The Cit //I .5 ‘AND THE . __ . I I ; . I, . . T . - . . , V ‘ ',‘ . . _ ' 4 » I ‘ . ' . «_.- ‘ . %nTvvcr- 1 4" ies Propoficions; E TS nit Ill H ' ’ vnnixflnvtilninani umn‘rmmqmunuqi:u‘n.aim;1u]mnuum_b'mim‘nn W ~ =37? loll” ‘I 1}'|{nu 5.- .. 1: 1:‘: ..._.. - r-- - ..._.,. _.__.. jinx —__-_ ——._.. T ........._. .-_-...‘ s.-Av... :.."" 1 ._..—..§_ mg.’-_A,‘,,:. ( // ' all 2435!! »Im.I.'!E!.',' , . \ ‘ . I Vat Londéné by ‘ é Lra?b!¢§1ty%0fIgo{zdon. 164.2. icbard cam, printer to 41¢ ggnqg __,__‘ .._..' Commzme C0ncilz'ém2‘te;ztumt intztmeira Guild—hall Cz"ruit¢2- ti: London, ruieefimo prime die Februar1iI642. pofl merz'dz'em,.Am1oque Regni Damini nofiri Caroli, nmac. Re-gig A.ngli:e,8cc.a'ecz'mo 05247/03 comm Ifaac,Penning~ , g;t*1§(g;jo;*e3- fee-wzdo tjemporég Ciévitm AL0.nd0.n, JaC.Obo t ‘=.Mi[it«€’,f' » Thoma Atkin, Johan». Wollafion Milite, Thoma; Adams, Johan. Warner, Georgie '-Garret Miliete, ]oha.-n.Fowke, # Jacobo Bunce,Wi«llig ;Gibbs,_ &+Ric11arde Chambers; ejzgfdem Givitatzls Ala , fderm422n.zLs,“t.4c Johan. Langham Aldermnnmz :3? mm «vi» ececorézitum C2‘-vz'tatp': }medz’e"r’ie, mecnon majare. pane Com-e mumzriorum de Cammzmi Concilio Iagxdifig C_z'ruitatz§5 f’.¢7i€’_' £5’, 552.43%}/I/f¢7"’£’e/I4!‘ }’ 9 ” "‘ ‘ humbly. inforrne both Houiespf Parl.iament,. that theiridefire, pf the Loane-ofthree-fcore thoufand pounds. to} fupply the Army fignifiedby divers of1;he_Lords and.C9mmons :. to the fajd Court was taken forthwith into confiderationqi And notwithftanding the great fummes formerly lent:-t by the City, ,, they didwith much chearefullnefle and alacrity vote to do their ;u§,tcI;!11,,0fl ind¢v_o_sn* to raife thefaid filmmé ;w,id1.aI‘1 expedition; _ An?! His day Mafier Alderman F pwég madeireport um», _ to this 'Commo.n.—Councell, ,that, himfclfe and -3 ~ ° t the refi of the Cpmmittees apppinted; by Order . g %ofCQmmon-Co;u-ncell, held the Eighteenth bf . thisinfiant F ebrumy.,. did accard.ing1y yeflerday , I i(‘35 a , ‘35L'ndi\f'o'r the hetter'pro'n1oting’ the {aid Wori{e,the'Lo1‘d Maior, . A‘1d'e1*n1en, and Commons then prefen‘t, did each declare what: they would lend refpe&ive!y.towai'ds the furnifhing therof. And ’eau{‘eda'n Orderto be prefentl y madeand Printed,’ and rent out to thefMiniPcers of the iieverali Pariihes, "to be publifhed in the é(_”;hurc¢hes,a11d to Itirre’ up the Prarifhei'oners effefizuall y to advance the 1*en1ainder of the faidf thr'e'efco‘re thoufand pounds‘. And that the'Common Councéils men and ‘Church-Wardens Ihould ’ repaire to everhyylnhabitant and Lodger Within their feverall Pa- a~1.i{},eg,and_perfwadethemunto this good Work. . And the {aid Coninlittee did further makereport gflthat ‘t'hey1did'the’tnaIfo humbly prefent to both houles of Parliament, the {cope and in‘- tent offuch andifo many of the Propofitions referred unto them robe prefented, beingto incourage the Subfcriptions of the {aid th1*eefcore thoufandipounds, as in to {hort a time they could‘ coneeivefitand needfull. r And that the Lords and ‘Commons « in Parliament did returne thankes to this«Commo_n Councell \ for their great care and readinefle in promoting the advancement of the {aid threefiore thoufand pounds "by them defired, and that they Woru‘ld‘t:ake the (aid Propofitions into due co nfideratie on, The briefe heads Whereofwereafter taken by the Clerke of the HoufeofPceres. And a Coppy thereof was here now open- Iy read intihis CCU“: 3_11d aPPI‘0V€d of, . and Ordereditopbe en- tred, The tenor whereof is as followeth. r V _ g p h. pi ” V ‘I. That both I-Ioufes would vouchfafe to adxfrance of threefcore thoufand pounds by their owne example, - e _ paying it in to the Treafurers at Guilpd-ball, to the'end'tha't the ‘ fight may incourage others. W - __ _ p. 2. That they may be eafed in the rates of the «weekely 'MTe'fl’e-‘ Iftnents, becaufie it exceeds the proportion of the Counties ,iF it be not too late. . y __ p 3. That the three thoufand pounds per moneth granted out of the Weekly Afleflements, may beams-ade foure thoufand pounds tp\ern1onet'h.p f - s . a p T o ' i -4.. That the e CitizenseLands and houfes in the Country, may not be rated ‘for the weekly AP_'e[Ten1ents,to as they payin Lander: 5_ That in regard they are info1'med that divers mif-inforrna'- . _ '3 e ' A .. ‘ tions 1-‘ DH 44/.«?: /éik? .[_¢ ” eeRe\ Av‘).-#- 1-Injzzxr: - .4 -u ...‘.;.