S’ v ‘ A eeJ=%~.‘~=-§ ~ egg T Szzlm Tojmli flapremzz Léx: $3246 V 93$ ThcMPe0p1esVIZ1fetyisethehighef’cLaw. ?3‘>%"§31 A Jof. NOLTIM Peace,-Ama/car. Sc&.22. £54 V fig; ' A ‘Puéli/bedéy Q/fut/5o;i2rj. §“' 33 -93% Kings Head in P A u 1. se Church-yard. 1646. §<¢3<, A . A A . . we» _ A .%'. A $45“; %%%%%$/dV§JTJ¢»m” W es ee -% The Plea: N‘ M 923? Full} virzdicating e 923% The P ovv E R and PROCEEDINGS *%‘?’>f§ ’OFTI-IE %:€:<« PARLIAMENT. ee $3; ”Occafioned by a defence of the $4, e A» \7ENANT.i§: :0 ~ A ~ A» e« A A A ‘ V ‘ I “ ‘ “ 3 - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ r ‘ ‘ ‘I A we“ :43. .‘ ?"\"w 1‘ .. ‘ fiu..A9l °et’°"~><»..*m~e7*"wsA ‘fl‘Cl’(y A?,»5"W‘”9‘v’*“€"¢»‘:' "um x$'Ww» ‘ A. . fig A W rztterz by czreveremvl §Dn9me. §}.»__, ‘;§' eg ThatRulcisetcrna1l, A $2: L 0 Nil) 0 g Pr1ntedforR 0 B E R T B 0 s T 0 C K,at the 4. §%}<« Chrifiian Reader : V A it A“ Et me dtfir: the: mat to mifiaka. V Zflgzérfmgfi _::«{ 7h"rtzé?%w4t not writtmfa mm wt of ‘ ‘fire I to petrfzmde 071! Minijier, at: mt ofhu : futhmotiw: when-with may /hlzfc Wméitfitttfh V tified, may prwwzilc with othtr: alfia, twttiamfl mm, which are for datthtfttl/. I knaw ittwifi appear hat 4:: 4 little Slgelztan, tafiwfinezw and homt,withmt that fifling tfflefl¢,andar1mzmtmtt qf learning, which A hatter tatcammadatioh fart hath; might have .tzfi§>rt1ed: N at many (perhtgnj of my swing have hem mart fwrfl in thin- argxtmeht, or more iwttfe {rm pbpttltzritia than haw inn. But I have ever held mjttmrfe according at: mine ,awH£'in‘.ttY§’_fi did/Z-amt to land me with the tide of that time ; mar did I W:mt~ *rm;’hm-wt/t of Barkley, Blackwood, Bodine, “Hayward, King James, ‘and athqrt, to work was into ahzlaefe inf flame’ “truth in thofl: ‘opinions. For Facilhé credimus, quad ivdlumusa :E'fireci- (fly two Athifieam arguments, M they appeared thm, the one fram 9a K in g: Sttprc'matie’%,% which in it true .ZI{ofimrch__y Hidfirem itniqucfiiozmhle, mm-1: mam‘ in [itch at Mqharth}, néhere. aiitm [warm to. The other ar(gum:nt”2'rai1z;t King: immediate th- pmdcmtt ape»: >Gn.:1 : But in thefagn-at diferenrrrvf-ittht .1S’t2zt:,h fecingfis many mi]? and religiam may of it difeifent ha-law, mid fining refolwd ta.fiarifi'tetto the P tth/ik,q,4lM1 wine dun: pvv7{*:j:ti- i ‘V -vat: ixtcrtj} in tCh:4rchf-fiftfermentt ; I ytaa?I{ojf'wy'While from thafc pm» tonaaptiqnt, andfrecl examine?! dfiigffom t/9t"‘£)e- rie original? 4hdgraund—work_ of «E ‘govt-mmmt,i imrdtémpared A it with the firm.‘-fit: cfour amt State; where I fbztnd thing: match, % difl‘eri2:_g from what I did imagine hefort. Fodr indeed neither 1, H nor man} otlmft, did over Wfil] xmclarjiamdtthe mmrc qfmt Em- A ?. £1517»: To the Rea<:1er.t tgI£jb:tt'PoéftZio4noa.woéoflfle In?» mic. ‘W9’: t1;:4°- “1*5f'”£'~"?’3‘./’*PV¢?’94‘s to 2: to am; two. re/$653 Fir./3:w.Wt’vrdmm ozlhéiinffifhntiohjof tho Gmrmzzaz, ofifh ¢-”"“"ht5'07“fh¢f.‘/'77’? L¢W’¢’é’ A o mm! cgfigmu of ttho'RooZmo,h ho: thohSotpromg,* tho Primum Mobile, the Whtoloo thotftts Ah’ the rcfl osgoingo Secondly, in relation to all othohforroihoth Prince: Md State: (ejjtoociollj tho Papa) he zkfupromo, Indoponolorit, holofitog from room, nor owing fag}, 33150,, 07- fmzgjg to my, and thto Io‘ the grozmoiof oar 0..~;.'thn. ~» Tho Dotko of Normandy heretofore, and othor Hfroo’ ” Prizocw ::f Frame, Won-fropromo” intheir own: Dominion: in the former 1 ’4 . hat hworo hot [5 5;! tholottor ; heomrofl: they did owe ho?- hmoge, azndhclo? in chief: from the Crowno ofoFmmn.-. % So oloth=- not the King of Englowdfrom any fl:zrm£noJ * Prim‘: or”Potmmzo “ in the world. Tot upon oxomimztion, Ifomtdol!'thzZrS#promoo£o ohroofhortfor ozdrparpo/E, omdtoa weak oz foundation to hear: (WY that hflilditzg, which two mifod upon it. For I am %perfwoo'oa', 13;}; Maiefli; om ofhzir wifdonge will not a'epy,_for r_zo_/Z th'z§r_, hooththot there it at greater and on high:rPowor Withinthar Rheqtlmc, than ht}: owrzofixglo. F or there 12:‘ 4 P om-r that arm oh1z;go-the whole h _ .‘Ki1¢gJomo hy L:zw.r,t that com dtfi oh/{go thomngoinfi*om%%Low:, rib“ o-on lozzio What take: the} fhall think rc%q#€/ire, #1145: can take A ozwajtho lt_'feh,h lihhortio; tmdo/fate ntnjjmzhii, 5}! at éegiflzztizzo Power, without on} Written Law. I am confidant hos‘ Mojoflie xkmoro jfitfl and Wifir, than to pfotoood of himjélfo atom: to thér A Atpoworh and Suprcmaoio, \3vhioho'o-tho highcfl in England. By... \ fig’: the horgmmomfrom ttSupfomocio,,oIh"did im4(gineo,o_d4 mg”) 9- to them‘. do , thott Kzhgt hold thoift Axtthhoritio immodiotoly from God : ‘But upon it review, 1 ommoto fikzd‘ may one Text 53¢ ‘oh the A Scripture that doth-avottch it. Lot in: than entrant that-,_£f t/gm he an} WA} fifrflpfllom‘ in thh'p05”t:z to [L4] off-a'e 4.12 projfidzicio/1 H tomroitx, am! to examine the mottorfrotn tho, Orégim//finocro/y ~ \‘ and importioiy, no %douh'tJhx4t our good_Gad, homgdu/}ho‘4!fod top- W on,.wi/I open ‘rhino ojcr Amdhmrt, to xmdorflozid tho. wtrio tmrh, which [@115 he my hoortio ;gr4}or oath] hohol V _v% = ' Tho: t e llfi COPICS lCEL. To my reverend Brother, (9=::.;, l Was troubled not: alittle, to heme thatyou ” are to much troubled with the Covenant, as that your taking thereof