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L. for Céri/Zapiber Mcreditl;,a1:j:;he xgugf, » %?»%%%%%*%°‘%% I t_11c%Crancim Pml: Chprch-yard. A “V1.64 5.1‘ % §;% $“I°5l“*‘&°i°*3"$°*°I°°$'+,*Wl°¢$*r°¥»°1“°i'>%%*1°dI“¥*~°1*=+’1:=*W*<’i°°i°‘*i°°3*‘=—é¥*°¥'%“«’£°oM=‘*I°*3*°I°‘1“‘°$°°1€°i@$,» % the gHoufe of Common: now aflkmélecl in ’Pazrliament.g.% ; ...- 1' He fubjccffc matter preféntcd %um:do you D in this Sermon, is Repentanqe. A ' 3 ‘ theamc that concerns you not onclyr k as you arc_P4r1z‘ament 2rze:¢,betr‘1;r&”ed A A ‘ by the people with 12116 happincflé of the Kingdoms, but as youaw“ QmtlemAen,betrufl;cd by God with imwmrmll fajuvlar. Ifi is aquefiion with Home (though with me it is no qiuewd Pcion) wl1ether‘% 3 win/{ed mom can be 2. good Pa»rli4meW mm. But I fmppdofc it isé queflzion With non«eA,, That thcgzo to hcllfor want ofrepentsuxcc, what % thc:11Vbecomco~fchc%Parlizz%mwz: mm For this gmcei ii7s— Qfolmelzy Mam »%*4ryA‘f0r your ownt[I%.1«vmi’011$‘*x’; V170" metal? a.‘Sy',v\tw%?t ubm_%i§% m:1:yth%e%*A1»eaPt crwgfe’ Em 31.174: »i3mpe4ni-% V Ha " ‘ ll ‘ 3 ' ‘ ‘ “ H ‘: “" “ .. M.-..a_..——» '*"- —"* ""~ ' tetttfirmer to getinto heaven at. And it is neceflary al-~ to for the p.refervation"”of the Kingdflome. For itis The oneZylaM)v,yand an infallible my todelivermfrom tbir * m_om—-dfiiwuring, a mad ye lansfl-devouring judgement tbatl zit A ‘flflmw ap:mm,_as is ptovedlloatllatge inthe enfuingdtifl weourfe. Ancltheteforel couldheartily vvifh that one of thelaaasettfionsa P-reached hefbre you every Ffaflingl day ,might be a Sermon ofRepent:mce. And that all out Pulpits might found forth nothing but the Doflrine l l offlepeatance and that this might be the language of’ every godly Miniiler, Repeat 0 England, Repmt; Rhee ” pew‘. It Wash once faichand that very truly, I fate?‘ alter‘- czmdamiberimi amz'tt2‘mr.laam fore it may be more truly faid of out ttmesx, I nter, dzfiutamdmn pcenitenti;z;an2it.+ timer. T he peogle of theCitie of London have almoft diflaated away t/aez'rRe_pentm¢ace. I have read of one that * longyfluvdying of Schoole--Divit1itie was fol bel‘ot- ted that he quite forgot the Lords Prayer. And. I feare that iI1_0U1‘lCl21y€S~tl11‘()ugl‘1**tl1€lb6dtQf dzfiwtatioln about mattersof Dz'fc:i_pZz'r.'e, F air/9 and Rlepentcmce is A much~ foligotten both by Mmifler and people.y And there» ‘f0lZ€w3lS it was the exdellencie cfourfirfi Reformer: (for _V§7,hicl1ltlheyaryeaeyternally to be praifed‘) to bring the? A .Di)ainitieofformertimes (which was tlnuchperpleml “ ~£dl,y?andaloio&lofiamongfl: the multitucflefotf unneel wtuaeflunt°a_e1winePvfiW Scritmte-e A l A D:iviz;;'T§iefi:=lyj.§l M...--—..L..un .‘.. ._ - 5w ifDii1=ieziti+e :iSo itbwill be the excellmcie ‘cf ellt/Jet godly ‘A . Minzfler: in Englemél — (for which Pofleritieevvilll bleffe them) A to btinge4é1l1it;h‘e multitude 0E the ulI51necefl%‘a%firy V queflions that: are amlongfl: ugto this gem necefleriimg of Repentelflce. ‘ But theneourbcare rnufl: be,that this Repefitanlce5be“a‘i right Repeietemcey For mofl: people ldeceive tbemfi:lvee lime bell by 3; fizlf e repente'mc'e.* The tngatureii ofllmaln is wonderfull prone, I. To tbieeke itlme eefiezrbing toree o pent. 23. To t/Jiflk tbeztRe_pAem!emce’ 13!? en ardimzrie common tbeezme, and tbezt it zilrfem eezfiematter to'nmke_ei semen A repentemc.e. 3. To tbinke tbdt iii?! in bzitpowerlto repenti wben be will. 4.. To zbinlre tbezt God willi be cantemeeli with e M enjflégbt repentance. 3. To tbinke t/mt little flmees need 5 no great repentemcet To tbinlte that be repeater/J when A be datb not. 7. To eleferre the repentemcle till become to A \ be old orflck. 8;. To trufl to biér repentance: and to tbinke to make Gold amend: by bzirtrep.-mtmece. All thefe are common and dangerous errors; The Lord deliver you from them. Remedies againfi mofll of them are difcovergdjin the following Sermon , whichlthough Ifuppofeyour multitude of bufinefles e will not fuffer you to read over; yet your miu1titude%%%el of buline{Tes4muPc nothinder you from theptefent, " prafiife of it. For hethatextufeth himieifefromprerk t A fem? repememreébyithemultitude of his imploymentglt ii Whatt ‘;hacd¢=h”hec1rc, amxc mews =tb€°Ydid; 143- 14- i3; that b1fought:%_ AApologigsA V V % why;T-hfiycouldnqc gocto heavcn? % j A Ydufu%fi3%i4res are many md Wcightic, yccl belééch < ~34 yomalwaies remember Chrifl:s fpcech, Lmk.to.41;4.z- . Martha, Mamba, thou» art mrefull Mom: mm} thingy; . 1W%on@* tbing t3 M¢69“Ml1-.% TheALordmak%c4you Sui-— dents Offuch things, Which, when well flzudicd, mil? flfldieyouinto Cbriff, mzd into heaven. Mofl: men fiutdy % things that Rudy them intocrwie, and into cmntenw tio7ns, and into things toAb"¢~repcnAtcc1l:o£. The Lo%rc§§ ¢ 4 ~ make youto flzudy that repentance which " isa, xepcn.-~_ %%Agg.g4cc flfiV_€l§ tgbe reapcntcd off. Scyrayeth ‘Your muchqifiligfefl V .®irituaH%%£&rvaza&J.%% Q 3En;v1l3 Nm 4CALM»xtr.. 1 v ‘Hg: ' V A am. . m a,.;i j‘Die [War m" zQc?;ob. 164.4, IT is this day Ordered by the Com-moms I Affcm bled i11iPar1iamcnc That Mafia; ./4/bmflsand Mafler Gordon, do from this Houfe give thanks to Maflzer Calamjé for the great paineshe took in the Sermon he » gpeachcd this day at thc intrcatie of the Commons at Sq Margaret: Wefiminfler It A being a clay icfpecially f'etapa1*t for a Pub- lique Humiliation ,.Aan%d to ciefire him to A i-Print his Sermon. And it is Ordered that _none fhagll prcfumc _to Print‘ hi'sScrmon. without being authorifcd under the Hand--; Writin g ofthcfaid Mafia; Cazlamy. ” H.E1fimg wer.~1=>m.D.c¢m;j A IAuthorizc CHRISTOPI-IBRMEn.1!nI‘rH,' or his : i ii AH} i man em. gncsa to print my Sermon above-named, and 110 A we ‘ H. . _i A Seimdn preached btcibrc the Homrawaz ids: Houfc:-of CQMMONS, at their extrmrdinary day" ‘ mi" Humiliation, 0fia5m~ 2:2» Efismm » Aéisii 7, veril go.latm~part., ~ A H ca-5---~‘Bz¢t.manv "cammzmdet/9 mil mm war} Wifiere ta Wfefit. A The Fonncr part runs thus, A ' Ami II}: times of this ignorance Gad winked :é2t,:9:Jt, &'c- in A L » i I I, Mong all the Texts time fire in the Bibie; »‘ __ i Minifiery of his word aimoit thcfe buns dred years:-3; but England hathturncdas fl?