EORDINAANCES tttttétttttttttéttt#%%%%%&%&%%%%¢%§%%fig6L T Wti O A 4+ ‘*5 t.-I%> "6" OF THE A ‘ §LORDS and coMMoNs§‘ i%tté¢%§¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢%®%$¢¢%¢¢¢¢%%@¢%§%%%%%¢%%%¢%%%%%% M % Affexnbledim M EAR LIAMENT. For the abolxfhlng of A rchblfhops »an d Bifhops, within the Kingdome A of E\7zgl.z-:bw:«ds~:vbAz°4be:~»»d:b»r¢~«:s%é¢~a:b¢~v1~4~»:«=:~¢~e:~¢:->1w:s-:e»~:¢zer,S_tep/5e7z fflwicé‘, Rdsiert Mead, andA;Ia1kze;rA, 5’m7fy55 % "I?heir* H‘ei1*es and Aflignes; AndithatT€hey' the -faidg, M T/dorm: )4da};é:5%noi*s} Lord Major “ofthc (Zity of London»-,. ‘ ' % Sir“ Ia/Ev: AI/l?"o11£:J3o2;z Kni“ght,%Sir George Clarke Knight, film- V L 1'_zz}2g/JzwaMA1(;‘.ern1an,1o£'>22Fmi29£géA1derm:{n,; Iame:iBzmce' Aldérxnafi,I47i[12amz4GAibb_r%Alderman,:Samuel,4égg;»}zfAI- A AA der1nang,%‘ZI‘/30271429‘Na.e2ll,Cbrz§/zzop/yer, Pabé; #101»: Bewllayzy, Eds 2::5ja§*é¥$ H”00£e7","»: /:~r2;v§mz: A rizoki, Richard A Glyde, W i If fan! Hob-2 flm_.,Fm‘mv': /17_fl':,Ia£:n 3.452312 qtfl;-2_.,Lrmre1z6e.%¢ B romfielohfllexa tinder %To;2e:L., 701511 I0z2e:Iiic56arolVe2;z:2ex,‘ istepben-Eflwicé,‘ R’ob,eir;‘;Me:wl:',and7fm¢e.rSfarj»éindflie, Stirviver and Surg- A v“iv‘ersAofthem and their H eire§_;,at1d Aflignes’, ihal-1%ho1d': all fuch the ‘premifl‘eéasA, 3re_n{owV held ofthe-King, ofthe King big Hei_1-es‘ and Succeflorsgts ofH'1s,Mannof:%r of Eafi G‘re"en:evvither,thder; ofthe King,by~1:"he Rents, .andA~oth‘er fe*r- A AA Avices i:herefo re due}a4nd_ofrig}1t accuFmmedL 5; And‘ 1 the= H faid'VTruf?cécs,"their he'ires~_.,-afl-ignes,Farmers, 8c Tenants, A Afhzill ha V6, h01d'3an:d'~"€fl~}0y the premi-ff_.=_-3. 5 and gveryj % V‘ "Of ‘73h€V113$fi7Fed'5% 3C«<§l‘11itE€d" jilfld difbh-érgedofi %:1ns did’ hold and injoy _, or ollght to hold % % M ‘In an A0?viz. M I A.’B. dae fmemmemz I wiZl"f&itT£ufia::’i')r¢¢xd.3rrfiz2efbI5 #59 A mrdiizg fa’ aw} pfiif/1 and .l{xzq*w1edgc »?exesut£V'f/$6‘ pmcgaf gyrrm-}ar,:i£ccnrding M We ‘pzcfpmt o_fmz .0rdin4;72@e,,e7z}'¢itu1ec1, aib;0J1fl1mg of fwd» 1and:.dominigh -,0 ’.».zleJ~_;, and fc-tlaing Qf ythfiir Lands: %fVV%:md‘ poffeflions *1;p(>i}Truflecs, th‘euf€»Qf A ‘ .C0nimon-5-Wealth. L%;{a1l2zfi:12zy flue. mdmzwtr and {.rkil,l ",,, dgfigyef 5 £59; Efl.¢z‘e..v1£7ereim mm mzed ‘and £v;1‘}a§‘p::zr=t :b‘ere~iof_., % %Aw4I2§¢cVb flxdi 12¢ figfvmfme ji22%c£ia5~gm;~ : dam! 71.0% A m;:',;,,,,,.,,e'_A rmd i’mP,‘r4ag7}e w6flt-I 161nm/of,A ,_jt<_ gmaf A 1!, 1,, 4 ,;§,.;_.,~fl I /731,11 A _j_ufily grad ,.fiitbfit£ mcctsxfp , fiifjgcf " % 1 N % % 51 1.‘ will A" ajfld A 53 | ” gérfdns A LA 11 Peifi#r4%AW5&ff&€?e?»