and» leaving all . your meaneszare put in the ballance. Your / , / particular doubts if they were lcnowne, might nodoubt receive particular fatisfa&i- on. Now at latge,I tconceive that as the , ; publike difference ofthe State, Io your private fcruples may A‘ conccrne, either the Ecclefiaflicall Government, or the Poli-~ ttikepowerof King and Parliament. In the former, you are loth pcrhapsttovow the extirpation of the Prelacy; In the t . other, »you._may {kick at ptefetving the Rights of Parliament, and Liberties of the Kingdoms (which are your owne) with your efiate and life ; which as fame interpret, is by a warre A againft the King‘that may feem unlawfull. It 4 A To begin with A the former, give. me leave to aske, A whither ‘you dothinlte ouril-Iierarchy to be prefcribed by Gods Word, asalone neceilarie forthe_Church'_;~ oronly the beflt and molt convenient, but that other formes of Church-government be r lawfull and allowable as Welles that. If yen conceive our late. l a*fort:ee,,abfolutely necetlary andlalone, A t V t A T7"-2, V A'7“be 7’e012[e.r7’/ext.” x You wiHfin5.e it impoféibic tooormke goat? tile «wfioie Ar fmr11eoFt«1£2aotiGoveArnom~eoro, by any Scriptum Epifcopacy it "W{.;3;f[*{1g‘, Dgoo¢¢{g:on E‘:pi:fi;o§m::y doth Whom‘? much in grovi:*:zgoitso% 0rigLio*o11Ti*ti€otraivts.:.*~«fléot opinion oftihodivinitieoofourlato Govemoyr’; youmuftoeedéscondeomnoallootlrer“PtoteftantCh1;rohes, .. cially othofc wohicrhoare beflrreformed, and mofl: a prejudice of the AKingd'omc,, ;:‘éaTBj‘Eit flpo Q us in Doéfrine, foor want ofthat @overomr3m: and Di:{cipIine, whichalone, you fay God~h4uti1’appointed in 1/his A oCfaumh. “But L 1 hopeyoouwifl be? ad vifed bmcr, thfln mo ».dnr§jer;tait»ie in o cooceAit,o as may occafion ’{oogr«"oa”t a obrozidh doerweon.mooaoao11 A the true Churches~ofAAGod,'as“i*E we alone were “to ‘let u wha- dor:rsmd go mo heaven ; ot7heroNatuions, fame for wane V: " itiroo Dc&rinf:,~ooth61‘S~0f Govemn:-mnA“t -an Difciplime ofexclvudethki. A But if you do allow‘ of other Fomnes ‘of @ovornmoot A? as way ocrofling, but 'a*greeabIe toiihe it be my fcruple ofwconfcie*nce,,o in fuch an joy no woithothe mains body ofothis ~Kingdome,io poulliog down the Prelacy as an old decayed houfe, whicih isho Way A mace?!- fary, but hath been much avbufczd and given great oAAfEooce%%to many, yea cooceigggi go be iocongeoieog fog §_!__1e 7fafetyQA(§f oocho , Kingdoms, gracing - A Word offiodgjwhy fhfioiild 1'l‘1di&fl€I'€4n’f co{eo;,o to 1Tb1e7’e0}ile.r ‘Plea; ~ Kingdome; and in Petting u.p another forme, agreea}j§e m « Ggdg: Word, more fafe and pleafiog to the people oéi the Lem; eofi A more complying’ with the befl; of the oproteflmt Clztorcfies et- broad P for you may Dbffiftvfi _how ever you vow your beft endeavour, to extirpate the Hterarchyy whight the ‘better and more r¢jligious'fort of the Whole,.Land,e have much and long‘ difiafied; yet you do not vow to fer up any other particular forme, but onely in genetafl’, theebeflf wccordiog to the VVO“i‘fi' of God, and exampleyyof the heft and Reformat? Chrutcfiee. ‘Which me thinks everie good man {houid ydefire and‘ end?eat-y vour oFhi.mfeIFe, though no Covenant w~ere‘propofede, motiv- mor8'fhou=ld+ he foyn with his oWho}e Cotmt‘rey~, A going _b:!fore him, :md4callingforyhis~a~Hif’cance V A ‘A A Perhapset you may th‘ ko“(to come tmtot the ottter mt§oey' point) ythayt there wanteth authority fufficient in thefe pro» cecdingse; you may fctuple at 1=oyning inns Covemm, much more itm¥ArmeS,ya~nd there toehazard your life and {?ce~t’e egeinfte theélfing, wsitfec=me$% tfo‘ matey. ttfitntithere in&*eed~,tythereWti}*1te be westke to perfwadée you to a*right‘untdetftand*ingof' things; fomuchfletetofote has the Kings power been crime up, efpecially by the Clergie, the choicefijy Howerostof whofe prefermentse did onely grow at Court, aod”¥fi“het P1£?tt»I*ietmetm?imj_o: ed‘ downs efpeeiaify W? feeheasy were diefito no to prey» the Kingdom* Wi~tho:ut'coni‘*{*“tfi’I=‘, _ y tam-do; and llols Verie lotlx to take; nandtil the difeafe be unruly, he is; bound too,Wlthout any evill Wlllot meaning towards hin1,bu;t to only for his lzealth and ngoocl. Bares that own beenlangacu i quzinted with the defcznring muficke of flttterie, willat %firl~’c “_ A plains notes of truth, though indeed o _* Sc&.2.2.. *Dr.Fcarne‘in fol ~ Confcicncc fatis fled, Soft- 4. 4 T}5‘ellTe0ple: T124.’ nnuclt clillafl the harlh and more truly harmonious. _ . I know verie well, there is {on heretofore gave fmallfreedome. The Parliament nfl-way: be called the Kings Phyfitians, and may alfo,talze.a.e 7"ite'MiniPcer of God he is called , beeat-We of Gods general-l On- dinante; the Minifler of man alfo hec may be called , be-L cards of the particular, whereof St. Peter fpeaks, Suémitgour _fr*z've:“zan:*a ee*_menner UrJimwce'0fma.e,, A To fa y -Kings are the ordinance of man /.o;.trrz-2.2:, or for the qualification of their l i power, may ieerne rather a"fhii"tl, than a credible expofition or ~ anfwer. ‘Iris not likely St. Peter did dreamed of either. Now i this being granted, that the well-fare of thePcople governed ," is the original! and finall caufe of all Government - and Govemouts, even