-1‘. ..m.. ‘ I A g \ v .3‘ ‘ ‘ ; ,v H . J ,;_«-~__AW ‘ ' . .«. _ A‘ . “ ,= V , ‘V .1 .. , ‘ V’ “ ‘ ‘ , .‘.., ‘ ‘T i : 3],}. _ wk‘ , L‘ M .‘ ' V’ . “ :1‘;=|J>V:,;‘_&‘.‘;K”, ‘ _‘-Hy‘, .‘ ;.l " “ ‘H: :“‘_y H’ ‘L K V %AswcrIc wrca 4 In 1c . , » ~. H , é whim. :1“ Q, ’ H "it; f.3i$"34'-3:«‘, 5': Lu r ‘ I ‘ “ I " J: ‘-¢‘"_%A\ K :j%°%“ 1:‘; ‘ I l_ -;~s“~“_‘,;‘.vy5:"r‘. , 4' « ,a-»\-up N £1‘ ‘ Kl i‘ l7e2*V 1646. the Reading efthé See...” ‘ ‘ifl1iA4:1?~3P=?=‘$ %'A‘&m*=diY“5*“~ "*1 3 ‘P1? *6 itlw L m:o£m¢" J I ;thcVKi;:1=!g3 Per1fonA,)t'pokeh by“ Ilbpiflzas I A ’ ‘ A * V C "m'W“%~ E561-__mier; a M¢trxbez:aetfAAA¢%I % A A4;VF5§j§A§§W§iou.’<:s«- A v ’"Cb°mmiIfione%Ars ” V .- /. ,- ‘.' a m 3»§}':;A‘_.y*, H S%P.c.:f°.fl)t. I W} r1?t§§x;0fns ofthc Nor5;;:iv .-.;*>3;r% ~ >u>- an-nonuuuuu-. x I > ‘";:‘'’*5‘ ma A ”f”asV ifffit“ A Af{i1y:VIi31a1l ijpca»k+£%ethitig té this A ”"‘""" ‘ ” ..“..4 _V 0 %msJehofogzo 424th. ofsgpr. 7oncerningthedifp3”?5£IT*51” , . ®$uvhm 313“ mow :**¢ardt”*70‘;*Pa3 I “"‘p¢rs4Read you i firfi.Vcdncem;in%‘th.cdiIjm{aklofclié A ;» A it “G °!h¢F!0%WChirig'A * ii1.‘tte*r,fi€:Cai1¢%fc it hath?» acne fo fi1fficien:iya.n4fw¢m.(§$ A % byfdivcrs kn0Wihg’MAcmb‘erswofV* To th~¢%" ‘ nbrhidng hat;hIYaéeneV §zt"i'ngé§, And ; t ~ A V a: your; h'§vV' cm Vfhcyr rm = .S6'Qfip"'%€'7'— W31‘=4ndVb€4mt firOfbmh Kiflgaém‘ r 1 A ?~nsfI4takctomtherawhoIe.41co ‘“ ” M I ~ .* ‘ fi1%fiI fl;1‘alAl zwhally ‘ap‘§ly‘my7-fclf'e»1;#be¢aufe‘1j;§%1¢4V:5,x % idto thflpvjiflt. N . then‘ %€b=fox*e you is, abm-zit’ the pé”fca1lmfVthc" ‘Kiifigs p1cufon,y.@uA{ay. *:hag,}-we ism be A difpofed wfas :bOth~.sHQuf:cs of-Patliamcntefhail‘ xlnlnkzfitting5%Mbu4t"yTour»B15c£hren of Vespagzwdfay hm L 1\$;1?,O }.bi¢V; di4fP.§?fQd f ES -b£>thj;Kit1gdam cs fl1a~1A1%iA_t11iVak&:: _ \ Vs W AF#<%>rt1fi¢i%their affinnacian=%wimvV* 1'~¥‘;¢Y% fly thét ‘Wis .fiOt%5fl¥;g%Kih%go£ E2?g{4ncz’,bu¢; Mf4o:‘A ‘ f¢dkof phc joym; .c0nfem' %0fb0,rhNatioins%. jGivé" % ; \. 