion, which is/ the glory and ilrength of a King- I dome, and bringeth with it all temporall bleflings of -profperity and peace. ‘I 2.That thehearts of-all the members of this AHembly,and ofal the welaffeaz-3 ed Within this Ki ngdome areexceedingly grieved 8: made heavie,that in To long ‘ a time againll the profellions both of King and Parliament,anCl contrary to the joynt defires and prayers of the godly in both Kingdomes, to whom it is more “ deare and precious then What is dearefi to them in the World 5 the Reformati- on of Religion hath moved fo flowly, and filiiered fo great interruption. They t confiderthat not onely Prelats, formall Profellbrs , prophane and Worldly T men, and all that are Popilhly affefied, are bad Counlellors and Workers, an d doe abufe their power,and bend all their firength and policies againil the work of God, butthe God of this world alfo with principalities and powers , the Rulers of the dark nefle of this World, and fpirituall wickedneiie in high places, are Working with all their force, and fraud in the fame oppolitions, not with-7 3 Outhope ofiiuceefle, they having prevailed fo farre from thetbeginning, that _ in the times of the befi Kings of faded of old, and the mofi part of the Ptef'or- = med Kirkes of late, a through and perfeft Reformation ofFtelig‘ion,hath beene avvorke full ofdifficulties, yet doe they conceive that as it ought firii of all ., to be intended, to {houldit be above all other things, with confidence in God, who is greater then the world, and he who is in the world, moi} ferioully in- devoured. And that when the Supreame providence giveth opportunity of" the accepted time and day of falvation, no other Worke can profper in the hands of his iervants, if itrbe not apprehended,and ‘With-all reverence and faith- — fulneffc improved. This Kirke and Nation, when the Lord gave them the cal- ling, confidered not their owne deadxiefle, nor llaggered not at the promile, through unbeleefe, but gave glory to God: And Wl1O knoweth (We fpeziker it in humility and love, and from no other -mind then from a def:/xe“of t-he hlelling ofGod. upon-ourKing~and.that~Kingdome) but the Lord hath’ now fome con troverfie with Erzglarzd ? which-will not be removed, till firll and be- fore all the Worlhip of his Name, and the Government of his Home be {etleds ’ according to hisowne will. When this defire {hall come, it {hall be to Eng-~ Iaml, after fo long deferred hopes, a -Treeof life, which (hall not onely yceldsl temporallbleflings unto themfelves, but alfo {hall fpread the branches To farre, . that both this Nation,and other Reformed.Kirkes,.(hall finde the fruites- there- -- sfg to their great {a:.lSfa&l.0I3‘rt T 2’ a «(ray ,3‘; The Commiliioners of this Kingdome, in the late Treaty ofpeaoelreonn fidering that Religion is not onely the meane of the fervice of God, and faving ofS‘ot1les, but it isialfo the Bale and foundation of‘ Kingdomes’ and States, and the flrongefi band of the fithjeéts to their Prince in :.true loyalty,’ and to ' knit the «hearts ofsone toanother in trueunity and love, they did with preface of all due refpeét and reverence,larre from arrogance or‘pref'umpt10.ny, 1‘€p1”€-* fent in name of this Kingdome, their ferious thoughts ‘and earnell: delires for unityof A‘Religion;,'_that in all hislMajefiies Dominions there might beonc’ contellloilm of Faith, one direétory of worlhipg one publike Catechifme, and one formed of Kirke government; this they conceived to be aeceptable to God lfllniighty, who delighteth to fee his people Walki~ng‘in truth and unity: To be a‘ Tpeci-all meanes for confervi;ng of peace betwixt the Kin gd omes ,of eahng the Majeliy 8: the publike governement of muchtrouble which ariiieth from differences of Pteligion,very grievous to Kings and ellatesa of great content to /t‘he“King himfelfe,to his Nobles,his Court, and all his people, when oecafionqzl to"be abroad,without iisrupleto themfelves,or fcand-all to others, all