of Kings 3 fee what building may be , reifed upon this foundation, what confcquences depend upon » it in genefall : and fo we will defcend to our owne particular. Ftrft, it followetb" hence, That the Kingdome isnot ordai» i l tied for the Kingsu-ife, benefit, or good ; but the King is ordai- nedior the Kingdomes ufe, as the ehxefe and fuprerne ordinarie . tneanes, to procure the Peoples well— fare and fafetie. For that millions of men; of the fame mold and temper, flaould be oru- dainedifor the benefitofone, as it isrmoll: unnatural! and unrea-. fonable, to doth it relilh too much of theliyrant and Slave. l Secondly ,’ If the Kingdotne or Peoples fafetie be the highefk end, and the King only the tzhiefe ordinarie meanes provided a for this end ; as the end is moretnoblefind excellent,and. to be * Keck“ .. preferred before the means, as they are meanest"; fo ts the 3),&¢m_L‘;"’ whole Kingdome fnperiour to the King, and the King», though 115.1. ca‘P_,§: Singulxk major , xmmrfi: minor‘, Lelie than all in generall, 'C21Il0IJfs5.dc A though greater and above all in particular. And therefore in 5“°P¥1m=ri°. cafe itwere neceflitrie, either for the King alone", or the whole f;A‘;f;’1f* Kirgdotne to be dellroyed, who will not think it more jui-it g‘ ‘L7’ and reafonablc, lthitt one mould fave all,being ordained for their _ fafetie, rather than all fhould perifi) to fave one? Tim art . n _ Worth tchithoufind af m,fiy the people * to King D avid ; but 4: 2, 5,m_,g‘3a not ‘worth thirteen hundred thoufand, *for all that. Itis true, if 2. Sam.zg.9. i the memes" tnafteriallymay‘ be ‘better than the end : But Ifay d asemcanes, they are fubordinate and inferiour. Now a ‘King a. . or Qotvernour in h"s belt notion is but a meme for the Sub 1' e éts \ happineflh I t was indeed our Saviour: infinite; but voluntale tie goodnefie, that beingsin the fornrne of §;‘:*od, -lace.‘ hee would * C .A V Fourthly, the naoturalllendl-of Qovernment nceclsnot bofetloll ~ onl'c.fatxs--» . . . . , A‘ downem a Wntren convennon or compmfi, as {ome '““~' woulol l‘l3.V€if;, For befide, that when Government beganin molb: ’ Nations, they had now writingat all :»1"t:.islimpoHi~blel to ima-no Wgine or 4% no "themfelves to the rule and comrnand~of>~otbers, for no endl, our on any other end, bcfide their owne good. This cannot tbon bull.-V " befuppofed in all '€?}qv.ernments, though no fuel; conbvention-~ ffiécd. S¢&.3. ‘Z7Ie7’eop/é:$’!é::.: In far ~empzie anclsclbbafe h':mlfe=lf€,o as to be the nmnnoolol n mam; falvafinnl. Let us hold to humane, or nmumll mam.‘ I lznow it isllolbieébéd, the Kingis the Head and Highefll, therefore no. way inferiour. Iiowtbe King is the Head and Snpezne, is; nelféwlaere declared. But a politike Head ismucb different from.“ the nazurall. Thisbeing taken off, the body dyes. Till that all government bcmken~a mmy,tbc politike body dyes not. ,How.. ever. the Head bee high:-tft in place, tlzelfiocly is abmeitin elignitie, efpecially becaufeit bones the Heart, the pr-incipallu ' part by Arzffiwlex Philofophy,bFountainaof Life, Mint of l':l'lfl;~ A Spirits, and prime Seat of the. Soulm. Thirdly, iftlllfi were the condition of Gnvernment‘at elm. firll inflzitution, it mull‘ be the condition of all jqfl: and lalwflull Governmentsiunto this slay, the Rule being etermllof Sn/am» Populiz: and Wherefoever thereisany falling or clefefllhereinn there is fo great a declination to Tyranny, moreorlellb. Anol-v gdome began, 01:. What prerogatives and authoritie the King had allowed him. therefore it is moi’: confirderable how a Kin from the beginning; ifallrbe employed and referred to this rnainfi end, all is well, and the Government good, otlaerwife it dothlregeneratq. and-may be correfied, however it began; V conceive , that reafonable crwtnres =l11oulel.l.{ub:nit appearcl in writing. A Fifthly, would have :; For b _ if this‘oncl'1-lie difappointed, and tllfiy-"Wl1:l£l‘l lmr.lnl~ authoritxe and power glvenotlxcmll-e by the:people,l. form::peo*u pleas good, impugne, crofl'e,l and hinder the fame, by fpnsyling, V opprcfiing, and deliroying them, tlilt power and aultborim:-l ecafetlr ipfif faflag there needcth" no refuming of l1‘t.§:a$'l4vlf0n”mv A A eing gibvanlinlmlationl toan end,lblthlatenclblll failinmtlge gonna do fall of ghemfelnvcs. [ Nor am it be lap» A V b 7 ' b paladin ‘Me 7330;/ex Tim; F 7 _t ..4.... “:1 ,1 _, .' , ,,‘ ‘. _ I... ‘A §,s3Lt.§.3 mitt’ M)’ -.!:‘.'I5.t«..Zt:‘i.5t:13-t:L<.'2'm‘._t1t‘t3;»Wggld gm»; mghggxma p3‘§V::'i‘ tgtirzfl: rm Fcivxs, 22513; tci th-tit‘ owns hurt, or imteajfi at titfi: i2:vCJ."‘1t§;'}:.3.-3 ft; as ten their mvnt d:f’ctufl'iou, tvftigtéa "W319 glgggivaan only for Wihéif dafience and A prezfervation. It Ems t».m'::»ffEtn tvith States, at Withtha Hatfa in tha Pafnla, A79}: Eqmitem ‘dam-_/9', my free rum; ct’:-pm'it are. H:.