aoeeemeeooeoogouq.-nu a. r AN““§N?' 14 ORDIN A N CE 09 THE L01€‘.DS and COMMO5\QS’ ° Affembled in P A 111.4: A D! EN 1', For the fpeedy Raifing and Levying of Moneyes. by way of E X C IS E’ or NE W- IM P 0 S T , upon fevera1lComrnoditIes in the Kingdoms of E N o L AN D , and i l)ominion cf VV A L E s. i ,‘.,_.._._,7——:-- ...-......,. ,..;¢.?§ __ Which is for the maintenance of the Force: Raifcd for the Defence of KING and PA 8.1.1 AMENT, c both by Sea and Land , and towards the Payment of the Debts ofthe "Common-wealth.f'ot' which the Publique Faithis,ot (hall be given. 1 Die Sabbathi 2.2.°- Iui1ii164; . Rderedb} the L 0 ans c/Ifliembled in ‘Parlzamem, that this‘ Ordinance for the E X C I 5 E Ilpofl feverafl Clommodztiu, final! bee fort/mrilb Printedand ‘I’VuHz_‘/lved. Io. Browne Cleric. Parliam. I mwaswm wm»%t>mm=ew«t==m»om¢c-ethemmm c , LONDGN, ’ Printed for job» Wrggizt in the Old Bail}, III!) 27. I 6 4 3. Mmeteetawnwwotwauwmmee4°ewe=993 eoeeéeeeteemaeweweoeewe=e«»¢e:§t¢e¢¢=¢«m¢e¢~m-ttesrvteeeeeoomm a .4. r- . .x 1 -. .. I": V L I F {I _. *9 5 .:L.: . ‘.6. z.-‘~‘*3«|+%)> « “ 9 :¢ 4; ., E BRITISHVMUSEUIMM SALE DUPLICATE I 7’ 8 7 I (:3 g’ V ‘V - 1. cvlsbtfi cu»-3.$’¢§. ' 5.‘ ‘%%%%%%%%%@%w%%$%%$% eaeeaaetaeaeeaa esaaaaaeaeeeee Made by both *Houfi=:sLoF Pan Llxelé. .' M 1-: N or , for the fpeecly Railing and Lcvying of MON 15 YE s, {lit by them by way of Charge or New Impofl, on the fcverall Commo- dities mentionedin the Schedule hereunto annexed; — Aftvell for the bettcrfecuring of Trade, as for the matntenance of the Forces raifed for the Defence of the Kmg and Parliament, both by Sea and Land , as 'f0rai1d A 1 towards the payment of the Debts of the Commonwealth . A for which the Publique Faith is,or flialbegivena e l fin? lozng ant arommons item t .4 affembleom fiatliamzntl, taking mto ttjeir ttetiouzacontctbttation the to great manger that this fifingbome ‘ lwetb unbee€,tbizottgb the-implacable - A ’v . - ‘malice annttzatigerie of 1%~39t{tg, arm other fltaaitgnantpettonza mm I3abzann~baflfg not micfiehlp pgactite , ant: enbzatmur the eettttep wine arm crtivpation at the zegoteitant fietigion, theaegmilznge of qeatliamtnt, arm the 'ILtbert*§ of we fiubiecl: : *3§nfomucI;,ti)at ti; are iii no pzebahle Q 2 l may (1) may left them to; the pzetetbattou et thie ifiation, ham to mebent the fatmnalitioue pzattttfeabuthe raifing of fihonehee fat the puepotee fieft abate: htazmertiz to mohetheghhifiinge Qllbatefitee heart tn. confine tn , am; to neurre mtth both hie itaoufee at t 39“atIt'an:eti't, "to; the efiabitfiaihg of a bleffeto aunt happy zheace, which ht) both {homes t'51ntICI9D£fi=* ten arm pgaeei) fezflne iozatmuthae mam? great fee ates have hm alreanh tnabe to; the pttepotlee fitff‘ abobeanenttoxzeen , which the melt aifectee pantie to the zezetettant ihettg-ion have htthetto willingly patzmta thew gteat chaegeg arm the sllaaitguante at ethje ietugnome hahehttherto vtzactttee be all Cltfle , mng;1nahee’ant: meshes ham to ehane am: elune t the paemeutot any part tbevet. 7512 teaam mherote i the ibozhgs zmneteommattei hoe hoibtt fit. that tome; * tottitanteann equaumah toe the fiehetng of 9I>9,o= T yuehee the the tutute maintenance at the Qfiatlttlé ‘meat gfozteei, ann ethee gveat afiattes at the atoms mottieqeaith may be hen arm ettamttheh , whereby th e raw e Qllialtgttaute arm flieutratle may bee; bzought tn , emu tnmpeelten to pay thett pennants- nable parts of the atozetaib athaege ,. harm t1J8tt1J%' Jbehtee hereafter to hemane £02 the pttw 912,3 eafozee Iatntmae heeheme mtth as muehttttbttterenttetto tbE Seiibitect tmseneeaii a$‘~mfl®_‘h;zb-‘ mentiotteb , unttmit watt vleeafefiimtghthfifiob in “ _..-..-—~,.__..._.._, 4-. ilhailit — *. ‘.''-§‘»‘~.'’ 1 3 I ieettateb bi? €138] fail!" 11:azueann ttoiits‘ mane: ttzhatk the feisetaii afiatefi ant , e itthettoze sweeten, mbatneh fine _ dEhatgeet'n~a%>thee1tIe hetettntn an; ‘ueten aunt ,%ft3aIhe fet arm ‘ieye, ane ateei3e'teh32ia1>e, chatgee arm tmpotee up: "011 all am: ehetp the cltommoetttee tn the fate §'=>the_.