W as§2."’—-3:=§;§1“;s§:.5*’-*§¢§sé$s%;.?;+%t4figs§,a n 5.‘y._ __ e .; ..h gg -6-C §f§ Q A N .g§§§OR DI N A NC E ‘W 1'? A OF The Lora’: amt! Common: 4//Emb/ea’ in §§ PARLIAMENT: E hFottheLe21vying of M O N E Y S , by way of Exeife , or, New-Impoft, ‘it As well for the better fecuring of T R A D E, as for the ma.intena.nce ofthe A R M Y raifed bythe PAR LIAMENT,and payment of the Deévt: of the Common-wmltht ‘Whetein the {aid Lo R D s and C c M M o N s have thought fit T o alter the Rates Pi t..4t6’d1'fl afarmer 0ra’2'mzm'e, _ sh And‘ to itrpofi: other and lower C H A R G E S upon the ieverall Commodities heerein exprefled ,, as by a S C H E D U L E hereunto annexedappeareth. F t;’:» §'—2'*.'.a*~:4>k 71;?‘ elidered by the Commons m Parlxament a{Tetn‘oled,That 4_;m/ the Clerk of the Commons Houfe appomt Eildhjfllrdr "es 92 E"m!2m.'~’: to Print the Oxdinance for Excg c— , and thatthe 64; Comlmttee for Exczf? take care 111 the Prmtmg the: eofi Sf“:L ' V H. C1«.fr.- Perl. D.C:~m. L O N D O N :* Printed For Edward Hméomdx, Septemb. 11. 1 54 3. 6%’-'. 1 2:; $e§a§§§.a?i_'£i5‘s§ e.-xysaxfl/§r=\‘£J6 9"” . ‘ ' ~ °“ *‘>.r:5 “:3 u F-‘~ »v~._r':’t » F‘? ’ .-'1 ‘ «'-,;'w»t_.-3»9*« I F 5* %~s~4.$‘»i’4~ «%S».*z-i‘fi<5-?ex<97?§»\w97’¥\%9/EV»? ch v $1. «*5 913%-4 53 Q *=;“t.=.,:? «s *.=§¥ eweeeevetvefi *3’-9 e3 9 A\ . $‘¥*’$‘*” (I) ;mw@mmamz§a@s:am;%sé%;x~.a§$m~;%2 } An Orciirlance oft1zeLsrc/sand *C02?2%W1: . in.ParliatI1enc , For the if2eedy,Rai{ing and Lcavying of Moneys, by xvvzay oF(;_i:2ar ge and Ncwlmpofi, u ‘U? eu thcfiaverallConfxmofitiesgggina S7che-dale l~ze?:cuntWp ' % ar1nexed,c0nzained, as Well F£>:%thc be:tcr'%‘%fecm:ingoi‘ " Trade, 35 forjhc maintenance of the E-’<:2%r~Ccsr;1‘:fc=.ij V far theLdeFenceofche.K.ing, PaAr.Iiamea:a:%, aad%K%ing. 3d’em,‘%bo}thA7by Sea and Land, as far and “towards i;§‘:v': paymentofthe Debts of the Crz.fi:2'?wzti%97a of 27723" 1(z'nga’om, our Reiigion, L:m75,. zmd Liberties, from .14!- ter mzm’ and a.’s'/Zmfficm , by tlye nj/Zlcffl: and cruel! De- zgnes, Pragfices, azgzd 7fr'e;1gr/,vcrie5z_)j"7;"‘1’;'t‘t>z'ji‘5', ma’ ma.- Zigmtzet perfam; TAM.’ for that mm greaiFT%LezzFz;z'e3—/awe éeen already mzdefor tbcpmpofes zzforefzzid, xv/yic/J the zve/I-‘4ff_'e£?ea’ qf the Imzgdom I,-ave wz/Zmgly born , and tbe’Maligz'mnts /24¢/¢Ve;2deavbi¢red 63? all cam- Wirig way: to evade. By reazflm whereof, t/IE‘ if/zz"d Lafiis zmd~C'ommam bald it fit, Tlmt film: conflzmt and indgjfirent zvay /bauld éeLr’ma’7:md efla- _ 6/i/Bea’, for the fLeavying of Momyes for tire ftmzre mairfitemzrzce of Me Parliament Force: 3 M51’ otbergreat /Iflhirs of t/ye Co;¢zmof22;zvmZt/:zV;;;: iv/Jercéy the Malignant: and N €z'lt7"/Z//5 may be campe/led topay-Emir pro— portiomzéleparts of?/,2e_flzz'd ClJzzrge:,a:¢d t/ye Suéjcfis 2'.-'2_ge;¢era/l;{7e rated am’ taxed’ with (1/5 mach eafe and indzfléfremy 1% may ée ; Fornélzic/2 pur- pafiz, 422 Ordinance azwvlazely ;m4'u’e by the [aid La_.m’:ia zd Car/zmm , fiar - % , « A 2 % i S 7. fvt!z'ng I»: i fettmg ofa *'Charge, or new Inaepofl neon the_/Eéoerall Conomoditze: in a Schedule thereunto annexed fpecified; New for the hetterand more j]7ee- ‘ dyhddwnceznent of thisgworle , and the more eafie Payment of the [aid Cherge,andf?2r other weighty con/z’deratz'onsj,th.e fizid Lord: and Common: harve thonghtfiteto alter the fazd former A Rate: , and to tlinzpot? other and lower Charge: upon the feverall