—..... ~— — v— o W ( '43‘) tions have beene made concerning the City of London) by private e perfons, it is humbly defired that hereafter no fuch credit hmay be givenithereunto, as to be accompted thefence of the City, ting \ . lefle it proceed from the Court of Aldermen ,or Common Couni-" cell, fignified by fpeciall. ’Mefl'engerS of their owne, , or by: the‘; 2 Blirgefles dire€ted by one ofthe1fa\id_ CO(irfiS.__ . it . . ’ in London and other garts of the KingdOn1¢§:tl1a£ thecharge njay !?;1Gf.VE7l1Qllyli€ u'p,0nither Willing, part.,fO.§£“r; that 'ffQ,'Ch€.1‘Wir€ the 1gt7ell7afhe.<9(eid.?,¢itl1er_clefiroyied"j2vithv them,‘o1jf0r them With: hem if th5eylhot1lid”ref‘ul°e as others ‘doe;o‘r for then); by 4 c ontribtu ting alone to the publike fa fety, more then their eiiates A will beare. \ 7,} ) That niayr _rnatle l_Waith"rout'the ,Libertjes in the" \ pants éldiacént for 1? nfpeftfed pe:{c1is,t;and[ tlnati upon the dis‘blans.i ding, thofi: that are éall'ed“ the Kings=Arn;iy may belenjoynferdh co gg, , e to their feverjallhabitation,s,hand;enot to conic to London , to the ciiittlrbance ofthe‘fipeacfe, _fafety.5 and welfare of the faidacityjandfi ofthetgo oclgovernmdnt thei'eof; and that during the time ofthe’! Treaty a11d7C_efl:¢ttio1I:1 to Come to the City. ‘3: That to prevent nlifapprehenfions and iealoufies eo-ncét—t.., ning the prefent procieedingsloif hboth Houfesi of Parliament, a-i bout the Treaty and Ce{Ta'tion,"and disba’ndin'g; it is humbly -grayed it_n1ayj;be declared that the trefo1ut«ions.of both Houfes i'i§l_t"-héifaniei, ‘aislac the firlt, that nrothing {hall be done but that . tends tlofthefecurity of the true reforme cl ' Prolteflant Re-5 , L-.- V : ._ [1 .. ligion, the Liberties of the SUbi§&S?.al1d Priviledgies’ of Parg : r thoufand pounds, which otherwife will not be raifed. . ' A Alfothis Court taltingiuto confideration the refidue. of ‘the e particulars referred unto the {aid Comtiiittee to be prelentedto both houfes of Parliament, and the {aid Committees opinion, thereupon; and apprehending that the protpofitiom lately fefntl ~ ,‘....~\a——«.o~—o-n......,.. -- - 6. That it will much promote the {aid Service the V Aflefled __byV€l‘tL1C_Ol" divers Ordinances be icolle§té;dV‘forthWi‘t.h; ,'Iione thefaid,Arn1y tn:ay- be_pern1ittréd‘en; V 92 , _ thafithe the izveeklyf Afifiéfiéncs tnay page « K forthwith for the fércurities of the ‘re-imburfing ofthe threeflzore — s“ _ dalous n1ayiibecafh’ee1‘,d._,s‘i , c ," <5)“ to his Maiefiy by both' Houies,_of Parliament , doe eminently tend to t_he prefervation of our Religion, Lawes, and Liberties, , and toafieformatipn of What is amiile inChurch and Com-. mon-wealth, doeorder the (aid Ccirnmittee to render from this City all humble thankfulnefie‘ to both the {aid Houies for their great care therein, and to prefent their farther humble defires as followeth. - order : ‘ 1. That the brokenfitegiments, anci_lTr_,oopes in may be reduced and n‘1ade'I zoo. in each Regiment,'and 8:5.’ in; each Troope, to the end that the exceflive charge ofpayiingirncxree s Officers then’ are necefiary, niéty be avoided, and the. Counties : .tIPP1i€d»=I3ad fiwhiasarc I11of*i15an<:r which‘ Want Ofliters n1ay',b‘e: , . 2. ,That,Fpec,ial'l care be taken that ft in duly‘ paid‘ fi’om time to 'tfi'n1e, Without ithey icgannot yfiib-in filt5,andi_that for the betteriig thereof7(a great patt of being ra‘i'fi%d 011‘? Ofiihfi )3 that r afi hOcn[€{,’Ca.ble; main be there i, clfrofen‘ for each‘ Pteginientt ofjhorie 8; footi refpeéiiyely, _t¢mua¢r , 8: pay the laid}S.ouldiers,and’,viewtheir Armes,caufing them tobe made good according to the rules ofWar,and that fit allowance be given to the {aid Paymaliers for their Service. ‘ ‘ i 3. Th" tin regard this unhappy , and unnaturall L g 4 A Iengthned out beyond expefiation, and the Oflicers of the faid Army have already received great pay, and are engaged in the l publike caufe as Well as others, Who have lent great fummes of imony to pay them, that therefore they will for farre exprefle their good affe8cions to the King and Parliament, as to forbeare ‘one halfe of their areares and filturepay upon the publike e « Faith. i — r 4., That thefaid Oiiicers and Souldiers may take fuch an oath e as is ufedin times of Warre in other countries to be faithfull to i thofe that imploy them, and from whomthey receive thfiih Pay. . ~\ V e Thatfuch prifoners as. already are or hereaftei~ {hall be ta-l ‘ - A3 _ W ken ; Firfi, that his E.Xce1lency,theI§.IarIe ofEf]?{x, be defirecl tal_