may refort to the fame publik Worlhip as if they were at their own dwellinggoffupprelli-ng the names ofHerefies,and Sefts, Puritans, Conformilts, Separatills , Anabap- ,t'ilis,'8cufio’me forffuppofed conveniences, which therefore by hu- n-’1ane'5authority5 without Wronging any mans cronfcien ce, may be altered and for’t31ed.Kirks5:a'firn1e and Well grounded peace betwixt the two Kingdomes’ féJ’1"ri‘1er-lyidivi’ded inthernfelves‘, and sbetwixt tlienfielves by this partition .Wall,i and a perfeftiunion ofétl1eKi‘—rl<ésrin’the twoNations,vvhich although by the pro;-L '-viden‘ce50fGi0d’iuone Hand and under 'one.l_Vlon;:rch, yet: ever fince.-itheCrefor- mation,and for the pre{ent:alfo, are at greater difference in the point of‘Kirk. igovernmsens-t~,whvipch ‘in all ‘placesehatl-1 a poweriull influence "upon all the parts fie-ncegi and under divers Princes». ~ “ . e s ‘ l a t 3' €6‘“.’- !Wliat»n1ay be required of the Kirk of ,3“coiZ,222cZ for furthering: the .Jworke« of uniformity of goveriinient, or for agreeiiigi-upon acommon coinfeflionof g faith,Catechifi1ie-,ax1d d-irefiofy for Worfhip, {hall according to the order-given-i Li by this ~Afl"e'mbly be nioftcwiliingly performed by us, .Wl1(_) lon.ge;_m~e;m1e... 5; lyfor the day3when»Kin»g.a1id~Parliament {hall ioyne for bri=»ngin_g to iiipafléuibe A . grea.t,j fogood a Worke. Then sail‘ Warres and commotions ceafinggalllle Superfiiti-' ‘ on,Idolatry,Herefies, Seéts, and Schifines being removed, as the Lord is one, fo: hissname maybe one..an1ongiiius.v,mand mercie and truth , righteoufnefleandi ’ ‘ peace .4 {L de'avours'for furthering fo great a worke wherein Chrifi is fo much concerned ; atioliflred upon f‘o'greata‘neceflity asis abearty conjunfiion With‘ all the. re- s 6f‘R:eligion,’tl1en any other reformed Kirks5aithough*in N ation-5 at greatefl di-' . peace meeting together and killing one another, may dwell in is llana ., 5"" ‘s ‘ Extrazzfed fbrtli of the Booke 0f the General! jne Sir Archibalel L A Johnlton of W mmeeflorz K72igbt, Clezfke tlaereto, itnefling, my figne and filgji. 6 firiptiozz mamzall. _’ ‘ i ,‘ ."_ * ' ‘ L t L A."]-Oh'flliZOl1'C/87:‘,E061.'Li’ ._ " ' This Declaration was prelented to the Parliament by the Lords C07nm'1i.ili- oners on the 23. of Azzgzzfi. .1-6A,2.s ' ' ‘ “ e ‘ ~ ‘ The Anfwer of the generall All—"em’blyof the Kirk e Scommlyyto the Letter fem by I‘.l1CjlVllf1lllZCfS_._Of Englzmd. ' ‘ Rz'gbt.Ré7)ere2zd and beloved in tbe~Lord jg-"an, L ged us to renew, Y ourAnfwer to thoDec1aration fent unto,“ us from the honourable I-Joules of Parliament ,you may perceive that your Letter , which came: in't;oi¥‘our hands to feafonably, was not onely acceptable unto ,us,. ‘but.aha.t,h ‘alfo encoura- botl1.totl1eel{i'11gs Maj ;l’cy and the Hotllesofg Parliament, the clellres of the lateilomnzillioners of this Kingdome for unity in Religion in the foure particulars remernbredby you. We cannot be ignorant but the oppofiti-» on from Sathan, and worldly men in i’.C.irl{ and preIa;y,W_i]l liill be vehemennas it hath beene already. Butwe are confident through our Lord _lefusChriii,th_at the prayers and endeavours of the godly in both Kingdomes , will. bringghe worke to a wifhecl, a blellecl illize. This whole N ationall Kitk is to much cc§n-L cernecl in that l't:l~()I‘lZD'c1iClOl1 and unity of Religion in ‘both Kiilgdomesgtfiauf: Without it We cannot hope for any long time to enjoy ou tpurity and peace; which hath Coll: us fo dean; and is now} our chieiielic comfort and gpeatell *ti'ea%- fuse; which one C'.1'L1i‘€,(beil(’lCtl1€l10nOl’lLf of God, and the ihappinelle .of"th'e people of God in that Ki11gdomc)’zt1ore clefired of us then our lives:) "is mete then lilflicientto move us to contribute all that is in our poWer'i"or bi*ing‘ing‘it L to paile :' And fince We havewith fo,greatli‘berty made ouirtlefireis a;nd,'h0pe.s knowne both to Kingand Parliamentg it is aflduty iiicunibent 'jbotlito'. yotilianfd e us, who make mention