1 @n1”e;EeaVve.co emb erypu c‘h;tiin%Athei means tigfncg 7 wafer thefi fi5“n‘°*“*h5> and fofifix V V'long;¢r5for..a%niy[gluingI can"ga:hcr% *”ea:é%%[ VV¢o;l4a‘nd./:1:/:g;:‘ zazgrfi . J b:écigz,gV¢i;¢i%Engl4gq;!_ ‘ " L ’f1dcr¢Td,it will Argumcnt;?iih4r%%I¢r%irébc wen px4:>V§;c:Lgoniwusaad%Fa11acio3a§V. Per inf” *1“%M?%i?r%.¢4Pr9p0fin~i6nA¢rlwuadcW*iéAout T v=wfirion44% they ainaffietV%*‘V%fhi%fl§ hm; jW;°§§?Kifl£’a aifid foherew %iLf;I%prayM‘.Si;i',rcrnémBe&? * A that this%word King is of a% vat-iaujs fignificati‘on%A»,A — famctimesmit: is %C3k¢171iF1%¢53mfid;thacis{f0ft%h?*3 R?“'0y-. % ‘a“11As§ver,Ffi.fi&3@n=and0ffi€e ofaiiinggfmetimes :i*t\§s«€1a?1§é‘nCo:vbréto,that is fmmheyman@1‘Apcrfi:m . tih0m%Wwa11Ki4~ Ifchdr Major. M *1: If.0poflriQn be tateen imam: fi:£t~ Jf’¢£11f¢m'¢.f1i::11»!i1:¢.V¢r éényit chem tlaywecgflaall aci..% kVnowIejdg§.V fi}1a:;1Kihg9£ .$¢a_1lamé' being rtakexjui a?“5';_,”ifr4é?& ;,‘; wee%;hW¢:4 nothing todoe with h.i‘[mast all, A A J?» ;give any% peitf‘1cipaft1foA A ~ where has dqthftefidc, Le.tfh;s%perdfqnrefidaein the h*a:¢A is fol'cl’y arm; totally theirs ~ 6 f0rbid‘that*%«.- A King ofsaatlamigQpg out Aaflgjs ngd9me.,£hould” 2;;-M: }\l'w'u= ;, ‘4 ‘ n armzncmtfiéangmcaunzrey f‘i§n‘hc€e’.parts é3r(th;5§¢4.ye;t4, ”tl 1¢F}i‘oy:rl1$A%Office and Capiwitygvflf 4Am»-Sega;/W4 % Theyhave bfifhfivhévehis Sccptef} to‘ fl14e:w? mercy $53,, Vthc§i‘hav.évhi-5» Séalem ~% ¢"g.p1§*rm:V A Afiwha.:wthey,.p%%eaTéL5y:- Q “they have his» Laws w ill t?his1mfeisVi=%®!y i‘h€fiMf“tM% t>h<’-'K1flS fltvérunxim:Myea;-;e.sg.r;zegg§g**a _ dyggg tannot&Bi;;’% é‘é?cceived,%‘ ¢a:1z4éi‘thc:;vdo"wrong% 51,; A for*Kffi{g 'a§nd.‘~P21rliat1j;cw§z)x,;%t’thaugh ahc pérIen% " A 4 V %rc:%umc 4a“md mm of rhcfiirrgs ‘Vvtites amfi @§z§g§??,m5¢ and;4¢gfjeV:m V‘ _ H, ----- éé ‘ ‘ -6 \ . ».v~.....