« eule patttcuiatwetpzefleb ., ah the tame are patétié tulatir thetitt taree anh 11j;ateD,9j.ftneII_ttpo111 there that ate aiteany bzought mto thteifieaime, e; the %DmiIIi0t! of \’Valcs, 8113 ttemn Qf Bcrwicke, janh. every of them; arm are rematntng in the hams of am: fllaetthaeutnfatweteoeéaeltenog nthet £D‘mnet thetoftefpettihelp, at upon any of the aromxnonis inethe fichemtlemen tinnee , which ‘heteattete fl;aIbe~ttmpo;tenetnto this iiiingeame at’: England, Eomtnton at Walefififlb tvomhnnf Bertwickc, n.z’ane A tnfthesm . . I6“ - L ‘QflD«i}£::i$'fl1I7tI)8t emnatneb by theme )Lozne am: cremmone, mhatfotthe better 11»eWtehgnfthe~:» aaonevee hetebhtabe tatfee, thatan‘ flDfitE8 ttomt heuterazth, by fozte am: bettue of there pzetente rflJ&Ibz,aniJ £23: hetebvetetteesmanegane eappomceniu ‘ tf)e<11Im? at Londqn,taIIei1 02 Imotitm by the name of tbB£1Dff:'te emxcire D3*'N¢w ImpOf’f,1DIJB13Dt'fl}Bl38l1J&fI‘e be eight atommiifionete togqhettt theefame, 3 one of them to be ’atb,en‘:2 in: wet) memxet as *5&Pl3°W¢WJz the fate. etejei: ®fiece.e5; anbmailie Rem: .p . V ‘I- 1 ,. ; - '1 *. . '\ -" . .. 4 4 , ~.> - , . - »- .1 ,3, 7,1; ' V, ._ ., ‘ ,_ . V . x. >_\ ‘I’. . '1 5 ‘ N ' \ ' ' u ‘ _ ‘ . A . ‘ s \ . I:éev€§.,m§tJIfica€¢bFa1I%.}Womhtsana ¢.1:vm£ A tt;‘c;faw1‘,zbeta¥I £Dfl'we5a fllfiffi me to be Jpgefentenw the ram $‘otfF€5;iDb¢n,anb 33 after: afii it than he tea qumh’: éfittllf/'[71)at"i£ '11: 8II%beIa]mfulI to am to; chew: xnbombcxvfllammere. _ % VI1. % ottbet‘a£h<1£ommiiIton’cr§ to make .a 2B8pucg5 M; «want the min Lflbttice in an was ia5i;'ere..uma‘m25,% armeI1ot,cyz%eiiers . fifiuversfiannl walimffi 5 ofati am: chew the dtnanmebictza in the rain ésmenutznnzntian eb,ann of the febevafltquans‘ L cities tijetof, as fo; the itizcemiug pf all fllaoneyes‘ asfigaibe Due" upon me tale 9; making of the tame; in fact) manner 595 by the tam éacbznme :16 ten, mum; wtttrwa ftyalbzimahe a.:co2bing1p. mating an moi) 30005 $23 ateTaIreaznz% bought from tyzfllBet'cbau‘t pg Slmpofteir, tame!) ts ta.pavg V c1E;rct'3e",tI)c rash firreafureviijatlbave power to give‘ - etgI;tmonetI)5time}fo; we pa-ptnertt of tnc*n&xct§e,% % fictie chew manztty; unttll ige flat!) pagan Acne mu ;, aw; gt the party cijargable 1ntti)%t13z,®p,ct52 5 helm ta W batefoz tt}et—ime to altemeb mm fez we papmenmf e we UExci§e,ti)m it Itjalbelamiull fez the rain mean foyttyattige partpesiaavong eigbtpart of the yfim to aiaatzfo; fire mouetaz , aim the rate of tmfiibk per centum. % 1 X. appoina W Fl“ *7‘. F I what togaxljnlaun eommonmee ‘upon liahith‘ c 7» there team’ ¢)3tt'5.e(eI!;i111)t'tl) upon the halting ef this flvzlllnante than he taunt: in the harms pg tel:-* [tome at any hetrou ez eetlone mhatfeehet, tt (hall l am: mayibe lahotttll to ant: to; the talhtmeatutw to; the tune hemg.t9 gthe etght moueths tune of pahmentfog the dlftttse, to ae f1)B,1J&t't? mhn ts to pap the fame , bee Imttng the lath etghl: lnehethe pay one etght patt theteef eheth meueth: amt: tf . the patty thatgeahle with the «Excise netlte to real hate to; the time to allemen him fer; the payment of the zfitche , when it (hall be lamtull to; the rain fliteafutet to abate fog Ch: monvths aftet the rate l Bf thoelhe per Centum per Annum. 1B3Di;liD8D:aIr-_ - ' mavegthat tf ttpon the featth of anyjlnlani clromst; mobtttes menttonen tn the fithenule heteunto an: meet: to pay afittise, thete be fetmb in the hanneofi anhpetfnn oz petfone but than lhegtr-heats elf ‘Emltl€,83f0llte_2B§l3t£ls of 23eete,ann no nto;e,that then the party rohtth by the lattlfivthehule ts to pap the <£tci3e,l1;allp.ap but halfethe fitcise hue fo; the “ tanteilothathe pay really money font. ‘what all ant ehetp the sltaetthants ants 31:1? poztete at any of the lehetall fetgalgn; tomnwbis: tiefia in the _%thehulel1lenttnneIl, am) all file auh temmmtzfieete metnets {hall meehelv taufetohe enteteh mte. the {am sbtfite a tale ahb perfect lift 03 atequllt, atmell of al annehety the fehetal atoms: NDDWS be them lT8f1J8Ctl'%ely&$lD hoeelxely «mill; (8) t he at the name? of the huhetfi thereof .e ant of there to mhefeh are the ramets bought, arm that they thall_ mt Beithet any of the tam fiemmeizis tie:z4},t;ttnt.0 hntnf $198.b1Wtt?§t1J$¥BDf,03et1JB17 1305*?‘ __ ._~ tonngpeeftensttunttlethefame Ehal he,fo,en;teteB,anh that the zfigem et have 1J;Dhcltt.BIJE!?