ofthe Loi*d,and ar_eVVatcl1men ‘upon the Wals of‘:]ei~zz- flzlemanever more to keepe filence, not to l1C,L)lCl._'OlI[“ peaice day nor ‘night, itillgthie 1'ighteoufi1elTe of Zion go forth as ibrightnefl"e, iandtihe faflvation thereofass as Lamp tliat bumeth: Andif it [hall pleafe the Lord to move the hearts of Kin e and Parliamentsto .»hea1"ken 'L1I..1tQ the motion (for w"hi__c'h cndwe _'ha',v_e_yrel"olve§ to keepe afolemne Fall-and-hunijyiliation in all the Kitks oftl1i_sjKinigdon1e 5 fhek mfcaii. by which we have lpxe vailecl in times pafij we Wilh that‘t'_l1'éWQrk‘may \begun- with fpeed, and proiecuted with diligence by t'hejoynt'labours offoniei * o 2 Divincg " Divixieslinihoth5Kingdomes whosmay prepare thefiinxe for the view and exa- mination ofa more-frequent Ecclefialiicke meeting of the bell afFe&ed to Re- formation there, and ofthe ‘Commiflioriers of ‘the Generalli Aflembly here, that in the’en'd;, it may have the ap robation of the Generall Aflembly here, , ‘ and of all theKirkes there,i~n thebe tway that may be, we wifh and hope at ‘- p left in aNati0n‘aIl Aflembly. Our Commiffioners . ‘M name.’ rgceive and retume anfwers for promovtng {'0 great a worke, which we at Edezzbztrg/at {hall in our with our heart and. foule recommend. tothe blefling of'God,‘ and cpritintzg, Tom“ loving Bret/Jreiz arzzlfellozv-laboztreinr, The Commzfliorzerxr qftbe General! Aflemhly, fitbfirivirzg ‘our Mudera tor and Clerk.‘ Vmc 01324, he Kolzent Dowglafle /Moderator,A.}0/77{f}072_,Cle)'..Ece](,_ Saint tflndrewef, Afl- This ‘Lé't‘1er'~z;224ir deiiieeréd '5} t"/2’erLorcl Maitlandiofl the 26. 0_f.eiztgufl,. '1 642... 4.___ __.:n 4 eAt:.Coommi{'fi0n of ~ the Gene1'al1A*{i°embiy, for rfbtnepubg‘. r — -l_iCke.Oflicer5s~of this Kirk-e,i-and for profecuting the defires in - ‘ ‘ e their Petition to his Majefiy, and m thei1:iAnf'wcr to e i ‘ A i the i?a1‘iiamCn§Q.f'E7zg/@7241:DCCiaI‘a£iOn. i _ f" at f , Saint;/1nz!ieme:pe=t}je 5. aft./Izgsgwfl, 1642. A mm'a'z'e; -is THC Genera’Il A‘flembIy confidering the Iaudabiecufiome of this Kirkc, £91» a A T to appoint fome Commiflioners, in the interim hetvvixt Afienlbliesi, fore. prefenting of overtures and prefenting the other defires of the Kirke to his Ma- jfeflrie, the Lords of his Counfell, andfitiates of ParIian1ent._ And taking to their confideration t'heprefenttoo11dition;ofthcKirke offing/d2za‘_.,With.i7 the De-» ielairation thereof; fentzdowne from the * irarlia men t, and Tome reverent Bre- thren of the Minifiery with their owne anfwer to the Parliament and Miniftryj L” , and the humblefiiapplication to his Majefty for unity of Religion, and uni- ;_\;f' formity of Cht1rch,Governn1en_t, and withall renzenxbring tahedefires to the 3 Ho’nourablefiLords:-of.his Majefliesjecret Counfell and to the Commiflioners. , appointed byptheKing-and Parliament for confervation of the common a peace, “F. 1 that th eywould joyne their concourfe in theirdefires to his Majefiie and Parli- ament, and“dire&ion9 to the Commiffioners ofthis Kingdome at.Lando22, for 7,; the time, and Iikewife confidering thei£"s“good.hopes from Gods gracious fa. ;; tvaour to thislflandg Thatby hisgood:?providence, he will inphis owne way‘ and time, Iettle the great worker through this whole Me, And that itis both» o.urearnefid‘efire and Qhrifiian. duty, t:o..u{e.. all la‘wfull;,meanes,_ andiEccle- fia(Hck;e;; .’ - . .__..._#.,_ _, I___ ’(I3'_‘ I fiafiicke wayes, for furtherance of {"0 great a worke, continuance iofithe coni; mon peace betwixt thefe Nations, and keeping a Brotherly correfpondence be. twixt thefe'Kir'kes. Therefore the Affembly thinkes it necefiary before their D difl'olving,to appoint, and by theie prefents does nominate and appoint Ma- = tier Andrew Ran2]h_y, Alexander Henderj/on, Rohert Donglor, W' ill iom Colvill, ‘W3’!