«.fi.V _m"...,%. M é am-cake wrcmgofany body]; &‘ndinmis~rcnreA 4 we we in x ‘ .m' V m%gc!emq5 oz-AL » IL gyfiafiaaW¢§%inagafierim‘g%r1;et‘L‘1théf~‘1%'rfoxa;ef"’éhq " Kiigg at tiha»{améé4tim4€be inI~‘r4me,Qr,Atl1cwrc'mc:«bc’£E Country ofrherve=r1d;” 2 z<2ng~ofscoum it17t”h:is fft-f.|%{€'iS_HCV€I“C)§1‘C'*0F*V Sifét/4;g4{%vaA;;d ch€%r;f,p:e” \2\(1égc%vc%1s%they~f§y~*i;n* Hid ;T'I’han_ A ' thcfiingdognco£7,"Smtl»zm', **f1athgnV;f x1);er€fl ‘iflthfiikf King, he b¢ing%in‘mgig1&mH,thij$ "mVuf£%"‘;).e¢ds[:;e me;zm: " Of? ‘King 4iI3;‘*€’9?"Wv,* *%Mth%r.is¢‘©n€1¥’ 0? zhcirKmg,’,.and(*t?we£ W yWnAdi:;§‘;HA, % ~ k this %%%f,c3x1ife wcjm=m*u?fl'sVVdcn?y"th?at my liavfiaxxy‘ thVi7n‘g:z*j:” W: gfg ‘*3. V all: to due withhim. %For’tb:ou%.gh rhe:.R(’>ya1l”%A 6 vAl1i!WéE%‘mn‘2>Iii ¥’ "éWy>fiEAW- 1 H‘ A: IV” “fl,nW;:MWm , ~Mw1 gwwwfiy V; »pmerfc-m% muflbedifpofed df»'byW~t*he *fi1pream¢p'dwer A‘ fice of rh Kingof Sforfgsnd isfd1gc13z”*b=: di*f15<>fc—d" *r%ct%mth!e‘cidg:~ invfinglxxdg :§§1;é‘x1w*;tAh“e : wM«w@~~w 3 Jib , iw&wmwm4» "ggm Bu;-«u"r1dAcr their fave u“:%~%mgrzaad“4i§*ass? % *' we ; I?fl,1ai 4cak@%ti1§s J . A '7 .-, 3 ‘ gr‘ . ‘ xv * sggran dvfm‘godidJVL~aw;%1wt*%cé¢ “ th€Lér‘f0n“ofany N";;tlioVmg1%n:d.s¢r4:iu: ’4teétAed%in%Li»fe, Limbe,ior;u ?;W%i4;1l V A " N «fir fig \‘ but:hacthereM4i£s1”af a¢ny¢a%, lcall, thcé W “$0.913 §£1m‘%to:‘?A that Wrincr: or VatcM4where“hi4s “ V.‘-ml ‘W J 2. ‘ - A‘ H “ ‘ m1L% %:1h;ha%;a= .*that MM‘ ‘ ...~.'bgYu¥flV' we “ ‘A 3 ‘.m“m,v§r‘ _ » , It .. ‘ . . N‘ _ B ' , :4 3') W, ‘ . ‘ ' -. ‘ :7 . ~ ‘ - J " ‘ . ' ~ ‘ . .-. 0 .'.... ,. .53:-' ~ fi ‘ . 12vin‘gaut%ofh%is“mngdom, butfuch fd offhis, isto4b¢e ifpoféd of, th¢fo1e%dAAu« makes Reyfidente : 4 %An;d fiion ;iS”—-one-Iy gout thcVpcrfon Qf%adKivngo;E Scotland,*fqr~KI"%ac»onceivethp :«~;1x%i11%n4g»;g_Ac% *‘t ; Aaoh A 5 ‘?any*. A,ur1aorityr~’“«EoHi&fj§$%y6Te of .?