THE ~ 7 2 aw i 7 - “ 4 ~ A A i » . W I ‘ g ‘ A 1% ‘ A ’ ' :5’) ‘n x‘'*‘-‘. ' ‘V--AA L’. ‘ A -...‘,,' ‘_‘.A_ " ,fi':’ ‘_ Ag-:51) «WA ' A ‘AAM-xiii’ A ’.'€ . ‘ :&:.".‘1-‘ ' W A4 3'" i A A M-«‘# K . ‘ =u'!’”''‘ ' i :2‘ W1‘! D i 3' “V V‘ ' Q:''M}‘n'\:c“‘» .. L; A ‘ \ ~ "-‘.‘f: ~ _ ‘ ‘\ ‘ My A A I '* , England and Scotland; 01;" Tab §fECLAi~ K IN G D ow ES A Ioyncd in Arm es for the vindication and defence of their Religion, Libs-rties,and *"" Lawcs, againfi the Popifh, Pmlaticall, and Malignamt partya ’ 3 V if By the Honourable Houfies of the 1” Parliament of Erzglzmd, and the Honourable mf smlmd, in the yccrc 164.3. Cnvention of Efiatés of thc”Kingd0mc % W -‘ A ‘ A D31‘: Marfis 30iImma.r. I 6 4. 3. V ofldered Ly Atlm Lorcaix .sgflém5l€d in Parfiamcxt 9 #14! Me A Dealmratim cf the Kingdoms: of England and Scotland i I «I V“ “ {ball éefértlawizb primed by t£w*Printer belonging to the Hmtfc‘ . V A af ‘Wren-, arm that no man flmll prcfixme to print tlwe /Rid Dew @ ' glméatafm afier tbcfizid Prirzferm he will mfwer the contrary at E. g b,;,- Peril]. j ” ].Bmwn G1cr.Pa-rliamcntmruum» ‘~ , new i i ***-k -—---Aw : €% LONDOMA j;- ' ‘"5: A Primed: for lab}: Wright in the 0141* baily, ‘ V A A A A A Fcbruar. 1.. I643» " M DECLA In 1:: , fi 0FTHE A A %KINGDOMES ENGLAND and S C OTLAN’ K9, f Joyncd in Armcs for theVindic.ation and dc“? A A V fence of their Religionfiiberties, and Lawes, A ' A « againfl theflopifil, Pre-luica1l,‘and ’ ‘ Malignant party; A A By the Honourable Houfcs of the Parliamént of‘ Englmakandthe HonourabIeVConvention¥otEfiaqes‘ VA E of the Kingdcrmc of ScotLv:d,in ch: yccgc 164.3. V A . ~ 3? either fljziffiati nutp Ilaljiclj ; hp cearon artne1tgyt’ot tbs A '7 amougfi as , mtg t nabs hem expwcsn from: eipzofcfa tags of mligion 5 Q2 tf nanu V 60113211 to A cicatetp wining tall afi‘cctionI)icD;%$clacn%it1*tb~e ma mam fl 2 % flfiflflfi 09 V & . :t’E*t‘*25«efttz _ A fsfitfih %%,9¢5fi3 83 t¢g~esr§2w% mm ,%.%J¢ p%1%ztz't harms, :zrttes%m«a£:cA% JV nB,%@%a£@+1@ mt!’ y “ > «. ‘ -M‘. __, » Eir“aIJI:§.I aim: ~ , h ['0 A me&?§£?‘¢$i9n5 = mm . 2 Iivzmccg .5: atirb%‘tbts;%%%néwfitp mm mm fitmfitivtt P3.‘W*FR? . than any ottnafozfi ‘ Mi? ~ ‘ t} an I I mw£~¢% iaii$C3E"tehm$m.. ; ag §&i‘t1gbm;n¢i.; %3ig;n;d5i)aB-3» V $11 3113‘ “ ST“ ‘ x'‘" ' "23?’ " -‘ :3’ 2 = E? ,= after ‘ ' ‘" 5 ‘ '3»? . ffl‘. . ._ H L» ~ 6- v , m vwmeam%mts*pza~an: :33: tb%“mz:5 baIve:itbevT In gvwtmali mj,.ett:fi%'i%¢[.&aa:ezz arm . ‘ I K, N 5.0 ' . I ‘ H I j 7 ‘%.”%“E{70P%1W3fi€%0f Wrzxwa M; % %mm*%% ts”.