- liom Bennet, M’inii’tersi ofEdenhnrgh, Mafier W zlliarn Arthnr, 1\/Iinilier at Saint Cnthhem,Mafier jamei Rohertfon, john Logan, Koherz‘ Lighton, Commiffionerse -for Daikeith to this Airenlbiy, Maiier Andrew Blackhizll, jczme: F lenzing, Ra- om Ker,“ Commiflioners forHaazngom to this Affiembly, M a Pcer George Hamil-'-« ton, Rohert Blaire, Arthur Morton, David Dalglei/h, Andrew Bennet, Welter G‘_,~,;s25% ohn Dnncan,Walter john fl/loncrezjfe, john Smith, George Gil/efiyie, john Ron, j Bruce Commiflioners for the Presbyteries within the Province of Fyfe, Mailer David C aldemzood, Minifler of Pen/{oitl.znd,Ma{ier john Adamjim, Principall of the ColledgeofEdenh;¢rgh, Mafler john Strarzge, Principall of the Colledge of Glajfgow, Mafler David Dickefim, Mafier jome: Bon.zr,I\/iaiier Kohert Bajlie, ,Maa-.-‘ flerfljohn Bell, Mafier Rohert Ramjlzy, Maiier George Young, Mailer Hemy Gathry, Ma er Samuel Onfiian, Mafier john Rohertfon, Minifier at Saint john flonn, Ma--‘ Iier ame: Kohertjbn, Minifier at Dnndie , Mailer john Home , Mailer-* Andrew Cant, Mafier W illiam Guild, Mafler Samuel Rutherford, iMafier jamer Mertene , Mafier _AZrxander Monro, Mafier Rul°e)‘.t Myrrh} Mafier john; Collan, Andrew’ Dnncofon, S ilvefier Czmznzo , Maiier Gilhert Kofle, Miniliers; Maiquefle of Argnile, Earles of Laderdoile , Glencairne, Kinghorne, Eglinzon W ejmer, CaflZ¥l:'5 Lords Gordonn,/Maizland, aild Bacorroi, Sir Patrz'cl{e Hephnrne, of W anchton, Sir David Home of I47/edderhnrzze, Sir David Crighton ofLug1onn,Sirs David Barlglay ofCollerne, john Henderfivz of Fordell, Maflerl Geo2:ge W'z'nmhanz“ 0fLz'hhertoun, Sir Rohear Dr-umond, Sir William Carinicloaelz’, john Bun}, Thomas” Pzzrewfbn, john Sim lc, john Kennedi of Aire, j 4172 Clen_dnnz'ng,, j/oyhn Collier, Pxuiing Elders with the concurlent, the power for the Kirke, and grants to them full power and Comrnifii-on in this.interim, betwixt and the next.Afli2n1biy,.foir=,to meet and convene at Eelenhmrgh on the 1 7, . day of this Moneth of Angufi, and upon any other ‘day, and in. any other place, asthey {hail thinke convenient, and being met and convened , or any: fifteene of them, there being alwayes twelve Milliiiififs preient, with full pow-I , er forto confider and performe what they finde neceffary for the Minilieryy, bynpreaching,fupplicating, prepafing of’ draughts of one confefhon, one Ca-~ techifine, one Direfloryofpublicke Worihip, which are alwayes to be revifedi- by the next Generall Afl'ernbly,and by all other Iiawfiiil and Ecclefiafiicke wayess . for the furtherance of Gods great worke, in this unioneof this Ifland IiI‘l’_‘_P\Ci.i-’ gion, and Kirke Government, and’ for continuance ofour owne peace athonie,» and of the common peace betwixt the Nations, and keeping aogood corre{‘pon,-- dence betwixt the Kirkes of this Ifland. Like as if it (hall pleafe God to biefle;;' the prayers and endevours of his Saints for this biefl"ed‘union, and that either? thc;L0rds ofCoun_felli,9r,Comxniflioners for peace,i11al require your eoncourie-1 ohn Lejlie from Aherdene, pVz'lli- t i i I , A__.4‘ _ r -([14 I, p lat home or abr-oad, by fending Commiflioners with yours to his Maielly and gviceto his Majefiy and the Parliament, _ and Minillry there, for the furthering and perfefiing fo great and to good a worke. Like as with power to them" ~ to pronaove the otherdefires,overtures, and recommendations ofthis Affembly at t0"tl16 Kings Majeylly, Lords ofCounfell, Sellion and Exchequer, and Cglm-i , millioners from Parliament, for plantation of Kirkes, For common burdens,o;= ,. co11{e1'vation ofthe common peace, and to the Parliament of this Kingdome, 9 in cafe it {hall fall out pro re rzxm, beforethenext Aflembly. And fuch like 7 with as full power to themjto proceed, treate, and determine in any other mat-« ; ters to be committed to them by this Aflembly,as if the fame were herein par? larly or generally, above rnentioned,as any Commillioners of General! Aflem-_ ies has had,and has been in ule to have beFore.They being alwayes comptable l and cenfilrable by the next Generall AHembly,For their proceedings thereanent. P An anentthe~AITembliesdefires totbe Counfell P Extraéflcl out oft/oe booleeg /1’ fl 5/72 5039} W Si?