‘ 5 am to Gggpeaching, arid God isnow preaching repen- them is me one Text more futafilc toil” thefc timcs , than this, that Ihax/ci rcacii .. L-mm you 5 But now Gadcommmzduzllmmi ii war} Wfaere to repent: AAGod hath bean A. A preaching repentance to Engikmdby thc tancc-mm oncly by his word , bufiby thc fword; (Forithc {ward A hath aivoycie aswcll as the Word, Mic. 6.9. And the {ward {peaks i A ic>1xdcrith%crrithe Word) ' God is riding througlmut all Enaglzm-a1,up« on his red and bloody loam , thundering mit reipemamce i.w::»A’.=t‘v'J-’*:0»7r«’~?;. Vt And tht: ttim€5t0f1igU0Y€m’C‘3 Gad fl€§g1,5;fl§fl£?lA. atmtLt:}- fpifcd, btztnnw Gad hath fem: that G-A»mfptlAto yc)u,(,?xod taltcshttttwrgs; cam tn? jg-g*0t"E‘§f falvatimn-A" ‘ A A A A TIM: {mtg prafcrfiptiwt of Atimefmt Idaiattrgr tfififldjlipefflitiflfl, zit mt gym! atrgtzmtmt to waimtazime _ W the Aatgtttttmt that the: Athtnmtts brmttght againflt Pamfx dA.o&t'Ent, tuérfl >18. 7“ mmtjéemet/9 to 5£’At£fl’tZ;“fl7‘f07”tb af _/1',?”o31*1£'6fg06{¥’.f.. -Ht; 0 Z Aprcaclttth tnttwAdtat6tt1n¢tthtt cm: 't3m_mftth;:'tsA t1tvttt:;i:3ta;'t,tt>:§~9 VAE.-M that fQttAwc wtllnot kt/a2.tri<:tt1toAh1s deétmtttz. Thtt?»-Vt’a3Afh;t:2ttfgu« M L2 V « Idolatry mtmdfitparflitiam. Th§A$’wa3A t “ .3725/t? mt ttaitzltgg at 5», To bt: ttdm-nkartt, or an m:Euitt:tt:r,0t an tdttlatet, M &t;. _ttttt§;ct the timtzs mt the tuofpti, a fitmt: that *1}? (Std mtg ttmrtezt Da:§2‘._z, t D0534 t~ A A Amtttat the tlcswas brought Aagtinft 3t«tW2£ aAt'3t3 his tt3;o:t‘?t:tittt:% ,_ V 7 A ‘ ~AAIt4t Wt imw heard him flay , that this flvat/Z after t/atVcz:g]Z‘aa*t7m' A which Mttiés dtliwertwim. Thisitthc gY€&tfit£t£‘gu11t"t:fint~fl71A¢,1’a.§&ifi$V‘.’ tmm maitttaiméthtzir M21Aflfi*b@Ok¢5th$ii?adGr&tiQ1"A£3f it1mg,’¢S;£1-fl A * the tett‘t)"f" t?;tétit’ftt§xtttttititt In Eifutg EdwardAitm¢A{i;stt1ttttttlaytts, V . ;;:;Wlmn; tthatttigtttat tflebctlion was in 't1tr:tWtfi, the or1}t_Iy arguatint» *1 ’ l V mmW»m«mwmrlww¢" .‘ ':".?”«,‘1‘F:'*v‘v"hm-l V ~ ‘ V *4 ll AlSér79%a¢¢lWefl‘ém’fPt};»e Hfififiméiei’2’a!flQ‘?fC’a7#£7flé07z!l»m av- that Wasbrought by the Rebels to5upholcl their rehelhon was, 651 l caufe’ that ‘King ’£dward did enszleavour to hring in a new way of‘ viorfhipping of God , which they and their Forefathers did not know; And this is the great and onely xfeafon, ghat mlakes many pooxfe and ignorant people to cry down the Parliament ; and for this eaufe many thoufands have takeheup :Armes to fight them» felves into Popery and flavery. Anal all beeaufe they Feare the Par- 1 liament will take away their old E pifcop;/all govern m“ent,their old V Cathedrall fervice, their organs, altars, crofllngs of their children f V A 4 l‘:a£z; 5; _ in Blapgifme, and other fuch lil:a1£«:s mfm fimm the CE339§.§) A a=zs#m“.’eA;:casZted at goal: 9*£g;’9‘2:‘ iaamd, ta éwa ‘Przmrsa am £52-m'z‘.imr ta giw r:s*}7.«s;;:z';:3i-:»z::e to Ifm»'c=Z, mam’ fargivemaijfé 0_~f_,/3W6-?»-*:“,~.~ 1*Mfi'«..5.3I%. ¢ Hanm H ga<:7'nea', Ebat to bra: wiasfims ms:-: Eguipcig §?a:i_ ta .imf-2 émpanitcnfigi, 15; m finzrm s;ags:im’.’c fine Tmmrmmtzmm o£*'L.m1fi, 1% mm Ema agazznu: iwiouciaflzed sf é'.Z?4.*n:Zfli7*?.~,, It 13 t0 flaw: agaxnfi tha zrcf.m«:°;re'I befecch you, Afca;t‘chAa_nd A A your thearts,Aa11d conficiet how fattey0uAareArtcc¢j]}zr} ta tbeji:tz.r V t_aftIuA;"AKiflgdnm¢, that fo yettmay be Wrought upnutA tmely to at A pstfbmllghuttto a ParliemmtAla1tmi1ixetian. find iAtittd0thAappeare, ~ A that youAhaAv‘e takene moreAcerehim fetling your evvne ;Libetties;then A in fetlingof, Rcligittn If you hatve/taken eemdrecate te 5145141“ A _ , A yer aeme I3a.tfé.tA,then H'w:fi,“this is aVA6rjingj.?n.§ne; and: th_i$; A A e makesyouagca[er}Atot“thethet1fand hAfinnes"thtatt "ate committed in WA A A A ‘ A‘ A ~teAA t . Mr crror.t;t’ariAd%thefet herqfies are your ltareficx, land theAy aféjbflr » jinrmf, ahd God cals fotlawParl£»1mei2tary repentance Ftamt you‘ for ~ ‘them this day»-. You are the Amzémptifis, and yen are Athc %Anti- A A uamiant, and it is youtthat thold, Tim: all Religiam are to la: talc. mud; twist mlmlfme, ozna’Twrl(ifme 5 That the flwle id mortal! huh’ « lift: with At eg5ad],.@"v. Theft: are your errors if thcyfptcad by t yourconnivencc. For thcfinncs ofthclfoamex ofaldEl}, an; im. -putccl to old El} himfclfc. And when thc people of”J]5*de1l1AaAd profane-d the Sabbath, Nehemiah contended with the Nobles of ‘» Iemdazb for fuffezting them, and telstthcum, that-it was they that did A profane itghccaufc thcyfuflhtcd the péopleto ptoFancAit,N§s-hm. A l 33.17. to (had, and you fparc“; God Willrcquiret the blend at your hands. tAnti all the Brihrja all the: Cowfémge, and all the Robéarie: which t «latte catnmittcd in the Kingdotns, whichwutcan punifhand doc A not“. lthefe: atclall yom‘fim::e.r. A Oh that the Lord Wéruld Wntkc up A ‘your hearts to the mcditation of thcfe things, and that the Lmtd would make your hcatts»lil{e mczxe, and thit word lilac" the Sflfiflfi to malt them. ThusGod gals youto Tnpcnttmce as you‘ are mini; and to a mzrliamwt repentance as? yjcéulam Pnrliammt men And God cals you to doc zillrt-tthi§;‘A;~now, _GodA nawttt¢ommaAna5tjlttyou., mw totcpent : The tcommamdememt is now, and the Prafhfi mull: be mm : “There muftbc two new, thewma of the: Conggmaudem meat, and of that you have ht-afd abundantly.”-. but now there mutt bcalfo thcmmc of Obcdicnce: (Boa new commands you,:W t l topraétift this Text, For othctwifc for ought you know, youmay _ be inthcll the next hour: gtptrndvefzture you mayglnd pémdttmmre A you mayhot. But howfincver you put your evcI'la{hug cftAatcAtup0n ’ two pemdmnmre::petadventutc Godwtll deny thee.‘-.A*fpac»: to rev pent next l10Aur€;*;;0!.‘ ifhctgivclthttz fpace, pctadventutc God will A A A deny thee gtaéetto repent; And1€anyAA0fthete two pemdvenrztres A C “fhould happtn, thoutatt undonc to all cztemttie. Who can tell but A ‘ they mayhappcn? forA~(Z;$B'dhatl1thtcatu¢d,LwIQ.I 2.; 46; Tim: if a »tbdtj&r1,?flh,tfa]»invl9t3 be;trt,.Mjvt Lard; d:1ayet»b kit Acommfng, and ' A A .4 “ J3 ~ A flgall Thus aEo,allthe§uiltyb1oud that Godftcqultcs Ayoulin iLllllf(A-.