R ‘ 11-has > 5 , “V d ‘ ‘ ., - ~«. :2 T 5’ Commi m 4. ‘ ‘ ‘ "“‘m“ww~w W. 1., M ‘ “ W‘ "‘“"‘”“ ~~~«-~--.‘.....,,. . \ . ,‘._.,\..‘ H “ mm.“ 4’; ' ‘.. ‘_V’ vr _» " I ‘ ‘ ‘- “L V" v .5 N V 2-,“ we , . -oi. ‘ , K 4‘ , ‘z-: *0? 2 0”‘ .....'_____. 2s.Ngvcmb¢r, 16;, 6.. %& . firtbwitla;@ri;zteda22d‘Publybed. V k A M E1fynge,CI¢f~Par1rD»Com~ ___.__..uu _,,,%_ f" xrx;e;;1s,and%%«:1rc to be fo1ciw%j:=:y:%his Shop in Flcerfircetbaz ’ 2 er Dmgon I1'.'“t’i' [the Inner~%Tcin11>k~,__Deccrz ,4. Q1 6 4. 6. % __ % % 4. _u.__._ sioncrs A , And th”r etier_ of M f thaw of om.» M BR lam Qdered lyy the Commonmfléméled %£2i 2¥ ~?arl2'ament, ‘A i TkatfThc Anfwerm the ScotsPapm*s A %_I”1~i:m:d {bf Eaiwd.%d.Hmb;z7zd,»Pfin:crto%the"Honoif:1?f:A1xéHoLife&of'Cdm~ ‘A j ; thgfixgn ofnhe goiden A ; = . ........., W . T72atA.;ee912ayfliI] nrral/1 in t79e “fin-neApdt“72, preizenjt all mg’/epprelsezz/Eons 4 and brirzg aprzglat zmderflcmding eeee .. in _ _ brat/yerlyt Wzten between tlzeettvo A ‘A dems,i;tt7aeearnraj? defireofour hearts; that our proceedings. may be accord; A _ fig V to ear tCovemmt‘e and the Treatiei’ Ivetmaeen as 3 And .t*laatoztr geezzdeavvorstylmrvetIéineace t 4 4 eordingly ,“ our own Canfiiences , our firetlarenef '1 Scotland ",3 and that ettr wezysl c-éznt 5em‘V emojggfl we 54” The Commcmx afllezezbleci in tI2~e-‘Parliee~ %mm:: Eng1and,,do earn;-neA%t1u;; enjamg flnjiflzer ttoyoflr Lortiflqips ttvo @aper.s‘ the Twe}iti»ett79 and to 319%,». ‘Lg;tt'e2* eoftke Twenty fourtlytefO*6foeberla/2;; A A ;i15VI9e%retin*em~ttend being ‘t0Cgime”fiz4ti5fa&z'on to the /fr«- Xee‘fgi{me22tsiz2y9§tf5?’apers 3 TVe fl2;tZl ¢’t172erefin'e¢fnfwee" thefer:>e2*alpa;2~ticu{m?s ieztke naetbod we firzdestlnemzy only toe%emez;?ofed~;af A52: 3 ¢a:i2t/ye H0146‘: of %t/7e19i4rZid7}:駧?; “&jw&a2,nwr%$¢awfmm»,% a~mz_*‘#% %’%’rfIy£»*%Ga;mmQ@ioy:2m¢ of .‘V=Sce”t%3“a2n%Vd i'fl73éé’?‘?'3i?¢£'_“€"’..1ik£ ‘ 1°erfa,a2%t/ac Kiz2g3A£t% /Imli mm";wé»e z?n:.:lz3‘r]z»‘erzm’%~¢a 6e Czzépftzélmfiaraiiz re/arms to tbs ;*et.m2’i29zg (if we mgrqly; A i,.sms Armies a:~m.’;,Fc=rces azstfvf i/5;: fl’imgdaéJ£, M % A AA ~ , I :‘hefam%c=24.% a£smem&er,% §;.;.::}:zpc3i.izgzf}ef;sz' :9 ¢9ze..er:“2?itZ; 4 pra}Jertia§2;:5ls% nmétrmgfw A,AmLKards iwtfze Paixted g?/f4€w;t5;er%, teCmz’er, %%cWz:$b%e;, *3 L, 3.1‘ "4 ‘N ye. ‘ .’“~: 1;; 3;’; ‘V ,, }_;;' -« ck. f, 5; Q3. . “ N‘ w “ I M V . v‘ 11 o I wk ‘ if,‘ ;f f,. ht a*mzté*’tbe Gorzzmz 51051673 of Scbfland wazcermztg t5ed"2- apt! of 1/ae‘-I’5er[z1;¢‘bfV:A*tl7e Kings if 4jb4/z%z2gdg/zm*Vrg3A4%g*z,&*g ‘ it %ScmL Ca2n:§=¢{fifafzer:g";zzad 1794%ée‘,%cammwfiicaAted tzs*’t:2.’*2'e A .Sf*a§:.;AOmzz2z4$zo2¢fr5’éyM%t;5e flieméerx 0]‘ éatlz Ho:g{é5af%th: V 4¢éWitt€e*%aféaré fi’é»gdams- ’Th¢I‘e ”Refo?uri<>n5h0 1‘:- amid %b*c gamma i&i4c‘at%ed -::o% «Wthf: Co~x:2mifli%oners%af , 4.,;S‘VMc¢3tZ¢z‘::‘“c1, Asvbre ac1¢0‘rd‘ingIy%V c‘1i%~vere?dVA t0V.%thV~em'A%by _JMtmb¢rs%of bail: ~*Houfes,+thAat a‘rc4c>l€»::he 0?VkiwhoahKiHgd0%m%5aJ£h¢ theffime Mmmrh. T H , V upekmhe ‘29}%d’ay ‘§:)i7.S‘wé}2i$éi9¢;‘jr%Oi14r%I;orc§ QR: P;§p~er défirtfda 0nfEe1'cncVi: VinVthc%fe jams V perzzfmf F r{’c,,That yourPapers being groz1nded.u’p@ntI1e V " AM > ‘ ._,rr;folm;icms%_oEhovth HQu{es,and :Qn“%the V A A % ?f¢rc1i¥§é?4 had,[ we final! R5: tfloixfu 5E:é>nternin~g chem, whiéh was thus 3 % A of; &epté"m‘ée%3%A:64¢é.‘%~the; %Pio%u:f€:§A‘:paffcd4%% .thé ”fi:«: .‘ w _ A _ A M % N _ % léhdflnzi/1 ilaiigéflt. ”7 Ad. T 1a;:tflJ».é Hazifizfis da Dgrlmfe, ’ V -u“ fi?*’*fi¢€%,1tié6?4?-We éQt’»l7"”fi'4§[§:;:"Ii;4fl?;'M‘¢’£#?zi€%t€4w§a ” UV477%«'M mam idzd ” dzfira z2s*;o»rP%‘apwA A " mu 1}. {If ‘ Auéfiiufl 14fl»»fi? M Wlléae 754125! m A7/v:%rfd:dy if A¢a»fer, ’D€§4t¢V 14%?” W/aftwir/é ;/«w M :%,z£zeAAAf14fiér45lé§ %“"LWhich '9 % T12»: t/M, Ga222mi~tt»ee farfmriy H ap}i9i>2;tcd mg; mt/2 A Q fie W¢m?§9z§t1»ééém4ency .zir¢.e:4;f my MiM?zé%ze my V WY} m % V t1:1_u:s4% gifan ted , ( «p;%(.1) ;_:,, A amend? 1 \ At , ' @vWifif0wrs éf j» %wW 3%: three qf tlye Gina]: 1:12:51/7iL%.z‘,b6 %f4~z‘a’ c¢mm;fiziog§grx54’ra Con/fir; . ' ‘ ;D£(z.atef4nd%_VG&w;fxiii?/2J«%tk@m%A, Wc:M£€r‘?¢.i1¢g‘Vt/9.£\&,ADi¢]>ofI¢1 fi'7€P€rf5I1 of the K5143-3.~§W»0_§d{;gg A I? W-;»J7>rmr Kate! 4??4 .»- upbn ghefirzt 3% M tsefme%thé%%t§¢m¢rene¢ id begin, a11r:h¢fePapcrs were read , and gycmxf ‘Lord- .111 ips wars‘? 11,015 hy flux C0%mm;it41:c¢s,,If yfqu w%er§i pI.cafc<:1i’ "to fay gnyjthing%.f1miz1’g~t~h:Ay W€1'qr»§a.dy”!;,@ (§ O:jfCr§,wi:hA V wvvatdifig f0:?’10fl=‘1?=617fl1“tiW» F9 a$.d!¢*h$i»5 :”§Q+nf¢f€n$¢ % was bywyoutf confenc 50 be Wi'c’hth€fc%’V7tWo Igmitaa :i<>4z1s;.A(;w'»«'=r»»_) 4 4 % A hatflaoqld €b§3b0UC the DifP0fiflgo%£ ?img»§V perfon Abmh.%HQufes .0f“:hc‘AP.%6lrH;ijI11€11t ‘pigg- ' «A Md fl1Zi11thinI{fiiI.. A a. That}: {jha11%notbc %uVndcrf’toAAoA,dAA«rOA&b:guy :t11«1a:ci5Qn in;fflc1a:iwon%w to the rcta_rdzing Qfthc imar¢h=%M.?of4‘th;c cots; Armicé , :a§1djV:vF.Qxc;x:,sV _ out or the Treaty»»1q%m:w:en die ik%i%Vng+doms4~ %¥£amc.A 2 And W‘ ‘a ‘ ‘-5 f‘: ing fu,fiifO¥.mE§Y irr To1e~% M T ;;1T1’JSe%Ut &Vi.r1tm:h%e Pyfmn;fomc%bfVy0w‘ L0Wh%iP$dsid4giwe%dir¢61i5?s»%f0rth¢ [ A iprintin~g ‘Thi‘e%c»&§hQ1;fand‘ACb§5i‘cs%6F thé%:VLofd~vWChax§§_ W » 2 ~=3pGcc1IC;$j an arm LCur1%&It:~rcncc:_ which " bysthc W the 5» of a%6?wfier1afi~, had;%rh:¢Y{%jn%0r1é<¢»en ~£7éut~%i~fr*by %a§n%%Ord€ir0f ’:h€*H0ufE0?f mus.W¢dn¢'fd1ak$%Vihc iI‘4?;v;‘OA:.f +thcfa‘meMonetha¢afrervjw11ich%rimca«6 %.$mbe£ore, theyrcceivaf 0rd€rV YQ11 % n9t—T~t04 publifli V M % Wmiim¢a;A% and raidtcjbeprznteaat mzensaargzz; . % Y°uPf?fl€€dthof<=i% Papers which . iV“ga%xz%e,Vi% in,tVoV ;th#c? I=I9ufes4as;.>%yo 3,1,1’ ; Anf wet‘, to cho}fcj”Votcs than it was pofliblc for chc_Houfesi:Q givfijc an Afqfvsrggv {:9 ifthc 5i %.P.*'Qli:f3".3: f‘7“w%5_**I"r"3 of thc”}é¢%57‘i51¢ Wéfé mOr¢%4Con fatiSFa;6fiQfiA%4 %O%f ihe %Héj,ufcs A And A7 if ygut % V4 %Md%fh9ughc5=%i40 hiW”6%ffaidf0rmir Avn%fw¢wr;% A 4 :cJe_ivc%y.ou wquld _no: T hgwjc —%pubiifhcd,.~zhofc. ¢Pap¢rs;'% w44w}iiChiS%43I1 afiidfi Cotitmry; tothe,pra6fifc%"%of4all“pubs? %%AfiqU€’M[inifi¢rS»WWroughtnot xdwbliifr the P6091: % Lthc§V%'I’1‘1-‘-‘1i%f315*i<>I1s4Abe%t§Ve¢n::rh5IIii*€1d<§tVh3t%St3t5t6:wThich‘F A1:116?.aIV¢vefnP1°Y€di3Which*~5v<=are %cnf0r%C¢dJr€54Arépréfmt% [toyoufdlordfliipssandkto”1wbli"fl1%this4Anf‘Wcr;i.: - M been royofien “d by yV a‘.i%e&i’Ofl5 M Fuch V L a5¢“F“¢f Wcanoranx scmP10y¢dA us,IxavingA% ‘ g V ‘ . cvcr.%% I .. ,,,, m e’w7crdoriié1ién*vAfuchWag *K3ngam Vofw%s6mzm AmheA%%exevw%:e.Jch»ercAo£ m7 “t;he%?Kingd'o1§:1*’¢E 3fngg.mdL1A‘beiVn& . offevéréMn& diI%%nanaeurcggare c.¢sn£o:u%4aa cd as ongt-and the fAame%:hin%g i'*fymi grm cBgi;%y4ou 1‘i0:ht"oFWe’§;iEréifé” if‘ f‘;I‘nicé3r¢*Pc iia ifpofingrhe { Pcrfqn: A;fi>i‘z;*»;g¢webea?:a'gsmee«;«gz‘zm2) magxpnosc ~ A A .V~ ”o£~ the 1 P;xfonAi»MMs; Kipg zatzzag :'z:fl'¢?' sH:§M?11e11«{oz&:fli4%;11%be: +%upofcd%v£€~ Aha iew ‘. % .M am.-Q ‘an d7" éd:i3:i7n u;c;d in: A af%:i1ofa6d4y%4,2m d‘ 5 Ad éing .f:rflo_uVs‘ 3.9- «:h by both‘Ki'tigflbfix1%§%’.%wérc~feitfiz? ~%um:o Hid}, as the‘ means.