% *~ From the Commifl"1onersf'orAAAthe Parliament ofAScé%tl’a;zd,r 1‘ ‘ ¢ ‘Right 1‘Ia21mr.czlvle, % % -W“ Ee doc: hercwith prcfcsnz to thc%Honou%rab}c%Houfcgtum % A "5 Papers, in anfwer to their Verbs oftm: %24V.oEScp:cmb%cr, * ; wherein wcc V have €OfiEri5flC¢d ,0:-12:. bcfl; A4 ¢n tome: to _a fP¢¢dY agreement in {ha great Vafiaifcs ;I1:O?W.i"# agitation , and to prefcrrvc and continua a firms corrcfpcmeme. amen the: Kingdomes : And we cannot but promif: to our felvcs, than wcc fhallmecc with the fame aqffefiions in the Honourable Houfes 3 That: aII.diff:rences bcing determined, and all jufl dcfircs {itrisfied , chef: I{x:ngd<1f_mt:s may fli11_rcmainq_ »,in a_ fwcc:;;.:QncDr~§i«A and brotherly conjunéhon , then whnch norhmg can “ bc}Lmorc am. A ccpmblc to " W ' YourLordihipsmoflhumbkfcrvantsi rrmafler 1§:mj'e, :12: V‘ « M A . A “:%o““of0?>’tal7-‘I646._ % Loudaxag V V M Latddardaifi. M VA % For the right Honourablc %% 4,-/1" Jahnflan. Charla: Erxkfu as» ¢h°3P¢¢k¢r Om” H915“ Hfigb Kennedy. %Ra.B4raln}. % oEPecrcs,,protempare. A j % « ~ -aw". Hflving received the Votes of both Hbufizsg dated the *z4§.§§f $cp:e}n%I-mi ‘, ,cc>n»-' A «naming the difpofing ofthc Kings Perfan as baprh Ijjioufes ciFParIiamen: {hall V think H1: 3 Alchough we yudga-,, (as in charity we ought) that it is not; (11 3: meaning and inccmionofthc Honourable Houfes , A to c_Iaime on affume U0 che;m1'clvc$m-hit wvhoie andfolé power to difpofa offlis Majefiies PC1‘f0ifi,‘Whi¢.b is knowne to be a matter, as of high , fo Tof comma» » and equal! conccrnmem to béth Iiingdomesc Yct, Iafl by ourfilencc the right and interefl of thé %EZin4gd%om~e~VoF“‘Sca£l¢mrd mould be ‘prejudiced 5 and leflc .rha:’f¢;:;['c of rhofcs‘ ‘Vmcs ,% which manylmvg nvpprehcnded and exprcficd , flaou‘ld%mir1iflcr mrccafion of mifiunderfianding and ciiffizrencc ber- twcén theliin gdomegamcording to that dcfires and 11upés%c:fa1ir%c¢mmon enemies; We have judgcfl ncc¢1Taz"y,* with thatfreedomc, candcar, Vandwplainneflfewhiéh » bccommh Brcthrcn;‘%to%?r§:pro;FentAialir %thbhghtsc6nccming'rI1is ?gr*'¢‘:at _1bufi_§1fg%iTé,- tr)‘ \ both Houfics. A ‘A % ¢ V more Iofa K§ng,?whoThath more fr¢cKingdon1:2s chm Vang 575a Ngganively 1101176: % ,=Wc do ::c‘1:nowIcgcIg:, than as Poficivbly the I-Io141I'es‘of" havéés much power in difpoiing ofthcliings Pcrfpn, -as~any% one PawrIiament%ha‘t:h.o1:can “have,,ta T3. :1. M ‘£4. ‘ Mr ought % hhtgughtp}: difpofc Majtfifcs Pctfo.1:,¢without,%or tThe like, wctfuppoft-:UW111t‘be muyfltpxy §Ckn6w"1edged‘ in reference to the Parli1i— ' (25 L“ ‘ meat of$cotla1zd; it being a%funci:imhcnta1'l Right audhhbetty‘ of either Kingdoms, That none cm juffly (without their owne canfcm) impede or re firainc the Perfon h of their King from coming amongfi them , and 'doing the dutits of a King mm ttfigtm: ”"fitfId'Lin‘i both; thcfe fénfes’ wee accjuhiefsrci‘ in £.h*~3f ‘V:Uty,c“v.6'E' the V~Hono;ir§zb1c Houfcs, % At | -V ’ h t But if the Vote fhotxld he meant at mttdhc ufe of as rtfirifiive to the Parliamcm; of England, and excluhve of the Parhament of Scotland’; Or, as if the two Houfcs ‘againfihtthcirtcontfent; were to difpbfi: ofthc Pcrfbn of the King, by their fingle and fair: auchorirygwitho % out the coufem: and Concurrenfe 0533113 Kingdom 0f.S'50tlzz71d;We tru-it this {cafe is h "as fat from the’ thoughts Ofboth HD1563: as it is fmm jufiice 8: equity : the Paths- ‘ A hmeitt of Scatlzmd having as mu_ch jnterefltin the Pérfdn ofthe King ofS5mt~lzmdh, : as % thé'ParIiamtntoEE#2gland hathhin the Pcrfon, ofthc King as England 3 and the Per-— rfon being but one, both Kingdornest mufihnceds 'flnte equally in that joynt ir.te'rePc. h ‘ h ~2Neither bath the Parlxament of Ezzglcmd any more power to difpof; of the Perfon ofthis King ofScatl:z7zd,_being in England, than the Pa: liament of Scotland bath to h%%di11$ofcAof h thctfltrfon this of Englafid, he were in Séotlmd : And "as the V gliafliangcntcfE7zg[cmz(txx1ghtJu‘111)f ¢Qnce1‘vVe thtfsrhhhirttgrefis and power h'tO“'hhb€‘gr€,.:t1jV4h V .t\hpt-ejudicedt, if the Parltamcnt ofSwtla1zd flmouldtclaime the felt: poweit to difpof: (if h eH£.st.Majefiics Perfzm bcingi in Saatlandt (and cortfequentlya if they fhgall I-otthink fix: to refirain his Perfonfrom coming to his Houfes of! ParIi3mcn:,vbh¢n !:he nec¢fl";1. V ry affaires of th-ts Kxngdomc requxrc hzs prefcncc 5) So we cannot but in Juflice .5, w .» '(1a.fc§‘f‘O.laC;{1C,§ViTh them. « V V . ., _ _ W . % , t h M hough what we have now cxprtffed mxght be fufficxcnt, as tqo"ur Téhfg % of the \ “P33 g_Mbetdcal.c with bytthc Honourable H‘ou&£}‘s,t._as%thcy wotlitlhavc us in Alike ' } Vote 5 Yetit fhall not be fuperflupu%s,hhbut%t cyxpedi cnt,that w ‘e"further’c1éar7e cm‘: H :fnbmii'tOh 11116. fc1vcs%ag:dpurrea1h1 intemiops 5; in that which we fir‘Ittqf%Fered% in pLgr'PzpcrfQf the x 1.01? Augufi, Comzemmgtt a Joyntttconfultaucn and rt'fo1;u§19x_1 ‘pf ‘both Kingdoms, what is next to he done tn refcrencié to «A thé Kmg. A Whxch motian we: new rtfum: .;9Wb;5p%{Wfi_1V1‘% §;1Mfifigg1,W,gpop%%Vf: For the Clueflion is not , Whtthmer the I-Iouft§V%&t;fVVPat_1‘i;M;;¢;. Hg hhmmx elai"methtt1phP0W€’1=‘tt; difwi? of A His Maiffiies ?hP¢rfon-' And; 35tt=hEYhhh¢5"11"M h _1'}Q:te"fi|~fe to Aflretcivte him, when ht came" a mmgfl; thcgmwt;-. fo they f¢1§.3'NC, ready tta t,mh_éy.t h “joynt refolutiorns ofbcxh Kingdoms conccrningt His Majefiy.Njcjg- nnberis the C@1e&i<;;;:ja¢,_ Which of the tw§>;..If§ingdo1ne$%%£h.:tIl trufl 1:h¢,othtrMyg5:%htch¢ sptcfétnttrcfidencfi a£tth2~King$»I?¢:tfpz1;t,;fem he b_e:w_d%ifpof:td ‘ of by the c9n1}:n;_and a-. steam anew‘: bzbth. :.:<:*1-5'5 ithe Wth; hKi§%gdL0tn1¢$ 3 athatth$h?tf912m¢rt hmutuall cnufidex:ce.h-fl1;pu(1dthhnovvv téum t9:~a‘mmu=1idi*:ffidmce: +“~nd:1-itthiwir a blcfiing from M ;l1eavex'1_ be eatpeiftcd llpflnméftber pfthc Nmans, whi;h“¢ontinue;h not % faithfull ta \ the other, according to the Covenant V: Our t:c.~,t_1!:3de:1cc Err the Wifdome, Iufiicc, ~ ’ _:m,;or the Scots Arnzsflhaxxta;1;:2sh1e“"om;e 1>e':«h*1::;:”"or1heV1:mg tiajmggzgzna. our Lqyaltie, and Faithfuln ciffihhdftlac Honourable PI0‘Qfii.