¢ fTh%c% 3 % ofj England and his « f of % fithority % A For eith¢Zr~W¢€“AmuPtéa 3-mfi%$asAa;vKing‘»’. V? Subieéié fiwecwiixrchem Amhaga. W mw v_-V *~ 3' ‘ ‘ _ \‘ ‘ y , ‘ . \_ H » 4» r ‘ ‘ J» A V W W .an.¢1;i§% Vflie 4 ‘V930-MIL-_ fi"*f17v’£ A % :%fh€ E?g1and has <1Qe¢0fl7efid~,.? :h4o£é«¢Lax??srs of E2ngland+M1¢~mt1f% bAc%rrycd,and (/8 D ‘Q B ,1*2+ié*td”%B¢a Vbutv Fe; ‘ q M 1| M‘ \ . m Mandi: have 6%,; fe*&%9rc%hA¢.%%pcz1bns ef Kigzgs 9? sc‘e:§amz V Afi”dVifWV¢e_T[ difi3QiE,§;!:hdqL King°FJ5‘”fWWithHF the? we % %iiK5ngd°m¢1%°5 ‘3 C 0¢%T1-AA ‘ “’ , r . » “"‘§" ‘_ , , “ , ‘ . , _ H I’ M; ‘ ww.-u-\ -‘ "w ‘ I ,H “H"s" , .‘ ,. . -» I‘ \ ‘ C’ ‘ 1 -1 ‘I ‘ W A‘ ' -. I M a In 0 ~ ; cc ex W v ~ » 1,‘ _- As H‘; " ‘ - I ‘ f ‘ ‘ “Q \ “ . nio%man%.%can %b—¢51idz*o baa vK’in%.g%a1>ucto ~ :R7¢€31itY Vth¢i Ptffn King=éfSv0u’Mdcomn3ing‘imo B«‘*tg’w?id c tim€;rA~;t.he:«fame P€rTe% be-1lz'%.L A 3mzEngi2n‘d cited to A ; %Parivs :%fo7r the; Vde‘z1th:fof A~rtIam*’%Pld;g$td* " ‘ wit hour th:eir~” A’ “p rifritv *br."A;«;fik:}?ic7icm ' A A Bm;j‘£ AAthCyA§_h3.-Vfe any power to %difpofe of him,i‘tV» .; is T becaiufe they are eithcrA our Q Mg: Hers jVo1% gun 4 AF.e1ll'o’ws~ tif »theyB?e~oAu1i MaAflers,* let them mew L thetiti1é when4thev:con#querd.us,;ortheA‘priceVfor~A V A wh;i,AchAv’ve were fold4= 1%Iifgt10r=°i€¢Sa wit"; th “ A perf Q11 ofliing $2131 ’ % rev 9? ,.‘.‘7..q§,,.: ’ ‘. I “ '1 2» ~ " ; 'r1"\~{‘:‘ c * W5‘ 0 H ; ‘ ' ""“"“a~=v , I being I d‘Eng1and W;“j1?k¢ 3fbu“*4%W‘51‘d¢fay$ it-fie? W ‘ ;:di“]Tl de"baites’;d%4 debawtesdsfi?erencesw’sma M "_ put% AW¢i.¢6fié* ‘ ‘bf "*‘ ‘ " MWW»-lfivpx ‘wwfi~fk y Y W M£..e‘bf %thé..%apqéi: M M, A -g % . ' " g ‘ ,‘~‘”’.‘,".,9:.“.,g. ,x -" ‘. qww _ W. ‘M ‘V . K‘ ‘ 'f‘ J «W ‘;a)‘=,;s‘ " ‘- “ ¢ ,* ‘ * ‘ M ,7. ‘ ‘ 3" V A: for brJOrher$ to xec0n°i1¢*.Jdifi‘9r€r3ééS Fa;-%' A V f };1-gg ¢go:%mA;1ke%,.the1:1; we M4hav~e=Vr1t:rW ;%Wéa;?4¥ _ V. ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ . _“ ‘ ,r \ ' ~ 2‘ .‘ Jzjw .... ' 3% ‘,‘,,.