% % a fé11fe?A and wcl1Tgr®und¢d fPé:i;c;e., And*th€rc:fo’rcis I flnot: for the preférnz; in a condizgmn to excrciffe the; D uties Flaws fir ¢b¢»1eFr%fi or f¢fi.d6 A ‘?yiC)U‘1‘ did at the ‘“C”‘7o’x'i'}férén4&:é écliafic '_I‘1-ma: it was Iprcj K1%ngao*ms fqr tIj1cKiz1g mgo in:o~%scazzm. V ’V4I,,.QTh:at*y%<:iur %Lordfl1"ipNs can%n(fJ: i.nTr¢a_{'0yn“;irififi;, » ‘i:17c“)rT1 fifdéfé d;§in5"TVvy%3at=A5c<3n&itiofi Mrhc is§_Thaf:: % ' v'Heh-avh deIer;ed*Haé 'P;1rI‘iam~em: and People, curred V %7¢’¢%‘=‘3f*§*in“"0?fi":’~difP¢fifigI:* rh¢%VP¢?f°n Ofzhfi WW4 may hereby ‘prejudice the Kingdom Ao%f‘V$gatl;md(r*h$cw Vyvhith-Was%*Vr§»&yer~yct‘donc b}?Ius')V cjn fi1ch Vap:0ffib5i4Iity A . a i@AYm¥?Vt*%Righti“n dif*ofi%1g£h~%% pe=rji7931dof~wt“h*e .4‘ which;4&ona% c-rf;».~;~¢ fim¢%~i;Qming new fouf ycarss wafs never Lawe:foE:§¢?c*1V:zir:1ed ,When §1’$ thC" jtwgo I€i4ngd4ms"”,& % hadm rhcn ‘"‘r*ha=%5e+¢uriAty from“ cmzh. :oth¢r.againfi _ all%I*r:ragirrary%préi%udic¢S%Which"might « ” :ii1_c 4xbuI°é§6f4Athci?r»pa11citufarAflighcsgas n0“W* they ‘“h;aVe, A being edbyC~*vcnan@i%in?Auhcinfcmral ggcxiesxm Rtglms §:mdA%Lr>rriv;Icdges 'ViP3r»1@ia(143en£$s “ L-atmes Of 5, arad% E. } Hamgs%PeffonfAandfiuch.r thepmcférszatien an V fiomsg flrcgclc caf Vthe:G‘ov*e11gx;§%4@lQ‘c1:; _ e1A¢arlyapp_¢ar. , V. whaggwouxa ou rLim th¢‘¢ Klingdom 370% fifiglamfg A zef cfiionxs {obi} u‘c1y%infer,VTVhatr.hc%1?‘a;n-4 iriAg,A&11c¢c&a%llxh?c %%7worl}d %%'3m*h >know% :i1at..:his » V mgflJ taami»%w1i%%Lr%+ at; am: % % r ; I;%I\gB¢1c~a%ufc_i%yOur vLbrdflf1ipsé%mOfi7in%fifiupbn mic . fifarcatyin sthisca femnd «;:f1f‘o4 VtVhm,u gm m%al1 yoga Axgfwcrs imjrthawfc » you;:calsI ~%bjc%.V‘* s 3 ‘h -‘ ‘ ,1 » ¢a§ny4 féajt ~~fomc cof tthe~% ‘expveffmns in «your ,-v ~ ..é x u?«a‘7pe»r_$;‘, . cmcaneeri1fng:§chc 7Ccm”v:cnantmd%a?f*x*ca:y. 4 A 5;. @d:?6V. ‘ ,0ff~y0urV"§VP%apcrS‘) A 12$ Vwnkflééf wealvay W mrm other ml}? Ho¢vVZoal:‘%41mck wlmt ~15 ‘val ’Wri¢?:.Mm£an"g yfint lode V‘ 4: ,..m % Gw¢mm,~~,%»TNM£&s, Dac£4t!‘ation%%.¢f jiifiingrw ear: ;~;5an}mn&iw:””%.ei%¢xFtbwk ;¢’W4?r, ;a:iz:J2aer \ 114&'v7W .« , ~ V . N ‘ ~ leakga4+Leagz:;e{.A«4»dcmm:g4zc:t»%V; ffigé 4rxa:we,% % j A ; €%3 aftlgk &’Kiézgdom ink {Mt wn:maw%C4afafiw Avia:icLI:*&air?‘~*erni§¢g V 1/re‘ 56191? y of’ G%odg:;tbeir4s ¢mm_'vSaflty,%%4unim%Md A 111; %% Ho7:mr% V4%m:'%Ha;2pina: of the >I("z‘¢~.zgj % W iv‘/zit}; ieizdx me c;zm:m:f;,&¢!za:A1a vV&P2xr%liame¢zz:jM4»-vigil y *% bi/a ‘cr%‘IS“ubjczfZ: af&batI2*f‘LIr‘a/%*:ta:‘z'a;s., w ? #576.’ §v'0]72ta(lz¢?i€‘6f4nd:*& ‘ca22fint& 175:/}?I{ingdo3m[V5:.%L4j¢_.gzm{:M- ¢‘ordz'2;g‘ta t/.25;/fa ‘i.gi*”o_A:t_mr1'_r; «Car:/ezxamf ?}&Bcz:fim§%%mg \ %;s‘i”9!:fly?¢: ~ ‘ sh rmg,V; mg ’ A ~iiI}2}>§ar %%ft%*%ibpi2¢£r££v¢r%eéy~%;mmzfl/igbafbatimm, ‘ A * %%?’*?7W gaa4a{&a:bié1cz:»gdm,. ‘, Vifigmca pf T3512: engls,%e.agpy-effiglg%ijf%tb¢‘;qg:;3gp4m, t , ; V Agam ._, Pag. Sa%;fbatw W4‘ Dwjpaflalof flit ,‘ ‘ %rer-»» « R¢rfin.~ed~% mmtemedfriinsthdeem¢eA fiat;/2 egiioufex, 6:: iutegyded math: and, APme»4nd.Security.eeeo ?;5vth I€iWga'om:,; ,t[{4'1:;f@t ‘A1’? L ; fiflihvvr fiedmedwit£mut~:bemuma£ A,j«fl,;d{'P1'.C£3— dyad Cozzfezmf d5ofi5.e~d3nd*1‘hus”eefarem1 rim? youdf;Pdap¢r$ie ‘ A A A ~» laiddvedowneTihateyou4cIaidm"thathd; e‘thiddg< aconrained Pin T,theema‘:tcrd of the cov¢nan.:, A Or’7tdo beddone in purfuanceof the ends 4thereof,_or than harh3d a fierbng infl L1€fl¢fe. eedthereupon, can be done by the A iflingdflmeofdd EnAglanddin%§E;zdgZAfid», Without she §l7oy)2tM e wA"’dviee =andfACOnfent. 0fA>Ehe“ Kingdom of Scotland A we111211-imhenex: place lay down the mm oft material e thifiegs concainedwin the eCovenanr, Aw_hici;earc,. The ‘.eReeforma:ion;0’fd Rtligionin Evglaed 21nd~1~r land; The ' ‘fijzfthjpation of e.Popery,‘PArAe!;acy,A SAuperfiition, Herc,- V ,fie,Sf"chi,fm arid dProphs.ncene{Te-{Theprcfervation of the ' -u‘11{“;iahtgdgnd.P;ivi'ledgcs‘of‘ thcParIian:1ents, and Libep. “ A Kingdoms; A nd toprefegvc add d efen.d7chc Kiijgse M~;**ieje{tieAs, 4 Perfjn can uthoricy in. the prefer... ¢ variohand defence Qfthetg dc ReligionAand Liberties ‘5ofecheeKingdomes.d _ A A AA & A. A A fe="W~hencc“ ncceffarily follows? TI1ardcheAMz'liti4 by S.ea'3inde Land eiriethc—Kingdoms4AofEqqlam:l an d Ireland; j power of aking Peace Aand War wit11fForaign A Stafeseedi ‘ht dKi“8e5"C‘0flf¢“.t in A W?” ¢“3&i"?g 3‘1YddedL3Ws A A AT%he Rowe;-of Lheee‘Ho‘ufcsAofA;the“Parliaments; ofEng- A »g§4nd‘de~?f‘a;nd ;Ir£l427d~ in cafes -of, Judicature u.pdn dDelin.- and” M0n0p91*i¢SAad;1mP0fitiOn5 imd 0d=11€«1*e»G"ri¢- ~’vantL"cs’uonethepeoe it Ofthiseeeiigih dam 4- TheeCdxd1~dee _ M H P . P V8 1 _ ~fcrdrindg:h'cgrean Places of Honor andTemfi,making of Peers dP»ar1ifamVensA.d_conferring other Titles of _ Hon;Qr e,:‘:W'[;1,‘A1&;te Reven*ue7ch‘e AKit1g is toAAha§re ii} Efigtxmd j 4‘ fedVaJnd%AIrel4:;:d,and howtobc A Dif'p§oIi:d, _2;1i1d.4wha:foe\fi:;r . A ;A . % j AB 2AA 4 *1j¢eeA ‘We*i~s*%to‘be%i1é’*b3r%rhés 3 g airfiéai bf an m*e%~hea‘aeMd vevrmom:~«:%I~we%:%;nr %¥v1ré5‘m¥ii' V (Iraf ‘ % the Kingdamaf ASconl*‘a‘:‘?1;’c1?;:_%VV‘Forth:«‘Covcnanv—Vcxpwf¥eth W in the thif d_} Arti c:1g:;.%%AT(dAprefcifvdand éicfendithe +*~::!;:*i‘A:i‘%%5&i‘ief{*A¢:rict:’GP “i3i1e~**‘tr=v:é3'RV*el’i' ionsmfdx‘ *7Libc rAtiésTof»-tfi c ' g‘5d o21:s,md* fr¢om&Iae?Re4 4f)¢V,(§n\é {(;3f" ‘ of E0” ».¥§4tz'*4’*¥’g;?%:¥5*€?76‘eA:d» iri» ii11A1 »¢11i“»S%55% ¢,9¥1F*=:§7¥{‘F?8 §?FA‘%~‘Ahfl “’A3‘-‘”3n"¢’-% XV§;{§Q914;%$ 9fi;Ej¢+»8iY?»n3?‘ m13;ag;w§ W *9 have xndcaizpfld to prcférvc with :I‘o«g;rx‘:at” aTrfi Vof "s:%*%~1<1% f~w;_¢ ‘ Ir AA In thAcA M and'%LaftA;,AA VA coniA:éA;;ni4nAg aha a{fiff:iAnAc¢ _d;:fA¢nCC of all thofc ‘V that c-n:cri‘nco this C ovenant,» iTn ;,;a¢«;ar%V 4;car4;pg‘;fq ‘our vp/gee: am Cdliigflgx , to‘~pé:r- , Form. VY4%h3tf0¢V¢rA M obliged :10 Vb?4:—¢th¢V54’C°A~. = 4 j “ItA1’§:Am~s ”ftAr:i;n?g¢AA:AoAAA 1:5, zngzmz andscotldrzd A §ifii?,&%AKi4"gd0 mA5V§ A3fid% by -th=4C0V=- % i:‘iHg‘ 1«i4g;[颻er%4é1“%rzm, Vamibn, .¢a/?i»z%*‘ [W Ié2tiré”]f*A Kingdorh of »4sco:Iaz2d ~A{hpu1%d mm gm:4‘?§v¢r1an:amide them re1v"es[:oche »%jrighc% cx=rcifing*any s~*vy»tm¢r the $Kipgdom ‘a>fE7zg1m2‘z1’A,A A b A V1 being dircfitly contrary to’Acii‘éAf3é?X*ACr¢Tif5c%AOf: :~1AzAi“‘yAA4A5l7ay‘7:t * A ¢ " ‘ 4 Iamr, Ehe A s=fi¢, %S9*31fII!and rears AAA~%v‘”o1‘dAs“[ of: :h¢'* cavgnanc I ,~ _. Awbuldgbrcakwzhe C"0¥€n3m?.~ 5biA5gfd:k.inour(./Weraé A*V0?4I?Ws»%Vm9FU?11Y;}A?0A%%:Pf¢fW€! A % the *%R‘{=g?he:‘£‘A**and2~»Prrivi1”edg5€S ;< 1¥§a:;1~iatn;m,%had; 4Libe’rties<>f I11? %Kim3d 91115.5 and: rush; a}*oymFPfow§:er::,d ibh d Qch gives %% cav=;aanoc%hcrA Nario V in % the PVovc¢¢.s35“é’%*5 31¢ ’ King» % dom%sVV%0f’ JE:22_zlrz:r2(z1 =mdA 1”W??4' would ha nlzrnifcffi of whereas rhr M ? Your. other Arguments drawn Jhcgw ATwr¢:1tyg. AA 1 ; »T%hat Vbrou % M forecj “?r?has:vWi1iI%€4feé‘ci%ve1y 5 The 4ther¢%upofl,“aS if either Kingdomcany A“L%1jd"s‘”§z.nd””%Coin&nonsof the Par1iam’ent% of A gVEng1A3fld do d%ec1are,7That it isnot - their inten-5 A gtion that 1 any conPtfué3:ion fhould bctmadc » 3icfcPcif1Vthemattizerofeach‘ Others? ropofitions 5 ;orin%the1%ciflativcpowérofAeach othercorle % _ jvc¢mingAany A of: the ilmid Propofitions,but that % A % “it firemaiheth %di£’cina in each Vlfingdomc re--» fgeaively Andchacanoc%wi:h&andin% any joyntprocecdings -upon Vthci fafid Propo 1%%tioVns% A Cithfif Kitigd©mef.hath power ofthemfc1V'cs.M Ed % c9nt1nu”e4%:¢peal,&6r a.1tcrAany Law <%t_1.1a.t: £ha1‘1:*b;c made e ' . m*'*' 42"‘ mafia t?x.e»Ai%if<3% Pxopofiélons the gm and gwéfnfiférrt bf‘ “eWic4%?