‘ Arfc/2ibdld']0/922}?o2z,CZer./Q tlaeretpr, _ and Comnliflioners ofPe_aCe. I Saint .Az94/rewes the 5.af./m_gu_5/1’, I 642. Sefli x 1. \ . '4 I He Aflembly being n10.l£.defi1‘Ol1S'tO ufe all, and to omit no lawfull meane -P or occalion to tellifie their zeale, by dealing with God and man for furthe. rance of your defires ofunity in Religion, and uniformity, of Kirke. Govern-P manta P And conhdering the greatneceility that the Kirke and State : contlfilbtlté ioyntly their belt endevours to this happy end: Therefore enjolynes the Mode, razor, and the Commiflioners from "the G-enerall Allembly, to fiipplicate with allyearneliiielle and refpe<‘3c, the Lords of his Majellies Honourable Privy Conn- fell, , And likewife the Con.1m'nT1oners appointed by his Majelty, and the Par. liament, for cponfervation of the peace, that they nmybe pleafed to Concurrer withthe Kirke, in the like defires to his Majefly and the Parliament ofE2zgla;zd ~ End in the like direétions to the Comm_‘ilfioners of this Kingdome at L07zdo72,f0; thetime, that by all poflible meanes Civill and Ecclefia flick, this blefledworke may be adV3.“Ceda and 3 h3PPY fiitlmg b‘—‘tWlXt his Mafeily and his Parliament ~;;_nay_ be en‘clevoured,and the Common peace betwixt the Kingdoms; com1,,m,d ,a11d¢fi1‘ength€D¢d- ii i i , E.7c,t'r'a.é7ed out of the Booéy of Gezzerall by me Sir Z4l'C.'Z9Z.b4Idj0l97Zfl1,l2ZA ,Cler/gr; tlaeretq, V _ P 3 .'x- It The [par1'amentfor that efFe&, or that they. themfelves {hall finde it neceH'ary5 Thee ‘:,AffembIy grants full power to them, not onely to concurre by all lawfull and , 5 Ecclefiaflicke wayes, with the Counfell and confervators of peace at home; §’»but alfo for to {end Fome to prefent and profecute your defires and humble ad-- , ticularly inferted,andWith as ample power to proceed in all matters, particu-Q an ' i(Is)“ The _P‘€titi'oi1‘ bfthe Qommifiionerse froin th’e:Geneialffij£; j -y j iiefrnblfly of the,K1rke of Scotland, to the Lordsofhis. ‘ " C e t — ‘Majefiies Privy Counfelh.» ‘ y ' 5- I y 'Umo;_tl2ei Right Hdnorable the Lord: of I123: Majcflieificret Couézfill. ~ The Moderatorand Commillioners of the late GenerallA{Ten1bly aesaint A5; I. > i s idrence: humbly fhewethg ‘ l - 0 1"Hat Whereas the Aiienibly being moi’: deiirous to ufe all ,and to omitno law; I ful meanes or occafions to tefiify their zeale,by dealing with God and'Man5 for furtherance of their defires of unity in Religion, and uniformity of Kirke Governmentéand confidering the great neceffity that the Kirkejand State contri- bute joyntly their befi endevoursto this happy end, did therefore injoyne us to filpplicate With all earnefi neiie and ref‘pe&,1fkc;1p,€UHTiiYl;iI1'Fx£1.igi‘On5 ..and¢nmifq1;mity%' in {Clmrch Goyernnzemc,-_ 1 .-a11%rhé&‘thnee;lgi.ngdoia2cs,;-.£q:: which che.,Afi7¢:mbly;ha~s’humb1y.%fi1ppI,ica¢e;;’h T & *':%Kin'gs%_;AMajefiy;‘; aiadliénxonlkrats th.€,ir_:d‘_€_fi_3rCS"_«t-_o it Parliacrncm-of’-Ezeglaézjzl,’ . left-, r§.hcyw'{ho.ulc;l»bd.Wan§ing:i=n: anyhmeanes t;E1{;ztV:n;ay ;fu,1t:_:l1.¢n_fQ. g_1_Q1’1i0.11l_6 a’nd<{d gohd a-fw OA1:-keg’ d6e,0.;2dain¢,%¢i*’!:ha_t*nQI ‘.0njc€Iy% the. flfeid -Declaration 3.to,,.,t;h.¢ 9Pa.1;. ; » I~ian1€11ff,:jand Sup.p1iC'3ét*i.<;3F1.5£Q? thesfiings Majefiygj beA%acc9mpany-ed !sWir{h the eamefi Pecitionsa13d.TPray<;rs%« jofi. the <;who1c»+ Bl:t‘.‘__Chj1‘e§),_; in: V priyate a__nd..pub.. icke, f,()_.;‘.j~ the I:..cxrel s‘ - blefling. t¥h;::re,1mt(),§ _acco_rd;ing.1tci.3the.‘1guglab1c cu flan-36 d f 1-0 Hr %Pr?<=dcc¢fiivr’ss~ whoin"‘dm.mre20fG9d V153 9+ Qrda i:1éd~£haI»; thfig-Bre‘thréfi n their private and publicke Prayers, % rccoAn1n1ex;d_ .-.tQ_§ ,t»he»aq:fl3i'&¢dVEfi;atg;;Qf % thc‘Church of England. But havingjufi caufi: ofifeare, that % the ini_quitie§ of he L-and; Whi£i1'-‘foTI11I1Ch-abOflnd'S5-- may n1re;%¢11*:¢arI2?dJ in\,1,3%!d?ze’$ 9i1g1i; 'nb‘91:.a~ .» .DJ€nta.bI¢.diVifib*Lb€¥W§¢?1¢ Ki:2gfand?hi*s R9‘, %Li1zb~4ei*1:“<;::i:x,=%kzf%Eu;1i’gi%qn»%atdipsaigéih%.411;h%.e:r.hr¢e‘D}otnini¢ns;% % V T % A hf9.