q aaregeueeeeeeeee re; heme 3 A ‘SAC RED 9 :1‘ ’ ‘I ,_ ' E Vow and Cov enant M TAKEN 7" '5‘ - n - % By the Lords and Commons of L 11% J aj]Z>mhIed in ‘Parliament: e 4% Upon the difeovery of the late horrid and Trea- ¢}3%§* cherous Defigne, for the deftruélion of this IE3‘ Parliament, and the Kingdom. *- 2? Together with the Name: of thofle tfllemhers of ‘the i fie Hoztfl: of C o M M o N‘ s which have taken the T "‘ f4iziVowzmdCovENANT. «Rafi Alfo another Vow and Cov E NA N ‘r tobe e M/zen hy the Armies and Kingdom. M‘ Q 03- Vow and Covenant taken by the Members of this ’é-’ I9} Houfe {hall be Printed , and the names of fuch Members 5;: 9: PD 9-- 2" 1'!‘ D‘ (‘D 0 9. ‘:3 B O :3 (I: B “:3 3 1:‘ 83 B (D 3 '1 '-i B‘ F?‘ «+1 :5‘ (D at‘? I I likewife that took the fame : And alfo the Vow and Co— £3 ‘lg: nant to be taken by the Armies and Kingdoms. £3, fig, L ~ H. Elfynge Cler.Parl. .D.Com. ,__.——.. — ‘ I e "3' L O N D O N: .3_% — Printed for Edward Hmhmds, ad are to be fold T 4% ¢% at his Shop in the Middle Temple. June 12. M D C X L I I I. ’§‘*a§"§‘”%’§‘“$‘5é@§C@"$“°$‘@~‘¥°¥‘%‘?§s"%“h’§%“’%“Té‘ A A..__ - _ . .- W, __')-—~-.’,1H.-»_—__A__ ,9 %”%»‘%‘i ~ eeeeeerwre Wseeee _ V %s'i?°2~a$e«£e§s£=%6s%99ee£e§ee£aeW~&§eal=$a2®<£'°3» 7376 Marti: 6 §‘mzz'~i I 6 4.3; i'This Oathand Covenant was taken ’ lay a the Lords and Commons. .a:,W~, l«,;g%4/4 43/92:. @247 gHereas_there hath been, andinow is, if.1 e , V ’g this K1ngdom,aPop1fhandTraiterou$ ~,, ( Plot , for the fubverfion of the true ,1 / Protefiant Reformed Religion , and y ./I " - ' ~ - . o / -4"’ ‘ the Lrbertysof the Sub)e<£’t. And in I //7% purfuance thereofia Popilh Armyhatoh; ~ x/.!//./,¢////19,2//A been raifed , and 15 now on foot in cli- vers parts of this Kingdom : Andiwhereas there hath been a’Treacherous and horrid defignelatelydifcovered , by .- the great blelfing and efpeciall providenceof God , of divers perfons,to joyn themfelves with the Armies raifed A by the King , and to deftroy the Forces raifedsbythe Lords and Commons in Parliament , to furpriie the Ci- ties of Lamlwz and -Wfimiynfler with the Suburbs,by Arms to force the Parliament , and finding by conftant experi- l ence,i That manywayes of Force and Treachery are,con- T tinually attempted to ‘bring to utterruine and deftru-étion the Parliainent and Kingdom , and that which is'dearc{i, The true Protefiant Religion ; and that for the prevent- ing and withitanding the fame, it is fit ,i That all «who arc truehearted and Lovers of their Countrey, fhould binde themfelves each to other ina facredVo‘w and Covenant : I A. B. ‘In humility andereverenceaof the Divine Ma? jeftie, declare my hearty forrow for my own fins, and thefins of this nation , which have deferved the Calami-4 ties and Judgements that now "lies upon ‘it: And my A 2 true ‘ “c j I fence of Almighty eacliofed. (2%) a true intention is,by Gods grace, to indeavour the amend.» ement ofmyowntwyayes. 