%~T I % ,4 , A Nexgér heleife iii d%e;Ia:*éd and oréairtect5t~.hat4* Tthe raid 4 tjéfcjrg h;1,zti*3e ¢f,%%tf1éir}HL“%ei‘ré8; {M114 hcidthepgemires‘ and%¢vcrywf&tfiexn&fubje6tr '% A m “ A Vcanfifiengé fa§ both»H’m£f駻«%ofPat1ia¢‘ % mr:t.ma1I%2p90rr1t»%anddéclareafifi dwéfééf “W A L%aj:id~%thé R“e:its#2r1d%V'V Pndfits .%ther¢r;>f as‘ the jfafl Hétifefii o:de~r a“p*;i¢oitit%; whereiri t“fie%«Lm~ds:“§fid:C 0-tit”?-%% <%:1'e"éI§1*“Te , *’&:ie ;peri'éi1§ A aficia their arefiritc:*refl‘édA}in‘éthea eis A%v"et:uez ' of any tIe :*n"ife hefétbféifg :;fsa«de;,A+ “P.rfmri’"dedV% that the i‘t1%ff€¢‘§Atf1eir‘H¢iréS%% A.ffi§fie§? hbtmf§idafiy;I¢3f¢s,AtnédérAf¢f%fiiny “Té1‘fi§é*' “é§ié%&2;'te;§* ;”cx‘ééédifig th‘r e;r2eAIive%s4,[’ or and twéhw ¢ §%o£IEsf“f{_ic5"::‘_,,; Gr fixvéth ;:;:rzf1:xn%et: afiha: fagét hef* v§v'ith t:1-‘:6 I“”a,fe*; iflf béimg éxdeééf ‘tweed live? Qér 42‘r”t»éA % § A . ' , . A % . « A A xfixats W {of ;Iji1”u¢I‘1“‘ tr¢4t1t"3fid.’r€fif3f$; a;§4tEi¢"A%ra rid %aci-v"V ze. bé**1i:eFu*2t;¢Eit2eEt A »~a.ForeFaf§3‘thét %iF*an;vAréh%*Bifiwp % hwé4ata;nyfetiA:r1éAfi§:gethe~%fir‘ft &‘a“y;46%f? erg, “ ofwn .~ ‘av muw“ I i aw %fi@PWémifl’€$~ 2my%=dj<5E tnfighf @if”f:il!>e<_ei‘r‘>~A:r4:J:h.+~Bi%A j " M % mi ’ [ ff: M i-emreia‘ c{ire&Fl‘j.%% ar i direéilj, fi-"Mi ‘+2i#j* AW . ...n. ».M__¢_,h 4(6) .foxgsf,bqdy ~pQ1it3q\1€: or Cor4pGratc.,"unto whomthq fanfg A :th»¢y%~;h’ad ,a%,ny p, was maria "(hall have rm bénefit thereby 5&4 pfQV'Ed€'_d5_ %ax_1d}~ ~ be‘itV;or1d§in‘edV; aLnd_ it is hereby ord‘ai,nJed;, that%ifV;gnyj A» ~ Perfon Pfiiffenss body p01mjqu;€4Or_’Cdrp9r%atFa‘L[at ¢ my Ftitfie % fii1:.ce$4thé firfi Of1>e9izzz%,5eé";‘;‘ .t. Ye=a‘r€i4 05 154*%?‘“$‘?fh¢¢’533 A lA¢af¢“‘_fo1_fl?onA¢;w‘ Lor mAor.e .11fe. or ~l1§ves, A ;,or ;my'_nu_ri1ber cf Y¢a4resofth¢AV P,1i¢mifi°éiSfhéfééfésiis 3f$5f‘7:e:f3i¢f and%% f‘ufre:nc1r€d% +thc: fame 5T0 the th?i.f*3%h%e ‘they; % might havé new grant9r=%1%€afc“grantéd bf fnal¢1éL4unt0$y hitI1“*0rj them, ,Wh_1ch th1_;s .prefent-O$rd1I13I1Ce is;m_ad‘e__. % vo1de~;,» _;andI the -famic was accor""dmgly% granted or madq % unre him: or. thfiln -3 the fai%d;Vp¢rfi>n or perfons;bo-% V dy»¢A—}§Q1it=iqL1§;o1gC0fIP,9F51T¢;;j§J§?1i<§ fhfl‘th%%%fO%1%fG%Ff€Dd15¢d* T fuchfoltm fix :=gi{ant 0r(%1é3AféV;~ Aliiééxitfd .”th€ir V%1i%€irés“"; ‘ % Turf havcs;ho1d.pofl<:fTe and Aeni<>yft1ch tlrne Tamltefme as he rt ofthe fa~ik;1p1a-my-L ;,,‘,..‘ off ex; grant Or lame; }fi1€h? t neras~.heorrhey%fl1ouIh::d},1%ie1?:1,é1tidA fén3o% eélthéj fame,ifno;fug:h1 fu'r.rWe1;1der hadb¢énnia de,f71szbj ngxteré "‘ theleifegtao ‘fig£;h» %1j<»:xj1t and »< ) th”ers ffirviccé and1fuch;,C£53I¢na%11tSs 4c9n§1tmnsand§V agreem énits: In‘ Afé-id §f0rm;¢'F; 8¢ArLA¢éfes”?wefeAéétfiréifeéi A ncd, «%fav:i%ngunto%Va11 and everyVpérf¢nl5'hd1§erfcins;theirT hcires» exeeuto.rs»ar1dad‘Ir%inifl=!?at0rs,bbdiés p0i1itiqu’e T and edrporyatés ;z1;ne1?1;b,.eMi;II, fuccéfibffio i0¥1i¢~r;th€n th¢)¢King5AA ‘ ’ hézs Iieiiresaa ;21:nc1._ft1¢s:¢£I9ré”; £111; 'A:i¢1i‘5iT11?iI“%S3%”fiI.ns?