‘dAAA . . « rt «thc filiiugdomcyAgaincylfyoudoe not lahéuttaccording tm ydifi-~ A A A tcluttct and according? to: your tpowat-,Ato'fupprcfl’c~thcltErréétxtlmd A A la ~Hmyie.r that atcttfpread in -the Kingdomc; éllthefch um-an-:,mt az3It[7 ax! Sermvfwéfiég/2&4 tor/9 9 Wztraéle Heufe;ofcmmm, rthe Parliament ._... mm- %% % ;,/.4541’!!! beginfle to mtnfifvants, the Lo)-def 2/.h.¢¢?fi°“7~zn;_;t % Vjwivll cam: in ad.AajV when he look:-tla notfir /Jim, and at m baflre when he :2 mt aware, mzdwi/I mt /aim aftmder, Sac. And there fore as the: Apofilc faith, Mme: 4. I 3%. 1 9. 81-? rzot,fa morraw I rm‘/1 go ggfm-;,_% g. AA A axcipia, sac. fizr what zkjonr lifif .? :2: it not even 4 wzpamf? S0 A fay QI, Say no; He‘ repent ta marrow, for It may be God will deny that fimtfa to xnorrow,’ and deny that: ‘game: no rcpcnt to marrow :L pm; A ?;A do: your ctcrnall foulcs A on a par.ed'aIent.¢zre;~ God cals upon you ta A rcpfint um, crvcn flaw. V _ A A A _ Givc me leave? to adde t/am.-e (Motive: more, and; to call them England: Motives to the Parliament of .EngWl;mo!,”%to. pcrfwadc 5 them to prcfcnt repentance. A A % A ' E,,g;m,d,_. three i '4 Firfi, t/9: anal} rmfiw W19] §od datb__natTrepent .91’ £195 will“ afpéb-A. orbs: Motivelv, mflmem :3, AA éemufi you do: not repent aft/aewzaill offiizna; L%the one- ‘'A*‘‘'’ Perfwade 13,7 raafon why God oklayex to mrm: away his wrath “is,bccaufc: you f E7: lazrzdt _ % % % .. % % _ ;Pm‘§a,,ce__ 0 Awhen W11: than Lbawmercy upon W ;£§“2zgL..e:aa’! when mic thou fgggigg 1.. f/yéatla up tine: Sword .5’ And God he cals, Hawlong, 0/: England 5*’ A A (Eh Parliament ofEnglm1d .9 when will you turne:A_unto mt: with all your heart P when Will. you repawt. ofat/I t/aafifimex, you cam- delay tomm: unto him. We cry out,‘ How lpug, Laréi .? lmia long?‘ m“andtIae K ingdomrc tp rape»): of? how long will it 6: écfore yaw be M jmzfbedfromj our %UnclmnncflE.r ? W/aenW£ll_ym rm?-:4: to me E w/gm will it once 6: 3 Iar. 1 3.27. I appeal: to your confcicnces :. 1:. it fit 112.1: Gad;/Zamld craft fighting ngminfl m 5] the Sward, écfvre we-A Aceafi fighting gzgazinfz‘. /aiméj aw /inmu .? But if" you would tame .‘unto;Q:'iod,.%’Alct me aflixrc you,;Thc,vcry /Ezm: did] that you tunic, 7 A God will turn: : You havc aVTcxt Ear it in the lccond of Haggai, band the cightccn}vc::£ ?Markc, the Aver; clay wVhcre%in, you begin to % % % Abuild tnyhoufc,from that “very 614}, I’lcpra]]z:r}aI¢e:;4% -Nay, 12: mg A tcllyomthc very xninm?c that you begin tolArcpcnt, God wjilrcw. ‘ As:p¢ntA;AAyou have a Text For it,.1£i". I 8.%7,8. At What inflant I {hail 3 ;fay,%c¢nccr»izgg 4 ndtiomo ,dafiro}Ait,8cc.%% If that mating»: mrm, 17¢, V» repmt of I/flazrill I thong/at todac unto them; As a pair/imailrca _pmtanc¢'.isAa mcancs to obtamc: a pczfiumlz ja[zrat£or1,; {o a napionali" V wpantancg is :1 mcancs to obtains a ngatiam/1 falzxatim: At that -% ‘very inftant that thou turncft f-iromkthy Emacs, God ”Will% fam: thy foulc ,:j:,=fo.on% that very day. that a.‘nation [tum4cs ‘from fiqnc, God ‘w1l£E9rm. fmn ¢his AAang¢r: !ivir€€€€?ér:t€=is §h§'r¢r*€fi=~t-We f..~x' “ A~JY4’:5°?$: A Nation, andthcreforc Icafl za P¢zrliameé:t;rej:ehtzvce“, %a;ANm‘mI1 ‘% w--‘-._. A aiarji t.5r:raééFdz‘mry’%14*aff,Oétober A i644, repentance. Thisisonc of EnglandsMotii;¢s, and it isapgwcrfifll A V” % A one : God mm kccpctouch to a zzéry day, to a way}; migmg, = A A A % 3 Secondly, T/ae;r*w-fan (faith England) nab % Gadéegm: tar, ;;';jA' A ; " AA af tbegoad that /at Aim:/:3 ée-gun to‘ déé firyou , 4:2: éacda/éyau daiipt % ‘A A % repent of the eigilljau /mm dam again him, If you lookc into the A %% W ord, you {hall find that ‘God is faid as well- to repent ofhisgood A A _{ ~ M A wbrkcsand of his?rné:rci.es, as of his iudgemcnts : in *I:r.A 1&8. rm. 4 A if} at: dag e*uifl“in mjffg/at,8£c.A .17: repent oft/aegpad, «I intended taf% % -A V a/aemztajara : and in Ia//ma A24; 20. Ifym dock will; 17¢ confirms‘ ~ you, ozfier I have .dam-joxvgaad. And we fee: by fi1d% experience; that Gqdhatb bcgunto lead us latevbnzck into the wilde-rne_[]7e aw gaine, andhath given us a grcatdéfcat in the %Wcff: VA Gad begin: toy» A rep.é"m:“oft/ac gaodw/sic/3 he hath done for m ;[ _and~ ]whAyr doth A God, doe thié? %B¢:m(4_fi: we répent hat ofaufezzilx againfl /2irA1$:..A (Sod Abcr A gins to carry us 546%, bccaufc we turn: “our észc/Q ta Goal 5 butif A . We: did repcntA0four1cvils againfl: him, God wmlddac it: good, am’. never repent. But England hatha third Motive, and Oh that God wwuldgivv: ymicarcs to heat-ken unto it 1% “ A A A A A ‘ A A V Thirdly, The reafim wk 41! our fafiing doth prevails no more Eflgzmfl thing V with God, is-A éecamfi we do: not iajne repentance-’ with oflrfaflingg Motive. ’ A - lvccamfe omrfaflimg da}e.¢g armor repeating dazjes: We have now. almofl: becne three ycarcsafafling; and we have hadmany cxtm--" AA éfirdinarj fafl.f,A and %yct”wc are not delivered. MW: "an: as Fm-r¢% fro-%m'"Athc end; aswc wcrcin the beginning : and what*isthc " reafon? ANM bccumfet/at way of Fxzflinp 2': not Gadnva] to Jamie .1 %.N4tian% ; but the rcafon is,.é:mufi- We 30: natfafl ariglat. Suppofi: ; A- not I, but Englwmdfpcaking unto you, in her iowne gbchalfc, and: A j A bewailingthc manner how Fafiing daycs am kept inxthis place. A ‘A I 77 A APm:Afirft,A youbring not your I'a/Zing apparel! with you ; Ahcrc~A - are manyofyou appearcain this place. rather in a Triumpbiflg mm, = than in A9. Pctii_tcnt way ; Awhereas the great %King. of:_1Wn:'wb, ‘he. A laida{idcyhiSLjl%‘0bc[s, and fa‘ did hisNob1cs. Andthough God re-¢-AA AA A gards uotthc4a:;t~jiql: fodmuchg; nay God fcomcs the out-fidcf V % = fwirhaut th::.in-jidaygt God makes 10 have th: gmt-fi4{:,Aas%wél1,% A as thcin~_{?616A:"AAwi’%Al£1d thA&n4againc,. N fg Asccondlyyherc ggggcat :d’ca1c~»o%E «fling. buf Whhctbis AA A ‘ A A*:’1*'¢=1»5~x?*WhcrA$9A isAY'-mt Mvvnw? Look i0I9%Ath¢AAAW°rd °“3°<~‘»~ "1 AA % 3;:.5,; [ A. .A' Slerlma7tAtlpre4chc‘t1ltéttI1e lflazaattrablé Hotlflf nfdammans, .—...., .‘u-...—-_...