. Delivered m 10 the *~Honom:ab1c unfit’: _ _ Q igflyw ; 8%? iii, ;a:‘%1»%f 3,; . %**m,p,i%%**§%”»w“ié? w W E V ' a'U. ‘ ‘, ‘ s We . Q ’££‘%flMq -ta L ¢ N D of % r A ' $2 ‘ $9‘. ,, Cpl V / byjfo/mField £o1~T 4112; I: ‘ - t‘ H V. ‘ ; ) ‘w an“ V‘a Q? . . .. « pan. ' w..‘ yu._ In-‘. A ufcs of7’m'li4mem‘ the 24, V ramcabymuarscy. A at Smith hme4" 6+5. ‘ Vj *§*??§W%"-%-‘ *ava%*a'.1:v§W%°wfia:<*%?*§° képe‘ A ‘M 1» VfiloaA;'§A(7a+z5zj35ég;aé A; A 'mm>"m” %:’?9*eAc‘¢eai 1739. ‘*3 mad at -J1» in I »%af%iA;Géd; r/zy @a;m£ry%, in P4l£’,’¥$jV1fl};2g.:\.Ati§i5 7 " » in ;~mlmv<;/inaeniixa,eq¢éfd0é&r:aré:d?”in§f OW? e]wrare,3LAAALf1?alie 72¢‘ ‘vgtlw}@WdEl9W£k27,i76}aI1.€’d;L‘.[3£12i§;57@H?14 WA .[€3&110M]ié5:f§bW:K'ed:4:M?]t34:; Mt? ‘iii’? &u£&am7maMeg»h}€aA;wad2; Mwzd .wg:% ¢ éwfm;’%z'fl2 ajfimas 4arie*s ~(”e%.1‘2ei2\:lz«7 .IAA0”‘A‘/"’é..7°’?‘l A A they leave done: Lctmnot bam.’~rz;*¢{Z *»fiazr5, £0/.3}]pen§% aA7l)'»lA §t§b'£)IAA:vi..’7l or 4Anz.ayA ago; %i*i.;f'?} E/2z:'reA :3‘ A fin}, wig/3ofuAt‘ Lx; cauje, ~I.m;w¢» 2z:*€dz'cj];? IA-rm} 'Ai?A£i*472%t’~it‘ to"m’ak e‘ I.J‘t“[*£JIj1e;W2z5V%.,c:zIz¢:£7*.dzflz,2mr?tbu£trué: VGr'2d4,»le,A£ fag A condition, £znd,_lvqtAb tbi“1i1k ?.t/2:_A E6 £oAAtA/mtA« AazAcic0r‘~2li2g__,:g"ta“ lsima g:ztArln Lt?‘ mt and befl Amo;£el.~’écg «Ciyff/?éndam*Tmexe V~monetlas zgfpon $illet";gu 1&beIeefiAc2c there would M¢l7em4 tJ2e)'e; there" naw‘;ammgi3%%tI2em: A find remember 1pkofcAzid5 divid;ec]%canméi:A%{’c:rt1fl.;:;A V M ~ 4 let Vnat B:rims4~ m.£eizg tbecmwzlttibn fbm them in, mm am. Win.-cz..<;e:»,%%VD:Lr4 A fiAnAguli M Pugnant omnégs dewvincu “Mes. .1aatb&Z\Zatzan: A joyn‘%bea:¢rAhA* "d2id&.‘15a71d,—land abouca t,oI2:nng%1tgfcc§rjthal', A Arcccived atflfznf Txiismil Thatltl2‘uu.gh :this;Mo’m2ths Pay was fsramlféa tfié fflf1%.§ry,.. T Vfilf Z\7el3:7c.4fi‘Ih‘ir:4thf: lmlaymthlof lA‘m£I,l andin _i§wmr'.all of l£hzF‘6ezf§fo;" A nefins ‘mclmag paid“ lcllflern", notwm;:l'l?‘c ..mulmg‘I an Ozxlizzanac lp gflz :l}:;s:<_l lgfa zteftainingzllxcconllantpay mc>m*m%lyl._ l A A A V A _ . T _ l"l"i1:a,: in thelinterian they AgcPc«fi-::d Ehélfl\7'Jl“13’3gfitf{rC,lf1Af€l'?CIlfig"p3!'