1%? es % éfi era fifl * A -London,Prmccd for Edmflwézxzwdk. Dflc; 33;. 1:‘ '«e:MeH':«*-‘mi % .¢:»*'~.‘zc:r"~.:z¢rA*¢Jn::-*'«:2z- ,w-Ho . ~ = V . » “ . .... ....f E. _’ . ‘ .. ‘ -‘ . - ‘.”g'« , ".’T‘\ . . . "v ", M V “ ‘ ~ '. ‘"'-M a~ .' , ‘ , ‘ 4 ~ I "" T ' .‘* , "W - ‘ . ‘ F“ _ ' ... » % . if. 19 ~ w - _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V . 0 1:‘ 0 , ‘V ‘ “ "5" *4“. 1-‘ '54:--.d“fi~o..-.a"fi .~-u'v'h"-u...--.1-"H."-V _ ‘-an-U"‘ "u. .nJfi"u:;'-u\m ‘Nu.’ ‘ ‘ -- . nu. - o -u. M . ‘ ‘ “*"'M ‘I’ ‘V The Humble, E S I RE 8 ‘R113 R 0 P 0 s I T I % For a {Cafe and ~W€U--g1‘Oi1n'd..€d PEACE»% Agreed upon by the mutual! Advice 3nd”CiOnfcm: A OF THE F ' B 0 TH. KIN G D OM s, Vmted Solemn LeaguAe wand Catvemznt. 1 PrefEnt_edi unto His Mn j 2 As tr 2*? at 0‘xJ‘§;2":J the “““’ ' z4.ofI" \ ‘ .~ W3 , H u‘ ' nu . W .~' ‘ my ,‘-1 :r,wm..L.§;.a. .- W ,.,‘ .3: ,:\,_; I ‘Adi J. I ;._‘_Lw A %[:W,m_',;.% gr mm %4}’>mf;» 137?’? am iwia Z;?”@%zMr ,Z?é2’¢zj.eifi‘ie; mm’ af A2“/ye deep 3- \ x 5 W1 A . ‘2;“”az£?i €J%fi‘m ‘J‘£2wme,{4fmi 436W Sz§!§;'5€%'5 Paagemd “Sc%‘;.::<.w?{y‘ F:?£af%"z2e’:m2fi‘1%r wmmm¢£fw~w A4 ” £’?*0p0';§71‘zw25J ¢¢v;1’3.:v’6.£‘} da /mméiy tm-=~ 6 Fem §“,%§ l.%r’?;?‘.»:?2ae'<2£>;?¢’~‘7.Z33r’/i"é~c°$§i i”r&c2,‘v::s;f3£:§esm° ifZ<é.:v- ;é%&vfafE’%a~;em;%§ ‘£%é@J?; :.gW¢;m7g(.§' Pam, azggrafarsi i:"ée';:c?A:*2*% 5}’ $536 ;>:“z~2:zf.%>2.i2".ri3.<1?,'ic'a»¢2%31¢z'c"c3rc:,fif?%t afar/be ¢P m—r.~.% $é7‘.as:me?z»2'i‘.e'A .€m£'!’aV I{£;¢§g'a’%4z:zr$ smiwd éy “;5‘o§.’c=z;¢:¢ fiéngwe fléfld gwam "A :w»;s«m $2? J§375’<‘3j,{f5’?9’33Q«i 5.2:»? Hz? fi»2*’'¢a_;;’e=.§23?iem ” , H Hat ' byi 033?. §‘~‘°*arIViatr2ex1t in each i<:s-‘fidwm rc:fp:€t%sv¢1;vg a1lA0:zth»%1%?Lcw ~ ’ s; . V M _ ; .}e:,:e;é; "jibe? E:‘€cmf%e:ss ”’of t*h_fi~ ;.;_ E?a.*1“’§.a*zr:«.m'sL*: 0% .:£’s¢kg%!az;m7,, and thcgizam ifyg §::QfiV"§?;31E.,i_‘Qfi, EJ7taiz:cVEa? iI1“?4S”c:¢2f!am:%’i.§ ma: ,,;¢ 1 .§téiVA§@;g:fmm4 %:%;%e:.pw;;r1;amm, ms @&mv@mV:im3$ " "M4,; J“ , ‘W--so: W ‘ Mfl'=I V:\ \‘ ) ‘ N '».:4:‘ M J‘): 7' ‘ea’ ‘)y K‘ A.""‘ AAggW;. ghs::m_ Q: . magi; pr¢)c¢mwgS3_% Os 1 %2ii”W3§~¥ in RVélig5’fQn: R f4Af”t6?'t%hi¢' 0v.¢.r: as wet gmes’u: f:hbtfi;4‘¢Kingid~oms“f4V% ** M A ‘ I A V; - ~» H. .: u "'2. - ’"“+ -J‘-»e“~ '4': ~ ' . ' 1. ' ‘ :0/, "", A “ ‘ 4-" , ' v , at a t» mm c a ma ‘ . ‘ V “ %\ . . 6"? "1 1% H; ,1 . (. ; r-' “ ‘ .. ‘ I. ...“ .a . ‘the “éhurzahu "1 ‘ ‘V ~ m%m;s::~ ' §ta.te;la"11.d’delt1cling tlic Laws * for thebettet $33.5» H ,coTvering and fpyéccl y C0fiVi5?:i0n of Rectlfitnlts 2; An0_ztth ;beteftabl‘3lhedtby of Parliament tube adminliilred t0 ‘them, wherein they {hall abjuretmdlreenotxnct-"tile Polpes,Slupte_mac"y, the Doflrineof Tljazlfilbfiantiztetioh, MPtxrgatorygvvorflaippxng ofth“eAC0nfecmted He~a.Pc, C11}- etifixlcsland; Images,:and all otherPopi{h 5upCrflt‘i‘tiO31S anal llExmr~s : Arid refufin the feiel ‘OAla:h5 being tendered in lfucb manner astflaall be appointedlby the {aid “A&,”tt53 be “a fufiiciexlt Conviaien in Law of Rccufztncv. ~ '4 5 ILA An A&,‘o“?I?arli_amen“t ‘for Edl1C:!