—I.%m3mzv% ‘awn. . 3 .5 ' , V}a ': 4. .. ‘_ ‘I t ‘ _ A‘ W ‘V M ‘ =« 1% {Jam 1 * “ ; '1' j _ \' ‘ V " ‘. ‘E ‘ ‘um “ A :1: 1 h‘ ~‘*f¥:¥Jw was ,%%na*:mzy m%%: .% A. w%mhv mat m:tv1&eIig%imii% , « #5 Ji’.0;i1ic&r%¢;z+ fai.ow:é»i. ;tI'£1A’t£;+%’ . Itfiimgttjat A «Mi. .aptatenatV w « mg%gg;¢% % %.nmm ‘Cufl[?.fl§ ann:%flm % 4 mama mu mI‘ni‘1D t'~. ttjuizagpygfvag A '7' \ ‘ ‘ ‘ V1‘ 3 ‘ “ “ - 7 3 v . ‘ ‘. Y I 3" ) I ’ ; . ‘u IN" ' um . ‘ "w “.v ‘ ._. , H‘ ,j,..,,, . ‘ Mia . ., I u cmmm fi%%%i*IA umfiB%d 4;m2Afu;1:amA.$bm 7 "L . . 1:‘, is bt5owm@tiJ mm: ¢£a*mm* maiutam nmn%a11, e 4 %Lre:@!)vtt1:cnes,,; art111»IbbwI‘tI) l)at1)V hm: %mtttmfim gm « by ti): teflt'm=onp”,Af1;I%:tm~g*§,V»+%AV 9 A n; 31‘ [W %2 pgwfe A I- m: fmontg , @wpm1* an, ,_ tatwn of tbue £§:nguomeA~§:*Lba*s %m1:w, :an;~: V \‘ % 7 W g E?’ ‘cne* arm 11 V %$flarmfrmn% »txttcn%wtnmmn¢%neh:w ‘ » new is azr;Am’m2,* any ;ti3seuur1nmcij.¢+mz ija. mEm£*+ Wt apes... »$115% ¢a~h%mant:v a we Am: A~imt1) gfizatmas manual? +fmoznAA%ann:fmmfcvi59% ljemflttltl not ijanc puma out%%i)eatt5; T rays p2apex$%ann::£u%A ism 4u:n m ti-M; if m»han@ aim :tnmmn%$%t4oLA %nMt ap:.n:5% 5 )V tmfc many‘ zetcsV‘pati:but"zf2 ~ at my ijahzncen 0 W11“ %+mitI); g Lana ljntmgfi: 1ia¢tton*, annlmtb avofl£ftvPifl§t:atcs, untulfitntljatis able Atsbfeltbev ~ann«i%€abeu£, are amnt mI)icI)132o1nifz?unto¢u5 aplcnnfuu %ax:b2 of ~£0tflfI33t"aflBiJ€£;;3pit1€€5i‘&t1lJ::«tD£ = V mpoaacy, %Etbztf1m,~33no1atmafmnisfigi %_znpb%amn eat, ¢mz1tg»,@m£1‘.t:,~ (snpm tn~~atsV% 3mgofaII% Mflfilifiitmtfe emu i9onz.% , l,1~ab:%.fi14 lemmacup%i%nf»ui1c mm: arm tljzaatnn than {peep ms ta % b2m,%~ %ann % fc:m:fa11%%ne:+% firm:ttot1,% %;un!ce% itm%pzwmtw. up Rubi ttaogbinatpnpmtance, as tsmnetljnet M41 m Dahzcntcren * o¢t!)¢it% tgcatts. ‘ V 7 ’ nae gmunosaunca% % finzvationz , beingcanfinmt§,13att%,3i5 matte“ mljztsin butt) new V fitm21pJ%a,nitsn+ awfu newly wugageuw of ‘am ;. mane minim: with :waragmnn cunfianq:3= f:'1i1ffl an em, na :mtr-act; am: t1;zi‘.:m2»b~m«h$hm:%iJi&trrea~ mane: $bcfa,2eFA E113 ourfpim'ts,.% *Dif13IapBD A ijw‘ % It“S5afl'fi *gi12:—ntI«;e ‘21§&€m,Bfl€ fB£€4V :mti)i);ixnguqB. T $ Iaifljsltflij tmtmzan ifiiifi Ijope fm rigs xsninmaiirzmarn r£»fDI3 farms fwfl:3 co; am cmzgjnn tag %~¢&,wto*¢c1a:g, A A ‘ A N-?$~f% 9VW¥J1i¢I119’ffiitt)tt1gagsiJ;tut7 an A D¢*tf¢wt€tPJmhasfitmze z‘Tb':3 ¢b.e.t‘nt?1'ng. I [5339 0fll18AVVB?L1Idnt1P, fgfltd ' A£t:1fiev%tI1c%f12!nplin iaeiimo YI¥¢m’B%‘¢bzt nnctoztnntathts: fa’ ED-':tgT"¢1at»;Al£z,yv*'a1».1D.v/fl‘-fitb‘ as:ba%ne%cn [sncatygg $5 ?.