{i€S5 A ‘K Z0 lSr:.«.ar:€'ar.m,fvifi9nsA it 3?i;2p0;1;A‘ and-A befmé A200. li."'wogrch of‘=prm.;;fio,ns were, furnnlhed the. whole Army W-;A1sadvanced’lco§ARippden fnorwlithl7ta_nding_ the; great U dif- cmzragemcns A hindfle“ rf1+:ml..l , A l f Tim having up mom; to buylp»§o1iifidnlé,&°*Frée~q'1ar_térbeingdénied to: than bylrhe‘ Country Ith-;-rte; halving allbVregeilveddivc:x-sl "Advctfcifements, cha:Ai:lWa§,~tl1c; anemic; ,ref91~u§:i§£::ol‘apply.:tgc1rl%grc%atcP; ltrungsh Nq,n;h.; A ,/ I ‘_ :heylAhad«from the r Ar?» zhhcry and Axnmx;z~.amm%V,Awh>ch w~m3%a%;{oiu:ciyV%;r;; cefizry formcm, 'bt".’il;’!g ' much weaVke%i*.Ain%hor4i"e%{hen the ‘Emmy; in vvkgoit: power it:%w1:>u’d beta . cu: wt? Al pnmlfitms fromthcm ;‘ argdf by ;h:;ir Lem?:rs4 :31‘ thewqfi. fen: to.“ in :h§V%‘Ay}»:flureusoi"t~eirfL1llrc‘io;u:§un§mxmr4ch S:ou:l=1ward%Lxpon foyna. A A «;«ou1_id«3 F<:sf" f1ac»gu>t%*',- given t“ii¢?ir2'a‘.bA§.ffllfztiexs from Toe~/?§concem.ingV'thAe fim-Ag. ;n#1hAA%%; :hefep.ov%”a;imzs m:i&~C,.xrxi..»g&s,A.0? Aw;hich% it“‘appc3AI§ fincethey 1 That: Am: Crd:_:r_s afxbrr E1 I-§ou"é€ for the Countt_eys~aff0rding }ftht.‘_tn frceA%‘ B»iHAt.*!',_}r')A;;:{£.§”d u.po%n’;h. 1.0, M flier]; wA-thou: ‘any anfwer E0 the ‘rd’: “Ufa” A tLc:?§rdc:{ires4, A :i_z5s.d was u~n.r away L1~‘mn% the I 1». ofthe inihnt. V A A H11’?C0,mZ€hnir:gmc*!1~fii‘t;ina;e:w L c%x?..Wi1:.’Lorhem, thcuC'ommirtee of H bc;%t.l1;Kingdgms%¢ Tim“ M 6 h.w_;r*2,gA17%At’:u<:iv:.ciA I:nréIl':gc1-‘inc c.:fah€ Kin gs 1§*iar'<:h--‘A ifig from Oxferd ct%Warc;A[z‘e , and :1dv'é:r:zfe4mt*11t of hi5d.*;fi‘gm: tCJ:m3‘kC‘ »t*h<:.Nurv.h me 15 amt ahe vwrmisAsu.nmc:,di”déa11u;A~omh¢ confidem-Fr ;;m1,*%Au.+,3V: [0 recs wercm cafff ‘::"y to bx: f::nc,%Nor€hw}a4rd forA.prof'eca:i«ofi aim; zacny :. 311 W?ric‘h%%%dsvb1:c’%wcVcontir:u<:d«ftomf €%ei~‘ghtbf.‘this Aim-4.9"‘ % » %%Am.g§L—, zhmg xw'A;Ai“ihuL1:¢*o:wgA;:o‘ar:y dccer;mi11a:+1onV.:A ~ VAnd*theréfoL_*e%_ ' A “ca, gf.-w;.:% n«.,A;,11:u.% ncc .toAcs';%g4TLAzw~iny A%t§‘~;fg?