L. For the fellmg of the Landsofall Bifhops in the Kin gdome of Englamg A %: %}a;nd0inionoVfW«}zle:5A:for%th%efervic¢ A A 3'65?’ The IA1,1Aftr«uionsandnamesof alIthe is A 4 3%. ‘d”a‘A"}gVdV I’;;gb]g:fi'gd&fA|._.A 3 A A A A . °“”[B1‘°W‘?=G1e”~Pa”114m*‘*1¥°1‘um~ A Primd%f9riabnmw “the Kitwhead the 01dBai1y- ’ ' A‘; 9 ‘C720 ' D‘ ‘ A lg~§%&EKh%fi ¥A\‘ Q ‘.1. ORW moms Q ; ofthe C 'omn1onj-WeaIth.%Lk A I ¢ C°ntrVaé’c0rSandTruf?eesforthé fwd? ¢ 4 executioxl of ' d1e flame, ” Dié Lun2e,Novemb. 116. 1545; T .A : Wxordinmce W, ‘ _.._.-p ‘ C‘ 2 {"3 go 35. x M ;m _ A -A “ V. ‘U 1\T07Je'm5.I8g164}.‘Cf5. ,V 5 l \ A ,“:-. ' n, [ .Afl'embled1n% VV [ A 90- Ndererf éy VtbeLordr Wm: Pm'liMWiAtW 5 #72? I%flr#Mé?io4nJ be .y;rbm4itbM A V%&&&é&&&&@$5$$&$a ADieLm-,Naz2e»2L.1Vs6. %%»1646. V V . V, 'Anrd«inanceof he L 0RD’s%atid V :C o M’M‘o s A %A£I‘ei11bIVed in %Par1ia%cn-t; . €icmxi1n,%‘PViI1iani ¥G?ib:V A1 % uponcma *éfOI'V' appointing the falel of the Bifllops M % f Lands;for»theufe of the A V_ ' «=cmman~w‘e4lté.»; A " 'Herea's r;0rdinance ofthe Lords and%Commons; A % ‘ % ‘V made the ninth~of0£%aber ‘on%cAthAoufand fix hupdred, 5V f V "foray fix,%the_name,ti~tIc, fiile, and dignity ofAr<;h{-: T _ sf VV ‘VVbiIho of CanterburygfflrchbifhopofYorke,Biflgop»« ‘ ‘K of i1 1chef’ce1*, Bifhop ofDurefn1e, -agndofaTl[1‘c>the;1, Bifhops %<:$fL%any BiII1opric:,ks%within» Vtghe Kingdamefi ‘Of England?and%‘Dominion~t)F1‘VVaIesV5J from [the fifth ofvSeptenxI9:r ’ 5n€% thQI;lf§iI1_d’ fiX hundred ; forty*Vrfix%i§ wholyabolifhed axidtflakens %‘away,anda11and every perfon and pe V V A plm, fL1n&ioh5Vor~fliIe V ;V.0r Bifl'10p_. (If any Ch(1t§c;h,Sc¢, % b”xxDioccHE withirithe ‘Kingdome Wal¢s , by any Authority Whatfoevbra Honours,Mann0;+s,Lands,Tenem¢nts,an V V V V V V 44‘ Q 5fhe$p‘r¢n;VifEs the faid O17d‘Tn%an%ce mentioned5 were and am-gaed, a15d%fé£Iéd,adiudgedVStdeemed to be in thqreall and ofléflion M % &VfEifingdfTboma;AAd4m:Alderman, then’Lord»Majorog) % “ of=London Sir V}'alw;z’ 7{f"oll$zflorze Knight , A Sir'Gwrgef Clerkq Kniglfgc, I 11 land; and DVomVinio%nof A ’;')'éF}nV%i1l«a?2g5>&-W71 Aiacrmangébn Fomlq: Alderman ,VL7z.=tir1,zVe.r;Bz£?2§e¢V AI- V. _ V Aernlan, S amuel g4z2er},=Alde%rmaI3V, V %Na’%e’ll;Cbriflapber 1’.«.¢c@,._'fol:1:_r2 Bell4m}{5Ed;mrd.HaaI§g_t,‘ ”‘ {Vi ‘ William Hobfin: % Ffizrxcix .l1fl9e,j‘oh2z Baki2zV%g,tq7¢ % r jVVA§'ence Iexaizalzr j‘orze.r, j‘orze.rV_., etzizerg %St¢_Pl9Vea§ ~ 1 afifiggzielzgg ¢‘Rabert‘%Me4d5%‘~iV and jamgx Stmjf, gtheir hM’eiI‘f-’VSm and a{fignVes_.;j % M A M ValidVCO11fid€h¢eVthat“the {aid peribTnsV"before named, :hcir %heiresA*andaIIignes%fhqula have anii%ho1d;«:he+ %kTrernifl”es;a:zd ever? ‘V Q‘: i Tahiti’: to fdch aridAconfidé1§ce ta: rh Hm: rfons are difabled to ho1jVdV y%¢:Iu= 4 AV A nd all ‘Counties d Hereditan1encs,a1-mwddcher A thc]»Cicy A V %« _. A my rents and profits F. thereof, ‘ A as~the'fa1 , lb‘ 9 ‘. ‘ ‘ . ‘* - ‘ “\ .~- ( V ‘ ‘ r % point. Am! C'é‘QI;}nn1(m;_fi~th€ thirtieth of % F‘ qge §§Q_I.1£¢},Q*Ct. flit % hu11}d‘%*€d%i?’0‘i*tj?%’H§f§ff difgféred ‘they igv % téiv 1*‘av1'iE“c11e-”fi1mofi"%£w€>.11unzi'ed:f3;ii1Zbm'aV;1fi f*pC‘tu?ndsM Em; tfiig A pF¢f€%*t.p?5?v§¥£€fi§§%W59%“f=:‘*3??.§9%§4a?%1*¢s 6. C0;.mag4%'i§nt Vcf €uchAW1i .A W A thou. a x{,;g,%ggm%gqg;-3; fiirximfi T01‘; @2115“ t§5Wa"rd.s"thje fame ," and t6 the intezac they Vmighf has}§"§ éith¥37i“¢?5 fi§§&»t.feiréry§‘§erfbn%Who hath advanced any M021ey;P1aEeg0x%%HDrf©IS§W£th §_h g2ig;‘;fL1I'I1itui‘C zfnd; armga _ upon the publique faith _.,% .,_ay~.,fQn;$V»¢g§?§§;i§Imii1e% of money he %FnaI}.-" further Iegd for&thejadvaVnCern_emV gfthefaid fi.xnm1c,be“iEcur,ed a- like A fiii1“i}a”iiet1107i‘E311t;of; t11!::iT€¢a5I1?%%£,¢«Q%.t; tghevgxmzd Excif.»I=:in couxffe, ‘and 5 tfié faIm£«::hc;Bifl:o%15s~ 19311613 if €$9¢P£. Advo11fons%w ainyd«Impropri%afi; ffifigéfififgighmpaund»s%pam=éIfi.-‘pen-c§éz?2:4m,#toAbe paidev¢ryvfi:;;Miofi:4th$ V» 6u’i:1iogf3t1*s¢retc1pcs%ot?Athc;Exczfe,%txI1*p:~incigg114a,nd"inc¢r¢*&befi;11y« % % %3&iFc{gaf;$,g§d§5 Faéf. for7e5§ampIe,‘if tiI1ére.%b:2» Aw V ‘ . ing to any pe:r.{’on, a %%hun- i Which] with the Inte1:*ei7:% diuc : thereupon for % él*‘=n;v?eé~> %4a1”WI11%“mak€z% 11u%ndr€dV 1-zwwenty f0Ul‘cApQLmds ,%AA%hAe,acIag-A ~%éiicii:~ih%»§%h1zfidtéd 4tmay4% ~f@11r¢1mundsm0reamay= be£‘ecuredL[ fox: Mé3i§5a*)%‘i2iiVh»icl1 fihfi h;:é¥;pp€I3aA\TtGf1%?§€11¢é’ Wi%thia411 Ix;'ce1*e1§:afiert};e M mé:»*wfi"<')1éwtwm A M redforcy eightpoghdsgasaforefi1i%d,and fo pl’-9,»; A V A greater t"muIefl'c=r famine, A w"and~iac_cord;ing to%§:heLAfInér . V‘théreupOh§: Andforwthemqrer reimbu1~fi—ng:;Q£ th¢;% _ = 1%“?-3§ri1bfi6yifecurcd;Ta11§;inlVent:,% £01‘; thqpurpofe afore1?aaid,;hac%the faifi i€=.5Aa‘:;-54i“§;4“bf7 A :B'nfhap;sy; (except: b¢5Qr¢e€.fiat¢d%;aI1Ad? n1aAdwéA ‘ 6%=1:rtt>%fuc!&:[FsehFfees~:f<>r uhéa dy Jialre~:;hcreof3andAfuch"i‘reafur¢ré= 4 %”EhéVi7é¢3€iPfi¢05H633:-as give fatisfafiiwon t0¢th€:1¢nde,f£}a _A;1~,‘{1;1§‘ave;£hereby\thither declaived, Athgt it fl‘-:2;11%ar_1d= maybe ‘Ia§Vfi1%II‘ Lfof~a¢:§_y%&¢rfonV»4 _p¢L'.'fC:.!1S7 to‘ affigng his:crighc.. and _jntfer__p:;={’ti Ain a ny* ‘fifimmé or fi1.ms;i of A yn1oVn‘ey;owiz1g to,him~,up0n tWh_ep;1&-Ivigge faichas _ afdiigfaifl ,» :05. [frerfoxi 0 1“p€I3ffQ1*i@S'1tEiat?fl1*a11%:1dvgnce.,the I like its %¢X~preff¢rd~:4~ A1rd~4therefarcFm-ma :04-waxrds £H€01arati0n‘th¢ fitid~%1c;ndersdi bps rgpaid . F6f:‘M:§;}€y5§:\‘;PlfiiZE.;,"ZHEEITIES; iVj:(.§I@_“1thei'r:f;~f[:1'fi"l.:i¢iturer aV:z:;Vci%*ax~:$x'i.es,,_ ad; A cf¥i¥;,te aforefiiid‘ j, % The {aids a}‘1d;% ;£?{om1110;1s Iiajré declzgfé ,.-. N, ffiiified U;P5?I1T‘*h]~;=Ai‘?Pfl~1iqt1€*fhit:h;-.— A1ntV?I5¢?&f0r. F?i6.j%f3m;§2s a 553' A4 J " 3 and*,;_ A L 5:“ bfblfififed‘ ’an7d‘Ad’oe d€¢I%Aa1'e* and _~oA;'dé1inv:e!_, Tiiat~ fhé * “ faj£1Z1élJm.g*‘“é1fid AAotherA the’ pe;+£bi1s.* berg;-Ma; fiamfcfi find- ..€Ee;_:‘Su;fVit§[q3F9: L :S;1:1.1;4:f;ri3f(«)ir‘ 705 LI:E1%e,éz11Ag,4 7 A a_11d %tI1e~LHciiiés?‘§)$FV7 the; S!Lit\'€ri:$"5i‘fC3f ‘%tH€?;.#T1i‘5{T1a1l”%% i?:arid :~a~h‘c;,i 6.6? ‘fi*‘a}.1 ;%;§n;«‘:I~" %fifn”guV1afr?thé A A AA {aid ‘i13rAAei1j1iL:fiés;‘I’cS% %a:i1%?<:JI fétljeci th_<-fin; “AtlieirAHe'it‘§:s%A”anT<:¥3 “ms fegcép; Par;i‘on~ages Iappfoprisite5Titfi€S,TitI1es;appt'opriate5ob* acieé A ‘cms, Aobvcn ti01ts,,_ pgrtions ‘V%Aof_AiTi1:he ,~§fPmsfo*nagesAA, %Vic‘caria’ges, ,"(;‘nm~ches,,;(jhappAel$; AcI«mwz3oAns%, *DcnatA%ves_;, * Nbmir1a“tions5 RiéhfisA99“§’.?