M ®@§@&&$&@@¢&£n%@$;$s%&@§ ‘THE /444/;f %owa_nd C,ovcnant,§é-* TAFPQINIED BytheLf:»3:’{.)D.S'3ndC0fl/./11/./%O.5\(S 41/fémé/ea’ in arliament. ', T9. be taken by every man , in the Ci[§CS:Cf' Lo:~:;!e;2, VVc/imixfler, theSuburbs, and Liberties V % thereof} and throughout the WhQle’I{ingdom. ~» TOGETHERT ; 4' With 'In’?ruf1‘:a—;2: , bow, and tn wlmtn;rarn:ert/be ‘ j ' fiia’ Mvow’ zm.d'LC0v»cnant /In:/[lac takefl. :3 Qflzclqrcd by tbé Lam’: tmd Common: ”qflen25lc’d in“ ~ % % Par(z';zmem‘, T194: #712: 04:}: dud Covenant , mi:/2 3 ’ §,§-%%tbe‘In/fruffions, be fartba-vft/2 Printed, and} pmélj/bcdto i J i 4 SE - ‘. £e$:£?o3 aw ii! "“’$‘*@"*‘?.'5‘f§fi*“.?;w » I » 0. I V s ’§@%&®@@ T as §@ ravww W the whale Kwgdomfl.‘ , W3‘ % H. ElfyngeC1e1f. Par. D.