S P Delivered at 9. Cmmnon»H4ll, e a p T I1?(j«K_tE E .-at-' ~51?» On Saturdaythe z>8of]u1y,1643. A At the reading of 3. ?rocZczmation from the 1<1N G= £ % VIZ, V ‘I. Edward Earl of”Manche{tei', cmcerning t/re Tower af London. 4 ._ . 3 II. B John Pym Efq-, 6} may of 0t5fE_rv4tiofl.ztfofi % E t ef4z';!Proclarr1at10n. ‘ -0 III. By Henry Martin Calome!/,co;4ccrnz‘;¢g Sir VVii- E liam Waller, Ami fa?/mt ctmrfca mm? to 5: taken. 3+ -0 « With a true copy of the Proclamation afoifcfaid. ELAIYO, the Depofitxon of Mr. Mayo,ta.ken at 13’rz‘_zlge:\in Flandersnfuéy 26. I 64;. concerning i _ Contributions there made for the Afliitance of , " F the Papiflzs in ENGL.AND. ; - _._4 eat» it a it ,1, _ e 3 Imprimatur, 0 N W H I 1' E. § i"”“'""“ e *-London ,_ Printed for Peter (‘ale , and ‘areto be fold at the Glove and Lyon near the Roy2Ll1—Exchange. Augfifl 2. g N‘ Wfi%W¢%%ee~W%%:We?Me#W#%%% 24 EEDWARD “fending forth thofe forces for the fupp1‘efl~1ngeOf.‘:‘ : 2-TIL 2 ‘{?\,\I'!(W,¢ ’7r'7i‘7:.” r‘ .- /- fl * . 4 ' 1- : "'1. l 'V \ //I * . g,"”t‘]3§5{, - \§:» * ._ 4 J \“\—‘\‘ Q‘ l 5? Tlie Righr Honourable, Earl of zmc./ac:/Zer’: {Speeclnr Y Lord Maior , and you worthy Citizens of Lamlm, lam Commancled by the Houies of Parliament., to expre{Te their thanks,. and their acknowledgments to you , for your goodiafiecfcione and fi‘delity_ whichyou have al- W-ayes ;exprefTed for the prefervatiorr of the P:1rli—r ament, arlclthe Kingdonag particularly for that-: . great care and 'r,eadinefi"e-thatiyou have fl]€W€Cl in ‘that jfumrilruous InF’urre<€‘cion‘iri Km : It hath :ple.afCClq’GO.(lt€)’ blefle.. you with good fu_ce‘eiTe, and to youisethe honour due, and to rhofe than-. have commanded th*0l7ef forces in 21131: happy cxe«- e. «7:_11tron*Qf_itj, F T (.7 3‘ _ A‘ 2‘; 3 Elffli ‘V-—— ———-~——. _.._..__,___,__.g_______— lam likewifc Cornmandcd by tho Houfés of Parliament, to let you know that they willagree withyou in all things, that lhall bein order to the prefe-rvation of this City, and of}.t.he King-- dome; and that they may manifefl and exprefli: theiiragijod opinion, and their trufi, & confidence that they have in the City of London , in order to that, they have this day pafiod twoordinances, The one ‘for the putting; into the power ofmy Lc1'dlMai0r,and the Militia of the city of Landau, ’ all thofe Forces that are within the ‘tines of Come» a munication herein London, and in thofe Counties I adjacent to it. t ‘ And they likewife have paired an Ordinaifce~ A for the putting of the Tower of London into the power ofmyy Lord Major, 8: Sheriffs of London. They have likewife agreed ,That all the Forces ‘that {hall be railed by the City of London, and are now under the Command of the cfi/tilitiaofthe City ofLona’m, {hall be Committed to Sir.