>=re%thar{xéme:. A" A A 77 B y A x eu;€'oAnir»g; and Ave Cir g;we urg,ed thv t'qu.:d1 an d afiiveprc-'{E*cu*ion of mc~K§[ng~a AA}’Am'§' §f)}'i*fr=?'$c* *0:'c€sT0f huh Ku'Egdo%m5 O11 x..very hand, as A, ~ the: realiifi:;;rr‘Ah1{*ng;‘Lm¢xs‘%%b}' Are-ufi5n pf the i:%z%:o‘1e¥» ‘ ‘“ .jab!c*Ah11r§_h£.Mnsri‘iar d;ix§rIi:.j»L1p»oséAAthcpgoples and mmau .othE.+f“r£*fi%:'e& *A.~,; % t.%*»er%c=?7ao‘¥'A€ ::§jVz:;?:%v%:iA&3 to hzu/v: Vthe bloélfing .up*o Oxfard ta; furrief .4 '%Vf[:}AAAi*:ga%L“5c: Qftixzc A.m.y :oAv‘?‘;;€%}d"V'.«'im mt:%.For%CC§ oftheUair!‘:{«..;iiS*‘;~ amd tflzat ‘A %;cm1bg;A£%h;:v; Hbrii jtht:CiL‘yof La..~m!.m,whichf\Ne(‘oi1Ceiv€:.i5 % [;A1IijAt;it;‘IzAi.'f.€)?fiIi‘h.x$‘#‘\’_‘0fl{,1, wniic this Aggfiies of bah Ki-;‘;«‘:32.ium5 mig5.1t “trot. fifindc-tithe: iznc‘rcafeAaf *t§1ct.‘n€!ffi€S fungus ,% but by Godsblemrg dhriva «them to fximc; torner, or t:} fi»g‘h£sng‘%bring~ them to I10. fumtf.' .Fmc:r'£wm:>r chreegdwy es d<:b#u5c a Letter was fun: from the Cohwmifieé tothc Ea?7r_i of Le»v¢;z,% qgiving i1zm»notice;f thatrhc E,-;cn;y % was '.*&'xarcl';§*d tflwagnd IxP'm~ce§‘r'er; and than M,»jor Ggneral Brown or LiLu;enanc{;;cng”‘ Cz~c2'n”¢weA/ with Forces from hc:.n ceAwa«; mar.:hin'g a"ftcr chcm attending th€Ir_mo*:.iGns,%.a%nd“ .{‘1r1%_ng% his{\_ad.~y%an%ceASoL2thwzird: Wh]t:x1ttt;e G t:’I'i€.I'3U, rec.'eivcdL:h&< Letter, at the famcgmnc t§‘3erC~C;am€ whim ;mo;h.er from Sip V % A ‘AWIW. 15’ Wretowz, flncrwmg that the Kung was coming {awards his qu_r::c 111:, ‘ H M and dztfiring him to%comc tOA5C/o.ej2»z3f€¢;Argd witffsin one hour anexzher from my Lord VFairf.m§, gaving flf0tlCC tot (hr: Ksngs maW§?»ct1:ng towards VMrke,.xv%ne:fe%hc W515 to be w2t?:un%Ltwodayrs, and definng hsm to ad. A ~ ‘I vancc: I;ha;:w;U,*...‘: %»JWh%ercupon being umiertam what rcfomion lro rake *7 went: to rm“ and ag.recd.wirt1my;Lord Fairfax upon a Rcxadfizxrous A forhis Ldrdfhipg. forces, _and.£h§fc: under Comm.1nd% of Li: _ut. Ga-ncralk 3' _ T V£{fl7A,aS ailfa; far atR%:=nd%rzvons forth: .Derbi/Zvire and ohcr wforceiv. ‘_ " % A If-being written pmhe Earl of %L¢é'zgen4, thact%;c%¢Furccs% wi:h ~Li-cure... ngimz Gen; Crowyae/!,an!d 1\«i%aj9;r Gencrail Brown wgre upo%n%%%zhcxr z=x*;a,rc§1- at 9!