__. A Feel z. 12... A andtymtflaall alwaiéstfcc .Fafl;ing and xvtteping goo togclthct;“Goc7l A A {com-:5 yourfafiing. ifthcrt: b6 not Weepzmg yoyncd ; Turn: mztat _..n-..... me with allyamt hearts, with ffifl ing, (What tntsxt 9) with weeping mdttwitbl mmrmhg l\lay,AfaPclngf,AAtandfmourn§ng,.AateA all on: in _ V" tC_1-on-litfis {cutie ; in vMnttb.t 9.; ‘I 5“. (Watt the tcbildren af the Afiriaka graamc mamm.Whot1theBtidt:gtoomt:is with them? buttwhm . the Briocgroome fhallbc taken fitom them, thcn {hall they Faji‘. A Hare falling and mourning are put for one and the fame: thing»: Now btcaufe there Aisa great dealt: of Falling, and fo little weep» inggthat” is the reafon, why our Fallings doc no more good ;AW’e kgepe day: aflmmiliatiam, Wit/atom me} lmmiliation, and therefore Gafilfliai/‘716’J'0m"alajexafbflmilidtivfi. ltisa very {sad thingtotfsto ’ that in llclzadt ofmtping on a falling day, there are many that tumo % a grcét part of it into flwpiug 5 twfi tame Aottt‘ weeping into fleeping, ‘" we weary God, and weal-your f.=:lvcs;AA and in {lead of fouls-all fliéting, we afflic‘?c»God by our negligent atldrclles to God on that: A day. Were it not aflrangc: thing to fact a camlcmmd fl4(.«lafizfi‘ar,t ' A A while hcis pleading for his life at the Barre, to fill fall aflccpc, would you not fay, this man care: mt mm-la for 19:2: (:3)? P You come: 4 .A A hither lilm~‘1iam»nr repa*2zt.zmce»%.::‘%%% I-innc in our Sacfamcnts,%thcvr¢forc Gad cais fab a“’Sm~amenz- repay» A t;m:ca‘:v warm in our beds, in war {hops ;‘ and thcrefbrc God%calsE7 % ; for rcpentanceita outvfluops, a»n‘d% in put beds. %-%God%ca1s~to ~thc~?z?1f3- fimbgyr£:f;Z%fniflcr§‘toircpemofitzfgciffinncs; VGQW >e#z2»*%s «»* *z?1u1=m¢ly- 4 co%thcAA[peo‘p1c4at”0;xfMIt@Vre§:z:-:m:*;-Ma“ta ‘thcp«cg:3pIa:~,§%%jatAA Weflm£n.% ? fie:-,Ato tape-m‘;iAAG ea mzxt*Am»‘éiyVcaM%t;<5»the prerewded~“i;Mliama»a at % A 0,.v[ard; thee an accormt of that that thou had’: done: any where ,- and. e%hcrfe- A ,g,;?,A,;..!;a p"raat‘ImftaAAtthe I’Ham§raé~'le,..l1pufi icmmohs A m’ ca1sallAmAeneveryAw~heretorepent. And then agatne, otxfardgbntttret burst: ‘Parliammtflet W¢j?minfl:r,.ta trcpent : Gm] A Afilixtly, becanfeA;GodAs judgements‘ are every where ;. up judgements6llwerjToWne, every Cttxe, every Countrey; the " to repent am; where. . _ ; A; Thusmujch for: the {ibcond exhertatton. At A j A,_§£:fl. A There is tone Oxueltion yet behind whtch muiil: have an An; A ‘ A A fwer before I can conclude. A t A A a pa Some willA.Afay, What is that Repentane; which is the mm»: ne- Swmfd dev ,u+tcs efwrc trailers, and therefore God commands us A te:'ej]'.ar£:m”¢ For Englm¢dA?A and which is the great Cammmdemcnt qf GadfiWEngl.e~zm{ -.9 Is there anypmian that doth not repent ? A N V lrflnfwu. There ismuch talke indeed In the World, and“ much difputea-' bout Repantqnaa, andmuch profefiion of repentance. "And every A man faith, he.-repenteth. A But 1 feare that molt people miftaketthe nature oftme Repentance, and foam cheated "of their falvationt A A A by a rotten and falfercpentance. f A g n e ‘ AAA * ‘A th”eef°1d ~ I There isa tAhrce--fold mi/lag? ofrepenmnce A a anifiake of 112-3 . l. e l. a . . . ' A . l l ‘A Wmnm p Ftrit, Some thlnkc_lt_ an omxnam rbzng to repent, and judge of. A "‘ repentance, as fom_e rid.tcnA_1oufly_1uclge of maltingtheir Wils,whAo refufetolmake their W113 tn the1r.healtb,ase thinking it antoAmAm,and prefagc of thtLit- death. So many teAfiA1feAAto teptentAi»n health,f be- caufe they thinke it a works of fickneife, and if they fhould doe it inhealth, it would haftenptheir death; Thisopinionis not worth " confuting. A A A ~ t A A V Sccondlysplfipmcthink:it an Mfietbingta repent, and therefore deals with air.-Apantancap ( as one faitl'i”) as ceuntrey people do: with Pbjfician: , who we: {end for them , A till they be breathing out their laft breath. So many A}1'1€V€t' A tiainlgaqf Rep‘c11t4nc¢~till they 5: :£pa}#‘t’9eAi9jjfi6i,edtla—逧[;. and thenthey conceive that thefe five words, A l L034/Mvawtrtl 14”" W . A areas t'cfiicaci0usAA tntefind them tohca- A A vAen,; as,AtheBapi&As cnnceit, that theirfiwwawir qf canficration are A ahlepAtoA»tr4Anfiaéfia#tiate the dread in the Sacramantt; intop the had} af’ C/arty}. Meft people thinke it veryAcaficA to repent. It isx&attAAre~; pentingsfaith ¢gfi[A1AA[1cr4. But jthis Bar is‘ at ham’ 314%. It requeites ‘ l A <1mnipote§Ittpowcct GofdntQ.W0ifk¢tt£¢pentat)cee 2" AA_3«5.tThcrcfbmriteAis callsd atrtfldiflg atlftha ,i7¢fi77T7«’t‘e150¢1,_“‘:1“3i9Whkfih “$;3?”;£[?4fI{"“.’-f:W¢??.".<."§ and It plafigbingup ioftheg ‘ “ow, at 9...... t"alh5w ground efiout heatm it istaTrtmfwut:t:£m,mva ch-saga i ofthe whole man fttattft finite to God, which is no eafie A Thirdiy, and efpecially ,, Mvflpeaple thiathgg they wpatmg When. they doe mt. And}. heleevje 3 that the reatbn why to many gee to} heil, is not it) much fer want of repentance , as for wattt of atfight rcpezmtme. VVe read, afléix t 3. t8. of a repentance min Zaifag "amt V 2 Cam. 7» 10-. of a repcntaztrte newer to he rapentedatz : whet-Te 2302:: there is a repentance , which is mt mm Jzfe , and a repmmmce ta be repented om Repentance is a mate ieweli. But as there is NO e weii but it may be cmtzterfeit; fo there is no grace, but it may he eoutto tetfeited :. As there is a etittntetteit iéith , a dead carc3tTe~ 0? faith; ~ to there is 3 hafhtrdly wpezatmece , pcwitentia fiztrinz év new gfififiifiéifi myasi flltfiitt eais it , ‘Pamitentia iaafrzzflztoja. Anti ashcotxmtcrfeit itwell it ttothing Warthmo more is a mtmterfeit wpmtance. And as many are undone by the buying at" a eoutxtetfeit jeweilz [0 there sate many in he-Ii through the mihaite of this 1' twell , that yet thought,it may be, they had tepettted aright, and {'0 might all their: friends pofiibly thinke likewife. New theteicte the great quay: flion wiiibc, what is that repentance tmte life, that repentance never to he tepenteden, which if I have 2 I may afihte my feif that! am in the Hate of faivation Z‘ ,\ Far the anfwet to this, 1 wih briefly thew’. 1. What :5: not that repezatmzce which 235 mm 15 e. A A“, 2.” What repentance it that repennmccwhich :29 who lffc-.i it What Repmtmce 9": not that repemmtce which 22 mars: Ii 4:. There Sixe forts oh are fixe forts of repentance, which are net the right repmhmce. repentance, . The fitfi; is, Pharaoh: repentance. After he had obeyed God in Wh1d';‘ 3”’ “@135 letting the people oflftael go, hs: repeats of this his ghod aéhon, me”? as Exait q.t.:;.4T'hiS was a repentance untoa'mmmrian,not% uhtoftlm. ?;,-mm re; ‘wzitioit. Satxtiee fuch I have known , that in their young dayeshétive pentance , .