Commoditiet in a Schedule hereomto an- r nexedex,orc/fled, then were oigrjnpofed hy the /aidforonerordm-ance; And do therefore ordain , c-eT/mt the fzid flmner ordinance, and every matter therein contained, he herehy adnnlled and repealed , % and not to he Pitt in execution in all or dzty part thereof , hy any perfim or ‘per/o‘o5 asohaitfoerver, hnt thefthzét pt tfl’>1f~0f(lmancc’ do,t.the efiefi , and he,-ohfer-ved hy. all and every per,/on and perfom , m- the [aidformer Ordinance had not hem mafde. And the find Lords and Common: do herehy Ordain and Declare, T hat the flzrverall two: and Charge: in the Schedule hereztntb annexed contained,/ha/l hefet and latd , andiiare herehy fat , laid ,’ and intpofid, !4,P0I¢.~'1// endetuery the commpdzltiestvithirz this Realm , the Dominion of 'W;£lcs, and Town of Bcrstv ‘it, over and ahove all Cnflotne3,.and other ‘ Dntie5,a’ne ondpayahle for the /ante. .s..~.» A‘ I hC3Ch€du1€. ; thicScheduleeareheercontaincd the E.%6lfl’= Q " new ‘In/ofoji‘.,* ‘hy this 0rd"nance,fet and impofied. ' V ‘V upon the e evera/l-Corn7noditi'e‘: herein mentioned. ‘ . .7; . _ .h o _ C . 1 _ 1.25. "d. ‘fohaeea F01‘ every poundxdf TO.baCCO:WhiC‘h%i-§?nQt.‘& t e v ‘\ of the Englifh P1an’tations,as NV-€1—1h’a1Y»€Tidy t L imported, andremaining «inthc hands of; ‘ the Merchant or‘Impo'1'ter ‘, as E0\bC-_1'mpO1‘t_€d f 0 2.N° . e tobe paidby the H11‘: buyeit the1‘eeo-ffrom the t \ Me.rcha11tor.Imp0rter, ‘two fhi‘11ings------Jet . " For i ter, as to be ‘imported to be paid by the flail‘ ‘Wines. _ _ ll _l.s. For every Pound of obacco of the7Eng—"3 liih Plahtfltlollg as v_ve1l1mported,andremai- - ning in the hands of the Merchant orImpor- >_OO,;: O0 :64 Buyer thereof’, from the Merchant or Impor-- ter, four pence.~—--4-~v~ —- _, For all Tobacco now‘ remai’ning- iniethe; handsof the Ingroffer or Seller itl1the”wrhole"Emilie, the '_f2imdit0t"l5€[2l1?--7"- p A r lowed r.hem’in the ipriceluponthe‘ fale th?ereof.i i A .. . 3 . I \ A .. (1. . V" Beer mm’ «.116. Perry and it Cider. Strong . y Water: ported, or to be imported to be paidby the twelve pence. 4 ‘fl . l. S. For all firong Waters, and Aqztzt-vita: 1111-‘ yfirfl.Buyer thereof, from the Merchant or Im- / potter, and fo after that ‘Rate, for agreater or >00 O0 O lefierquantitie, after the Rate of eight pence the Gallon. And for all Pcrong Waters /and Aqmzrvitze, made, or difiilled within the Realm, D0mini- I on of Wales, or Townof Bcrwick, the like Rate to be paid by the Maker or Difliller thereo F- 8. .—-gj .,— 1....-..—-.—:;s ..J For every Barrell of Beer or Ale of eight.) fhillings the Barrell and upwards, fold to be( O O paid by the Brewer or Maker thereol-',and to beg 2 O allowed him in the price thereofitwo ihillings. For every Barrell of Beer or Ale of eight,_ fhillings the Barrell, and upwards, which any Houfe—kee_per.Breweth for his own fpencling, 00 0 I 00 to be paid-by every fuch Houfe-keeper,S :?—-xv-W -:--1-ft For every Barrell of fix {billings Beer, o_r above four {billings tl1C~Ba1‘1‘€ll’, fold to be- paid by the Brewer or Maker thereof, and to >00 90 06 be allowed him in the price, fix pence. A J-_ And the like Rate to be paid by all others yvho.Bre_w* the like Beer for their o’wnfpend- i mg. . . For every Hogs-head of Perry or Cider fold~-to be paid by the firll Retailerthereof, y and To after the -fame Rate for a Barrell, or any 00 02 00 meafure above a Barrell, two lhillings. - i V For cl. ‘ 1. st. bought for private ufe to be paid by the firfi (3) _ 1 For every Hogs-head'of Perry or Ciderg # ‘ e ‘oo 01 oo Buyerthereof, twelve.p_ence.