‘tlOn ml the Chil« '4 J1-en gf Papifisfiby AP1‘0tefi:mtS” in ltl1ePrvtcjfl¢zm‘ Rellligicn. 4' VIII. Am eitfcbr the true Leavy of the penétltififs-H3» A ainfi them, which penalties to be Lcavie-cl and difpelfed tn fiscal: manner as both Hot-zfes lllall agree on, wlaeereie re lb: Previde,dtlhaAt His Majeft {hall have no leffe. A 3 .4‘ IX. V That an Aétbc p cfiin Patliamlelnt, whereby‘ A_th'c; prafitifcs of*Plapilis_A agalnfi the State may ’beAprevee:m— vtedt, ‘and the Lawsjagailfit fthemduly exeeutcel ,' and-fie. wflria:e.r eourfe taken to preltvcrfrt the‘fifayin:g-at A‘hearing«~0f A - tMa£I'cAlin the Court, orany Otl‘1€I‘pa1‘tA10“l".' tlhis Kingdomt ~ H X. lTlhc,lllifkel_f0lr the Kixe‘gdom'eol"Scetl;ma’, concernirlgl ' 4gilfefourlltifflp1‘ct:eAdingPAroj:2e>{ition~s,.,t%ln fetch ma-rm~e‘r4 35* l 4i@h*cE.fiZfltC,S:.0f"PA31‘ll3fIll€l1‘t there flazillthinkfit. A * XI. Thatlthe King (lo give His R0yaAl‘l ttlfent toan for the due Obfervatiovn of the Lo*rds- clay; l’ ‘l And to the Bill. forflie fx1.pfpre"fli‘oneeeof Ieen:1<§v;atlAtmAs int C“lh;11rches%e;lnc§lC'l1appc1s;in fend al:)0utAthc Wetlhip GE“ ‘:7 A tGo.d,l and fQ1"£Al“1-Clb¢ttcfadVanttment “Of‘tl'lA‘€ P1‘E°:tCAl*l4-Al Al l A ingofGoeleslht5lyVVQtdin;a‘l1parts oPthi's Kifigdom. ;A= _ H _% to the Bill againftthel injtjying of’=Pl*Lir3:l*itie5e®lf - l.7Bene£ces "by Spirituall pet;-Fons, and Nazi-refildemtyrgl ‘l . aéfitrldtlzo an Adtto be ftat11lelelAl:tn‘dagteecl uponby both" ; efAeax1iemeenel ,l:{S‘i*li5tl1tllA *Rtle*f0nning*an d R*e£§tl*lt1ti»iig A V05-e=« (:6) _’mf V’b%aii§"2 "Vi1i‘£§_VETi1itE.§-35 the CAo11.cdges C:f:Wgfi?m£;:fie;~g, v;rf‘2;25z;efim;nd.%”;£ra;:a _ » »And :0 an A61‘: inhizé manner to4be.A::;;;:‘rced upcm fcfvr théf f'uppr&zf'fi<).n ca?” 3'n:?£5£11i1é%:f1<1,§;9f;:1..-£;“«r"2f~ Af1‘§,i€3.’€eif9f_:.,%V‘44;j~7;;'f39:!‘s‘;%'s."’: m.c§r_@d d*:.0=1;§i"ar2:i4 §s=i§§2r:5;s}c§frJ4§3z3a::2r;%M A ( ; 0 % Anfi giw afiikzztzgmcfxa ..a:m%fcm,ng in t§*;;c:“T:??.a;r11a:1":ma: 4 ’ ;§”av:1=:?zfmm?5 aw anAafE% ratifiréing «the Aékfi ’~Z?i;fth@°€3~ fivéifiw * f E; ,@.:.22‘.,q b.r~a~4}$,g, gV‘°?*w:<,,g;.;f fimfi ®j E xi"; ,.«i:sa1:tt: €3.32; $2 ~:s”%0i‘.!-“;£«¢»‘v«« .:s&g, meg,s«:‘i%r-,. D;~’_$;3s+~ % ~e2»§es++.C ::3:fla;:«:1 A *.»’:§.!i‘j~:-iswqiév. :i.Ze;:;;f§?;, Md ,7 Hz 2 ,§.ji3.;y%<3 £23 m:§*: iiééfifi :/:~e::“..m:iz:ma'z..-:3. %f,mA.e.:_ EiZ.’w;i'.¢3 ‘ R ' {vw er‘ q ‘ ‘gr <- 3;" \~.:, Q . '4‘: ‘ah:- . -‘ |‘”~‘ '':}-‘Q‘¢£' ? “ V W. aw-4’ Vfifijafaifiii gfimigfi-izfiEc»'%i,iéim%*3i‘1§iii1s,1§.§1E3v”31';.z’5!««§«=v-»~§f@E”£"x?