-mt been zealous and forward for private Patis , and for all otherRe1i- '~’ifh"t,rei;_1 it §§i~ gious exetcifes , and afterward have Apoiiatized from thefei” 1"‘i‘i wayestnd iperfecutedthem in othetsgattid repented that evetthey ._t had been (0 iitiét, andizea1ous.'ihi§fl_iet3\a with-d repwtmxce. Thus A many tgfiayes (through the errant of their judgement, repent thazt%:ti»::m** have hem trotzhled fie much for tlaeirtzrtcs , emdthgt A be repczetea’o;_t,f:tA4t%i . the] \b“’...i’IM:'c=ra:zte’9*:17e:'¢.:‘ mm, and it drew him motto Chriiff 5 but to the gallows: Tmefrea _ 1 swam wt Aef W«VW’?d anwis €%1vvaxca,AmixWe*5**? ‘aw 1EAzAraxo.2;~ A A ‘1 A A ‘J; A A “ 'Eh@ I V? " ——-wuwv tea a-nurirutmm--a.o The Heathen ' l mans repen- tance , and when-:1n l.t‘fa1f legit A seemae lpredeleed to the lfieneeemlfle Hen efcommem, 4 A‘ The fixt is, The Hmnem m.ee¢«'.r repentance” There is in a Heathen man a natntaii confcience 9 and when he finncs againft the light of reeteere,tnie,ne.tura11confnicnce Wm éectufc and cnndcmnn him,anAd this dftentimes wotkcth ja Atteeenem/1 A ta‘-M’ marmi’ repentance. Thus when 34/exeeelerein his drunken fithad killed his dear: Eiend Cli-' me, 1,=fl¥é:n he wg§ lobar; lac Vitae tétanbledtlin confcitcnce for it, and V {ant to all the l'*c‘e;e"tal.l% kincls of Phiigfoplaers ( as it were to Q) ma-A A Any Mm_1&C£'$ )4 tn know what he might data: tn appcafi: his confcieg, encc, and to fa tisfit for that finne. Thus ‘Y’elema,wht:n in his drun- kcn finhc came tn the Schoo1oFXfenecetre.r,and heard him reading at fobrictic, repented of his dtunkenncffc, and became fober ever af"t,m:.l This Irclatc to the {harm of thoufands .01’ Chrifliians. But A yet this was not a repentezece mm lye. For here nature refimm mm were. Refined nature rcformesmzmre elromimzély profemd. Saéer Alexander re formes drusekm Alexander. Here is nu etzerniée to God, nopye to God: glor} , neferrawfior difilenfing of God. It is a, repentance upon natural! and moral! grounds. which is not a repem A mace mm heaven. Thus many repent of their gem£mg,and of their ~drinI(ing,and ‘W/daring; becaufc itdcfitoycththeir eftatc, or their A A A bodies, or their good names. This isla natut'a11e.rcpcentance, upon A naturall grounds, but. ngt Aa _rcp;ntancc unto 111%. _Thus you fec “what that repmtaneeis, Whxch 18 not meta lzfe. It is our dutic tn 5 e AA 2»: fceere of the ml mg;,as the If/"1-eelieee did ;_ for this is to repent A A examine whether we exceed thcfcfixfarte. There are many that are cried upfot great profcffors that come flmrt of them. And it‘ V mufl“. necds Aée et miflmble thing ta (gemefbort oft/Jo/e At/mt qamefiare qfkdflflfifio M It ig not enough to repent as P/JIJTJOI9, Seal, Abel, the }_'fi~ezel£m, Index and the'Hmtken .7'epente'd: But We rhuPc labour to tcxcccd them , and amend in allthofc things wherein they failed, Wt: muff not repent of onrgaodmfliamg as ‘IP/oezmolz did; but ofout luzdezfliom. Ont confcfiion offins muff be Witlajlmme eedeenfeefiae offace, with /:2eert~l2reek§ngfirraW,f it mull bcfree and valmtar}, mtfigrced, it be an /9%!!!/71¢ and fé{fe~aé4fing camfeflfoi. Our A A A Rcpcntancc mufi not oncly be rmtmzgd as zsllaezé: was ; but inwamf *‘ a1fo,it“mnB: be a ”reedie.»g.:gF tlaelaeert, a pricking at the heart. Sin A muff not only be omit» dalittm ,IA but it muttbc mdazim, Our Ree-=5 “ ' A ntancc muff not only bcforfin,butfremfi'n. We mufi: not repeat KM an exrmordiimry Flafl, Oét0ber22.l,‘1644;A X } ‘ ,l 3573 l A on: of fl-1:f§lo?c~e, and not out of law to Goal, Tlll'$7 Rcpen’tahcemayA ha in a maniltbat lmtlmza grace. This is to fear: 9;]! not finne. Neitherlrnull; our Riepmmnce lwz:gif/5 an t/ye; morniazgdew. IW‘e mull: not returnelto our mam‘: aftiér thelafflirflfion is over. This is taacfl as a dog, rim: as a C/arzflian; This will bring utter defolatius on, Ezra 9. 13... This is to mac-lg God who will not be mac/qeal, or; rather it is to march.’ our felzm into hell. Our Repcntanbe mull numb: omcly to quiet coxfcimcc, tazfwzpe ball, 45 Iudaflies mm, but it mull be a filial! Ewmgelicaz/I Repentance arifing out of love to Gocl whom we have ofl’endcd,‘andout of hatred of {in , and it mull: al-- _ waics he mingled with /nope qf_merc]. Our Rcpentafice mull A '~NowI come to thaw more particularly, what is that repen- arife not onelj? Rom Naturall and I Morall , but from Sxqicrnaturall andiTiJea[0gic¢zl! grounds and principles. A ¢l‘=‘lCriPt55I‘5 of true Re“ i tancc which is 2 repenmnccmzto Ii -3 5% n repmmm'e new? to ée reg Penmme’ pentedaf: What is that repentance which wholbcver hath,«is ccr-- tainly in the {late offalvation. V A V A A " ‘ It is a,golcleai For the hricfanfwcr to this you mull lmow,that true reps-ntaihce A ‘?l‘=‘*l‘}~‘= Will? is $1 medicine made qfC1Jrg'/is Hand that mull: have five ingredient: Va lmks” in it, And if any on: ofthcfe ingredignts he wanting,the medicine will not avail: us unto lillvation. It is a Glide» clmin t/mt muff /am/e five linkex, and ifone link be wanting; the chains ié oflittlc ufc. The five linkcs of this golden chain: are: H Firfi, Godljzfirrrowfar fiime. Scccmdly, A /amrt} conféflion of flame. A ‘ % Thirdly, xflfincere endevavgr toforfizkc azllfimze. Fourthly, Satzkfozfiianforjimze. Fifthly, A turningta godly! new olamlihhce. WhcreA evértherc % l l Histruc rgpentahcc : %FirPc,A ' A _ A - ’l % Thcrc: isgoalzfiv forrowfarfinm ; God hathticcl fimze gndfirrowl W3: goély ‘ % _ tcvgcthcr with .t¢‘.’fl.,o1’3l?fi¢£Z?¢t'i1$’6’6';.J4fi1l}’A'€J;‘ and a woman may as (com: formw. lookc tohc delivered of a child in adrmme, as for a. man to repent A 4 without forrow : fi:rraw"indecd is the drmgbter cffirzaze, but God“ hath made the daughter to émmemzex to deflrcfy téwimatbari; you imull not look: to to bmwn with plmf-43? W5”? 37011 mull nut -A “looks to dance with the dew?! all day, mcdfivp with Chrifi on night 5 l to,li*zz:;2ll}bt1rlimslangih Dalilabi lap, and A Athcn to go: ta Ahm- hm: éiafiime wbgnypgi die :A whcjrefocvct there is time rA¢P¢ntanCcm A A A A P 37 ‘ Athcxqg ‘umwwu .