‘ took the faidie for defence, B at hath bean j tied ever fincc. .M::n are not tyecl to thii ordinntita La M of Harfrss, bi;1tif7Ba/la» rapbam: will dtivc his Pagmfm up. to Haven an .unu:tutz1.1i tzourfc, Ptgzfm‘ may bf: bold to tame off his Rider upon tbm ‘earth. Sixcly, the paoplefi fifcty baing the em! of all juft Gavam-I meats, ifthat. fimuld bain vadgd by tha @:>varn;mrs or Kings themfelves, whom they have t-tufted cm at them, fame memes mufineeds ba allowed tha>:n,t0 ptafetve: and teccavat the fame; Othetwife mankind, may eafily be fcuflztated b y fraude or vi-= o1er1ce,7 of that maint sad. for tha prsfarving wimteof, they fubiaftad themfelvas to Rulers, anti, that Without all re ntdy: twhiéh as I conceive, oughtnot to be fuppoftcl. Now "in fuck Kingdomes or Gavemmants, as have Parliaments, Diets, mi {uchfulLAtTemb1i:-softhe States, theft mamas of ptefetving Swim Papnli, are more plume, eafia, aniexpedite, than elfc- 7wharc,becaufe fuchgtntral} Affi.-tnblies can both fudge truly offuchwtongs, and breachvofcaminon L633.-rtias, and readily psovidq rernedxatfot the faana; both which are anata flawly ans! hardly dons, wheta fuch publxké Afiémblias arc Wm-A ting: anzltheretore tth-ty bemuchtmore fubjaét to tyratxniezs t and oppteflians, than the othtrs are. But %whcnfoevat it ap - tpaars unto the Kingdoms: or Bpdit: of the people clearly, that the fiovtctnouts in E:-and of ptrocuriag their gooti and Macy, Ad: fpoilajndagpraffttthsm,asthe obligation at rule and mi fu*’.3-A? \ feétionis prafently void, the and failing. upm which it was grounded, Afo they ma liidttty to provide for their owns weal.- fare, either by reforming what was amiffs, or ' by limitingtmtl V quatifying the Av.tthority and. Pterogxttivastof thafew Rvxletsfit V tqrntwfing ,;t_!1aAt_V@;a_w:_¢-:_tt1_trx::_t1t, or theft: evtll Gcrarnqurs A (m Ba. » «rat <:Z~159’ tt%t€0]5[55' T;‘Z5”‘t “V cat}: of éxtreamt: tneccflity) and tplttcis-gt others‘ i’s i}.’10‘£‘E taapeg. I % full meanes for the p_ubIi,k£* good ;_ Ina}! VVhiC§‘2,Eh6}’II1$£‘y' lava»- “fullymakeufc 0? thcir owné Str€P?gti1V,APoW€?'a and Arm::mt.t V at any other, as 0C,£3Lfi0_pt fhall rcquir&f.." Fortimt the chicfd A end ofall Gqmérnment ought not to be f:f‘i.3fl:t.tted.and dif- W ap,» pointcd. D. Fgsatfnc argues, éficttzzfi cleft‘ /Y/Iamtrc/ow" did fi.}2'- seed Pazternczll5Gowr:tm_e’nt; t/yercfare t/acjfics right andcanditiwzfrcc from cacrtinn; mzzdrcmouzllr 45 fraré=.~;=~t (W£rl,fl3dfi mum: zazalér t/as Mme: offarbarx in tit: fif} Comm. 1% Reckerm. Syflem . Log. }i*b.I. ca.p.I8- Canon.4.. dc‘ fin: uk. :3: A- t rifior.PoIit.1:: ~ 2flKA74'! N and obeyed ,' which are fgrovtd iikéwifc td vifit andicorteréf A fhierhootdg As“ for tht to Kings then other Govemours , yea,‘zmd Teachers, Mae» of the rm. The4Kh1'ng then bein mcmdzmezst. But how followesjt, becaufe they folldwed Fa- thers, therefore they, did foilow in thcfaztxe condition tf:very_, way. Fathersthavc anaturaltlobiigation,’ and a naturafl“afEi;'éHa an ; ftrangers but: not {09~.F.a.fhCI'$ hav;3tnoFother Intereft‘ but their ‘children: good, Pcrarégers h2v.;?,w no it is certaine that U5-=3. var Fxtherstbxdarty‘ jtjtifdiéfion andpdwer of the: {'w.»3rd, or 1 dtcn might daft ofl’ th eir%Government, though not their F11‘:-.. fifrcqmmandementtt btlongs no more flsgrs, and Pttten ts. _ A Sevcnthly, the mean ether :Sup¢‘tiours,V whereof none (0 unmovable as V A A gbut a tmcaues‘, his Au-i -thoritic tandx Po}wer muftj be peoplq {hall think mteetgéfi fort forej in our: State as the} their King with. the that‘ hair owns ftfcty g,;__; and“ there- ge c:-§_£etin'g the'Lawes €X.’?€{1 ad _or theiif fafet given Authority to the Parliament, byfla nc cfevifcand gm11‘e; Whereas this ability cl atfl-1 r‘eq'.1lre the-. flzangm V of many, I/.mm£m forziar, xii: am mzm lmitaa fam'fl3m.¢,%mzlny liancls are able: than one ; but M13 hands of all, ablafizllef alrl...’ Tol<¥:e@a‘£l:rong gaurdf fix: tlzlw;p;n‘pofa,efpsci3.l19’ Ofllirangsrs, ‘ A Arflcdljle and all that write 9? Polltile will tell yam, tlzlllit i3 that praperllglof Tyrants:-lnaria fuch abllity~Pm'/la l3.1tV»'?;.ll7«'i~ olence not pmvar, lb mule L1 ralz. wfuljl, lA;r1s:l to kaep an Army on foot contiumlly, mist other lpratmcxss thareby to :xffi'igl1t.; and Farce his fubj::&s, is little batltar : Tiicaralbre tl1elKi:1gs pawer mull naed$co;naErom his owns pimp!-:3 hmds,:ganld: Pcrangth, and from thefamspaople mull ma-@218 lcarm his an-‘V tlmritia th+:ref'are.lIf lanylm: at lflmulcl giv-i»“l1_iiI1autl1l;orit*ie,t A that lwlem notable to mzkait good by powcr, 1t W.-::-re A given him bmrin value; not Wiéra thqpaaple bound my malwthat good, wixicla tlaeznfelvas gwanat. lWz'rs:n.f..'e he hath lhis power then, from c=henclehc.lmu[l: naedsreccxvahis aullmrityl alfo,evenfromt;he Kingdloma. A Nor indeed can has receiveit fmrn my other. I hem flame fpeak, anolpraach, and writealfo,b:1t fee no pro:afi:‘,tlmt Kings A have their authoritie and p%olWerimmediag=;1yfrbm @oi. A Anal fare, if thcgcolluld Fatah downs fire frolm_Hl::avem,‘a SJAEZMA did; or Pcrika men dead with the breath 05 their mowshs, as S.P¢'ttr did, for difobeclianca; I flmuld grant their powazr defcendecl immediatgly from Hsaven, But wee neither fee, nor heare of am y fuch»rmracles Wrought by Kings. No pa war than Imma- dzately from God, and thareforeno authoritzg othcrwife than all other Maglflmtzes have. ’ For as by Gadslwifdom King: 610“ migm, azml P«ri2¢ce: decreajwfiiaa, Prov. 3,1 5 a Evan fa by Elle; fame, do :11: Naélax mlmzml all the flmlges s."lf‘i'.!