‘ Willi- W4/ler as Commander in chief under the cj}/Ii~ litin of the City of London. Gentlemen, Iam further commanded to let you k1{oW,'that they willbe wanting in nothing, that may expreifihtheir care, not only for the pre; fervation of the whole Kingdomc, but in particu- lar for theprefervation of this ; City of London, that hath €XP1‘eff'ed greater alfecf-tion then ever any . ycicy did to a Parliament, or 2. Kingdom. IOHN _ _-,.; —- -7.1’,-_p .,»_. _,.s-u.../-—» \ L T°Y»e9l»fE{‘quire;,‘i ’ ‘His SPEECH- eular care,and ‘fence or“ every thing that in1a«y-con- cerne this City‘ , either-in the honour, orin the fiafiety ofxt-,e And to accquarnt you witha Pro- clamation, that is herein my han,d, which they a COIICCIVC to be very pernitious to you,V/eryfulll of danger, and to extpreffe a great ele-a'l of.wrath,and agreat deale of defire ofclorng great hurt, even the greatefl of all to this City-, you {hall be pleail. ed to heare the Proclamation read , and afteritis read, I lhallthen declare to you fome ‘ob fervatia ons by direcftion of both Houfes of Parliamtent, which they make 5 and afterwards I_fhall o1‘¥er to you lomewhat that may be by way of Remedy gnd prevention of great mifchciefes which this Proclamation is ‘likely tobring upon you, th air, - may not have that efi-'ec‘t_ which your enemies; and the enemies oftthe Kingdom do élefirea, L B 'riB?>* -*“-**V""**""".'."' ~v- V‘ —g-7 “ * ' ' ' "“ Y"L'oerd M Are} to R, and you the raft ofthei - ~ worthy Citizens of this great City, 1am‘ . c-aniimnded.by the Lords and Commons in put. -gflzite ofthat,W‘hich hath been exprelfed by this '-‘noble Lord ingenerall, fo tolhew you the parti- i 33ec%ém.bé%r%no7?7 ldfl did ‘I3Je_C§are«Our‘®)%ya‘lZ % Plceaflare to‘ 56, tbertg./}9o%zddA be 220,; fl'0p or in; . .——-§._._, ... _\ ) , By. the ,Kz11g.i [ A’ P 1‘0‘C1;i111*:1*ti0i1’ pt-ohibitin fi~o;1:;_ .,he:1;cefo1‘th‘ alt‘ €1;tErc_ou1-E’é of T1‘ad.e‘b_ecwE:c;1 Our ,c it_y-of wLa;1— J. T " da;4%a11d,othe:'%pa,rL\sQft;his,Our Iiingdom, ‘ uz1ti1I%otherdir€&i‘on% given by 115.. , * ‘ ;LcI> nd01i-iszmdirzivofaegthc i?’e*4-5-i’ .'»;J I, ‘ 4, t‘ ‘JD. ~ -5» I \ ; termptzon to [.?m%z)Iw of bid‘ Swbijééisl-, as;t}’:ey fbozggld tI‘cl,?Z'}(3ll to our, Cttyqf Landau flair/iemj . Cl0atI2e55IVares, or~Merc~]2d7zdi§e , lam’: tlmt they ' l{Iéou_ldfreeZy+' and peaceably paflénaitiaéut V any lct, " ixozéle, qr mo_le§%atio;2 ivbdtflae-'Qer3L IV,1jzcI2 gmcé audfiz-'oc1u',. unto tiqemflaatla i22*t72e*f:1many4,IVf0ntI2s} -AI. Tor'augI9t.tl2z2r ,com‘mryflfléi,TImtLal2rme»a’Zl‘otber 1 j§&ZI‘ts.. oft:-/2135 mar Akiiigcloin-, apre'1mlentfizé?ion_QftIm£ % ~ fi ’ _ (135 191.5]; 0)I6r'—-rules’ 512.6% 711713016) })d‘[l?_/Offilf - ‘£321:-t.7:>,".zz22cl-121-t7:vzzTt barrid 2§e‘Zaellibrz, tlmtit lmtb ; _ czflefnourzced ‘Mr c1g*c1‘;z'7§/Z‘-£776 'D7']£70cle.ki71£'d.0n3'j'. 5)». ;via; A &z2;t_}a;‘»1tg.g/£a2;g%r%aZlgf/22 pa/sible wayek topedce ; dzzdfi ~%7%¢t%i‘i4rfir”2erbfiW0twfir their 1024419 wdlove x . 