&VJ@EAk&J&?.I£§J&&Jk&I@A&I%1k§34&&3£&4&;&+k%.Jt!éJ§&I&ig&:% e9&:¢gege3eeee%.e, gamma we we «e % '%*‘?"*e"e*'ee'W*‘%”‘%M£’@E“%“"%“"”3“’?"%"%““%"%W“’ ‘-4 0;“ V M ‘ ‘. y,‘.‘.‘.' fl _ 3 ‘ mu ".: ‘ .. ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 -' v w ‘ I ‘M, ¢u_~ ‘ V 1‘; ," .“ ,1. “ r .‘ wt L,‘ ‘ . 4,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ s ‘M. u, . .‘ 2 1: A 0 ~, u ‘ . , u - “ N. ‘ Y ‘ M, , , ..:,:_. V ,.‘y I , W1: .« R w - ~‘“ 1‘ ‘_v.‘ w ‘ ”“ ‘ ‘‘.‘'h ‘.n ‘ . w‘‘«.w . z_- ‘n ‘_ ‘ 4 ,__ ‘ H “ mg» 1 .,‘_ “ W,‘ l- ‘- " IA.‘ “:5 .; ‘... "$‘¢:- ‘ '|.‘ ' ‘ fin“ ‘ , ' mu ' “ ; - . «V .. ,4 ~. 4 : ,‘ m _( “_‘ I 3:5 g u -x» w ‘sf: . ‘ I‘ 4 ‘.‘« ‘ ,-31 “ ls: ‘ *4 "ta! ,5‘ ' g“ , on A ‘ LO R S and C} 0 z7i\/LMQNS A A Affenlbledin Pagliamente. ‘ MSHEWINMG V 'fl‘iaAAtaA11 His Majefiies, the and Princes Horzours , A Memory, Lands, Tenement 1°, ':‘“* Rentr, Reverzxtex, and Profits whatfoever, within theifaide . R.ea11n.e of Eng/andeea nd Dominieon ofwales”, Port and 3° Towue of Earwiclqfi, {hall be {eized :1, land receievede by ~ efuch perfons hereafter nominated « appointed, to be ‘.1 *4 e employed for the d of His Majeziyande E4’ ‘:1. V 1’ & ‘W ssfie I the C0 on»-wealth-“ A A A AndAlikewife,that all fuch Ofi‘1'ce1~s which flxall not A yeeld obedience to this Ordinance of Parliament, {ball A {band refequefired from their feverall Officesrefpe-+ 3° ‘,3 &ively,eend from receiving or enjoying any profits i_ e f E: ‘A A A by th A e e »e eo or benefit cf or cfame. e ‘P8 A A A Diejovis 21. Septemb. 164.3; ’ A e A A 8’ O Rdered by the Lord: mzdaammom afl:ml2ledir:Parli¢men£, A e that IMI Ordimzmeflmll be fbrtbwitb printed andpuhli Jed; e e J-Brown C leruParlAA1amenterum. Primed for IoImeWrig/1! in thefiildnbaily, A - ; SeptA:&emb.eV23.164.3.‘ ‘ A A ;LONDON,fi A 3* of ‘ ‘ Ar‘! ’ I"."’.H‘~,‘,.I/5%" »..‘u_‘$ .‘ ‘ PM ..,_ ‘Q * ' _ v"“ - '1 " ‘. i ‘ f.‘.;.»‘_r _,e‘'‘‘‘ V‘? ‘,‘(‘y‘ ‘H 4" ' ,1 '_ ‘K I «Luv v‘ vo ‘". . .' ",'~ . 1. - V "' ‘ ‘ ‘xv: ' ‘fin ‘ ‘ ‘ n r. 2 V I In," 34'; I V . vi ‘ ‘ L ,. >" ‘ .- ‘ '9' A‘ ma A this hloonp arm unnatural! matretaifw againftv We afmmreat wuumeflof An Ordinance for the dize an~d%orderly* M jureceivizlg and colleéfingof the Kings, Qzgeefnem, afld ~ Prince; Revqnue, andthe rreragéathereof. .L A A 21 Septemb... I 64.3” VI ‘ f«*‘::, ymgnaann maiztmanz atfemfilm in 39a1:iia~a ‘ men: tafsingtmta their feriuuficonfibcratioufitim ' ‘ mgqp I)2mJN'2£fl‘tll:€’§ mthmofl