‘ i;h.€ King, and: att+;’ndiz3g fits. moriom‘»;.In alI.ourVdc:ba«res we diVdmke it for g'I'&f1t€(f, rharthefc forcc%sT\z§{t¥rr:,Mro be fc:nrTN,or_chwa=%rd : B~4£‘UpL»fi ~°m'fl3€V1:Ing, that we conccfivc+d% £61: divtr~:reafon%~', it woiisld mm: b: for] ; A A 17116 Agar: o”d:: of {ht f.::vic;;e‘ tha ‘Liéur. L;e%~ae rad»: C‘xam‘me0 1h ao‘uld:’ cmmmgmd the1eiax*c§s,.who weremA%cdrrcfpond_jwim the beer nfirx Army %;_¢ ancz“ bum A ‘I0 )7<>'y~rIe if’ri1eréT%fhou%ld he a*n%:*cc%%iIlrv ¢;nc%cmfi on ;and*_ !:H~.'.rt‘ in‘ many rc?--’ fpefls it were more Iexpedzic I1: tha,t;$ir;7'/aomgw Fazvfam ihasuld cumma,nd¢ t.hem,wimwhAqm¢:h%e%$i:otifl1%Army had held good corrc%{pond:me rm— 'merfy, and? underA;whof:;command%all; the Northern FuxV=ccswmal%d:% have§% i[0yne:dV%wil1inVgJy and.c}aeei:fu1Aly. ‘IEaWa;‘sypJL1t;[-OrhesQ1€if§%Qfl,,%aVnd r.~_Fol~% ved by Lhr: Commirrezc of h%o%tt_i:~ 1:-'1oufes%«by the PM rxmcy of aim Vere; anti vvzé all d%iffi:nting ,.‘ That Sir T/yam; Pairfm+%flao12l%.d 17m? iv. rbc-% A ‘Wgfi; and £9 notflcommand I;hrc'feforc<:9 in o :hc'N’o.rth'. And afitrrtwa rd; ax Wa§s{xre[o3w;dby.che«m,J.rhat oncly 2:00., Horfe an‘d 5eo.‘Fragm ms-. fimu!d be fem so rhcfscotifh Armym.%.ux1der the comm:mdVvoi%C aiur.~cl‘!‘V.«r-6» ,72,e»a; mfl": 1 ‘ WM % Advewzaf.rncn:he hxd.;.o»-«c_Abm€ »o D~arb}}%1hirc-1*;e recAur§r¥fed r;hc*Anfw=er of A * {he 1 8. p'r€f€‘t1tCd 't0 the Huufcs. A Atthe fazjge A_cim4~:’ hc had Adv?t:r;ife«“ A .mt:m:”trom Six" W2/!ia:?¢%A'3Atcr:tagz and %0£%h!a‘rS , ;t§}at t1p'0n‘Tu€fd.ay {hp 14-. % L fhé%‘%"Enemy wfa:.a:Jo4u: Rrid_;;mr~t£} ; andupun Thurfday zzi:>oL1c 1V’éwpart,V " %15,m%lC‘:~'dA:fl*.af1&£i'rom I\@m;,tWi:c/.*»:§ :md Sir Wftztxvfiz Frfretan t:‘xpr€fl2 % inAh.sLc1:ter, of the 1'7.sto zh‘c Cummuztee at bofh Kingdoms here, wintgrein he alfo fl1cxv€m,» h:u:1}_e— Whad {gun the fame I nz€!I:_g,€hc€~ to the 'E.».1,rl o§’ Lawn,v0;h?:cl1Lupo1iver“#y good rcafons (mas we%co‘1ceive ) made him éllitil” his ~re£t;lu“téonV ofmarAc_hing direfi Sonia: For b:;f()f€ that