—— -' _w ‘ ii For every Hogs-head of Perry orCiderg which any Houfe-keeper maketh for his own fpending to be paid by every fuch Houfe-kee oo or 00 per, twelve pence. i § L .._.—_...—-v '_,...._....—u—o-—-—--—"""' Provided," that for all Beeror Ale, Perryv or Cider now remaining in thehands of any Ihholders orother ;Retailersr thereof , they fl1allonel‘yp‘ayrthehalffexcife; ' /e * And for all Beer or Ale,Perry for Cider t'o‘° _i be ufed for fifhing at. Sea , no-excife to bee paid... - g,m,y . Forall Griocery Ware‘im'porte_d,' or to bfej imported for every twent1eiflnllmgs- value thereof, and fo proportionably for a greater or leIfei' value to bepaid, by the firfl Buyer thereof Horn the _Merchant or Irnporterng . twelve pence; i >00 or 00' ' Item, For allforts of D_ruggs‘irnported or‘ to beirnported for every twenty fhillings va- lue thereof, andr fo after .tl1at'R3tc for a greater O0 4 or .06 . orlelfer value, torbc paid by the firfl Buyeri’ ' ' n .o~ Dmgg: thereof from the. Merchant or Importerj, twelve pence. i —----"-----=~* i h 7*,“ . an. 3---: . _ .. ._.._....——'--...¢.... __, \ . -.»._a ,-V. '3.‘ /H »-I. Pb: ; d1'{er— . -,5 77- 4\ fhillings value thereof, and fo proportionably (6) or to be imported: for every twenty {billings ‘ ‘value there~.ot,_ and f0 proportionablyi for a greater or lefler value’ to he paid by Lhefirfl-_ Buyer thereof, from the Merchant or Impor- ter, twelve pence. -— ’ ii - » tefy, , Sillecs . ‘For allRa-W Silkes imported or t0 be im- Impar- po-rred-for every rwenty lhillings value there- ted, ‘of, and fo proportionably for a greater or lef- fer va1ue,vfix;pence. i fhillings value thereof, and fo proportionab y, mne_pence.A r J y r d ,. For all other SilkesDyed,iimphorted, or to‘ beimported For every twenty fliillings value thereof‘, and {O tr =porti0n:1bly the‘ {aid feve- rall -R;u:cs for Silkes to. be paidwby the firfi Bu'y‘er7th'ereoF, froin the Merch V .4 , A ter, twelve pence. " ' > —_§ f Lymren all forts of L_innen,both fine and courfe D’ 41"?’ imported,’ or. to beimported for every twenty to be paid by therfirli Buyer thereof, from the T 5; For all forts of Mercery‘ ware imported,‘ L-‘:--u For other Silk in the Gumm, ready tlirowni A imported, or to be lmpOI't€Cl for every twenty} “ l ooh I J ts; >00 or M ‘L 00 P00 01 ant or Impor-e ~ .' v gOO OI Merchant or Importer, twelve pence.—-‘—-—l-——— - . , i ." J y ' f V, .7 ., . ; _ ' , i. ' -;iHzzéreri-; itFoeragllfo1'ts of Habberdafliery-Ware irn- idflflggry ported, or to be 1mported,for- every twenty . fl1illings’value thereo F, and fo proportionablygbcé OI to be paid‘ by the firPt Buyer thereof, from the Mercharit or Importer, twelve pence.-T-_-—_-3--_-y-’ Sin’ .. O0 gootoo 06 09 O0 00' O0 . For Hphollhy Saltery. A 'nionof Wales, or Townof Berwick, forevety Firkin of the bell fort, Ten pence, and for eve- ry Firkin of the fecond fort , Nine pence , and‘ >00 oo I Sopc. e I for every Twenty {billings value thereof, and p I e . To proportionably to be paid by the firft Buyer >00 "61 I by the firft Buyer thereof from the Merchant or] # J 7' ii) ‘ e_a -‘ /V . "For all lbrteof‘ L1phol_fle1‘§7 Ware Impor-tedil 1i.