agaaaa $5: aims: %$%§§§%%$%§.$$$$%$$%$ 322259“ u =61.‘ ; .. “REL A TIN% % that ’ ~ ,4 4 :1 5 ' . M MIRACVLOVS VICTORY % &Whirchirp1ea&d 904 t0giV€““?0§$ . #56 PAR 1’: ME N T8 F0fC¢S"Ufid§ff,th§€{§ * ' ’ A “ ' % Sm: in two Letter: to the Honaur4£%lc-W. LenthaI1,90¢- Speaktr in the Houfe of C'arm_m%':. “ ' S E . Alfoa LETTE R or%gre;c'con’reqaence, w1i=aeli=,xi;as f0l1I1_d in%Gcncr.a1l Gating: Chamber;.xv\i§‘chTw‘as f[enc_‘~to‘ ‘by 2 '... - - K x _ . ‘I h_is'Fat-h,cr the Ldrd Goit5ng=.‘E_' V % " V . ‘ f , Die Sabathii, 27 Maii, I643. . . j. * Ofidered lqytbc Lords zbcommfzs in 1?4rl.tb4t.._1’;¢{:!z'que Thgnksgivirg bye 4) ' as:::gsms'Vc¢fi’3&z§ia7¢:? for? the future , fl, 59,5: 1””,-a;mé4l‘};er_e¢f§er; w/yen Godxflrength dark [5 vifibly appgarg om. wmkngflg, we mgb%%::to.give.ti36 W10’? 670')’ dfi«d1’rfi1]§ 0 biffififlgfb,‘ andmme to our own: %m4éve1F'- % % F Ebanéfuhrgflfiffir é/e_f5“12i¢«;:P4f’>.5€iI2.§. 4”—1Wita’iv71¥0f51efJin,g: to come, and’ -Gadn./t f_a.iléI1g'tq_[up,:;ly the??? W’91§‘;/9: be é.’?€meu?5.nai?S1e:rtain_ly’tum-e‘ta‘Iai.r awn’:-«. 5'10”, ‘1\{gz';ber angle: our Tvbynfiagiving arfflytélbofindit jé/fa in tvordxa or infigr: ‘thong-btirandirnentianry bz£t_{ztfl7)£4!d‘e]pec'Ml_[y be expreffid in 43 bean; and re». aflwnverfion and_co¢z:f07I?2it’}:??f/137418 4/237. .51? 19 57”! 5.‘ W101?‘ w_iZ( azfg/2: ta be :5: 41%; Iifé: ;m2d;5?V>5éfl1%rviic?%["if214? ‘eh’ 9}"-W 595732: » 4% rzz;‘gv“e:%;<%¢[z;z»;]4og?[;‘;:z:ed; . léat] aw; fdii¢z§1fit¥I§h».Vi§dri?} mmm 347» wbieb%A%‘bmb We fix '*~~%%.oz1pvfeeI‘4 59> Wfilure e g"*>*)4’%t0“30%é1ii*“?'4 W‘j»2jMr2J .é,6rz¢réievzdié£v1<»zo:wIae ‘ C4?‘ 9 . dzt/9 main:aimb;;l2i;on-n~mi_gb- 1 ?ggQd.?yz*tbnfx«e_x§f¢§§rdiIga(y éjaz/2_ D"el~ivcra;tc~‘¢- .fifl';‘¢,-"¢m¢1'K¢,lgg gpgbomaéfod émlsr ¢vo§g:Ia/rlfcd to zyfitin‘ fervice ; as to ezzcozirage % ~—vjur"~’-‘-'§~u§‘;~- \‘ ._. I t‘ M‘ Foot layd arulfinarcsboro ughgwbcrc they begin» to Fortifie the TOWDs randepilllagc and utterly ruins all the Religiohusdpcoplc in tho{'e. parts; -and roundabout thttfi 3 0nd Friday Se_Vcn.‘higl1t’lifi,; three Traopes «and fome other Forces; olflwhieh r-nan y were French ‘came from that- fiarrilons and prllaged Qtlcy, and there barbaroufly ufed forric honcfl: » twomen ofthat nTownt, and in their rtgtrtat to Kharcsbo_rou_gh, upon *wou_nded and beat cruel lyfs and before his‘ fate rzlvifhed the Woman. ‘Thtle particulars I repeat .‘ that yet: may’ tl1C*I.I)0r(:‘ clccrly dliéérfie ‘the mifcries -which this Country groans tll]ClCl‘5 ang here about Leech, £3) a ,1:-47,345; Honourable Friend \/Villiam Lenthall 5 Speaker ; in the Cammoml Houfe of . ‘Parliament. . I ‘:_r "I R: 5:‘. ' Peon the fixth of this rnouerh I writ to you by 1 fp€c+i‘«13l'l Melfeni ? l get, which I hope is cofnc to your hands 5 Preiently after the difpatch ofthat Letter, the newes was brought me, that the Earlevof Newcaflle had polleffcd” himfclfe both ofRoth_eram and Shtlfeld,‘ the Forces in Rotheram held out two dayes liege . and yefielded up the Town: upon treaty, wherein