Sco£‘ch .A;rnIy cquid Advance the*%léngthAot ‘Derby,/Air-grhc 1<'%%n$s A'rmy% mi g:1: A & nnzcn from Neuvpm +othe mi:..L1t of LmcAA;&1ire, angib thaw: lcfcjxhe “Scotch Arm} upun hzs Rea :7, and noiding the Advantage of %fou1ro‘r five: “ dayes5ma:chV (bcing firongm Horfc) might: quick!yAr‘aifcthc %SiAe,~_eat A’ ‘ V5Cm~[£[A».~$, get £111 rhcrdif flF'.%fi..Vd In the North to juyAxf1 wi.-h him, cur gfilhcft % Rcgémtnt pf Focithcaw coming from Scatlmd‘, zmdg difiurb ail the” 5;m1;h% M »~-¢%fthatKin,gd%%om, as by {€vcm1i.tnter%cc'ptc‘d AL£:tz:'ers of the law: Earl cwf ~ f ’, A} A/_ran;r.~[:=, doth agépear» E0 be the VE«n%emir:4s dr,fiJg.n, {Q Which noV%cx;.;eri€n~ aged fo.uldt'er wou¢1d»%§:v¢Arco;z21:erat;V and we helix-ve,% noAo%h%r bcgngupo-n the pxm-,Acou}d in rveafon ha.veA?%%»advz£E*d than [0 do» , though they A b~:.ve% ozhcr th%ou=ghts»~h¢rv»e a»::;a;d.ifi%£1i¢€,“:Wh€re %m&tt€:rs%va%1rc nos; ;'c°ptrcfent~ 2 A;%o%ch¢m V.wi»c1:?a”lkA:;he circu r%a%17¢Vafir;§:= And z.hcr€fm*e by r%hVc‘Treary”bc¢vA tweenAthé"Ki-Angioms, it was%%awgra:cd that that AAr%my7‘fhuu1d~_Ab~e ordz:«red%%A % 3a*2d% dki e'fted by 3; Camn'si~‘tA(?c cf b0th,T_K%xr:gd~on2s upon (ht: glgzce. % A 1 % C -iEWA0uld‘; €E‘Ic0nfiJ‘€f%d»aIfo, ‘til;-3.? Wi/z’i.g77a Aflrerrtazgz, onc}: Arefijfolvcdf: as %x~;r:ay «appearbyhAisfLetr;3rVVro%chc VCcmA;Am:rrc:%c: o~fi:zor%h%%%K£,ngtda¢ms hairs, t%o%:”a”7lI‘ hi; &E¢ohifi‘ro«”¢G2riifo:2s,and tofdctain, not only% his ov»m"Hm:fc, W Ab1Axwh<_: 1oaoklmfs=b¢lungirj g~o«rza*x_ ’Lmd FaA£rf2z~.x~,f nhsrilcurigy of rlié “ A %Garri;bn$bf,shés Aflcwciatioa. Andre am; ‘propofech, that he%mayhav¢ th%c?'SmffJ)rd‘anr;‘; D:2'r.9)r/lair: 13.0% fez {of ;yn wath him. ‘ M A A A A T’:he% Cg%mm;itte¢: of am, hath written aflLerter~ to this Ccérn%m%irree;% A A th—ar all %1?o?;'c¢s%rAhc?}7* can i7'pare, are irhployud for defence of Netting-.;~A. éetfifiz, and»,sihcINe%ghbourimg Garri4{uns.W And tW¥1€VCommAi[tc'?€ oi-' Lmgam,AA. WMA is L6 { End .;3rm..%..’*. 1T1 ih%Ana';<:, uh%l€fi7:.' the Ne\3m3«~' Forces ’im,=¢%n withthfl A 1{zn§g,$_¢wriA:z s%‘1h,.