‘e9i' Kin«dome refpca étivcly And ii'«i3hfircb'Y d§C1&Y€«i;Th@et bqglm J “ % A nan: 3.»nd"Lthc?frre3t1e5;.. WC V4 K1:ngd0m®§: » W ~ ’%4We«r“e’Cé15V1Wg A A “ *imi%ed~ .fa+« B’&1a;T;&b[,2,t, Awhms myear 6:.4%t.divers*rh i,%ng$__toVnCerr I32z'¥2;eg“t‘£I‘% firofiaeézfi =?=’3rg*rofyéz2»», p«mz=;2z¢y4»a;2:; $2m:’ro 5Aay;2;W n&v§g+’at~zsw22z%;¢¢fi.;§:»’%‘:£:e,pa2zv;e%av%d%%.V4 A “ *?”.Z.:x.fg ;C.‘1%&im.apy exereife ef the p@Wefs within the King- . £0l'fE zzb % A : 0I&¢?wtfi{t;}§ezg z}f’%éji=¢»rcafiaz:?o;‘}¢A!£»g‘ Ki‘3ggsv_;*2éejf‘aFg2ice4«@z‘2zAiaflcara V iiée ex2;§WeJ79¢“1d“*éef€??? 353'-A"- ‘ ~ Trhis2?eféfi5t:yPari%i§mérit ‘“éAtsr:i?;., W101’ yet ~ ‘ A V A6f3cbt1an:¢:whi§hv¥ .''H‘ »9 J ~ «d: we but; pxpq&;the; A {ram thatjkxngorm u N “ ‘ V V11 I-Jhatt by%yourargum§m:s;fQr rigt of i0371.1~t:d;i~I?- wmfing omae p{erfou~9f_th¢:k;,n,ggu:1EnAglaradCwhicla; _reIaceas~4wc1t4o th¢i:PF1ff0fl3 f*h?LfVL:3r¢=4,E0 bt:&b0ut the M place where he‘ 15 to refidc) feem to V V to have an equal number, _@rf'iachwaA *:flHI1I1b€2r.a.s you % think fit of the Scots Nanon to be of the Kmgs Com}- cel, andof%ihis edich amber, and Other .0fl‘i<:Vc’:;rfi. .:,.;,=1:§<'>N;»L41_,1: §1a;m,asa Rightopfthe Kingdonaof Swcqtizmd. V . ment of‘: ,0 o o o C? %1.1nemi;onéd :i,I1 year ipapers Q.f:£h¢:,g 4. %®f04z$%0é¢r«, The Parlzament of England 1:5 mt ing‘age;ql copay you 20000:: L atone time: but only thatgthg ” 7 *?firfl,«I:=ooa@O I. t»hcrepf%fbe"%pa”y4d uI1toiyou¢%uponxz:he V 'm;,m;h%i@ng of your Army and Forces out of .%.VKiz-lg-¢V dom at iuch time and) place as {had be he”rea#.ft:c':»r ex-3 4A x Thatthe fecond % xp 0 ‘cm 0 I;._fl1aIb“eMp*a§idV by:5o%¢o’ocAv “Is; %his%pe%rf0n%anc1 his fi..1cc‘eflb%rS in the rKiflgdOm of A IX. And concerning your defires for the {pa " V and “5ém_eo,l.’? the firft »;oooo1. at ” the end é>f¥rh,r.c;.gc ~ ”‘ monethsafterthepayméntof the 1oVooomo:I?. a1id%e:e§kaa ' fccond scmoo 1. atqthe cndof nxm mQnethsaf:er_’chAé Aflaidfirfi pa.‘ymem:._;, yet to m:mifcPc’%ou.r willingnefs and readincfsto comply with our Brethren Q;F~;SCQt:‘- lgnd» %We. have for%.above fix Weeks ilaflz p«afl4fpet1»t a% ‘ *great4*p~a=rt of our pimeto borrow Azroooocal. %wh&c11 LE we cannot fpeédfly obtain, \{7Ve'aAfl”ure"o-Iii‘ felvesa Ohm Bre!:I1re11"0f Scotland wiI'r*e£1fatisAfied fomi;1‘ch of the 2 cm 0 o%aA1.as we are able to,pay'f0r ty.ourpAarticuHlar Rights and , and fa farfiixrthas they are Duel}=caIIc:d4'there1into, not A with e;1Ch; Orhers proper nghts and intereftsgwhich we % are V» bound to preferve, and to prcferve AD z'flz'I2é?,eIfc we break our orvenant: 5 And we are to prefervéthL¢’Kin in his pferfon and authority R elatwebi (viz.) I22 t£vapre- A Wfreakmtiozz ma’ defence of tbewme Relzgian mm’ Lz'£err‘z'e.s' {if I58‘ A Khzgdgmx 3 And we do not d!c:fire to take away; yap}: right of M i‘nt:ef;eft in the perfon of theKing,butvve-% fay? hm-:%no E .>cerr:«’j’e of that right,tfie%Kin”géez?2g~ 592 Eifiglafzdg nd we are {'0 far from C layming any Hghgz for the King1domo»fAEng1and in this café, which in the%c %tAiimctI1en to haveinfcrced Va joynt CvOflfCflt,Y_0uf\L 0r‘d_ {hips wil.I10:;t:himk4JbAu‘tthatboth 0u.fe5VAofc e Paffiae menrioff =Eng1’d.ndmay as vv&el4 be VJtr[1&€"‘W-ith the di1‘p@—. A fingftheperfon ofthct Kingin‘E4ng1am-135. the yséts A A ~YourA.d44ifcourffe,A That the perfon Of’ the King Agsmt to be refirainedfi from his voAIuntary A KingaomAe,A Awhcn *1;-he neceflizry wire of the: % 4 I{:i%ngd4omes do require it, is not to the qiua//V‘\\AAA and Aapp1iCab1=e.%t*o the con»ditiown4 in Vwhaicw-ii _ "King’m.w[A’9: ” A A * V asi~s%fw11y>:dec1aned%Ain t:heAfifrh.AcoI=1fide},~;,;.; AYoAur inAfl;ance, That [W0 being aAfl"ociatedV of L:mdsJ' ' 3 - scam: théA1Aike(f A M11917 V1"-‘H3 ‘P-3YA We bfiiiig affociatccjiidifé? pofe of cheperfon ofthe Kmg without your joyntcon-’ fen~rA5I1?hr:fe¢a4re mt ;toAth=e cafe in (1fuefl:iOnA’, but dbe troubleflthe right underflanding of Air, forwe are aflbé A Ciatfid Azfflfamfi “WW0” A8wi5*for the: good Aovf; both,but not a.fTociatedAAin%th%at vvf4hichAis%~ol 2.: _ /14‘. ‘A M A A P iv1€l4VW2<‘5?5, whiChAi‘sAAthe orL11IryJ::iaet::r bc:g:fu:£:d£T:§ 4 E116 difpming pAerfonA of the King in thggl-Hg; dam ‘ ’ : Va -j ~?~§;”)* £:hr¢V”pa&ritiCLi1zirfight of théftwo Hufiés of Parfi3.xn%eritl: - TheKingd0m Of 57‘?““““’!mh¥*0m°r€right ofi~oynt exercife of interefi of dxfpofing tI:1eApe:rfit>n0f Ache Kimgin chefqfixingdomofizgiarzd, than%théy%Ixave%righc o:f‘joyzi1;ex¢:.*:rci%fe of imtérefl in our Inherit»aI1€€’§ Lmds,% stocks, ortheV1ike,wh§ch your 4fc-Ives bring as examples thiscafee fem: cork: Gm-3&1: cf the11:i*zfea1:*'@l?’::*c5~ vinces ‘r%eci%:¢d By you 5 (‘U13-4) %7“5**=)W?‘¢ 13?¢iW35JV falervzzz Ca~‘zJ¢ié:¢2it made to Almjgbgy Gazl. ,4:22%d€r imgua From%®urDéc«Ié;ra£ioz§pf z;he%&E}f:h of,l%aggz§fi5#x.g45: /- «the §:¢gI;¢2zaI5fc)rtI1at‘D;ecIar2;txon was 1:1 anfwer frorIit$he Lords StatesGeneraI1dcfi- fingrobeTa~d%rxiictééi% M,%§§iiét0t$%f0r.=1 zay E136 jbynt tohiént of the Kingdom of i-$’&*af~ v1W3s3HdA?h€dW0Fd5 arcnot ;» Thatwe»ar¢ rnadeonefcn~ %bodyin*a1I ‘our r%g1?ts%..én%d 531: tomvem fiPUfiTh&Ems~?:3ae worés j%‘é’ré,T ytjo p*rpfec§ute ’CWfé To as - %:he%being one enfire body Vis," As to p%rQ“{’:%::ute :th“e@_:om- A ‘WW5 th4“ey¢f1n:Vy well! d%o%V;in*th‘eir feveraklii ‘ at/M“ Hz‘: Majefi z'e5;f'za6jeE£3‘»,‘**af H3216? ?"¢‘“~;e'—-A we‘?ismI33%1‘I?<3#£‘;’iWITjz8%,~A “vviétihout to:n?f'oundingxhe wee‘ % *ifn%%o“Vur pfirtizrfiklar ”rig1hts.&and iibemires, whicl;~ ion as to 4a :iza‘fimce in Ath2£t&* ec1:zwtiz3%n,A,, mfiz; %?f5£vzz*tA;’~9v- Pfirliaméizt, 'dWZ?Wz2v29 "t:‘§Ja.’z;¢- 23 §}?Iig&om<:, not %to‘bWe one en: .‘ Igmi ~ <53." lazzdflaml éounalbuo well 44: g the Cimrté ogovviemmeot oy Etfbaps in the oKi3gdo'm of A Sootlazgd , Arzdgtbotne 45 well tiregyffzzzzoléiowzolfoi £21..‘ A dmzaur the extirpation thereof" £12 England mmezoooa. We defire it may be. obferved, That that ex refision in A A the Declaration is according to_the term: 0 the Cove» gtilatitr, which obli ethous :6 a& in our ['91/mall iVomtiom' V withouticonfonn ing the A” particular interefls of the W Kingdoms 3 And no words in that~Dec1airagtioninfer any other fenfe 1‘ .Ar:1d your inferencesfrom the C OV€3"'['. name are direétly againfi the Covenant,as doth before The eighth Article of the Tr"eatye1s,f T54: Ito co/fa-5 ,tiai2”7z0r any paoz'fimtz'on or ngreememyfbr padre whntjbevvor \ A itheoParlz [Ball 5: mzzdeé}-eitfier Kingdami rozibout the mutzmllnolv to We.» toeottzog o,,.,,c wife and oozzfeizt of éotb Kingdoms or {heir Committees in A that z5e£1zz[fe appointed, who on» to 64-vefwl/pomrfior the fame z°2z'mfe we ifiozzfles of the Parliament of ' Ezrgglnzzd or . trzot/it; A A _ A - A A , , Your Lordfhipiinference from this Article , That‘ begaufe we cannot make peace without your joynt cons.