$:’:”3&3‘», %;t.«. A" ‘V zmfi. W ~ 7* -:‘-:n- ‘" ' J‘ *"n> ‘ I it an .. I V--: VJ H “W -F’ q ‘ lw H‘: W i .. C3€:3?=:f1a;’;ifV«:E€4.zt3£3§“ mm C<&z?fl*§Q,1§'g1EQ§€§ Eta. am’ Liz-<3 ' V“ V ‘ % % 975:‘ 12a» ¢ %§ L,1£”§§€3 .‘3'.'£ 0"“ «V % “ ~'. .. % Ma .. 3“ ~'*‘; 2 ~. WZ;.«‘~°;i E u. 4 E‘ n » a.-m.. -And t0_ar1Ai.C‘72.’ for;t;hc;;1§;=;ing 01* the Agmmpts thgc A A ~ } }:ITAg%That"ar1 in @@Jm‘sLV«c:f‘ben+I1A~.A:%d A f§§%§?g.§sfi€s:§”;§_1*&{pegS%;ive3y,; f:‘£2_1'%%€~0n1'3rA1jnati0zj1Qf“’~thcrTI‘m:*at:ie$.4V.4s;4' AA ;2;<§'%eibetwixtthetwo¢%tI{:n9.dt3VmS “W ¥~T‘fhe1a~i='.0‘c T%r<::z:+'A> * A t§%5~t%a'c&1a;:e:~~?F1re:aty far the c4om-xng of tha ScotszA1'my into Eng!4r;d,:-‘Ed thc:*Fét~t1ing of 1:11:42 Garrifon of Berwzrk ofs;‘§:_-_e 26,3. of Narmmé. 16:43 . and cheTrcacy concéming. Iré,L~m;’, of th’e6._of :Awgzsfl_, 164.2;”%% wu;:baHM 0~::her%Or,di‘-V na'hC~eé4 anda proceed1ngs4p;1{fi-id betvmazt €3.15 tvzr0'fK§ng-a d7é::»ms,?in pm:fuan%ce of'the‘fi%AidA4*f ‘1‘€;1tir;fS. A ML; %Th3vt« an Aft of «P';ii‘li£§‘~’.m‘<2nt‘ be paffed to make w:»id~ti1ei-"'Cé:?fi:ti‘9en of Ireland, andallr Treaties wnzb the A I~’e;;ebcl<;; Without confeynt of both Houfes of I3:-.m'1i;1111mat;,> zmdto {'£::~uI~c ::=heApi'ofecuti0n ofche w.:m'@ of 1'm’:zmz'%ix1 b~o;t‘hH’.ou{'cs 0ff='Par<1i:~z 31221 t‘, to be zm.nagcd%415y ,‘t1.‘]:e jeinf a.©é‘vice0f bothfiingdozns, andthe K+i:V1gto;1flifi,%4a:1d E0 1 do n0vAc5%%t<:: d§fC€>L1:1ten vacecrA11'1olc-3%{h:%h«:rn tlaereinf. I XIV‘. That an A6‘: be pafled’ in fihfi PV:z1*Iim1~:'.<~Lr.s 0?}. " bo:h*K£n. %7é!'0m»s 19¢!‘ civél fbr &f’c£iblifl1in'3' .;%<%A%i%=w*i;% A g - .. 3 - 3: - Deci7ar—ation.i%ovfbdth Kif1gd'¥E 1?:2¢2;r?1’«i;«z7s¢»*e«.w3t:A ar Effates oféilzfiex g “ 3,.‘ AZ! Perfims iv/20 have /1451 anygrézz-sqaim téf€+EiZQffii%fl~ g:T3:§{:€(?'.§'?¢fiv- ..,4'.‘.=.~ Humph rey B.6:nr1:qt~;Ey:‘i%*q Iéeahn.»1®emVu&d*ock.,SirL Gcmrg¢ \5augh%an3;; Siw-Lo~hnA%We1.d, ' m§,%é‘«rc:LeA¢~, Si-a?Io1:1r1%Pa,t:e,.*Ie~h.r1 Ackglanm Ed Xwmdhagw Efqzwimg :3;ir~ I~::0;1?141:=:1% E?i;;,z:h4;@rb.e;r&3m%_ Six‘Ec¥Wt%r& L»335}%13@*??l£3'€.,SZ'1f‘Ral}?hDUQEOfl,H€fl:£y Luagcmg: E Sir W11-«N Lxefl: Wesw:e_/ierflaireg T I‘:a~V«:1:A%E¢wfAo1lirtgt»m E»fq;uV 4 E0h;m;Gi%rIington, ~Sz'z:- ~ %E&‘m@.,r&; I+Iufl“eyr¢S 'Ehm?r1a:s LLi;61.d@~I~l1[:’£%{2~i0f;5»§:7f?*”V_ 1 gfzir whim af ‘NA:0;I.;fs;.A S-it H.~@I71~:-3; ‘rem? ‘E%bét#.ah,@n,% Sazir-A Ric haArd§ Mi%fivfl13fl,. Hhififlfif Eéahma :1; nham, E{§wéxes,:, 23% A E;d:tnw1i¢§ F.:;te{€~.u&~,% {’@.t;7cj1;~?~_, vi W Mxcfiael . . Irifh and t/zeir 145975”? 5- AA A ‘ ' <9‘) ¢ 'Mvic1;a”e1'Whar£5¢‘n Efijzqie, Sir 1-Iemjly S'p‘i‘l%Ier,3‘?r;%(’§:edrg¢A 4 »~'enyon, Sir Edward Nxcholas , Szr Edward Walgravc‘, A $‘z'r Edward Biflaop, Sir Robert: '5OWflCy,Sif John NjS,.:.::*zy9 V LO; fihg1m%e‘ley,S:'r Thomaws;APc0n, 3irwLewis% Dives, Sir Peter Osborne, Samuel Thometon E évwire, Sir john "Lucas,-Jo: Blaney Efquire, A Sir Thomas Chedle, Sir Niche: Kemifhe, Md Hu h Li.