Q (.9 efiib abmhyamsgwf ~::::» I M33???/%flwzw;fi5 iandfims ‘mf wmmmmimtimm W Tflgfitiaer with me mmm M" fuazfim Ema ms 35 am: amirmintefl fwmhe Emgficutiuzm thm°em“; mm .a%..m?préfu E Cfhgmfu. _ Qfiimfiiflmfififi 05 M&m;a%;§§. ‘Law he f@x7:“hw*§&h. p‘r'§§%?mem,% La.52.23fl 3- 463%» fab. Eramrzrz Ciem P mt-[.1 «.iz*r;"‘.4‘i31.7’I‘?fU?/“3?'.W‘.=fi‘-$ A K m rm m an A fem him Wwgfiwm Hm Kings Hwy M 9? v.. , vi, ‘Q .1 flaw» “ ,3? R&é;z°'m5ii the Lmds AH%:zmb§mi in Pamfii.;.zm::v:.@nm ”Z”E"é3=.M: % V 4 a2"§*«:; rm. ; amt: 5 in 3 {E33238 < L '*' E 1% 6’ V E) E §Zf‘2 171:; H} _-(rs; 3%: K? 2 g :::__.a E c.«::~ :4’? E’ 2&5 A w. ls; Drfialneflw and halt-Ordainel A bv:tl1el.0rdsan& Commons in this :;;- prefent Parlmmem afTembl.ed3That will of the Forcfis railéd by tlm Houfes of Parllamem W Serjamt l M V A Major Gemerall Séippmz-3 Cmlonelll fi(wXdfid_WiW??g Colonell Owen Rams , C0l0n€ll~Eaz'-«= w_%,wgH-0346;»? Colonell .l.'€ii¢:z[1121io l—lzm~z'fo;z:,Colo~mell Prm-- mis" Zdcbmjg, Colonell Ham/lwicé 5C0lC;mell T/m7m:r«G0-w -mgr?’ Calonell »Gem'ge Lmg/M222 , Cfllflnfill Gcw*ger Pairze, Colonell l‘I7502:«'Mws Rmzc/zzfI., Colpnell W’;z'/Ziam JvVi[[o;1gMv}', «Cclonell Dzmiiel Sawmz, Lmeuatenalnt C0» lonell 221?}/for, Celene-ll 30/m Bradley ., Litzutenant C0» lonell Prmcix Rowe, Lieutenant Colonell .Fmn-mm Em-;,:w2 rMo1§m:,LCz2Zl. Io/.rz2V€'}zz>e#z3 [Q4]; 37'r‘?'e3évz’3, Z0337: En-zcz’fizz4:r.v, and Willmmz Siege/.‘e, Efquiffegjs Q14 2.113; tweive or more ofthem,%fha1i%be Co"xn'1iz*ifiio‘n;ers‘g and are hereby a%ut4h0rized,fl according t.~@~ the courfe of W3.xr€,%t1o e:i€cL1t%é'VA1\./Iar.flia11%1;;:a.WWithin the cities UFL-wm'07z and W'e3fl4wI:z¢fler,,ai1d Lvi-ncfs of Communi-» A‘ catlon, upan the Oficers and Souldiers in the B.egi»-:». , ment 0fC010ne1IBr.«wZley, and upon fuch Gunnem Eu/Iatrofiésg and other:Sou1die-rsas arc-:imp'l0yed under % A Pay u_poz1 the Guards an'Lir.1e;s of Communication, and no others , zzcc;_01'drmg to the Art*ic1'es Io-f War1*e A pub1§{hed$e¢b§,*- the Earle of Efléxg and now ufed in the ~ Army Lmder the command of Sir Tbmzm AFzz:irfizx3$ andto pmceedfto trialg.condenlnationfind execution A of all fuch OjEffcndors.aga1nfi: we {slid Articles‘? or any ‘ wf them. And be it ‘further Ordained by thfs A1‘1»thom.-:. .1iity aforefaid, That the {aid Commiifioners 5 or any twelve: msxmore of them , {hall have ipmver to: execute % Martia1lLaW Within the Cities of London and PI/'qfl—- . ‘ mz'2zfler,, and Linfis ofcomrmunicatiomupon fuch perm». fi"(§3,»ns~ as {hall Vofiend againfi thef e,Artic1es .f011owing3or any of them.. I No perfons Whatfdever fha1I'fromtrhencef°m‘th" voluntarily repairs or gofrom the Sixties 0f London and WefiVmi11fier ,; or from any other parts of the Kingdomg under the power of the P.‘?lI'1.1z11'I1€1'.l’1‘_.i,.1f,"lI‘1If0a' the perfon of the-King ~01‘ sen 3..or Lordswof‘ the Gouncellg, abiding with him or her, or to any Comm». mander or Officer of the Kings Army? or {hall give or h‘o1%dVamrInt"e1Iigence by’Lettersg,Mefii.1ages3or other» ‘wiiég :wa*».m _an-yj in Amas aggifi ah: Pax1iamentDwithm-. ®?L1E-.' ‘ M _ W ‘N ,M M M ¢ - I‘ '~ outt'conf‘@nt.fi0f both TH(mies¢ of P:a.’r11a11a.ent , :o1*= the Com‘mitteé of bQfl1 Kingddmgjs, j or the ;~Gr2ne $1111» AA 0 F the F orccé Alfieflféd A the twoi-loufcs ;., _ or , frmnv the A ’1~efp:e&ive%0-filcers th21t‘fimIlc0mpmzmd m chiefs, any @ft}1€:.fc1id Forces , upon‘ pains of dea;thI_, or other 4 mrpqmlll punifiunemt cat difcrzetion. “ A . 32 _VVh0?fQ€V€1'{h§1H‘fp10_Vt”:, c:on*triv1¢,“ OrV:endeavo'ué1° A we betraying ,..fi1r'rend:ing,4 or yee1c1ingup4to ‘the Enemy 5 or all, contrary to the Ruleswef Warre,.;., furrender, yeeld 1213:, or betray ar1 yC1t_y, Tow'ne,Ma- gazine, ‘Fort, Garmfipn, or Forces, Whxch now are, or 4 hereafterfha11»beunder the powmf ofthe Parliaments A {ball be pu11ifl1ed’Withdeath;‘ .. A “ . A 1] 3 N0 perfon or perfohs Whiitfoevegnot 1m;der»t7h e ower ofthe.-Enemy , sfhall voluntarily rah-1-we any j§erfon,be;i11g’“a