A A A‘ flamers mi‘? Smciand £3 fizflrtiymétléprimted mdpwwz’/Bea’ : Commifsioncrs of S C 0 T L A N D”. O E T E “W $W A ~ I4.AvnIL,164& ,;;;;j Ewemrf M the Cammam agfimfiled in Pariiamem, Mm The Amwerto the fm7m‘a1Pap<‘3.rs0Fthc Emnmifi __4v<-__.+ H: Eifyngeg Clcr. Pad. D. Com. M L0Mm@N: Pxfinwfii for Ed-WM Hmfwzotfl, Primer to we Hcmmcabfiéx Hmfc mi“ ;lC«.-ammons. ), fkgrzfi ml a 6 as $.. K % réu-—.._... . aw. , . Wk . ‘ ‘Q’ - 4::-"N. ‘,5-WMw,.M‘_ J, , ‘ 133‘ ‘M?’ . . “ , . ,. ‘ -v ‘ . J‘, ‘ ".3. V‘ ‘ ' , 4 .,.t ' . ‘am A‘ “"_ ‘ ; ‘ V 5%." ‘ \ 4..-- ‘f " “V '~ i-«:‘ ‘J ‘,1 ‘ ""' .3 ‘ ' w I! ‘P m- we Lam 4;z¢z5om;;m;a/,J2»mMe¢/in we Tarliamem af Engiami at VVc-finainwa (fer, /Mvirzg r‘6*ce;h9ed £123 fiveml 7’4[;verr A % frmn 44556 C0m mij3*i0z2¢r5 oft/ac Tar/imzent Scodand, rm oft/56 29”‘ an M gd“ of September,: mt/9 4; t/azrd cg/ft/96 9“‘ 0, Oétobera ‘T6 t/Jegaarticu/my t/aerein 602$» V mined, t/agy returned térzlre/1‘nfn9er : @§g;§§,§£‘£% Oncc~rning thcp2Lyr§1en»t of the Scots AK;3.AAn'mj,z, lb much infifiscd upon in " ; m» yourL@rcli{hisPapers,Thc feve- ral Dccla‘rations, and“ the divers 1‘ Curfés and Wayes which in the V faidh mPap£1u‘saL.re cxpreffcd, and acknowleged by 4 y0ur4Lrdfl1i%ps to have been made, and taken. by”t3s %Fortihepaymcnt ofthat Army, fufliciently Witn:e£Te~m3rconflant care, and rnanifold endeaw All j%voAu%1*sAFor thcfuppiythcrcof; And if all thefc xmycs have n0tWithfi;1fle§ing proved fa little cf-~ % A 2. fcéiual, (4) ifecftual, as your Lr0TdfhiP‘S3ll@.I;1.g€’,y€t can it not in any lorthe irmputed to theilifieoufes n:fPari1ig; mentjwhono footter have heel any wantsof thatArmy~,otr any obitruétiolns in the wayes tat; keii-.fO~lfiEht@ erztlertainrfient thereof‘ reprelented '\ but they have forthwith applyed V themfelveei toiitipply the 0ne,l‘2ndnre‘movei the other to the utm‘oi~’t of whatia}t in their power, Before the Scots Army was entrecl-into this» Kingdom, We_ appointednCotmniltteevtno fit Purpofely at GoZcfiziti2:»Hal4l,to provide Moneys land necellhries forethe fhpport thereof; This Committee hath fitte ever finee=eonPtantIy to that end, and to put forwards the execution of A our Ordinanctes therein)‘, wheereattwiceeaiweek {mine of the Commifsioners of Scotland them-~ {elves were prefent to be witnefies anti Promo: ters of their diligence; The Ionic had their Agents in every county , to quicken the executionof our Orders belowin the coun.;-» try; We allowed Sallaries and Rewarelstolthel ‘ gent, and all that fhould in any fort clivert or obftruét the coming in of thoie AlTel"l‘ments : Q When the cotirfe firft elefigned for the payment or Diligent, we gave power to ptmifh the negli- ( 5 3 the7‘ScotsfiArrny out of the Eftates ref