‘_,.;s B; and} to be Importedfor every"_Twenty flrillings value thereof‘, ‘andfopro”poirtio1aa‘bly to bepaid oo or oo or Importer, Twelve pence. —;.— . _ A For all forts» of Saltery-wares‘ Imported one A to be Imported, forevery Twenty fhillings Va-I l , W __ _ ’ lue thereof, and fo proportionpably to be paid‘ oo__oo by the firfi Buyer thereof , from the Merc‘ham: eteorlmporter, Six pencen , , a - I J_ 05; ‘rm all‘Sope‘made‘ Within the Realrii,lIi)on1iJ,;‘ us‘ 0.9 08, oo oo‘ for every Firkin of the worft fort, Eight pence; and fo proportionably for a greater or lcfler quantity to be “paid bythe makerthereof'.——--_-J “O0 60 ‘For all Sope Imported or to'be'Ini1ported,7‘” birds : thereof from the Merchant or Importer, Eigh-pl Drapery, teen pence.————--——-—~ — J, For all forts of Wooltlen Cloth,‘antlot_he1‘T neW,&,old'commoditiesp, made of, or mixt with Wool], on of Waite, or Town of Beim?iclie_,,rfor every oo (jg . 7, T went. fhillingspvaltle thereof, and fo proporfi , I tionab y to be paid. Iby the firft Buyer thereof,‘ Q‘Six,pence.. we I ‘ i ’ i A madeolr fpeint within this Realm , the'Do1f’nini-' """" ""“ """'i ’'''.l we I06 got. swirl‘ Leather. (3) ‘Paper. I For all Paper bought of the Merchant, Foflli. 5. every Twenty {billings value thereof, and fol I proportionably to be paid by the firft Buyer >00 01 thereof from the Merchant or Importe‘r,[ Twelve pence. —+———~—---——--+—--—-—-J . it u...» d For all Skins and Leather Imported or to‘ . be Imported, for every Twenty {billings valuel thereof, and fo proportionably to be paid by 0 or thefirfi Buyer thereof from the Merchant or] Importer , Twelve pence. -~ .-+ c J Skins an .GIafl'-rnenl For all Glaffes and earthen Ware Imported‘ or to be Itmpprted, for e9‘ery.'1'wenty {billings l_ value thereof,and fo proportionably to be paid by the fitft Buyer thereof from the Merchant or Importer, Twelve pence. -—-—- t ~ -—------—-~-- 001 '3. 00 on All which Rates to be paid for any Forraign Com- modities Imported, {hall be paid the firfi ‘Buyer’ thereof fromthe Merchant or Importer, or from the Bro.l<¢r‘who_ ufethto deal between the Merchant and the Shop-keeper, and for all the Comimodities: hereby charged with the Ex-'cf{e‘ in mannerjaforefaid., which mall be fold ordellvered {at 1 price. I. I Rovided t-hatthis Ordi‘-nmce fl1al‘l not extendto. L. a~nytheComrnoditi‘csii-n the {aid Schedule men-— ’ tioned,-which arealready bought from the Merchant, a or Importer thereoflby any perform or perfonse who hath I bought the fame to 12:11 gain, or fpendgexce tit be atherwi~{'e~ particularly expreffed in the faid Sche ale. , I}, And be it Ordained‘. ,, That every perfen or get- , T . one. I thati other Woollen ' commodities made within this Realm, ( 9 r Fons who hath Imported, orihall import any the Commodities in the fa1d.Schedule mentioned, For his ofwnprivate r we or Tpending, or for any other purpofe . then to fell again, {hall pay the Rates and Charges hereby fet and Impofed upon the fame Commodities.