« L f§§2vétiii;éS5j%i% were dLr‘é§:1*n€i p31yabIe’_after%~thc t!”‘{%5‘uf3z;x1%tIA%%£‘i5§ hiintimd fo1'tyfiX;, Anotwith i’tand7'%~ 2, Aging‘ Sgqgxcihaétion pf f‘aAme,jcS;.aI“l*"0therthe: Rentsfievexmtlesg I‘[1,“Aui::sA%an‘c;l 2 P”1fQfits,4 _t%hZ§§_fi1”€t%II'%".A2t£§ny.tii1‘16$%h€r€afi:ér‘becdmé d*ue= and“ ay§ib1c}fo1* tI:1¢~fai"Ad*[J1jéW§11iiji?és% of any t11'Aem‘,Cu1i:1iiI1*1E1IeA% ihgtll E36: made of""thc< %fi1n1'eto4the are-s, A i‘111;ér:;tS3 ‘ and:§Apm~po12a-5* IIé15einAA Aandz A "x % E‘1‘e;_~eaf'1';E'$I‘V : be ifit <»:)i:'d£ii11'e"c1‘%t11a.t.t1%1e% fi1iH’Tm»Of€€S;5 0!‘ ‘th@““ » V’ M.a}0r.' part oAf1;h.¢m: i{}1iaI1 hézifg: “Power and Autho ricyg, and afé hereby% AAutl16riféd;,AAktAo take into» their Aufifiarice 'fEICIV1‘C0%L11':I‘1f‘CH, Learned, ' and toappoint £'L1 <:h¥ Stewards of Mannors,%:%andaI1Tm:Her"OHi¢e!s i;11jdPet:f<;§ns5 Ads theyqr the Maid; V art%A:;of th%e1ii~fl10L1Id hCId“fit %a§i'1d%- I V1%1ecefl'aryV WfoftI1eA'Vptzttingpf j fd.i{X?;aHCC'in,EX§Cl;1ti=OH§ “ agicf tow A give%fi1"chV Fe*es ,Lwagidj make fqCI} aII6fifi7at1ce%§:o thefi1idvA‘CqunceI1,~. A _ Stewaydsgj ofMiann~ors“,: A Officérs‘ «anckpgrfons as they fha11ho1d'{:i{;j A L and nééeffiwr» f\;nd‘At<5~n1a¥rthe Pfi:Vm€fit.0f‘1‘? f”amc,% W110 4ar¢%A;h¢I%*¢by r¢q!11F€~d"“°‘:P?‘3"th°‘15’m<=« £qQ;:;d;ing};75 unt1II‘AAS;aIe‘111a1wIgbe mad¢4;e‘oF%the*pren11Hf7:s5 to*‘t[1‘e%\%r:zfies,;[in4- purpofééher*éirA£a::ddhsremdeclaredas%ai&»~efaid Tm :‘i*s~Mto i"é“+Y:£ A‘ that C1L1;At%%‘o%f' by" the%SaIeMo£ the %faid“?*Prg-A% "Afii‘th‘at {hall be {old 3, ,and ou=tVoft!w1_eAAAf;11fdfl Amifl%ssJV0rA4I=yPaft<3?4AA “ A AA RAei1i%ts,’Faev5:*.n!1es5 I”[i"zi‘1es5v ax1d‘P1~ofits of die ffiid p~remiflEs1V%or A guay W %?¢IA"L‘ 55é?¥§dAand‘Ai51ti$fiéAd'*t?*e 1"‘~‘W’FaA11“ film mes Sf Mmzeywith’I’nteré’1_’c at tIY€T%f3EeaForei‘aiCi,4 ’tHat~by this ”‘pr*e‘féxrt”50ra:.. A 7c§‘ixi;1nc¢ avg VOr*a1"'¢i1=1:end€d*to"bc[paiVd"a.nd" 1Eztisfi€d5 *‘togctl:€r with ?‘371C5h?*’%¢$’t° be %P“A3‘CAA‘AJ,<517".§<>Iff1¢n4&3“ 9A1‘7bYAA1‘€3*b“4‘5'f*h%4€ EX.¢W3A0fi w%0%%1‘"%-11¥ci5tCL1:5fi‘i[Ii ‘Vthgpaj re;;Ofe'd%§'; :mAdA?aFter% th€?;*°fiw11fVdL1-szjsfaymen tpf’ % 2:Ix*ey,,;he11- HIé.ifi:‘H€p.Si‘»! ExeA¢u:»é>di+s5$;‘a1;dd Ad:;;1;:mraccs1’s% < irely{M11-*¢fia%nd‘1.Ei1*z}ed;éiid=‘pofl§fiEd,offizthafthefaid C£m7x1?- %% :“:t -3A_eW_s§$‘V 1°a1*at%inf::;Ho nz1o%1js,A.ManIdot‘S;“ LAa,x1d3:and ;%P1*en1i.flE4s% “remain ing- A f '” A 35“ A mxfolé; ~o%_n_ageVéjidE?rc£éntatiai:3azid‘-ihalmke f{:er'j.tS?T1“ foI_d,And of the Moneys raifcd " A eiSaIeA_ofthePremiflEsi orgof any Paft oftheqa x;en1“aining undifpofw 5 {Of theufi“: and: bcnefitiofthe ‘ A Coimmon-wéalthgas ifhall limited: and appointedi by {Es oEPaz.~1iar_nent: : Andbe it alfo ordered and oi-dainede bythe;Au-g thority «ia£ore1a1d,i bithat Iobn? Blaclgvéfl ~ fenior oflllorecléckgi in "the > V County offiurrgr Effiuirei, Sir”/'illiaI9§2ddiI?olvertx of Wijderz, inf dxthe ~ Countyoffl/lidd/eféxi Knight, Al-demrian mar, Colonel! rm-berg N Turflerg AT.aéme.r Rmfifl,‘ W/illidm Mctbold, Tbomw d Ajrei of Lb7dzdo}z”*E-— ‘ i fquire, T/Vi l1dz',§mz P:?i:z2zeof Lincoln r InneE'fqL1iIAd'e54V1iabért F'ef1W5¢1{eb of “ Loziderz d.AEf'qg,i.Wred, Tihzbtbj Aflliddletdrflifflof 5:412?!/feed in A the;CdLifity ‘(if E Efquircgdifdrbard Creflet of Lynda}: Efi]uire,{}i£1II hénlvéb Pufifer andAuthority,and hereby‘ have fiilbl Power and Authority ti) Treat, A CQnera&, and;agi~¢A¢iiw:tt;Ae anyjpe;:ron er ptrfons, ‘AfGLf‘thcSalc of chefaid prenxiflesg or *a1A1y;oftheAn1iin fuch imanner‘ asfis. hereafter 11-] V V niiied} he e;4g1‘dA ghacigheieeerazaneABzac1;A_;m11,i and othmhe fiid per~ff- M " fons 12?: before named, [hall receive of the Trefi1~rersAherAein named; two pence in the pound for eirery fixtnrne that {ball be paid up the A fiid1Trefi1rers, upon all and every {fiche Cont:jAa€.A’c and Co11tra&s,for “ ~ V SZAIIQ-Of‘-tI1€vP1‘€l1iiflESi or aL1y‘A;.patt!:; th€F¢0fajAflddthatAithe faid Triiflees WA eve efthemfhalrhave filllipowéxganid are hereby re- ii ‘i A A guired to convey the premifles or any part thereof, by Bargaixaeimd A S ale Inrolledbaceording to the Statute _.,or otherwiie byany gOofd;8t fnflicient Conveyance and Affureance in the LaW,Ato anyperfon or i ’perfox1s.ewh:+.t('oc;ver,d_e according A to {itch er “Contpafis Aais A {hall be made byAthedIfaidConftrafiors Odr‘ain‘y”fi”x” érfzthere onhem, “ A A ‘ andAA,entred and" certified to the dfflzid 1Trufie¢sii as aforefaid by-4 theeR¢.%.- A V T Agifieeif herein; or ihereaftehto be "named by bath Houfeé “of Pafliaé V A . men]: : A Alidiftdhdé Money -e that {ball be raifécl by the dS2iIetI1:ereof, rod A A i~ be imployed according to it:he tirdfisfinid diirefiibns herein decleared. 4 AA A Aiflithiiap aIAlBa1fgai;fies ofsale, Coi}1iVeyanccs,dii and AITuraimesAmade V i»pf1any EfiateA t()1‘, Eflates in 4 Feeefinipleg, according to imntpaage 1‘ £3 Afkall be 21gr€e”d]upOnf d between thei"P3iI’ch‘a%%i"OrSi ‘ahditbheiI?iid’Con- _ A rraacors before nfamedgfhall be goedand etfe&ua11iinLaw; , E i itlikéwifé dI‘déiiIi"Cd:,_ ‘thatiinone b=(?)f the {aid A d ~tI7a'&ors;,,dd?A imr n0114e7ofthieicQnitra~5ioF5S.dj ?H1yicif.themi,A nbrahy A A dbother th*eix:i;or either iofthieinufégioxr erin fgrthefiy, or anyof t11ezrd1,’iiidi~1‘€éiIy=0I“i11ddire§&Iyi£fh3H dz‘ doe‘purchaTe"theiifaidd .I_arid§e cgrdany part of them 3 and evetyepgmchafo: of any jbdaréeofthieie A be Aprcmiflés A ppe:niHEs,hisHeires 'atld’Afl'igncfS,A Ihaljlhave, hcaI"d_.A, ancfcnjoy the V A ~ Apremifles thatd{ha1l’hbehby’him purchafedg difcha1:ged‘"of all trufise and . a¢compcs,whereunto‘ the faid Truftees are 01'' magI.E;_e1yagle byvgcug" A A A 1 any Acintra AA ors A this prefient (it the faid recited 0rdinanee.An ‘ * poi‘ any in trnfffor themgor any of them than buy any Lands crontraryhe AA . A . to this 0relinanc"c_.,heA or they {hall ferrfeit the ef_’cate and money paid . fo f'$rh..it$And ofgdljS(1iteseandQ1¢fiio1aegthai: may arife or be moved A gpon’ pretence o‘f_fa1e at undervalues or upon pretcn“c‘e,thatd the A fums hythis Ordvinana-Aintcnded to be payed, were _f‘at=.isfied5 before A A fale made, and all other claimes and demands whatfbever, fig-A A V A vingch¢11ei;1ts A and