€IE.t’tk8t_5ttflDt't,t1)B h hanfuntt the vhfctteafutetfoz thehtime hetng , fight?‘ thing that hee hath new the tates fetttpon the {am @g.mutontties_,ho;tgthen fetutith: tn; the I amt; ._.__:.. ,. _.; I ' ‘:"_m:'t)a;tif any of the fisellete at the Iaih¢ommu:; ~ hittefi fltazl tefute oggtegtett to mahesahttuee t£ttetS,ito men the petty to I §\ weaning, anh to commit him to route common pufonynettaoiohning to hie plate of ohoeiiing ot »'3b,flDB , thete to temaine mtthout baggie o3 ntains A pure, until! he paythe penalttee hp hun Eozftttenu, t as afogeraio 3 am: it than an}: may hee lamfuli to am) fog the rain cliomnnttionete, not themaiog, pate “ t otthern. out of the fogteitutes abohe menttoneo, ‘ to gene 66 allono unto any petfon oepetron;3_ . hohith l‘hatltn’t'o3n1e them of any ahufe tonuuttteo by any pert on oz 1J8l3fIJt1§,CDnttat?tfl thus fllzoinante , to A much money fog his auto theft tehoato ants tetoms . pence othte D?.'.‘ti}BEt{J.ifi!IB5,'_fl99 the taro etommus ftoneta, oz the ntafoz part of them Shall tbitlke fit , ’u%;:m;1. I e to heailoho‘eo toet'the~faio'<$ommif£~ionet$»%u1Jon thew attounweih‘ . nlzhat it any tonnnon 7.33,e1net,t‘ _2(€1Iehotn£e«keepet, " t-fizfoet, 031B‘8tty¢%§1ke1:,_tntht CmitI_tt£?; oetnas - uh (my, momne, og 1J:aCBtbBt€ttI,330;1)l¢1JDDti) bzeéao ‘ flue og A2-Beetest oz make moat ano ,i3Btt'J) , in then: e houreeozelfehohetemoe notmake ahttueenttte in ling, thenthey [hail iutut g;e lthe henatth as afoges mannet afegetauy in theme $J)i’fi£B appointee in fl)B°‘7¢'0ttt1tt€12,»eQCttlB$0; p1a.te.1nhete they Dmell , es in the nee ofttte etectto next to there mate of oboels rufia, manneti as afoztffim xx 11? y mm an ant: ehety 11813! 0:1 MD MI Una inhatfoil 1 (to) rain, guy came to he lehyen anb hiipofefiot W Inch ‘ghee, ma; ggepc 03 I138“ R8898 fmtfifitfi bflllffifl 3&0 familiemas melt-in the ditty at London, am; gun; .l1tbB§wEl3€0f 9 £83‘ 315%“ WW5 95 “)3 933139‘ ‘name, aanminion of wa1cs,anb flcomne of Be:-J i nwickc, mbicl; bgem, D3 @811 cantata he bgemen theit shone atle, anb mete, to; the fuitenance at ‘-"._:“tmtt families, oz hoe make, 0; taufe to be mane as L n? Saybet ant: aaetty, to; the Wwofefi fifflzefaib . [hall nmnethly canre the like entries to he mane of ‘allfuch quantities of atie ant zfieere, Sync: nun . aaetty. to by them bgemen as canreh to he tnemen ngmane, on the like penalties to bee leiayen on the .®il:fenbets hetein,anIJ bifporeD*ota,s afozefain. xIv; ‘ W ‘what the cnftoznetsueconnmiftionetfi in: tons ' nage am: pnnnbage {hall from time to time yet: ~ y.0fg8‘33t mit ann Inftet thefaincomniitfioneta . as any of theme; any at thettzaeputy oz Beputimto (catch, menu, at examine any note zfiaohe oz zanokesnaf ens" ttwfig as nthe‘: bosses belonging to the Cnitome-.= haufesg! to taketopies thetotzoz of as muchthet: netssoz anymt them, Oztheit mnzityoz %eputies, Ihailhane a place to (it in the mtitnmeshaiife ’l aunt , Baafihabelinertie to taken topic anh note of all finttiesnt gonna inipozteb, .353’ eyp1eal'e,ann that the Iain égfinmnnftio-s F myuttbis £D3'hiuaute than begin to take place (H); V A xv.‘ ‘ e faun effect. ftom tbeezs. of July: I643~ “W e mm; t1;ence_¢o tnntitme onely to; time resets. then nept earning. unletfe both i9outes of aearnas as wall bee to appointee. myatcbetain ctomm L av e $mC3« mentmu-ting tbattime , (ball nettatetbae-. it mall- continue £03 atyplonget time, mm then cuts attic stance to coutmue to; fuel) futtbet oglongetttme x v 1;: e e e , ittioneefi ann;€Deearutet .7 hog any of c1)cm,tt)atI tune out any moneyes, toga) at the fail: £Df£,tte . unto any peeran oz patrons % mbatfoebet , but by em £D;‘be~t of butt) iiaotzfes of aaatliament, nnlefte It be to: arm tontemmg the paynxent at wages unto sbffiicecs, ant fuel; tents astball 0; map be Due to; tpeufestmme oz tmmes, mbete the ram @Eic8§'fl_Jall‘b2 kept, 9; otbet 118: eeetatpexpences ants bxfibuttementsam an!) about xv H.