‘S1iSt[uCLhs that wh¢nTocvcr;the . » Kitig {hall ht: willtingto r'eturnelt~t;n%to$t¥3c1}15 and they wiltiinghh tq rqceivc him 3 Wee ;1!aal1:g;;;;,&~ make pd1teiqea;fi’im;ped3%mc;:t, bu,5:%,givq,ourt éhcerfull co;-xf{;nt,~~L’; x.=em «ef an h is the Qzefiion coirzcerning any Priviledgc or Powet ofthefPar1i.-hmmmt ofmglarzd, h : sir. any Law,‘§.ibtntyg«or,prafiifc offithis Kigagciomeatto difpofi: of htheir f It is h not ourémaamng t0»c0ntt(;1?‘1crt What in that kind they may dog, or a any timqluvc ~ ‘ dgne according to Lamas fiwhichéare btfiknotyggito thflmf-C1Ycs):fOr' rhéinhh swd (3) A ' A ‘rs. good ahd fafetyawhzhout the leaf! [hadow of any déhendency upoxfanothefhhliing-3 ’ “dome.” ‘But: withallhwci defire it. may he remembreda that this is“ to be Iransfcrrcd 10- quallyxo 'thc.p.owci7:andhprivilcdge of thfl Parliamflflt 0.5 Scotland. A Wecflocfnot meddle with any of the finglc or proper Rights, P:fi“viledgels,h or Lauircs Of this Na» ‘tion , more then w.ce:wouid_h have our Brerhrcp to meddle with ours. A‘ It is one xhihg whmhe Parliamenthmffihglmzd might have done 1:: another Caufe or War, V . before rheixengagemencs hymhc Covenant and;Tréa:ies with: the Iiiugdomg gf 1Scot!and;;,~Ic.his another thihg what: ought: 1:6 be done; aftcrhfuch conditions andhtiehs hignpofcd by neither Kingdom uppn the other.,hu: byrbozh joymly upon thcmfelvks, {andyas mutua11O'a1igatio:;1s, boch to God , and each to other: :_hA1I:hough wee % might élfogoe further backe than to the Covenap: and Trgaties _, and pleaaeum mmmop and eguall imzcrcflrof the Kingdomgs, 1:: their ’common,Hea.fid and Save... ‘__h,_-aggnej gvgrh fin:g'_:hey%vwcrc* fa united, as may fuffxciently appqarc ‘;,h even by fomc: infi;;mce$s in hHi‘s_1\/Lajefliicshtimc whonow rcignes over us. 1:“ may bc rcfmembrcd (agm the in:c3:e_Pc pf»ScM_land)that when His Majcfiy was firfi: invicmiand dafired 7“, ¢gme"imo_rha; Kingcloxgnc to be Crowned , Ic_ was hreprefefltedhby the Lordshof His Majefiiesh Privic Qouxncell in England, that the great affaires ofthis Kingddme" .¢o*uld“hard1y difpence with Hi; M2j‘eflies going to Scotland .: 2 And therefore; that pizher he m‘ighc~rc)<:eivc;hi§ Crowncf cf Scqtlaudk by. :1. \[iccg¢rcnt‘thcrc , 01-thacich -hmi'gMhfibehh fcnthtzher unto him.;_,: Lila: as; this prcfent Parliauient whén thc:JKing h ‘ A wemalafihintoScatland, no fccpleihthe Peace hofthanhlfingdome , «did Tcarncfily defirch 1 mega hpreflc, tha.’t—}He lTIigE1th_flOl.g0”C,bUt than he might flay h_'erc:‘for t%hmir»g¢nt: affairs u ofi;his%I§ingdohme. , But both in the one ‘cafe and in the other 3. the imcmflhofrhc Kingdom of Scotland was prcfenred ”: And as it was mofi nccef{‘ary,rha:: His Mtzjc- h fly mould gge iuht%o1_;hm; Km dome for recfeivingthath Crowtic: ",. [0 His Majefiy A % fplgngi-‘it ¢x.p¢dfitnt mgoe thxther fox; the fetxlin of Peace.‘ It may alfo ha rcm£m- bred(ahs tothh 'nt¢r¢:{’qof: Evg/and)that the Bug ifhNobi1i:y'hothh at‘tl1»£*_‘hB57‘“/{I Anna 1'639,andg;:X0rke 1640. Cwhofelettcrshtothat'purpofc are yet extant and to be V (cm) And:hisePahr1iamcmAm2o 1164:. did chime an intcreflh tofce hanhdknow flu; chcnzands propofcd;tq the King, that ncigher His Majcfly nqrhthemfclvcs might; hhchhbcfcbyhhprciufli-3'64» M A » h A A , BWz_x;r.;h¢jA m:flqqgfiion_ ncgcdeth not gm: fofhtfflh upona Whiffov we: the: joynt int-..rcPc. of the Kingdomhcs was formerly , it ‘iséwithouc canktroverfic 4 now hmuchhmqre hconjoyncdgh And unlcflh we lay afidc the Cavendnt , Trcatias, Da¢lira¢iph%pFhoch?I~1ingdomcs;"and thrcc: ycares canjuafiion» in this war , gnei- __hcr7-;,1‘he,qpc Kimgdhphmc nonthcothhel‘. 5 mufl nbw look: backe: what they might: A dhavc done linglybcfohxgga fuhh ahfigifi llnian 3 but look: forward ,what: is fictefl m V eh done by horh joyht1y~hf¢vththe chmmon goodhof botlhaxxd for thc end‘: of the h ; : gnanr, \jv.}1i&h«bOth aire obiihcghcdjjoyntly roh-;.pr0fccm:c and promqcc. ‘ So a chatgthc ' hrrfiand proper queflion in this can j uuhémre of affairs: ,; is, Whether both King-» do mxhavc new joym; and gum man intcrgfl in difpofingof the King ofbuth, for flue gogdh%oE%hoth*,apd than hI~Ii$hMaje1’cies Pcxfon ought nmzfito he difpofcd of by either Kingdom?‘ _5q%g1x4 .: .;M11;Ch might hbcfaidh for this juynt; way 3 and a Vinfiha W‘ h % whay,h§:om%;h¢ nature o£a11;afl"ociaeiom, and the .common mlcs ‘ htquicy A ‘(V , gbfcgvcdi bctwccn p;rfons,foc'i¢t1csy,AOt nationsmhich have agj oync\»mh:f_rcfi%hinhthc A fltmch Pegfon, Parent, Maficr,,Scrva;.1t, Orimhe famahthingh, hinhcmanm landr; ' "I W?“ h - WA 5~hhhu[e§:§g;k¢, af~.thhéh1ikc;hh , In whichhhcafts, nneoffthc panicsgfiociatcd , ‘ mayhhnm; ‘. . . M, h h ;_Ofmthh€¢0§h¢r;difPQfC0fIhJIW_hhiCb%i8AGOmflIO1‘l5‘¢rPliCi3nYifg3l U 1 ,-'«.%&r) h l A W l L hcfi 'éhmma:nll“P¢rl0n5%and 1:39.? of a11_it”ic~ be a. Petfon afchleféfl eminandy 3: con: c¢mment:Fnr alt”hou,ghacom_mun thmgamay ha divided ,and ta each party! his pm. pm: flmfc aflignemyea 011:2 inch vidual_lPer_[on doth norladmis of a.pa.rci-tion, and fa rgqgircth aha grceaner llnmn and congunéhcpn of %Counc‘cls in thc di.fpol'a1I of 1';-.Afl& ~ as rcafons may bc drawne from thelnaturclof allalfociaticns 5 fa efpccially from the nature of ours in she {olcmne League and Covenant; the Title, Nalrrarive, d~;,2'mcs,iml1is common caufc: fa much concerning the glory of Go& , their avme fafety, llnion and Peace, and the hone-urlland h§PPlfl€fl¢ Of the King anclhispa-» fieriuy gwhich ends ofthe Covenant, both Parlxamcnts afwcll as other 8uhjc&s at’ both Kingdomesl, have oblieged thcmlelves joyncly and mutually to promoze , ac--« cording to their pnwer , -and to com:x_nue zcalouflyh and confiantly ;hcrein all the dayes of their lives, againll all oppofigxon ;a,nd_r:o alI?_z& and defend all thofclthzw enter into this League and Covenant m the mamtaxmng and purfuing thereofiand Arciclcfihandh cjonclhulionlofilxr, doc all along 1il'.lk€_tGg£tl1Cl.‘r the interefi of the King. . never fuE'cr”thflmfelvcs. to be divided dircftly or incfitcftly from this blelled union . and conjunélzion. So chat the endsmof the Cove;1ant(upon which the; difpomg of the King mull: needs have :1 Pcmng xnflue-nee) are not tube profecmced by the two . Khngdomcs, as by two d'l&i‘n& bodies afiing fingly, him: they were Ignited lvy falemm Covenant mmletafllmigbty Gadzamd by I. emgtle each tovtI9.e2r , as one izztfire badym pm/33.. czzrehhtbi; mule: Whichwas the cxprcflion ufed by the honourable Houfeslin their Dk:cl’arazionof the 5'. offliugull, :54 5'. to thc Lords States Generall of the uniued ’ Pmvinccs ofthe Low C cmzrztzreysy In whihh ~.