@yd.e Egjmire, And aflfimé gfmgj 3.7m,‘/7; Natim at! am. ccmcarrc : in the Vates at Drxfofd,agaizg/£tke’1?ifigdame af Scfotland ’;z.m4 Ibex} pra- m;»,;[;gg;, gr Mve war» 92* fidafiriéed tfie Declaration agaifi/¥ rim Crmrveytim djnd Cwtmafifa 1134 455 W65 £6-54:98 4/Ls’?/IP69’ A e ‘firéellioxs in the Narté, or rive Iaiwafiem imbe Sm}: (If the flzid A _K;'y;,1gdgm*g gf Scotland, 62' {be lmlnwfim made were by :1“ an ) Ami rm: the Mcméers ofezwer Homfl: ofP4fli;xnrm:twl:a £2123 IV mg mg), Jgféned {kg P4rlz'mm¢_t,ém lime glfb rm:-tea’ 692:6‘ I:’.i;sg.... damn T rayt0rs,,may 66 remwedfiam Hz: Majeflie; Caunfifiy; 1 mi ée r‘eflmirmlf'ram commifig within the Verge sf we Cmrtm Mdfid. war they zmy #0? Wiiiiflfit 956 Mifvice cfifacfn/2:3: aféaté Kiflga dam: éear my office or have myfilmplaymem cmaemimg we Swat: 0? Cémmzz-weal:/7 3 And alfiv :64: 1°15: Memém sf cit./yer‘ Hmfiet Aaf pmiamm, w/ya have dejérted (la: Parliament mid adéeau mid to ti): Enemies tbemf, am’ have Mt’ rmdred rmpzrm é+e-g fare z‘/Eve ‘Z4/Z 9fO. &ober 1644. May 56 rempwea’ fmm 11¢? Aiajeflzes Cozmce/1;; and}: reffrzzinédfrarza mmwxrg within ti}: ugr gfaftbe Cmrt, and that they may W ,m'AtV/yarn: we Advice ¢22d*Caiafmt"e9f 6021: How/Es :y”ParlMmer2t;§wr my Qflfirt of em any =Imj>Zaymem camerzzmg we State ar«Cammm-»wel4té.~ Am’ in A cafe any oftlazm flmll find zzfrerezfito éegm°'Zty,&f Mg/9 Tmg/Em, A A: Lhnd1iinc}zfaéle of any p4ra'0n 5y‘l:1’;2_%!4je3y, xfxd tlxir h,Efl,41}7£.‘$"i‘é3’ e 564%»: . V ,,, I‘ . % _[}4!e;N1sft/2e’P4rli4meht in S-CQt13U.dAV€‘[‘j‘9£‘§r;fi5?.;;‘£.*£’}3¥fl?fl[ft£v'i5i‘3kfl%'.. d bath -Hagfg: af1’arZ£ki5¢1€n2¢g"z%tE‘%1 gfandg ' or ‘#193 E» “5. fTl14t by Pdrlzlxmmt :27! §z¢a:g.;?..¢ AM’ Vaffiterstawafds W %:%;lggA Lawf Common and C'z'w'!1) mlm lww d.«:‘fl§rf€ci we Pzzrliammt, V . .};kd17er?dt9 the Mamie: fbmeoflae made invagaéla ay’ .:mjp1m:¢ ¢ A A I 3&0? §M§;g4;g4yg~g;fQfi'1:{€'& tmgrds we Lazw{Cammn W Cirv.z°l$z’.)A,mf A V ’AA$f3dtA 4! ergfimfi t§,CQA¢z$aQ_¢{{a?5,4m;i Azftia m’z'aa’5( Bafiars , Admraargya % Md Pmc_;"zfa9:.gjf'e2;f aw C2*?zzz'l)5r22”/ya have zieférzted tgée :34: lfaflfififiéfiiflfiél dd/9Té2‘éa:’ iaftb'eE%¢emée:A.z£vem>f,ée made izaczz ;4éie%& . ;;gf4myP2yzé7ifle in Me Lawi( Cmmzma or Ci-w’/Z) eisfier ixgmcélzke :99" in przfmte, ;4x&d.vfla:zt~t5£y3 am’ /zkézmrfe all Bifiwjvsfi C’;!érgf.£e- Awzefizyazzd at/mrf EccZeJ{z}g’%i5.xl Pfifazzsywafia énwe deferred we Par- . 1A;T,.,:;¢;e;2;, and agiéercd ta, tlsre Ezécmies At/isrecf, ‘/7M’Zz\ mt £26 cgzpméle ‘V :2f~.a;«zy;A3pr£;’c?2ir39ax2t or ImpZo;m'2s§2tAz’r2 Cimrc/2 or Coywsayzgzzeair/3*, .