‘ +a.t1;ate1;m3e5ax1 be A allehoen yeetely unto erm . oftbe rain dtommiftipnets tn; the timelbeing , to; his care annpaines tn aun about t emu buftneffe, the {am of, e testy £03 btsmnne are. t xv“I~I 1.; « await is tuttlaet £1>3naineD;t1)attbeeraineetomri .mmoaets as the mayo; pg! of them, than bate ‘ 3 tebett inbim.qaat; M oust both iaoutes ot aeatliament. a <12.) V $gmgwg¢hereto;erents_ ttotnoaninate arm ahpoyne 31; any gag-nag (nth fitttbozbtttate. h®~fittet§,1h)httb ’~ ?A% gpwau thtnhe fit to he intployen in am: about the eaiztthatge anoometuttton of the fate: ®fitte; am) to attom them t nth f eberalle eyeetelhinagee outjofthe zaecteipcgot tbe‘fatD£D17iC€ofoz theit oatniee ano -tethtteotheretu, as they o; the majogpatt of them mail thénhe fit ano tearonabte with the tappgohatta XIX. A What there fhallhe allomeo yeetei? untoebetp L flommtfttonet of the like flbfttte in the fiounttph fog hie cave ano names in ano about til? ram htlfifi _ tnefte, arm to fetch othet fiuhogoinate éflftitete as that! he imployell in o; about the fame, futh rears: ‘ tntahietum ano turns of money as the fatoetfioms I-attttoaete ogthe mate; pate of them ,, than from tune to tame thmke fit, am: appogmt , truth the ap: pgobattoa othoth iaoufes of aeatltament. . XX. ' e ’d.'hatthe.faID fiomilitfltnfittfiflg‘ the mayo; pare A e I of them, than hahe oohoet auo authtogttpto tall be: tote them any petfon og petifone mhom they [halt thtnke fit,to mtozme o;te[ttfte* touching the pgemgs Eesaano to examine. them upon oath fogthe better: ottcoheth of any ttauo oz gutle tn; the not ntting oz not hayneent of the mates of «LF‘tct;e o; new film: hott herein mentioaeo , aao that the tetttutony of tnoo cteoihl e hoitnefies Chaibe tawictent, men that t thggaio fiommttftenetfi oz the mayo; part oi them t as (I3) ag afogerain, than hahe tail mine: by vbettue of t irwbehinance to anmmiitetau sbathte any 13815:: gran oz peerage mt-he paepefies aiogetaib. A XXI- ,. mat the faiDé1$otmniiIio_hetso;e- " e inmate nfthem, than item time terttmeappeynt any mm: tee :3; £I9f£,itets~ hetenging its the, Iain £Dftite_‘, to ‘enter: it-Ito the §e1lats ,* fihops , mate: bDll[35>"§tD_Z€")E|3_.l{€§s 0; other: 13‘E$t£E§ ntiebeep * eetren 0; peefpnethat reueth, bueeth, oz fpeneeth any of the tam cfiiommnntttes, te [earth any fee mhattquantities of any of the ram fiommomtiee egpettonste his ure. % h h XXII.“ ' ehety tuth hath en hie hanns , 0; any-ethetpetfent fflthat thefain cremmitfienets as the anaiogpett of them; Ehalthahe name: to pemiih all iuth tubing: Ilittfite £IDf£itets am: at t petfene belonging te i / twheefeain £DEfiite§,.a§.flaale gbe tonne miliulhy neglis * Qgentsitemittemg teftaetogy in thefaih iethice, he fpnemotetteening the Double value of the peetelp images mhith he is teeeeeme, the fame ts be zemen hp Iniftteffe es [talent the menneee goal): in truth ‘ muuueciag; i5"1)i8teinb'Bf0.;£e «appsynten fog the rain nthet afienalttes, eetefozznant at Dutreffe, to Eimpgis ten the patty to; the fame. flint: if the rain rzemc miffionets aim inzteafutet, 0; any of them,’ {hail L nfienn in thetttefpettihe slbfittes, they man be his V able tututhtcehfute as Shall be tmpofen anthem hp \ both haeufefi at aeatiiament. e xx 11 I. " t ' 1whatallfimtticeent19‘ea.ice5$92siaz::£i, zeagggg '. A (I M A merits, moniiahles, fl;14I;)&ll other memes, he team time to time aiming ant aftifting to the rain otnmmifiionets ann othet slhffttets J an?) to chew h at them appoynten bgthis sbgbinante , in thewteaj I I patron of any the wmnanteg herein mentwnen. i xx 1 v, I What the rain aommiffionets ant ethet mm: e tees, anb ehetp of them 399021135. by tbifi Emmi: nnnte, than have pohoet to call the ¢-tazmen zfianbsmnlnnteets. oz othet jfoztes of any Conn: L tr, Gimme plate tefpectihehato be apning attbfiffia [tingto them, to compel! nhebiente to thief £Ds3bi:. t t nantomhete anytetiitante (hallbe mam, mhhith Iain mtaynen mung, mnliinttetsi ann othet fog: tes nun theit {theta-ll Cominanbets . ant: nthep £Dlficet£,ate heteby tequiten ant! enioynen to give that ameann aftittante actoznmglnas oft as near that! reunite. e T \ V0 ' V ‘ alum be it ranches spzhaimn, that arhoeli an anti ehety the fail: Commtffionets. Zaepnties, men-.= IlltB15§,1R8gi[fEI:£,n;Dtb€t flbfficets mhatrnehet Cteiteb in London, belonging to the rain rehetnif: smites , as all iann eherp othet newton anb peitfnns, mhith than hoe as V . np thing in Execution oz pettnazmante of this 1338:: rent £D;Binante (hail be therein ftnm time to time ibgotecteb anb faheb hatntelettedw the {Banner nan Elluthngity at hothhouies otiaatlnmient. ‘ X X V I. i am laltly , it is wgnainen that John Langham A .