griszianuss calm mmm mbtcb mm Ire apart chm ikingunme by [t9eA;aat1iamsm,4 mm tfiat nmnitfigitaézmingg aw %4meirAfa“i£1)fall anVcunflanit4eazueabanrswz~~¢tbe p;e4feming4ef%9ms ‘ wmefipanutbemlmle ikingnome from the mart cmela atria‘ emu: Mia mfigne.5uf3%am‘fl9, Eelrnquentfi, mm iii-afiectm pectin :13 a yet then: cmmtela. arm pgac-rites me am in u_zeba1enc~ my flpis flgaiefip, mm £132 bzatcfinf ma11p‘peoQI‘e ta utiflem mm begmilen 4 by 9be~iss~Afa%I11eQzetetz-Ezs%ania rpecimm inmmatimw, t’£9ata1at£3ing. ‘tau he expmen mxcttyz c1;ttxpatianuana"*fina1lftmxmfianduf um; 4a.R.e!igEm1,i'.am§,anh mibzrtie9,unIefle®s:m at’ his infi11itcm:etcpV %%iJ2mWi€’a afl?Jtm:iit1e$£‘5-% §E€II'2ftie5 heart m tbs: fam,afui~i* a nu % _ atiiatnwzxxr, mm-b imtbemw been % anugisgunnevfiamgtbckcmfz .£uppog»c%.»%n5.iaéfiv-Mya%l¢~ mmwm arm % % %ignitg,anB we iewritp nfia!I*watV mmabe 9; mn eniovs mm fog; “ zgzatit tfimuzféhiap maefwiiemetmttz that hmet§%Viiisafieaen per; M[dVmn3, i32$_38ws‘168 at %pia~£@a3efl‘iesAautbe;m? a babe mm mm {till " M119 AW? mmfifiibewfi at;m~£em3m nmzmmg of mm? 9 ratmr A mm E m. ‘ am“i::wm%~imte‘aiMu11;ca¢3 pasta 96 this‘ 3maaggm%m i1pflmM1t7fi%®z;s '\.’ mttanrwaf ggamimxnmt, mum Miami” the Wage Mnzummw \\ ::£!t€‘ffi1fiIfi, in Ireland .3 the i‘:,iW.mi‘ing ax1Bfu%:%:2t3sEug 3% mm W imwarauaazw Vbimmp flemlfi, mmm; memes (sf rim fikmgmme arm agariiamtznt, arm has mm mm ample}: the {mm mm fifwinim iami~Wa;'efiie9 avenue ,‘ mm all Ofijelt emswps of the mu affeam mrfmsg mgmrwem hpramm mg néozmzce tbsp can lay batmg an; tn: the f;umentii1*;3*,z1nzxrming mm mm'm-fining ‘ [W mf thewtnzterablemfimmnzw , arm unnammfl “mam mm the ‘M305 arm mmmunfi nmis:tmg no tsppngtunfitp , nag negleamg may fitting meanm mm may wnmnw mtgist Meet we saw fibarte Date, in ntaiimitip mefiw fogmamy up wapifig, Mina quentmill affeaefl p.wI‘ans,anB the meta of Ireland, hm mgmm lp amine that we wfiicesfi of we i£ieceipt,¢murc ofwawfifitm nineties, iaeseihm, am aware, amumnot repairs tmw Ox... Afordz. but attenn their mates acre in the usual! phsficea: get in . toutempt of tlaefame annntbw mninancmffime £Dfl°icew are game to oxford, mew conbey fmmtp rams as mane? thituer, mm others nzgmtt their mimics , m we great mefubice ant: mt? terhice of the cfiuntutonmeaim: emu tome intern was 13:75 waiefi mes miamtte migixt no maze he ntéfapplynu , am that the farm V aflap hzimpioyen rs; the mm of 19:9 gngyaieftp anmbe Qtommarsa meaitmmje mm with wzsmmena tberfaze nun.znaizw,arm be it mnninen by the Cfiihflflgflfi ea ®ammcm5,fl)at all 1913 Qwaiefiiw, we mumm, mm ~3B;1'a1cefi 3.