-wii/amt z*15eA advice zzwd cm ezataf éat/2 He:aA,@A.w§f Pariiamjem. A 6. ~ The ,Pe2%,'fi:«2s 0;? all qrzsm ta £z7e"f??z=”e of M per/Zmézzli Cm. fare, matzvixéfiandimgwany A6? or téifig dmi M, 0?’ A5o;mwzé:4g; J . V xi/21': AWczr.,tb:,jy_.=t;zki2:§g" 2:A6e«-;Co=vc?9:éz.;;»;*t.A A A A AA 7, Tire Eflatejof té9fi:"p£r[m5 excepted z'2zA;t.«’13.~2 z,p5rcéa 7! Aflrecediyg qzs.4Z=.zfi;.4tz’an5%, tofzéy pmizféke ‘oieézs ;‘m,:lAA dammzgeg, Q 8. A zfaz‘m';2.:zrt- mflwll mime of rbe JEJ/Zates “ of 21553 Perfivm rrzgzde i;az::zpzzHeA afzuay Implsymmt /«75 af5re- [z_z’zi',’ A to £25 ,i;=wj2loy ea? far t/<'2ep;s_;:.*~me'mA 9,5 :55 "M12 13;: amt: wad %kZmmzgAgs,, aacardirzg #0 3/923 deiiaraiiéiéi M A A V M A A ‘ ‘ V ° L A W _ A % JmiZé?é*:»?:.tg £3 ~.:Av7I.3fl:rZiéig¥A M z£AéA‘ 2?¢z>fioA;a: £5399’ VB,/Z9355 pf ‘ A 332%! Cammm 592-;[ca7§er.é..4z2£;%1 5*}:“§er' t}'i23 .f§°a:'€Wé5:vjfV ASCOt*1and ; gazgazzgazm .92 em-%ée%m;,%¢.mw; mo“. AjI;fiezti:2g%1§1e;z*tfiiémyA % h...,Afi,g;g{d2'[§‘,&¢,:«g.éd.,A_ A‘ 4 " % Tt§'‘*3WV&—~§41~‘‘3T 5“? ?a:‘.W' $’~?77W5J ,€{?§f$?f?’5* “fi5?”§— "M ‘ ‘ "=2: fa. * % 7dzi??¢e,g.w A ;i .% % % = flfifj; ‘V ‘ *.2.7o»§E:»dM 1%}: Per/ém afiflelinqrmats, Ma‘ A. wmner t/be cayfifcativfif Ffifzd P"0PW?W?}5 56fi3 9‘¢‘V zvzggzzianed 5222:} leawied and dpplyed ‘to 2% dzfibarge éf "[4_éd‘¢f.?;ggzgemexr§2T%'“ flmllthinfize fit‘. g j‘ A AA * , } ~» gdgom @f.Sa'ot%Zm¢af,',;% in fuchflmanner X V. That b‘y’A& of P&~f1ia”fl‘l€fl€ the Subjeéisof the”: Kingdom 0f~-Imgdand maybe appoimicd 120 be A-rmed.,; Trayned and Difciplincdin fuch Inainnfiras both Haufgé ”fhe1ikeforcl1eKin as the Eflcates ofParl iamem: the-If; {hail :hin1<4fit. ‘A "X VI. That (an Aétof Parliament be paffed for the feeling of the A’dmVTi1'a1z»y and FQrc¢s-at,Sea , and for th e ~mi‘fing of ifu+c‘h mozieys#;for; the Fr na‘in¢tenanC¢ Of the faia Forces, and of the Navy, asbfogh Hmifews of ’Pa{.fliam¢_z1t final} think fit. » . ~ AA " A "i “ T-he h's'mforAtheAA Kingdom of Smtlmd’, in {uch manner as the Efcares :c>f%Parliamen.t ch¢;fe~Aflaal_;1 t"hin'1;'Vfi;. _ V %, K V I I. An A61 for’thp{c:lin}go1fal1 Forms by Sea % and Land,Ai;1_C0:nzn_ifi1.oners, tOAbéf“n(5[tx1j4&1j1a: fcd by both faichfuincflh ‘to Religion and “Pa % an A . ; .*mV0ns,AwW Houfes of Parlianacnt, (ofp.erforis”OT;1’- "F éw?e%6fat»9ezWiké ziv/w=:9frbé_Kié%gdW!sTdA‘+W531M‘WW8??? s %:2zzy% Farraigfi Evrcegg z/mt flmfl prefl2 may force: nzzfid wit/dim... my af fire r<’mgdumg4 to t1¢;%w%41:§/?zkrlram‘e:y" #11:! Pz;£»I'z'qyc vPe2zce of Az‘li&: Kingdamcs, éy"4ny;2mtbarity 9:195/erA :12: gre.4tSe.e:1x at } . ‘gatbtf Wkrram‘ W/J4tfi2erver witbotu cwfimt of 53:5 Honfes of ' i‘Zw1?{lia;zzmz‘ in Engvland, mad the flare: of ' (be tfiméliammt A % mi;;§Z£;S§Ot13i1d2??‘"i5§fl§?({f..€QmflM_:fiiflZ?€flg‘qfMfl{35.