@G9d.v29K;,'¥ac?9hf1Y>b1ffi,I‘h¢L9UpP3ica£é<>fi10ft%%¢A1?%%nzh%y.:.QzFh€F %.‘;,Ki:;gs3 ;.%éi:Mo%ti~9.n..cb t¥i¢."I?arl3%ii11§;1‘ti of Efigloaézdg f f9r:.mii‘t»y. in : fi ‘f_*1ri%1ig‘ic5:g,éndA.u§ii‘£<5tmi:iofcihu aiéii a1.1f9%th¢r nswvbich = one-o¥i!ig'9%f.f0 goed n;*9éII‘1:‘:.:~ '1’; * v \ _ . -gr» ". -. , . _ ._4..'»:-" _-H ‘ . ._ . _ 3.1 ;. --,- ,-V, ‘- ,"g_ .4‘ 3‘ ,1. » -.' *7 ~ - [ .'»‘,’.x , -Pu‘ ‘V’ .. ' '. “"3, ~.:. “*5 1}’: 1'. , .> 1 . . pf .‘ .' .'~. 5.1:’. 5'1‘. .‘ ’ _,'. -1.1 if‘: '.."'!"-‘hr. ‘ ‘K. .- ‘ ‘ ._ \',.. ‘y ~. 7,’ ( ..: 3.1;? , _ - _ ) _ _ . . . . , . __ . 4. . T‘... ., V ‘ ' - ~ '. -' ."|‘ .- 4 ~ "‘- ‘ ‘. .. .. _ . , - ‘- .- l" ‘ 2 .‘ '4 - , ".' -- : . .. ' ' .‘,- "‘ ’. . --‘fr --.. ‘, LI» ‘ ‘ elm... ;.n 9.14.3 _,s.‘._ ',. ,~:_-‘ —:'_-I-‘ff-’,_',-_»'-,' A - p_ Jif.‘ -~_:-'-..‘ A ,r._\ 4. .“,__ :_- A‘ ;__-~.f “i ' :,y«_-,- ‘ . -‘ -i, 7- 5 vr; l'._._, V. o —-,- .V_.'..'.:V1; .. ' .1‘: .. . . I .. )_ ;;..:- _X';‘_;‘ /.-‘-.‘.,>.,‘ ,1 ‘-‘ r,-_»‘_ . . 5 - " J - , _ ,. - ' 1. \ . -, . , a . . V. - - " .. 9.;-'.,4-x» *4‘-: -' 4., *.««;.-.'.~ .11.-.'*£-u.--' "~-'~ ‘ .1 V_ I 1 -“ _ 7 v _ . 5 x.... - . L. I 4: _,‘..:_"~ ‘.1, _. ‘ ‘V’ _. _, _ " ~'- , ‘ V V n . -“, ‘ ‘ ' r ‘ " 3 ) ‘ "3 K ‘ . -7.‘ , ' ‘'7' ,y'- ' A ..‘~' . ‘. -« “ »' - yo . ;. I-‘- .3! \- _- ~\,... .- _. u - . - .. ;- ».», ,‘ ,- . u-, ,.:.5.,1V. -. ,4 - ,» ; v ‘ 5' 9',.\§ .. . g ..— -~{_.- .- --. .. x~/~ .. '_ V-__ . ,-vx ..— -'_.- P ‘I ‘ '- "N "3. 5.‘ ’_": I‘; " ' ." -". '~ '4’). . _ 'I: _ 2'12‘ 1". "-‘\- ’.x‘1~’-*‘ '3" ‘ e.- 1.“. ,' fr . {:1 -\ . J" 4 1 .0‘) ’ zhcreiisenczalag me A W - M M M ,.. . g ‘A:3£ic{l1;~i£tTa'z1‘d 1i‘i_s_{o,1Ig>1~"érSs.[ é1.éx;fdj ‘_afIl,Tdiv}i§:ve;p1.0.fl¢ n[§"%é’g1é13iZfi}{*i’§h$.C9ii.!5‘§¢Ofre.._.. . .~ _ ‘“.?*-.~’:e:-.’- ’.-‘i_’ .‘ 1' ' 311 '..". , ...5"l{'l.-‘T2:-' '.'.«:. -’ IUH é .?‘.'3_.~: L'»'F‘l'f{ 1 ET‘ V“?-.‘. -» .4‘;’;"d:»‘ '--* 9rn3ar1<;;2a% ami. theft» ¥1?'=.1€. ...°I2gL§ 9'39‘? L1$4na?*;I*.% . L, . ; . ’ (a 1821; The Orfderj for :L0Fd,M4itl4l1d5 pt.0rhi§ land the Commiflioners ofthis1*Ki11g‘dotne.: >- ~ ~ He General! Mlembly confideriing thei-necéliityieifliending-. ‘I;0’m6l’€l’i“0HSl0f goodwort-h and quality for to prefent their bumble fupplication to his ‘ Maielliegand to deliver their dirc&ions. to the, Commillioners or this. Kingdotne . now‘ at Lomzlm, with their Declaration rtoa;therParliament ofEngl;znd,and An- fwer to fon1e.w.ell-affefied Miniliers in that Kirke; And having certaine know- “ ledge ofthe.worth,abil.ity,‘ and faithfulnefrc-'0F}ol2n Lord Maitldflda ONF Of 4 their number, ‘Who’-beingswitneffe toall theirzintentionsrand proceedings, can rcll of all Plagues to beealtogether deprived of the; i Miniflery of the Word, we {hall become fo much a worfe condition then any Pagans, as that once we enjoyed a betficr; neither: knew we what hand to — .——.~. ~._ _. A. ._9;!1.I:.!;_u-- 1‘ (' 15>‘)? turne us to for:helpe,but to the7Land re farre obliged bytheLordslate rare tner-ii cies,and 1b..fi1rinriched to furnifh helpe of that ki.nd,a Land whence many of bus drew our blond and breath, and where (pardon the ncceHary‘oboldnelTe)fon1e. r of ourtowne Miu.i,fiers»noW are,W1m were foviolentfly‘ plucked rfromuus fofore A « aaainfl their owne andourwils, yea the Land that fo tenderly in their hoiomes v _ received ounpoore out~calts3 and that hath already fent us ('0 rich. a [apply of . 