it was agreed a, that the Towne fhould not beplundcred, and that all the Gentlemen ; Commanders. and A Souldiers, (fix onlyexcepted » that were fpceially named} leaving their Arms» fhould have free liberty to goe whether they pleafedlg But when the Enemy entredgcontrary to their Aniclemhey have noton plundred the To’wlne,,, but have alfo made, all the Commanders and "Souldicrs prifoners: and doc endeavour /to conflraine them to take up Arms on their party :r'l?~hc Commanders at Shtfftld , hearing of the ‘loll? of Rotheram, and facing lome of the Enemies Forces advanced ‘in View ofthe TOWHC3 they all phrclcntly difl’_erted' the place as-not te- Tnible with to few , agamilh fo potent an Army, andfled away with their Arins, Tome 1:0 Chefierfield, and {ome to Manchtflet. The loll": ofthefe two places hath- much elated the Enemy,’ and cal’: down the fpirits of the peoplein chef: parts; who daily fee the Enemy cncreafi: n in power; and to gaine ground , and no fuccors lcome to them’ from . any part‘: The Earl: of Newcaflles Awrnsy do: new range over all the southweltl part of thiscountryp pillaging and cruelly‘ uling the wcl-h ‘aficflcd party 5 and the lat’: wceke there is a Garrifon of Horfc ad the open Forrel} they tooke aman and a_ woman , theman they A ? / 4 Brad-» v ' ) ‘ f’ L} /\‘‘J R) 4 3 Btadfard and Hallifaxs being a montainous hm-en Country,the peoa pie now begin; to be {enfible of want ., .the,irlaPc yeare provifions be,- 7in-g fpent, and ihefincmies Garrifons Propping all provifions both of Corn and F lefh , _and_ other neceffaries that werewont to come from V the more fiultftrfl Countries to them a their trade utterly taken as % way, their poore fgrowTinnum,‘erab!e,¢ and great fcarcity of mea: .es to ‘ relive them.And»thlS Army which now ly es amongfi them to defend “§l,’lC.l'Il‘l'l_{OII1.'f:ll€. zl3,:1crny,_ic-aninot defend thenrefrom want . which caus- teth ‘much njmrmure and lementation -anrongft the peolple.sAnd for the Artmyit felfe, it isfq far in arrears, L and no way appearing how they iha1!..<=ir.i1:cr.bcfilpplysd with money norlfuccérsa as they grow my r.muti%ws1S-::,. » . e r _ , u e e 35:; uponfigiturday 131’: in the night , Icguled to be, drawn: out of the Gzrrifons in Leeds, Bradford» Hallit'e;}c_, and Howlcya fomc horfez, tfootgand Dra-gooneersa in all about: ;oo._men>,gnd ient;;themlaga;in£,t "'W;§rl<‘elJi»e_lda commanded by my son, and allllit-d by Major General} @};g‘qxd, sir Hang Fannie: hand sir I’_I/_2'Ilz'g¢m_ Fairfax ,1 with divers other ‘ t :E;,om1nzrr1gie‘rs,'_they appeared before.,W,ake»fi'elc_i about founa clock on Sundéy inthe "morning: where they found the, Enemies who had in- tellilgence of, t_‘heir._de figne ready to 1 receiveehem ; there was inthc _Towne Generall Gioringy Serjseant Major G,enerall‘1MacI{wor:b,'the Lord » %'qorj;2g..with.mqnyether principall,_ Commanders ,. and ’eminent% per: , about 7. Tr,o0ps o_fHorCe.'and’fiX Pv;,¢gim'ents; containing ’ .3 gqloro.’ Foqt‘,;'Fh'e”lfe wne wellfortifiied with Workes, and foure pcccesi W o'fO_rdn_a_t;ce 5 yet our men, both %C0m.manJders and common Souldi- ers,ugent on with undanted cou-rages, and notwithfianding the thick firollyes of {mail and gtgat Ehotfrom the Enemies) charged up to their ‘,_'sv,<$r ; which.tihie;y’entred:;feized ugon their Ordnance , and turned ;;tJ_hern upon .t‘_1t.I@n(Hir‘fi.l:v_é:S{?’;V.‘an-‘d purfued the .En,€myi{o,clofe as they beat , equiteoqt of the Towtpegghc moftpar-t of the Horfe , and a great nutn- s E by of the Footgand made all the ref! prifonets, andiwith them tooke 4, nieces; ef,()_r,dnance,. and allthe Ammunition then in the Tovync, 53¢-Va g.;¢g;.nua3b,:r‘of‘ Arms , and amongftthe prifoners. Gcnerall Vfigfifzg himfegfc, with div ersother Cp_mrnal1.ders!_.%and other common (iii1ldicrs,in all about fiftecne hundred men ,_and twenty ('eve_,n Colouns o_£Foot, three: Corners of Horfe, of which Ifend a m_o-reipartica-lat 4 ,_ iucioled,5 the more exa& and particular relation of this f§rVlC€;BS ”it;i_;s teflifiedtto me;_un‘der_ the hands of the principall “Commanderss. ifipxqyed 3.“ that idefi'gne;;,'sIifc;ndiyou inelofed for your better info:-I e " metrics» a.nd.m1«€Iy. for my'9aIt? doc rather ai~=90!1n§4t a miraclez. than , % I , 5 Vifioril‘, and the ‘gray 3. pair; this; started ea;a”:rae hanger t " i it, in which I hope I derogate no_tfh_ing - from athc, merits of the Com.‘ .1 I We i might be manders and fonldlers, who ev_ery man in his place and duty, Ihewed as much courage and”ref'ol«ut1on as, could be expe&ed from men.- When the Town: was'thu_s taken , they found their nurnberland; flaceand inarcht (way with their booty. A In taking the Town: wee -V ‘OR 30 ; man ofgnoie, an,d'not above {even men in all, of Which". one was the Clerke of the flore, andan"Enfigne of the Foot; and one ‘a uarternrafier ofHorfe,the refl: common fonldrers 2 but many ofi our men were (hot and wounded ,'this overthrow hath much int-aged. the Entcmiesa who threaten-aeprefent rcvengesand are drawing au. ‘their Forces this way tqeffefi rt. Ipercewe th;-re’ are {uccors {eat to, Lincollilhirc and.‘ other hdjacent Countries, which ifthey were here, imployedeto as much advantage for the ptrblike iafety, as in‘ A any place. I defite our conditionmay he fiariofufly thought on by thegr Hot-Ile; and’th Ayds often pro_rni{ed, may preftntly march away to US}; and that Colone1_lCr’om-zvellswlth .his horfe and foot may alfo be ordve-3., red to march to mestbat bezngjoyned tOgether,I maybe ableto draw. a this Ar_myr.1'nto.theFieldafid"_gaitnefrtfh qutarterofor the {oul.diers,. and furnifhour {elves withT’0iwder5 Arms 9 and rAr’nmunitic«n,whic'h. istnow growne very ‘ ‘ to Htillbe forcedeopeh, which now is'.pQH‘efl'ed by the Enemy. If {l1‘C_l't' fuecors cor-ny, "n,.ottimely to usxwe cannot long luhfifl: , but mufl be L I fo"rced'_to~acce.pc_ of dilhonourable conditions; which befidés the lo.ll'e' and ruiine_of_st;hi;s (3olm.trya will be a great: diiadvantage to the Gene-.t rail fafcty,andwithall,..forme.