§5' Mr;/:'1,V::r. I6 . And Rama 3%. I . Técre :3‘ m Pawn‘ Mt of Gm’, thaftlis, at it is. « expounded in the fl‘-mfil place, not only ordainacl, but ordmal by : §qd,fi-c.rmdz2mfé1£r ééfapm, in fcizvamll mnksghigher &."']0W€f. mags <2’/2;o€z>e¢;;/e;:z>/ea. IT‘ Klrtgs than ha-ve their power lrclm C3odht> mlnfe than inferior: @ev:;:rnlo1.:~i£r,_ Ceeflr *‘rm rriolretlhlzéfn P2’/ate. So far as Ggd 3P... f“Ic>l1»I9“.~!r.;l , (proverb of, and lzatlirordaixjzecl alll‘Societies‘of mankindgzfnld Go. wemments and ¢=3evernc‘urS, both higli ant§‘l;0W,l fol far all au-4 xl1mit’ie,~al'1d all l power that is employedl‘ in’ ldifclézarging flafidl“ "maintaining the fagmlc, is in general! fmml God §_bl-lltjlllfnlfiai . dimly from me People, executing the Ordinance loE1Gcd; ’Amd'lthera§m'e S.Pm‘m EP"0-2- I {ayes plainly thus , Everie . ll fiovernom, bath high ancf low, "fuprcmaand fubordlinate,lis mir3pw7:'lVYl ::'l£azs,-, an htiméne ord*ination, or creature. A Now when to anfwer as the Dmfiorl doesgtlaatl this is taken‘lfubjc&ivcly,inx regard (sf the power it felfa, which is fmm Gofll ca?u{ally,l an-i placed in man as the fubjefi , or cls to be undea:‘l’coocl*of the qualificarimns, and fevemll wales of executing that pzawer in x feverall termeslol" ‘fimvsarnmlent. Tlhefeh may {earn lrvatlaer fiiifts than felutionfi at &x:pnfitior1‘s‘, tlmformer beinlg fltérainedugainftll _ flier former fifififillifig of the words ; the lattcrfuch as (itfi not V likely) S.Peterl avatar dlream: of, being_both’wagain'ff‘ the Pcmine of *Interpreters. ’ Par were itrlb tllatl God’ immediately gave unto A Iingstheir ruling power ; Firfi, no other fofrme of’Go‘Vern-.l 4 meat werelawfull; fp that Afillocracies, and Democmci%eS,be~ ; ing humaneinventions, as Dr. Femaeflllfayes, wouldllflave no conrc, rms,<;é,~~ {warrant from Godi~for*°their procleeldings ; landl For; vvant of lied, Seéxgl fuch‘divinéllauthoritie and"'7power, as many Felons as they ex:-7 V cured, fol many murthcrs‘ they cummitteol ; andszs many finesl ormlullfisaslthey lcvlied,4fo1nany robl:eries.l Mae thiriks our A neighbours, the fgftateslof H’fo_llmd5 thelSwl{-liars, Gri%[ox;s,%_aj;d‘% _ freeflities oi» Garmany, Wfliould not relifl; well;this n7eWjlld‘o~.l fl—*rine"~. lS*eclondly, “if lRoyall‘Amth'ori£§€ came alto‘getlierlfr]om’l . Heaven, it %V{_T1ould*~by right be tlm verilsl fa:n_e"JMl;:lpanallJtl:e C§'£'lft.l‘llI.._l l But we find 1t far otherW1fel;lrm“m&?0 Statelsf in tha wor1dal.:. lmwingiheir ‘Prirzccrsf tl1e.verie%fa:l:£;e ‘aulhoriftiwe, iiiall poimtsm. {Infometlhings (perhaps) the‘ Sp"a:3;ra%cl?1 ha5.ith~ marmzmn we ., Englilhginfurhe Qthezs tjhg Elzfigllfh ‘mac §l‘; a!nl,h£?,.li the E-fcflfifi I; morezhanlbatél7;LlthelDanE;"l S‘w?ed¢e,* P-ollzmdléarfgl am: Sfiqttgi ieffalthananyllof7tllém; The%T;m‘l<; Cghinloygl, ancl'o%thAerfll?ax:l§i.f: » abfalutc’I?rince§*‘;l more thanl all alzme. i Yet: 'all Kings; A k {if l {:1 gray gakcllefljgagghpfitic film: §m§.;1:g-mg l_".~.¥s‘:.&za;<*z5 let dc: _d-=3 i7'I.2.» Y 1 -‘*‘ Confc.13tiIZ A ..fi€d..3¢&-3- T/maples elm» i there taiie mare? How may it beknownei, hoewfire Gods eie .17owance.goes’?* No Scripture dethrefolyeit. And I prefume; % there came mvAnge11 from He: van to order it. Thefe e1imita- e _ tioraa and qualifications of power, Dr.Fe.eme * {ayes,are meet imrentiens of mm. i"Butis5it1awful1for men ta limit, or qualie fie that, which God himfelfe hafh ptherwife, and more fully ordred 3" Certainly, if this be unlawfull, as it cmnet be other-3 i Wife, if @od himfelfe be the immediate Author of Royall Au-a V thcaritie, then all :heRea71mies in Chr.ii’cendo:x~;e%do verie much cfiend. ‘Form aii; the abfolute power of .Kingsislimi%ed,iee. R tzheugh in a"1Ldivez'fly. This is acknowledged ts proceedfrom . A i the Peopiie, as cotrefiing Gods Ordimnce, which without 2.11 i doubt, is nonin ainyPeopIespoWer to do. And therefore all e Kings Lmay take ‘qponethcm, nay ought indeedito take upon -* them , an abfelute and grbitreriepower, nor is it any treafan to > iperfwiade them; tfherunto,,iF that be from God,aod thefe limite- » A ~ ticsns‘& iquaiificatioinfi; emcete ium:-netion~s of mm, f I know dot - Whither wee fhalliruinianon, by folloiwingthis newdaéitrine. f i "Yet fame ‘where I have feen thirteene, I cannot fay , proofs; " (they were fo Weak) ebut offers, to makeigoiod the immediate j Commiflion<:fiKingsfrom heme; allifo ifhort andi widei ~ from ¢hema:k,:1m ii flmquldwrong thefieader m repeatithiem, ; e A ‘For either in generaii they fhow, that Kings 8: all Goveronrs » e 6: the par» . "indeed are authorized by Gods gemm1iOrdinmce, A e ticulersf of them iafliguied byGod his efpeciallpieo vidence.or els zpflffi, that thofe men they cioricern Mafia; and the‘ ‘Kings of the Ifraeiitee , which A doth no way cenceme dther Kings : when I heare fuch an e3E- ‘ prefie tefliimenie fur others, as I read Dmt. 1,7. 1 5 . for thofe Q “ «Kings , Tim: /1141; make him King iamritbe: wbam the Lara‘: t£v}God #15412 clmfe, it will be credible to me, that @001 bath at; A immediate hand, if‘ not in their authority, yet in their pcrfonafl Iflignement V: And tillwc have fame more likely pmofe than e hitherto I have feen, give us leave to fuppofe {till , that timfe 9 ~ e men who have ‘limited the authbrity of Kings (by their owne A rconfeflion) did figfli give the fame. A Iifizad nofproofe at iflii that ; fuch authoritie comes fraem God: till then I may well In ldwiguggiifirfl‘ gee 1;; W59 .131.