-1 .B“ifli”@*>V‘TAP..S%_-,i‘[7‘ andothérfthéxr thE»~f0iT1n3-3 153113 VO1‘%d1I13I1ee"hade new-er 3o*eee‘11~h;zd :' ‘ or made 5 2i1foL%faving”toa}1fuehperfon or perfozxs as hrzve” ‘ . ‘adfieared to the Par1iam’7ent, all fuch eflate as he eolr‘ they * ee fines the firfi daycsf May,;4u;. Dow.‘ 164I..have foifieitedor % emade.forfitab1ee4for nonpayment of Reno, or noteperfior-o« zning of Perv ices ‘to any Bifhop or, Biflxops, exceept o it be ‘ in the cafe ofaleafe made utterly Void by this 0 1-dingmce, I by reafon the fame ehath - been procured or purchafecfof V’ any Bifhop 'fince.;the.aforefaid’ fiyfidoay ofDeoefmber,i, =./Izzmi V Dar? . I641; Qahd likewife faving éto IPh:«‘lép A :Ea1*1e eoof Péryze ,; brook and Moeztgbmerygeand hisHei1jes,,$2_t11 fizch‘ fight as he’ e andewthey have to the Mefiim ee'CaI1edeD»zrz‘fi;zeeHzmj'é 5 and H certaine . A S%m‘b1es; late of 1: e poffeflion iofeef/aomzm: Bi-4 -e fiiop of1:)L1rifine,_fcit_11ate iii A'gh;e~P::e.reifh‘ of S. Zmirtirzi: iI1‘.Ih.€ Fie1dse_Q;‘iho c may Cepv1aaa1;er¢}:?,1a:e1ygrantedMby me of thiesp1'e{e;It"Par1ia:1%1ent-3 thismpreefent‘ O:*dina;1ce.e omny thing therein? contained 1,3; any Wife notwithflanding. Pro-4-«~ ‘ vfided a1fo,and iéis herebyf.zrtherOIda§ned by the autho- orin 1*eipe.fioffi;;e fa-Id ,Premifie.: A or any of .the_n {hall “ my aforefaidgahat all and fingular Rexre11ues,Re‘nte°,f.ifuesg. Fees,.Profits,1”ummes of.Money,, andedlowaxaces *;%7hatfo- A .eveeerTa.s‘haveheretofbrebeen; ,eandnowoi1g_ht to be paid, difpofed, and allowed unto andeefor the maioteoénte ~04? M V - i1ny'G1*2;immer Schooie, or SchoHers=, orfo1* or toward the repamtio11 of any Church ,Chagpe1L,High—way;Ca ufewaym Br’ A es eSc%hoo1e-houfe, Almeii-houfe, orzmo o'a:her;.cha-4 iimble or pious ufe, 0V1*=f‘or maintaining of any Leé-’mre,,,;,e 0:P1'eachei's 1i'_$21yab}€ out ofanyw the Premifles, or Which" are charge:~b1e,,ox*eoug’ht to ifit1e»eeut ofi, nor to be paidtforg 3.} % be be we eeeeeeete be ea;§&ten&e§ieseee?’ ee they were? me ‘bieeeesnbeenebetetefetegeeny tbieytin the ptetent @§_?dinenee% * eteethe’ eentra.tyénanye~W1fe nettfgrzthfianding. And it is £13!» iher I-‘deified: that the Shérifieteffivére Countyéépitéeea who IS to -attend the 1:efpeét1veComjts_where any Felony is ‘ £307 be tried eiildtttdeterzninedjhall pitovicie and prgefent toithe“ judge or Judges of fixch; Courts,‘ fonrie able and fit per; fon to ‘doewfuch things as by the ‘Ofiioe of the Ordinary t have been ufed stb be done-5 which perfonend perfons flmllhave Authority, and are hereby enjnyned to PCT?