¢z Cu!:Fl:~erwaoc1:%R¢gime~nAz being called awiyr b‘:",.;Ord€r friwwnzz, .;£rj3%%mV; tht;"_V agpc difihledkzo f¢nd~ any"A‘s'fiPcanceto_ A A £‘§3_fiSC()~?i'fh.~<1°x3‘m)?. Aiiwhich b<%;~#im;g %madcAkimwn toth%€Ear1of ALr'%w2:,% % gm:’wc::-L1~r::%dVVc:ri'%Aa;n%dy by q:>Ae~.I:mt"¢:L»crers mromA ofT‘2>~ur4AnAumber-) hearing, weA:£xg.t,Am~AA.rmy.iwa§ w_w’ns%c fir-om t4h\eAA$<;nth, c{idAAapg«.r?:hc1';dth=ir the ‘ g m’rty. zljgeq. fivivxzxfe and D:*agaon::V gmgha: §:seVhin£§€~a1ed%fi*bm Cd?» incfiian Mi % ‘ w1r~ix m:i2":,% by Vthé §n?L€E9§2§§-*,‘&{§$3_ of the Enew"ny,%% W by toga-xhcr wxshfige ’ A Vfw{_wwzr1{Hori£€,%w*isra:pur£:.;aim be %%:.1b»z.>:.1.M% 6 .902 firun£,¢;hctw‘as% farmer _# Q ¢;m.fI=“mcdini1ég :'::fo§mwn.4 “ % A V % [ V . Ami’ w~hc.:r: all CH'g;1I&'E“zfiita§“s‘C‘€:’S H be du;:£y?p‘ondrr:3"5, WC are cenfi feat W-.azi%=* wii! befzzur-:c,§“,t:%m “Swttuh Army dzgi Kw: mam: Cm‘2V€if‘§2€:*1.}3 in V Qrder mafia: Aififimcfi bum }f'..::z".‘ e: flu: tse agzd Y6§‘R£?ii?‘€,‘ti!€n‘ in any 0... zfiner pirlzcc wfmrrcunro (time Prvsarw flfs cmfidcred ) thrfy mulafri mwg: ii- %me;~u£1_y Advanced 5“ tim. if the K mg camfiintu Lfim .~i'}_.‘~1 *;%‘t“ , Lhmé: is 2:0 % may by v.,mic%v2“*. they» cm mw,r;h_ wirh %(}rc‘}rmace, iut"by cE((f«:i.:032, am» w~.,y Fzmerti §:;’.5.fP€7"z Mme‘: ihfi ytiifiii‘ :0 Ta,» Ami ii‘ ghcy i%m:aa%d_ £z:em~;¢§-vLA;1.% %v:;r%:cé'd%h.2:‘z{1Vz1%%:+, it is rue,J%‘§u:y had §:»«r*m H3051‘: re:-my to dckrzd Ymfhthi 6,; b:.15!:i":eEi22'r.g bcmg {'0 fgr adva racx:-C’ Norfh-ward,th€}’ rziéuit have rafa%uz*1wd' 1 0 back to :50 nflbc way pif fizgsp-ma,in%cz2f'e thc King {humid Mi mm mm; -{.‘§q~:fl1‘.n:‘, A mhia:h%is gmfif p%roE?a?:f=;c_I¢.)wbt?_h£'si:a def5g1._ Arafi we 1§*mpc:;% at ve.‘:3I - five 2zr%mm:i1t: Ehm3§3»Jh:."5 Terxfi an 7 §n*the He;>mu:'2;ts~l~e §-2‘w~uie5e:-f E?jqriz;~ag~é‘:”¢_;;g‘ L , %t‘ c2A~%.;«V§3;m; h¥:::Vnci me: fo§v~m%'x'{’i y, m m'ac=;¢:d fmmany %“"Vun'm*élizng:2:Vflim 'Ai.mze%%cc a«§,jfa;.;%PL1:>§:qx1«:‘fr:jjvice ;efg.eci‘,,alI%y wh€n4zhey4 afonfider wjhzu;-dgii; ggcncrz is u:‘ed by ch ;t‘Av-mv to iMm*m men.f{::?v¢’s errvizl by what way 'x;hg A ?Em~my bends his cmxrfc ;% aid fa {mm as they und€I&;s;1j.i ‘it, W1l_l- wi t;;’a1_5. ’c}:x6er:"L1V%m?i°IeMaugzd iltaefid march rm oppofe him; ‘ ‘ % c‘3i>:. " i7"€* $25? it maav’ b;eVc0;r:fidPred, r7hata%fteir fi:=trc“ra‘II% %0r-d€~rsy“£nc % Lieuzerzzazt ‘G;c‘:vc'ral! Crfam\?