~Kiflgdfim£ mam} A i 2 (I3) 7‘ of zlaey are Seéjefis. And elm 2n‘:/Ifofi. cafes ofjayutiece;i¢.¢;s;;;;4,%_%&‘ mam? ta bath £”iegdere5, W Cemwzfiiwersrv A58 direfied, Arne] time e[!,er fleck pert er 4]‘b7'6flrid,ta ea? med direfz‘ ms joym cm. or mifiieners of em; Iflingdbmer. 4. To erder z!2eWar af Ireiand, acrerdifig are we drdimmce ‘A A ef the 1 I . of‘A'priH,‘ and to Orier t/56 cjvfilitie, and confirm tbs P€4C50f3ogb‘3 Kiragdame af Ireland. XV II I. T heel-Iis Majeflie give his Aflient rowhae A the two Kingdoms {hel agree upon,in proiecution ofche Articles of the Iarge,'E”rcaty, which are not yet fiflifllfidy A XI X. Th-at by«*’AcS’c of Parliament all Peers made fince the day that Edward Lord Littleton, then Lord Kee-. A per of the Great Seal, deferred the Parliament, and tl1ar‘ A the faid Great Seal was furreptitioufly conveyed away‘ from the Parliament , laeingthe 2 I day of AMe_y, reez. and who {hall be hereafter made , {hall not fir or vote in the Parliament of England, without confem: ofbothfii A Houfes of Parliament. And the: all Honour and Title conferred on anye,withouc confem: of both Houfes of’ ~~P“arliamem: , fince thezorday of Me} , 1642. being the day thatbothfloufes dec:1ar€ci,That the King, feducedi by evil‘ Counifel, intended to raife War againfi ti1eP’ar-A- liament, be deciared nu11"*an&’voi=d. _ A A ‘Ther.lii{Ve for the Kingdomr of Smrlamd’ :, thofe being-:A excepted, w.ihofeParenrs wererp-aflifid the GreateiSeal be-~»i . ‘foreinhe fourth of }°zme;, 1 644.. A A A _ A XTX. That by A63: ofParliamenr,the Deputy, or chief A i Governoxgor other Governors of Irelzmd, be nominaf:eAd’ L) by both Houfes of Parliament or A, in the Intervals A of“ V or A Parliament, by.t»h€ Cornmijfiioxrers to continue during ~ rhepAiAe_afure-eof the ~f;1id I-I:oufeQs;or,i;1rhie; Ihtervals of Para i A liament,duringithe pleafuvre,oiftheziforemiehtioned Com» A ie mifl-ioners,to be approved or di. fall-oweidibyboth Hufesir “ ‘. A at their Azaext.iSai:ci;ag%_, Andrhat the Chancellor or Lord I J A B«773:»:_ A 4 -V V i ‘ Keeper’ A 4 e (143) H _ % . _ §pe’pere,~-vLofd Treafurer%A,% Cemmifiieners of the Greed A {eel oz Treafury, Lord Wa'rden of the Cinque-Pon-53 eChance11or of theExeheq-eer and Duechyfiecretary of .Sta‘iI€, egudges of both Benches, andeofthe Exchequer}oef em Kingdoms_of Eezgimegl and Ireizzmi, be nonfinated by e both Heefes of Periienlengfto cozztinueggem dire izeeefe _egefl%rine ;; and, in the intervals of Perlienaene , by the 3.