- wfquitemne otthe Qbettfffi of thecniitp of London, is hereby avvomcen fliteafntet of the ram onus In ‘9' ,4‘ .x\ . I ‘ . k gm. R 4}’ I I. ‘I ‘.‘0‘3‘-39 In thié Schedule 13 COI‘1t3.lI1€Cl the Charge and Excize which by the Ordinance here- unto annexed, is let and impofed, to V be paid onthe ‘feverall Commodities hereafter mentioned. L it. is. at Nprimzls, For every pound of Tobaccot - which is not of the Ersglilh Plantation, (x- I veriand above all Cultomes duetfor the Q5 94 eg A fiameato bepaid by the fit-ft buyer thereof « from the Merchant or ImporterA«——ev——— Itms, For every pound of T:—baCCO‘of the Eng- lilh plantation abroad-, or made in the Land, t over and above all Cullomes dueefor the fame, oo 02 -O6) to be paid by buyer thereof 3 from the Merchant or Importer e ~ C 5 ——_ - (16) ftcm, for every Tome of Wine,conta'ining fours Hoglhedgbeing here recalled over and above e ' all Cafinmes due for the fame, to be paid by 06“ 06 co ‘the firll: retailor thereof; and to after that rate for a lefler or greater" ql_uantity-—--—e—--—-—’— ~ ii’ . 50 D. from, for every Tome of VVine here boughtfor a- private ufe , over and above all Cuflc;mesdus..- for the fame,to be paid by the firll buyer from‘ the ‘ Merchant ’ . And to after that rate fora 1: Her 0: " greater quantity; 03 oo om Item, that the Wine-merchant [hall pay for every Tome of Wine that bee fpendeth in 1 his houfe, over and above all Cufiomcs due ; fiotthe fame~——-——~ - T L - * And To after that rate for a greater . or leller quantity. C3 06 100 Item , for every Hoglhcclof Syder and: Perry here fold , to-be paid by the firfl retailer-— And 129 after the fame proportion for a Ban"ell,or any meafiue above a Barrell. }oo l <32 00 Iltems for every Barrell of firong Beam and Ale, y_ of eight (‘billings a Barrel! or upwards , here 00 02-» ‘co T fold, tobe payd by the firff Retailor—-—- g A Item, for every barrel! of fltongrefieere or Ale, of eight flnllmgs thetbarrell and upwards, t . and for every hoglhed of Sydcr and Part,» no 01 out o bought for private ufc to be paid bythc firfi » buyer for every of them e l‘ y Item; l T p Item, for every barrell of flrong Beere or Ale, eiC17).i ii; 3. D. of eight {billings ‘the barrel! or upwards . which anyprivate houfe-keeper breweth ill e 00 or 00 his houle for his own: {pending -----=-~ Item, for every hogflaed of Syder and Perry,that 4 every private houfe-keeperi maketb for his oo o! oo owne {pending 4 - - ~ . And alter the fame proportion for a _ barrell, or any other meafhre above a batrellp Alehouiwkeeper _. Vmtner or Inholderflaall brew and ten in his houfe or elfew here, to be p«id by the Aleh,:,=u:I"e-keeper, Inbolder, M3 VIIICHCF —~—-- _ T‘, ‘ And fo after that rate for any greater or leffermeafureo p “ p i Item, for every barrel] of Ale and Beere that any a lg; V ‘9 mm, for every barrel] of Ex shillings Beere,T ifoldto be fpent afwel-l in private houles , as in viaualing hokufes to be paid by the common i L - -brewer thereof, gs alfo by all others that doe >00 O0 06 brew and fpeod the like beere in their privat-cl oooz ooh houfes i- v } And (0 after that rate for any greater quantity or veflels. Grocery imported. M _A‘liga,and other Rayfins of the growth of Spain over and above all cuflomes due for the fauna , to be paid by the firfl buyer thereos‘ 0° 0° O0?‘ from the Merchant, for every pound one farthingp. C at Item, , 5. W Harem Reyfins of the Sunne imported . ever and t - above allC_u[iomes tine for the iameto be paid 00 V00 6‘ 3, . by the firffbuy er thereof from the Merchant- " . for every pound one ha1fe.pem-Iy---A----— Item, for every pound of Figs‘ a farthing 00 oo 00%’ Lam, for every pound of Currans —— A00 00» 0'1 item, for every p_ound of Saint T/some-and _Pafl- _ O0 (_"x¢" mv//135 Sugar; one halfe penny“ .00 0” Item, for every pound of/l»fu{ea«:ma’ac Sugar oo oo 01 Isms, for every pound of white. Sugar 00 00 02 ltr:’n;g)§:=.]