51.,” . L §He;:e‘;z~s _bz«~t% gy’,ow“t t.c=mL?r* o:zrc-;§:_0;u,§9f ' duce tl2em tq Atlgeiri oé>'e4li‘e}ice ta I A %’Pr}cZd72za;-tiozz , beds % ,;ng%’Lga%gg m:%%0m>‘ 'CO‘ur; at;«‘iOXf0td _b'tbe,8.";day bf \ \ V‘* Y‘ ~",- - ‘'w--y__ " “(75 26 .their Sovemigns, id‘ zzofmhecoine the head. afthat, A tmiterom fttftion, anti the2r'ece_ptaele of ail/:;£(."i’3 M ’ cw dt/ajfefted ta. our Go":Jerrzme22t‘,h and t}’:*e La'Tt’¥S’\" . . . of the h_h2totL '1<)i2;z3}.: w‘i.iZi22g‘1;;I. e c02%te;-’f2’t*t' % mztl/z\zhmf‘zt5 ta all hurt/tent zmd ztitzpg/ttt0;_25" flayeti A _/ilpport zznci 2mz,i2‘z"teit;t72:fe ofthe “ ‘ ttpan th.erfn the . rehevlliom. 2Zr7_7?2t'es% mijed agaizg/t Vs , hut ?mt7ftCi— pt‘aJ@rep2*r)fec‘zt:tet and P.u}fi£€Sz1ZlftC]?zBh0 are hut /itfi2eE1ed ‘to _‘ tr‘). 02tr]e2{vice, Hzfihzd 2z2h;'2't e ” ‘Il7:égz‘tty_ing the .tlefi2e}*tzte and e deg-lo;e~ahZe‘condition > of Te‘opZe,e were grgecioufiy htodefi;'e er» Tjetzty fir an /fccoiimzodation , and propottrzcteci thcztgwhilefl that Treaty/hoztlcl Continue, there mzightjhee d rej]Zztion of./12'ms, and (1 fteefommerce Ouf la;i')z'22g SAtthje£7:s’irtalhl the pharts of01tr hI{ztz(gd0m,_ that the henefitt of Trade mzd hCom— e MEVCB heing en]\oyhed,t0ur good t’1'3eppl:e%nziCg;/at he the 2' more in awe witht ’?eace;fyet*t]9i5 motiohztt thu/5 pro—~ ceedt2zCr\;fie%n:’tVs» weshvzeézzertheleflethy/jaeczall £229- ~citationflomethe_ city “of London, ( whzch hy the Gmce%of 01,5 fetid ‘P.rtel_mnatio22 enjoyed the ad- rv:mta(g“6 of the ‘R2/2oZe.hTrfizJe of the ’I{i2zCgd02n) ‘ jtohzfitllgt Izeglefied the Enemies ofT'eace, emd e all mtercourje interdzfied to Our city of eO_xFo_rd,[ eh efizh 4 A the C3,)" tlpe 152/ejé*nt place of Re’;/Zcleitce fbr .0ur Coiart and * I l ./frmjl ,—mzd't/mi‘; ;1rq/Zraint is 'conti2mecll upon all ; tbofe wl2o2~are;?-tlabuglzt«to lre fer-'Lj’iceal_2lé, or.%L-Z21L{t:‘:*J ’1‘)2lell.-»cz;;fq£?%Le'c‘2l to 27.5.: W e tlaeréfore I2ei2zg;_tl2er(:untal- ezgfqrceelxout of tl2is‘necej],lt)> l,* aml fizcding itlmt tl2e’J* T;,%.élclc’.;alncl ommerce qftlje I(i2ggdom,-wlazcla mglat‘ l » £0. lvémmztairzecl the pulalique ylezeefitlrfczll our * good people,/135% ,5} tlais, 27zecz32s.li%7212extecl onely lféri the . advarztacge -tlag/é___,’1’lzice: , _and...’Per_[ons wvlaicb. cl2erzfl7,tl2l5;7{{5elli0n,tl9é Glooclsland l\4E3rclm7zclz°ge * offucla ‘wlm arel—tl2ougl9Lt‘ well-afififléd to /75 laeizzcfgf ; u2l2erzl,tl:ey_-are houglat to‘ London, llm?z_Je*~ ‘ tlzouglat it-fit zmcl rézfonalale to rerablie .,cmcl‘%2d_c>c_czll flzd 5 Otir fi)r'me1?fl£?0f Grace, mz;l_ Farfbour " tl2_lz°2s__%'.01,l1,‘l ’l’roclcm2;zti0n, I179 clo czzzcl Clare Vta all Our Subieéfil, Tim 312/aryéierlverl of tl2e‘m,ez°tl2erw in their 739%-1fl)mfl7dllfro272 l2ence]‘5rt13+ trwvell mztfo our city of’L"bnd<:)-n; witlvémflfzl-1 mg/éfrom our Self‘ orioné cfwar ?rinc‘z'pallSeCre; . ‘tczriar \of_S%tzzte 5 tlaje‘ Generally ,7 on Licutmzziztgi J Gene-1‘alls giwrilflrmliesy ortlae Goverrzours ofémj g l our~'1?