~.‘£€Yw1l:E, of mm: nature 9; M11! mm hem ctzrtzxmvs 93. ca famii ‘miéfbin the him) 0; {Lamp M the mm «:38 wnzciieqzterfloutt cf f4m'¥it'§Z%££ anM,ii2eri2§,mzta:1;pof Lancafi‘er, I @utw_p E%HTornw.al!,Uz in any otberetmsrr oz 3'm‘i£Bictimzm2!;atu Eu ems: ‘within mm 1%ea-um M En_§:1:3n<;i,%m»I’Ii£i-i cm DE Wales, mm iaazm mama} mi’ B€rm7ick€5ffi_§§?EU€E mag; aiitgm amam ttmnf, Mail arm mm mm Etmw‘ at‘ nmxwgrmhattmsmt any may%m.=w ta ma .¢.:?£Bm’wg»,‘t€w flllafiflim ngmginceamaii has tfeiaw upon mm recmam my me mxtfmw Bmaftet mwa-ash ,, ma 51:53.3 mitserfi M »e££ any mm mszafiier wail he apvattxgn , smmznn-1:,ézzm:sz.x rug; rim % _ . 2 ‘ ‘ mmif‘ <4) , mmmittee fo; the Laeiaerme, which min mtfeng ag tecezimw 18% each femm:~;1l~ Mammy mg. fiuuntims filities mg placwfa;mm‘cb ‘wag ace ag%fimal1rz zmpointea tetpectmelp are harem) autbogifeu aim zeqmreb hp riyemfeihzfi, that figezzw aaaabhepzxriam .-. re reme- mm {em énto tiieir bmmfi arm cufionieg ail mm warp £9315 :.~3a3a»; fefiiemhz zmsenez, aura mimosa ‘i9azmurz«s‘, .933 azxawgfi-, EJ331555 emnesxxyezms, ann$ea:em’tan1em§, Ream, arta1‘azg25¢‘af“%fi%snt§, £sw%tuws5_, mm ilzfifiiginiyatfaeiiar, métisintim &'amraa%ia7;A:e of England, wamztxifln of Wales, mm wags mm @£sm:w ow’? Bssr wicke, at1Utoier,f2$,-arm U£311I'C€fD€‘£~3%m, mg mg? pars tl3m= M, fmm game to peers; firm mail was gmwfiit m mu hefw mean aii %t2maztw,3§iuwit:3gfi,i3ecsifz2a%r§,E’&aéEuii"w,, @m!m'ugs3,,' mg my arms £Dfiicerog®fi‘ic9r£% milatmeggw, mm In {mm mg my me any imoaséof accautzté, Nrentaig, mmaies af @msrt;w1~l ,g at my atlas: ‘wgtmzgs, tozuczxmactlye pgeenifieg ant: tiaeavwy mm my mi mrim‘. maavtes am! nwamsfi mbida to them flgaii matte mm mm nm§”f‘arp m iiafagmss wemiemea 11%;’ tm faaifi t'€?J2z1u??5gB£'l1t9;fi'W ~ A arrearcgtbcreof, aim of aiitmngvs concm::zzz1g‘tiy2 Ezmxeqazmtma apmint any mhognixxate mffimss mg @fficm mm} ..43'3a9z’mfietgA rmmr tbem fag we names erpeBs:m'axg% "sf tbi£$*‘1”a*rbif€ Wlicb. ram mh0gBf:1at%e¢gI)fi1cm?5 mm .~:.?1§.'»i*;ti’i£r§ am bmzitp am:iau¢%% mm , mm eniagmeh tn perfagme film €£.¥:€£!ta3 am am 888%?‘ _ their co111m&11Mr'efpettineI;p, iv.-‘z a2m”cmzcs:rnm"g t¥)M—12!£.:=m-¢*% M 13255 mm 3)-:31H)Ei5JE tam afiamemceg fa; their paizmesi aim i?7J‘:.