- .free-emenmoeed Comrmffionereg re be 2.g3prev'ed or dif- V Ahallosxredbeji both Houfesfi at their I‘ieXt'SitZing.;e A Theiike for thei{ingdon1 of Scotlmd , adding the ] L1» Pcice Gene.:'eH,‘ and in fuel‘: manner as the Eflates in Par» eliamentthereefh:.1l1 think 5:. e % % X I. That by A8: of Par1_mment’the Edexceesiom of _‘Yeu4r Madie-ffie"s Chi1d_:'en , and ::heA Children of your Heies end Succ~efi7oi:r's, be in the EIU6 Protefiant Refigi-A ¢e=on 5 and that their Tmours and TGOW-:-z'nours be of known.Integri:y, and be chofeeee by the Parliaments of “both Kmgaioms, or, in the Intervals of Pafliement , by .,xhe afoeenamed Coeemmnffioner4s -.;. ea be approved or difallowevdibybozh Pefiiaments-, ettheier next Sitting : And that._,»‘if dzey be Make, they be married to fuch one- A ly as areof the trueProtePcant Religions if they be Fe- malee,~ they may» netbe marned but wxth the Advice and eccmfent of both Pmrliaments, or,4in the ‘intervals 0 e%P:2.r1ia’ments, by their .Con:1mifi“1oners. A4 max 11. Thac_Your Méjefcie will give sz'§u.rRo7ya~11 Wfiflfemzto‘ fuch ways and means as the Parliamenets of ' . Iboth Kingdoms:fl1‘a_11think fitting, forthe uniting of the .e Proteimat PriuVces A.e,%e amf1.f'0ret~heer1tire Refiitutioneeamd ..7'E.eefiAab’1i'fl1fI3e,¢flF 0fC'.5'/#715 xfioeaieiak ;1’1‘ifi_Ce eeE1€¢5°'5°1V‘%4P‘*‘13- é,inc;hV§5VFH§§TS‘g*md S.%ug:ce{i7(5rs‘g:ik)“%h~is E51661:-Qra”l1D”ignity, eveRi,_é,h:S aend“D0minib{hs,é..’ Pfdvi+de&,‘ethat i‘thiseexteende fibt ; to»? rince. Reyert, or P;rince.<;/1/Iaxaricee, 01%’ the Children of _ eeitheref them, -who haveecen the I‘n=f’cmmenrse ofrfo A ‘ V e _mm::h4 (15? 4 much B?io0cifl1e&and Mifchref againiit both ~I§ii:1gciomiw,i _ — X X 1 IL T 13%: by A6: of P&ri2e1I1enr—th€¢0nC1uidin§,e ei Peaceerr VVZ‘i1'W_1'£h f0r1*e2gn Princes and States ,_i be “i‘Wi!:h Advice and conrem of both Pa1*iiamems ., 013 in « — tiheinetervals of Parii:,1ments3 by their C0n“1miiiioner‘s, H X X I I I I. That an Aafi of Oblivion beep.’-zflfled in the Pariiaments of both Tiingdonzs refperStwieiy,rei;uive ca .ghfiC}£.§1iifi.CElEiOfiSifl t‘l1€i'Pi‘Op0fi"f:i0fl afoiiirefaidg ccmcera A hing thejioynt Deeciaeation of bflth K‘ingd0xns,‘Wiei1iihe &~?{g;€Dt.iOn of’ all Murciieriers, Eflnieves‘ , a11‘di.iotiie1‘Ofi5’en~A% -3 dersi, noehzwiing Arelatioiifco the W731‘. A .4 V. That time Mem‘e2e:*:3 of boeh HOi_1iES%Of Pariiwi 14 ii amem: , or others , who have, aiming this PiiA1"i'i€‘~Ii1‘i€nf,,..__ been put out of any Piece o‘1*Of‘fii:e3 Penrfion or B'e4<2efiz:,, H 7 for adheriing toehe P';1r1iz1mene, ‘may either be _refi01‘ed ‘A ehereunto , Oi‘Oth€1’Wi{€WihZ-lV'€R'€COmp€1’iC€if~()1‘tha‘i' iizmej , upon the humble "Defii‘e“of'"b0th I-Toufes of Pilrlianiezze. The like for the Kingdozn of 5”c:2z%[zz'1*e:1.i A X Xi.