-‘ «'31 £3‘ the ® i2I;tD"{t¢;?¥1fl9§ as}:1it1£:1a"f1JBit? 23 :2 S3 ¢finBtAnt:r%fe1ms Vboxmn ‘at%hefines+ti)m7e % of t1J9ftoan3,fl)en'tfl‘ . T1% m1"3%A aVnD:fl)all‘“c0n%tinu cunfiant in: the faznzmufie of king‘ 4 13*" fufitg. f?fi1§.ufl€fl the enn;,.%» yallm atcaabmg cam i3»i»£eh%nvtcmam Am aims Wtwlbifi mm mm am fiarliatmnffi 92 z%~tfim=%¢i 9‘ Bmnvfi Vwfptctlbwzl? 1I 1a11.%tt1;;tnctr¢%A 3n:mF3flflD~ ‘ [I . 78% *nmt ;+a¢t%un% m;;at A M lomm tbs xfibitqus man Wis wsbflf 0116.? »oz ottm iI)aI1hnr;;1)an£t-2». % ” W ~81]; 1 ” 7 V _ _A ‘V fWW.£?;§ ism cg . ‘harm: 5; mwat nnAnnan% ;0.l*batb;£' Bfl;', gmggd ? ~ntah1z[ r a v€at:A1natw of~%tbeizmaa? tb8A vmpW »‘upon f ianezant flfiéfiaaw-2% mas, f Itffisztnations, _ann."3Emb2eats oz. ann~»t cml?DV81?ifl%$%fibf¢,%A1ta;ture flfw QB . %£a%?f% in with i539?=b?W AW1W~ efiwwng fi~n12_ ;epz£mm‘€tofM tmwgiy 4uh4§‘a~rng~na1;1 sf» Secciand ,,%%upmz: A?€Wre42¥5* to ram: iawfimygaiaa‘ Mme fibtzng -:1 gainatw sfiymim’ a.EE:m % ;EiI1g§fiiiv4i’i§;mv na€41m iaingzmetnc 4-; A££B.'_”B[E$f:B fij€t€ffl2l9“&?£;{(&?£I1«9’ AWarn—»e [my gf 3*3J§Jatf9%?12£vAqz§.a.,E:%t+pg % am m 1hi)ati‘mzt1~9v ~pIac%9, Emmi? t01bl£i3B;'a?;.1), t13e;nfe~1iaes%* fmm% was §Eam’mz;%t;m cenfmfe tiiaew z1zvzfw,%£s,&‘nn to*;%ame in we msnmam mu.) 413 aufe of $30 inVhuz?1ji %én§be”me5L’bem2e the fimnazv sf Marchngum ti;%mhi€e (We %z:cfi‘m,: tn%tb%e%’%het3a1fe%af £112 §ng*m31*neof England , tijat they %aa$g¢*%to cram: no fahaur,%buamm he ufehas Iactgjzrzztc #2 2?t’g11aVu£s j a Aw , %czm,inbs9am»:;m§g Zfiiflgfimitfi 9536043“, tfthe12~c£tt3r;tcommas; »1nAfltI11e§afc£vthe fazcimn firfi: am of vMarch; uz méigymlh thtivi}s:1pei emu. affeifirance from t%§jew gztim ¢wutmmr1.~in the mate sf tmtx-me mm zaangcr,tt)ep%arct%hz ce:zfuven awn punirfin was pubiéqnz%~amniestortlmv vfietigimz ann’ mzxntt? 3 mrfimmw% ~tranfgmfim;s' nfit11m4nA af fez ms at»: eftbwaubtique. A an @ ::r‘bmant, a1Vm%thm‘ @fl“atrs Bianca»: u s%=§2mzyV,% ~zcauf¢ aw; pipers £15 13...; mg ti)%ttt.s,=w«iw fazfaafing 0; wbefcttin the V, arm zwopnzu tyemremeg wriazx @r.wmiz5TV"nfe1tg1m: 2 ms‘ %m3aje2tirg° Abmineire‘ aim, imcvnf tza aarngmmwg, yam t as 3112 zmfimt mmst2r,azm the zweacnsg é 11itiJzt:brtnaixz A Mm ant! his zaavztaznmt, ti18¥é13?a€0fitmW 10 $138 hut2?f%ofthsiv via».-..