£-cl,/,azydV"M51fQfG€‘h£%r4all:B?'0‘§i’*f,for‘Q~.i:gccha. A ‘ V ing :0 tht:Scmixifh Army that party of 2coo.%Hori”c,an..i 599;. ‘%D;r.=«5g,¢;,,.¢g, in cm: the: Enemy marctxJed%N’b»rrh-ward : Thié Afsfw. er was r%€:uz%z1¢"%¢i,; ” J_thA1»: {hay und“€ri7cood %no*r,% w»hir4her“ by thcfiing-*= fiigwfihxxvg-Nor:hw»yw Czd, the Commiwm-ee%%%mean%r rt-fie Kings *marchiAng £9’ C’/4§fl€'?”,Vfi;r2c.edit»}.xg'as mi?” xiii; gefl No'rth;b£m: No rth—VV€Lfi;,d1I!h‘iHg the time c-:»t'th1s% ¢dg:;?1b1¢rariofi, 9nd‘ti"f¢ A party attfindlng the? sprxomzy héfiézmr the?-t ‘ ni'arcyb,‘the‘Ki‘ng413{2 ngi %g~\¢m%nd,hLg;-'%gmjed towéa tH:7:“ p3‘i1‘m:‘nt_ '0? the A.§‘r<"I'Cs of that Arnr:g=,?:m%ugh: by the Em of Ca] ,fld}? 50% fupplv rhewmt oAfm"o- A .;;;%m+y he rt:)w :2 wet: content to accegt 013115“ offixchange fog 5oo.%,:.;:-—oun%d co- robe paxcifat. Ed~v%Vn{é.<¢r;rbm the Tre2:.gam~:z'%%%of the Armyjwhio fpa?.& :-ha» {’amx€** to :l';<:% Bar! at CRIN:-’a$z‘:r; divers Regim€m::~s_ Whtrcafwére (fen trzaipiszwy Ed“ inSc(2z/mad :1g.4t{"§ fl2£hC,‘R€b€i€, and which wAas;zh1c firflcAmon<:.y thery re-Au 4VceM:ved ifro7 n mc Pa.r11;1Amem: ca! Buwmi; afi:e:{_7.’ .01" 8.%mo_ne:hs fmvice AA,per?o‘Aj;mcdb§,x ciicm Vimhis} Kingdom: The remainder of thy: 1Aoo<;w. pound, was paid gar: by Bélls of c;-xcnafingg at Neimzflte, andpzm in 1240:- ngfryfent thither.‘ Andif this courfc had not been mk.cnA, the common AA Afmulrm-*r%s hid ba‘:€nV§§‘L1{’£-fzatar'£h€:’It§0f21 h_::~iqn¢%A;h after-it w';zsApro1:1Aaifid.‘ j And as :‘t_a9c%y%§-1‘;ozm:1rmA§e%Ai—1;m1%i3:%s of Paz‘1iaznc:n:V are pficafrd to be: at tfgi‘ pains to fee an AccomAp:go% what: was done conce%rting themarch of the .Ar:Ar:;,r%;.w§;r:rcii2we hopcAu:_3’oni[u3l infermatiorx ham the Letters%,-they yevzli b¢1‘a%%::§sfi€d :4 So dgo we Aearnefily env:rca_t rhcrm gto confider wh»a::’is %jdone;fbr” thA::ir r:}aimfc%nan;ce ",)I%ha:%A -whi1t:f%: this Army in ,the “South {is VI fmgd in» ready mofiey every%for%cnight, andfo the %Counrry A c:?af4cdA,.