1 able and: roi"perou's fonldiers to revenge our wron g. r- Ther orealthough we know that your zeqale,-and brotherly aeea;on»tvo..:a i urge you to ta-kenotice Without our advertilements «, yet» giveus leaveiin the e bbwels of ourLordi]efi1siChrill , i-to intreate if there be any conlolation in )1 Chri1’r,i:f any comfort of love, if'any»fellowlhip ofthc fpirit, if any bowels of mercy,t«hat now inthis nick of time, that now .Wlll en the {word oh thelenél". my makingway For a more profitable entertain menu of the Gofpel, hav-i‘ng~ alro ban-ilheTd~ the Prelates and theirufollowers, when our extremity ofidillrefie, . and theefairc hopesvof fpeedy {ettling of peace hath opened Io faire a doore to . r l the Gofpel, you would take the caute Qfyour younger filter that hath no brealls ~ , to your:fériousconfideration, and pitie poore Macedonians crying to you that. ;; r you would come over and helpe us, being the fi=:rvan~ts of the God, of your fa-= thers, and claiming interell with you in a common Covenant,rthataccordingAr ~ to the goodvhand of God uponuseyou may {end as NIinille1~;;§)rthe-~Houle ofi our God. Wedoe nottakeuponus to prefcribe to youthe f y or the num--- ber,but in. the view ofall, the finger of the Lord points at theie, whom though ‘-5 perfecution of the Prelates drew from us, yet ourinterell in -them could» not be 1 taken away , wherein we trufi in regard of feverall of them called home by» death, your bounty will fuperadde fuch able men of your owne that may help: 7 to lay the foundation of Gods Houfe according to the patterne, but for thele fo unjullly reft from us, not onely our necellity, but equity pleads, thateither you would prefently fend them all overwhich were a worke to. be parralled to-.. \— the glory of'the.-Primitive times, or at leafl.you~'Woulddeclare them tranfpor- -a table, that when~in—vitators {hall be lent to any of them wherein they may dif- - ccrnc acall from God, theremay be no difficulty intheir loofing them thence,-'. but they may come backe to perfect What they beganne, and may get praife and—.% fame in the Land wherethey were put to Mame, neither are you to quefiionx your power over us to to doe, or crave a precedent, of» your owne praétife in that-kind for our extraordinary neeel‘, ycallingon you, furnifhes you with * ower to "make this a precedent for the like cafes hereafier... r ‘I-Ierein ,if' It you; an-.- Lhall lay afidc the particular concernment of fame few places. which you maya eafily out of your richlnuriéries plant againe, andtmake ufe of your pub» - like fp-irits which are not fpent, but in creafesv by your to Ipany noble de@gnes,« you {hall leave upon us and our pofierity tl1e..{t mpe of an()bli'gation'that:%:.- can not be delete, cannot be exprelled; you (hall end toalli the neig‘hbouring.i; Churches, a patterne, and ere€’t for after ages‘, I a monumentof felfe-deny-~ ingtender zeale, you {hall disburden the . Lland of,;the:many,~ioL1t-calls ~—; } . D72 ; who 1.’ A_ ...n___: L. C follow/7 over’ their l\/lisnille£*s,l=’ and "Yi3-i1% fiizfll lnialie ita churlifh bounty of theePre%I;ates‘»whicsh?at*fir[l‘~cafl‘ fomeo theie men over T » peaire’ that A the l T «to us ; ise—not ;compara,:blee= lwithe the ;~e‘hea‘rfiilI: ‘li%l5ei°alillty of a rightly con- :fiituteGenera11.AeflenabIy' the Act a_nd;Comm.iliion of the Afl‘embly,‘anl'wering the fame. t . At, Saint Iazdremext/1: 6..of Aagzrfl, I 642. l I ‘ I i 1 0 , ‘1Tlze'Ao7 géw'ng—Commz'flz'on to the Mimylersfent to Ireland.- T He Aflembly having received a Petition, fubihribediby‘ a conE»derabl6.11i1,m'-, r «. ber in the North of Irelar2d,int—iniatingtheirdeplora ble condition tl1;r_ou?gili,i ’want~ofthe'Miniliery ofthe Gofpell, occafioned by the tyranny of the P-re’-.‘ lattes‘, and the {Word of the Rebels, and defiring fome l\/liniliers,‘ efpeciallf fuch as had been Chaled from them bythe perfecution ofthe Prelatesran,d'f‘oi‘ne. totherstobe addedeith-er to be fent prefently over to Vreefitlef amoiigii th«;:§II,!5 ordeclared tranllportable, that upon invitation from them, t'l)¢_)7,'_fl‘1lgl1't_;'gCl.