- i fem-,g_g VVe‘ cannottherefore diifpofe of the perfon (jf the King in the Kingdom of England without your . e0n{'ent:,is thus clearly anfvvered, The not making any ceifation, pacification or agreement for peace we; them: you, and our difpofing the perfonof the King without M 1 y<':>u,do confifl: well togethersand it cannorfgrom hence heinferred; That therefore the place where the King fhal refide, until! this peacewere made, he being in fEng1and,0ughtn0t to be at the appointment of 1thePa”r- ohament of England-» ~ —” i A = L Vve zzmerztor Co2zv,mtio;2qf'Efi4t es ix: Scotland all i A AAAWc'knowvyour ALord1hipVs ca~n.an%cI #1 V‘ K F» F H , ‘,; “ . n ‘W N)‘ ‘ pée «ox I_ .1 1 H '5 ill wimeflk % wish us,%thar¢%fin¢€ OHIY Q9vemtand Trcaty ham 1°CC5iV;Cd. 3+? A W" ?A-‘A’; i 0111¢f :F?h«¢;j%i%;Ki!1gi ,3‘ 9?” | V M¢fF¢ng§¢¢rsp%a;fié:; b*4¢tW@:¢n 3 ,.9rT¢¥1t{ any Cmnmittccs to 4Ath:u: yéwi ‘€911fWFa,% Qt d0n¢%»¢an,my»% thin A whim ygut 4j‘0ynF ‘Qt-3; .ut.:i£ difgofingg pcxféibnJr.o£{_tm;: Kx%ng% 1r1Efig147?4W1th0ut10y,n£ cenficnit Kim: a”méking;«4£; peiacc,as1d¢fi'b1*¢:3Ch Offthc r¢a.c—y,»~t%hsc;n;~itAA& unianfwflfarji my AfQ,1,10W Sw 7;17hrA;3t%%Y9m~; Army ihafih péac thf Ki§1%§¥«A?§fad;§§§:?okw%«tt%h?::% 1:cé;aw:,;; f:Q\1LI:h;€YaAhaN£;. A §9f¢dA¢« 405 hA3F111*IVV “ 913! TV-A,-. 3vnm1?4%;-*:Afinscc[:out‘£ ..; "“ 1 "ts M » .. A s¥rPE?“§ ‘T. 4‘ ~ )5‘. W '1‘ _- ‘,3 1 I H M \ , «I h,‘,L;‘, «V ( yr? ‘ HM I V W >1 bi ‘W ‘ ‘I My ‘ 1- “My ‘ . ‘J _ m‘t,:..;; ~ -: V‘? ‘ was we w ~ ..... V- .4 AL -* v w .- - » ~ ~ —. ‘ ,. “fin ‘ , “ ' _ V. W \ ‘ ‘ { ‘ ‘ I , ‘ ‘ ' ‘. ‘ “A . . ‘ii ‘ ‘y A ‘ W W\ A“ ‘J T ,¢. ‘ a -.8‘? Y I , ‘/“"1" “ N ‘ :5‘ ‘_ ‘ '.\. ‘ ': ,‘ ‘ ‘ . W ' H ., “ u‘ M." ‘I. mow w '9‘ \ "1 ‘ ' Ar ‘uh H ‘aw my 2 at 1-. 4 -va n. in V 4' “ '1 (mf£):~:A‘N:"I1 #3:?! y:0.wW0.u1d‘?‘he3i A ‘i{:§1' }}3V,<'3“ <5f3fW11 WY; 9:1‘:g LI.m:§?.11E ;f1‘OI11~‘?’ §i11¢fl£Z$C5*a" 7y:0”hiI’ j€5_§Z'flt"i-2§i?i.Lg—¥'1;t in A d§£P0fing%A.4;.tk;i: c;IS~ o%£th;e%eig1s:1a4 2fiii$ * 1aipt1if:Artic1e.sj avheai&erences%co heVxeTro1ved amdadex :3gv:35TN4at1 ct res” d aai:;jt’¢:Mrrn-i~1%1§t%dA_¢V t~1*ici1j~-Cij“Irm:1ittéeS‘,4 ’cj5+ Q-r3.$:5}b}1$71‘L~®':1‘§ifi1~ii§§fj§§flffié ‘tAi;1e'~ ?Ar“i'i_cI¢) ~%wcu1a«Vh*ave j§G‘wgr:erAfir1.§11rftt>'r¢fo1vé dc"4t,"ve%ri*ninc‘AtheRights of bm>1%r.:Ki:ngdom%s?iinft1t he gi‘é3;t ‘"C:‘afe 9:. A hhfld Evcn%wi1-_h.; ufi‘%In{tirL$é%§io7ns5a”‘—thefilfléfés‘ibéingfqVi1;'imis*”; 9~a;.; ;vt1i1c‘»4% A V 1ajis.$j;€i1§*£»>ffiB1§r”3f6‘€*éf§é1*Efl‘l;’f‘h9;tifiifglit3 happrzs1,~.A%;%mo,.g:w:e¢Iwflmu&1o ns m them 3,“ JAn~d‘Athercf0‘[ra~_ %thc~Arti<;”1e, to avoidany fiich cEirlPc5rt1‘<5t'ioVn;d6th“p:uir4i Qfcly provide, :I‘hz3tVth‘e Rmcfolyingwangi Dgitcrminiyng wane:ifi”emices:ixi?%Amis: ;A';rcic"1e%, :9 152;3th;%V BifFe£vn@~w6»e;ve¢e%h'i$*x1l%B*3?%% " ‘ ‘ A ” €30%na’n;t‘ :an&*13‘réa:§/%.*%conamg"inco%%’:1i%e 1=9fi%$fl?0I*i*é70£~:®vr*?Fwwh’%,% d;r%®th@%‘%*Rig“hrs, éifir ‘bé-c?;z*u“fc~y<5u di;f~ ‘V €€=$*‘;” 1' of bbtfi i ,:md Rjhc" %;ninth4%"Arti,¢1e~ ofdic :§q‘geaty yourMLo:cm;‘ip¢swa11 % i*venan§g3~ **tmitedvPrvim:"¢s,+bi1t*‘-ixapi1:f'uancc#oftheiny L’ Rafi as =c2y0u%r1«<21‘¢3fl1ips. argt!1n&wta won my fiCox1‘jA1fn f H f<:5nnc¢él;s~:%, n’g"ft§ihcA A A ‘Pciff01i‘@of th‘eV "b‘é&fa‘t1Afe">ih¢ iH0nuiEs»4"d1d% thxfiké **fit,;, ?th’at%AAi%n’:hc managing wa1+;cherc*nao:a1d%bé Cofiiifiéfs *KinEd«om¢s;i;i A ~ *r’“efefre ncéA: ¢Mth”c E%:3ig1ifh;; 252$ %*viréI1¥?""a§ unto: ‘x“T1‘i%Vé~‘% ~:*H6t1f¢$4,aIn§d"notiythc ofboth Kiagél domcs , and was dctcrmtnablg-«J%at the plea.fgrc~0fwthc '"tW'Q, ’I+Iqufes, and praéhfcdaccwrdingly4;,%%a%1j1d_wham- % Teevfe*r+Vi%£h;;e?A~4pk*aTEdb,A¥%‘th¢ey?‘did A fc{ififpofgWthci»r 4 V * *coune%e~1»s%¢% F013: es ”’~.§:o"ur*Co.nfcnt37g " and % °:h¢:e£ore 3.Ajoyngangcrcfiof both:KiggdamVgs%$4Vcgn4 rict'Ab¢’arguedifitefit-A4~v D04¢A Ymlhad ’. ¢ clazmedic2:f:1iaKingdcmcV% % ,; ;fha%cjfWéflaop1d+ ’ei¢rér*fhév¢é‘= j‘q’yned in % om*A%LA4A~ A=% go%zm-xing oAurEng1im% 1:=or¢es;% if A ~;,FQrc‘¢s";You‘r Lor‘&ffliips‘Wel1% know;t~hc§I==Io1;vf€s5 joy:-43 Lordfhips ~in ; thtéib C<;»un¢c1s’in Forcgs5%Vw*as‘t1mfingI¢~vg1~u;ncary Aét of A is did-‘ ’ in?Vi:,e’& %yggr%c@mming‘rb ml: af=- _ V I?:*i%r:cip1es‘%of’ %LCo:I1monInucre:ft -5 we died. % letTy0U{kn0Wst%c"‘C>n¢*Kii?g510mepafi:nOt 3%‘fifim¢;? Pam, whxmk th4eT‘¥orher did p»‘ut:’yi1é1 . D2? »‘m Taf 71?i¢::i§4¢ A ‘,.,fi x‘ AA 1 : yc.arp¢fi1y%§¢Afi¥« .., ‘ o F?- CH9- A Lhearc ;§~P:¢¢1i1iA€£1’§¥iAh£AOE~£~lAkc ‘ ~ .1 « A» ’. 3"» AA mimto tk.zc+:Pficu'141?*rwr4gAhi$ 1§11?8d9;m€‘A0fSc~ V l~an.d»_m » A *4 A A A A A :1 ” A Year?I»o1:dfl11P$%fi3ca1_f3rc M ~s{4.%A1i<7¢5 riot by nfi¢:+1i§in%g%A%é14o:ncl»ofAA4Efig1%ifiAds ‘:¢:‘th:£t;—i‘7§1é7tWs>I?I0i1ib%s % 4-, Q ‘uh J? «. nun AM: aim@u%¥$;9tgWV:§%¥¢.gz<:>§;fQr% remcAm’orcd bya ’ f.Qrg'%€:iAA,:¥h€LOYEAQf;m1fA‘31’¢4E111T¢flf1f%i¥3AA.C0mmi“§’t0V.QUf< A AA §rm&?§@§*C’%:? ."3‘%’~'4‘="%¥".‘7‘:T:7"T"';*’7-5.’ “Wfaafliré Of C~°Anju“&i"'%' % h%v¢Ah%d%<@0tgot> from4youaA ~Abur:h~$Z91>s:«1?m,=,a3Ivh.i?atiA5fié %YQu: =5; ;~!:1:1;aAt th€;r11;¢afurejA0fAco:n& 3u:n~€tion "~Iz7s:tcArcfi;;,~1$ I?xInc¢»1es»andAA~ 5 if? ¢3-Cp 6i0‘Eh€155-*-:5P3;1‘Ci¢%;1l3I‘1; 1% u 5 firca any lair Right;1ni.thcrKm8dom~o?fS€0t£Wé .ainc1Vth¢ri:fore you, bfiy;.yqu»r:*owna‘rg%um€m ought nbt to =defirc,any - p*.:ar1:1i:cL1l;u: %rfgThtV_in thé KAinAg¢7 of E;wzgl4m&;,i»~+eAsu%d M1, I,@r:1gddorns¢A,.%B3rth:elove of*;Bx‘€t‘hrcn,4 By the «i”¥I‘r¢4aty b~ct;_w*e¢n~— ;ehcWKingdo%rHs5flBy4 the :5-oIé”’m%n ~Ia‘e%a: me and . enant, t;h¢7‘I353jW§0f atioms; V ':B1;y vbcrxeéss. for-9 merilfy fie ciiV~cVd,%A_¢ahd4ag-kn_©w1cd.qg¢ dLA,~A»:'.sr."iid%V V %y__¢%rfa11aj~LawoFa Chri«{}i:in.;Lif¢ CvZ7VA)AVtoA~do Aasvyouw“ ‘A A £>vo&u1d be done Iiinto: (wI1’i*c‘h'VVcxdefi%%rer4yAou?feriouf- dU::5h,¢$f¢;f0f§ %01i>~tCfh”By %%§h€5"Q01I1%1fi£ah g«'md‘4Ac*§f*b*smh “ A 1y ‘ta;wcigh)}~By4aA1N1 tA?hefe,%A*‘andvB*y" h;,accvc«;r%4e;1{emay A b+jcs;j<)+11g1“ir1fg 5, 4 dacrfivre Myo;i;1 ;no_:«tQAc1a1n;1;.;to;cEifp0fe gf our :pV%axt%icu1ar a1i.dvp¢cu1!a;r'riTght4sg Non Tt” mhcier" 1 A fufp <:étcdAwith%gth.cpmplcggtowaafis AV=tlmP cnfon«c!;f;tth%”c. % *g{%Ain&g,4¢VA to; c1o%tVhat;=x1vh1ch may, Pwrc?favgthc%n*ithc And snmz: 1;o*Vfo:rget"vh haVnds%i:<»fa~ny Ma~1igna:m: AFaé%ia%naam~ori‘gfi L1s,%%N onto » pub1ifl1‘fuch4t4hing%s is ma;vy:f0W:%tbefecdsofa difuni§4n,L W-Vhic%shAxvi1A1 be equally dcfiruétivc tob;oth»AKingd%o: 5,. A V iofédtsb I<‘z‘;:a‘g«:z’oim:.4 4 A A A‘ ~n1~ot%;thc»r%c.fox*ev4V1:opart Withifiiy Intmzftior fc'curi:y:,b,c~ c~a~»ufe%+‘iW§%arc honefl, and faithwfilll, &VWc4%c‘onceAivc;1:% 1mre_&fonab1 é ymxfli-ould, and 4 We never dcfircd it,‘ %_ ‘V ? nmak is: aur dautya1QneV to%»;ke dp"the“‘Cov¢nant: A ontnuxg, :Freedo%m,%f,:»a.nd;fafcty" V j %;Vom1Lordnaipsfay, you ackncwlcdgc; you are to} pr€fu1nc,:11*eL-be-itconcermng our mtem1ons,%4but Marc V but ifypuiycgnot toiwpzyrt with any ,ofy”our‘Rig11ts,arc. ‘Hrs D3 _ A war ~;§miBrethrcfi of zngzm¢dttoipariwitht f‘tht¢irs"?:‘ Shou1.dty¥<5}1h*c1‘airx1tht:tt tfrcjm chc1m,twhichh»your {Elves V htfggytrhcy ought .notto= claim from hyoutgm Ifyou afreto tprefumc”th~t: befi, ‘what grtfwundtwhave y‘7o}a1 to fufpteét Iihe“%wes1‘-It , ‘andm akcfupptsfitionsgt hat ‘qW"fé will :1 Life 4 :o£Ir»"Rightsh€ Indcc.dmv~ Lh0fdS,~ymt§r cxp1?e‘fi'ions‘inh irotxrlhpcr, Thatyour ‘A.n§nyttht~’?by 'ttth{:;¢i'1‘5Ot£1£hh+OftAL cgiancc, Your Cmmittech of Eitates bytheit Csdmé h 1ni’ffi®n,h "Your by‘thh«eittt'M’i1if-mfy f a;th5~ tofdcffilid"}th€l‘K1ng*f1‘Om 'harme:%a:a:lpt:t¢¢]Lz¢a’z&e;;«.3 iY:our ‘oftc‘nhrchp'cating’at the 1‘t.fConfehrcnct*, That the King ca1n§:;_ to 1tyour."1‘,’xrtnty‘hfO‘r]7i31WMd and tth€rc~ fox.