‘lt‘.:; 11:25 intbat hsbamz, my me refpwtbe pwfatmfi nJg~?;f.ercm'mtffizz;1a' potnten mg the fetmrail, fimutma , Qfittawng mew fimii 'z‘:i)isz2~=':e‘ fit, tbetame heittg apmomm uf’byt!)e%@L13;1*a3m£t¢2e fflgflji’ WTJ'E::' 2}-us: ‘E11111?! that an mob %te‘marM, jag,a¥Ditag:a*. R ecetmw, zfiapzv hm, fiaiisctogfi , 0; any ntbest fliifwgzzr 022% ®%fim+:*ra;9* mfiyatifmms mbéeb {Jane nut fubzmttden tbmxfelisw tmzmcamsm a{nI.~5;‘1’-3’ mm ‘M: r@:zztia't1§uE%a»:1p tamer flmizaance 03?? 2%a:!z'aa-rmszm, my me wa @9211: ..ttee fat the remzmes at=w1léia2*mu‘e mi msms mm ffitzewg ‘t!3¥3is’fJ flgailtwt pasta o’fi2m'ez1ceta%tE~;is3 éjfigfiiamgsae: mi’ $3521-l&‘;W*.'?l1.£ ta; ta we @mmn2t%4t£R,f0g, Vti3i¢M2¢i's£zu:v'a {§3:.9a§!»; m fianh1?equeImt:t‘rmntI;eir {email gofiiccgs z*efmtimip,azzn f:;mn= the teceinmg mm A winging any "pmfit mg Ismefit f o; fngti)-e maze: arm the diamgnzttézz mztlm Rebmue ma app film iimfl ham: unmet, arms are Igmhy nutigcagism ta xxoxmimtcann ap; yufixitnmew Wet, fit, mm trufiy §3?=32Wfi’£a’ to fuwig m‘¢»z:-.z% eégmatz mkwfe zwfiacm an'i3§@iM:-:5 mm arsgrng E%;e‘~aiAl he l's.*1';{:.»~:%2i%-;;:s:‘.%iTm5 a= Eagefaiua 2"L‘V!i1Jfi3€fE%1it\ ‘Mam zzgfiesefihetg zaoammeatw gs; in be mawinatw, am aiagdefam, may Qiggmm mm %az=%mat:‘s;*a Efljifl tbfiif fmeraii Iimim 1°efm*stimié7;» Rama have pwmm‘, am: are iam- $2 autbmzigan mm teqmztw m enter mm an mm ei41crg9i;%)'i3% Q$&.< gefisiw, we musenw arm 1,?,»'3véVnce%s iamnotttg, £@E:n‘naua,*5, manna, '7'cz'”£9nen‘u>,1~"sw, mm igzzretitazueaxts, murm mm 9Dmm3, mm ta wemibe mcb fl§e:1tg,&tre:age§ sf ifientfia ¢%_~2:‘rie$;fi-3';'?§?;fiz:29<, wen“: ixmfiummefi mt‘ sifiomp, Erma, mm ot1;2nnv.a»tim':, €13 am 0; rmibenue yam) papahiz mg a; nut of: rm {mam am we fiend fautma-3, jfaramrs, aim the mnanw t.mwf5% mam mm ail mlwrs are rcquirch tn may the farm: accemtazgip, w the mm §J9£l1'f£m% 02 ilittezisew, mg m was other @f’§it2a*::% 0.3. mmme,-9 M mail he tbcmmto appaéntw ‘hp DBWEB mm a«:e:og*.m7ug in the iairwinn uf fljifi QDg,Dimme , mm tu no awn gamztfxm m§3atEa« met. an?) the ism: :JTee—fz1rnm5, jfaszr:'2'zm'9, ’siZ?,e1r~:.2nw, mm ail mew mhicblflmil pap mm}; ifimt, mmmva ai‘ Qaannzp sg¢s.2ti)smV _ tbmg, accognxzxgtn-tlgfs9D;'tzizmnce5 mail has pgmmm mm W V new 1-mrtuieffefram nnpvfozzfciture, pmtaitirs, I33 mammge mbitij be an twp may inczzrte by not vapamnt of firm ogwcir {am 33.92%, Eumme of 2110:1212 0; utuea: thing, acimhing tn hm 33: their 6f3rnnt,’l1.