Interefls faved by the (‘aid recited OrdiAnah’ce,n K. and ofal_lAincL1t11br:1nces made by the f aid AT1iuf’ceés,or by“émy“cla m- . inghdndher them ,A on any of them 5 And for the edifizhargeh 0 A the A A Trnfceeeand coAntra<‘3:or_s,It fsfurther declared and end aimed _b’y»the anthority aforefahid , That a1IAand ;every“theAfaidT rn{’cees5a11dA~co11—h traflorsihall beg, and are hereby difizhargeddand Afaved dharn1eIeH“I=: fqr A A ,whatfoevei" they or hhany one ormorefof them {hall doe in pure A hfuance ofthisd Ordinance ; A Arid that ifai%1yAa€’cion .fl1aIl”bc brough cg againfi them or any ofthem , fbr any A8: done A hyfthem pr” any of * AtIiéli1‘C§_§¢ClitiOli, of this‘ O’x:dinnance4 or~h1firL1€’cio.ns hereinK‘I11en+é'h A . ';ibnéd; glienf are ‘hereby Aihabled to»~pIeadthe* generallk iflhe, End td giye.thisAO1*di°nance in evidence , and if nae"*”judgemeI_ A nt»;paflIe d thfifmatheyn "f]haII?reaoverdc>_ub1e eo£’cs1;,A11tInit is further odrdains 4 ,,ed _decIa1"ed‘th*:t- the fi1id‘Lordfhipse _.,h MannAor$,L{ands, ATe-- n d nemdentse“handAHeredicarnentsA vefiedAin the faid”TrL1fieesbytheefaid j ed ;Ox:dina’nce of Parliiamenth _.,J Lntltuled» A72 h}0rdi72z4J2eeh; of %ParIia5- d fi;y_-"if tAl2é.AA'£1bohIijbinfg%haf7 Arcbbijlgaf.-r,h. A4’2zd: Bifkju within: the ’ A Ah: AofAE1tglanjdA‘ ;n2ddA"dDamAi;zioz;hh of 4lt’.f'_<,“ gm h . L¢9,,A;VL,«A’?jianJV Pa[efl9a9A¢.r._:4ponn Trufleef _., {the} qf tbt” A‘ nd'h_£mm—en+W’e4ltbd A A fhaI1A=#1‘1o%t ,beA1yahle unto» but fla1i‘dA:{1jdfV%fha%;Hh A V A; A Ahffreej andd difchagfged of and feqtn all end§aI1h.manen¢r e;;0ffStatute35 A]udgements,RecQgn;zances5Dowers, joyntures, A;1’mdrAothe1_" Adi;-, . A A ind .Ii1cnmb,rancesW whgdtfoever had,tnade, done or fuAfl'"ered,A, norm bg MA» ; ed :4 eh:eli7°&d,t11é1de5cIbne,c5x:**fuff61’€d“byfi'om.oI‘ under nth€kfiidTrufiees,Q1;h¢r.«A X: dthen conveynancesh‘AaAn—d A{aH‘urances; asA1AAA£h%a1l‘ by them had, A . A5 done, her Afufferedsin performance, orpurfuanee 0ftAh"a§fa1¢A33 e A ,3 A ehljand Contra&$~by"themAtojherefpefiivelymade é;ccordi:ngL toithg A item °fFhi'S Pnref¢m= 0rdinanc¢i=Aand faving unto all andfevmv \ 1‘ ‘Nil ‘ fir» tlaesjétling he <6) ré V ; “A*‘i§9ez*fb11 _a11dpe1*fE>fl»s “,5 A Bodies policique and%C0rp.px9aVteAA,%€HEi1*VHe%i:°cs5, A A A5!-I¢C€fi0rs,'VExecutox~s and Adminiitrators, ‘all Afutgh Right, Ti¢1e;_, A A 3nd 1§1t% thefaid Bifhop or hispredeceflbrs as A Count Palatine,‘ or anyA0f A them_.,bL1tthatthcfizmefhallremaine inthe {aid ATrufi%ees_, 11améd‘ir;A " A A a Iate%OrdinVa7r1@e intituled V-A72 AA Ordinance Atbe Aalvolx:fbz_'¢rzgA'% cf I Arcbbifkajyr A Aazid 1 ABz'[I«mp.r‘ witlgizz the A; %Ki22gdan2%e' Ezzgléfld" 4%’ A Afitling ,awwI i1w1‘e1-°- fleminion Faf Wztlgx *,,- : , flow upmWTruflWee.r fiir‘ £792 zzjé -the gffoiigméin-ifialt/1 , fA\t0 Be A dif?-A ‘ pbfi-;'dof4as both Houfés of ; ParIiaA111entAf{haI1% t-hvink'7e fit” and api- : -pointfiny thing in ‘this prefent Ox?di1ian7ceAAA%"t"o the contmry there} A A ofTcotAmained.in%an3z, wife nodiaithflaxzding. P1T0VidédAa‘1W3«yé§5‘3nd A % is *furthe19xdec1arcd; A Aa‘:i%d Ordaincd,4jIA» Tl1af%w1iAer§asAthe1%»iteA Biflhop 1 *-of E1y,%andAoc11e1~hispredecerforwiihopsofAE1yAAhave hitherto A %A7AAr5xerciiEdAA and Aexfioyied finldry great Fra11cI1i1%-s , A LibAe1A*ties and ~ AA ]iIrifdi€’ti‘0n‘s cbmnaony caIIéd4 fairs: Regalia: ,’Ath:§1tthis' Ordiriance A % fnor any ~thiVng~theL'ei11 c0A11tainse,A£xtend AA1}oAt,; Anor be: CQ1'ifir%ue§l A 1 VAt:o%Awexte;-41dfVAAAA%tc>M »givep:oWcr or authority Atothe perfons ’€A;l1§I‘.;c?in‘ naj--‘f rnedA;ofr an» ‘of them tin {E11, Adifjnofia, orz;;nyVway to conzragm for vi A AA ?thefaidA . ?ur"'a Regalia belonging to , the: _f'a§id% A F V p1~edecefl‘ors,A or any; of them , bn1_t_thacAvtheA1Zzme —rema%in¢4AAiVia A ,inAthcAf2iidTru%APcees' named i in; a? late 0rdi‘n%a.11ceV% Ti 1:; Q iris’ amdA “"“Bl‘1k..0PJ' _ Qydinmc: fir the zzbelifiaizgz A f: .44r¢.-My Ashe Kiflgdam A ‘E*zgla?2v% A wAdAAAAAA‘amin50n “ 40f’*W«'e%?er%a A ~ A féfling’ ‘ At/oeir 47:20‘ P0flej]'t‘0?¢:!' vi%fi: not%withfié‘nd'i;§g,* %_ 3 A-Prov/i;;deAd»’<§:a1V=fo, rm:4:;1eAbug1«a»;ngs,fgbrzckg :0;12zte~«4o£a;1y;;c3;.tA; .2 ' fA1‘i€3h?i5 p::,;~t,1xafers, ror‘;anj:*;o£?z A “”their_.; (_) 1A‘ ah7§f §¢‘fch¢x;~4he%;rs;t.or A%%afligz1es,V ‘or1e;A=A6‘”i%iAf ‘rn*aAre V Aétéi » ’1>1a:~1i«a*g;qent,‘é»oArLeccedrs%1vgtems”AAunaey:- %g1~¢*;;.;td?§s«ea‘1"?AAo:j A A A2mzb;+»;aucraorgcy%o£Q_gr1iaxn¢nc;man~1m;ea»f:erAAApain”e; ; madeFm:the*[%£arz1+;maiwangomeQVre1n‘1res; cue» ;Vp=ag+¢A*:5§ :ps:rcfiafer pu»r¢ham%, E '§Hi‘°‘i:fs' Am \ :2- p*f*%}‘fiE§;;~iandVa~11—’fi41£nme'~i{h*Hi2*§c:f§«’o?fA'fi*iti.i;1y“ M‘ MW: A ,AmAaL A : V .;,;”'..~ ,.~.Au.n..-u... ‘ A. an ‘ ‘K ‘. A it‘ “ AW wk 3' ‘i~ j.‘.AA',“"’.'.~ATM... ..a«A.: IA ¥"’=M~«'A"n,- H R: a~eA&rmr ~ *ts;:N .S3W fl' Ma5é‘::1;+i£maeVordaVinea;wt4gxmsexa L? “E 4 .f,;'A341=A ‘ AVALdueAAprA payable, by V ertfie;a£wi‘s»‘ A V _ % A ‘ % “ av.’ ““V‘ ’«ta£:rz1§=—~o£th¢prcmi%i‘cs, fh111LbéreccivctT;b5§‘ the" faiid"~W3lii¢m'~ A 6231», AIderman,V T»‘a,;m Nam, af1dfFr»mrcx2. A415,, are: ~ é‘1litfi0fiZ'€d},_ and % to % \'I'1=e:L— A fu1?é4fs%fOt thé=.récciving,% iff »pWa.yi%ng%¢;%o=ut4%tl1<-: fame: ail; Géldfmiths Hagllaor otheriilaéé W1;w«‘€'i;th€ dTrufiées, ‘or *~;r.¢ mfajoy; pm-”c*éfi\&thegn.5fliaIlLf1;%om,‘tiri,:éj t;OI:1t~;i”m€~think5 fitgwitha» iigxhe City of London, and; are; herebuy authorized‘_Xand, japs- ; Tp?9i;ntecI_%to take mdjrekzeivtz thcf fubfpriptions of‘ey,ery p*e5rjfon§ M or%Vperféns.bofii€sVP01itiqu¢»%4y9»: *.C0r12°mt¢afth%tfhallwfilbv jfmfib e any fummc up ' filfflmes of monyv 1: for,% andfitowards the:-; F iaifigg of thhfai—id~é\ira~1iiindrédVEhoufa.;id, pO1ihdsyintcndéd"té». A 5?16%TV‘#¥1d‘Ai%t%i54}i€f¢W¢fdfiiI§¢da.Ltllfittlle faid T“‘33f“£€fS»» Gravy t\¥00fth§m»fl:a1lbe».Wanddar¢ hereby authoriztds uipon» ¢ ~thc,w=¢A1pts or“ certificates giv¢nwbv4th¢%former VTreafurers,e former; a V R€c¢iv¢4‘ssvtomsr~~2érfon What: d"va.nccdbyr% thj6m.in;mony, Plate,A I-‘I0rI'e,%13ur-‘-« V «I % !fiu1re,0r3¥rii!S:1ipi>n#%1i€1mblidi1tihgQfiihé t0%.af43?¢¥E3%¥1~ . Y_ crib¢d%% and-“I _PaY¢d% cc,1n [:he,Vnam;c_ of th::»par1:1cs=' n;9;.I2a1¥:%nd¢nt9r9i?c ‘ “ N tbthc fi id; TféafL1””1‘CuI'S..‘0r e‘ .... y, whomrhefime ro afligncds whidrreceiprs %£;1V€11,bY Fh¢” f31d;e-~T1’€3fi11*6rS,‘fhall bC”"3.