7?And I do further in the pfe- true Reformed Protefiant Religion, and Liberty of the Subjeei, Iwill not confent to the laying down of Arms fo lono as the Papiils now in open Warre againfi the ED Parliament , ihallby force of Arms be protefied i'rom; ‘=-the Jufiice thereof 5 And thatl do abhor and deceit the faiclwicked and treacherous Defigne lately di{‘covei‘e.d»3 ‘And that I never gave, nor will give a.fl”ent‘ to the‘ ex-» ecution thereof, butwill according to my power and V0»- ‘ cation oppofe and refift thefame , and all otherof the lilge nature :And in ‘cafe any‘ otherlike ‘Deligne {hall here- ‘ after come to my knowledge :, I will make fuch timely — eiclilicoivery as lsfhall conceive "may befleconducetito the "preventing thereof. -Anclwhereas I doin my confci-t _ ence believe , That the Forces railed by the two Houfe,s_ I y of Parliament , are raifed anclfcontinued for their jufi de-K fence,and for the defence ~ofthe_;true Protelizantflleligi-on,’ and Libertie of the ‘Siubje’é’t , again‘fi the’ Forces rai’Fecl by the King -, that I will, according to my power and Voca- tion, aflifl the Forces rail-"ed and continued by both Hou- e ’_ y {es of Parliament , againft the Forces rail ed by the King without their confentiand will :’ Liltewife, alfiPt_all other performs that fhalltake this Oath , .in.what they {hall do in purfirance thereof, and will not di1'=ee'tly-o~r indireétly a'd=- t here unto , nor {hall wi_llin.gly affiflltheFoe1'ces railed by ‘ the King, wi-t'hou_t the C0nlen.r,*ol' both Hotlfes of Parli-a'—s ment. t And this Vow and Covenant I 1nake_'in,the'tpre~ fence of Almighty God, thefearche1' of all "hearts, with _ .a true intentionto ‘perform the fame , as Iifhall anfwer at i the great day , when the fecrets of all hearts ‘lhall be -dilf-. . A I J .1. f ._..._,._.___._,__ God Declare, Vow, a'nd’Covenant,i That iu order to— the fecurrty and prefervation of the '(3). 3 . @€§?§§?%2?§?§§?E‘«$%@@€i?%§?§§§i2&?§?§%@ “Lfhe Names of thofe Members of the Houfe of Commons , that have T taken thenew Oath, and Covenant _ Agreed on. 6 fame. 1643. r v AU:el‘ Spea@r, Maflier W:’ai.tt=,e Sir Raéert Harléy, SirlNew'5/la MPoal, Sir Ralaert P y-('2, Sir Tlaémaa‘ C be-cg Sir Oliymr Lake, Sijr Bcaucbaznp Saiflt-folm, Mr. Oldfiivortb, Sir W'z'/l../e1rmy77,_aI\/I1‘. Pym, Sir Henry I/ane,]*.1n. S_ireBmjamz'ne Rudyard, Sir Art/our Hajlerigg, Sir Glll7€7‘t‘ Garrard, Mr. Sollicitam. Mr. Hatc/air, Lord RI¢tl7.~r7¢,. BITE, Samml Brown, Mr. Valentine, S11‘ Harzéxla Grim(}o;7,:C.1one1-1 fa. More, Mr, femur, Sir folm Emlyn ]un‘.‘ Mr. Ha/l}lv, Mr, Dan2m«,. Mr. Blac;é§fl'a)¢. Sir lzmzaa Dacrer, Sit‘ ?ol_orI.' Wray; Mr. Brawrrof K ant, Sir Henry Axzdarfbzy, Mr. B arwzk, Sit "Peter lfroth, Mr. Cccill, Mr. Scéivex; Mr. B aimon, Mr. Coréer, Sir ylolm Harrifon; Mr. Blrrtr‘, Sir Clariflapber T%flu’Jc’7"t0V, Mr. fol)» Harvey, Mr. Harlmtlc Grimflozr, Mr. 701m .S’elden,% Si-r fobn Clatwortby, Mr, Peirpointé Sir Ralpbf/er.. -nay,’ Sir Henry C bolmley,-‘ M. Edmund Dunclx, ‘M. fa/an Glyn; ‘(Sir I/Vil/. Litton, IV1.‘-T7"x‘2¢6l7m"»’{’,‘ M- Williflm ago, SL1‘ Simarzcls D’EWer,_ M. Gillvert ‘lllillingtma, «M.iWi/liam Ellzég, Sir T/oama/5 Barrirz