-cjrou a1‘!C«l30?pr6"f€JfVC5him5 may .i'nd:utne;tiuchtan térprétat-1on,:.rastLfyou"dcfirgd =the’hT;;peo‘p1e 7fl1ouId*t.be~i 4 V licve, the *Kingtn7e6=‘ds fl“1clt€§r5‘7dcfc"nC«c, ‘Ihandt prefcrvzi-4 A tion firornthehtKingdotm-toftscotimvm’,and the Scots At’-*: my, againft the two .tHoufcs ofthe Parliament of 3,¢‘;§1,;,¢d3th»;<§;—ndthat thc'tthPa‘r1tiamcnt QfE;zgZaz;2a'tis more V * to1jcfufpc25tcdt,and1‘eifeconfidcdin, than the‘ scars Army .- But if thisbc far from your thoughts., aswe hope yourLQrdfl'u'ps will fay it is, let it be alfo .fro@n -y0urc*xprt*ffionS,~frO1m whichhfuch Infcre nc cs1may be : d}aWn.To that you flaythc entxtingintqhthheCbvenant, A was to wipe offthe Calumny and aflpe1'fion m0'f“RcbcI-- 1iOl.1,I:EfVh€1Eh1j1Q‘ relation to the qucfiiorr indebzttcg tNcig;her dorwe findeany A gmund, how, or why -:the* 1 , Paffihamemths ~:of either Kingdom c“t0-uld‘;tth*avc: been: - t£IX¢d‘V’Wit‘1’l Rhcbcllio-11hht, tl1ough thehyehad never’ joyncd in; this hC(§!vcnam: ‘.-, t or if any ffuc”h tz1¥fpte%r- , fiens |.C-Odd have “b¢:]¥c=h"t d"eft=rvted1ytc;11~i upt).x1tl1cm," A ’ %1nvygur;n%cxtArgttmcmtxyoa returxtc (vjjvitltari hca-7 ‘.J A _ At .>\ t i [(31) .% Vt ,tt% ; tatt» I;1?ow«%tthc«C§5V¢nanttcaolfldfhave wiped thcmt "‘0fl’:.;;j-5 3 ' have already anfwer:cd_‘;Whaty0‘1”1hcrc rtpcat‘ 7 R3: the Kings. VO1tUfl'C-3f,Y'1\'R€fi_d.CI1C¢j_" in «_cith~efr Kimiget " dome ;ta1t1e1,~haye ;al1fc@.dy to! you (with the reafons t Why) that A. i*‘=:13 4:‘10t§ :1‘-.0 thfi? ($65011, Neither isthc I Kingt in a condition‘ forttllfigfixtrcife of the dutyofhis" place 5 But if-{C Wfilifi, YOU! LQrdtfhipS ma"y‘rcfta1Tu-3-_ radix?-he F_W’0, K1¥?‘€[d0mC5tWi11 fl’€VCrt dif1'"¢,rI 8.§)§11t_hi$ A rcfiding in the; kingdoms of S501’-Iilflda tfotr histdting .l:h€ duti¢S§.'Q,f Ms tp12Iceth»cr¢- YourLotrd1h1ps~Proceed,“ That it~C’.‘o”‘u1d nOt.b»C'€Xp€(§f€d.fI’O1fl the Army,tur1der ‘ trhc fiti$.irT1745?:€’J’4>¢ ,»ttCif‘they. “w1=:rc in:.54§~0§?1f*¥1d 1Ct‘3??1? YQUY ~,:.&fl3Li’C3~flCi€ aintt 1i1<€‘¢ Ctélffiatas yen: A Ar:-my~isfi5r“%i?urS3t0tdclivcrtupt:¢hc»1?€=rf0I1’0fthcttKing;.ttt» ' ncithetctahritbc¢xP¢¢*¢dt’fr01ny0urArmy« This A1:gumcntmig‘Vht h f.tve been urge d to u*s,if4Wc V 'had%‘exrer-rrtadc anyallegattontto that eifeéta But Wet fl1fa1;lfa,y ¢V¢ntt.A%(**Your ‘Lordflaips own Word¢)1:hc Army tinder Sir Thom»: Fttmfax ia».Vt.h£ like aft; on: likctt M '-:tf<>t1tL1.3;i<;>:51t~:c>Li?:ttthfi;W P:arLtié~m¢nt”t;:t. of; Scatl4Maf tougbit“ to A dfilivfirtr-1Z¢1’:¢tx'fb»nt0f W6‘ Kingtintt *S‘79751l/5757415 t to bc«tdifl~ pofed by the Parliament of Scatlmd = Andtn¢~wyo[ur~ Lord»{h1ips4rcc.¢ivin§: fatisfafiion ‘ in this your mainar~ g:»1tne;m=, Wc *fl1~°é11 doubt 1>_11‘E youwillatcknotws ~ . tt)’f*d1ngTly.1 : A i 01*? Righta 4:0 YQIJIS5 ;an«d~ttJprocccd ac-—-3?‘ . fit of a11%Nations,» nQt‘t<§> d€11Y€l? th,€m¢;1neft‘VS4ubjg~ét,* fledauo ch‘mi1gth4dugh‘fQr th'efi«grc;1=ttc&f7t Crime$4;and am,:+. <’.+P1ifié i..t’by 0ur~r€fu5“%‘VA‘h“ «*f‘*‘57‘**?%“¥fl3fldin3%i“ fourth Qf King Izzmies»; ii] And 1fVth&'4 4imefancfiw bc.‘sit®’t‘c)’ be "de1iv'eV:eAd, l1c$WWi.Yl: the World, ab;1i%o7;1d4 —c;on c1 V your.Army4 for fo Bzzfi: ;4Im{A 61%/7?0W?lfd_5’1¢‘:47é* to » dtlivcrup the King» ”haV1“8 h1mf¢1FifitO,‘Y4&0ur hémds, to beVdifpofc%d1°~rb1=r€In¢fl?-AF¢z‘f*£°f*LISV) ~ your"words4Vofahot;1ie*f'4;N amén% wbe taken, ‘i .€L)a;iri"Ii't}lE‘£R‘i%rhfi;¥0fdi£pdfifig Ofhimin E”s’zW~ rightly: ’u:ge;&aoo*d, will give faraysfaét:on:mI%% ’ iWt1ié~wor1d in .t:he* “jA?LIffi1é*ff€,w%‘9fA A zindfwcr‘ £&}1a1l~'puc the f1,1bfim_cc~&of;h.e*argument m {uch word_s,d ‘as in rightly }51ac'i‘;1gT~th€% fif€figt‘h” '09 3!: ’n0fi6 may~%-be A : déludcd-.V . \ 4" fanof we %13cfi‘f©f1s within» c I§i~riTg’cioine, though theyberhe V$ub}céi:s.,of a;aoth¢f Kmgn Awhatmmd: f Eairfax, in that flag A hméa Qua17t:¢r;<:>;f ykiur % » A “:‘i“°¢¢figaiflfi1fi§‘%thWe fa;id-Agcn.t~s A, . 9,“-thé Natadns I onhcrcéirndmomihcxl D A v. .1 . v \ u were the &1e3fibaFeuniR:¢r4 di£honeu~r: (But rtheair dm 3 rorfichexnw co “deliver the Perfon of mcxcgng to is difpofed by bath HoufgsVo£.\P§t:1i , ; FThe King is notin the Kingdotfie OT“ §cé1tl}i2zEl;é:fidw your Army is V” s ¢ e C to¢fay«n<>%Inpi‘¢i)v ¢fo:i-no: A A em diihonp mi I1 ne " Aofrthatexpreffion, that ithe twoH‘pm%{g§VpfPar~ li.a°1m.ent~ fhou Id claims er require that, which waVs.j%”TB afe % or difkgzzavraék £aryw mm mm ; In , , V _ auwfaythac the King 641* hlmfegéftg/“f m1‘V~xou:%A«;-my, ffindfiufe the like Phfafes in fo 1i”fii1%3fp1:ices 0f4you:Papt-r§'%; Wee A fllallmly £aywvchad¢rarher mioy+% Bu" s, “ 4; 1 % W kV:'“1\C ;,a1[".\l;e'*’_t«.C:..3 cm: AWX; 9? Ief h.¢}1a1%11;rsA lillfihfi I3¢fom7flNamr&e :7 .0: y Man (1., —t11$ V vre ‘NeWke,na4twiEi#é% % 1 /‘ \ ¢ ‘Vh‘¢h4‘?¢mgof your Lo;dfl1hips;é ,vuing,.aqaa1ro¢h¢A %AflfWW%t z?zfim're trowéles; fir, é1>aWe‘V¢%>¢ger;%tbeir *éz2gagemeé?%t witb'% the zvmrliaww of Eng1md,% iwgwféfi/bJd%z»m:falz izifzzilikgg an E72e%fi7ie]‘%iivo$il2i ’"é 5"ZJ2Qb“ 'j4'_l1)0f72 l'_]7é i)éga’bfl9_é A Scotland, fand=a».« rb«:y%re.ewIe¢‘>2az we oflers, £23: ‘.?7;?i€'£zztfi of 1173* aziie¢*° fi4ie4fom %£z%ll'*’~tI:eir ' pfofperi 8 '‘‘¥ were :ww’vavfi%rof armorhe*%W0rZa’1rwa’vw%fw wizatm fizever f5"o57_2 the 0ZtfeS;%of1?giA2éAli¢z;?7:?flent5 irliic/} caizdla’“ /m?Ue% ‘V izzducedvheivzlwA% zzkgderltalée E W; ;g’gf1g,¢i:4;e A A w4weA.‘. » I t was tb-e«Agaod§, ‘zz72z£i'Ki72g~ * 5 domes fer éefbré t/9e%£r7ejye3' VéI.&0§r‘zfé?i1:0 122/aic‘19{44A6?i2%é' 2‘/aej” ’ v acm3I?ztéaiV7z»o£’2i7¢g’tt?o*AdeareA ~'zazz~A1:aA;itIaemL, a22¢sirIm_rm,';@ A of W3’, A ~ 22§i”iL]90fé#."i‘~%?f'[’¢’9£,}»? V'i‘!?%“.~;‘tl9¢4 i?‘?ew A H W A I fi%eng‘tb of 1‘ A A iii flébfl“;tii?26’:lm'Z»jI«iziz V;¢:1V792}:qt$5782}: epgzgg ‘Ac/M,Z;g:¢5,L;%&V4?£d A“ “ émittfe eff/29 may mbws Maia lyaéizgnzzoifitbrk 1%:-+% 1°;V €Z’;8T'60}2f€7¢t ]%r¢;he%g2feféZ2t5%«% to ,i)}zatcegtofiA4\;.3 V iv!’ , m. \» . ‘ “ N , ‘»rl2erV»__dz' V H- w W ‘§ ;a;p4ra’s the dmarzetldyeW’??F4ii2W72tA% t?f-that-‘, Amy 44,; he A V ‘moiwfiting Ira lttt—léwore~~fib:ei2Jm{1% ymj,az2d%tpfz4pe;cc.ede;‘al I ‘ W , A tj ~peMe;*Afim;1Wj”u _ A A Ad;-rgoe tl§%é~Ha.M7f"dA~,of the, V it1??4£f reafibm-. T “ Vice ‘W 79?“ fZi?§iJV€7‘ ‘T ’ «z. 2A A 1:» run . NW ' ,4 A 5 t/mt . the proflemtian thereof anclthe oft/fie M . . % clizgg to flvefegroitréds, C0'W7’W?t.WM agrée6l4wp0I¢{fi?*~i79é “me; : -zéffimamtbaf1‘ ' “"?’*‘5¢ £k)?0“"dI?4*P9?'3L'1TT1*AE MR3 % TH-5” M N * or S¢ot}anc1‘fleml1‘bawa jnflmjk pm: -3&3 ni*02i£tAb‘{y /_‘ .w,“?*5i3Mf”'V“f, 4 % fhftiifbéfiong »wAP:eA"»rr2ba»A ’pz«m af éfarb 1§{i‘lfl;¢l*CfOr 4wE‘a%t 2) for tbépxzires bammg £v**¢ trbww unfiwgm 2'22 t‘ Afdwés they flaw 5: thumb; £be#P~ar1iammofEng“Iand. A -1., “we fimlly agreed upon a fumme groffc Athwcfi {the whole msonerhs j pay A % A . 4 accogdingm your bwné ratcs}‘,4was‘gi‘véxi in,*4and%*~z;”1ai4- A A A by yc>ur~c{’cimate,wati70 w ‘\ V A % VP{if1i2‘mAen§0fA S c0t1éwdsY4¢t4NV%€€defirc you J 24ga;i4nc‘V:tfe~ riot: flwo ¢01?iifi%'1<‘3r"WI3:e.vi1’1@;r¢44'S.¢e4 Khgdom A ‘ Hat affimagfi‘ Maieflys U4’? 5? § “W5 iwrwy; f % mz;gb2V mbozgy; famrx the 0f W5 Ofiieifivm ; Yet ‘wee flu}! not infi #12022 Ibis’? 45=;e6WIjk {W312 cazz£‘ejz'w }cw£be1‘.