‘Declaration% this notablc inflancewas given, which defcrveth alfo to be rememhsed, T_'hathy the Covenant bfoth I-Iwfcs of Parliamcnt and many thoufands of other HtsMa}cfl:1cs‘$ubje&s% of Englmd and Irélmxci, llahd bounclj afwéll as we, to hinder the fctcing up of the ("’lh*mi-ch gqvem-. A memzby Bifhops in the K“ingd”ome'of 56031627361 5 And that wccafwcll -as theylfiand bound to endeavour the extirpation thereof in Eflglanvl and Ireland. find as bylhc Covcnangtha Kingdomes are fallllinkccl rogcthcr in the whole profecutionof this caulk; fa pmiculatly both are oblicgcd to cndeavcur mutually to prgaferve and dc-1 fcnd the K ingslmajeflles Pcrfon and Authc>ricy,in the prcfcrvation and defcnteiof the true Rc1igion,andlib'trtics of the Kingdomes, That the world may bmre wit» milk with our corxfcienccs afoul: loyalty; And that we have no thoughts ct men- tionz to dimlnllh His juft pcwer “and grcatneifca % ’ Fmm.the“Tre:u;y ghefamc ding doth further :1 ppcarcgc béing thereby mzxwiféfig h M l that as our Army was to be lcavied for the commongood of both Klngdomcs in tha purfuanccl of chelends exprcfl in that Covcnants and not as Auxiliaries for thc: fingle good of this Kingclomeffs Sothey are not tycd to be fubjefl: to the refolutia ms, and dirafiziofis hf either Kingdom finglyabm of both joynclysxflllo byllchas 8*“. Article, no Ccflhtimn, Pacification um: Agreement for Peace whatfdevcr , his to be A ‘ madg‘: by either Kingdome, without the mutual! laldvicefyazxd confant of both. Sc that if the difpofall “of the Kings-Pcrlon mentioned in the votchofboth Houfes, be h iurendccl for the good, Pcacc, and fecux.-icy of both Kingdoines, then it lhould not be done witlwm: the mutuall advice and confem: ofborh 5 But , ifintended lifdrlthch i Mac: and f¢Cl1l'ity0f.th§s4Kingd0fl'lC within it fclfcfingly, thislllmre cc} l”ei:rle~tl;e l Peace afthe onei'Klngdamlc,:1ocl onelyllwitltwut the couinfellh and confmt 5 but hé»-“v i fore the {attainment of 1:115 other, atadfo the more incur: fifien: with thefilainc (cup; of that Article-. V Mmreaverlby the 9;-ha. Article of the l’ame.Tréaty 3” a matters of A rcncjc ariling bfltwfififl the Subjcfis of the two Nations, are robe rafalved and A hlhdetermined ‘ (5) .aeLm-mined ‘by thCmHtl1311A35Vi"‘-and Conan‘ ‘*5 both. which hath em bémc: thd ufuall way in fuich cafes : Neither know we any other way» for healing of differen. = gggbctwccnh :_wo_» free Nations, which are as Brethren and cqualls, and neither of them fnhatdinacc to the ohchm If therefore any difcrcnce [hould arifch ( whinh Godfdrhid) bctwecn the two -Ifarlmments qrfanyhorhcrs of the Suhjcéts of thc mo Nations, conccxning the dxfpofing of His Majcfiics Perfon,then the qucftion canncrnhhbtxothcrwifntrefeivcd and drzccrmincd, but by the mutual] advice and con» fenm£.hoth. h How zpuch bcmr ishit (according to the 6*”. Article of the Cove-h A mat); to hcenfult hoWv_~tOpI.‘.€V€nt all _difi?e rcnccs which are like tp arifc bccwecne us grout pofichrities? \ . _ ‘ -A - ~ h ~ T he hanhourable Houfcs m rhcarwifdomc did think: ficthat in the rnanaging of " this war ,%th¢:rc(hou1d be a cdnjunftion of the Gounccls offbnthfiingdomes im'c- feirence mica xhehfihgliih afwcll as to the '3c«ot'tifl1 forces. How much more max hwgc cxhpafifa conhjunfiiaon of C~oui1_c§1lf$ in wdifpofing hofflis Majhflies Phchrfon, A w‘ Wain the-one Kingdmae is asxmzch xntercficdgm the other PA « V «h h h I A * If n1orc“’m:ed to be [aid in this‘“buzfi;nc£Tc , Ywe hop: "is not forgattm , how the Declarations of b at h Houfcs and their hhcohmmiffionhers Tent imoh?Sz:at=taa1d, » to dcfire their n<{fi‘flancvc: and "enigagt mhznhth this Warfihihd invite, (o11ic~i+tmi.nd iptmfwadc that «N'at‘ion?t;pDn'princ5{J1esof commonhhhinjcrracfi , ‘And in rcjgardh the one Kingdomc _ cmmot ehjoya firme and duralb1=c peace, while the other in V/Var : We wherahailfo fpmt ‘mgindc roflthe afi‘c&iomndhhduty w'hi<;h bccomcthxbrcchccn. ~ And has”*w’he did 1i§'unhrh:eKfe and Athre l*ikehcomfidera.tions, ‘t*:Tpou'fc our brethren: quarrcll 3 So I itehcana mot'hc:off3;‘n'fivé that we defire from them fem imy.-memehrhof thd*vex‘y «fame pringi-4 A pines: Andmlmt nhjc“-{amt uxcamrehahfmhe Cnhjunfiion of intcrefls ‘be: given tohwfiuhg A whsi-c'—h2 W;§\h ‘%gnt"%fromihds;‘ God éfor3oid_;,s.thax:h*wa3I¢s *o"f 5{3c~ga>t:n):ting~t‘h1c ~imcrcfir:*of mhh hkifisngdvnhfs fI1mu1dhnbw‘be» i?tu€.’¢iied,:a1sh~n*:‘uch as way-es ofllnitixxg them weuewo1«c chhd‘eav“0utt&.vWh*c cannot b‘ur::{:pc& hem: things from our Brcthr:n,thenhin‘t‘he_it phofpérityflo defer: us, who am »¢‘xjgmgc»nrnd joyne with them in their /grcaccfc ’nf-f- fli~&§on;3“‘~Or ‘tb thinkfz of fcturimg theixowne Peace hwitlanut us, hw bile the htrouhlcs ofcmhziwgdome‘continue. ~ ; W A V ‘ » V ~~ g *_ ~ 9 M 3 ” 9 h **Wh'?s:v3aforc‘ f*vvieev iiaéivhhft dhufc bu-wb‘tc£’c by h the common good of hath King»-4 J dfhould deliverup His Maje{lie*sttIPerfon without: l ;h_:i5g pwne confmr, and that Nuplfen the vptclcommlunicated unto trs,which»(although it may full}.-rabenigne interpretation ‘and hc.underB:ood of the difpofing of the ‘;_Kings~Perfon favolunably land'hohourably, yet) as the words {l:and,is'~comprchenh've and capacicus ofjmoteitnhentl is Erato be etprefled : This:A& of the Army" were not agreeable to thcir;0ath offillegeance, (obliging them to defend Hist Majeflic: ;Pe;t-[on from a,ll;,hatmcs-land prejudices) not to the foiemne League and Covenant, which was not intended to weaken,but: to fircngthen our Allegeance, and to wipe oh? the calumny and afpet-{ion of Rebellion : For which-ez“1d,before our engagement: t in this War, it was mutually covenant:-d between the Kingdomes _.,> to preferve the Kingemajclties-t1?erfontand AuthO:ity,in the prefervaiion of the Religiontand Li- berties ofthe Kingdontes ;TT hereby holding forth to the world, that the prefervaw xion andtdcfencc offlcligion and Liberties. may well confillland was intended to M l gzonfiftwith preferyation of His Maicflies Pcrfon an-dd Authority , whom therefbrc t :30llrl»A1:l‘!E1y'“ cannot deliver, to be difpofedhof by anylothers, at pleafure. ‘ This deli- ‘ l yexy werealfo iqconfificnt with that j0ynt,tequall§tt and commomintcrefi of both t tlgingdomes in the difpofall of His Majefiies Pcrfon , which we haveihefore affer-W ted 5~And. were upon the matter a p.h.