‘ ‘L, béen fly red “ 1r1_.; ;nf(} que£¥1oi1 but"; fiirred “ ‘ ‘ no “ e _fipe*¢p1;feig£‘*Eng1&nc1 ~?*xmaa, LA am 7 « ' ‘ u cu-my A %Va§rp¢red~Veéiperranaaf thea%r¥»d’v&ha Tthmga King of : : England could “I101-‘ A WT ihilsehafl toHRi%k;hmon d cry}.-I amVptoIi?C*Ou.:t4witI1- _ ‘ “wan . “ - 93‘ V‘ “ ‘ ‘ f: A % Vffl. “' - ‘ ¢1%:ma2:fx&d* h”é1%[”i?‘ Av &ifl’ih& % . «' ' H ’%' 5 _ _%flwP % % ‘ F Q A; _%A ”%:§‘v* 3 a%ut%.A—the %w1!~l aand. a:pp91nunentV .0f %th¢ ; FC01mce1I % . ’ AL V. sizotland Ah;ad¥.:;i1adefiafi%V%evAilTfVba4rgaiii1e,(,V1:§y- mien; V j A M %Fb-,ir‘m ‘liefore the A?uniA5c>ir:% they i‘rwigh’tA 4diTpo+*. ' ~Vfec1 of thIe.irA Piiinsziefié Hm aftér; ~ti<>n0f ScotIanc1%:th¢r¢i1f'd » 3rourfe1f.¢did4A¢quiefce asifivmthadrepented‘s>F* j ywimjftirmcrY9fi¢a“N°W4:1?¢111uvA!”t:bé%P}1%t;!JP0I1mu»: ma war rue jcermes% has P;-arm: Gardi;msei.% V}flh:ai%’tc’idu$xVg‘3f: ifl @i%1‘C. L %»~~‘:I I , ‘*2. ,;f;‘ ' 4-‘ _ jam his?-péffoAd7fbei1igAAin C the1?:ip1A:0tc?€fi(m. Vb-ult4 lwandg r:bu~t”AnAg):w%'VI; A .% AV 5 V A R v A ‘0£%n%:Sfc0AttiflPa‘i‘m Afifihe} ,tfiA§€*y*fa»3f7‘h£A@vri3A % “ « for%+fhé:i%_térr , .%and.‘th§.tV:3Vth§yma~mn7o;t;?A;1emi1c%1j:w A “ A‘ ‘ A IAAh*e"AA Ajoyvfitmcon 4o£* C£~m§mAimt‘ees <.3f*fbmAh 1'9‘ the %EnglifljCommittee5 and %cdnveiy%him{Atb;;Nvew-Q % ‘ca Pclé’ a'ToWne‘IAi‘ke%Awife ofAEn;g'larid% an‘d,Vfho;1:.ld A 4 A A AAfc;"1zMhA$%A_ U VA ¢ wk-@enA+:‘A[thAey ; fiAnd‘e~ic- 2nc:t?icdny{&e“n&t.%fmL:4rfi:> withyoul up2c*>nw1§aicondig;oh»s¥§r9umAu ‘ AA AA a1'id €(3A1%3f7CdAe£2iTtE$A% A A (as fl7eAY.h0';pCAA‘:'AAth€yfAA%1fé AA’th%"éIi pw¢:rfOhA: fubjeéf V A V bAAcA1»rnAeA4 to thém" A‘AA’he:r‘e are not Aliens but D4enif‘ons‘.A, .. A ox:e_1y%A1A¢eca11 lAeAga;l1‘ Si1bjeé’cs A of V this A A érmeai AAnd:;*-ther;efor%e-«%Aw .AA£jh€¥y;.'Ah‘flVi11giAgjottfin * A A 4 T the: th:atwAi;rmay, < 1:1mgZii%hse'AAisAIAfaAj§sh.€F€ ibially A g A A A.» L % wh*ieh hvthe Tr6aAfYA'A°U.