‘__;‘ .. v » ~""wr1w 38 A Slermlw preackeal ta the Haamzwableafloafe afcammam, H --u-HIPWCOUIWII there willbe lbrmwfor fimm. But this {arrow it mull be Atlwtfi ma sea»-, 2 C03'°'.f7.IC3. Afarrbw caufecl fCl*l'g'0dI;/;!;(§'; a fnx'row‘l ‘ mbrbfor the cxfllzncb done agaggmfi aG'0a’, tben for the paw‘/am; due mam us. It hem rapaastazzra tawzrwda Gm’, 33 ills called, ‘flflamO.l} . l;«:§:_~:;mfc iceyaa Gm’, am 19;’; ofiéazce more tlrwa tlyeptag. lnylzaazamt. It is callbcl a iamwating afierflse Lam’; 12" Sam. 7. 2. It is aamoaarmkzgfar Ckrifls‘ Wham we haw pmerced A9} am°fiw.:a:,Zacb.I 2“ 10., Not lb much a mouming for tlw mifcry We haves brought on mzrfclvcs by our llamas, as for the diflmnom.‘ We have brought to Clarilb Itgis a moamziazg farjiazaza as‘/'l"nwe,as it is afinfiwgm DEE, «aewr/imam 4 Dem, as it is an a& ml’ di/bévadimca, an 36% Qfzankimda mafia, as itjs an aé'_'_’c pafiatiag and dcfiliag the fouls, making the- ihulce aarzlifi Gad, and 15%’ tllsh? Dc-Wit’ ; an ail that Will Wing t/be [ml bra the a%=vil,&C. ‘ l a _ V ‘ l V ' - Tmbforrow mull not onely attrition‘,btxtgorstritiaaz, which 335 the grindifig of finne to pmvder. 4 AA rock may be broker: in A ieces, and yet be: lmrdfli/J. True fiwrowv is when our rookie: carts are ground to powder, and made foil and pliable to doc! and fufilzr’ Whatfocvcr Gm! ilaall requircat our hands. Iris (‘as “ out faith) anmi/ailaria mlamtatzk, a fwallowingiup oflllour owncll ' wila in Gods Will. And‘ whcrefoever there is this godly ibrmwg ifthe heart be dceply wounded and pierced with it; ~ 1 mt {Nona a Secondly, There” will be alfo trzaaconfifiom affixume. Even as a liflke nfthe 1 “Pcomach when it is-furchargcd with too great fizlneflb, it is never cliaitw 051% quiat till eafcd by vog1it:SdiF tbs confcience ba mm-rladen and‘ §?§,?,I“‘““’£2;rfi“”“5 bzima-fiull of furrow for finncz, it will never be atgesafe till finne “mm 04 1”‘ be vomited up by conlfcflicln. Sinus: in than confibiencc is as a A tlaomc in ammxfoat, as media: in tfié fl=e{h, or asllpaifblnfmll matter A A in afivreé, which lycth burning and aking with ‘painc, In fuch cafcsa A ‘l tbercllisaa nnlrafi unlcllatbc fora-5 ‘balanced and the polfon expcl- l A A led. 'Car.fi*_/]?a pecmti eff mediciwzpccmti ; (faith Nam.) ltiskzmv-A A-mitm fardiwm mzimaz. David did but puypofc to confellbl his finne,and Godlforgavchim, ‘1~‘fal.agz. 5.! He that lbidcth bis fins’: A {ball not profper, blutahctbat gzonferlllcth and Forfaketb them lliall have mercy, Pra.28.~13, Iuda/9(wblcb fignifictb C’0mfi°fl}'a72‘)* got; .§th-Kingdomafram Rméan. Tmc confcfliun 0ffinnb*lsla..thlc my ta thel‘IK£n€gz1ameqf/amvarm.&l In 'COflf€2fl'A1.flfl‘ we azvmfe arzrfelwfalandll : gwa i§adg¢%ax¢rfe§Ia2aa~:. .By«accaafmg'mr félwea; wa‘ put_tb<:l Devil WE; v4‘oF_ofl3c§e; Andby\md‘gimgwzrVfelv:JWorthyof dainnatiotxwa" M T MAM % —......_._ put ‘Gm’ mt afofiiw : or we iwdge artrfel-r/e.r,Wej2m!2' not fie iadged o_ft»9eLar§Z. M % % * A U = %This is the fltcond Links ofith: chaine. 4~»»Bu*t here you mufit rexmmber thatthis confcfiian muff not be likc: unto Sam’: mm- feflrz'm,%butA1ike the confcflion of VV£—2:.m, Dw2iel,Dmvid, as; was {aid butevenrww. “ - A A A % ‘Q A ‘ ~ A 1‘ Th‘? third 1inkenFthc goidw cbaine of Repentance, i:rmm‘z“n- Th _ . . A , A . % . e thmi lmkc Wmfifincere ’em7e*v.mr to fbrj flag A/lfirme ewrfa/fzrzgly. Alfipwwzn ogthc Chaim tmtifl is in vain? Wxthcut refipzfiefitia ; pzc:~:.~.*cyéAc+aa, fin vain: with» ofrepentanca, 0L1t,£4'€’3'c52/Gian. Itifi to rm purpofe m mpe11t forymr‘ flmzw, ‘uni;-{fa an inward 1.31% % you rcpcntfmwymrfiamex; for a man to fay /be repent: mffimm, “ea? £'~"rfRk1“§$~ and yet doth n.0tfm*j.?£1é§ it, he fiaaakcs an ca;atm:1££Eion. As for a 0 mm‘ man to fay that ha is change-& fim1‘a% afbaie to a nvzfimam, and yet rg. 1n'aincs afaa1e,h:=: faith that which isz: €omfmdiE?io;z5 f7o fin: .a man to fay hc rcpcntsofhis S wearing, and yet to fwearc: ;_ for fay he is 1‘-urrfd from his Adultery, and yet rcmaines an adultciwr, ‘he faith a c'ammd.£é?im : as Tdrtuliim faith excefiénfly’, He that at-¢=pent.r% wit%/mcamtmdifiian , Gad W272’ pardon him with at canmzdiffim .7’ them repmtcfi‘, amdyet gzamtimu;/3 in t/ajflnmr ; God willpxzrdcm rim,» and yetflsml that to ball 5‘ there is a pardon with ¢Vcontm*diE%.fon. % Tram repentance be jayned with an endevour to forfake fimc. Butthen we mufl: mzxxmnbar that thisfiforfaking of firms mufi have fours pmpcrties. It mufl firfl be inward AW: mufk put- away will from bafore Gad: ejea, asitVis.I'fm.%16, Wm muff dam that whichis good in Gad; eyes, as the gooq ‘Kings oflfiml are {aid to does A mm mm} gas to be/{far the inward dc/ire to flung, tésaugb /aeflmzld ms’?/H‘ commit me} outward 4&2 affizma. I t is not enough} to Areflwzim firms, but we muibendcxfour to marzfiieit. Aflian We/a;zM£n;:.cl,' is a Lion flill, Secoxacfly, it mufk -alfo bc jiaecara. A Twa tyhirjgs make a good Chrifiian, goad4EEiam,amigood¢£¢1¢e:.Though ag0‘0.d4i'm.¢ diam nqt make a éazo1’ar5i‘io;zgo0d, (M we fin: in the café % af’0m.«z/J) yet a éadazimg wafixagaod afiioza I:’vom’,as we free in the» - A cafeefIa1m%M V Wcmufc farfake-{inns not for w:mivldiy~re{'pe&s5 or % fe1i’c~endLs,% but %w¢ mufl: fay with Iqfl’fl'»‘,' Haw can I éjammit%tbz3 zrI9ing'amdfimne%Aaga£nfi my Gar»/?“Ti‘15'1rdiy, it inufi be &m¢i‘ver;fi,21l.%.. mm makc can§c?n=:nccAta abfkaine from awry finn¢,%Vaswp1l%Aas ' fgum a;&nx£innc. We z'.ead,Im{g,_8’go,3m.-_‘ that $G5:I5'!ea;: »h;;d jévwemim A fanm; M A AM i a—3SeW0attwAvbedt0Wflowvraéle llviwfe '0fCW¢mam,A A The fourth \ links. fatis-e .