£v :72m‘: %flz:A:::V}mat’?fiate inf‘ 4: ?.Qr4g#:*'aa.g -; 11»: lmtbW.§een4¢1re4z{y yluiedgwbat 13' )zat:,~“aIzdf 1uriJ4t'f1S.sf flare cgf flit Qfiqfliaig, a'%bt}ri2 zéeingfl Arezwemérgal, wee 4-W, }T1Mt~ ed.Kiwg%r9mmi?1£Vd"{01”{¥?4"ié* 30;?”-' M3 A*my:$M¢WWMWJWWW”W”s**£f*i’ % todme Haifa: qfwPar£”.“V14w’tWJ0W V j" dame Of 5C40t1a~nd, 1-fmbé&&eiag%[ in Englfian , tal’es47to# _ mama rel¢¢iwv4 fimwm W King M’ 3“5i‘33 the 4AKi2gdome~ af»Sc Vmw twgfibti; ta:.Limpede~A %é perfbrmame A of; ‘1*aba%%'V;fld'iz¢2¢mJ1V %75;2’zt:tz'es: gfmrfied. -vthfi Rxe/gztz'o;2, for zfl+fe:zgz'4z“72z:eA hath 229‘ " iim;z'Mtz’o22 V-of ptm, % Eiveing grounded upan tbs La}-:v¢%A 12/" Natzm, mt well at the Law mz¢z¢;i_qiggaz£15;wazd for air mtheir %VI2i*ver]'aZ!”tI9gé}fi iamll,” A rise differenkeqfifklzzckA%gt4£ée:%;fizé1: aémy Ké1£1}tiafl« mid,‘ vmutwi/Zzixtiex fiéemeezzf Péirwts and ‘C, ilg2’rei2,; 42%! A 220: the [2/ace; £134; A2.‘/oe Relzztioiz wI9*z'c1J’ gzvlgs z‘/’2t87’:efl.to thl‘e_ AA cZz'f}2oj.rL:zg%qf4 % t/7&9 VPerfo22 ; the Kiizgj A5 .5113‘ éekfigwik VA %% _ ‘ A A “ England A 4-1 » AA uEriagI~and “tm{i-éf vwfiiow ‘W«’~ z»%e%¢=e:¢*; . A P’*€f’*é/#472) raw: %‘AVL;ufl‘%%p¢f.iWi'1erg4e ;eitl2ei%t[%4 j; (9? ¥ = 62% A gm; rigfiir, mi p%im%lea{qa of -tb¢'??=P2érliui¢: of“Scoif?- ‘laznMd,;;zz;¢£i;’ iée c2_f'~'»tb¢t~» ~&K£%gd0me5 :35 we :*z%zc+% »¢é%i¥v:su3lédg¢=W:27:titb &é4tfaA‘e4..%2gbtp4L am Prz'*U£Ze.ige ofjtI9‘e ‘£’£?2gf awe of England):%z:3'aA./L: e%1<;;%¢g:. "domé;ré¢2éh :we‘:»4fia;ms ‘simojéflwia4zz“;A;¢4e%e/]2g*aa¢‘2y z"t5'btb%a'¢i"*fivi_fe grbje kigzgafome %W£Zé%*e'%%i4 4.fl»Izzj§fiz”e r‘efla’e:sf‘ “ :3:»z:n¥:~z%12”e~A%k*fqZe» r»é:e;»efi5 m2azé«;gI;i;~‘[%%¢»a ,%j¢eyg&fé$gf~i;;: P¢e~;~f2;;g_,{ % élée E.%wwe1~¢%Vr%é*P?*‘W’”e”* z»;c:a]:a;ég;%4dmd ‘zzfmy 1* ::~a¢2zjé“ rim“ King, "mi S A V A- 7% F Pri22‘Ac*e,“ A r‘/N me; fZnz«»/4£ez;1e;}xzi?'év.4~rQ%V$cotImd,<&4lawj%}¢1;§g iMdet4in'e" am A .1" ' ( 42 4 ex%e,A4Aaz2'aZ4V%ma4vgA Mziee "Amfidehm of’ tb«ern,A"zm:i t595VAA%P0J?e.%z‘ty%%,&% ‘ withom the jV~%»dz*he of England, Ewe Aacxkr2o2a?1ézzge@r&2m%zza: A ~ éé ~4¢!o224e%%22?i;l:oz¢'ta;q" mjwzaae, Md: irzjuzry F;m.’4wbis ”§{,:i;_¢g{Lfq722e*;% ;1jmi2?;21q: , , z;0fl::fwdé;~A >tb1"at“ A V,V12219;er%efae1'(J’er ; tlge. ‘é:¢**‘:?'i2 S%cot1an‘d of England; V%4*77Aée%%ée¥ L gaoag; ;zzz;1»e2‘th M éotié “Kivgdémes §”A2zd“zIfL¢?t ijzg tlae-Kizzgfiafé,ét1é;,0g{Q*/9Vtv~té«.'.1é€6*%i37i]2iflf?d; V*ifoMbeV % “% ,éjeA_1%ga;2,’ie£ere¢Z5; 7?ha’g*w;Iqe£$*:at¢ir “J':AAr2?2y4% ;w‘$;d v mllecii/ztat}Ji$ ngdome éatla AHazzfe§s‘ in 4 w:?ZT}"e»2zt3«,'.far prgfec‘ut£mg the ezz:lx«of'k:;z f olefime A L~~eague" zzrm’. Co-veIz.cz7}t .,z%”I€*4’4?f7.:‘672@¢;VA ta %A:'1ez“8fe?¢'ve ,. diz?l%»6’efWi Li/1i!;AV¥?44i4eflz’es .V 3 A .Ez'f¢ o;~:m~ x;g;y¢ an4z:m(z%2:2my Vxwzmg, Ma’ 2hemfi;rde.z': feemes";§zmx mzge,mat 1#?77£2?z.ztpiImi*ii’l2z'~ta‘+ ;;é—‘z'oi2 1:559: we cvziie 5*/ztafi ¢ngIgnd; 45 4%/?br o¢Iiker‘ ‘e)2pl5,‘f"oA"A’te~a % % .%2’€fer24’5ir iwefiies %PeVf?w.; 562% 2'12 E.n.1and m4de% 'af¢a.éf%4 Wmmt W51’ they /iavlél 1??‘ t‘I1éi’Vérfb;2V»0_f‘iisgetoéee difpofed aVF,g.; « émilg Houfizs A jbzzllfilfirzkeeifit,%[Wbei¢¢; it? is gqlfeaafged tlaitt the »'I“réaty eéétemfi 126- fart/ier tlmi to the 0-V:d€Fi7¢g~A{3d1é§dX g zjqvgxfq/;jm;g 6f7§_%t15&V§ST;o1;t;]};§z‘hFq9:cesg:g€zw r¢e%l¢z5?an r-o.¢l’m~ rWtr¢e, a~1¢?v0I¥g5tét3éeream ytbeVfi*4»We~%of¢ we V “Ween; '3”/29 K1’4éSc0W"i<'?@*" t’Je%3‘¢0t5»+%+4V????:%Ax53i?2gv«d*2 r;Wg?i2czfe cf rive Wr@,aVm Wfa 1%: 43’i'?e?‘??¢g4efi mfiertlzexaz: %egz¢f4ti0?2*mi v1ire“é?2?w% aféorb If 1'?’;?d3’”’3’3a~ 0?‘ tfieirékC‘0mmittm,r.w‘w t¢*“%*@ft%e 5 t.£!32%% «17??%.Tett’15z2t 411" ¢[0l¢¢9F???41)*.58. rééwovedg Wee*f¢r+ _ 4;za'a,6‘4'rrb4;%%;;A;: exam fmm: rzje-Amtm ‘.141’*:‘t,z:_6ta * of Téem1,%%%r£%ari*r%feswrilié +47“WizTs*ra ree:ezvuey:;2+a% dz- ao~iV h4tiW%V¢re» taéée%Refo!=ved, ~ andf‘ déterzzzinediifiy M i r?2‘:v:?a§ti§z2zIlé"i2i"éz*z/fire, “Md Zf0'1fé'¥t“,b_fY V V 74 % An/her to tbefccénd LOW?’ -lrg¢Ament~*; % AE»rein * is repeated A what fyoulhave faid» before, ” A A V fbmg things are I fiew~,**as *th:1t “it %begiinsA%AwiVtl1 " A &~%w}‘.zt- )4%“44~ltbvagh‘Hi5 45¢/f2%«*idt'Iae'%%% Jaye! 4ivm2e)' s:g%éorwq2%‘V»o,*’t’2fis*~é5ie8ivn,Ayer&c. 11“ H ‘V. A But’wefl1atllA ev16t~f(1ppofeAthe“King4beirig%}‘nEzgglandgf 4our;Brcthrcn of Scotlaml will take him outvoféthis Kingdomcgncithfer wil1.fup”pofe whapgdifi‘crences %be%v A twcenthc two Kingdomes .c>n¢%4,d;;yé:s %jo»urncy% :‘lmfight makedts one thing if the K1_ng hadVfco%mc dzzly ungo intd Scatlazmg and csleelje another his,%cor1iming1to your fay". Army in the %Kingdome%%0fE?2gw%/4224’?Y9n%11€rc rt‘? W the K1r1_gs,v<;)‘Iunta;y.commmgxpyourArmy,an A-we * e defirg mt t% ;&ebj‘”areV: on? ’fwhat« Afimunds thee V‘A V ~.. cam¢,~iVVee%ncve1?faidjhiswbéing_iqk*:E~zg14nd3 tooke A 34 way your relation Aroghim, butAth2t“you have up ‘right-A of diffingI0fh$s%I{erfoniinJ this Kingdomcgv ~And&bFy% a form¢r;A:rg_nmcnt of yomjowne from ftA.h§eM ComVm°‘(m»4 A L aw iand. pr_a;@‘;,gfc¢o£a%I1;A Nat1opS5»h1sW4'1‘being?~ in 3% u F: A Azmz A >9 Q j V’ % % ~ A ,éasqf9§§€:2<«:.*ziA af a«%:i§£1@m3;;:mé:sA«;%2* Smglzmda ()3;-: 1nV«%'S:qt{f 22.4, 3.3 Eizglmfda 3/GL1 :02: :_&2;¢~MZ; pa2#:£mI»swgz:z;».gr.h:s$ two Ld , % ‘*§mVEmérgefl%.% .e%%ofW:z”?‘r ‘ A ~ % %snce;tharAt12‘ew~Kingdome%;<+:0fSV%asoAa£% e2_%;zt-;iaz2r.a}’:£.é?e.‘[V 4%«A:;fld%% if? may Ar; argueztmyduzr~:%j%oyx7iw;:%m;1iTen§*1:2e¢a.u1'é$ tA4;11e*—zf»€:§x;xgs;V .l« ‘ u . ,1“ ii . «Kg _ ~ I Q I’ xag myou was an cmergenC1e of \7Varre,fif1Fc)u4:rp3_)g»;§. n-h4e“Vf2m§3.wReafon c,fku,m‘e%a joynt Invterefc III thci difp Hug rhea s=$%4;J§«¥%£%%m££h%&1t0% ~wr§m&im6yg<§ .V ).N.p ;:f A A A ~ J cam-c‘i%feof=»I13t€;‘aé’:;i:;r ;I&;imgd@m¢‘vAa Vmvv ‘ ) . v; ‘T4 Mn ’* n‘, >. ‘ A ‘MW’ % by&the~[[*Ga%m 115$-i2i3";:~‘i3”3'?1€3i“?;E1"@;e1§§g§¢§§1dIEt1$§‘T‘tV3?Z:@fi§ Rmiaimen F Méma Q11tJ4;.%Bret»11+;*¢n;10Ef«$W'¥a?M tad pm?p,af$?l4(:7~;4&1:irrglztzm“ i ,;=y:#tiaast~AfC»QIm1i1V@cwm$;A Ir . «A3 ‘ ‘ and fI?1@a£y,;wiwé fisivaefi % ff“ Yeti: ténrmt filféf % iifiifl H A sea*¢?safemsat$za%:Ss§isr3a.& Kfifiwg‘ % the % to qua an 1 M‘ . D . u Q V: L we Kr -3 A T @g,;ét; Iarx§%‘o1wrfé»eIeionw‘§§§ ’« him‘? fi4ng¥vhem-Tan ‘ ;/1' I % I+Im1fe«s fParIiamenr, a % %the‘%Co;venanr, may*n@t*%xveIl confifi to W A gether,VVVeedemandto <:1i’fp0’fe of theflling, becaufe the King ;sin’%Eng[g;mZ,w and you Vef _all other who §Q_c1§f§:nd our: Rxg11tAs5‘4.;fhQu1d% .1io:%;g:v;n@m:1a;:;::iAii4: » %% V ‘ ‘Mega A O V ‘ . d ( ":"§ anrchr weuld bee much more P:»range,41f any Afluoulctg thinks that vvh‘enwe 1nv1“ted yen, that by your affi-A V A flanccwe might preférve our‘ interc{’es§tIiat“$%we ihould fl invite you "ta dif pofe of our Interefisw I on %Argu§ from the thirdArtic4Ie5_ the Words‘? A A “ w%”ié'T?:hat"t}2e Army fiéé Acommanded d Gene-" Vrliappainted éy tI9'e~wSt:;'Mte3 af Scmrlandfi zzizd fuéjeff towi‘ W % A A rcfolzktiozzg 47261 klireéiiaégsa} éz».var.f2 4;g.;z%]7m-I be agreed -“ % and camlzided gm mutually Zéeftfinewevtbe two Kizzggfémesi J. A % oryéycammittees.aLppo£;2tm!%1232stlaem in that é:‘eio;z1f’e=<, 4 ~ ggrfgggggggaf gzsfff; aéwe m‘entioi¢ed3‘W11i€11areA the.