Papifts and other Delinquents , anfweredr notcxp eaaa: eorn,.we provided for it, as For other Armies, by Wgy.0f ~f1‘g,;: and Afleflrnent upon 1eVeral»'coun~ ties; and «When thofe of the Northaerrn parts7 Pré}a' Veda in fuffieirent ’_for F0 great a charge, We added others:theretrnto and thofe ofthe"”tno{’t entire. '4 and quierttlaavrtsr of theWKir1gdom’,r «Where firpt W3. s..la*id* ant. AH’e"fl'ment of Two hhtmtdred thou» and padunds in grao£Tea,_andAaFtter a Monethly »fi:fl'me?nat. of Tvv enty Jone thoufaihndr pounds per znerafivét here was never any expedient offered to usdrffor the removal of any o.bI’crt1étion%inthe , raifiI1g»;OfthOfl3 Affeifments, Whichwie did7110t' ' ereadialayaflent utito : '1"hereV”va-rsrrneverr anything A defired of t;1s,'byour BrethrehohScotlarzufiwhich was in our powerto grant; hwhieh wehave not wilalingly agreed unto) f'orthe’rr1QreI}5eed}r and moretr eeH“eé’cual‘a execu t=iont ofburrr rders, for the he pay’ and fiipport of that Army 1There*was»no acoturfe taken‘ for anywothet-Army, but we have taken the like alfo for the Scots Army’; fo that We may truly affirm, Thlatiit hathnot r€Pt€C1i"flh()I1 us ,'j that that Army hathrnot been asrwellpaid, and providedror, as any other.wha—tf‘oever§ but 523$ i5A§h§ §t4iv¢E¥§fT@ and » ; i~‘»4£at‘V} 4 31%»: cfiiéflés *6? fomgchcr ~Armi¢SA have given as 1‘£1.0-i‘€ cr¢di€"'i.n proquriflg Mencys towbeadvanced for them;,% of ». morequickfi.eAVd the fiai tits *0? the p6;opf1c%t;ep,ay in their A{T§fsm_cnts ‘to them; furgly, Athat ought “ % me: to‘ bctuxincd into mattar cF¢Com‘plainc 3%. % gaixfxft mg? L Em/ing4f°oLz nd the iézmc byzexcricnice fimn t_im;e;%«m%jtimc;, in [the paymm-1~t» Qthe Armigs oF»QLir%ow’h %N~ation..5 ”'po£si.bI~y4a1lo, the % p;3.Ym0f,Q£ h.Q1_f7 Argnies, may avpear morecon-e % flzzmty chair Wantg Ie£Te~:thven;it is“wc1Ikm-awn J :m1fs:,c}1atbeth she«%kg;ncaz4ntlxcocher haVe:bccn ; neither h&ViC"01_f1r e11c{eavour4s-been :t»lgc’ogc1i;hcr%fo ingffkcfluai for gzhe iS%up4%p1y of the _S%catifh Ar‘m;y;, % ‘ bfiu tthat4A%Vfrom;% £h~e§fi+xth of Ofiolaer 1264 ;. ~tO". the firfi of Z\Z7:rvemb%er1645.V there haxh been‘ a€’t"t1-— ally paid to chemjn Money and Provifions, for which Money hath» b.thc and fr1:&?zmec,§A “fm fvvhifih the%afIi9jcance of {+0 great an Army was dmfi§e&by usgwhich was, man a {Wédy A L %€:wnc1w‘%n might ham to t1wT¢finbaPPy % M % am B ‘It: isweiikncwvne unto youtLérd£hi;§s thaat . A an co" that Wham: and if” but af- % pxoired §‘x:(.r:~$j‘::dAic%i*‘ali id che"%*fcrvi%ce: W Kingdéinew,]%whith_ “wésthc éominu. was marchymg to‘ *bci’&i*g¢d Ne~xizi. V2¢"’ir*7W¢r, have madcpxovifionsffor thcirmand %4::i7:at?.thcy Aala %Lfo-havéfmlyfid£hcm{é1v€s;¢A: ° W AAW¢%[fl13l1 rfmfmber accer:f§ingA your \ MVLordfl1ipis Wr’:fl'wns% in war papfirs, ATM: - ggggwrigxen A Ordinamzss but rcall payments ; mufi% {atisfie nccaffitie Aof ch: * 7SomE&i&-iffia . A;ind we hope in {ha1 bcaf‘wcl§.