\é:rry pourwiofdougljjtiflgle refined $00 00 0 4m % Item, for every pound of Pepper oo ;oo- 03 W rbugljt Silkgr imported, viz. upon, Orrotues the yard vwm ee — -00 00 0% C-affa or D;§m.2ske right the yard-=—-— -I oo or 03 Qounterfeit Damaske or C;xfl"as,\halfSilke half L , Thred the—yard;foure pence halfepenny 9° 00 047 Callimancoes narrow, the yard-—~ oo 00 09 Callimancoes bro3cl,the yard h e e 00 01 06 Catalophag theyard “ 4 2» oo 00 09 Chamletts of Tabines narrow, the yard» t~———-oo oo 07 I Chgzmletts ofTabir<1é3 broad, the yard-—-———-——-00 .01 02 Silke tincclled with Gold and Silvegthe yard 00 01-" 00 China D zmaske, the yard-—~-—~ ~«—~—-oo 00% L8‘.- Cloth of Goid and Silver pIain,the y9rd=————--—~.oo 06 no , Cloth of Gold and Silver wrought, the yard.--—-oo 08; oo Tiflhe, the yard _ e _ 00 10 oo Silkecurlesflhe yard?” _h 00% oo 07 ‘Silks broad Grograx°ne,_;h¢ yard ~ on or 03. Narrow Grograine, the yard ----—~-————-——-—---~=-~00 oo 10' Tabic Grograine, the yard: L r- h 00 00 08> C191) 1 '7 o A _ its 5. 13, Chin;'Grogramtih9.Y,?rd re - so 00 05 Philozelabroadtheyard o ‘ 9 - —-00 (:7: 00 PH110zr:1a~nar-row-theyard _ —-—-. —.—_. Q0 00 O5 Bk_»!on'm or Florence Srrcenets thefyard -----oo oo 05 China Sarccnets the 611 — f - . - 7 v— —oo ()0 03 Wich‘»gold,.-and(1lvcr the ell-~ - 00 % 01 00 Bridge: Sattins tincellcd With gold and filver}O0 ' the yard-—~ - L ’ ‘ Sattin cmcciled with copper the yard --——oo oo 05 .China,and Ta-1rk'teSattinothc«yard J - 7. oo oo 05 Bolonia L1lkes,Gocanes, andall other Sattins of€~ 5 ~ .01 O0 the like inaking,a,nd of all other colours figu- V 00 A 01- oz’ red or plain, the yards Tincclled with gold and filverrhe yard oo 04 oo Siike Say the yard_ T 4---- - oo 01- oo Silks Stoc ken;-imported, the pairs ‘ go 02 on Tabincs ti.n?:crlled, the yard-' " 4' — — --‘—-—-0‘) 02 co China Taffaties,the yard-—— . oo oo 03. Levant Tafl"aties,th¢y_ard~— ; L ~ ‘ 00 00 02 Narrow or Sparzilh the yard--4» ~ oo oo 07 Nam-ow fipipcd with gold or filver the yarci——oo oz oo Narrow ftriped or Hitched the yard»--»——~--~ oo oo 09 Stitched broad-the -yard-= o oo o 1' co Towers n2Ff9W‘:8n'd broacfehe yard oo- oo o5‘ Taffatic cf;-ll broad tho ell — —‘ -~? 00 01- oo Mantua the ell .4 - 00 00 0;- N ..1l‘I‘O‘z? Taflixtic the yard - - :30 ~ 0 8- 02 Broad T’.-gflhtie the yard? ~—-- oo 03% oo Striped with filver the yard — W” o ~00‘. O2 06 Tarfenclla broad the yard 7 oo oo 1 402 Tarfenclla narrow the yard '--'~—‘ - oo 00, 0:9 Tzrfcnefla imbroidercd the yard'- -——---——--»—-—-oo or 06 China Velvet the yard-—-—-- —e - - oo 00 c. 7 €._he3ps and~»Pluo=.'!h-esof all colourx (except China g 0 2 Velvet) rheyard~———---—----——---—-- =-——---———-— 0° 00 Curl: Sipers the ‘G-ngle piecar ten yard:-<.—-—-—‘-——-00 0 tr. 04 Narrow S-ipers merdozcn yards: .fl 1::-oo oo (.6 T‘ Scams; (20) ‘ oo‘ o e Ii; 5. ii 3 Scnme Sipers the dozen yardsfi. . t 1 e 00 0: oo “Silks or broad Super: the dozen yards».-———-—=.-00 02 00 L , Fun, ¢zzi‘z.. g g . I"I’em, for every Beavers s-kin ~ ‘co co o6 e ‘Item, for every pound of Beaver w0oIl—:—c--~~——t— 00 02 ' ioo In-m_, for isableskins oftall forts, the timber con- f I O O t. taining ibtty ski«nne5—-——-~——. t I 9 .Item_.f0'r‘ Civet» the ounce Troy 00 02 00 Item to; Mutktheounce Troy . W ' . - oo 02 ‘oo fem, for Cu/lmgold and fiiver thred,-the mafie ‘ I containing two pounds andahalfe at twelve ‘too or 04. ounces to the p0Lm(i———--—---=-- Itemsfot‘ cap gold and filver thred counterfeit, the pound containing fixteene ounces lmé. dc too 0: oo; pozz. ~ _. - ~ 1 Item_, for Lions copper gold and filver three! double gilt, the markecontaiining eight'onn- on 01 oz; ces 1945. a'epaz'z- -- g Item, for Venice, Florence, or Millain gold and -filver ‘thred trightgehe pound containing tweIve€oo 05 o 4, ounces, Venice weight . ‘ i Item, for French and Pam gold and filvercthred right. the mark containing eleven tonnccs- axing 0 02 on a halfe,Vem'ce-weight~ L ~»« i , i Item, for every ounce of filver that the ‘Refi ‘net {hall prepire to make filevet thred Oaes, " Spangicso, Piate for Lace, and filver to make 0) or 00 Leafe-Siiver of in Eragland, to be paid by the Fiefinet ~# .~ » Item, for every ounce of Goid thatthe Refiner ihsli prepare to make gold thre-Ci Oaes.Span- £00 -05 glee, Piece for Lace, and Goid to make legit e of; teibe paid by ti1eiR.efine;t-—-——-—~-- _, Iz=.