. . In \ gm. ‘ A -.‘ i “I ’ ‘. I I f ‘ V $0 RDI N A N 013% . §§Lor&sandCommOns ‘\\\:»\ §§%%%%:¥:§2.%%%m=s%2I.§%t%2 3' or THE ”’ %r ‘ 1 %* V A % h Affembrhitdidh % PA RLIAMENT " For maintaining of tho Forhcesttofo % the {even a1Toc1ated Counties un» A der the Command ofE D W A R D ‘-_ Earl of MANCHESTER- cl ' \ %%«% B} a.W’ccHy payment upon t/zefaidoaffaciated Cazm— % tie: 5 to fiegin tbefirjl rlzzy afscptqmber, and to continue for fame Monqt/2: next L to ten z4m_;. as‘ k - ,«~,, 1: A .. st xi; , . . .; ‘~( A ; ,. -..~ _,-_ _ - .» 4"‘ '— VJ ‘t’ "~7~r'- $5 Lg: ;\ wwww g-:-—¢——-—n—§§¢ ' ‘ Lil;-s o. @- ‘ . % % Septerhzé. 26. I644. — ORdered by the Commons in Parliament‘, That A this Ordi-nztnce be forthwith printed &publ_ifhcd. § t %, _ H E{fln‘gé,Cler.'?drl. C0271. \; ' t ‘ N: Primehd for Edward Hméandxfi h (e) % ‘ 26% S’cp%tctfiBé‘i", 16.:4‘4.,.p K A tI)‘€ fifllmtififi Of Norfolk, if %i3ut¥o1.k E{Te x, Lincoln , any ad)”; It €2I:outttze3%’mi£I) them %f£‘ociateDu,%%A * 3 out of tbm iopaii tzfpect tn 15:5 %°é1'eI1te%, tI)eit:»piou5 Difpflfitifltl to the pcacef any r)apps’ne%ffz of this Iatngnnme; in chain‘: 5 emeto the must; of12at1&iainent,bm2e rme¢ 3 1‘éfi?ann tnaéntainen to the numtm sf 3Fmr+% % been tijmtfatm mzfc, jfnot, ant wzagsmnefi, ‘A 02. tI)e#r%za.buu«t5. , MID with than have nm‘ww%‘ zmnpéteat fmaéces. agmmt the fimnmatas m;%entz'z% , tanning much tn the fafetie sf the iéanghnztte; % mm babe alto hnugiat mamgsri 21z%n1zsmm mmnunitinn , mm mutt bum mazamlj 2:12 my to fwzmifla tbemfelbes mm; as train: sf mfliimic 5 anh nave been , aumL nmfi he at gmzat charges in;maintm’ni:ug; mm rmuitmg the fail: jFnzccs*, mtg fit kw. gazing, {metal} fiamfons, trzaking mm was J sting st" jfmtéfifcaticns, %ag;a3z‘:.w5«,murts'i* % nrf4=®ua,zDaiueb by the ioznz 3 «term mans in 1%&tliafi1mt aflemblen , am: by an: tbozitie of the fame,% £1131? fog theintents g purpofes afozefatn,tI)efeb~eeaii iheeklp fumg of temnepijeeeaftee in this flminanee men; " finetabie furtw nfmonep pmpeetinttahelee til ttionen, wait be cbatgen, eaten, tame mm he.» me upon me febetail mattnties, fififinzbineg tn the pgopnztiotts herein expzeifen ; 31:1): fame to be pain iuemeeklp tatbe febeeali ¢Eo1¢:+«= iectozfifie by them to the ’£teafueeeo; fteags facets appeoiztten by this wzbizeance fo; the eeceini11g1)eeeof; ilhatis to tap, mpun the flnump of Effex, theumeeleip [(1111 of one tijnufaem ape bunmen eighty febeu pnue:nsten=’fl)iiiizeg5. Mpen tbee<$omxtyeegfsuHb1xk, the ymgmp {am of one_tb:m1'annewljtbeunnzeh fehentp fine pounns. T} M e fliipme the (flaunt? of Norfolk am my of Norwich e, the meeieip few: of we eijaufaem eight mmmeh febezetp fibe pauemg. melon the flnuntp of Hcrtford, the weekly fmn of fixeijmemeh febeney fine eeeeeeefi. fllpem ebe @me‘e‘ttp%§ Cambridgég wee ea: ‘ W ' — 2, Te 23'? fix. 2' 9}‘ ’\':'."_1,'-‘re '12.‘-.3 ‘E “L, ._N_‘,., ._.,. ~ 4. . - - ‘ _ ‘ 9“-~’.- ...':_},_._.«» > ' >-UL,» Iv‘ _ ,2.- ‘ _¢—-91 , " ",‘ "' , . _ -hp’ .- ip farm of am i)‘mtmzi33 fi‘xty tma pnunfis ta; 3l190fltD¢.@¢°1mf?0.f Huntington» the IWR: film of %tIJ2% buttwoanb tbi“P%v°mws. flI1pan%tbe <$ouutpafLinco1ne¢ am my 3% Lincoln, ti): mzzklp mm of we tboufanb tmo bzmhzen zigijtem pnmms fifteenflfiliiu 5. ‘ ‘mpan’ the? 21¢ of \E1y,tI)Z mzekwfum DI twp A human tmxw my mamas fine fljiliings. /It ’ mm the {am mam; gmpments are’ ta %h!z:s 3&1 framtljz firiimwa « Scptembe¢;in‘t1)e me of am imam 1644. am :3 tucm1ti‘nuz meemy £9; fou¢cutm:et1)5’zwxt wining ftnm the fa iEJ fitfi‘:L0f September. ’ % ' j Qmnbe it furtijz“r‘azmu':aen,tt)at% ebztpmvi1fiA oz *p*zv£mw tijatnam tnfbe atfcffen oztazcmf by am? fnzmet fighiauance‘afeaaarlianmnfig {bail be aifeifm mm tag an by tbigs @;né%aaam:, a‘zma;a1tb$e iiabit in a.s*%gmat ffizfeitmies ea ymaitiw fafi am papé:a‘g,nfL tljefum og fumfis‘ tom aifeffeh, %ti3z§z%;fl)v‘ou1n babe bzen,z’:f $92.2 fammjaiak mm amen hpbertuc of ti): Em wzminsmzze fsqzmz%ihzek,1p payment fag ti)‘: fR iD%fi3:£ifl€fi0fl., fllflfifi fljfi 20-» Dfscpteinber ma: : finntbe fab%zra11 refpecttbz @apu.tp ficutenantsann ciltotm-ttittees ttameh sum twitch °mitI)tn the faip izttfociation 02 any amt tijeteof , by the fam vcctten @zhimm»c»c, 4 i to — ‘:—‘V(‘ ‘§ '--'A_“ I I - uweug at eteepmnnies, are ttameh ee tetzheh faeeh attthmety gtbeet by this ®2.mTtm.ntte, ta? temnitehte hem appoint mlieetnze a,etD%tfet':¥ tees , auetattu nttttaitte, the am impeifuet, ag fefqtee1tet,a5 they at any of them hah by here tueettihe tam eetiteh 2IDmtn=meee , in am at anppettt ntthe fetein atfeetateh