\/5 L. Tiiat me Armies may be disbrmdied zit ’iLiC'i1%i A V‘ e-ime,.andiin fucjii m zmner, A as {hell he agreed upon by the M P£i1‘i.iéi111f:‘1'1tS-O“?BOI11 K'i1*1gdOinS,«“Or.fL’£Ch as {i15zi’1Be “ai1i—- i £i’1OYiZiCd by them to that efi‘é«i?:} That an Adi be paiifed for the gmnting .:in&"con»- firming oi::,ti.1e Chz11‘t’€"rS , Ci;si7coms,4 Liberties ‘arid Emnchi~ifes“0f’ the City of Lan4a;2,. n_0cwici1&a,ndimg"ai:y Nom.ifer,Mifi1fer,,‘Qr £‘ibuIer¢.i A A 'mm the Miiitid of tifie cage of‘ mizaiiimay be in A theeO1'derir;g_andeGovemmem: of the Lord Meier ,%Ai-;- V e’7em1e~.n and Cc:»mm~Qns in Comm0n~C.Omce1l.afTe‘ri1~ 4; bie-oi‘, ‘orifiieiix as w§they,iflmiii 1‘mmf.eime to i:.i"me%;1p'p~o~int; —» where.0i?«the Lord Maii0raneiv~«Sii1e.riPrs forirhe t%‘imfe1b,eingxi ‘ 5 A 4 waive eh fee: And that the tJm‘iitizz.io.f 3 the Inn-5»{2:e-»s «em» €0i1t‘.Efii=9d0i¢ and the L1‘7b9€'i‘[i€S, Within “the weekly Biiis ms F‘. V M.0rmiity_, may%i3e..;~«L1nderC. theiC§3mm~e-Kidii;if>MheiiiL01‘ei “ ‘ I’ 91, . “‘ A IWEVAQ < m V;§o£e£xe feid Cfieiefiee be-onfiered iem‘”fl'ue.h manner as {hall be ‘fegreed em and eppoieeed by me Houfes 0f Pafliemenee ‘Thee we Tower of Leedee may be in the Ge'eem‘- jmem: me‘ me City of MMM e am ehe chief Oifieee ‘J emd Govemoue eheeeef fmm eime m eime be nominee.- ted and remoeeebfe by ehe Cemmon--Cauneel. eflteez the can zeee oe .€oeees 0fLam2jws (he! not be yawn. out e§ the Ciey fimo any other parts of the Kingdom, jwiehoee their own conzfentgand that the dmvving eff their eforeeseinm eehereparcs of theifingom in ehcfeudifiuea ~.— A ed times, may not be drawn mm example for the fumre. And for prevention of Ineonveni-“eneies which may eeheepen by the long imermiflion of Comman-Ceuneels, It is defire& that there may be an Acea Thee ed} Bylawes ‘ anfi Oedinences already made , 0e“hereeft_er to be made, Way the Lord Meier 5 Aldermen and Commons in Coma man-Coemcefi 'afl'e'mb1ed, eouehing the Ca11ing,C0;m:§- W, wing, Direéfing and Regulating the fame , fluali be as iefleflcuall in Law, t0 animems and purpofes , as if flee fame were pe1‘ticulefly enefied by the Auth.oeity' 0%” Pee» lieenenee emu‘ that the Lord Meier, Aldermen mm? Com» mcms in Common-Councel, may adde to, or repeei me feid Qrdinancese from time me time,as they fluai fee caufe. e That fuch other Propofieiens as {hell be made for the Cine, ‘Em’ ehefzr further fafeeyg welfare and Govemmem-3 ; and {hail be approved of by bath Hem?-'.-s 0fPar1iereeee3 maybeflreeted and Cenfiemed by Aét ofmrliamem. I New tlsarefere we iaezméfy éefeecb yam Jfifeje/iy ta gmeezt eisefe A A ; Propufitions w!:£elJ are prefemred for the Pmee em’ Pezéiiige-gaed ef T0m“eKingdemc°5. flmdm We tléerezfm zzccerding to our Tmfl £9361 e V « Derry, Km: regard M The Gfery qf G 0 D, The flggiet made 3:'Vei!~ ‘ efmre ef Tame People, w;S’e mes‘? we Melly eimemanr , Tim: Tow fife? A j A jiffy may [£7/e in :14: Spfezeder eged;GZar;v__ of few efleeyelz Peageeiewerea A» ' tf1iif‘a‘:$3iW7kI:6"3 éefgcmeflz firm» Raye}? Play; gndflignity, e V.>}f[_. FIN 2 S» ,*’7aie5r, Mdiérmen me Come ms» in Commtonec imcefe