>wr2s,lCaflles, 0["_.Pl01'l'5,.0I' ?)12itl2tolvci1* lG0ball';{; mttlcgl Vlflzmll, 31‘ Nfercladndige (flznyfirt '))7lmz‘a . j}€7§r'0c1', flmllfrom lycnceforrly trarvell unto; Q1” fir » , . «0Mf;' iiiir _/2:33 AL*z°i:)I Qf Lon don orflcéuréi t72eiré'of“fi2it7r-.! out our .expr¢j]? Licenfl fir t/ye fime% u22.de.r our Signe Mczmmll,flmll "adventure flaeflzme at tbeAi”r ‘otvnpelills ,? .,H/'3 l9ei2zg 1'flé1rvcd by all p0flZl9‘Ze 4 means to /éige tbe jiinze; find If/Jdtytlll tbq/é uz/20 L. fiom a‘Xzzypa.1"ts;qf tin?!’our%,I{i2ggdom/77cill or ferme %ou1-fiiél cigi ofL-ondon,’ ”ot"]iil2i4riié5 ~ tberéof; eiklver lay flu orlcma’, with any Viflualls, .. bl‘ at/yer "fP1‘0-'2/‘f./1‘0?1.$‘ ,- or with any .M2?r’c/2'a72"c1z"§e %toi.-maintai22- Atlzemor‘fl2eir=Trnde5 c::[lonCg\.i2Az%\¢9 A A _ _[/7411 or 196- con“ve_y'ed %ton2ards< the of ’% ~ London, toa;~PreI2:%zzdL?tI2e 9per£_/8:225, and ‘gm-zc£?*% :f ‘detain: I % at 0xfo_rd[thi$.Sc:ventee§1th day %0fIL:11§r,% in tlic flN1_r_xetce‘nthyccr of 0u—r‘Re1,gn¢.“"‘ “ ' ’ * fa!/owct/9A .~ « €103 .idetain% tine Goo‘ds;1mrzZl xup’o2z~fi5eéAJ} native " to V: lglggy . flmllw rec}etg've-our fartl2e&r4 1dire?T£io¢:is 5 V - Jaegeég/% %ctj]7i%1’i7?1g '?I7€37l;*tl?..€J' I‘ec?.i5*ae. part .fuC1o;,Goods fit’-{éd in ct,‘>2d~ fin‘ f'?§}3’£’i.3.' ~ \ Vrezvdrd. But _/£21‘ the, corztinuincgof 2:t)'2e’;,_<{%¢f’§2~ze':‘z2Je’£ - ~ .,\*T1_e%ri%’1?0rts, 0? ».Harv¢ns%Qf%t1zI?;onr%1Qng= f dorm ézot beéing 5?? 4552441!%7{65ellia2¢:.:again/Z _/7:; and from tho/eports to Tmde wit/2 tI5eir;1‘yfercl:;‘m%i=% %dizg fleelyinto gmy% _ Q_t]_361f part: mlaerefiemer .A be; ' ‘ _)Iog2d tIa.e;/ea/s,»beirzg 4\2n;§y ‘wit/2 Ks,_mitl9oz{t -may A ' \ > Lreflrdi)2_t .wl2azffie%r~0e}'. C1iV€I1'L1I‘.l.dCl‘.._0 L1_1t«Sighc Manualliafi 0 ur C omit ‘ r .1 J .‘*€Zéal/}zvb‘iibe’il<*ing- ,_% 4:- 2 _% -\ Fter tbé Procl4m4tiqn W; read, fflake tliefé have 'card_t111s Proclamation re:1d , tl1?e}reiAs=no . man but’i‘n the very hcai‘i’ng?of'L it,‘ mun: needs ag- P1‘¢he11§1§hal?'1C Is very~c0m_rary , not onel_y.tfo:t ”e ' . L . wealth W'Ea1'fh2111'd'§i;Ofite-jOf"thC Ci5Y>"b{!t: to £hePcaCe"* ’ ‘and Safety of it 2;,‘ T‘hiSf‘if-.1’g6n€}‘a11’_Id’0l1bfi{yoga , . d%Oth..§i.pp€aif to every one of°;you.; I a1n'"ecome1*'n:£ndedto m«ake‘y\oue of your piety; , of Lyosgree hm_1our= to; the prefentee ageJ,andeeAMonu1ne11e9 of allet-oi.th‘e fatmfee agey yug fome*p=artiCL1I’a*r :« L .Ohfe1'va.tions: The firfie that I flmtll px'efer1t’toeyouz is Jthis ,i’ That in this ProC1amati0nj”th*e1'e a‘-re terms; of yegrezat ' :afp'eerfi01.V,’ 0? e gfeatA> Infa1nyput.u‘ponx' fome Aétions o{"the C3t}7:,'f9Vhi‘Chfa&fi'0I]3 in"th~e11a«;;« felves are not~0r1”1'y ;warras%m1‘>"1y’e,' anfd7ve1‘y'?.la1uda'-=—= 'b1e,—butfucheaS W31-|_: be eevide”ncesee0ff' {your :vee1'-cue); are hCl‘CT.iI1 l’Cfp_f3(.fi'.“flf A chaytkobed-i’e»s1?ce~ Wwhichee y1OLT.? * have yfltwyn to the twb *Ho'ufe's; o€:Pariia?meent, in: e r«f:T;‘.%et«f‘t-«0=f‘ 7thE1t7'fide3_ity~‘Wh,ichyou have fl10Wnto -V to f!y1e:,5+-rate,-geih ‘ld€f'fC.T1‘dii!]g the Ptirliameexit from’ v V191-e x=;ce'of the "Mlar that is 1~z:ifed:yeup: é1gai'z1:{’r;_t1Iem.