“ iimifcd Eh§.w§h°§i£ie of Kings. £41? h M Tl2eTe0pl€s75lea*.‘ .1; fI}’aPchOfhéz11,ifthé1h§ing wcrenot entrufled= with his Cum-9 rnaud, by the Kingdomghhow Could thelfingdom have Au? » thorityg cc» cjxaminc and con troll his procecdingsfixx the dif- hszhargc zhaareof Butthis Authority they have , anddo Cn- mmfi thcParliamentthcrewith; asnowl am to-prove upon.~t._hhe T . ‘fecond point 5 upon which th«e.fonmenpoim; will ncccfrarily S::c0ndly,that the“Pm-liamezzt; haehAfu11Authority from the Realm, ta examine the Kings prdccedings; and to control! Ehcm if~imfcguIar,that*is,eithcrhtrefpafiing againfi the know 11 laws, orotherwife encroaching upon hthe Sub§e&s.1iberty and fafcty, common exper'1'cnce,hahnd thc continuall prafiifc hdofparbhall that maybeghinh theh-eyes of L Subjcéts and f’ctan-A ; gersshthat hemayflillh retain his full glefy and 1uf’c1‘c5 both at home «a nd. 1 abroad; And itis»hprefum?d5 thathe doés nothing H Ptffiinallyg andthereforc nothingh ag-hahinfi the hLaws,bu'thon¢- ;0¥ParliazmeJ2txh doth hm-aka‘ it: evident; Indcedh his-Perfon‘ they do not flrike at, and to blemi-{ha his "dignity and honotmthcy “ ly.byflMinifiersand Agent:s.But all his unlatwftilfiofts by fuch h h Miniflers, they do‘ reverfe, and pun‘ifl:i the In£’cru§mcnts them- §fe1vcs,hhth@ugh immediately'comman‘ded byhthchKinga W Now W % this they can no Othcrwifc dd,,but*as chby aréauthorizedhhy the Kingdom; whercézf the Noblemcn are a” part themfélvcs, the Houfe ofCommo22.r, chofcn by the Cemmons of thc~Lahrid'. Nor indecdgcan they Wéllhhavc anyothcr abufes to reform, but fuchwas the Kingfbither commands; 0rai)hprbvcI‘:h_-;%an‘i'A. V con”hni*vhcs_ at. Foreall othershcomnionlygarc rcdrcd* hgbyh the V King,and ordinary. Courts ofgjufiice; But" fi1ch:cfiormitic"s, \ as grow at Caurryeitherh bycommand ,2 ortoI¢ratic5n-y rand « making Laws withhflish ;Majcfii”e‘. But this hpowhcr of vifititi the pub1iTck:abu£'cs»,hothhin Court and ~Kix}g_dom:;.; ifshéévery — C. ' ~ conhnivencc; thehParlia2mm:hone1y Cali redrcfi'e.And thércforéi h havcfiourtiers fo much~AhpoH'cf£-:'His Mé§ci’cy’agé\infl:h;I’::rIi4:+- A I memmhhhashhifhthey dideclipfchis GlQry,1hecaufe thhqhmay: not themfclvecshgratqh upon hthc~Sub§é&h's,h and playhfiex qtliétlyg h With@i1t.qL1cfiionaindhh cenfuhrc sf Parliamgizt. Dr Fefnef foams '‘ to allow theh1’:ar2ictme?2t.n0 Authority$But- 01"‘f€:1y‘an.,; aflhht in W whnz, C0fl{. fa ed, 368:4. :4. ‘Peoples ih€P/661. v¢fi1joicrr:asrg1'ea;t; an& as nceeffary aPowcr, f'or‘m’ainta:imi.r1g of 1S'asimPapuli. And befide the command of the Subjcfis urfes, ‘inograinting ofsubfidies, which onely belongs to the rfarliau mehtyis a great and veryconfiderable Authority. As for ma~ *’king Laws,if weelerfpeakproperlya the King doth rather ».:..r- V {cut to them, who bring the A&s _readypenn’ed_ ‘ and Voted, then they to him. Certainly a great providence and .b1efling rof'God it is, that We have the benefit of Parliame __t.r, to purge out fuch eorruptions, as will daily grow, in {o A rear: ‘a poli- tick body. tOtherwifE:, in a few yeers (as by dear experience we havelatelyr found)by the flattery, andecraroft of mifehic. rvoustwits, working for their own covetous and evil! ends, the libertyof the Subieét, and the fafety of the Realmmould " be uickly undermined and overthrowri.” A « hir‘dly,“~But.if the Parliament fhould be witohflood, A or Adi-~ fiurb’d 1 if oppofition ade to; hinder im, in -\ reforming the “ abufes:of:Court and Conntreyzmndhohpro viding due meanstiifor the fafety of the peop1e,(which was my third point) o1ufi: they firtrfiill A then; and quietly fufferfurch abufes as they can ,- not reform 1? A At1dfi1a1l.therfaifety oftheoSteiteefufl’er,therough their we2£kn«efl«'eanddKabi1ity?* No doubtb at Salmtrfapuli, the Welfare of the “Realm , which his the chiefend of :Gove1*m- ; ment, ought to be better provided for, then fo. Iffuch obffan ~ cles come‘inr their Away, as:zea. :5 ‘ tends) toeinablehthe difchtu-gethereof.A1 This pgwer can an other thecrtrPafl"e Regm‘, the Militia efethe Kingdoms A9334 enim A comm“ wi1n,fineJvi fieri potefl. Forcibletetfoppofition muff have forcible refifiancc. “This P01]? Kegzzi th'enin ecafg of M... eefiity, the ~Parli*amerzt m ay, andeou ght; to raife and emplgya even whithout the Kinggif he do croffe himfelf, orujoyn with fuch as‘d-ifiurhe them in theirproceedings. % " T A Iknow here comes ina great out-.-crygageinfi Rébelhliiéftghh gas if it could bent) lefle, for any 110 take up Arms 9 without, or againfi the Kings will; And true it is intfomc fence; Un-F» der {tend “theright thereof, and then judge. For privagemen, of their own heads ‘at naymore, for Magi1h'ates,tOfiicers, GO; A ‘vernorsfloe they never fo many, nev,e_r 17;) great, twl1ich derive V “ their Authoritie from the King ,1 aenitherefaret in refpgét of him are as private men, to raife ,a.t War by their own Autho- fity, without him;; much more againfi him is‘lega11 Rebel. ” lion. But the Parliament derives their Authoritic,‘ not from "the Kin g,though he bejentruited wfith aflembling he and dif-- folving them‘: no moretl-ten atTruemtpetergivcs tautthqrity; to . fightgwhenehe” gives t«heSigna.11. Bus: all their Authoeritie doth come from the Kingdom swhereof one part is prcfcnz; 'perf'onally, the Nobles, and the tother part their choice ‘shtturneys. tAn‘dt~a1l*t:htef2,~htavefo ene¢cmI'~* ~~t»r;t1tR from A h*theK'1ntgdom, then the King himfclf, has =’a111{;heir‘priva,e;c In. 