%;and ” :thei;' .,~¢f‘f;éhonsg% ir1t:d by paying what chejrtavke fmm%the.~m .; TH: Ar»- ._my AiI1.%che%%N”orth. is not“pa§dW came in five or fix iMomrhs. Amfi afi- 5thouAg?rq.11rAte»r be aji!0_§éd”%7‘co £h7C§‘f:3u'1d§tTS on biilet ;. yVec;:ti**g—;;:j; A csammit , ,*f11ff:;{i5{t %wz‘ be con:«:'n:A“»vith”ouic fome%V%mm1\»sy,A21;0fr cam qmmeiirs w"i-rhcauz ;~fr;o- % may give flicisfaftion To the Officers ; and the m1m‘:gf<:»f frae’qu;:rref'Vd«:2:*h A "i0ve.:bu¢rdc:nVand d?:f'aff'ec°cche Country, ”Wh‘€f€ A€V.C'1f the A1'IT¥}f' CYfiV’€1S,%y "f.n'I3k€. fhC f‘.oLmtr%y%-!:zemmc enemies%rather.-then frl€ndS5flfC€fli!fit€S a Ares- ~_ {ervice V‘which“§o}thérw§fe might’ jufily be expééhid frém AEht‘!."P, mifnéfie in-~D:f 7 L fpliflé agginfk jthe:‘{é>uldier.s', and dfiabics them'fro§n rhafi A I tis therefore our earnefi”defire,%thatthe_HQnm1r;zb!eHoufes off hr,» — L A iiamem: wouid in their,w1fdomAtake_Vfpei:iall c:u°e%h?ow~zhc meaLn.s pointed for entertainment of-%7that¢Ar1ny bywtheigte-Ordinance w!%1ichi%‘sA‘ v;1ot”a_s% yet%{o_muchmas%AAA{Tefl'ed¢Vin the City of Landon , and tha-V fgcveralft Countries‘%m%ay;% become _efi{+&u;aflfuz‘—AprVocrzr§n%g mqmsy to thcmAA’;»*A’A Anid Ath*:1t% n<>‘fug'gf:fi:i{ori ofmxr Cmjnmora Engmimnor induf’cryAj%o%f%fi,ibhA2i%s A would raife andfcmientIe:d;3Lz{ie:,bsE.tw§‘X¢: c%hetvNo«.I§.i1j:gdom¢,4ma%y fo fa;:* AA %%.¢%prAevail,as to mifconfier th¢=aé’c om,AAand fauhfuii ‘andeavours of that Ab. my, difcouragc jthemcén their undertakings , or whxch mflay any %wgy.esA bfreevd at nii‘fuf1d.r2ri°t;1n.ding betwxic the t%wo% Kingdoms; or Ieflcn Ehat % A _m%iAty and Unity whichwzmder God is the greateft flrength of both,‘ as the % infringement thcfreof5and o11r divifimi would bathe ggeatcfi rejoycing and advant3gédf'Ao1irEnemy. . 7 ~ _ M May, 2»4.¢ 1645” By-‘EémmandaftbéyC0m=mifiomr5fartbe..K7éng'a?om ~- 7 #y‘Sc0t1and[~ _ A % A _ Ifo H N CH BE s 4. A ‘H.m'ng%;