~eafe, my, meéiwn, oz tam: by tbenz,» their flgmts :33 ncpmtes, mm Em aii Wm tacetpta am) mpmentfi,‘ anDAx:1tz3s2 it-‘flftfi fa; tag in .m2i‘ym 0%? was gazezinifefi ta we Qlimmzitcw fa} we ifiemnue, 0; m ‘ {um aatbep mail appainta man than pay in mm rims: 150 time all fun!) mmxmefi at‘ tummy as tbsp oz any of them mall receive ' {:9 Emma af was wgniaxatzsez mum Th0mas5IFau1c0nbridge+ was ;s-‘game ai‘. ‘vVefimi2:afier (mm :5 hereby cm-1fimetei3 mm appalnté W £’i~€.Gii‘ii3£&1:~d‘3et'ad€raiiaf all fm-ab tmnmw nf ntanep ag ii) all be meimh ograifeia by hettue of cm mminance) mm mm! be Ewm time in time fuhiect to the f:1%::t‘t’)e$ ogmtfi mm Utrmazafi % 3? the Gfinumiittee famaz 3Rei3enuea man the Eflctwittanceg of A ;t.!3i=z rain imeibzt fisnerail, mm Grim ram };®emman;z mm:-' ) mtg imigae feiaersxai Qtmxtztiw, mties amt: 1118583., muaztg mm A fifiices refs active}? 3 fijafi has as gosh am fufiisientuifcuarge fag: tixemm-mm cf n1mwp tiaez.¢i:14cnntaé:1eu, am if we mum were ;2s:m[é:am me main: at we fixcbeqzxcr, 0; mm any ether uf:xaiI&L'e?sz,a%:£aw;;am::e. fiat: ths'1£>'i1rnns.af$E3e Jfitzlaequev... mm mi 32232:: fififizsrs am: a:'az::’§€te3a:mf we fsuwr, mm a$§:;ezv@:.ma+t.»ar a::»tszzaz,z§.;=»:sf“&.‘o* x*s:‘;§:mm2¥p, are L2:-arezzp wquim mm azwthflgtfsn m g“2"s3e%if’uEi z::é%:a':£1a2z::% .mz.*ca’ef,d mm tiaerea an to m;e‘~z£~:e fat! . 2 3 qu::zu4s: efis ‘fffifazfi am: :".:»émm'g23 mrozamg is z'€;eua:xmr.iTe A ant: ‘ ’ 6ZEififl°£N8 I _ "ELIWRW at‘ the *£’a«*r'§m:Am§ A ma we mm were Imam’ mag mcvzmew, .€.m«a*:;=;%* fifiepmiaaé,’ {W1 Mae Wm-r. «em to cm tn tfiaew am am aaifémmmz firm tmizama ‘zaarmftsm taifiaiams tieaw, mg; mam zffugm, am away mm wifiwz mg mii*£i¥‘§‘B’£ 0;? 3,! ap- fiicemag ‘mitmw rum mszrail @.maa*sti e5,c';Zz‘£rz*e§ ngpiawg vctm: aihelp, ‘oz: any uwevpermn mg patrons Wmeiiing in mg azeewz we mate, to compel! mbenimw ta this wzuinance , 'n3‘?:;Ae&:eA any ma {mute mall he mane‘, mg 3% of: a9 new fljali-wquice,Aamfi3Vai§ we pamv tn mmiw moi; pecmn 0:; petrcnfi as tiny Kim! mm refcxagagy, negiigmr, up faulty in the rain terms by fine mm 7 impg%m%:1:m1~1t,Vmqbfm ‘mm: attaching the mmmc mi’ mamty A pmtzwfi, mm cemfie thew names: to tmwonitlnitteefnz tin: am: mum, mm mall bane unmet: ta term fog them 0; amp af tI,m1*a,i mm coz11t.tm=fl3et11tu lfucb {Wang arm places; as they fbzdicbta1ke % fit, tfllfifltD8?l1)flIMfli!ffl;t,mE tbemfemeg to tbm pgefmt gmsh mince of amrliaznezit. am me {am ttzainw '2£~3:«mw3, *«:L%niu1m’= cm mm ntbet jfngcw, their Qtummaamem arm flfmzeta, A mm s _j a1£atbe£z?nem!!rztnxzftahieg, iasahhagoumw, emu mzberwfa % ficrm mm mzrtomi lnitiyén tacit fenmll aim t£W££f£iJe!itI1It.