& mmembrcd Mal... qfofilow far bettemzhen papc~r,our0r,c§inanc¢s 2, haw” Wham £grmy; bin mm: ‘ré;ady~‘fo % ”f‘c*t“u3,«;r o‘§“c~};iS Ki;;"agcii£3v§%.“::":c} then we have? bim ';f0€W?aJ1:3. «_gr2+y"Ainrm”§1y,{br ta fizisfic Ache neg 2316: o%f'“t;‘;x: V: M) - ccflicics §7éu1&im, £§In& thAe:re Fc:re %dci'i'rc Inch ex¢prc§fian.3 mféy ~be%%4 ferb;®rne5 which may féemc to ;dfer~mg~a:;£c {mm the hi0'r§0u‘r”V ei. P%m«:=£:dings%,0r0Idi11ances gf‘P3g;- when the Treaty was t"h:rc.ofmight: fqs:b1ca.rc to cngaga theér Anny;m1i4chlcflTeL1ay Taxes upan thc people , A offlncglmzd to pay t:hcmG:lve£, 1:his% yKi‘ngd>omc bc1ng}ta.o ‘we théirpubliqwzzehith for :hep3y—- A men: of; I it Azrwcs wxth I:i*tv2Ic{’c,as on the % A othcrfidac the Kingd ome offitetlazzd gave their ‘ V1:§ubIi;q%uc%fhith chacwncirhcr their ]cn.a:ra_nc!c in» to,{nor«c9ntinuanc¢WTia the Kingdomeof »g»- 142% fimuld be made ufa of to any other ends men fuchyavs arc comtcy med. in! and A:u'c5%%9f$£»¢ $iI1,c;m=y- "" Tim which it {fife many in%v’the thg Cavmant W} concludcdh between A theV”tWo «%Ki.;:sgflonics,ir was fuppo_f§d4that‘ >fu~ch might br: ihc: Wants & r1—£cefTicic:s ofchis Kin~gdotnc,as that they “might notbe able to “make due and conihntpaymmt to the Semis W;;%s%iz n-oz fupgoiéd that in dcfault &W CI3> Than itis c ntrary no the %Lib’cr4cie‘s%'o€ the fubjafls Vdféfingland, That any Taxes ~ A @r1&mcs$ofMonies fl1ou1v;.iAbeeIay,d or A % mizfsrd upon them without the confmt of both V ‘$9113’ Loxamai Y % P H0:.z£7:s §:u§*“Pa.r1iament5 we need not daciare to ¢ A;:d~ wvcc are ferry that the Cryes which A ccmtinua1%iy You mi in our cares from the peo- 3163: f p€:cia.1l}* bf thcVN0r?chm1c parts,b2:0ught“f ‘t'Q'u‘s«bythc handsqffuch as we have intruf. % ‘ffhgd there.-Ahaufd enforce us to repnefcm unto ”our Brethren of Scotland, the great Com- p!aims?whiph 1.onjfi.nce,and at :his pmfcnt, are made»: of the 1ay‘i."',.‘3g of‘Taxaé%s of Money, and other thin by fame of the Scots Arm 5 . ‘V Y: and t%hA»a::a§Ifoin vcfy %:vafl: and exccffive pro- Po:*2:A§7ons,% bafides frcc Qgarrcrings, and d:i£l o:%:dca1y p§und.erings of Horfes uni other } which couzfes beingVtakena.nd comi-» n~:,;e;:i ; hr %cann-.0: be cxp&6ted%tha«tva?@ecfl1ouIé c4:m%i::inx~1e the mnncthly .wp3y of that Army; ' w%§faichthough wee have not mkcn occafibn to‘ Pmgp and ‘:fAuroea%fc;, upon uh: Taxes” am 162- A A vies of Mcvmtys and ethcr prm:eeding;$ of Acizrac Army, Yet vvcc'jc*xpeét (as that: which “ ofrightis clue, that ouxof it,d€~dw;‘?tiam am ' B 3 WA A £hgi3faé’s=i0.m 14> Tatisfaétion flmuld be ‘g.ivet_1in the PrémilTes3 Afidags we are obliged to make g; the _ monechly pay’ ofihat Army according fcm:he% Treaty, F0 lung as We fllall find it njcctfl‘a,ry ta * ufc the affiflance the:-mf Within this Kin .