“ 4 ends erprefl'ed ~ we of them inou1;VAnfiWcrto; :bj¢&19n;.A o A Y10“3PP1Yi( ;bur"im;proper1y this third .A:rricI¢ flair your Ioyx_1crigh.t ef mthflfingdomaoffinglzm’, ¢:- Vbn‘ *-é%etn5ée)s:\;4.tée A ~£3z»A:t.: 1€ingde:éwesi:ar. Atfieir +Cm”n:4imes, zzmbe mam» 2:Ir— A . ¢§¥v‘1i?v1AA1*é’i*ei!vAeAAIt/7:2?AfiizgggAA ~zj,f;4%»/vékitczstrzae zmiofr. tljz:mAVA%A,;- ’?¥:.A?:fiVrflg;z:Et°1w£W&t;%.t%etw&é2tAwe ITr;c1ar4;_idr2AsA éfot/2; %1i’in‘grda7z_ze:) A W ‘W4/75 ii???) :,i$'05%:%tT/.I%?»=t 3—~1’At’%.-§_.«$.' flats: %g,g,, A’ Ajrmie &4駑!?ifig A AA4€fi?€4§::;té%A§.?Ie2g0V§a=',, Ttbé :%4zre&im A aazm Mr; Hm: A“af: .:Pa3'liamn} sancarzmeg Am» Vi€fQW5?W5:;f;??'7Z‘€?7‘1j &74‘§?5€d? ’.i‘:fl9?3il,‘7?'j&"§t;3‘;"’.t‘e4!_3;‘.:."'1b:e A_ ~ sgfldi7:W?yfi?dQ?"'T4fld~w£:}[ hflmr A:A4cki2uwledge5 King, 2u:'ci_%g_¢9 pg§aL~dixe&fianswlzqi;sg;,fig2gzfiaZ£ un*t0atbem., at- ¢6ft1.i??gA.t;o AtI,ae; T!'é4tyAt5qy AVw¢re;tp=ra&{¢tv¢.z12&;; diréffiaflsmnl A I t5AryA Iflainie An0;V;:»%toJi/Wé t~lre%~'%%In" Véfydfir going-Vfvvas‘54l;c;4 A ’fmd1A;the”iHou£¢s : *::'You 'W}f(§té én%efdw,%:andV A Guld you expcét 21 % ,murn*~*»£rem the mo Houfesin that time:», the ~(iitT’caz1c<-2’-3?? b‘<=:€1ng»A1Co.An"1i1es‘?% You alleége YwmarchiiwasAafierill? furr¢nderons’ ‘ »f%MbWM%rfwx firs North: .V:1wv€rw;éyé%r itfie:;~e.*,v;ggé¢s‘4%Ari 0*“ fjuch «th;n“g3 I ¢ 4 % A 3g«jo“rd@m::ps¢memtion5 Vjt-;w+er4 cnmetu the.:A"4 ‘= 4» GQA _ Sir 81: ‘T V%¢r?e'it?§A*e1‘%¢3 id .th¢:GenerayI1.%Livea‘-‘ tenaxmaenerail ,» 41101” any ;%0th@1? Officerg that: ever: Athéy4h€a4i2¢1;tJh¢ir f€r«vic¢%to we cod éof ST Thlshmg, W: L .off:f3bithV I:1%c?1i“fes%b%€ing uP0n¢the p1aeé"at fh;e%’fi§g€J%Qf;iA% 7aA1‘*d[; “ W M . “wa’s%advi“fe.d V A withbyyour Comm1tees,*What4 was fit to”bé‘%dQn;eV With«th§:P¢3fQnv‘f'th%*K%n1g;§¢s'e4§1ifPCfi9gQfwlibféA Piiéfi €9%%1?f?I!t M99 n”eW;A ; make4*a Vm‘at%t'éi' bf @;-l(;):Ii"‘cé”1;A1_;1_i1_wcn;t)Q; but youx;LAr»my,« to % éngagfean t_— withouu $h9;kmiW1%¢3g¢ ;0f %o.%u,r C ' M m A " %ti5.Q1ir;Ct§I11mIfit¢a¢ b€+f0IF? F111" rah; .t'ho‘u~gh ‘ .Wfhi¢fi 9111i%¢C§mmi%i:t"6;é5%:3id» fhx1:tso1i;1?;, 1,‘€f01Fi-r10“; bQthKiPg4¢m:e$, j? theiraflweixxitmytees 5. ;an.€1_then¢eee!¥!f¢¥r£:. .havin“:‘.‘" ;jli.,n.t:, ere;,£Q114t&i€91? ‘the ‘contrary, mighc.e V 1:: is gum‘ent;f( fo;r y0ur4e¢eXamP1¢, theAm_1y. Aundere tzhe.» Earl of Eflex or Sir T/gom«m“F4irfdx"“is' not ati all écable gcfiyour infere_nce)v that °:is;§,vho11y*Ain eyQ;1;f;e p0W¢r‘W;h'¢ih€fee.th€Kl.1?’gd°3Te“e0fEng1afld fl1a11.ev€r ei0yhLinAeAAd1rc&1ng Ofwur Armymr mt» You had Comm‘it“teef0I' -I; S W;¢”€1QfiW$e;%1§3’éforeeeNe§iv%z;rk, AF;8;;.a11%t‘}i2it*e. A ’ time our Committeejcouldl not O19de”r yofir Army for Want oEyours_t0 §.A0'1_‘1T1 t;I1¢I:§15when yours did comegthey havmg a negative vo1ce_.,d1d not agree ‘to éuarecommittee defirézs fer tb¢*K%ing$ fi3'Y;£1t3.Gut«h~ vsrelela e~eoreacquaim-th¢me»WeitheyoureArmies gQi-nga~ee whayabut élemed It to“ 0535 thatjnalen ;thih"g fin ‘% ti‘1e'Tx-e-aty to‘ joynixiée orderlny r”?ii A I‘h.'1Yf 1§,bothiV~44 AA ” by, yomr peraéfice ‘ and afl€'2'I‘tiO£=1 inyour§?:eP*a§§‘g;>;rféfig , dred _%ufe1efi7e. %_ A ‘A _ A A A A And in this Argument akfo 1s the Covena;ntreci- " V '” V exzed“ ..'i . ‘ “..~~w ’ _ 2. r , ‘ ' n "U réami1se%MM»ia§rei:ée&b€%a;e*%I$e:-{fen 5£%&twé%K3ng;a;1a;%V " ‘ wTthe~évvord*$;I;& fly: pr.t3fér"wiianaflzelgg2w,and:Iw:Li1aerties * ; Voiih V’ ’ %?0fds.:, Wéfa fhbuld.n%eVér¥héVei. V! ofgbe Kiflgdow: (amainclaufe ‘w?ithoutAwhichrthe 0-_-,; J‘ (I? ""1 “'5 £3. {'3 Isa A arguad thué fromthe covezxam: and Treaty. And : Vheréfybu fa ‘again asformerly.3Y(jurAr1:r1y_claims 116 =righ’: i pbfe of:;h*c« King zw but We fay théatA~defl:é?a.% A & theyrtm d"ii*p»za£,e §fh'im,a%n A ever do 1703“ ufiléflk we agree to the jeint »co~nfent the KinVdom%Vof Scotland fpr difp ofingof the ’ " ‘ :if41;tI17é(-;ig“<3‘ve1*ti111~ent oFth%eK»im;gjdc;1:1$»of'E3:ag1andand mrelan , elfc, will not %c<:ri1zZ“«»;*22:xt*,_%Azi1¢;a:i unleffe you: J ;'*€:0nfent5 yam fay yeuf Army ought: not to "partwith >33 h‘§iS’t0’be‘difPOf€d you Fir’: Eng$1a»rI&K Withmltour C0nf‘ent,%butno‘t inme Cavenaixit. % ~It;1?'t31ae+nextp1aéeis ‘that which * you CaI%1 a fQu;ffI1‘ A ébjé&ioh;% We fl1aIl§«“p1a¢eoi1”r AIi‘erti.on_., andrecigcf: ' What ymii%ha1IaA.yomf'%A:5 *‘a22dj;w?l:.éyi doe A nazbzng%m1a;c11 m;1y‘% mac: :ta%i*cc7:?§1£.‘ta.[Hawfl’:;;_af »B2rli4'mmt §15ut*zftbeKi»:gfa5am Scatl4ma{[bou1d_cmfe;;t _ A~1dt/aeV4%dq’i6'e:vftb: ifloufir, 1:124: zbcymay ?ii4?vc"1J:£ieA[&{ faledzfio. Perfim qft7/4i£’.ICi[z2g, £2314: beiizg Vtlvixtw"/nit/1~%c%2me:, V ” A A ;I1V7"/Jgqi/E§~éfiae;§_'fz1j§?cz'c=zz'f{y vzmfmerkd 6efai£,%%A4téat%tbesV* V %¢1rmy':mithe}: bivti/3.» ,1 ézar%‘wi/fitake upanVt1aem ta; *d2fifo/éqaf - ¢£eA pldceof the Pedkeé‘ and Security *éatkrKi»gdom:,[tbcy'4 V A mm1d.,[ really A quit thc%;4’§ rzgbt 4¢¢d«:'int:rg/Ztiéegy }:mZ2c%’V Wye l£1gb_t“b. article ibeflezzty A;oncemin%g%tbtV%m4king% of4Pazce;; .Por.w/ggkbflvewer afi/Ive{K‘i:72_g&lon13w£: dckzzatzilgdgeditafitzve A A % the You fay;He:~c&me’ivs%ithbu; Caplt Q7) we W? awe 0 W WW4; Pmrewétab E12,“ wwggizd £2: wlm mm; A % ,,a‘;.,,_j§:1_o'»g$fl T5¢,fifib4”fW¢“r- f }f*rué,§ Tit h'atI%1%%t:oEten :._,‘.[v1i.C 1if2'§._ 4:- ~ y%our%”%~Papefs:,%A 'Ehat%“ypur Army n¢%ithe‘:r1;;>;: takééc upon them%I’toLdifp%§afe% of Vthé Itgin Vie 39 A Y€%t% tléfi ‘W€:i 3g‘ai1T d*efi*reycu Wilncéat put%;:1s‘%u§drif4 ' Yfqu alledge: that féfiélence ié; guard :uwm him“: you % Qqvenéh r, A, Treatfi or ?Tigfi%t7 .9£% tgfiléj" A "n‘1eVs%V%ii*1‘pIcéV *of “ease , V w , . wk W . ‘ V‘ ‘ W 3»! -o.' #1 rr’ "‘ My "' fa ::~* 6. ywxi Willw g;a‘nt’~A "tfhat J ~%yé>7Dl“ }éiave'%%Vxi0.W m;.3§é‘= P§:;gc¢§:;j_ fa a""im*T»»i1:ar§e“.:%%**»~ r A: ' A V 16- ' ‘;¢'§Vi;, wazwe :VdJecv J; » A Tag ‘ u . 5*, . . é é . ‘ .. A , 'v’I' » ’ ' .. . ': A ,_"‘M‘v» ‘K _’ 1‘,-V . l_ . sw Scots.»Commimma¢m. 1‘ _; .2; M ‘*2: *%Ee%'n1i!l:¢‘3§ Haufi?safPazr.§ 5”£‘ %s 1%wvé4#fi¢w/efpawer @‘ar:%r1g/r*?V1*%/962*M-::e,;Me 4 % V9 Per“-i % . .‘ £%%nd§. 5%‘ T It am 2zm’e¢é3*%; _ am am " ‘ rnag¢hh,;wmrz‘»%~w~w% ““?T"X % . ~ , M .“% V’ .m£eJ/?fi# fd¥fi9frfié%?¥4#g:; ,#7%cra-~ mm 229: 4;; itizfl; A ‘ “ ‘~. f£’§£’fi?‘§§§ gg %K:ng;déw€5 < ‘>5; [9 mm/»;5 % % 5 1 > V % V ‘ ‘ ' w2g;e%‘ V J2:g:#”e ~ dmmmea %ar¢V%Aday£rm», V‘Wez%%w5e¢¢ W-;%*i!4' ; "W‘df€p€rfgfls~=A lending» AA mtmey-A rw t‘M*9.P:¢é iqwsa , de/ire fies?» “ L firmerly %&é4:d roJ$dz)%ok rive Afwfiiré bf % J % (59) fire téougb 5; "xiv W to :é%eTi*4:4%J%ia;2%ed .mtéaFI¢#£¢« ' ' 2é¢2’g*5éf"m*fifl [W5 £§i‘W4V~ my 522.. M %3m kg #58. Cwe- yam ‘j%;«md‘Trg4t7 yet‘5%‘t5flVI§z2r ;c;€zzz1i§*ééaVrnoyflrgummt4275} 51%;-% A Sam?’/ix 3‘W7:%“flv9%A!d”;$z%¢gZ¢§?~~4%1rvir due" vr ?vée%W'2igd¢me A f9WfWKr‘?1.€s, .T/aelafwerw... %Ee'**have‘neverAalta-aged that %c}g.e%‘Pan1ia» . +4 4’;§nent0f7$xSmt:2t?}%:3.si:d‘ hawtt1L% not t'he? Eike exer» cife ofimterefiwin”‘Sc<:?sx:i;m& as Wee d~Ha‘§¥€3,'t*) h.£1'V€ i-1%., Engianéifi and yet%thi.s is ‘ dfien ()bjc:(31f‘e~d' againfE us, But Wee do averm thxa xfight of cxez'ci§%::i‘ ofin-4= A terefi is ‘diftiI16’c4ta0VVea<1;;c1”I1_%%»N;afltqn* :q;.;And from your ’ VownxArgumem:, if' wce d.0e.ndtv\~‘.deI)yL¢%.this righ:t»:to scm1,and,vvh‘y,na:;u1AdWu deg it%%toV1+;ng1an;1,22The I:I1ai_‘oiv1 ~zt* to partAw;itVh1‘% your rightT'o:hnot ax‘ ~g';_eAa;1yg1iff1_§.c;nce in Us, raw" that It isfl1ew«ed%ybfiT~*q~» no ~~«m?ght_.,~W%hy W111 Ay-o_u be- diffi;.