'terefis,eare moret concentticék to Swim Pamli, the publiek e "good. For the King hath a P'I‘0P.€["J center oi‘hi;s_own mMmgw,{_¢ about 5 hethath privatet ends, and diffetent Im.e:efise4 hf;-om the people‘, for his t »P§‘C[*0g.?.t”i’V¢3’ae :. ta ndt ~tF;a.mily-4 ;regard' whereof, though he bath a very great mu fhytet may they not ‘ in any difcrction, give him Co nee: .3.jtI'¥.lfi , as to the 3Pm_'lz_'aI--~ "mam. And therefore the Parliamezzttteking t1p,»A:n3s, iandheau... ‘thorizing others, for tttheire awn wdefenrce , Tebeitng ethgcetaetned, h’hihndt‘e1~ed,and difi~urbed’ in their epr0ceedings,.andtSalm Pa- ‘jmli, the eommo'n‘”Libertw,r not yet fec.ur7"d ,» which th ed lately '”bee11fo much *w?rong’d,they are no ewaiestliable to the charge t E Rebellion, not any thatjoyn with them» to tvindficate the Kingdoms I’nteref’t% 5 but thofe: rather, who prefume to turn C 2 A the 16 The ‘1’eoples“1’l‘e;z.T thwehrms ofthe Kingdrom‘ £tigainfi1tithf¢1f,iand argainfi the I"ar1i4ment‘,iiittfor difc'hargi:ng faithfilliy and ; zcaloufly that ‘trait, which the -Kingdom hath repofedin themM.Nowd againfi the former, private men, and others ofAnthority,thaet hold r from the King, the Scriptures, which are eiledged c'ommon- t ly out of Rom I3. and other plahesi, mayhave piacea and the Statutes of the Realm alfo; But'again{i the Parliament, who themfelves are ofthofe higher powersfywherof St Pant fpeakw cth, no Scripture doth fpeek, norhath any Statute force. You may demaindperhaps, why the Parliarmant never took. up Arms before, ifit be ;a thin‘ghfo1aWfull- Tis true. Though in behalfsrof Parliament} much bi-God hath been {bed in this Land} yet hath it not been ufuali for the Parliament: them- felvcs to manage a War,t becaufe it hath been hitherto in frame fort impofliblc. For the Kings having the truit of cal- ling and diffolvingflnavc ever ufed, to 93.11 {lowly ,tand difn folve fpccdilympon the leafi offer ofdifiatfic. I remember an old rytnc to this purpofe, Much comp1ain’d of, little amend-s A ed. Subfieiies ranted, Parliament ended: fo that many of the o common fort cleaved, there was no other nfc ofinor bufines for at Parlimnent,but to grant Subfidies. No thinking for , them of a War, that werefo uncertiainfof their own continu-F ante. Now thefetprefent Arms were begotten b y Necef-Tity, A and brought forth by ‘ Opportunity. The Parliament intends- ring at through-reformat'ion, and corruptions being grown to A a great11ead,t.hrou‘gh fo many nuilities, and foiong difzon-9 A A tinuancc of fPzzrliament.r_., they were not able totcompafiei their intents,withont the difcontenths of vrnhany; For to redrefre A A ublick Inconvcniences, it could not be, but many perfonall rnifchiefsi tniufi beendtlred in private.‘ This bredrgreat iioreof A Nialignantsg and theythreatned great florrnes of danger to the Rcformerst : At laiirgthe King himfeif ‘was drawn away, with intent to difinrb all by Arms 5 as did appear by the L: Digbie: Letter, by the Kings guard C as Come * call it raifed atirorlg and other difeojveries. Now ‘uniefle the Pmliamezet, would fufferfthc wheel to carry all back again with vioiencc, €1’l}e‘1°eoples‘1‘?leeZ % :7 ~ which they had done,-and expofethemfelves and heirs to utter mine, for their good fervice, they run needs defend n ' rthemfelves and theirproceedings, and fecure their own and their Countreyts fafetie, with the Arms A and power of the Countrey which had entruiied them. Yet had ¢;Hey under.» A takenthis allin vain, if Gods firovidencegand their own wifedomg had not extraordrinarily provided them an oppon- tunity. For if things had fiood as heretofore, the King Amight have fuddenly diflhlved the Parliament, and expofed them all, to the fury of difcontented Malignants. But they feeing atfiri-i, what a Hydra of comrruptions they were to en- courxtern w1thall,1n a. through-reformation,‘ obtained of His jMaiefiieean Aéiz, for continuation of this Sitting, untill they had finifhedall their defignes. Having this aflixrance _., they refolved to venture the hazard of a War,rap;h¢p than to be» trap tl1cir"0WI-1_-, and the Kingdoms fafety. ’TWas not their deliie, but fear 5 Being unwilling and fore’: thereunto,accor-- dimgtofthe goodnefle of their Caufe, God hath nprofpered A their endegavours, and judged on their fide. And it may be A w¢11hoped,this fhort War, will occafion along and a happy Peace. It is thetravail of our Kingdom , for the time pain-v full. But when the Main-childe is born into the world, and l-_hAe‘flgioxfoflgll-51‘ClI.01‘i11ati0fl»peI'fC&CCl,~nO'AdOubt5 ‘but then; Awi1_1~b¢ much andrlaliingioy om the whole Land , for the | A {hort {narrow that it hath endured. A ogrthly, Now to come untothet which was propofed in the lafiplace 3 Infuch a difference betweene the Kingfand r Parliament; now is fallen, _»'tha.tit' is faferto t_ruii‘our » 1 {elves on the Parliaments fide, both In ceonfcience and wife- dorne, thus it may appearc. 