--A ibrme that fervice in fuchtrnanner aswthe trefpefiivebbe, Ordi-» naries heretofore have ufed to doe. Provided alfbg that % ail Commiflions upon the Statute of chziritable ufeé than be valid 5,; though the Biihop be thegein omitted, and the t tether Commiflionetfs {hall proceed therein as fully as they might haveheretofore done, when the ..Bi.fh0.p therein named 5% and that all Iflnes triable by Ordina-= ry or tBi£110'P;, gha]1'betried by Jury in ufuallbbcoutfe. A be . V30/m Brow7z%Cler;[P4r1.. be A Die gm» Martirxg oezmgleie. He Lords and ~Con:1mons Aflembled an emti- ment intending to mife the fumme of two htm-— dted thoufand pound st, for the prefent ferviaze of f the tate, for the encouragement oFfuch as fhall advahnce . i any fumme for and towards the f3mey*~-an& to the in-— tent they may have notice thereof do declare , That ' everyperfon ~ ho hathi advanced any Monies, Pf1ate,ox: A ‘Hotfes, with their Furniture and Arrnesg upon the Puhlique Faith, may for every‘ fumme of money he i {hall further lendgfor the advancement of the find iumme, be fecured a like fumme more out of the Receipt of’ the on ad Excifein courfe, and the fale of the Bifhops Lands, (excepthcivowfans andlmptopriatioris) which {hall firft happen, together with the interefi afiter the rate of eight per ceiztrmza per .czmzzmz,i to be paid every fixe- V inoneths, out of the Receipts of the Excife, till Princi-A i A 4 pail and Interefi be fiilly difcharged. As for example , ‘if , there he owing to any"‘perfon IOO Z; Principalh which, with Inteteft duethereugon , for three yeeres puff, will make; 24.1. the adventuring I 24.1. more 5, may be tfecu... i A red for the Whole 24.8.}. as aiforefaid , and fo proporti--M% i A one-mbly for a greater or lefler fummeg. arid acciording to the Intc- it um-.n 1:3 3 Interefl flue thereupeng me; for the more fpeedy re-»im-4» ~bm~efi;;g4 cf the rigid mimeyeefecured and lent far the para pofe a5ib;e.fl1idThae th;e*i‘ai& Lands of the Biihops, ( hcfx... A cape before exceephted) areEfiated ajhfi made over A to fuch: ' Fefoiferes for thefpeedyh Tale thereof; andhhfuchT1'eafurers I fer the Receipt ofehe Ivlnies, as m.-..1y'give fatisFa8ti0nfe to the Lenders. And the faid? Lords and Commons do do- Eiare ,, Thati*f,{ha1l 2:13 may be lawfnllfur any” peffonor perfons, to afiigne his Pxighte?a'11d"Irh-zterefie in any fumme, ormfizmmesx of meney mving to him upon the Pubhque ”&“aieth,as af0re£1eid,,to any perfon 0r_pe1*fons that Wi11ad-- » wince thheefike fuxnmeg, in man-news is before exprefledhfi. job. Bramm Cler.zzrI_z‘MzeI2tai*ztr1z.