¢5?, A iarei)en:w;§r reqzziwm mm miozmw fa he atmm mm afitfiingtu ;: the rain pmonwgiRe4c€tfi3em,tI;m1s:flgent5ant) iDematim,a,fi I uftaawey fl;alI4h%et1rzwzmm wqaaivem. ‘ , V A same it tea furtbxsv ogwnixwfi mm msim:2M$yV¢13@%mt0 mam mm ~ mmmntm, mm: at! mm mm ¢i;c€mihA L*‘£eixezat:w,V iazzzm, imafitg, mam, m1n%“a{ammwa’f a:ram_2m2 migaizim mt, mail he inmioyem to em fngfmty mm mm Masters’ M are 9; Vfiaafilm W rceotemmtjz cztmnméttee mat the azmzman % » A A EMU itiamaemife further ugm:*xiz1m, mm am am mew we V amt ®fi‘cem am» 2'%1%i,»“i"ni‘ftca:% imzrriflpeb in WA‘ iifiwifififi 13:42: $138 " cltesammitzee i‘ag%we Remame, 03, am fim. r:4‘c‘t§‘29:-11%, ii}-;':.?c?ii:iJ:"i?i$€%£"%,%£."»1‘7:i3 % aiiatnzmcefi fa; weir twwmrp wa‘~:ge~g mm names mm i’%m”fi Eiiflfmfi - ti}? 193£‘m;ifw,mwe¢faiB mmzzxittez am: ti;z'21z s.wm, cg fiyaii me any fljmg imxecutiau ag%1ama£mmm§: 0% “ ti)z’=3w;Dt:1auc£,fi3a1ibetbmm s:,::g;ntr:zmI mm imam Lmmteimfie tap we gaufimss M3 mt§3_03i§z'? 35 {mm tag f;.;aéM_@gu€e§. fizm iafiiy, at smg®—azz*s2;=;:a3 rmjiaattias trsam maamzm. mg. the ifimamue, uggxnmzwsmfzisssza, figsaiiisaéae puuam, e%a*zMzai:3ssm» VI‘ #39 enameb 50 mg a-mu msemass am? mtm: em mg Mm, zfi;’:;sZz*:g; 13.3 tbimggs, imp fimll tame fit mg the Emmi mm mezmrs fmzmy m':‘iisct,is1g,i2am-’ix1g, zzmbauctzzg, axzmmfisvizzg at‘ aiimm c%m_9 we iaiutebznuem Debts, mi‘: fuaazzmg uf mmwiy i:emz«eam.?g % % ' amnhimn am he it fwqtlger mghaineb, msat an mm mzggcw law fucl; mJmnz2$,rea1w, éfims, few, pgnfiwa mm mtuutm mt‘ money at aiiamancm m!3at€omer,a@ mmnewtufogav heme am now ntxghtta be path mm utipmen mam, Aug Egg t13e:11ai:1tetmuce 9.5 may mlieuge mg igetpitaii (mimic zebmueya. as any part fbéteiai‘, bum mthm tsmaiapw fag a1minte:1ance of fl)e"c;'EELmrra aqaiufi tbemarliauttexxt ,2 aBwn1a11er,%:c‘ai3nuIe,o.;%c!3~a1Iew, mg fog, 0; tomams we reparamm mi any eI:isur%cb, Q17fia1J{JBl1,ii?~igIJ- V may, ¢Eam'I.‘ey,?B;inge-.. %c‘i;moi-bn%u=£e,o other charitable cafe, mbicfiarewargeaiblemmott, 133 nugbtmi mo:-It of, mg bepaiu fag o; in retpew af an‘§tiJei%1'n':oi1t§, glamtnogg, Ibmmfi, mars mentg, ngiaeremtaxxxetztg,tebenaw, oz mzufitfi afozetam, malt be azmcumimze tn hepaiv, hi£pa!l7eB,- mm auowen bf.’ a6 they 4 were mmba1a4eI1e2nei)evetn¢foge... ....._.. . .___.-—-an. F I NI s; .an....«....‘ ‘ -x