=m_, tor eVe1‘y0Lm-Ceeof Amber-greece-————-H oo o3 co 5 1'/iges i ?-—*~& — or) S ilkem imported. V Ii. 5. D- 1 Or everydpound ofBric1ge: fifigcontaining LOO 02 00 o . fixteen ounce.-,~ e \ Forevery pound of Ferret: %111k%conta1n1ng I1x- € 00 F 01 O0. teenounces~ X _é o o u e Itemfor every pound of Pavia filk containing ~60 O0 O9 fixteea ounces T‘-——......... ~ e _.._---_.- Item, for every“ p‘o'u"nd of Gmimda blfiacke fillrgoo containx-ngfixteenoouhces A ’ 4 Imn,fof every‘p'ound"oF _C]rd7Md0 filk In Colours go 04 oo cotgtainlpgfixteen Ounces- -—-----— e e. V 03 oo Idem, CVCBY Of Nflplff ' ’ containing fix‘ce'n ounce-_s;w— no o L Item, for esery pound of Naples filk in colours £00 02 % 05 conmmmg fix-teen ounces -——~— ‘ A Ir.««m,Tor every pound of Orgazine fiik Contairt-'§ 50 Q, I O9. ingfixteen ounces T -= -- L ‘—- d d e Item, For every pound of Pole and Spaniflh filk Zoo 02 00 containing fixteen ounces—~ 1 n L n 3 I’-zem,.for every pound of -raw C’-him: filka -co-n—§Oo 00 m, taining four-and twenty ounces ‘ ‘T " « u Item, for Moreifilk, the pound contaiilingfour l O0 O6. and twenty ounces - e ’ L A Irem, Raw filk of all forts (except (7)/irm and}o¢ ’ Co 06 Zllareagthe pound four and twenty ounces-— Ixem, ‘Raw filke or Capicon, the pound contain» 200 ingfour and twentysouyicesn n '- 7 5 Item, Sleave {ilk courfe , the pound containingggo Q0 03, fixteen ouneese a e - -d " I':£m,Af0r every pound of Satten fifsk containing 00 ¢2 04.: core fixteen ounces ‘ -_ - X ........_~— _ .I».{rm, Fo‘r;e*very pound of ob(l~eave filk fine,’ or goo O2 084 plea S~.eave containing rxtecn cuuncesg-— —~ Item, for ev ry pound of Throne {i k conninin; £00 or CO: fixieen ounces 1- 5 s ‘ Imfiad C22) 'v~v*vu- v Item 0.6% . ‘ . ‘ ' I 0 go fie .Wm,_f9r every poundcf Throne filk died, conggoo O2 O6 eexrnng fixceen ouncca I ———- Hatr imported. ‘Oreevery Dutch Hat it-nfportet! -—* go’ on; .09 lama, for every Bcbav-CW1‘ Hat----*4 ‘* no 02 09 Item, for every»Demy'CaVfi€r -R * no on: 06 Item, for every dozen of French I'1aPe--——--4-—-—-0;) og oov Lace tmported; 0 -d zen -ardjs of'Bone-Lace of - F[;,:::::° H: L e co as f If 't t '- ' Itefsdczgadglfeneygrdsrl ten ace, con ammg 0 03 0° Itcm,‘for Cruell-Lace, the {mall grofle contain- ing twelve ldozeg H L — '*-- d h . 04' °° Item, ‘for go dan 1 var . ace importe ., -c e pound containing twelveounces Troy--—-— 0° 06 °° Item, for every ounce Troy of gold and filver 0° Lace i - —~ "Item; for every gxoff e of P omare Lace, contej2- I ing twelve dozen yards—= ~—---1 e O _ °° elm»-, for every pound ef filkeBonc Lacecon- 02% . raining fixcecn ounces» % - 0° I”£::Cf::f:e~:):- ijguneci of all otner forts ofgfilgcg 00 01 O0 _ Leather izzzpofted. ‘few, for every dozsn of Spmifl1 Leather, or n T‘ Cordevants —~ ~ - O0 04' 0° (23); Ii. Ite171,fdrifever}irlozen o_fhSpru(?: or DanekeLeather-a 09 . Itemfor every piece of Hanging‘§,‘gilt_+—_:.3.5.—»oo' 32 031 °+ ,vv. A Limzem z'mport.ed'._f_;e;‘= F0 r every piece o§C.a}licoe5iine or courfeé-5-i——oo Forevery piece ofCambricke, conyaining’ 0° fix els and a halfe—-—-—---——-4 i i Item, For eveay piece ofCamvbricke,C0ntainingi } do in thirteene ells --—--——--. no or ~ Item For every piece of French Canvas for ra- ' bling being an ‘éilébr sad and upwarchcontai-Eco ning one hundred ells,fix (core to the hundred p Item, for every piece oF{i1'iped or tufted Canvas are with Thred, containing fifteeneyards Item, for every piece of ftriped,tafred,or quilted Canvas with Silke, containing 15 yards—— y Item, for every piece of {iripedCanvas, with } 00 Copper, containing 1%; ‘yards for Cuihions, containing 100 ells at 120- Iflma for every piece of workingbroad Canvas } Q0 » containing I no eils working Canvas ciontiainibgiilzroi els-——-i’ .3--v Item , for every piece*of*;'rhc*br,e‘adei’t foreof ;o_o, Item, for eV.¢l'}'iyardidfDarna8ke'tab1ifig ,’ i'na‘ide}o°i i in Holland, andimported =— Item, for every dozen of Diaper-napkins, made } Go a in H oIland,and impbrted r Item, for every halfepieceiofyLyavvngcpneairiing O3‘; , fix ells and ahialfey ‘—-— " —, ‘Item , for everyfivhedleypiieceofLawne contai- } oh ning thirteen cells. n i Item, for every pl€C¢ of (-.;'aliiC0¢.I;a?a’\!