~ .; 'y®L1'31‘€ here ea]1e*deTr:1ite0urs;’n‘:Ly robe Ee‘é11ey='eheadt 6f 3 gre21teR'ebe1~1ion , fto bathe s1?0meeneto1‘s:~ofeit -5 “Ellis zu5iio:n [of yo.ur3,..I0 fullof Honourv,r3ze0F;]L1—=7 Price 3 and -of Duty, is nowrepre.fe::3te%d’h*é1*ein* t~he1”ee‘0d:’ous tiermsi ethzixi is‘.t5Iie firfili: 5‘? 5’ .e 2? - A rs.o:eheer=a,&ion of yours *whi‘eh*ise-.4 reprefeniteé‘ ' hereim veryedious termes isthis-, Thzit eyoeu 11;we! been re'3dy~-.by't-lac ya1our;, yet it is here odiou‘fl'y* reprefeitited. 1 ands vcrylfull-eof good care oF“thc;p'ublique peaecg,“ v ‘The third is this :, That you have vgivenffalfety‘ ; and‘p1‘O't€&lOIlhCf6, A ( bythexgood‘ Goveijntnent: ~ of the City) to‘m:1nyth:1t"couId‘find no fa-Fety in e = the Countrey, Miniflers, and“»o"t.hets, and For this- > i wot-ke of Claarity, ofHo;nour.,= ofpublick good; y.ou:"a«re tepréFente‘d hereto be a Den , “ 2i'Recepta- ele of .RCbC"'l'lS,'a!’1deT1‘21‘itOLl1’S: '7"’I‘hefe“-particulars» 5 are upon the firfl: head,‘ that your aétions, that are / ‘ vertuous»an’d.‘ l,h~onour‘2h1i: ,::-an-dwiorthy both of ~ ptefent thankes’, _and-’~of‘ future rememb.rance,t”to« the honoure—o”f”;' the',City5 they are here etc:-eprefentedi .- aft.er.ans~od-i:o_us manner. % ';The»f‘econ7d Obl'etva‘t:ion“ tl1i1t"Iefhé.ll.makc to r you is this -,-f '17“-l1:1t fame aétions ofthe sKingsl,ithat ateshéresifeprefentédsto you withfitce of Favour i and--oE»."Grace , gwere iyet1in'them'i°elves fuch -as ‘ would _ha;ve-been either fruitl=elTe to y.ou,,or would 2 have been’ “Full of danger both to you, andto the w;h,olc7 Kingdiom.‘ ' A ‘ t L "’.:Th'_e firfl is this ‘: That Peroclaniaition that there “flu-ould be a free Trade from all parts of the king.. dome to _this City, it hath :1 face of much Grace, but it was in a great manner firuiitlcllic : for note ’ tlwitliftanding this Proclamation‘, divers 'Carriers_ wererobbed, no‘t'one_ly of private omens goods ,, but of thevgoodsof the Kingdome-, even thofe ._ sP'rovi{ionst?hatwcrefent for Ireland’, they were I _tal§cn away: -_t,l13_.t is the‘ firft thing. V V v— . ., — ’ E I A " I3 “ ' . An other thing that >is i-eprefented Imta: i you; as amattefr offreat Grace, is5 That . the King was pleafe to defire ea Treatie fols’ i an Accommodatont A Treaty indeed} was iciefir-ed , but there have no evidenfes been -given, that Wee can beleive that an Accom- modation Wasiingieed defired , for though “(30minit.tees weer ‘feat , though fuch prQpofi- A :-toins were 0fiered,as*=Were full ofHon0ur,anc{ ffecuritiegzo the King, and yetsdid afford the ?eS11bj.eé’t.aif‘o, riefonzible fecurietie and fafety in Oying Religion, and liberties, CVv'hic'h the}: ‘ -Qught t0 defirefihey were refiafed, the Trev " A =~ty was deEired,WhichWon1dhafve been a fnare: . t0’yo1_1 ,A’Whi[ch Wouid have Withdravvne the T %"i1ear-its ofthePeoplefro111you*,fS< your abilities A f1‘Dl11~th€ Parliament . of raifing