~ good and _1'uffici%[e1‘11: A II1¢if“13X¢Ci1t0‘¥S- "1Ac¥niihifirato£s,%;Succcfi?ers;V*a“fi’d:¥?+fT1g11cs;%to require the. fiuiime,.;and W fummes vofmo1iy°th;e1=einiA m€%ziti6fiéd:;é *a9Y;fm0nies_;"dé1e him%~Mo% fl1411:%arPP¢ft%int0m4’<¢4anYailom - “T VAndfarthers»rh-nit amu;andVm y¢be~:awru11 for nerfofi %*3d~R€§f0ns»%%hL9dr:syAP4ohti<19€aA9?Corporai:e.%—A wh04wiha1l'.havc ~7m»b¥_ of ‘this;H¥¢fmt~Q¥+ dmancc; t<14g‘+rétt3ft.%afndfiflié9f%tbe%fa¢m untoA%aénsm¢rfd«m. Ions Wharfiever. and the femegranc andewcfiualm. an mtenrs am purpofcéwhitfocvcra find afiawcd by all perfon "and J perfonsV4~% earfoeve;-,V1w “.g.«éy..a “‘ N‘ ,3 ., “ ‘ . ‘ " ‘M :' ‘ “ émcrco *”as1fi " ‘ii... ‘....:.,—-‘_........¢v ~99‘ » I ~ .th¢m{elvA £h%Va¢11;Vbc;;:fv::giv¢1i;T \ ‘ Hum. “ 1‘ ‘ " " -u--u---_ ,,.—.4 I * AA V-Ahd oh“:-f jjerfons, {hall wictingiy V produce any: falfejcohr forged; Acqttittanoeor Cerdficatew the {aid Treafi1rers,ther‘eby.to defraud. the Co~mm9fi:wfealch 3' A the} _perfon pr -perfonshfo offending, {hall 10122 gnd foe;-fei; his 7 moneyelem, towards thee raifing of-the twohhundredethotxfand V A pounds, or any way A due "to 1him, for read~ie-money, Flare,‘ Hogfes, ~PumIiture, sand Arms, ‘Hl6‘»I1ty0'f fem: in by himruppn the _AAPubh1i‘ckvfaith,h Nor ‘aflignecl; 'u1V1?t0hi by him. « por themfubfcribedg A eight dagceshéfierh fu‘ .fi1b1?eriptio1,=i unto hthefreafimersheaphpointe the receipt; of the fameL,e hflmhlrleeeehlofe and 0rFeit‘htheAmo“neevethat fliall bsesdueh unto him u on the Publick-faitih unleffe he flmafi eew mmroi hthec 1-aidl’Tr h A ““ ees, »or the majqr part of them, fome“ Areafonablefeaufe .:o b“e by them a11o%we¢ be ithfurthefi % ordained; that the‘ {aid “Treafurer_s hereby A.cqnPcitu,ted and -this? refcnt Urdinancc foze A A ' aijapogintedefortheAreceivinghandiffuinigeout oftheffaidhmonie, A A fl1.ai_1~ gnot ifllze or"‘pa””y out any ofehe ; aid fumme of two huh; hjdrcdeAA; .;pounds, to e be borrowed for theufe ofthcV e A¢eC0mimon.wea<1th, Was aforefaidg but byfOrd>inan‘ce ofboth h V Houfesof Pearlhiaaiiei1t".~ jwhichhfleinance; With Ath€ ~I'€€¢Aipt of A the (party, or ;ga;1:t»i=es, ~ to the monie.isA a,ppointed~dhtoibhee5; A epayced,a;-411 ma good and.»fi1fficien; dxfcha%1jget9;hefaihd= ~ 1T{reafuters,e their Heirs, Executors, and Adminifirateqrs : and I] fgygidhflfteafurers (hall notidiijaoie, hedisburfe, or pay anyo- gxhere fumme,ox: fummes eofimome that [ball come torhexr three-‘i e furYs9r‘bcLpaid unw th<:mout.ofthe profitsorby fileofanw of 4’t‘h‘e\‘;‘ premifes, A but-by ~wa;rra;it;AAeof the faVid%otherhhTrv.1Rees, A A h the emajqr part hh;1acmh;hwhoh a;rie7 hercbjhfgqfliféfl 1:91" h giyb no:war§gncA.fox ighe-.deifpofi1ig," iffilinjga paylng out] of»? W » AA I [B A Aenz ' ,fi1gj.fiqe%%~% 51* fixmmesu of A monie Q that %TaI*I&bé Areceh/e‘d AA I w:»¢?VA;:2:*ue‘ of? ;t%hi§V®i1din%afice%4;3‘ bus: 7f'or:=the pz,17i:pb‘fiesA‘ in;t:’fiis’:i:fdf- m§_,s,;‘;a;:;;_c;:‘%% %c;Q1.f1§a_i"m:d,A.. g;And-~i;f agny Wz:;rra~nt ~%fl*1;1I%1 Ba inade *f0,'l? A A ;9§§?§3h5:’:P*~117P9.f‘3§;Ih€Tfi13§§?.fl1;L1;Ii39§..V7.Qi’d‘3 ~~%A.m{% iEEaifiA}fi1rtheA1‘» 0a*da14ifié€1d: 557a1th=:: aLIit~h0%rit§%”' -’i1CQ*f€fa5d;T hat ‘fa§{4gi%_4fTréafiu7e H1311 ..1m:%c{:5iy¢ 1iaa1§_i3f%Am0z2iesA by jfi€1“fi of-E213 "% 7pi'€gIn.ife§,%§%vo:f AV :¢Ceépt% ;0f{h’e%1*efits afgid p_:‘oj£its of the fame,” % and aai1;0%~Wii;fl$€3 5M,L;?§1“*:—‘?43’L>f .fli;3Ai1flp%5Z, itiié. ¢z‘a::és**¢t0rth€41é31 %s:¢s%;i‘%*11rtE::1éa:‘t. of.ti;e~iAr4avh*,¢1e ‘I %<~t‘a‘ci:it%}‘}%‘{z1H'i§}:%o§%vi.r2g £0 iIi‘iE1nii1'€0l1l‘fi‘3, as tI1 €3rdiC1}39ESs7?’:;tl16iE' A m0;,nL: AA *m:h :11»eii21~tei“efi‘, the-2n dm=:%; and fo%fi*0‘m time to timé,_ % tiii*?c»h<:wwi1f:)‘I4e:Abe3.“p;i},rhd;~ Y’r0VIé@€iV31w*aye§,%%~dhd Tit“isl&heife‘by Mjchat ; i:t;”[?ihz“~i%i"%?an%djinaygibé;1a\E§‘fi11l‘f%£70£Eizelty; lendefi Q1" 9;;-‘v’V~h0€_-‘_fly“ %¢«i3é?gQ;'§1¢ ¢;at;%;§?pLir<:%i1%ei.2.’%i?Lr?4 féanyg p¢ai%t»%g£:;thér “ :‘s::11;1:%;fm=~,4? cc‘)? Adefgaiémpg I::.1"'s:: taiiri }%;an, _§,r*g171%()*i1T1E« that}'fha?ILi : be-A duee. z1gn%tQ?”,him by v“c:1';::%t1«:: - 0f;th;js pxfefcimj0vrdman%ce,5uponaevery: p_%;1%1“a§:a;i%13%%%t§_1at hcpz‘ ti1€;3,f_i71i1aii m2£1+;,é,; if_t-hfi fmnxné by .'i1i1nA:Ie1it;:;% A ‘ %111a;i1A4" s.I§sfx*ts~a.-r¢::A%A sfsncf A'1€T1'%&“idV7fréétfi2i‘e1*sJ}ia11‘:: ¢ « “ b5:A%th<:m ;;:9%e;re¢¢iveAd.Aax1cLpa~id;A;‘V“ a1j1_o%wme4fEz:i'1c according! 5! much+thereof J And. he itVfu‘z9thcit0§=%dait1edT; tfiatftim-% f:igicI\'Ifg,§2afL1_i*ers Ihalfll ’ k%®¢p sand ';pC37‘h:—’.‘f%'DQQk3 0fac.c9unrs¢ réccrpm; é1i?b%é1mrfm%¢:3%ts, at??? ihaliil :éiv;€ %‘~tAhei%1*Aaccoumzéy V n1it*cAee" M aircmlncés gof azhcé Awh9lc1%%%A»A ‘ ;;.:flfi§'3 W113 %‘b¢’§33g‘5f fwhq ‘W3 hemrby ffiquirfi % :heA fameczvitiryfi fixrmolzcthsy ;and«:I1.ereup0n to give ;,.-. "c1;fi‘;;1~;%M;;;~ge5 , gofafi.:i;Tr§afi1t¢1fs.jAnd% ;a}ft_c::;* i,i1chVdi—£?:3I1Aax*ges,»»$"* A ; :hs%%ifa~irsg thwi 1-i%<::rs,i 4&Ex¢cg1tp:s,% d&Vx°s%cimini£;f;%a~ t40%rS; 11°~3~1i4,::%3:-0 A V‘ the, »i71:£:tm%"sa;;fox* vwhé Ch%‘§1a;e=3%Iiav?eV.11a‘d5 .:apnd¢A rec¢iv:.ed%A am. « %3Jf3“i‘1%At7i1?1€?1i:q.?1€§§iG%11€:§'i%.f0.??;49i‘?GQfi€€miLi1gf¢m3IF€zf.g V And; fin=th7 é;{r A aid 19'}: é,Vii“11*;e5i9sA;f}51aI'«Iv~;hail;élficfiacl and % m%4.A1Iflt9;them;A:beiugmimz9%Om:%p€flfiy§«xa:"-thepom3d;¢4A.for ,;;.4-%Mfld‘~’t6%afheVM«inteh’t%tin "v.,\__‘ ‘ an . ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ . ‘ “ t ‘ ‘ V‘ 5;, ‘. _ _ ‘nu 04: t ‘acc%6»rdifig‘t};§ 7tfi*é ;§§i%e£1fiih»gTo*? “ L “A V {the recited Qrdi;£ance‘,{ %‘t1jV1<:1:rL1Aé 'é¢0?f1tenf§%a1id~*\{aIL1e* jo‘f".aJiifand4i31x1 giaiar t?hc%pz'¢1%:1ifés :1y“7b¢*?kn< ;»_w11 , ‘:bierm7:.r. ’a‘nc1ja.—:’A ::$§:Aage::¢¥%t1aé1n may%V¢4.bej;naaeV* ~fo3’q¢V%t11*?é’i};1I"e%"Vé1t1“c§“ ’ 5_b€§%"£€fi§it‘ Q"{“‘t‘11} €’ C‘o’n%m1“dn5y»*<:a;I%€11i:*> ”it‘%VVbr’da%ihedf by tihe A . 4th-d:i~it$/T?&fL%;r€fi1id,$“.;ih‘ét Afiéiéi. E*!73%;(r%eAAEfq; i::lAé1fkAoft%he_AI-S{%oL1fe: A .i"bf=C_;omfi1fu;>zns:,?fhzill beR*Aeg¢5Lfler’and4— Keepfetfi o%1g;:nd;;i1aA4;1‘1.11haAve * % % V A Athe‘ cu{hiid§,11:rM9?a.*«,;~]?ls:'_;,?%IZe:ig‘er-=bdksfgxY$¢%‘.1‘iti~ngs*%,9 Bbgksflf%$§i11§vé‘y¥-. 4 ;?ggam;a1s,M4 fa Tc an a“ mm myco:e;c¢:rn%inAg~:1ae 9Land§aIfid‘» Pk')¢fY<:fHi0n$'%Of thé ”l'a ne”Ak%L1‘c‘Eb%ifl10p3 atnd Bifliops,-_ A ~ A M “io1*J~cos1cc1"mfl’g anythfa €oL1n ti¢es~:PaIat%1nrSa1eA*or:mhe'rw;feM A fl1é11,’Aor.as., tofbc Afidwwalljand em%y%:he Arm Cofimiadxsflizi1iicertifie:a11;;C0"ntra&s-Afo by t*11ez11%,.