‘ III. Item,for all Commodities here Rated, which I are fi,rfiImpor,ted, and after Exported beyond the Sea, . s the Excifc thereof being paid, and due proof thereof made by Oath of the party or Witnefl'es -, which Oath ' the {aid Commiffioners, or the major-part of them, or I fuchas they (hall appoint undertheir Hands and Seals, mall have power to adminifier the fame, {hall be repaid, and the {aid Commifiioners and their Deputies {hall have fpower to repay the fame accordingly 5 Provided, i any Merchant,‘ or other Buyer of any ClOtl1CS,OlZ the Dominion of ‘Wa!e:,‘or Town“ofBcrwic.k., {hallbuy the fame to Tranfport beyond the Seas,and {hall accor- dinglyi Tranfport the famefthen no Excife thereof to » I be paid. , I I I y y 1 __ 1 I IV. And for the better levying’, oil‘ the Monies here-5 by to be railed, Be it Or.dai'nedby,the faid Lords and , pCommo_ns, That an Offiiceibefrom \h€n'C€.f~0i1‘Eh€'re&'cd in the city of iLmzIzm, called The offimaf Exczfe, or New-Im}>ty?-, whereof there {hall be Eight Commi{Iio- ners to govern the fame, who are hereby appointed and nominated : And the {aid Commiflioners’,or the Survi- vors of them, or fiichas {hall be l1_.C1'Cz1ft€I‘ appointed, or the greater part oftliemrjhall have power, and are here; ' ' by AU[l'10l'_lZCCl from time to time to choofe at Treafu? rer or T17€€il‘l11'€l'S,l)€lng'O'n€ or more ofthemfelves, and alfo {hall crl1,ooFe:Regifiers, CollecEtoi‘s, Clerks, and B 2 other: ~ AA.‘-:1" —- other fubordinate Oflicers (forwhom they {hall be aii‘: _ fwerable) whom the {aid Commiflioners, or the greater a, part of them, may,& {hall from time to time,and have s hereby power to difplace, and to placeiothers in their rooms, 8: to allow them fuch feverall yeerly Wages out a O of the Receits of the {aid Oflicc, for th_eirpain_s and {Cree vice th.erein,;as the {aid Commifli:oners, or the ‘greater O art of them {hall think fit and reafonable, and as {hall a be approved of, and allowed by both Houfes of Pare V A liament. * a e V. And it is further Ordained bythe {Bid Lords and Commons, That‘ the EightCommifl'1oners herein na- W med,{hall be, and are hereby nominated and appointed to beflovernors of the {aid flice,Vizg }"’a/m Tame: Efq; . J O Aldermanof the city of Laazdezg 9305” Lzzngbzzm Efq; 4 now one of ‘thesherififs ofthe city of Lomlaiz, T laamzar Foot Efqi-.; Alderman of the city ofLomlo22, ffo/92.2p.Ke7zriz'c»£" O Effiq, Alderman of the city of London, Thoma/5 Cullam, _ 7 Elqz, Alderman of the city of Lo22a’on‘, Simaml Ezirmnds, L in e §3a/52¢ Lemon and Edward Claxtm, Citizens ofLo}m'i9fl.i'y O i , _ VI.» And it is fL11‘th€r‘ Ordainedpby thecl'aidiLor.dss O and Commons , That the Commiflioners hereby, ior, hereafter to be appointed Governors of the faid Olfice, and fuch Treafurer or Treafurers as {hall be by them ‘ chofen as aforefaid, {hall refpe-étively before they enter upon the {aid Olfice, take a folemn Oath {before the -Speaker of the Houfeef Peers, or the Speaker ofthe Houfe ofeCommons for the time being,for the due exe- elution of their places ; Andevery of the {aid Speakers fhall have power hereby to adrninifter the {aid Oath. y . VII. And itis hereby Ordained, That all parts of the cities-of London and Wcflmwg/fer, with the feverall Sutgv u - -.....#,_._~,..—.....,.—q-w fill‘ Sll:bLl'I‘l)S:tl'1€r6oli, and all othei places within Ten mil_e§V’ , thereof, orthereaboiuts, which 1-hallbe thought fitby the {aid Commillioincars, {hall be fubjeét to the Rule and a Government of the {aid Office. A VIII. “And thatthe like Ofl"1ceeandeOfl‘ices,iand.fo = many of them,anad-fucih and To many other fubordinate Commiflioners {hall be ere€tede*and~ appointed in all or any the counties of England,‘ Dominion of Wales, anti Town of Ber-wick, and in all fuch cities, anfd eplace’s~ thereoflas the faid Eight Commiflionters,-t orthe Sure-9 . vivors