- f ‘fafiion for (in. V liiftightly hnderfiood. The Papifis teach, That lC:9r:§/5‘ éy./75;: am,-/9 Satisfafiiah fianxexwaladaae émjlard, and that ézaflard wars afterward the means; ta kill all ihisileventie fonnes. CE‘-ive me leave to apply thislina A fpirituallfenfe. Though thou ha{‘t fiamrie ga(:»d'.a6at' , at 6 '1 thou hall one éaflardgyflazaa which thou delighteft this lihhl: Will take away the benefit and corn-Fart ofiall 2‘/9} Fouttbly. it mull be cwrlaflixg.” It is not enough to» _/imae, andagfterwara’: as never to be reconciled. The Prodigal! Lhild never returned to his prodigalitie _; nu: David to his adulterie... ' W The feutth linke of the golden ehaine of Rcpcntanggs is/;,,,,;_,m fmilamfarflnm’. This is a part of repentance much ahufed by the Papxlls, and felclome fpoken ofhy our Divines; but of great ufg good i 4/infer, fizfisfiedfbr thegailt affimze, mzdfar the eternallpmzi//amen: 5 [wt 44 fir thefiutemafaaraz/lppxnz;/lzraaent qffinm Chrfi [aft that to m tofatzisfin far 12]};/664.1: ofPmamce /Jere, mid 5] ‘F argatoriéz barmfier. But thi; Doftrme IS talfe and heretical}. Firli, itis a derogation M tbafall C./9V1:flo ‘ H3 is 3 pcL‘f:fl:_ S3‘/‘igur, AT/oz‘: make: war] mm in part lax}: mm Smzioasr. Thirdly, this _t«tke: mm} the fi'ee::tefl7e' affargit/mafia qf_/2‘;mg.r._ Fourthly ,l It/2:2? talienzway all the ‘camfart of affliflianx. For ifiafflifiions be {aris- faétionsto Gods vengeance, and part of the temporall: cutfe due to finne,.wherc is the comfort ofaffliéiion P Fifthly, W/mt cl-mm poare creature comriéxatc tafaztxafie an infinite God .5’ All {atisfaé’ti-A A - A on muli be depraprizis, offome thing that is our owne. And What A can we giveto God to fatisfie him, but that which he hath firlt given tons? Befides, flttfiafafiian :2: .4 iafi proparti0m5la.Ncom~~ A A Pffifléfar W 5”5fi?’5¢'- Arid Pmpdrtion bet Weene the afiion of Kit afinite oreamrc, and the wrath ofan in mite God? A V farsisfaétion in a Popiflcz fenfe is aboniiifahleg hut in Zdcgllfigli Ortloodaxe finfé it isa paint of great confequence. A true iaeniu tent finnerawil~l make: fatisfaétion to Gad,to the lmrcb,toihis Era» tljara and .toila:';:§vzfa0%. “ A A V A % A _ hi Pirfi,.H:.- willmakg flttidfaifion to God’. Not in a Popifh fcgilfe; Not by tehdring up his Repentance as a recompwflttiafi t0 the in-, inlay o&?:re”cl totht: great God by i his {inne ; M” V were _ t V foal! am with tabefmendx agazxaag but we mull [0 hate it» AL???‘ CW:/3 “#4/Jifflttikfatfiioafar an dfaflemeili. yloiliififziéiériigé ¢1?¢I€W55”e”9¢ 0/d~~-Mwswhcn they hadtcomuiittedalinnc, they h 41* 4% 6'.t'ti’§1ar"4"z'fid7'y Fafl, O&Q.bcArlz2.l;w44,, A A. A ‘I wcfclto-Abring afacrifice, and firll to cpnfe‘fl'c thcir iifinncsiovcr, thg * facrificc; and then “to ofihr up thc facrxficcfor alprapitintian. Tim}: fizcrifice WM aitype ofclariji‘. He that will pmcure pardon fi~om = God offinnc; mull not oncly mournclfor It. confellc it, and tame Eromjiit ; This is notfufficlcnt to procu rcparclcn ; lbeéaufc our re- _ P:‘;~2tamce aAt.tl9_e%éefl zéfimperfafi, amaiw: mil}? repent for it/ac, d5fé~£2l_¢ that elm-we to ourirepentomae; But if we woul& procure pal-rd@n,l A » ‘ we mull: tender at}: Iefm [Ymfi é_}'fizzt"lJ ta mazlqg up the évrmcla rim firm: hath made. We mull repcntl, but not tmfi‘ to our ram‘ I pcntancc. He t/d¢3ttmfr'et/9 ta Im repentance makgs an Idol a/it, mza'm.szkg':oz Cldrijz‘ f it. We mwfz‘ not éottoma our film: .AZ£‘D0?1F¢':' A A p:ntoznce,éz¢M:pan C/orijl oamfjr. ‘i A A . ll A A A A, ‘ _Sccondly, H6’ W5/1 mfikéfiztfifwfiian to God: Ckwcb. Ifhc hath ASatisfa@cio%n magi ofléndcd it by any fcandalnus finne: incl will take {hams to him fclfc ti,“-’ Church 035 in apubliqqc Wa}’i0fr€pdFdti0fl. Fort:l1isApm‘1wfe did Dawidwritc (’° ‘ /9:2: pem'tentiw1Z‘Pf2zlme:,l whichiarc Pfa/mt’! oi ‘.AD4'z2id.r _fazti5fozri'7£i- ~ on ta Gaa{.r_[Ia1m*/9 for the ofiirssce he ‘had given to it, Thus Salomgm wrotc his Bookie of Ecclefiaffw to; malie: mrompmfzatian M“ the C/mrc/4 of Gad,iwbbick he laadwrangadé} his» Apoflafle. And Iltrufi (throng; (3 ads mémy) to fee: this Difciplinclput in cxecutionin E [M . . l Jghirdly, He willm.;z@f.2ti4f4:£iia7a to his ératkar, f?.£7I3ém'], %an~dA Satisfafiibn “to? tabzlsfmle. ‘ l 2 é V i ii i l‘, AA l j 0ur.brother.' A Pitt}, to his body. if thou /mji‘ Wrazzgazi Ila} éroiber in /9:3 gum. 1. To his body 3 inmwa’;w/sic}: 235 morctpfeiriam to him than his Zzifi’ , Gadwzi/1 mt accept in h.i5'£l°°d- A: A A qf ttijrepantzziice, mzlejfe thaw endézzmrafl to V make up the inixgrj m‘“"°" " than loaf} done to bisgaad mm. Many go: to he-ll for want cfpraw ifiifing this. This is no cafig dutie. For a‘ mans gazed mam: Ai's»lil4e>a% w/aitepitce ofpapm which when once blotted, can‘ hardly be made: A ‘clwme againe witbagtflvmeremaindar of dcfilemext. A A A A. So again: , if thouAha{’c wrongcdthy brother ihhis g’aocis,lGod A~—AInhis gbaé-3; will not accept of thy repentance, iunlcffcl thou endcvqlmcil: Awith %Zaca;%vem (according to thy abilities) to make: rcllitution. This is f Aia lcffon For all men, but cfpsscially for Smldiem to laylto lmau:t..A Afiecomily, he Willlmak 'Afatz2s_fkzE? ion fa bzisfimb.-. If‘tbauhal’ci Ibiin A AA A la Maiati mufe to make tbybrothcr fin, it is not A epoughAifortlAmc: rouxe. A M 1 l ‘N f _ M“ at A ‘ M «A ~i ~ e Asermen jéeeec /fled Mike Hamerable H wfe ofcommom, alone tn repentaburt thcmmufi: endevour, notonly out (if clyeritfi ei but out efiz¢fiz'ce,-.t0 bringee thy Enrother to repentance alfo. If than A ‘zhafi pcrfwadcd eweman teelewdmeflé, a m;anta— drmukennefle, ibis’ e thy dutlyete make the mfimtamreffimrian : a “Dee-'trin~e: little prcach- 1 ‘edyganed1e£¥e‘pras:E3:ife‘de ; :bllt.Of,“34bfQ!utC necefl"i'tie, in regard of tbyzx endeveur at leafiz dee it... For met qftkésfiwleflatéfefiian, mg... 9 ”;>"'y':‘fl..-. U I7 ‘ Sauefa&«1on to... f f y V Fom.*th*1y, He wit? melee fetzkfafliam to bifiwefi-[fie If hehath in-e )'ure&c.{; 19:2: beefy, byeintemperatc eating and drinking 3 and« his fame. by A taking me much «Eibertic in things indifferent, he Wilhakee a M by}; rejwngeuepwne himfelfe ; ofwhieh you {hall re;faol”..2‘* Car; 7 G I I‘. H airy revenge 12.: 4; necefjlzgy companion eftme repentance. This ho- Ky rev*enge cenfifieth inefa1?cing,eand in abfiaining fifem Iawfullde-» A eiighfis when they provcfoale-fimmx. If thou hafi: firmed by fie» quemineg fuch and fuch cempany, thou. mufle be revenged of thy A felfe by wholly abffaining from their company» I F thou heflrfinened by me abufe of lawfullgameafizc. thou muff ewh'o1lyreneunce~ them. If by immederate love of the world, thou mufl: be reven-I ged of thy felfe by a. greater meafure ofcharideeto the poore,Thdse~ Saint ‘PM! did em: down lazk had}, mm’ Zzregglat it intofiiéiafliamg @«c. 1 C'or.9.2.7. When Hilm-ion felt his A lufis boyling, and his $ A A body prone to filthineeffe, he faid, liga fizc£am,' aféila, at new crtlcin W A A V “mm, 1327211 keep: tbzkflflefiom. kickjng 6} eéjiinencem This pant of A j 7 2 r, tfepctitance is 1i*t"t1e regarded now adayes; though there cannot be A 5 tE_11‘“e‘v4repenfancey%Withdut it... ¢_-AV ‘ true pmitent will fie raweaegedcf ‘ % AA ljtkjfnnexmg Crammer was oflaid rig/at band, A wbicb be fixer»: V zflsrefire ‘When he was at the Rake) éecewfé with that In /Mdflvée flmiéedta Popzrie. Thus the Egbefian Conve_rm,e Afz‘. 