~fi'1ng from the right and intetrefi: of the King-- V dome*ofSaa£land;in that bufineflle. It were alfo contrary to His Majefiicslpowemof gcfidence in anyqfHis_KtngdomesatLtand to thc‘free~exercifing of the dutiest of his place and a&s ofperfonall government , fuch as the ‘heating and redreflinglof the V ricvances ofhis Suhjeéts in Parliament , and his concurring to the making of awcs. Neither cohldt it: {land with the Commiifiqns gitvmco the Committee/of .Efl:art:s"and gene-tall Ofiiccrs ofmr ‘Afmyg ortwitjh their Military tO.1ch, to deliver: mptheir King witltbut his own: confent , and without warrant fratn the Parlia;-A gment ofscatlazzd, tothc difpofcd of by another“Natiot1: Even as it were not to he expefted, t_ll1at_tl1c Army under the Command ofSirtTl:amm tFairf2tx.if they were in Scfatlzmdlfor ourtlnififiance there , win the like cattle A, and under the like ingagev-n’ tjmcnts, in a rcceflhof the Parliament of Eezglandganld without: their wjarra:nt‘,would t W jupon the like demamldelivet up the King (having call: lhirufelfe in ‘ their hands) T 9 xo_l:oc difpofed of hythe Parliament afscurland. Finally , if it be cnntrary to the I1.awand common praftlfe of Nations , "to deliver up the meanjefl Subjefiflcd to ghemgthough it he fat; the greateft crimes? (for which caufi: the Parliament of Exag- Iumd in th‘e4.u_o.fKingfame:, as likewife in the large Treaty , refufed a._ generall M . Aét ofremamiingt:betwcen%the twq Kingdoms, unleffc: they fhould be_uni.tcd into one) how much. more would the world abroad condemns ourflflrmy fora hafe and 7 »§1illaonourahle21;t45t,. if they flmttld deliver up their Head and Sovieraigne (having afl himfelfeimdttheir hands) to he difpafed of atwthelarbitrement ‘ of another ht .1§5l:a_tion? * ‘ ‘ l l ’ ' ‘ t t t . Add new we hope; it willlnot hetllltedious, that we further‘ enlatge ourlfelvcsi up»-~ * A omhis greathfubjc§%,by.W;gddit1gfatisfaftpry Anfwets tctfuchlohjeaionst, as’: have ll _ A ll A 1 A A " 5 f¢ne,t-‘_ (7) ‘V A bane for?’ __mfiy ' Bee made" dagainfi _ our “d=e{§r_cs A anddPr1ncipies“ inAthisjbufinefl'e. Objefl. *I~.« Tlvat the Scottéfb AWJ’ 35 4]’ -'4I'=5-"-"l?‘1"J_.’t4”m}' 0f England,a7zdtmder their Pfly,'£_fI1(${ll7€7'€fb7e mgbt to deliver up it/96' Kmg, to 58 61 Zfpvfiid ofby bath Hozzf€:s.;z: tlmyjlvxzll ‘flair:/{AA flu ~ ” " M A A A ” A M . _;4n[wA.> It is fuflicicmly hx_1own,that theASco_tWti£h%Armycame not into this%K7ing-é A aome inrhe na.turcof‘=Auxxl13rics :50: when 1: was defired by ch; I’arliam¢fi;of Er?gIa7idA_that the Kingdomeof Sv‘atla7z.d Aflgould fend“ qt! Auxiliary "Arm ‘into this Kingdomc, to be fubjx-.& to the dxreftxons and Arefolutnons of Aboth Hou as, It was a'b{o1gcc1y refufcd, as may appear: by thefcve1;a.llPapcrs aboucthac purpofc ye: ex... em-A.A «The Kingdom of Scotland did forcfec: and Confiderg how prejudicial! it was V to forfakd“ their owdne.Peacc,¥and what infinite troubles. lofilrs , and unavoidable.- danger their engagoment?Aiwich*Athe Parliaiment of England againflh 170 A pow ex.-Full and Pgeygfl-ffig 111': Endemy5w»oulAd bringupon rhcflxngdom of Scotland : And asthey rc-A A gdrdcd.not_thé laage offers, nor the threats ofthe o::hcrA fidc for all thcir: profycrity ;, ~ 1'0 there wasuo 0 {es of Pdarliamcngvdwhichcould have indugrcd them goundertakc Aro hazardous and ddefpgme a War. A ;It was the goodof R¢lxg1‘on,_, Iimg and Kingdoms, theyfcc be... fore; than gyhes, in ordcr to which end, they accounted nothing too dear unto them: ’And»havAing refolded tohengagein nhusfior: affifcance of their Brcnlarcn , they did not Rand hupon conditions, but wxthoutArefgcA& to the feafon of the yam: , tho: 7‘ ddrég.-‘xi: Pcrengthoftqhe E_nemy, and other difcouragements , they did in a_. zihorrt time _¥¥e3vy and Army at their ownc charge : And becaufc ofthAe many burdens thmlying. upon;;AhisA1{ingdom,wcrc content for the prefcznbto accc c of a fummc towards the 7gtghdyjmtcruaiinitwntwofthat Army ,»: amounting to ittlo more than halfepays. ‘ an ?h‘:3o£f'ta*p’é:::Fedc aflfidrchhcrhrecompcncc , tillthc War {hould be at an end... And fecirigfirhs Kingdom ofhscotland was to quite ::hoirhow?n:P"caceh A, and equally with England ‘maundergoe the hazard of the War, itwas found reafonablc , tlm: the pro»- Afegution thcrgaoxfiand the making of the conditions of hPcace afterAthcWa;r,%,%£,1iould Vb-éowit‘h joynt Aadvicheand confentof both Kingdomes. And according to thcfe d h g%our1d3,A:a=Covcgam:ew~a§%agrecddqponifor thcekcformation of dRe1igiomv*:‘AAnndAforr A pr;eE:r‘vahtio:3?c$fAxheAIdborucs of tdht:I{ingdon’1s,anddho%*hAihcKin as Berton an‘ Authd... o / V rity togother withahAATreaty,,4dh 5whoroinAithis declared that! o Scomziwfh Army-[hall A % Abccommandcd by: General! appointed by the Efiates of.;Saot!4ixd, -and (hall be fitb-_" jcatoh Afuch tefolutions and dircétidons ,” as ago andh1hia11Ahcomumally a.grccdA upon Ad h and concl=1i%dAdd bog-thwAocn the Kingdoxgnsgor t:heirCor"r1 mittecsin that bchalfa pointed for ~pur4fuance hof thé enids of;%chchAACovAenann : of whAiz:h,onc is to defend an prefaxvc hyHis‘MajefliesAhPerfon*;AAA A ‘ AAAAA" A A AA " V V hPar1hz'a:mnt5 and mnrzadth be difpa ' A *obj;e&.A 2.; A Tim the Icing is z‘nEn l.and,,ha~ncI thérefizre to be dijp fled of In both‘ How- Igdaf by the AScomf{b Amy And thong‘: the Icing- dam of Scotland mypretendhtoA an mtereft azzdhpower in the difpo/izzg aftbe wag, yet they cmlmvaona exerci/'edof'thzAt power in England : And'albeit1:beAS‘z;attJb Amy, according A AA to tI:)e?T;'1£d!_~7‘P3£'t:x5l?