«m*T anggpf %th¢m::rn*g1de,*tfo% the~f:iid* Hanry'%%iE~1nr‘ém;g’e acc%01*d%i11gl§r,;Wh017}aszIIA1 1 % %% ¢. "makcjfizncxiyy o:f”aill‘r‘a%ndV%We§zery~fiugh{Ltaz1&t1“aZk9c4%%%a:1d }C10’ntrzi&§;—? A 1 agnd~A‘:§¢%%ot.h;e procecding§§~thc1‘eupo¢n At” :E'v‘<‘:fy— ~w*hiCAh1 i73:id%A par-. ticulaxr and*particu1ars of the presmfes to to be~Vxnada h;;:1*~th :~ j%,_Lm=der1‘ithefhand of the "fiaxid %H.w-my Eg’ys.§;e, fi1;{;13 ‘ocfro1n %% A‘ Aitgim*c:;o?Vt§£nc':goo,d and; furfi2:i*e‘n;n{=Aiitho4ricy nomad :.i“bmr~ %the“ fagrd %$;.jo%r1’tra6{01fs; o1*Fanyfo11rI or‘m‘o‘re_ of: t:?hc2x11 ,am Vr:‘<_::i:1'c;A1,¥§s%x§:7v‘.',;7i 7 ~ ‘agri e,e, 0;-fM4proceed the:‘cupf Warvb Foam . Qtheixgwfife inxhe . execution and :‘.-‘s ad’ §wentieth—?d~asr»% of Iww,V‘ .th¢ Nine twentifitll Tciayl ;of S:p%t¢M‘ers andthe Five: =;mdA%twerat£6th%~daw0f D¢eeméar. «%vafi6;1#yi byVequAa1Vport1on§‘; and;~o£h€._x"‘rc:afqnab1e‘Fe¢5 % forAwririf:g%, @¢rating, Vwd Vfignmgof thé fald part§w1ars,d and A % di¢¢i&harg.=,& ‘raid Elana; A Rtovided tliatflm fair! Regiffefi TAMM I A % be . . V hu11Vdz:e<1fi<211nds, tghc faid T:I?flfi‘¥€f$ arwereby .5;-cquiréd ;;‘?0;;, W ac{Q£?d1«§l{g1Y.?I-”that';hc_ 4 A thereoflasv4Vafor€faéIda R V ishcrcfiyifizrthér Ofiéred ai1dL~; r£1ained»by¢ tkC .‘i; V Ainthority afor¢f%1da.A};V5§§19+$Viw§ A 5 C » ». jé T3 "H W-~ “ “ .x.. 5 ' .3 9. q ‘ ‘cm. A Who ‘T“ha*I¢"pow¢r'*v 1:o*% go int;<)4 a1l%;and jevcrjr CQufl_t.1C$5 Cnzxeg ,‘ gind Places wxtfimz the K1ngd%omvV»a£%‘%:i “ %E,ng1amL% amd Valet» Qr&%%1m0 f0 ’ma;ny[ of them;I..; fitrtherrnzdainectby%auth%>ri=v=iforé j =tfoArcfai4d5 thrc2mes.w,A Qt nimpe of £1143 “ f andV,a1xA; cnter into, fand orany A : “ Vfha1!§1f9% . .7 ~ ’\ '» _»« ‘YN. N ,;v ,v-.e.. *2 an frQf~ A 1 ‘ . ‘D ~.Cf % %,.; M A H % A 9d the Heires Ofrhc 1%t'i:Ci Survivors; %*-.1,%tind%ertheir:h3Iid5:Landfifeals ref A % _ ‘ M foA&manypc;rfons”JA‘ %s“§h€Y fit,u1:v¢yorsV@fo:AA& .: A e_putring.9f ~thrs¢=«%4 2; Lof Ehsm:%%.Af1.14A!!havcrowgy J. A «M , -av ()a ths‘of Aanflé ”a'I1 % goqdrad lawful! wa_xcs;a;ad’Amea1;ms,A to "inquire? A A at County‘ Paléflilllfi 5 \.*'H:0’f10EErSg, fMa:mours , Lowisj, fj ranges, Md_fi_1ages,%Lands,A.;Tenemem:s. yMedoWS,A i7I;¢:"A2'.i.ii.\avs,w f A A Pafcurcs, W0[!0‘dS; .Rj€f1tS:RA€Vcrfions, Services, Parks, A nuitiesg 81?dA.QAFh5rAP0fl€fTiOnMs,wprivvfledfes,liberties, iairlmuniw M tics and henigdrtaymaents wh?aAtfoev“e:Art.,4 0 .. what nature orA.q;ua.A foev<:r‘theyb%e A, lying, ;_or ,.being within every fuch .c(mn....: W: 0.f=A%ICi~i1?A}7, A as af0r€faid,%%A»;did Aatiiaxgmime ‘bc>1ong,. or appmiu taiIni~‘unto all, Vcver«y, ;ox' any ;:fuch; AArchbifhAops,AA:m:A .,‘inI'A~ right of Archbifliojjricks ,, ' Bifhopricks., " Dignities ,% for A p la'cesA i7efpVej&iAVA€l5I:, (Dr to? any * other ;.perfonA :0x.prerfm1{S; % trail for them, or any of them , .Aas%%afoxefa’ic1*,M A in righjsnofi the 7 A A ftid Archbiffliopticks, and Bifhopricks, what, 7and ihgwj M A much of tliiéfame i9_in pofl'efIionV,%..anid.AV AS1A1b:AtrmeA ..yeare~1y‘,ma. A AA A Q A Alue tl1eVr¢of; andiwhat, and h%ow;;;1uch5the1jeo=H0M110L1rs,% VMannors,:‘%%%anjd -P1v~emifes.'%%;‘;A%nd. to _ca'1IL? **h€‘f<)1f'e ithem any of ;he%%7T;enants%,\~01“ other pé1*fo11s%;whpm%‘4 -th¢yi1flia1l%Méoncéivcto ;hav7e‘a‘ny ihterefc in‘ar1y , of thc‘:}?1?1fe;.4 F _rnifés,. to {haw tlaeixj Writ%irigsV:v a%r1d% Evidences :5; a11‘dj%d_i_fc;o.iV~%& ~V€i“ W’haf Vriglxt , iV«1:it1e:,;_‘or%intercity , tlmey or :my , of %the_.mg V ah ax{e; % « or may ;c1:mns;: |n:OA’fL;i fiijatb, ;»~or;A (M: V Gfigmle A ,~ on part: thfire0f.%_%j~f%,}And~‘ a1f<3i ;tq :;€Xam%i11eAbysowth oAn:&o;:hm~- “].f.‘Ni{e_§ :£m‘y ¢pr:*i*fo;},O1€.Vpcrf6riVsv ('Oth7E1‘_4t11€n fl1Chfas hayém: or, 7.. <:1a1m"jJ%%toA%%%, hm/e%MA..A.1ntere£’c om ti;t1:e t:h§re1n);_ fo 1%,: ”or,conce1+njng iphe difcdveriy,E of ti-‘1'e. "COIfit.€%:jES.§‘)'-.wM€tSV'.sv\‘; Sounds ,3» E;étAén:§, r;r1:1e;5,;R¢ents.:4 IFflP?ove,rn@nt§;-Vawluatirméw find 7 J.l1:£.ifdiffi\.; ,.ons,{' of "a1;;1,;.=¢” d¢Vf4;V;thé‘:1?ni“¢‘niii‘¢sr:: :::A~xid isflir ;.m:'e;o:.a I; .:%.vcrinAg;;. of aimgr" 12R .6-“.C“‘!i3i5t i€='1:5?*Evififihteszfifi§Ni°i~Eihg,5;=, gar; ’ smndumsi c0jnce~mi¢n“‘g Athe;:fe:m€ €1;11d1s.=that: asV%,%Aw6l~1.r.ixé'4;;::fiidA ,;7I1‘1jufiEeeAsA,; or %_any*" jthi‘€€ iof; _ 1:11.ém,; :%as;,tl1s::;v .VfaAijd tffsv%<:m{-1i%I4%% Su»,_7~f__:;:_ A ;‘l2i.forefaid»% az:'.Ae;f:. kg: N ‘.1 l 3 m “:3 ~ ai2,&F«%4‘:P€1'1?:=.n;:;o1:213‘3«¥?fo11s“A:(0cHe~r A sfizt W M ‘r V AA M , . V ..» §:{Qncérn,iI1g?f,1ZEch A 4A:h.c.‘§%1%reAm~;%1%sasfhal-1 b¢?Aimq21efii%4én)w jg’; mi :;,a1{o;V?:.omcq;.A 3;: ,..1ac‘x;;:zr1:fo11.=a”.a:x3r perfollcp§.;ti:Lbwn.s:%<;a:h¢:x'::iaén gjve3gou~s.‘.s7 fa ;aA11‘thm.:i%2i€d;a; ,0Tr ~.afi;n?_x.f, l§f"1fi;1:€,¢ mt muff?;5Qfif%;tm:113;.§asA;i AA % 11: have or ;.A%c1ajxne:<%AVAtoi ;inE.£:1“<2£‘t;>"9f:‘L:mic: 313$“; &.i3i%#1i:7‘A;.w:«“1s;;af‘@rs2i€e.; +- : :i1i%i~1:;vvrV€ft1f€%& t}€2*~:¢;ta;k@ difmg . Vé:7Vvt;rV»;l1i*s; Kn0<%w-1éd7“g€% %%‘co;:c%eA1;fi;i;ng thc xc:79é3;_‘;;qf: %tg§ ,;cf>gr % 10f rim: 1.'3fld5I:‘ Vfif’¢?1*€33%3+?-%it’:’£€11€ihiFi1%g ‘Q? Peeréof th-is Rezflme. And bé%%iVt_ fii‘rther and Qrdaifled bythtt apzthoricy afér‘¢faid%,%Tha:the Oori1%x%nifli€311?éréof'»E3;t% and“ new Alnipofl foijthe :ime4be2%ngAa;Le ficreby c1im=°ge-d ‘arid réqiiifed t,1p‘onT the Certificate oF“Eh¢ {aid V 5_Tx*e~afi1i"éf9-54'&:é1‘t;§f3*ihg wjfiat ;fi1mme“or‘ fu'rnme's ofn1o’neyarc 4due A g’1fid~?p£1ya_B1%e':o% aifixy Pefijfon or PerfQQs,V "b 0d%ie-“s %Politick oi? (3orp0- + ‘ {1éaté,jv¢rtuéAbf Vthifi prawn: Ordintmce: 1:0” pay ini:e:~¢‘fi;:a}t&r tlie ( Aim‘ Veiégm ¢’*pou1i*dsinAth»e Ahtmdredvfbr the faiiié, coesiery fuck V A%+Per"foh:PerT‘dn»s3 bwdiés %*Po1'1~uc:ke ‘and “C%orpoi~at:’e',, M t%héit*% E7>fifA as ; fha.11 be t‘hen;du~eAaAndA ungmd , A _ia11df “fiihéfl Tbegtifizo pmhe wh*¢ii”th=e§r 1;fi1”a}[ve‘A in { ready jmcxigy % 4-f‘fc')‘,t‘frfifi~p”a‘:t *0‘F t'hé WholéA Dei3t‘%tAThé‘”.t:“% “owing to *t%l1fe Lei1dem A % Vii: éfifirfégas thé?%JdidPaY their mohe§’2 "Vi"~11Atheintcrefi%%thexadu.ea f A will we wholemoney A‘herebyfecurc*d" tube pagd '1 ‘a$€**¢AA‘ af#1r¢rs1>éF-fife f ffien"éi0n¢¢d Wm aPP°int€d tcflpamie % 17ifafiWej;;,i1§A?