of themgor major-.pa1't' of them, or fuch other as fhallbe appointed chiefCoimmiflioners, eor_t'r1e7xajor- , part of them for the time beinglhall.appoint,for-whom the {aid chiefCommiflionei's_fl1allbeanfwcrable. And I the faidfubordinate COIUFIllll.IOflCl‘S'¥fl13ll\takC the like; * Oath i‘el‘peétively before the Speal»:er ‘of either Houfe * of Pai'1.o;r;fuchiperl'o11 or perfons as-tl1epfaideSpeaI22'é>er, 1 643, and from tl1ence.tocontin.t1e_ for one iyeare then next following. i .3 v .. . . _ _ C a XXII . That tl1€.f§1ldr€{p€CtlV’€CQimmll3l011€IjS, or the major part of; them, ;[‘l1r.e'1:lsl“fijOiIi-_11i1iril'I)§.tQ_tlttlt point any ()ffi_cet or rOHicets rorhe fice, to enter into the Sellers, Shops, VV:iifehoua,fes, Storehoufes, or other places ofeverfy perfon or perfons that fel1ert.hsb.uye.th, Lot_jtf‘pCfld€fha iii)’ Ofthe {aid Com- modities in the {aid Schedule.mentioned,to"fearch,;and fee ‘what quantities of an}? Of ‘hf? 7f3id;‘Cioii1moditvies every or any fuch perfon hath on this-rhandsA, or any} other perfon or perfons to his ufe, forlthe. prevente- ing of all fraud and ahttfes that may_be;nfed_Q‘riipra5ti‘ fed; to avoide the payment of the fa1fd.Ee§((':i1"e§37nd new Im"pof_’c»- .. . . .'. .. ~ XXIII‘.~Ihat all Jusfticers of the Peace, Ma1'ors,Bay,4 lifFes,ii «She»riflf'es, €}onf.’tables,_ and all other Qfficers ,, be from time to time ‘ayding .andraflifiiyiig‘to,all and every the {aid refpeétive Cornmifsioners, ant other Oflicers of Excife, and to every of them appointed by this Or- dinance, in the execution thereof» and of the Articles therein contained : and that efpeciall care betaken, as well by the {aid refpeétive Ctommifsioners, as the {aid Juftices of Peace and other Officers, whom it {hall concerne, and every of them. That the Afsizes of Beere, Ale, VV inc, and other things, be duly kept and K C 2 obferved (rs) . obferved) and the abufes therein’ bunifhed according to the Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe made , as {they will anfwer the contrary toboth Houfes of Parlia- ment. " XXIV. That the {aid Comrnifsioners and other Oflicers , and every of them appointed by this Ordi- nance, {hall have power to call the Trayned Bands, Vo- iuntiers, or other Forces, of or within any County, C i— ty, or Place, refpeétively to be aiding and aféifting to " rte cornpell obedience to this Ordinance where any refiiiance {hall bee made : which {aid Trayned ' Bands, Voluntiers, and other Forces, and their feverall omm anders and other Oflicers , are hereby required and en joyned to give their aide and afsiftance accord«- ingly as oft as needfhall require. ‘ g i , XXV. And be it further ordained, That as well, all and every the {aid C ommifsioners, Deputies,‘ Treafuv rers, Regifiers, Receivers, Auditors, or other Officers ‘whgatfoever , belonging‘ to theifaid feverall Oflices , as all and every other perfon and perfons which {hall doe any thing in execution or performance of this prefent Ordinance, Qnall be therein from time to time prote- {ted and ‘faved harmelelfe , by thepower and authority ofboth Houfes o f lf°arl_iament. l = FiNIS. RARE DA 4123 1643 ,G776 IIll!!!lllllIlfiiitifififlfiijjjjfligflifiilII!!!MIHHI University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes OrdinanceforTrade1643 5 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. 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