~ :7 ‘ ‘V .. ¢$5A&fifim1Iims', have hmw the cauw nftfjz %Vi_b:'ng A of ranch fmmcczltt“ zfiimn, ef game %17%€§nb ofmanp.91,a:f2ries~annVI:a:?agevs,ta aaanlgt rszof fiiéztggmzunes, mm of ma tiittflflfl 0? Dtziimse min in wait fittategj: 4 zyrgnpst ‘arcmtm tccfmnazmzs "“ ‘ 1 % 1* -4 ‘ waif?» "0?i‘flfl0I1££ffth8 mauciaus anmmfpea wt? ‘finézxnzes aftbm: fie1;tgionanDflattilttpg. we ieciavz ,.,. ’fl11at afi Inch sozmmna their fazmecA ppoImon rmic haw, anniinwaivourina mama as%eum*nn¢ am:t!jz‘4;*oub1tqw:1@eace,Iha11,as$ytoViI3eit Iifiag am: liberties ~Df7tb£it» pecfmts , fecurcb ,+a;z1fi be receibzpi iutq%fahm1t:2Bttt to the ‘Bum that ** W BWnceV1nav be rna%nzvctmmwucu vetfo9s~A§§t§§§I1ma. I&ma~.%tbe:n Buw,~»ai1IJ -.......,.4 4$n%zg€3€5,w?nt1eznm, Wtfsfiizy ,‘ mm as: not! %t!)e”%2txne2lmt)nzs oE tt1is‘nnnatura!ii $2 ' rm ibmfe tag: nci1,ae,1:Jn2pamnft:o1$1t itvg‘; tI3£?f"!1ml§: crpmtbat ramarntijfi vament»ofNtl}e¢puh1iqne ‘e§mb,£55 re1im.m.grtye cmn~unnn%2Eutnens*$¢of ma. zainguonws ,a;1:u% lrepairinzg A at parti-caiav i'.o£15e5;.fRtii mbacij ma great patt.bah2rbeene¢ eontratma % any futlzainw hp tijeiv nefauit cg pgacuremmt: 1'9 2‘[2’r @t‘mtesén$o1~1tz :4:1J2n~1:m2tz’.~:—: ‘mtg fijouw he i:pabie,%;anDtijat as the msfennma mm m’§Jcv]eti2m oftije 1@a'cIi2=:m,ent;, oz 01’ {away fljaiim‘ authozisevby tbem (1bt)o%1hili,%bz4%a$" catefuli ta webs their 1fm'n%eas“to mtnit1)%ttteiu @eIz‘nquencie5)iD&11finn €t~i’uD§e:»to%»he neat*pA ;fO2 $Ufi€‘flm+AV , A ’&ra1Ibzve:na!£’eu,;tyetir11e%Lnf t-new ~wtmning:. am :3fl?er1tzg.~t13e11t£ctm5 , the 4%%r£aiitp-.«af M2111; A afisfiififlfi m?!DVint8ntim25 ant: ’.vta?Jit1:eiTe * ;opne%in~ti;e*ce1nmnfiaufe , arm &m2r zaarnon, (aim? aaapifts in2Itt11ts*s,$riII)31;Ie-.. bells, ant: main who Ibau he fisunn to mxne mitbitt the cempatfe"%0ftgVp2e%ceDrnt article A rim be 4eitw ant: ntttplopw fog papingtbz * zanhiiqugz mzbts, te1:’ehing tI3ecu11tntmt2L6m:=- mznsof the iaingnnrncs ,atm rrpaitfngmfpars: A titular iifliffsfl’ N A QIIHJL‘ tbifi VED£EIaratiDiIi:{WEIIB %III££¥iB4,‘ RWAIA from sm1>%pzefurnptien oz izaénesgiezying m fl)? f?,W11Etf) of am: 2£€1fli95i%m%.;iflflD~ arozcm ' ma: mat the firm of t§)at.% mt%£p£1émJ~%is ~r:>:.-.-« qa.1zftt;D,mmcwertmfmxntbchigb masts arm pubitque reiationfi wherein we imnmann from the afiuranw ' (mes gains at’ we aifiitance sf 2313, hp fi>&1s:«£epgabiiJencetIJe.ttui’k mm fafetp ~ nftbefv fiinglmmegis put; in out hmxvg at .7 739' cm:-j’%* * » ikfulg 4 gaff“ tijig % W€%I4-> fultatimz ; refaltaw mm worm t‘lm£t3 t my mnmw mtnm ml fiwtb mm 1mace%rby me waiting cf mane mien in ti)a'23* fmann unmet fimne fmmmation fog Jtm pgefmt arm fume memtiotmmbicb fnaiIAhe e.1‘m’2m 9 at gs: 5 an azbunnant .% nf {mt mm W mg 3 A4 31: V