«%:;jafi&{twg-%%faid~Ge4rtifitates% of the faid% ‘Trea.furers, L'sV}%v"'1n:}1”flf»_.V_¢% A 4%~m¢¢;peomge4;arpe&ive Lenaersgxaxlbe goodaug. : ; _ V . M‘ M M L . . é L ' VM M M ‘I. ‘§uhp;s§id;4?Ih2i1~1<: 3ful.lyp%a‘yedand;fa,cisfi¢dsJ aiAn*%£1zz:?n %_%man«-A- ; char%g7em“ zfie bézr x'1iFVad"e, ‘andrkept ()5 i‘i1‘gV:by‘tX1é VP;tFr1”i:Lni¢rit,‘ ’”V}?.m'39€5 01;‘ Iehd% may fumm i‘V%bt’tl1e?”Bii}1ops T.,;mds,# nxsntsywhich» {hall be gizade, " % med by “th‘e 'Ax;zth0r;ity‘ afore . »%ru;~e»o£bmh H¢urcsorPa:~1:z;[menc;cher _ * V; A _ A (:6) iazd Conm11fi‘ioncrs ofExc1fe and every %IW1C€~ Afind to the and 9- iuifénd true flccbnlpta and Regi1*rY‘may ié111 a11d,fiz*1gulaVr the;Dcbts and Monies “ OW7-4 4 _of§hem, for th ei1*paymVe;»n:J ; %% AQfan37 fumme or fizm'mes ’ofm0ney by vertue of this prefent%'01fdfi— Mto%A2f'uc11“Pwion and P¢1‘f‘0risaS 111311 ad-' e or fun1mes_ of Money upon .‘t_hVeg ’fecu.ity W and the Giazad receipt Wotthe Excife in V VcoVur.fc,‘V‘*or>)which» of them’ {hall firfie ‘be‘<;:nab1ed to furnifh Monies 7’ “zffcéss t1;ife”repaymezit thé:*¢of§ 4~La3,¢ alfopf PaynxéflmafidAdisburIE- ‘ A brj ifi'ueVo;;t<3f:h;:fame. %%Be*it Ordai-v aid as V That, for and duringf11eV %P1ea~A ? _be_.,j ‘and {hall beohe Re-“’-9 % A ‘ Vgihflzer21ct:o111ptax1kwt,jwho i}1a1l¢keepéaVtm,e and plairie ac%ccm;pt,%A%or,—$r . }*%,Pérf0¢norVP£:rfo11s,Which Ih;21l1L4h2ivc“advat1_ced[I‘bi’ Iant 4MVO1fiiés;as ’ Offliall be dxfefupim AccQmptant’1ha11"have full 4 ¢:;>r for the farm gfiwhich %faid,"i°(egii’cct' % \ A po wer,,‘ %%and'is%1zer¢by auch 0rized* :04 4view,_~perufe,w % ;a1;cV Co-3+ 1 L%pi‘és % of "%a1l'V and eve2~y»:JBook¢s,% %enablzdfto‘%v1i12:c»vér,,%gm1findeom; accompns Of all ‘a ¢e$fery%ADe%bjt 7’ %wPa;:12amenryrorpzace, Moneya Harte, or%%%theirFurniture, j%_*a;farefaid ; and alfo dfall finch Intérefljas is, and D4ebts%du¢,%VorAOwing bythe ;h:i11ds%yor%fcufiodyfo‘é*Ver%%%th¢y$dr“any of them gram fl1é11,lVbe,w*I_1%ere4‘ % ina;~e.%o:oughc to‘ be Regifired or ezitrcd ény Mbxiigs, VP1;u:e,for Which‘have becnwients. fdrth ems t0 the ‘e > . V:\ m | ‘;!¥ h““ fitt rI ¢ac€=é”%rArhezmms.» wH()rfl”-:S;,% ‘with their Fizrnitmié T ‘i’0r%,th¢ fervicekfi cha ;Pai‘1‘iam 4 T cnVxii“e§a aVnd[Acwinp%ts%‘éSfhélllfibroflughgt&AinA forefifd ' .1 “"*7 adva1ice, “[tf1éf Plqge, Monies, Horfgs, and%F ur1?1%i1;»L;;fe; .mentioned f A 'there%in5Were%éVt the’A%daies and times theréinbontaingd t3ruIy.¢% “r¢a21yIenra8<%ficforczxformmice orche V f, ::xaminationVmaaeche:~eor;44’::h4¢fiid PM iAAccomp-~ V V 11crucV*C°ertifi¢ate. of all {hall M * ' A ifirlxde robe iuP:1§%%A%.[charged,w tow gtlier %wi;11%:heTIncg VV ‘fame Vunitb the ~ re2Iu‘fer% V er’['lg V A V W. rearurem fbr V due ‘ , céf. ;15¢ifiga@A%V%.,ap4A% by for A A M01‘1ieS Which4fl1aI1’V _b§»yadMvanccd uponftzhc {Ore V Awhofe%apvrobation ncerh%¢*f8Mid4R¢ ‘AK ‘ _:___“_’d.’v\. kl ‘» 1" ‘x: _W. - . ' * ‘ ’ N H «_ ».. Q ‘*M* E. _ .«'“~ plainly iappcarg how Amuc:h,A and as whom theliParIiamem: is inéei » A AAdACbtAEd5 Aankd when any iI\/Ionicsarc paid or iffued ‘forAAch,iAAA;he“-{hail " iialfo mgkcithe Partiesiiirecci-ving the fame Debitor uunp0nVth_e4 famci Acboinpt, and performe all other requifite fcrvicésappertaizmiilgf some faidplace. “And the {aid Lords andiC0mmons_ taking into A their gonfiderations the faithfuliand good fervice of Cioloneflf Mlibbert Manwairing, doe ihereby ¢:onfiitute_ and appoint himthei A faid_Co1one1l Robert Manwairirzg to befiegifier Accom'ptant: of; all and fingular the AcCompts;;a11dA Regifiries, which {h:A¥.1lI_bc kept “ of or concerning the Prerniflésg, to’ hold, Aexevcute,aandinioyithc fame Office of B.egiflerAccomptant, i together »With ihei yéarely » Fee oftwo. hundred nds Per Annum, payable out ofthe Pnents» A A A iand%proccedAe.of the_ Bifhops Lands,» by» the hands Qf Athr Treafu~A i irérs thereof for the time being, ion the five and tvi}‘enti¢ch%iiAday- [of March; and. the twenty ninth day of September, halfei ycgufely by A1 equall portiAons.iiAA%x1dh fbr fuch Clerkes iQruxiderOfi'"1ci:rs as ~flr:1‘1beA" im%p1Aoy¢d ,inVand ac; “ AAAAATlltth¢i Ptemiflésa the fame i {hall be iapp:o+vcdi.Ai of by theffaifil Treafurexfs,_VaAndA'receiife;fi1chi ircafonablc falexfyfor f A their fiérvicc as the fiiid Treafurers [hall frpm time to til11;erthinkei fit to allow-A VA AA . " —An‘d itA;=isifuI5t er§0rd4ii;éd,.T*hat 7079,: Fowgg, Aii1dermanA as A tAheACit:y of Lorzdorg {hall be Comptroller ofall ’E11ti:res, gReceipts,?~A and paymerA1ts,~ iwhich Ihallibe made to or by lchfe faidAiTrcafurérs5ii AA A A A receive from Both Hotifés of Pa rliament. V A And icfis fLI1‘fh€1‘fhéI'CbAAyA Ordained; hat: thefiifaidifcélajz Fowfi A *Afifha%I1A%hafve for‘hisifa1ary,th¢yecI‘1y fiimtné oftWoAh”unvdr¢d»~4pbunds ito ibie7paidiAhim quarcerlyby the {hid Trcafurersywhoarcfiihere-4% A A Abyauthoriiédand appointed to pay the famic,iforW=hichwi1this preé A Afcn;:i Ordinance with his receipt: 3‘ fhall béftaheir fufficien: _dAif-3 ”i’cfia_rgfe"*. "And Afar“ the better fecuring of the _ principall _;;;1VIoA-ix W andihallihave PowerVandiAuthority byhimfelfeg ‘ orihiswfuflicienni A ‘AA ])‘;ePuti.‘eA’Sj»*l‘#‘ c'ow;ke::ipe “Acconiptv of all Entries, AB.eceipts,[ Pa5y,meAnAts,Ai “A A A and Difcompts whatfoeverg Whiichifhall%beiAmadeiunto~orbyAtlié féA.iAdA , Tréafurcrs 3% f £118 (*30l11PtI‘O11e!:‘ and his‘ Deputies AA AfhaAll exeéute the faid p1acie‘ofitheComptro11er this Premiffcas, H - according to7 ifthe fin{’t1*‘u&i0ns~ hereafter mentioned," ._fu("§h ;; A A ghexj initm&ions iasthe faid»Compy:rQlIcr,fl1allfi-omtime mj.,_.,-‘me A AA mas’-can a+z5;c;§if*‘t‘Y;1é%’Jiiti?4vI7¢?§’CA ff1%*:r¢in; :i1~':n«£ic24mci¥& T§1.a:...;;:}>;:.¢f% Eficizg: * Nc;WA}ri;Im;wm?c*% {rpm Commedi-~ , Am-=,_3 V 5 W A [13§egtildx}§£1 ’j.Wn~~ ;hc;,%Q%A§;'*diha;nQ?:e% <:a£~ %L!1c%%%:%%¢1:cvci1:~1rx44%.of 13z*pt€m~-‘' " .éer?=% on.<:A *At1io&1;fa¢nd:&fi§:§.A%l1nm§1x*V:Ad fuw ami time 0rVVVi‘231.'i¥"»%:0w1'"%% - A A m H rife-¢;as4 afocfaid u7wi A ,‘.MtO%W;h0m;>u%R9l3.£h 3. L ggdmi£%fihe;¢Afam¢:.,.%:V%AV~*VV.; . ~ f(fi83% ¢% n. Ofqfarezi‘ ‘mg 2 d%';;7;135a;1.c;«.:A~~or%%. Q=:"»ix:1énC¢S $3135 I5?I‘*£»’%1T!5-?dx‘li%;.1fl1e11%t,.’q32id6.i*nuexa-=- % "' p1;;na:io;1a;;d conAt’::%x1[L1%e1zf;<;:4c tlagxreof; flxall -lac ca;13ci:1ued, taken and .