é‘ ancl3{e_ttle-tl1‘e_m ‘-together with fome particular petitions, ” ‘dei'i1‘ing the retu,rnfe of, fome particular Minifiers, who had laboured there before, all wliich“ the Al‘-’ fembly has taken to their ferious conficleration, being moli hesntilyr wiliing. to limpathize With every rnemberoFChrilt his body, and though never fo re- mote, much more that plantation there, which for the mofi part was a branch- ofthe Lords Vine in this land. In which folitude they will be loath to ufurpe Without their owne bounds, or {lretch thernfelves beyond their owne n1ea1’i~:re, , fo they dare not be wanting to the‘ inlargement of Chrilis Kingdome, wirere fo loud a cry offo extreame necellity,could not but liirre up the bowels ofChriL fiian compaflion, and although they conceive that the prefent unfietlecl condi- tion, both ofChurch' and State in the land, will.11otii1fier them ( as yet) to loofe an y , to make conliant abode there, yet they have refolved to {end over fome for the prefent exigent, till the next Generall Allen1bly b y courfe, to iiay there foure moneths, each one. ( And therefore doe hereby authorize and give Commiilion to the perfons following, to wit, Malier Robert Blair, lvlinilier at ' Saint Azzdretver, M ’a1llC'l";7zJ.}72(’..f Hamilton, lVlinil’ter_at: Datmfrei/I, for the firit foth"e moneth s, Ma.lier R0./oer: Karmf}, Minilicr at Glafgozmand Mal°ter 70/972 Mae c.’zz/.'- Zaie l\/linifier at Kirkezzbrigbt , for the next fonre moneths, and to Malier Ro- éert Badzu, profelfor of Divinity, in the Llniverlityof Saint Amlrexver, and Malier fa/222 Lzzvizzgflorz, Minilter at S mmrazver, for the lali foure mone-thes, to repaire,unto the North of Ireland, and there to vifit, inltru€,’t, exhort and en- courage the fcattered fl-ockes ofChrifi, to employ themfelves to their uttermoli, M. With all faithfullnefle and finglenelle of heart, in planting and Wateting accor- ding to the direction ofjefus Chrili, and according to the Doctrine and Difc»i- pline of this Kirke in all things, and if need be (With the concurrence offiich Min’il’ters of the Army, as are there to try and ordaine fitch as {hall be found“ , ' ‘ ’ ID 3 quali- g, , , 7 , of the Gi_’ofpell of peace5..and recommending them, their labours, and thofc: gr... »_ -7 7 , i*" '"~r "——~~»—v~—‘ i r ‘ (22 31* qu aoalifyedfor the Mi'nif’try:,.giving chargeunto the Perfons a forclaid in the fight " of God,tthat in Doftrine, in Woflhip, in Difcipline, andintheiir daiIycon- verfations, they Rudy to approve them{e1ves,; aslthegh/Iiniflers;of7'-Jefiis iCh1"i{i,_ I and -that they be comptable to the Generall aflhnbly of this Kirk in: all things.--‘ 5/ ‘And in cafe any of the above-ment‘.ioned’f Miniftersr bewlmped by -fickneffe, or otheawife, necefiarily detained fromthjs fiarviceg The Aflemblya ordaines the 'Commiffioners..refiding.at Edenbnrghi, for the puhlickeiaffaires» of this Kirke, , to nominate in their place well qualifyed men, which hereby are authorized ‘to undertake theforefaid employment, as~«-if they had beene eatprcllely nomi..s e -nated in/they faceof this A{En;b1y.. And this although poflibly it fhall not ful- R "ly fatisfie the large e.x~pe&atio‘n- of their br’eth*'ren. in: 1;«.:la'7zd,, yet the Aifembly is confidentatheyrwill take in goodpart at this time, that whichyis ind‘g.cd..mo{i i eonvenientfor their prefent condietion-,«o, even a lent miteaout aoftheir owne, not» very great plenty, to ftrpplythe preientneceiiity, requiring to-fthems-no'other i recompence, but thatlthey in all chearefulneiie may imbrace. and make ufi: of ” the Meffage of Salvation,‘ and promifing to. inlarge your-; indebted bounty ‘at the next Aflémbly, asxhey {hall findc the worlte of the Lord: require. . In: the... ‘ meane While , wifhing that-..t.hofe whoare rem, may come with the fu1l<»blefiin7g ~ : go whom-sthey an-.,fem,‘, to..thc._richt blcfling of the greatly ShCPl_1Cfli0fl'.h§~.: A ,,ock§._, ' y i i‘ RARE [HR 412“ V _ 1642.% .V48» % UNIVE I F I rv sso RRRRRRRRRRR RE DA 1 64 //II///Ififil/I//II[[//[I111/#7////fl ll//IV/I‘/7/7///I//I///II//Ifi 06 327 z: nil O University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes AViewofthePresent1642 7 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Some text cut off on page edges. 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