fuch fltrength 4 e* as Was necflary: & The Treaty Wasdefired in-= ? A-deed, ‘butiftheAccommgdation it felfe ha& [been d;e(ired.,5 Wee mightehavie expe€’ce.d.. at better Anafwer-toathe P:r’opofit?ions that were ‘_ :';na_de_, . , _. i . T i _ . AVtihird*.t‘hingi is this", it Wasireprrefcnted , ‘1ihat;§a Ceflation was prjopounckled , r thatthere - might have beene a free Trade to Oxford, ud-« der which all provifions of‘MunificSn, Armes, A Qandmongey mightfbe feat thither to Ihzenigth-V .en -your euimies afainfk you : Andyet this _here’hath putpn a " ifguife ef favour , and of e ' ygracetoyou. % _ _ .a . i V c l ais a reellrainltl of all trade} Wflnoh pfovifions‘, or e n1erc-ha5nd.ize } ; mull" goe but __fr0nf1 aly0_u’g, or Imu'l‘t‘ come to %you,: lthislwill neceflari-ma ly (if7i‘t.Ih7Q’1;1l'd take effelébintroduce a f mine‘, a Vv*an.t' even 'o‘f bread lamoijgft you, it" i in in“. troduce a ghenerall povertfbecaufel y”ourl1an-‘-- _ dyeérafts , they will haVe:”no vent for their commoelitiesyyea the‘em<7er!cheandize and ma;< nufiaélures ofthefiingdeme; they will beat 22, ROP2 x:e1ige,,that-lhalxrle lb:‘if1‘1 lexfirefsld agaizfilc y0u5~yjC'Li a ' }-.ha:ve‘been1’nte11cledas aprey to" both arrnfies, -.'_-,;-px _. I L firrp, zmtlfo notonly the City, but the Cotm- ‘ T__.t_1§ey Wi.I{1.be ex,ceed'1vng'1y ((l..i_PC€111.p‘€-1‘DCl.,VV’i‘4§ll; it 5, 1Farinclfswillnotebeable to paytheir tfeutsgtljte Gentry and Nobility be .l)1‘O.11gl1t H it_1ffi'c>“ as L iteceffitous 3] coriditiota _3;S the relt, Abecauj‘: a Iflthey Willebeet able to II1£1_l{€'\1‘1’t)tl1l11),_’.:{_”():lI1_ i %lOV~7_§1€— 5 ,' and this gene1jall- ’11e%cje,gener-al'l,. in tli;:it'1i: ,C<5mp.11eherfCl€tl1: £1;;1l;_i.l11 thef0rm€r , 1i0tie.e~' QW $.13 taken of.fom¢,.tl1at-were.Vs%el1:aflle€7ted5§3:if(;11iel ill afll6~§l€d5l(>i1e,—p:trt WOt1l“C'l have fc'a7ped;7th0fee . th at lth_€ly_;tI710;11g171t W_ell%:ztfl"e"6led‘,.la1:rcL tertnekl Z. the Kjng3fr_ienCls:,but here tllofe that tfiiy V T are W¢1_1 aflefcedg and tthbfe they fay 941:1-e‘§i1‘lj:a:}1_,. ,t _fl"eél,e,dI',/ Willbe. j;0y,ned togetller (ilftliies ‘Prowl ', Clamation take €ffe€t)in the mlilfclfiefe it Will‘ roducez. tli€.1*f(4.)19elinttl1atl:tefpe«?cit "exceedetli. :“ all the former: tAnCl..:IndlliVC1‘S other 1-etfpegs, FO1‘1t.dO€‘Ch etxtendnot’ only to otnentj t-0% have b€Cf1€, aCte»d in a niglit 3 .213‘ that ~VV()l'1ld" ' . liaV€t‘ld0I1€§lbi:ttl1is Will be 2. durablie evill smclf iénifchiefeg Whiechwill not be ;m.;Ver€d H, V G 2 lflingclcsme xi-_ -- ;, . C1335,‘ , . ;, ‘fiingfiorne in manyages, bemg hkely t3,y_‘ybr11;g< anuoni-'verfa1l def_u1ation uppon the Kingdome . This lam commanded to reprefenttto your e as that which is intendfeedifor a great rnifekieife but throu oh the bleffing of'G.od, you take‘ a‘ e rife from gicnfeg to doe tEat‘WHieh Whieii you-. §iave«fiitHer~to fhewed yur {elves very {award to doe that. which is irntendedt for uniyerf’ 21111». :miI‘cIieife'-,,to