«. W: in due; %.e1;ccutiox1 ,, umill fl_1‘C=hi7 time A A as all {mamas of 4 MQn¢y~ ,_ .Pfi§r,;ab_§§~r;“' by vfc_m;uAe of t»ii13_s pxf%ei;%"m11:% Ordiinance fliall b_c%paaicl“ and fa... % the pgyr;iAcy4n1;A37[%m.:t.I:e% of AVtl1iVAs~~4 Qx:d%nan§¢;%% not 19%: deharredpg piltbffg; % @g..d¢ferrcd.AfrgII1»b¢1QgAP%3d out ‘ £116) fa1d2;Ex_c1ze , as am“: f’aid,, any. Q1‘_d1f3I' QI}Qx?C,1e_rs,Q1?d=%§m;n&ce_,oz ~®1x:G1:i11Aat1ccs;ofAon¢%or‘%bod: A I:I6uf¢s‘T OEA“Pa“r?1ia,:1;1§2flEae;‘*$ Q? Qth’¢‘r&Vi£hHb§z%; the pakaymienc» df3tamny other <>vs?.«.fiix:tlu¢1? 1' £1216! 17m’1ewa%s%ad»z1dVis~% c1aa,‘rg¢d»with4%u%n,% uh: 1fai%dV;%tv"m:1 1»£i$ath %QF”&eptem£er paifk (aexcept v a:si is” bgfiiqrc c;xVc_epned;g) .Ar1dr%%the Qo1;pmifT1p.n.érs* of the: fa%i%d~‘Exci£fé~.;V thfi tti1:11,€,b%f:ing , alter heArt:By cihargedrandne-iv % 1101:, to dgifpgaffg ehi1gdan&o%dié?.;\gQ1itiqu?e~ .0??? 4 4.. w‘ bmAf¥ “ 4 A A?V'e;rcifimtc ;0£ nhmém faidiTreafi1rers"aa;§ I1 M ELI; fem ‘anyfumme%of‘VMdneyQ:“* A .tf;1M,;v.fha1~1 b¢;V1¢n;,fgr%;and%t towards tVhe§raifingof Mtbefaid\‘cWoAAAAhun~: _ V Ad;;A;af;;1_% p’un<;1inowtAo .be.:Araifed,%:% and? off the fa\idfA,{ummg.Q£... " 7 N§5n;ey; ltaiapegg g.IjeVI_entuppn;t.h¢VgaPL1i;zd§i.que4%Fa.iuh, which with thaw ” — - 5 fi1ifi'g#;:é£$,g$.§W$£QI€_f3i;d$ %%Ai§:?1ioV»&be payed by v's_rémzug of t:hisA smefem 1-. V Am f:::z;:czi"b4.i¢iIx"_;;'f ,Tha*.t~ fiiifl reef Qrzdinancc L, prefentv 1*:dfi,ziaz1_ce, andf m:.mfy%A17tic1§,4Ql aufc, thing tzherbirg con,tainec15j [fla‘g1I1; bza:p?leacI”~+ 5_ ablgg Izmgiven in:.eyj;dVea1ce*VVA%im:%a»nyA;ofvhisA%.Ma3«z:fi§.esGurtage; i of-Jgfijce oshggcomcgs a%:;d:;t%hg; j1ngm.%n£;Aa11xha fa:d@o¢ancs,;: augww . _ 4 .V ‘ - L A‘ H. V V ‘V "f ‘A; ‘A: A‘, In ii ‘A ‘ ’ T is allfts @fz‘d;Wn:§$;a%;AA ; Ham1AetsA I . tm:BcA Aq;uic1.:;:1‘ fi"?efli’en~‘A V » a;%£A%tpaaw3«:qfthsS@.. V aforefai ~05 ifa, na;c$115tg;V;0gjI;e:?:%crs§ Patents, unA;1¢-p sfthe ,g;ma§A % A ‘ V ];Ez:2‘g£.;rgal% 7,‘; ;fl1afllVA bee +p.41{3};:§l f0r%{rh~e1;: Qr .anyA.Vof %ithcivA%% f7urthc:r‘j A _ fcctirmfi . A A 0i;“da;ix1€d.V,%% %ThatthihSpFe4ifnt Oxdinancq 5 A‘ j ‘ m%ph«;AfQ1‘r'.ne?rAréfiicgzd%Qi1idil1aI%zCc§,;; fh;al1A be p1*3§msed£11)z§"13:wLIsed\.¢M‘ orknewne byw t%he«‘n?e.a méAAqf Ser}e%- A " A H ‘a»;I1;t;¢s E.1%11B;§%iJ$mA: Q;1!%1VanCqx;:~y+ALa1‘neA;l%A‘ WhéFefl‘1AA 1Zh¢ }t1d»ges~an+d*£Ser]EantsA A of thké Law, Ahave fox: a«~I0ng time l0dgéd% a~nd« A1%~efided,? a,nd**?f{‘iI_P *A]ud~g ‘ G 01 0 or~Afl3a11 at any tiny; hereafter“ refidg and 1odggix1P%t}1$¢¢4A‘{aiaé¢M effdgxggg A T % V _ , thing imtV!::3'mMsmi%9.ref1e;::g 0:: con&*h%y~~th€§e@f ni0'tW‘iEfiiFa Ti;<3ol9t1efi~;In1mwszitl$;i1i~Lihcfllnes-flfnnc '4n:*:!'2“‘= :CQm@Ai%n¢;dA%[¥;the % W . blJflC”th’atA;A.the%**faid%~% A A MeKuaAge¢Li1d:‘MI;ina0Ines~I‘7m1§aE'Qy¢fa;i‘c13*fwith“tfiwhppurt4é1jances$ . fhaI1continueandA1n%&:a,;%,A% Afe4o£~?IodgifigAandAfefi‘dcnceT%vto;anVd”f0r% % “ A _ doe loci gas: and’ reficfe‘, no%r”toany'part of Lincolfies Inna %in;Cha11’~+-A ger5grL%1e5 m;g1Q;if«A %a“ny Wife:be for any difimfbance AA A yeants thatnow are, ‘ the faid‘]uAdg‘es and. ‘Sergean;s,ang:l others 0fL'inc0lne‘S-Inne%afore~ A * faid, and for t:heirfLife‘%andAber;efit, i\ij_n fuch mann§rA as ’thg;y%;h4a;m h::¢n,‘ufi:d;$anwd; a;ccEi;§¥priaéd>fam~ 'and§~ under: the A 3z¢er1y I*{~e,fiAt’s“u fi1a?11y:AAV ,~ A‘ A [a»id5.f0n$§ALhe.1%%me3.Afr the ‘tim~eiAVthétvtheA‘ fi1i:d "PL¢’nt§j“V‘A is to‘ continue " gysavnyLg%dfles;;.A.nDW in ib«eing.v%AndAAth=atA* I;”he«I*'aicf'AATru1‘tees appoint-2-_A A ' eglhbyQrdcttofjPa:riia,meg1t~fo1mt11c Bi‘fhAo§ps Land%5s5f;111d%'the;Suryi--A ' A vené-1tidfi%S’urv'iver$ of them, theirHeires'AandA??*P£fligrres5“Afh'aIA1%di‘ij)bfa4~V f ofthe faid AMefiZ1a.ge, with the ‘aa.pp{;ptjenAank:es5 from “time to time} A A as the faid Judges and Ser1eamts‘jfor.tj.%heA%ti;;1e being_mfhLawW141 «Be gd“1- 4A:sétcdr1xagg;agg9:naed,%. faiwmagtg a11~V%andA~every:pe;:£cx1and pkérfoéxsg .4 G; ‘ vim .. ‘ .. un ‘ W L W _ L 5 ‘V '1 ” other then the feidhiihops a'nc l A l ‘ 'l"A§c1e,”_and tI‘z_1teteflas they or any of them ” have t have or ought to have of, and in the pren1ifest.t h" t V hthem, this Qrdibnance of any other Ordin Contrary.n0tW1*h1*a11d1DS- V t I1if*ru€’rio11s F0 (20 of and in the premifes. ‘ t their Succeflbrs, all I'uch~'.PLightf, or pught to have Provided further, and be it Ordained, That the {aid ser;;4m;e;t e Inna filallbe in the difpofing of bothHoufes of Parliament, after: A A V the expiration of any Leeie nowjn being, e faving to all and every t P€rf0I1‘3fldP€i'f0H8 other then the tfaidh Bifhopse-and their. Suhccef-_ * A 4 tfors, all filch Right, Title, and Intei'eft,t as they“ or manfiy ofgthemt t ‘l ‘-n. Provided alwaks that this Ordinance“ not extend eh M V puting» out of any Stewards of any Liberties or Courts formerly % _ appointed and made by: Yertue of any Ordinance of eParIia.ment,e _ butetbac they iballecontlnueandbe, during fuch time has the {aid Liberties _‘and M CQU!:C$;fl1a11 hremmaine’ and be A einffthe .hatndstteoftththc h M ‘t éiforefaid Trufi€es at and that they e {hall have«;and receive aI1;fm,-eh 9 .-an Fees, Profite , %anda110_WanCes , has formerly were allowed; ance, A81, or thing to the it A 15 La, Qornptroll the ‘A T ,.‘ha,%I1d htpayedhy ‘ort(‘) the %Tteahfurers tap13oin- = " W Q { “S. tedby thislprefé-nt4Ordi1:iance. ‘ “W. A providedvndetke1>tfi2r—tbarpe>M=- A ‘I é’e4fit=v‘*be Premtfle" “e'e*%r1?é**e*/Veretzfavem.everJ perm afzwy * t V - “ , . \- A .‘ ‘ “ ‘ J ‘ ‘ ; . ,_ ‘ ‘ ‘V \- Hat fl’? C0hmP‘*0’1Wt5J’5imfi1fiea ortthbiih fi:fi9cient—Depz2tiex;« 4¢t-- 9 2 A he téml daily etccordingh to*tbe'ufiml1 timex, htand be jrrejérzt eamlze f A A ‘V t Receiptx and Paymegtx, k_ witbin tbefaid Treafurefi A ficeia and We D‘¢P15W“h0f Ewier vftbeflvmé einfittieg Borrltwata be V “ézfll every P!??‘- %A o (21 % ; fimmoof Mange: jbat l;»e jhzlio‘ to #733 ‘1'fexz]3o¢rer%,”fl:;zZlo\erzt?h- . A 193; oéqzdttanceowizlaothe Comptroller , zrbiobooiba Comptroller [Ball M'- A [wit/oozgt o A ., \) 1,1 I. o W % ‘Tfeafhrer: 3,“ of tlafeiéf ClerI{e.Ca]Z ffieewj oi L upon wmyfldondéymorning delivembé Comptroller or bi: De]m‘”ty,%zC0p}[ofo ' M2311 1ieceip?t:,i'Pc“gymenr:,and dz'[bozrfi'nze72u,o. and to xbbom, duriflg.'tbe‘pf€¥ ced2‘;zg%w¢;eI§ ,-[zzvlojcob o‘o1bo'ChomptroZler%ixbérelgy required m enter ifl.