@d€;1r of HfyV%ta;hin61%¢rV th¢%e>€A¢r§if¢0tf WTW‘-t~%%~ A ‘%”ThatAV*Whi%=fi%”y4ou ca11A5r<>ti%r lafi 0T59j:¢€%ion waszmss Afifwér Reply- -R§f1***1o Ne; ~ ~ A 9 A an Kiqgdome~éofs¢am; ‘WI wlzzmg: —Rerfin, bwbicza défirfc yz, E:i¢A‘:gilt272“df‘ i y A ’ » AD % Q 1%%t%%rVgfl§¢*¥gtb or“ W¢47"?‘[W9fi§ Vfi it WW ‘W”?A¢re;T égmzbt § A41?fi¢4W3; A -$54?§1>{r'*¢fi1 ~ % 1:?i2i€W¢*6W *"at*%W¢I?wi22I?¢?r;Ai? éej%tW W fim. g g;'¢’!7’d A-‘A :”’ ”£"da 577911’ ‘W56 I<:’1‘24gd07??¢ 0.» fiézldffd W ’:fl~/d;5W%€A WfiwWWWfi»1’eAsimr%’%%' ‘ ¢ .. ¢mM.t%!e paw: am jay gs. 44¢ ‘4 7159.5??? % mA}.*_ = * (6:) % A Aagmy «$6 Mé fiem;rity4~2}d ¢g"'5b'tvb K V -- 47%’? W966 13.! rvza; mzfim rwby Amzzy JA mt; mm 52 determined Amégx p/2:: 12: mi V1:/.zeV sqatti/is /lrtvny, (w/¥zonwerc4~ intrufletdfiy _., ».,aml [u5_jeE2«‘ flw Jrefavlxmen af éawlz Kingdames) wrzll. _5£Wfler, V fime has came t/Jitizcr afbz3* I71.am¢ A i tmd; éezk Arefidmcze n’aere1_>z: vwluntaryé-5 ‘M; %23;4%f*=- 1;w'%eA‘ -jwlm-:_1'£ M221/e% fir Wm mpair, Amer M. 9:}; jH~qzzfi-.:' .-bf A 'Pz}rli?dment, t/my /7m/I d6: :20 1;3’£lf‘6’~=l;7_ {777'A< I]" 62:34:; 1951- 4» £lI7f]3v?z:a?:e km: 5 V ém: mfizzat cJw2flrdin*»¥2im,‘or 4:12:- (5.; {aim %:h¢%¢zflWfW 3 M it 4?/Med of M; #161 fl’4{1’%' fewerztb An»fwer.A 1% {E ‘§%f§n;§,'un1AefIcA they »ma;y_* - ‘ .,_ A ubtma: your§‘L£>2z%dfl1fips&éfé that «.-},4th%¢ ccjmmgof, the “ Kign g ‘to; yQmr.‘%Ar;miie;4 a defigne @171 AA his part agaixfsfl“ thtgzwd ~f*7~«bVdt4h‘ Kingd,Q1nes5wI1iéh5 with his den:;*ing the Pm»-M ~ A pofitijons being ,. Aamm1g“A ,3" are ’ not argtxm%en«t:s ‘ A that h~&:*eA ougilfit 1:0 behsft io.his.R..oWne’W”i11aljd n T fl-12111, fmm b,1jp:?herl»y% afiirxfiion let ”muJ kiww, V ftp prev%r1t.the like fQr;t11¢:~fut‘ur¥e) That your Piapers t;h¢V 3W;hic1e~ ‘tmgéir in your’ Pa e1ts W%ee4 WRa»:«eds*A«VPrirI%6da%?LamPubiifiifid Efmciesg atidhinder “theirightJun&e%7r{%amding;gmfthe 1 V . 9Zh:1e£:3:io13 54 that: *1_;h€y- Tinay be %.j.1e.-why széztii ;;*:i§ci:A:ze 5b¢1i€f€§54 'a7Eid féem mhoid forth‘, Thzrrztw yiuu ‘ ;r:an4na;%ge your a %Eaire,e44asAthai-t “if zi1aAy%.difi;?;2r¢ncféi “ % ,fl10u1dA;I1appem ;(»-WI%1ic:h;v;G0d » fo;z*bid_;3 J. and wee {hall 2;1way::ss endeav<:u;:r»~&; t:%»pre1r2ent?%%:,%‘ *thé::5ugh. it 2ir*ii“'e A élfi-2~ Whéréj A A it; may .5 b_€%&.A;1aiti: GIT % the }?HO1ilf<‘_:8 A ‘Of «P‘ar1ia11ij6flfT %Xur 2-P-%P€rs%# théJr%o%wou5fTViméW01%*V t%liix;gsV.‘;,f..:,q?fe:xze:raIl smuxfes "3 r:}if~A1§e¢i:im g. A’ M mahy mmers» fa;€c, ho1dinVgv.f;3;ri:h% exaxnples and % fimiliesp ifiufigédLbyflsswereunr¢?afonab1¢V;s% ‘ aS““if ,.IQ§.*’,t1‘Ie' LpI‘€f€nt?débafiég éwliiéh Amt am %ma%nyrwders; A ’ A hearexs W V. A to igbecaufe the Scotch‘€o in the Qgefiion betwe.en»us,%4yer may think‘ the are .. 3 w,_ « . « Hazing thi1s%Vt21eeré:flf?1§’ "“'e}5 ‘}:heTPaf1iafi;ei1fi V aefE~I1g%an;d:%»ifi%fii~fP0fifi%Tith€1?%BIf0fl0fth€—Kiiig11161 the Kifigdomé %g11a+1—;&+%& 1.-:07 % 4%EVi‘<=?pAof71’ti€5fléi“3 [ *1=v*Ae‘f<2i*:é7A?1?‘IWe'%eA[fill f ifittot; ,thée,: ’\. _ A ?_a’1‘t:,i;ci-ilt;ir% A %fi£'n¥%' A %we%r,% to:.ydu%t"A?AL"mtér t3h'é‘2?2g; of K9‘u e$:pr;e£L’1"e“4%théreifr;;, 'F‘1i’1”ié“37t.ft:I‘.t’e Sézifs ,ArmyA“h;;1;.f. jhad» no: pay ‘%f0i*$ ?%fi:s:‘*%?v+moi§et}is5 % mmiffi9n3fS;W0“1 %n<>t éed ~ ts také.r“Vf7r;i:f¢}'q}i;3r‘t%ér }i;ir*hich WAOn‘der % F665 when you r A¥i*fif1y7;1;ék%éth :t"9 700; 1"”, ‘Vmogethl A A ‘Em mne.y, .’ befides mach‘ free; qyuartms Ami ‘Wm. A fans Jlgrcifhiés accourzr this‘: ‘ b¢Iidé%s¢% ‘which %the§:A;:L: A 1%i3:?%’e§13;aTfl== %§f«9r;1r)n%e§4%?:?e‘ér lafl L"*6F#O€?cb;B¢r~«?5~7 lafligffevemy 7 mo tlgoufand % 1i11”'f;d;feb&{fe.‘ife.ntAYr ‘ % v two %p‘omi.ds—.tWo 1fhiI1’i7ngVs and”“€1Tev:en"tIie': .§ ‘ %Cu;Pcme~and ‘other i«mp0?fiti;o‘z1s&4u1":3§§h , A wmgfider ?.fih*c‘ mife~‘r'yV (if %?*N?0.rth%eV:n$paigfs .3; b.x;.*:a:"s:.V¥ the Wayes_%.;4yo11;pxg;pQfeoflremedy‘eXtwend“fl1§Li&B”§e_;»++ia¢ ’ % 1 mush .m1fe;ry»%a$ thaiéfe i§»wg§:?d «Iea“v:e:v% *%Ai‘J*"s?’e‘e{I1aHg.#,% PrV€)‘;-Vv'ji¢";.‘7w>_‘,h"at m0x:1ey« wee V éan "»éri‘9fE?.?;c%: ? ,$cox:s“"V%§%7.; % L Arm3a;to:;r::a»:chd inm“ Se'o»tm;d? : mt =;+oV:;;1;,a5 j‘ am Wfgaged-“ta you fo’r%%€uri4:y E0,“ ;; % %13xW£A§.* wr “yea: , %1xz€:;AAl I 7 ] ha;t me the ‘fit ndingz {if t:1m f7a’id"}:‘:: A Lcttm‘ F{e3s'ccsAA%>mzhc Fis-.=~i.vd» “,V fngr Vagri 17b:':s» u%;::- . A mzagqzyE:)z?ce:fi:nOW,V“when AA A ‘A “ m: {1:;l§u“er)€r,»> de_fi;r¢s-A ,f€'I'*1‘ !'*H~?&73;'1" +,;i a[s*'*?.}-It xv%m:~: 2:0; 4 your (_aS§’fyQ§1_ _ fay ih**’yai;.$rA >3?”:x~pe mi) T .A % ’Hi»sLd<:ar £0; «aha . P£oVgsz3‘4ii%:i;oras& i§%ez;u:~.% i:mn%%.sTr;:;n1g% . ’, vv v ,l, . h _ . .v ,. VS‘ , AW“ ‘Kmffli%s‘mdA¢ Mi W67 I 13 i—l;mfc’n".W 4‘ , , ‘ ‘ , H ‘_x - ‘ > " . ,; pr!" .‘ : - \'l? ‘ .“ w 3"‘ H‘ v “ . ‘,1 '-_:“_:- ~ -' “_n .» " .4‘-”' ‘V n ‘ T‘ ‘ ~ ' ‘ ‘ W m .' .. . ‘ \" ‘ . ‘ “ ‘ N v V n ‘ ‘ ‘ . . ej 7 V. Y0ur Lcird Vreciétc%<§‘ti%rfl’wfPi”nfvsfi¢r% to VM;g;jé{ii¢s%" ‘ V Meflhgehwof the 1_1.of S‘epte:af2é2r,4A‘[I ¢’542?.t<>‘which=~w¢;L‘ 91311 W34 $15’no‘momaérh€r¢ isa large L&DifFt‘=%rV<=?1!?~*=V%%bVé~ tween what is so be durY%h¢hr:s:¢d%cfixr_cm§¢‘would ujft means ‘con;-“‘ ' dticiing Vthcx;¢.uri-%tVo.,‘ zmd cndeaizOrM%’tt5;‘§3i‘é§7¢Iit M1’ V Si€p3.ix'*3.ti%bhyziridéif: A’Tw¢ fib <3» inAat‘ry $130 7h*”:1fi:én ow';é;¢f5§th;:m.A,$%Vi thcltArh é ¢n4d4.AQfaur OV'j€n;i1I1t_, and this ‘ thzzt nc:ié.HAer ‘ii? beyu4:13ér"‘any QMppfe%f.Ii“fo‘r“1§‘. M L”et“‘ A usboch aa ‘comnadn ‘goodot .bQth, gand each‘ % inimy our piz1rtAicu‘iar:B.ig4h";s, , fL1c4hfl_11ni£on 1s‘ ;{tr;)r1‘_g;V a%n[d; " v$iiAl%V‘b46 1:z%{t‘1:2g“g but 'vvi1cr‘e "on.e& gaxneth upon’ *t%he1\par-4 A A ti}iu1ar*Rig11t%sA%%of» the ozhm, and %c4h~eniV9:rg;1ethth3.c4 ‘ muft Imep it", and the other Vbcar it -5 ¢ To ,:§1void_%«-Dit?-L ‘ un«ion, fucI; a;'gu‘m~enr:s 21:’: n0.t~t0.bC"nft€n§ufrb1dv.j7‘I7gg A 5 Bu}: wc»are%co‘nfi=*dcm ::hcRight 0fti1e‘Ki@gdOmw%Qf%V % Emglmdwi11.be anknwowlcdged, ajnd wr¢ %po£Teflcd~‘o"f%i:,L AA : 7a:idrw<“sfl1all‘ m’:a:ke it agapcar vhm>v%4r%1AitA€1A¢ c}aufe%"t1ier¢ is 0 ffjr rhc>1c* groundlcfs »..inAfi%:‘ixuation,¢s, Vin ; your % Sp_cec:hes;T afjd‘ I~"%22pcrs”,~as“ if~ ma Pa‘r1i;1mem of England were; »a{?erfe¢w fmtn&% their Anéiémt and F:(md—am~e:ntal Gov<:_tn~..:% nient, by Kz”n_g,% ‘I;ord: and C:’~ammam' , which we hladf thm%19,ht%thc 4De:;1r1razi’Qn% of the Houfc ofVC0mm<§m§4:ofZ»% 4% 1A the 1%;;.of_April,16»46. _fufficiemlyc1car'¢cI tOthC wamxcw World, ‘(67) l l*W"m‘ld, lllortl1.mThey were not as really forwardasany; ‘ * Tfortlze procuring of a Iafc and well groundad Peace, ‘( *lwhicllh is the greateflc and chicfcfl: ofour dcfizzcs 5% And ’ - it will be mmxlfefl tothc judgements and confbiencesl -of all, That as we really indeavorcd the good of the A *:'King:;mdbotlh Kingdoms, fo fllallwcconlflantlyandll V4 * “faicl1‘fullypcrfcverei7n chofe qndeavors,l Not doubting ,; butluplon our fincerc performing our ‘Covenant and 4 Treaties, ‘the; l;l<:fiing of God will {'0 accompany us,“ A % 7- Q as “there will be al-moi’: {west and Brotherly agreement between tht Nations, A and fuch a conclufion as will be ; ;pleafing toG'od , And wherein both A Kingdoms {hall * .findc_grcatcfl comfort and happincfs; l