£%£?I we I(_z'ng;Adomes be onely Afuibjciii to fuclawefalutionsg has arzhmumally A dgy-wedhAn;}ahdj&}iAha:b Kingdoms, arr tbeir‘ACammi§"t:gs"dppaimed»=i7z1tbat beb4lfi:.h§yet tbih . AA J A 3:0 beA»zmd;2r{iaad*zhn ur2:leriwzgAAAanrl regwtting of "the Saattijb ,Fo_n:e,¢: foriprofizzutiwgl flit 1‘ w£m,?dnndthehTrchty mend: nofzzrtbm d % V V , é ‘ A +{A;_, fry: Al:hough,‘H:is Majcffities riding one dayes joumicgdmight wholly fubvorc V A th‘e“grpundsAiofAthis Objeéfion 5. 1 Yet: we fl1a11“noti1ifi{lAupon this aofsve;r,hbAeta”_u['e A V A w;A;hchoncem%.Ldhgptouchcthhmt«the;me£’ca»te 0; thci‘; quefiion. h?Ith4h31thAbc§n-é already mew‘ A or of pay, or other worldly advarnmge whatfoevcr from :hc7Hou.. % % (8)4 az—,;maAw=ha:A—is mast,‘ an&:wba*t is thcfiate ofAkch:Aqtt»efii0 :1; w7hic~h%V being mmembmdsr A wag doe Vafl'e1:.r, than ‘Kin com_ing galunrarilyn :0 the Scatti;fl1- Army, they can... %not[i_r} duty c1;_l%iLv£;rJMm_«aga1nfi;h1S W111 "20 tb<_3 %H9I1f¢S%OfP@t1=lamcn: withou%t»cc‘m- ' f'_eg,f0'f§h§: Kingdonxe of Scotland : For thebemg 11:: England takes not away the re- .A Iarioxfi bhtw:eflfl aha King anti H55 5ub3€&é$Aaf th+c«1€;ingdam0f A*%$r#tleznd ,, not ought %it%$to,imp:dc tlmpcrformahce offihe muwa31;d_g:i:qs fogmdgd upon nhamrclgation: Far .a11:”g£;%fl;CE3{ha: no lim:i2ta:cs0n c>f~p1ac4ebe4ng gtaunded “Pm the Law of Na- mrgz 3,fxvp’£l‘as«.t;l3e% Law Municipal! 9 and «Co is rath6Vr'univetfa1«i chcrtl-ocall. The? difikrencc of pl.ace;t,akes nos away the rt:l2\~tior_1 and .mu;ua1ld—utics b<::w%cen parents Aand chiidreix ,% An‘d it is notthst ylace but the i-clarion whith gives, in_:erefl: tqchc d;ifij;ufing.o£ the Pg:rfons«o¥ she iimg. P1? His being in E2:giznd;ca«k€s ;notMaw;ay%1:hc rc1:axi%on*b%ctw cc n and H1; S3-3b§«C_’&5\ Of S£0f1»17Id,foAi; doth, :1-om infringcxhc mu- tua}1;ob1igaxions ‘andfoltmnc eng3g€m€n:sbccw;ecnc the fiingaamgs , for joynss J counfeils in pmfecmion of :h:c.War and fec»t1in;g of tbs 1’€a¢¢% i» The Ifiings caming % ' to the; Scorrifh Armyybting an cmctgcncy of Wouxinynn Aw ar,.an.d the right difpofaljl Q£‘H‘i$VPflffO_n5. [ha om~:1y~m:.-‘anc (for xhe prefencg of our joym: %fcguricy4%and peace. A %N¢:ixhct can the Kings beingin Eiiglmzd. ptcjudge any.righ:~orgpi.-iv,iladgs offiithct Kingdomm It is thf: fnmd:am%enta_\1 right: and priviledge oi? the Pa;r.l*iammt% of Sta-t-'—~ la7z£'1:,:nd the l'ibei*tyL ofazhac Kingdom (as we “acknowledge it to Abg the right and pfrivueage oftbéfiingdom”ofEr1gI‘u£'es ma 'T=r(my«f0I profefiugingthe‘ ends---‘ o£Va%%falcmn%Leaguc and Covenam,wfiermF%one:is~toApwfcrw zmdfiefend His Mi’-~; jgcftiesfierfoa. thm: can rcmaiu;e%nu%doubc;Acomzcming eaxezcifc of thaui ght; ;n¢:;»~% imm:d’c%%.in mhis Ifingdnme : Amtrh:crcfore+%i:VM%fecmemverycitxange , that when u; invi%tarim&1?t%1,:y%”ar%e;nam:;,i%uxw~Englandaseféirroehcv cnd$,.£'o togdgfénd Hi§»?—Ma;j¢» fies 1?£rfgn%w,....4xh§i1§'be%ingi[n%Eng§.¢7zd;~fl1oultfbcVn1adc*usfe— «Q57, .‘as1a»fl % atgumem.why;%nhcyx%, fhou Id deliver upéhe ‘Perkin of their-King robe d:ifp0f1€d:*~=.0'E. ,V%%.as»hmh-Houfes {ball rhin*1x¢I¢55$é T %Wh.e”m.as i;r~is.a%l:laedgae4s1, a+hn.t; the 'ITream%c;mndst n0fumh‘:er%thm :o~x%h*e?» % % mdc&rimg”..a,ndMrcg».ili:ing,o£iJm%S;a:miIh¢For¢%es%initclarion¢;o% £115“ Wm: %:¢ Althnughr *§35A~h¢7£€¢3i1YAa§lfW medf Qf:h¢..rfhi~ng, , £0ming%;0% £12: Saw-; A ~ (9% M tiflr Ahmy bheinfg in hcmhergenfcy ohEt7hehWar , andi {Q thehidelivcfinfg’ ‘ “A 5 hHVis’Pérfhh, jwcoinf-es unhdtr rhe1tcguIation‘:ind9cfirefiion ofbolth Kingclamsfiar1?the@ir*hCommitt*cc%;h » asan A-&-‘hf thf¢*Sco”tvifh«Army ;;Ys:c thathaflhduubthmay be rehttmvcxéh,’ ~hw»c¢*’Fu’?rih-6:‘ addeg hthhachjichi7§‘clesére‘vfiramfhe third“ Article of the W-'I‘,reaty, tlwzhche scocmfla"Armyv ishhtorrcceive the Dircfiiohsofhbonh Kingd arm or of their C0mmiW:Ves,in'a!K- xhhingjw: which may conceme the putfuance oftheends of the Covhcnaht a%n'd*T're1'a~ty,_ _Ay(;lifi-h~ th&rin‘t€1VatiOI1«tG Peacehorwhr; Inhthch eighth Arftihclheh qfthge¥WI'1:caty3‘ I!.0‘fhCe£¥h-‘a;r~i-h’ my I’~acific1a>tio1n,% or a§‘réemc'n»t fo‘rhPcacc w°ha=tfoc\f#:r;i$h to‘ behimde byehichcr Ki‘ni1g~e. chime, orhchehhrmy 0* hither Kingdome , wieholmi the-ad'_Wic:? mhdhconfcmh c>f[hm1h’ K»ivng“dbms.V Andvhinhthahhninth Art-'.-kle,% a=llhdifl?'::rcnCes arihfing;‘heht%w*cen the Subjgas H 1:“l*1e twoINax:ionshare to be refol\{cd« and dctcrmincd hyrh tbchimutuzafl vad?vicc and confcnc‘ of both Kingdoms» "‘ Obje_‘3:.3~;-7; That zms» ttijlv Amy dad .h carmzwajhvtbg-= hhziging; the Legggwmm New+ark,hwIaeizét1oe‘?h want 4 Camwittee of bath ‘flaujhr: tlaemhhhzavit/admhfi>eIgiug";thgima;x:u . f’em33.handhhtbai"hthey bzwefince difiafbd ofllyim-witboutconfinth 'aft7:a Haufé:;h~0f‘PWliam”ewjr5 1%vl:erem*bytbe‘h%Tr:atyhtb:y ought to dog‘ nothing without: 1; joint rrfalutiozzh of bath; .K'}fig;- domes) or their cammittees. A h h h ~ % h h V ~ A, _ A ‘ h h Anfw.‘ No room did the-King come into that: Scortifh Ar-my‘, bubthe veryhfama Ah daythe Commiueéc of Efiatcsfibr Scazlazadghhrcfidingh with that hArmy,.»didhax;quainc the"fiorimiifliohcrshofbOth~HdLtfl:;sAh the1'ewi1;h';:' not='faa;isfyig2g dmcmfelvcs with this; thehhday fo'Ildwing=l:hc~y bozh ’.or*e‘.then..King‘dom€sh as? Ind; been; MA raw a%§'ainf’c hthé <1>az+m~=. h mengfi-om'coming%iafotheir L)_uarne:sh5hqr~th~rhe (loam: 6r*irm&[c Kingshh§Perfc¥h,;h M h according ‘to!th¢*"dc’{irc oFhth‘c:h‘Hhotihfé*hoF3Peers; Ancl?*"wherEas“i;is‘a{H'rthed3 *"Th:tt"{ by the T7rcatyh~thc+S:corc3fl1* Army ‘oughb‘tQ*h*dbe" hno‘chingh&wifihk$mfa; joybth réfrilutibxi ‘ A 1 " o‘f'1io»:h;1€1ngdho111c§;or”thheir~CommZtt¢e§ ‘-5 ;thcr*c is M fizch‘ claufb Tin hthé Treaty; ‘h V bm*th"cy‘hare ta hbefi1hb*je!E‘th*co- fuch rcfdlmrions as arc dad bd?ag'l'逢3 upon, toncluatd Tmuhnmhllyh bétwcm the Kingahomés 7ojr their Cbmmiztms‘ has "*1: Ordié 5 : ¢ AnVar;cc%ofhPar1iam'enc,thé Armyhhuxidher» th¢.hhcorhmand—hhhof¥‘thé“A Ehrl«é;6»f E” my orsof‘ 'B% 3 V Givcnin by the C 0 MM 1 s s I 0» N EH3 “ V of the PARLIHAMEN/T0f %SCOTLAm@z ‘To Me Honourable H O S E S A 9f’ pig: x " :1 ;_ " ' -‘ M’ » Tarlzlszment afE In Anfwer to their V 01' ES ofthe % 24;. of September, 16 4. 6,. comcaawmew o The difpofing of His M Aj E s 3“ In s mu. .n...u' ‘ m mad Am mm ....... ‘ ‘v ‘!"l' EDINBURGH: Trintedéy Evan. Tyler , ‘Priwew Am King! m€fl5“‘e”eM/I416/5i6~15+ t 110! 