-'4 book; to be pi fin» :b[a:A ;pu,rpojZ2;,. 421:1 Votlmt nooopajmcnttolaé oo1'7zadeobj‘t/ae flzid . V Ti‘e‘afiozrorfJ',V flmil Izepzlloroed zopon tbefr fiécomptg mzle_fl'e~anAoc’ompt¢ the??- Aofbqe given a.r”afore/aid. % o I ‘ 4.1fI4'&f'IVI. J o _ ‘Ib4t_ the Fzoegiflef xx>eelgf_}i%%f7*om"o time‘ to Cwtfficafe to _ jloe Comptryolloroqf oallofiezztx, and of afil rate: of particularog and of oil o;%“i%Mong}?exo='opa§yoableoAAuponIarticztlarjg MContra€i‘;%:oi:;:o Bargainef, Q“ 7fwmade%%byV?%é/ertueotgf “tbz'.r~%40rz_li2zcz7z$cef,o» zfloic/o;[Iyallo‘be$ forbofnéorzpon o fzpmioty, A o :‘cz2zd“ b%otv, mod .53» nz/9o'1ozotIoe% fame z°.r~’ficured ., 4r2%daftj% mbatotz'mew.pa}ablei"; Vwiloiob certificaietloe C omptrofier flaallmteo a:Booke ;, to be; him keft ‘ oo oooomzomsooooooowwoog .é" A ‘~*»e=‘=‘o:3:-‘W4?-* =5“ % ”Infirué?cions.fo;r Contraéforso fo%rt1%’1e—I Afale of the ‘V lite Archbifllops and Bwifhops lands. Hat ifhe Cioncrafiors {hall b‘e% fworne before the» Truf;cees4,% or A V V any tI1reeVof them, according to their Bcfi skill and"know1edge ; ifaithfullywto difcharge the trufi committed tqthcmo A and that they % ’ _ A fliall not for favour, affefiion. reward, or hopepf rewardgbrcakc \ Athefame trufis which {aid Trufieesg or oany three of them _ar¢f '" hereby authorizedito adminifier thefaid Oath accordion‘ A That :11: Demefnc Lands of the late Arch--Bifhops andyBifl1ops A . I % % < _ ‘ ’ A i 7: " in A , . , A(zz) A %L%A A_ m pr3{}?aTi}ion%=,.:;fl=xa1lAVan-otkA be A fold Aundergcn iyeagmépurchaéfieg or the full va,I¢uqsA%th%g:y%.;%W¢Ife%at A in thgc yea're,%A4I46£} 1. * Thb ~1¥u1B7:tO” be ~ab{E:51jved proportionably in tI1%efa1eiofR.evAerfi0ns,A 'é:§pé*€t?a1itu;3oAn Efiate:s.f0r%1ives or ymres. % " ‘ F A % ' 1" “ « AV That: the clue refiaeéf 7 to be Iia;d1‘by the Q0nt‘rg&orS, AtoV thé im»- Anaedme: Tefiants %5&of%ahy:of1“:he late Arch-BiIh‘0PS V01‘ Bi‘{hops,.“ mm. beflwin adn1ir;ting4’t%hVen;to thAe.~pre-en1j;‘AAtima%of%th‘QfeAManz1ou1+;,% S5 Tenfernent‘s5 andHeredicanzfintswhgréin hawzi any 2313... =%;terefl,% jfo as t_2h*efa”id Tenazztsd0é,c;ofi11ewithm *%thf'i‘”£*ty Adaf‘Aies ‘aftifif 1 We rénmfné ;(;_)_yf1:h€ Certificates‘ by ‘thé Surveyors; %%éi;i‘*¢! A agrcejiso *P’m?- % c%1;;afc%«c~he%faAmve 5% and in _ Acatfe ~chey,d]‘%Oe not «a=g»reé~= w1Vth*i1i fire {aid ‘ ]thirty”daies, that chart the {aid %Conffa&Ofs dbé%%Tél1%At%he:Ta4m‘et0 any other;P%er’f'ox‘1 or Perfons tAha.tAfhaIl defire to pVur'chafej then;_., {'0 as fuch {ale be made at a higher rate thenwas T ofiered by the {aid Tenants. A A A 11 1 H L _ A f Th at tiipon the fea]ing.o%fthe A‘fli_1rafice, the Purchafor fhalllpgiy ..h:a;1fe his Purchafe money dowhegfiand %%th’eA% éth‘er%h%alfe within fix V A-MoAnethf$34L and for the »1afipay«m‘en?t the'%Cbntra5COrs fliall ftake _ careA5‘Ac~1;ac%jtheyL takelgoojd “iiecuricy §ei~t:he*r by the Land it fielfie, ; ?o’?r elfce VwPer:fonallV ‘Mgivéhto’ % That in all cafes where any Perfon or Perfons, w:hatA have lent ~anyMQnies‘upon this Ordinance {hall be Purchaforsg their mo-_ «éhafes Ofthe 1* ?:jwhat¢Xc¢édS ‘thjéf “ ‘iiety3,:*;.iVhad:eve&*y%»-;fu@:h&.-% » , Vrchagfm? fiiafl 5iii“'es%fi*5 lent {hall H5 i€fleetnedA%a;$MAfo much paid} towaVrdsfthei1*w Pwrfi 5a.I-av %A1owedMInceA1jeft44for it u.ng;1l1 the ;,mnd% of Afiigc %¢Mon"aths, wjhereAin«% th/eA wggcm ¢x;;cj;{to1:i_a1‘I~ibfT.ZEl1éPurfifiéfé2fiIéheyié¥t§bé‘@§id.= ' V % * \' ‘ ’ A‘ #‘l?1-3333‘ 1! 1nfiru‘&i0ns 5* the Surveyors of thelate ** N A*rch~‘BiAfli9_pAs A5 A AA . A % Hattile Truftees asflaforefaidfhall A M“: ‘ ':'."‘”T.';-" ‘::".a,v- 4?“ Q‘"'¢:‘ “W3 '4*+v*»<:.:wI"’ 4‘: W oz in A A,;‘.,‘A-:,.~. ,Au., A?‘ A‘Amv A mte 0ne.a?tWoa three“; or mom S32 Q A %tA e%Pi*:”1+%%A;t“> be‘ »Ti«nberAbui1dinAAgss Qlarriesa r Mines uApt2n%many .of~Athe Premifl‘es,- and 4cemfi:eA+AcheA'» $an¢1AArAva1ues V Aihérébfi V . é A VTha4t no %Surveyor,-or any his .Chi1dAe%0rAChi1’dreii;‘*‘%Aé>r*A % N53 A A "14 % “ Dn€A¥53t3. V £01’? 0? tH5Afi3:%:«4.flJ411 15¢» Vadmitt?d ffif _‘A4A'ZbAe 3 A 7 A1130? furvAéY€5; fur-* ,, . e , V‘ A i? Ai-x1j‘AAtihis prefent AOrcLinAance,7Afha11b¢ cotifirued to comps;-11 A AD» AA AA the appointcd by.:h¢ T‘rufieesa‘fl1Aa1A1 furveya and »inquéxexVhatA‘4 x}g<>fl;»Péiafi¢ qf thesurveyors to zmke auyffadmed'furem%ent *3of.4the:‘Lands, A may their%dzf¢r¢riqnA=Q;a11%i:hinke=fit~s%Vjtherintmfian make arpeeay¢ ‘fwd? fa1eL%m%~Y‘%1$¢~m?dVe4;thA61?€11pt>ns a “ '"'. . ‘ ‘ ,"“’uv ""‘ ' ' “"'> ' a. A ‘ v . ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ _‘~ “ . ‘M. ‘ W, I i » .»' ,, W ' ,,..- . ‘If ‘ . .1‘ ‘ . ._“' _‘ V *‘ ‘‘..'1.‘.~ :' L‘. " 1'‘ «‘1‘.',‘:‘. - . ' . ' (“W .. . ,‘ » ‘ ' . . ' . ..‘nI3 ;*«‘’L.- *3 .'''.. wt" : 3 J " Inm=u&ions%:r:be ‘ "' V ‘a .:‘A=¥«’E;.'*_ :1 .~.r~~»:' ;.«.%‘~= _ é * . ‘ 1 1», " , ,5 ‘ ‘ V. ' \ . »_~~, ‘ ~ 7. 4 _. 5,,‘ 3.. . - w v .3, . , ;, : % A Hathe-do‘ 313rVeyes;4 and Ce:Vtifica:es%w M nbeietiirnedE5r«th¢t4Surv§y9rs,w andimfnédigttely fame.invBooksi,"Wképz byzhim£or%tHatApur§cfeg r£tVii:3xg;Ae_el‘ng iiitrxfe1fe:,or. Wlr I % \v_ ¢ @fi”fl ;v fl"v’w“w »M»~w-;; V":J?q~;@' ,hk £f;wflfifq¢%g%Mfi.J%'V H Thanhe doweeklymakeC¢rt1ficate*'to;the _ Tre+afi1rer§‘,A _ »G{)fT}Ptf01V1‘€fig1:@-hd.’"j fin‘-‘gifier,Vaccom ptantof L.a§1%V£L~ents&A%.%g,fVé~and A %a1;1V’%B.ates;.Aof4particulars,A9ndoE a11A%M0nfieycsA#& kp;;ya1;f1:; ‘time, 'flnd how, and'ii1*1whatX%;1Ii::nt;er».tlieVfum oi~;fa%1ns;&A feared}->3 ~ »Thathed<>méthdize%V4and¢put_inégodorder~»a11*%¢ A ' "gtlielaw i"s1‘<‘-13-*’ .*hifl:as,;Aar;d%Bi£§zops,»¢andan A *suwc:y,~ang1€o:h¢r *“=ihings 4tobc dweliverwsd rohiscareand¢ufi¢dya:é~be I$¢9t bY:i as vFx’¢c0rds and Catalbgilés them ,%%%fii§%.thcm+im filch 1nanm;r5,:,4 ; tgllf; $315) VVvr¢adiA1y %f¢e. (if he defilfffi » .md%Vcufi«@dy;A *Nazré3wéer,; l_- 77' frlezi : _ T;}:a@mt,‘1"£1attbera{fbeVVaan adiz‘i;9wmll,¢}iaamM€ oft/frfi‘-‘Q ;;z W "3F@W1<3P5‘fW~" *[~W}’a' ‘iii! ;’#Jt§j*1?l?4¥€6A ?6fi{%W*PW“é*”vf W R¢VWfitf=7fifi %; oa¢dinayzce Mtfis-Vappointing we Ida‘ ~ A V A % 3“ _ 2?:wi7i22cm;: '4 F311’ ‘ ~ “ .‘ *1 ‘ ‘ - ‘ 2 ‘,- J.‘ “x ) H‘ l O . ; ,‘ W v3" “V 1‘ ‘ ‘ K” :5‘? W’ ‘ ; 1; ‘ " » ’ ‘ “ - ‘aw ‘ ‘ ' “ \ ‘ ‘ A “ 0 , ‘ ‘ 3 “ \ _ J W A t=i»é=u1éi*a%% rnu$;eAhthér*£9f%V%2«s b¢L.1pa1d41n%>whmd; d,hh:W;f 1 “ ¢Ii=“V‘t¢pb,e forb0-F:P§"a;r:‘?Pd» A‘ A