bring‘p.erpe_tua*1l Inifery :1nd"d"e- folétion upon the Cittyg it; may lie a1nean+e.s-u ref procuring for you notoniy peace at: d’fafe- A -fgty _-, but eternally honour,‘ that is tfiist, tfia tr Ifince your trade is to Be interrupte you wil-To liaovue mane - men will not have whferewith to zcmploy t eir hands, 3 nor Wherewith to E] I V their Be1"1ies5 tIiat'no*W" y'Q,11QWiyI1" fet them all upon tfiework 5 tfiat Be ore this mifery .aneI7 . ydefolation" come upon t ‘e Ki‘i1gdor_ne , yo_u’I"' ‘afaife allftlie forces‘you ea F f{J1'i't.isforcee1nui%:~ doe itg You fee there is aiCo‘m‘1n;gnd‘e1j p1‘ovi- dedfor you‘, fo youefee you Have ail" ineou- jtagements tHa.t {can tiee 5fi‘on_1thet Houfes e_ of’ Parliament: That now:youjI"y_11np'rove' the- .t.ime,~ and raifeall the forces you can, that“ .:mayremove die f'ountain‘e , and‘ goe to the Iootiofaflyout 1niferi'es,tHat may be fucli % force as may bee appficabfe to tfie fiévetall dangers of your I’eI7*'Ve3y and’ Kii1gdom.e5 Yours Enemies you-fee are veryWd:‘i1’i'gent, they i’tYrre~ 1z3e§:'9,£1€ 53n;Q§hCr_;\ and §"c0mbine.: one ‘with ano-=- 1 ;3ze;:;.. flier ‘yandjl h‘zW¢»‘h§ré in nafy okahd,-T=a1§o gszaini-‘~ nation» to’. atiqixziint‘ you ’ rWitMh}taken« beyond. Seas, wherein all that, would gorge in? q-gmdé ; 164 . ‘I ,' ‘ 7 liques in‘ England; they ‘ fllouldi *i‘;1:-fgghis‘ Was d"0nein F1zI_fi(?cfr.f5'f( ): =t1iey~-v"«rfiake§’ ig rifle“ ge-“ 1 nerall caufe of all %1t}ie'Paj9i'iTS1ii1 :§E31zgl.'md5"le’t {Is A that are ‘ofihe true.:Re‘Iigion, that «a.ref* of%e0n_e ‘_ V L and tiififime..Co'unitri§f,_:letus our rfeolves, , with aI‘1’<0Li>r "fir ength ‘»a11d:“11ieaIies'~toidefeirdf ‘,r}4)ureI{e1?igfo‘n5 grid 10" deféhdfour Libertieresgmd « "to défénd{°th"e« publique Tafetie: é9_o‘0i1r«E11e-; ‘ * nfies 1inite**the1nfe15"vers 5 and’ combine, .and _ fiirre Irpxohe anrotherg to doe1‘th2rtrr“v\ihichVem2yy: ’ ro]vert:h1‘oWfand deflrroyalfg T.;h:i‘s% is com"- ifiended to youfrom both Houf es of Parli :1-ii ‘ ment,You haV€exprefs’d Tuch a}i’e&io11s here‘ ‘ A tofore,otI‘ia.t We’ rceajfiriot doubt (that wee {ha}? faile in t1iiA%s5 There ’i§« folnéwflat eel-fe that will‘? ‘Be faid to you by anotfier ®en‘tI'emr2.n: , Wh'icE‘= are th-e expreffion—s cif-”Youi*7Ci;tie, in*fome par- tiCu]aTS3YVh'ie§h“;W;i-11 be regrefented to yer}, and’ I Ihallrkeavoe t'hate'rpart~to-.I17irirsVI ‘ifiaall en&.here,; Roping th»ai.t_y«o~u°Lr.nake a~good%ufe»e.;o'ff this ad-e; monirieorl, to Pcirre up Your f{e1ves' to ‘ prepare.‘ all tlie forcre y'o1:'=can elm»; your -m-ayf joyne to-» gether , under fuecff Corn1nande1*s as 211‘ e ap-~ pointedwto yortto cioe the work, an& to refiore your felives to peace a‘nd¢f'afet~;r in zrsefhortt‘ :12‘ rimeas may be, leafc you Be co nfi1med.5~ gwe any money for the reliefe ‘ of C:athf6;. “Wm"W’“7 % Ho _rait1a2 them onTI1u1~fcI2iy_}§~{i: % % V ‘b eing the %¢W%eLn iietih p'f"6_r,-.L(-;~ j ‘,5. A; "Tth0“fa%nd fife’ }1:111{1'd]redV.