1?55\rCPU,t5.d5 or called aldifpofing‘ ofhis Perfon. (I0) Sir;y%Tbqmae_FgErf2x, was to receive and obfetye the Direfiions of the Committee as both;iKi’ngdomes‘ fitting at Wejtmirzfierg But in cafe.£noA‘ne1weDiro&ions wetelyfenewl untoy them, they were left to former Orders n(iEvany were) or ylotherywilhwto their; owne Judgentent: and hdifcretion. There was never“ any luch refolution agreed upon between the Kingdomes or their Cotnmitteesr, as that the lscottiih Atmy v fhoulcl not repcive the King ,if he came unto them , but it is an agreement between the Kingdomes‘ (in the Coven:ln1:)*1:hat they fhould pteletvetand defend l-1is;Ma-- jefiiee Petfon , and (in the Dec1arations~of both Kingdomes) to refcue him frame the eommon Enemy : So that the Scotmfh Army havingofttnldefircd to know the direftion and advice of the Houfes of Parliament, concerning the King , andhno newl‘Dire&ions being fignificd unto them 3 According to the ~T_teaty they were» to obferve the Direétions and Refolutions formerly agreed upon between the Kings- domes, And as the “Sqottifh army do and‘v-(ill ever acknowledge that they claim no powet to difpofe of the Kings Petfon, but are fubjefi to , and {ball be ready to follow whatfoever. both Kingdoms {hall agree upon; as hell: for the Kingtand Kingdomes : fo;theirl:eepipg~and pteferwving His IVl3.jE‘fii¢S_P€rtr0n ( as they would y do to an)’ pchtfonhof his eminencie and relation in an Army or hGatrilfon Towne) without-the lenfi thought of hindering his voluntary‘ return to his Parliament, can-A ’Obj.e&-4.“ Ifany“ Peereaffing-land gize to the $cotrz]77,Amgy, twd defim their Pl'0l€-i- won, combs not b be difpajéd of without the 6,0?2fl‘?2t of fl9£‘Ct?i?2??2§t?fe nffiffattxtof the fliirzgdametaf$cot1and,lrejidingi=airb ltbatndrmy .9‘ e ‘ l , ~ y by no t l- I t :, a Anfm, There is 3 to wide and tmanifcflr difference betwixt the relation t the S~1co;;. ‘3fl1.:lArmyhath.tO any Subjehftof England ," and the relation they-ye hanvetn "their-~ King Rifleru:mCiC1ht1}’€diflilflgljiflflfid in the thirdafl ‘i f°““=h Articles of the- l Covenant: for by the one they :aI'8 n1utn:t1l‘y obligede to profetve anddjyefendl His» h affingland, contmgy ta ytlJ£if17£igI7§l7W.f{7ti€l€ afebe tmazy; Majefl:ie$Pexfon,'andleby the Lo-1'1e':r theygfarc.%Ob1;g€d:i¥0l€I1'dC3~V0Ul’ , that all Incendiaries and Dividers betwixt the King andthsis _people, or betwixt the K-ing—-to domes, beubrought to tryall and cohdigne punifhnnent before thC,TL1.;I>r€1nC Judica- mries UfWl.'h€h1K§ngMdOmC$ r$cl'pe&ively;:1A‘lnd the Kingdoms‘ of Scatlmzdhath equall. X53111: and inrerefi: with the Kingdoms of England in f1Eh€t_di'fpQ£1l~IOF the Perfon of ‘he ,K.iI1g,hywhtch they cannot pretend unto concerning; the ‘perfon of? nny" Shyubjeft V of Engla!2m’.l t yyobj:¢TTtét;t;.~ That“ fieihgit isiatlledgqdlhby us , hm: no 4.:;,m;;,g,, often» fling: two» tarmtjin pltzpéofa Peace, tbmtbl? récezving (if the Icing into jthe Scourzfla Army,'m’tIamn flfi-"'.F nftbe How/%!,=i§;y¢a#iya!eflr taitbe mating of an Pram, warm: coil?-W‘ of #12 Iimel, l ‘ ;;L422fw._ Ityhathheelnlllfnlffielentlylanfwered‘ before ,) thatSco.ttifhArmyne'i-A ‘». the? not will Afrake upon; them to difpofe of the King; Hoe came unto thetn l wttbout3Capin1latijon or Tx€atyj,“;‘bE\S refideneellwith them is tovlunraty and free,;. ahd;.»:hey dochothingfi which may hinder hint to come toms Honfies of I’a.r1iament._ By: ifthehliingtlomlg.-‘of Scotllazgleflmoulgi confcpt to the tlefife ~01’ the Houfest, that f theytnahyl havethe {olefd;l}of:1’11yAofthe B¢1:,fOn"oFd1e_King , it belngntlmt which comes .'-'n.1Ch€p1aCc;0f;l:h'€nR€.1CE nnd,ySnectzrihty.oF b_oth4K3:I1gd0m!:s-~, theyltwilllttettllye ‘ qnite the right and inte1'efi cheywhztve by the ‘eighth Article of the 'I'reaty_.,concetnr y ingfthe makin or at Peace 3 for which f'oev'et-‘of’ the.K‘:'ngdome§ is ‘acknowledged,- to hflfe the fa e difpofitll of the yK?ng , n1_ay-without the other “make Peacenwilth _: m Himswhm. hdmtmd inwhat terms F1197 eléafce. ow-t;5. 4 (II). ;o?bj%e&%;6.* Thét'E%ng1and%z2r ‘“fiee‘Nati‘”hd”H£mfq‘?mflW timéx it fggfigfieg 4 of-‘me 1’ariiame2it«0f England Wlfi>0fe ‘vftbeir mg: 5 And if one%1ciugdamé"pre:and:». ~ 4 jayngrzgbt _afdz'/pofingaf'zbc I{jng, wlazle foe :3 inthe other ,, at is In etitrcnic/;:¢,,1,g,,% 1],, 0;-marl liberty of that Kmgdome. {bat the I(,mgdomeofTScoc1and lmve no rm/bn to dzfiwgfii zkeaflanfes of Parlmmem‘, who when the Ivng {ball be m tlarzr power , will ?101.‘.d.zfi){)fe_pf him atberwi./72 £17672 I?IdJf607i/5/f Awitbwtlzezr duty, accardingta the covenant and Tmzy &e;;+ mam the I;£ingdmv:- .% ~. % AA % U % % A. ¢ » % - A;2fiar.% .Wc will noc.d1fpuft1cAwha§: po‘jvvcr thefloufcs ofParliament;formc1-1y_haa%..: to difppfc: ofthe Pcrfon of their %Kmg"; but :wh%atfocv;:r%%powc: orrighr.tI1cy have, ' the -like is due‘ to the Parliament of Scotland 3, And {'0 thejPc:rfon oftbe filing being common no both, and indivifibla, cannot be di Fofcd» of‘, bug; by ggpnfcm; ofboth‘ Kin domes.‘ Irwcrc ano_thcr qucf!:ionindecd,i in were as in former times, if we: haddiffcrent Ki1a%§;»ifth€I€= Wffi‘ 30% an Uflioil ofthc: Kingdoms Lixzdcr one; Head "and Momrch, -if 1: are were neither Covenant no_r Treaty between thc;Ki’ngdoms“‘-g Bu: fincc all thcfc are, and that the Peace: and Security of both King-domes“ is £22 muchconccmed in the difgofall of the King’; norzmy one ofrhem withdut thé» on ther, can ju {U y pretend to the folc judgement and right, to dcceliminc: what ié heft % and mofl expedient for che~Safcty% andsgcuriry ofborh. Nor can it in reafori be madcan Argument, thanthe,onc Kingdom difiru,I‘ts the orhcr,bc’caufe.che one will nox7renouncc%% and refignc Aa1l.A:ight apd intereit they have in 111: _Pe.r1¢'on of thttx King, and Anxmcr. ofn:hc:ir ownc-fccurxty and pmgcc, go the judgemcnqand detcrmi- % natioxzmfthc othgr. 