(n.€-_'i-_-__--yni;-A-¥-i-p-i-:0’0 oo 05 03 Q2 04 ;‘. . 1~,,,,;,fm- every pieceofiworking narrow Canvas 0° ' ‘ 63 g; OI .06 0.0 ' O 0' co. 00 oo ._.oo. poop oo oo 00 iv!‘e4 ‘ ‘i 7 (a4)e it Ifévit, l'c3~r‘,;eve'r'yf‘ piece e'fFrench Lav1n‘es:%-‘-‘4- ~ v~ do 15:32, roe everi ell of Flanders Holland Cloathfi lrfillemifh Cloth a l Gentifh Cloth C Ifirsgham Cloth T ; Ovcrimnis Cloth 1 co l Rous Cloth ;> ‘Brabant Cloth ~ ‘ Embdcn_Cloth . . Freeze Cloth ‘ % Viz; 4 ‘ Brown Holland I.,32gg Holland J Item . for every piece of Brittifh linnen Cloth, containing five fizore ell: .7 A C O ftem, for every ell of Cowfield cloth or Plats———oo Item , for every ell of Elbing or Danske Cloth double Ploy— ~~ °° Item, for eve piece of Hanborow and Slecia Cloth broa ,containing one hundred ells, atgoo " fix fi:brel'tbe,hundred ~ i Item, for the like for narrow cloth C . ffioo _I"t£-m, for every piece of broad and narrow Dow- . lace, containing five {coreand fix elIs-—--—- °° It'E‘m, for every piece ofLinnet3 “cloth called Min-g ——-‘C1-' A_.__j flare, the Rqllpcontainingl fifteen hundred ells oz ' C “at Hire {care the hundred A r t J C Item, for every Roll of Oxenhrigg containing _ A C fifteen htindj;ede1lis,tatl five fcore thchundred } O2 Imu,for—every hundred ells of Soultl1witch,con- } C ritaiiling fixfcore to the l1undlre+:l~l-——¢-:—-v-%———- loo Itmfor every piece of Polonia ulfiers Hannoverfi ~ I.ub%ctltetfiar’r7ofi;v_lélegiamarrow_Weflfalié,nar- v row Hartford, plain N apkinning,and all other _> 0 0 barrow Cloth of High-dutch-land , i and the ' i flail Con_ntrey,white orbrownand not other - e % , wife, containing one Hundred tells-4-:1-‘C-it---J C. uuj 59 0.‘, oo os 00 oo 10 08 ‘ 03 ll 00 '10 03 03' 03 O6. OI Ol 60 O0 04 O0 O0 00 lrerft, C2s) VI‘; 6. Item, for every ‘ell of Stmxbermgh or Hdmlverezr V linnen clorh-———- —— ' °° L 0° °2 Item, for every twelve dozen pairc of playing V Gard! imported-—--——————-—-——-~—-—-. O0’ °4 09 e Item, for. every yard of fcarlet-cloth made in; ‘ France or Florence, imported — W 4 0° r °3 6° ‘flew, for every hundred, containing fivefcore of; _ 8; % Elephanteetceth , L _°° °6 ° Item, for every tonne of Amy: Spaniih Sprufc and Swechiihiron —-4‘ . —— g °° °7 0°’ Item, for every Callicoe Cfiaileta-———- ——--..._ Q0 0; (30. Item, for every dozen of Qziits of the French . 8 tnaking ~-—.._ ' ~ 00 04 C’ Item, for every Sattinaor other Silk: @ilt~———--—A oo 06, 08 Item, for every halfe barrel] of Gad fleel—-—---—-—-- co 1 0 con . Item, every hundred of long fieel ~ » oo o 1 06 Thred impo rteel; » 0: every dozen pound of ‘Bridge: "Chg-cd.V.__..3 Q2 -9 ; Item, for every hundred of Crosbow thred—-oo 03 08" Item, every hail: 05 L50”! 0!‘ Tart? thred-—---———or 1 o 00 Item, for every dozen pound oFOnrua1l thred——--00 o; on Iran, for every dozen poundof Peecingthred——oo 04. 00 Item, for every pound of fifiere thred———~————‘oo ca 09-. L 7tem,for every dozen pound offwhised hrovvn-» oo 04 oo ftem, for every gallon of flrong water made here _ 8 to be paid by the firfi fellcr then.-or._...._..§ °° °° ° W yer imparted. I‘TeM,for every pound of dagger wyezr, to beg W O . I paid by -the-firfl buyer‘ from the Merchant-- ° 3 _ jtem, C26) % Ii. 5.21. V Iténz,*'dr every hundred wéightof Iron Wye:-—'— 00 A 05: ‘do A. Item for every hundred 0f—Lac:i?n-Wycr———-——~OO A 05 go Item, for every pound ofsocel Wyer%-.--——---~———-co 00 «oz. ETem, m: we was may zsfimn am? :32 fezraigat flaamammtugcs abcbei :.nentmnw, mm mrpam hp fijefizzfi maps: of this mtntnchtfisfanzn tbs fl§}2rc£aa:zt mg fijnpmm ltbmnf, imlefie it me otbermtfz appnintw hptbtfe pgefents. mun ailflmm annuities bmseraten , which an ftrfi tuna % pnztgu ann;tIJ2n{21:pnzten (bona fide ) wail be free, to that it be expoztcn mitijin tbzzc monetns next aim: the paiftng of the 9133; Nuance beteimtn aunmb. 7 M h ix eutred iizto the Regi/fez? 'Bo0é§,oft};e_coI4;pdfl]‘ T _. . afstationerx ac cording to Ordeif. u-on-oaovnn--.. -ns.s«..-\.ou. u..._. E .v ‘_ . V _ , ‘ 0 j‘. ‘ , -, .I ’ ‘ V ‘ I I V ’ '0 . - - . I I ‘ V .‘_ _,__ _......s-. .v ’n“v4~..n"I:; no 4---.. us a» an-I-nn—a .u- .1... ,.... ~. . r~ RARE DA 412: 15434 .G782—. 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