% domeand 110 longer, (0 is that Amy "like; wife bound to demcane »tb¢mfe‘.§w:s cnfor. A mable to the tcnozgr ofthc Treaty , ain accora ’ fding theneuiato to gm: fatisfacftion to aim Kingdom»: 3 That fixchfbrces ofa»-the Scettifli VNaxionf,%as% have -acne put Ajntojhvc fiéverall % Qartifons of 1\[e’fi%cafl!e upon T}*n£, thicflityaf C4rl§le,£3nd~ other places in the Noreh,wi:hauc the confEnt¢of;bo:h Houiisrofjthe xParliammc' W offingtand fhallbé remo“ved,to theintenttha: thefzme may bee digaofed ofiin fuch manner 1: as fh.:.1l bt thought ti'n;g‘b%y the {kid 1-Iaufics % .ofPar1iamcnAx:, The performance Whcrcaf we haw/6 demanded from the I<:ommo4n m3cs~[‘ari&A maxkese Wjhxch broth "Ktngomcs have~ 4fec%u;p ‘un‘t*0themfi:*ives‘%:o f’tecrc*theit courfe by? is; the purfuan cc of their oyr1t=~«i11;%zerc:f’cs,% and fax the atcainingoif the gd ends thé3reinA% tXpi‘€I:- 1 {E6 and contained, from%Whi.ch we dcfire that. there may bee no fwexvingon«eich.vcr ?‘ho;pin%g an~d?exp36t'ingthelikemdrcife andfa. tisfaéitinn from our Brfithren of ‘Scotland, 119.; on any infringemmt thereof; aSW€*fl1aH..bc-¢ A mam “Am givepunto them if an¥yAifu.ch Aching; ‘flaoafld happcnonmxrT=ga:r4c,&A% V A *5 A %ConcerniingReiigiafi, andchc {'c.c::ling g,,f.~ %Chumh+G0vernmcns, 35 there is‘ (n.:»hing,: Whe'min&WcchaVie more defircd to appfovc AA ffieur canfciencles . to God; and nut %a6i:i’on s V m; V , £hc§V’LvorH,foé0c40L1r%}2carts%giveus~AAaVery glcctd Teflimony of the faiithful.l and dii {gem : & difch~2rgcof”o11r dutygthierein, accordingta. :¥hc.t§t1i§r¢P9€"¢4 we u$,a.r%é%?h¢ §°.Y€j“§“‘ ta» Akem-= US; A mr«m.§c;fi:.?;* m a:11€xwtmviE%i mghiiy Vw;;§gh4 therein, (M) ea awcaiwi éuf’ and mmfiidim .W3*m,%; mwm: hawev alrmdy Wee hm’: {mm no zimfi prc;~cm.:ic‘»a;§ Exams ’ fix wrfm: l. diiigflnflfi “and mgm 4 A that wmrke offlmibaiing f’:-“»‘i0W‘3@ W mm 4 H nuein fa floinga tm Wm hgms A-figily ii':Pp3);«.é: g what {hall yat ammara Want1fig,timrcim w in baa ing alwayts to bm: ramcmbrad that §‘;¥i'.“?»;€” is % 9 § $ 9 :53 3 Q“ g an my in us“ V ; A ¢ As mthe Pm Jitzons 0f Pegce to bias {cm m his Majefiy in phrfuamte 017 our R:::ia'1)’utzom¢ of ma mm of «Iwgafl communicated to 3mm? L0a:dflw}ps:53v%mr@hanre { farvingafthe AL%bmy‘2 and frgfldnma ofut 4* . . . l L £5‘oI;uEieemg1:;'z %r}.mi'mnr,is mat A to bc interpmm or temwd n@§§igcn¢a mi &c-g j pmcecsded therein as the c==xigmt:; of gut afihirea would pcrmitfi’ ansi the j{’fU‘§"?~0hM0si1S ibemg at tizzzm ;pr