3 othcrwifc, according to this Argument,» .whcgc";h¢;-3‘ is any i trufi,.thc1:f3 fhould be no.contra_& b, tween perfox; and pcrfonmor Treaty betwccnv Nadonw. gr, if chm=1bcaa«n)¢»Trcaty 0:: Agreement, thc perfOI.1'£1ancc” or not per-% formanceo; ft; is to left to atbirzzemcznn Blgt W6 .c:anno:[fcc;ha%r this doth argue: 5 any difiidenzt orgdifiruflzmoxtc than whgn. private pcrfons lending ‘many to the’ ; A Publikqdc we 1?ccurity_.,and,wilI,nor depend upon p1cafurc..And thercfm-e,:;hgugh it is not to be quefiioned, but the Houfes of Parliament w%ou%Id%dif'pofc of the :1’V¢r«-" I\ ‘ fon oftl1c%King {'0 as might C9I‘lfifi“‘With chair duty 3. in A%pcrForzning%:hc C}oV¢nan: and~Truaty % ;;:ycc Lhisvcan. bx; no Argument \_/vhy%«;1:;cSco:ri{}1 M A;my%fl;ou1d‘.ncgl¢El:V theeir duuy%,“wt:»: the Kingdom: -pf Sca;la;zd%qu1¢tc the; “irxrcrzcfi and %VArig1i_n: she-yyha in... ‘%ch:;I?cr[on%oF % ~ » . % « 3 V AOAb'e:&;:7;. ; «’.I‘IaaczIae~% Kzng 7:4 an the pafléflizm 9flhe;Sc;Jtti[77 Army,hnzIjfl1augl4%a=;'oymt ad.» 1 mice and czmfezzt ufbotb;I(,mgdom2s%be urged fizz‘ I922: di/pofilégjeg, ifzbe ¢Haz«/5;”: pf P4%r:lzE:ze~¢ ; mm: agree not zawlaa; Scotland Mall Ldefim, we jliing doth flzfl remirze in we jpawmzf ,A zIae~S-co?téf7d Army, and fiw:zbe%Pmflli4mmt oflé ngland barb naco22fi:nt., % A A % , M M A7’fW9 lffchis Argument: were turned ova; xlg ft_rcngth?%%o1'%wc;g,Icx1{:fi}.j: pf,it= mg-;:y_ ; %» ea filynppeare : $uppnfa%ytl:c,I€ing¢wcrg: ,1_'I¢17;,£‘« anéVeflminffe1,%in maywbc qpqn ;; ~ Athe famc“‘groundsAurged;tha;: the Iiingdomc 0FSw?.1d?Id 9VVF[0l!1d havc A119 c0nwf!eVnn:in%11isA i difpofal-15 And [0 much the more that the sufcsf.‘ ¢Iaim,1:h;: {gig incemfi gag jud’g%¢5. ‘ V ment1:o‘difpqfc;uponathe:KingsP<:rfon,%which.w¢ d;:fi:c1u:gsy¢be done joymly , 2.s~ Ar * " may be _be1’c;;for%:he~%%Security% and Safety ofboch K:ingdqmes.%A%;1d' wzzfag nq xeafon, why itvmay notjVri1ow be dctcnmincd when%:1,1<= is imhcSccm:i%f1xAArmy:A.(5#Iho.:1t5= % A zrufiéd,. by:=bo;:h,:mdifizbjcyftlto-the:;rc[oh;tion o£%bp;h,Kii1gjdQm.ei:)4a$s%w¢11 ‘hgrga-A M%’hixn,Lor.-§1'clivcrhim%to;nh¢%HoufE:s~t:o bc?difp€)fcdb£7asg11§:y fhaV11thinkfit:;. ' A after, 13 nae he came thither pf his own. accordband his Vrcfidcnpc thcizrc is voluntary. p And ifHist‘Majed-’cy%fl1a11$ thin}: fit, 3:9 repgixc hither to 1115 Houfespf Par1§§1m¢nt,A~ 3 they fH:x—11“do‘1 no "aft which rrfay %€ithcnhinJex ordi fl"wad'b himgbufcannot Lorxfirgin _ I: (12). A xn1¥'n©w~.&~bwndfim1y«La*pp¢_&£ from the gr0&1fi1though% itbc Imft eligible‘ and hail of 3113.; than Hisvmajcfty fl1ould%%w§rhm1::furthcndclayfi, forthwithgive Iitisfafiicm in-aha‘: 7 “V Pxropofirions o£Pcace.%:(7w'rhich hath been with i=n£hncic4p1:cfl‘ed, notonly by us, but by; all the Judicatoriesgofzhe Kingddmc of S.’catla)td)and. fo 1 return: fixlly rm : conci1ed.to%His.‘Hcuf.és ofPa71*l%iament‘: Yctvfinceufto our unfpeakagblc griefc) hathgnnr, %bc¢nas yer. obtained ;»We>do propofc that His Majcfiifi coming to Laue : dagger to» fair:-2 of? his lmufes near Iaudén, with fafizty, fi:ccdc5me,_aLnd -hanour.(.which“; is defired b}y.Himfclf'e , that he may be heard; Andgthac upon~th‘ewcIe1ring"of his ; d:0£1b1:s , 112* may knowingly give .1» fatisfafiory anfwcr cor%the*Propoficio%ns) is much bczrmr than the other waicsswhich may be cxpcéccd in cafe tbisiIH;is Majcfiics%d:g~ fire’ be not agreed unto. % As for His“ Majelfiesfgoing to Irelzmd, or other-%wl_1crc:‘bse-v yand Seam could acibrzzthc way to A prefem: Pcajccnovwv fomnch défircdg :bm:h& % wmz1«:1«ceIrtain1?y prcgnoflicarc new tgtollbfcs. Laftly, H2s~:%Majihflies hijth¢1’,.5' J ormse‘c1: this: plaLc'e,n.is~a more ptfobablae and’ hop'efu1l:way%ta prefcxvc the ‘%Unionwaf‘ the Isfiingdmnes, .be2:auf4ex11e%%Enemy being fiillfin :A‘"r?mcserin_. S'::atlam1,%and% ax pc&ing=* 1' applies: fi:“om%‘"Ire!md%,’and'the’Kiiagdbmc: difabled by‘ their great fuffcrings Atoxcn-%.-‘ re-rta:.imm Arxisy -F011: Afuppreffing the Malignafi: pin.-y , Itiwcx-e%much more cafie to raifi: new Forces there to the di{%urbaq¢:c%%Qf' th:*pe_agc% Aofthiszlfiingdome,‘ then» it cou!d=:h%cr.e5 white (by uh»: b1e£Iirsg*b?%%God)%a11%%therForccs:rancI Garrifonsofyxhc E1w1<:,my% aye fubdued , and where it will nqt be {'0 difficult tofihindrarfiD%c1inqucn£s.a “- from 2w;¢c“iTe’$to~ His Majeflvy; =Thé'd:mgcrs and inconvenie1ncics%ofany of thcfe 09- % %rhe1:«w~ais:g%,douFo much prcponderatég and the prcfenc condition or affisircs dgyfh {'6 much d3fFcr>fmm:that Lime‘, whc,-1-1 both Honfés without concurrence did difagree E % from HisMajcRij;.-s d-é fire of coming to ,Lmada2z~~ (at which time he had both % G;-rri+% . {oxmmd field %".F-mfces xrnrccfuctd) th§t4i't“,ma;y;bc co nceivcdno:r only fife but (as % “ thi'ngs§fia‘n~d) mofi convcgaicnrj to 3 'g1jc'c" to»” EH59 Majpfiics ccpnjxing to Landémgor near v’ it; u«pazifu:ch conditions an35":t~lT‘§1i1;ancejs ~fi~gm. him , as fh‘all bc by ; j0yn::'rcfolutio;1 ? ' foun&'neCefiZ1ry for preve§rsri"ng~$*t11e~ :tcce_flI:» of'D:lmAqucn;:s "to His Ma jcfl y:; or» any incefiince Commefion, or ‘£70; :63 Igvafiop, to‘:hc??di£h.1rba:_1ce%%ofthc‘peace ofci‘ther~* % ~ Kirxgéemc‘ Wc*t1'trfi-it mighr%,accclcpa;:c‘ a, happy Vpcaccgbring %:hc~prcfcnt :difl*'¢1fcn—- :. ccs”t'o'»Aan ta-nd, and be‘.no%g?*riéfc‘ offiearc aficrwardsgifupon fuch termés-:and2%condi~% “ tiox*i-éflndzhi Hr\hFes%%fl1ou1df%be-—pI¢a’fed to 1‘{£'V'iVfc“’i{~11¢"}’*Ifnfiwfflch-£21 invitauiion‘ a-nd% , V 7% amn-axacg 1r}«i:*:ir%_par»t, gm was ¢o1i‘ea£ings%d7~in*theiranfwcr up ~Hris%f%¢M,aj%c&ies w%Me’f-~ 1 fag;-.~fiofthc% 1* I .01’ Septcnxber, 1642.; Whfiftfg ";:if;cr’m'{:nti¢n mad‘: of cheizwchicf grich ~ ‘ van'c¢,‘ic Wis édfléd‘ :.4lltbz3;*?z:ata:;,zit*I2fl2in2i1}1g,ms?'wé=a;ewf gave=y.m;'<< Majefljwany =7’ cm??? af nritbdmwingyawr iséifi f2am%yau~rgmt C0wmefl,ifaV~%ir~1batb ever been 014* 11¢!’ W by fi¢»‘Imi To give *2‘W*Eiii7)i’e}:tvf6ybi3?~%'i!£ll9?2Ie; at to ‘awe?! A ’ nfidzwing we déflempmfx afzhe VI€iwzc{d?3é,4ai24 c%lofi?”z..gA f?2eA*i1gtn*gWg+rb%r*eaa»a: yam- ~Maj;efiy andyaur Pa%l:df)tef:r,~¢£¢brd§ng_'ta‘~z-if? gafeég Aargvzfl iv19?r_:f:{ _i?zb;.iV fqyog; V gggg §fypg,r ~ Mafefiyjbailfl0Wb€1W»’¢1.ff3¢i I0 camtwma W‘ PW4m??t-i§*WbMt yW:Fafvés;52féj?r4d ~éemdy wfi"W5’"'?"" RPJ””.P“*f"”! ‘?5’?"£~f”I*‘"’5‘J'i4 ‘W4? %Wf”fi2?’s‘s A R arm Majefiieis prefmcwz $1514‘: gm: ~c*amw*el!1; @e¢wg'”t,b2%» bgnly wgaéiss wf4~uz&3§«éms~;;iy my Majrflygwd rbemuyizh bapg gffimjza, A Dijw:2s‘£uéH_ ipjafi’age@ yfiérai are c1éxrm:ions‘ofth Héu:I¥2s,.wh1¢chA%v9't:A~{h"al1nbfinéédfto fhéntibi&;'-Ag * ‘ * -A V Bmif the Héuifes cafipamliaméht ih 11 nth: m HisV M&’i~ofi‘é$ ‘iaréfiiré é:Fc:$x1>;-4- ‘U M _hI”thE1‘.t' W4ith5fafet;7'*,fx‘é¢é®_fi:1é;afi1d-hfinfiilif13' °6fl~?