19,19. émwtn 9 elaeir éaolqex éqfiaree all men : andthe we1ncnie“;f1et~ had pridedetheme A felves in their 1ooking—glak<:§, brought ethemfitothe building_"oFthe_ A “A Tabeemaele, e.E;1c.'0:7!.g3-3.. Thus ought everytmee penitenttoedoe. “much for the- fourth linkeeof the go1den—chaineofrepen~s g . A _ taxL;1ce.p e V H A » '. V fffiefiffi 11111416; _ ThefiFth,andla{’c.1inkeiofehegoldenchaineof Re*penta1ice,is,,.e ’% :T3:rning4 tffltof Gbd ~13] ncwfiejfi-..0f life‘. ManeV by finneturneth his, g§9§e'Qf:1i§§_ ebacke ugen Qdd, eanewandreth fii:gm.§odeeesethe %P1:edig'a1l (Shim A flame; ,,.——_ * at an Extrdardzlanary FM, Ofibbor £2; x644.' "“‘Ww A ”x43 4 o4 4 ifroom his féther. New repentance is a Vfitwrning Mévkg mm deaf. And Athercforo in the OM Tcfiamnent Air is Aexprcffodo%Annd¢r this name: It is called a Twrningmto WGMI. It is not Acnoughnto ccafo ~ from cvilhbnt Wc an ufl: alfo doc good.‘ As a man cannot gee Winn L one leggo, nofa bird fly with one wing 2 no more can any man mount up to heaven by forfaking of finne, if he doth not alfola-3 *“o ‘hour to mm: to God.» A And this is the canfinwmntion qfRnpwMW¢'a an& the hag7ipinic‘fl'o _ ofit. Whereas drybéedience efinmgeti: mt fram -Gem’, who is our light ama1!z'fA£,v, £22 wfisnfi prflfence isfnlneflé of £0], é~c. Rcjvcénmwe ,&;~izag.r M5 Make agaiwe into mzm, favour, and frie.;rm_’,‘Zv£p af Gm”. 7% ~ And thereforo Lather faith We“, That optima Aw’ ¢zptijT'£7m pnmiw M2254 «efl zwwz vim .: which faying, though condemned by Pops I.» tho tenth, yet certainly iris a moi‘: excellent {saying :; no Rcpenw fiance without rwrmation,“ is a 6{¢f07‘W4M-'30”; it is a Foundation ' withoutabuilding; %A2’Z‘f0rmm, confifiion, vandfaig/Taking offimm A n mitftzomn this tflrning mm God 5} /:alim5j]'cAqflz3jEv, in frm'tlcif]7: nrzd wzprafiméle. M A 4 AA n A - V And ‘thus you have the Golden Chains with allnthc five iinkes. Now Whatrcmaines : but - V ‘ Firfi, That all you that pretend to a right Repentance, bo per- fwac3cdn»tono'xam'ine your {elves whether you nhave V this medirine with we fizw ingrc-dient:,n tarhxlc gown nanlmime \ win’: :15‘: five =limkn:,, n That; are‘ foAmo'that will confcflc thnir finncs, but it in witI1"‘Adric:- oycs and hard hearts. Others that will mourns For their finncn, but not forfake them. Others will forfakc fame finnes A, but not all.“ Some forfakc. finne outwardly, but not inwardly : {mm for-'-— fakcfinne, but doe not tome to God : {omo foriakc finnc, but doc: not not make r~e.Pc§tution. Ifncbild be bnrnawitbnxu bi? leggeyor mww, or gas 3 we fie} n it oi; anmanfler, a dacformcdn child : vSm'.6,»v mmfirom kind afrepmmmre ma]? people have; 3 Some have a legge A ofrepemnmw; fomc have an mm bfrxfdentwucv ; but few have the Winnie claildofmpemnnm. nHa:«-And had a lcgge nafmpmnmAce,;Ine rqfar» in~mnn}.tl9ingA£§‘n‘bnt_E1isAzrepeg§:zn;e may Am a lame n..re;>emmnn. Enlmm hat! a "if"99P€?"W€?3%ai1d Io had John ,3 but it: awasibnt 3 Ga Of?‘ :4 _ A monflcra not thnpcr€n&‘éhigd”4 of ropnntnsnoc. Examkxon *- 1‘ 2; l M. J lJ1'.5':€fitz072MpT64€/Otwl-to the Htttatttélt Htttfé afcmtmtttt A andlcttzonfcience fpeakc : Htf]¥'tbafi $7“ ”’9i{d ofrepentatmf firmed‘ fin that with wet} limbo’ in tmtb, t/Jaztgla met an pet-ft fiian t'.' Say not A than repcutcft aright unlcff: tbourhall all the links uf this golden cltaine... n A [A AA t t A. t lSec0bncllY, labour t"0]J$fitA012fl7i3f' golden céttétta. tbs‘: day.-. It will bean txtvellemt ornament to Ltwd: A; Lfldiéi, and Gmtlcmett: The Lord give you hearts to doe it; Repentance i_s Chrlfls gift, be is at Goclsright hand to give it. Sue: to him f'or1t,andlhc willbeltow it upon you. And bcfurc to rcmcmbertthis truth of God : If an} otze-flinkg t/2:5: clmitte ée wamting,tIaozt cttttfi not ét/ttrvetl. For [am not mwbpreachinglof points in diflércnce between us-and the Papifls; or between: Protcllzantaand Protellant; but of thofc t things which all will confcflc tobc true. Jjftmy we of tlflqfi.’ ittgre. A tdiants ée am oft/at medicine , t/ti: medicine cg‘ repentance will date. that no gotta’. And therefore labour to thy. utmoll enclevour by prayer and all other means, to obtain all me this day.I fay,t/ti: day, 1 far thig day God ctzltgtantl yttt mfl lGt>Ktiv;’I£[5 for repmttznce,4na’far: prtflnt f£’Pc”72f¢«1i$’£‘d', and For a complete: repentance; and you call for mcrcy for your Artnicsgfor prcfefitvmcrcy, 6: for a complcat met» t C}! : Would you have God hears you, andgwill net you beam God? Conficler ‘Whether this be squall": AW0flld,_y0.%.bm’.td Got! give Jam ngaad rctwxt ofjottr prayers, and ml! not you give Gadagoadre. A Wd?"fl oflazk Ward? The occafion ofour meeting this day,is to pray to .6'3od,l that Gad twouldbe pleafcd to amt: am» Forum, for we kgsmw not how ifctonc thcy may be ingagcd ; and that God would be pleafecl tdfiglit out batttels, and nut to fuflir us to milbarry as wc: ahavcrdonai lately. VNOW. doc you, thinks God will regard your A L tprayerslthis day, ifyou doc not rcpentthis day P [tit not prajittg, A l‘Ah£1£.£jti'.I"~I/9£’pe?¢it6}¢t'19W£)'¢°7', that prmailct with tGadL It is in vain; =ltomtme_ym e/frmies, if you ?£'€rfltd']0tfl‘fiflfle.s‘«; [Gad lomkes _fm; V 5 *gp:t;itctnt praIycrs,. humble prayers; as Let the] ParliamcntMof‘~ Eng.-9 tlttmllncvcrforgct the 7. oflajbtm 1:0, 11 ,~1~2,&c. Get that ztptfiith A V ~Gi)_d,%tfl*Iq/Evita; wllylyczfi than 013.1,?-E graund .5’ t/acre is afinrt: com % A tttitted,land*=1i'1¢Atlnot ltttzre t/9} pmjc*r.t- till tkefimt 5:: removed : Let V A t t1nclParliamcntof*Eng1and rcmcmbctlthtmattelsioftthe{children