1.Though it were douhtfixll or obfcure , on A which fide l‘ the jnfiice of this Carafe did liand; yet let us confider , that the shighefi point of Sn prea me au- thority in thisrKin'gdom, doth confifi in Arepealingand ma- king ofLaWes. Ar As for executing them after they are made, with other cireumiiances of government, calling Afiemblies, * Treating With f rreine Prineesgfending Embaflies , Ap- pointing officers 0? A "" Drifearne g \ C J ' E d; deflate, andjudges of Courts See. In allSe(ii§.e:m C ' A ‘ l which is . the Petrliament elfo malyinter” ofe, if do i e finde it etc» ll c‘eiv"d) tohavedcfiroyctd them, rhatl Heprcvailed. Wasit . not A Tiamoplewrzea. pedicnt for the eommonfafety , the e are but mall matters in comparifon of coaching obli atoty Lawcs. This highefi and Supreame authority ofthe -eealmc , is placed in a. full Parliamcntathotlgh for the execution of Laws.,andotdinary l_Admini{’£1~ation , the fuprematytbe in the King alone audiol- tlfo in relation to the Pope , to forreign Princes and Stateé as t the oath ofSupremacyt and Alleaglancel doe declare. And this full Parliament doth eonlift of three parts, the King, the Peeres, and the Houf e of Commons. But they muft all agree, and go: together. Neither theKing and Commonswithout the Nobility, nor yetthe King and Noblcéiiwithout the Commonscan doe it. Now in ifuch equall and coordinate growers, ifupon at difference one {houlel fiend againfl two, is it not {after in Qonfcience for a fubjefc, to ioyne with two ' oftltent againftone,the1;1 with one aigainfi two? efpeciatllyto V ioyne with thofe two, which havehthe ncereft truth, of prefers- iviAngeour liberty 3: fafety recommended to them 3? Secondly, The Parliaments caufe , dothcleerly appeare to be more§u-2 fiify able, for all their ‘proceedings have been warrantableg easllby thcefitfleground"o A an government , in mlaimyzayning i papulijlzlzztém, the publiekc good , {:2 according to thcfetled conflitution of this kingdomc, in reforming grand enormi- tics}, and when they could not otherwifl: fecurc thcmfelvce orthe Akingclomehs, in taking the power of the kingdoms, V wliichliaci lentxjufiecl and authorized them’, to m¥akctheit' A33 good agailnfi” Delinquents and Malignante; A '8: all fdch ‘ as went about to reverfe or cliflu rbctheir proceedings l_.,* "and Clf;~l"Cr.(_)_‘,T‘_!?:l1€iI‘ pcrfons. t0nmthe othet fitle , the King deferted e thetng lputpofejly, to joyne with fi1chDelinqu7ents and Ma.- L iignants, i"na1‘II1cs againlft thlemfizol hinder them,and in them the publikc good. W hatthlen" can thcrebe «fafer for a mans ,£:onfcicnceto rel’: ulpon,l,thh‘eta the goo’d‘nefl'e ofa caufe infuch :1 tnaihe difference .5‘ The Parliament did but their duties; and for; doing that , A were in danger of utter undoing. A The King voluntarily forfooke them,with* intention(as it iscon- "t .—— .. ‘TbeET’eoplerfPledT n i not iufl: then for them to defend themfelves, N with the power of that kingdome, in whofe caufe and fervice they were like to fuffer? Lafily , in ordinary wifdome _, is it not fitter for one ofus , ordinary fubieéts , to adhere unto thofe , who main-taine our Interefis and liberty , 8: of whofe Aflémblies our children may be members; then to venture our lives and fortunes for the Prerogative, wherein neither we , nor our children have any hope of Interefl, but is rather prejudi- ciall , and to the great difadvantage at us and ours , as it hath been managed ?Nay more ;,for us toelcfert the ParIia.~ ment by neutrality , who doe hazard their lives and efiates for us and our “ good , without any private hope or end of their ourne; much more to appeare egainft them, to the ha- zard of our owne lives and fortunes,can it be any thing bet- ter then foule unthankefulneflé, and extreme folly ? By this time, I hope, Sir, you have receiv"d {'0 much content and fa- tisfafiion, to the principall doubts, that petty fcruples {hall . ;_not Worke upon you {'0 far, asto make you liable to thofe a two illiberall vices. Tie true. They are not many yeares, t t fince you left the Univerfity , where young wits, doe ufe to dreame of nothing but Bifhopricks and Archbyiho ricks. But you are become a man and put_awayechi1difshne cg, you are fetlecl in an place-,Where to do God, his Church, and your Country fervice. ‘ Iknow your tincekcnefie and ingenuity, is far from their ambitious humour, who rellifh nothing, but A n Dignities in the Church or,” and Court preferments to contem- _ ning the meaine ruhicity of countrey pminiPcers.: I pray let“ A n thefe men themfelves enjoy their humour. Doe you but fol»- low yourownequiet and milde temper, I doubt not , but what Ihave Written may prevails, though for want of tune‘ handblookes not written withethatldiligcncefis the weight of A the matter did require. Let me ninCI’iG3'tC you ,ferioufly to A _é confider ofthcie things 5And the All-Wife God give you at lright underfianding in them all. r an in p 4 a St: pprzgyet/7,p pf _&a_ t l - homo‘, 3+ Fl N Is.