“eo.ur{’eé'rnu{‘the thought on to rumim.‘ fbme large proportion of money to defray the. Souldiérs Arrears,‘ ‘which 1 bcfeech you endeavour For them.and rm-. that am. .. A rY0‘ur-rmoft aflekftionate Friend and Lead} 2 3. May” ' _ ' _ n fervant-,i F a R. Far R r A X- K I {L4 ‘:3 . {Send you iinclofed a Letterlfrom the Lord Goring , to his this At my ruined ;' that‘; they _é‘rr‘ri’ght VV\it}1..-tk-aflfiitl w'h01éljPorce t_1:-arch Southwards; " ‘ A ” L“ firength top, wealtc toekeepeit and their prifoners , fo they lefcithe'. Fcarfea and cannotbe fupplyed, rnntill the paffigq e Ton GtenerallGvr£ng,«Toi1nd in his Chambereat "Wa-kefield,: wh,i<;h'vvill let the Honfe lee the Enemies greatdefireito have ‘ " eS?a.tur::.- $wwW¥W%®MWlwg¥¢flW?WlW ‘_'?¥f‘*',W3 ‘ f p S Aturdéy night the: o of ‘May, The Lord Ge nerallgave order for 3 ‘ party of a looo Foot, three companieseof‘ Dz-agooners, 'and'e lghc , g Troops dl-"Horfit, to march, from the Garrifons ofLeed:, Bmdfird, HAL A _lz‘f'azx, and Howie}, Sir T/Jamar Fain;/ax commanded in c_ph1fefe;’l"’he Foe‘; were commanded by Serjea-nt Major Generall §v’§1ff3rd, and Sr William .Faz'rfax . The Hurfe were divided into two bod,its,‘::ureTr‘o_ops §o.rrra minded by Sir TU.vomM‘ F az'rfd.x,3nd the other fourel Txoops,b.y _S‘i“r em lx r_'y 1»‘aul:;;Howle} was the Randevouz where they all met. on Saturdaylall about twelve a clock at night: about two next, mowing, they mafrche aw;«y,and commingl to\eStanle},where two otthe EnemtesTIoops lay with {om Dragoonerssthat LQ_1arteI: was beaten, up, and eigbout i>ne and ‘twenty Prifoners taken. About fourea clock. in the morning we came before’ W'aIg_efiela',where_ after form of their Horle were beaten into the Town,the Foote with/unfpeakable cotiragebeat the enemies from the He.dges,which they had lined with Muskcttiers, into the Town, and “ efllaulted it in two places, Wrengafe and Nargate ;and alter an hour and . a half fight,wc recovered one of their Peeceagand turned -it upon them and rentred the Town at «both places, at one and the fame time; When n l ¢he_Bal‘acadoes ‘were opened, Sir Thoma: Fairfax with the Horfe, fell into theTown,and cleared the Street where Colonel Goring was taken. by Lieutenant Altered, ‘ Brother to Gaptaine Alured, a Member ofthe A ‘ Houfe; yet in the Market place their Rood three Troops of Horfe,a_nd Colonell Lamptom Regiment, to whom Majorfienerall Gzfirdfent a Trumpet with ofl'"er of Q1_arter,if they‘ would lay down their Arms, j they anfwered they {comed the ‘Motion; then he fired a Peece of their own Ordinance upon them, and the Horfe fel in upon |hem,beat them? out ofthe Tow n_,and took al thefe Otficsrs exprefi in this inclofeci lifl: Twentv {even Colours of’Foote, three Corners of Horfe, and about I goo Common Sc-ulcliers.The enemy had in the Town 3000 Eootzand fiavcn Troops of Horfe befides Colonel! Lamptomflcgiixtent, which came into the Town, afler W‘.: had entred the Town : Thefenemy left \ ‘ bebindsthem (our Peecesef Q£dnancc,..mi£h..£1_mLIQit,iQfl,.Wllifih We ! .’°‘