‘A%“f:c;)ui"t}'z t’fl1ree5 he being :1‘-tr Bridge:_ih; wnazers, heard ; roc:1amatiQ;1.mad“e‘in D;gtcI; , *1inc1¢r~ ‘ nds‘it‘ very well ‘that all p-§o5_‘p1‘e.~_ ‘.wi'thin¢ .lf[}ih3It% Citt;y,_ that ‘WQ-u‘ld.i‘gQ§‘:;tQ~ thfe-G0%Ve‘r— »I5§‘>ur.s hotlfi? 9. land.‘ gist; anyfinbfmey “to‘:§r.1'a%i1it%:%g'°I?x j§t;h‘e Rowafl; Cagtholiqucs infiyz‘ lzmdgtliey flaéufl have theire ‘money * répgaid A em ‘agaiiJ1e_&in.&: grcarcs timm W=i;hi:1any7thank¢.S.. 5 fl _[ * RT _ A - ; L 7:1’/.riz",.s’. E;%'2cat;;¢z‘¢;zztz'o:¢%az2zn_c. _ g‘ E- AID‘!/17 A"Zi"1Z‘)-1 fBf‘oI? _cE,. A %Vz;o%rcEc 1% J % % V \ o‘ i A Y Lord M45073‘ and "youlfworsthy Ge’i'a.é§~. _ t1€in€11s0sfth'1SH0I1O11Fab1e.Citie , the»! ‘ ijoimnoiis conceives to bee the onely hope- "’ ' —... —~.T . P‘ '._‘ _, ' -_ - " a ‘- . _ . ’ . - ~' .'~ f. j .' v 5 .. . . .~ » A- r --* .-, ‘ x .--—- . A V,’ V V .- ‘J ‘ I ‘ _ I. 'A " I _' ’ . . . J‘ ‘i '9 “ ii ~ ' ' -.' ". if ‘- ' ‘.' might bf? put unto ‘it, it did" deliregthat for ttihzit pugspofe; Committee might he'vappointed1t'o receive; . contribufions, an=d1i?t.a'11d difpofe of men, for: a‘pr.¢fel1t'art1ny) .1mder* t.h;€;CP11d1i&«0f filch ta i CPi~11f1I1_afid€1'3'aS was fit to ..‘()'@H1’.il‘'i1’fl7.flC5iCi. ,‘ to .196? employed for the refiraint of the Commoiti nemy. This Committee: hath inet, hath Confi- dered oftihis Noble " Gentleman , for :1 Co1n- * Meanhig, mander in chife over thofe f‘ort;.;=,st_,, ;;1i;1§tfho_pr=e- Sir -VW!/64:9; Tented him to both«Ho_Utf§s tag?-;+:1iaa::¢‘n:5s?:a11d Vmerg you have h eardfiiley 11‘aves:tpipr6*véd i0fiktIi1€i'ir choiceg 1 need not commend the caufe to you; it is Gods, it is yousriowne, I think I need not c0m:n‘énd-fthe iGent1smanrtQ.,y9u 9 Y?1‘1'ahfdiVE£ Caufe to ft-uftj.V.ihii1s1‘i: 5 125.2211?!’ i‘t11’af:" Work unto you, 3. WOri{,_-‘Wi1iChi the Hoitfe of fulii % I , <,I;8A 1A %fi;11meanes Aunder Gqd,t.2>«preferve our Rel"?-‘ g10n,om~ L;nves,our Ifibeirtries;/Land that which is left of our-efiatesis ‘The! CQnC€iV€; that if there fhall be a gcnerall an ~ unanimous Iaifing L pf the people bath in tfiis Cities, and in other pzufts ofthé ’Kh"1’gd.‘0mc, itwill take-+do%W1°1e {Eh}: jparti1ti’on.'Wa114betWiXt Well-afi"e&ed, and %ill-« _a =€fc€’ced5 Yguf e‘n%eniies4 will {pare-none ofyou, ftheii fbulllefsfiibe hot diffinguifll you , they W ;v.7o1.1V1,d'f?a1-vé' all; It is -(iJefir’d you would i11Ii.jo4yne;i‘nL?I_fn?&ing your >feIv;es, if it pleafe , you to g1.ve ydur befl affiftaqnce and fi1rthe.. rance , to that Work underthe hands Qf that ‘CQ1nitt¢e, IP.I‘.€f:um:.€ they will be very faithu % %f.;11,§'and%‘theyh:1ve heene ‘verygfilligent ‘in the % T yvorkegbut certainly [am of opinion, that ei,-1 & ;t’he1~you Emuft -'goefC2rt?h all, and méetegthe Ememy 2jzs "VafTaIIs Wifh Ropes about your nec:k‘e§ ,ox: likemcn with Fwserdes in? youg .handcs- A J£:NIs ‘ %flnmfWHflEp%@uHa % !643f‘é rAKpI4MENm Tlfiin 2”} £wi:arJz'rtg% W, . 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