¢ié;7tib»V bgcbfi-£fléi~e& am; izeygc .Pm¢,wncch%er’i:w%ba not ei:§bd1ei1t",~t!’1itE *>B¢*: f§5x*’1ftk3;“His %-?Ma3&fly%inm-mmetof*wi'thf}SéwérV tq l?ié:i1fé:"%’ii—'r'ér’ }&1£éfirfé"§ 5* ~% abs! ti} 1 1? A 7fhaWh?ff¢¢Y¢r c . fibnersfio£S:atland,concerningth: difpofall o>Ft}1fe,. %;I?e;:fqn%6f rm: Afhasll: ndt T dea1nouirtht::fati“s.Fa7&idz§ qfvéifid r&rupre%;% wii£i3,ifi%tiniacioh %%~;it71’I~‘c%“,*%i’I7l«~1¢’:“‘t‘*é’if' His Majefiic magi Lracismaicjm ‘in thé Prwafitidnsg bow ;x<:;1gd%m wm wim. out any moré finch La‘pp1i‘ca:§ons, confulcamd j%dyntly~% '1'€j!"‘{:<)r”.~'VV:’§:’..' M ;:p9*n«z;ri1"ex:?Vy#fv;:iié;$%’éE ‘ ‘the-i-‘r fafcty a’nci~“'fi*:tutit-Y‘. Othjgttf fiiiftg, Athat‘ ’:£j"_<‘:*‘fii‘¢_ ar~1?a£t -g’r£tei~éu’fl‘f* p1ea1I:d;to~-fatisfigthxe 'dtHté3;’bf*1,B§thfIfifig'%m§§; axmfecurity éuFIiis1S%ubjj¢€€§.*w% H M 1 %_ A _ A y A j; 'Whi5h‘*‘¢ "*°I PTv°P°ufiFi‘V5fi if b‘f°‘“¢*71Y~Afrééflfiffifisé Béifiéfi 1é*§ii'ei1?§tl5wi:i1§" weddwor addiflefl't0%in‘yV€?~=P%éns:or~’dchm wImh»%nhe:;Qommii4.L A ~.2 be t:n:Ii¢f;£i‘oAoc1;'%._to capieuglmiongiinirclafiibn m we ’{1:;em*”;digig%.;q szbc% :‘i:af1ax~c‘I-xcsfk‘ the S c0I;rifh,% Army out ofthis» Ki=Il7gd,bme—,»~ 01;’ 6i"¢ny‘*Tr7¢ai?y i’;héitw1c§fl“;hcV" A %% ¢nncerningd1é*£arp9a2 And being cfirebleto;giw:‘4axi-anflvfirzhgmcunmgibdfdm %.wem*h& M ] fixed‘ T’uponA~the ;;qm,¢1fc:et1ce,;;, fa:gv(d' de*hgiiv(afidi*rfmd_cWé2l1me; zfmj v %confe;r.!:n¢e, .:coi1ii1l,miAon§«&ir4 debate; iwitfl\A“‘{,thn 1mir61rr*nbhlmH6ufc%~%;;.u¢:n1i:éfin“mg¢h& 'di1'po{alJ. :bf=xhcr‘%1?egr fonojfi théwlfiixjgg Jhal?1*not% reurdA%'nbr fie x:%ny;%flindeA1'nM_c“4 izdrzthé mmhV9frhcf*$cotti£h om:~o£:;xis% I{%in15'g»c1ki1me“, mt "I%*%4§3§'3C*V75‘W1‘iii‘h%g;.:,% thc,i'amc?;..? And» that: i:»;«may%$:be xfianifu&?;hww«*feafit$4U-Wéfaré aFt1aMxfiné€é§fl7dIir3*iHfii@ A Ih3nSv=%C0minfl¢¢i%« in ng§ic1'tue’;i7 by: lmep;ng%A*ti11i@§:»mr: In “fifiéf r};i_éV:Wfiz"i§’ ‘,fl:iE*« And,;ha~citirna?%.fu1ly%hndtlecx-l3*app¢areW, héw really in is clcfircgaby » % ‘ .c~om~ wa I i7-(#544) A I7‘ Sco:tifl1%%ArtI3Ya’d1ac wiulgounygiclaythcy may mM:ch~out ofchis King?doinc,'w§iiI1 t=Ia<2 . Vfatne a}&'e&icin and chccrfulncfli-. that they came iI!"f0r-|!hca1Iifl:ai'1ce‘oFthcir'B1fc~ % thrcn : And the and all jealoufics, miffakesjqr finif-unde-rffandings of % our in-. mentions may;Ab_e:rcznov;:d,%we_doc fumhcr dfifilfirfi, That we are wil£ing\z;nd.ieady to meet: with fuch as the h\onour3=:;b15H°i1f€§ %fl1a1Vl%ap%p,oint ,% 5: and ‘within 2. 4.hou'res- %to:1"gre‘c concerning the rim: and %P1.1C¢‘ <55 t:h¢ P3-Ym"-‘Ant ‘ff ‘he 51393 1900350-.p0lmds , and the iécuxity to- bcgimi f01?:€11¢ Othfif 3 ‘-And. “_’ ?‘PP°1m fiday wherein out For- oes fliall r1i:"rch%out pf thc, Tfpwnfipd ;C3fi1;‘-E‘: Of NCW-Cafilcg out of Tinmouzh Ca“-= flIc,m%F€i?1%fl%g 0fZA;Qur% A1:mXou: of this King-— Vddmc :%Wh i¢h:. i1":'5'~’8“1'€W?.¢i W1?!“ d°U11AF%&%;?PR1'93€11s and lffirjothcr impomnc i'eafons,we‘carx;&c£iIy dgfixei m1y'bc WVit"h811 P0551316 €:XP€d’iti0n‘5 fiendgfér this end, that the money may bq fpecdily f¢j_i]1t I§flt0 thfiifls £037 ‘HE .f°%0I1_€I' they {hall receive it, the more acceptable in wil1;bc,%and%g1Ve thfi %g‘~'¢fit€1? {at15f3w<310n,%and xthc impovegxi-_,.. % I11edAandvexhaufi4edAC?0untreyWilma ‘he f‘?9!?§" ¢3feAd;- , . And finsie :he.%s=aufe.tafAct¢§¢»I}t.V0¥fi?P9f!§fl’€ any {W1 in4fuArreA&$:m1s Bu; jvhszy béwt rfifviwd Cm % prcfcrre the pwublikcu good, andgi happy corrsffpondfnce bfxwcen the Kingdoms, to their owner fafety :~In pufuzmccywherwf , they have Zrwmten Letters to the Com« % miggeg of ’YpH{€fl7i1'€ and other Cojuntfiies , carncfily dcfiripg ..:bc;'x conggmeme to mvenr fuclxizmeonveniences, asmay cneiangerxhe ‘Pcagéafiid union betwixt the: , Km domes; And have given direfiion to the genera1lO.fl'ic«':rsw9f the Aymy 3 3;, cggfcrtc with the Gentle men of the Cmzmtrey, and to ufe then: mmofl endeavamg, :+,o;r;movc»al1J¥¢&10=ui£i¢S311‘W1~i3¥3«lF¢$ifind pmtisularzly :1 42,0 " mxwaint shrim m;ga1,g dcfiraus :_th.€¥f ate, and hate been fer @fb9V¢§-Mt? Jiwm moneths Mmd nW¢¢,ouc~o£ t&1is,1§11.I1gd9m€a%?«flV€1%F€W'n~€ 9.0 that 11m,$’A¢ %A~Qm_1n;zcy.- :‘.-IP92!‘ %»w;hieh; gQqfi d€;'atiOfl5,j.§1S-\OI1l'I€;fleW‘d 3@:f13¢3 F*‘v"l¥1¢3 43° ‘.11? §1°‘:1:‘3'~!1¥'H;‘?‘2!»11,",¢$,V, that Elle; ficift aooaov-ml-may 11¢ I15¢edA'1yA%rai£¢d and Aféntvta r—h¢ A;tmY»“Aam=1 th;eAi€_¢4¢s1r=’-Ltx for a£i?:eAdAA.nP°n.~rh ut theyflmay-férxrhwéitfll mm-sh out of «this Kixégdamq 3 <94: 4;»:-; A :heA:wifc,»%tha:iimhe meAan¢J~time» fame C0315? m3»~K4‘b°:£%k¢fi for £upe.Mng M my; gnd%¢;a.fix;g%pf tbs: Countr¢y_ung1ll;thcmqucz €%%ta.1fe%d, vgherfibif .1§h;¢ g,s4;t:g%imt;.4:;1$%_m...;. as was: toarxf.ca~=9 the dxfiunbantc of the» 1%-4ac:= b&sw%mtw~tb¢:kangs1.9ms;maw A §_apr,evencéd.' .% .I~‘or 75 the %4$x;oJtti7f11 Vtfirmyfhall be 4forn5¢d%"k.tLo+v:en1m¢ uth”e;i}r L:q‘x*‘aw‘t¢j;'$‘i Smthwards and.» t13eAmeanVtim¢V$»ir1§bam Fflitfaw? érmsv. as Awe are i.n£q:medA}» dopg:large:~n£1,fo fig: .;h¢.;§u;;mg %f):z;1ll.c%antin%ue in Purfuax,1cc%pf ?:heMp:gd%5.gf.qqur £o1~‘:m:r3_e Maggie €l{n§1.W‘Cq§r._g1}}g,q;;3. 3-as ainftallpppofition .wbc;h€1‘ fyoraincm ?;imcftinc ,4: and 1:0 fg;gr;1gc,pl;g §’£.ar:e of both kin d_ome.s.: “Being mytconfidanra that film’ %honoux;ahl,u¢L ;Hnpfe;s_i.g tthcinwifdowmc wlill erjoufly aWpply%chnmf;;1ye%s up %thp?efi7e$&%uall %mc%qms%, {or ti W thcVdaqg;~rs andmfirills rcprefented safer Infizniqg %r{1c,4xgxu:ac kzgf Mon; Army 3 an gratisfying all our ¥iuftdcfircAsA, Vforfl‘-cling%tb=.1?s=accA of &rh¢fcA »KiQ%dQ§.9,fi!: ’ ‘Whigh, wick%%cQn,fla~nt;gea1c»aAnd f¢ttc%nrbafi?=fii9n,, fl1}xllAcv%cr bu §a;;bm_11y%4% V AA vouredby . . V z¢a»rce1ter-wmrerize 4 Y0ur11:°£dfl*3P§%§19fih¥im?bié$mmt«é. £4-V%%Q%%9b-»16&5-»%% ' _ - ’ _ : A A V ' A A A % r L9WdQW‘- J¢d£rd:u,.I1..,;-A . ¢ gpytaerahefzmurgpm 4 V “ jaanfim.A*cmc:%gg#'m. A;be%.%3peaker A A % 4 ‘ : Iiu,gb,l(,en22qdy.Mv M : A A @f%:1?;£er:,%ptQ_t:_1iuz9x;c. ¢ q VV Ra. %.1¢Ba"(c44yA. , » ~ aw ;c 1 (16) A dllllwlléldwlldldwmozalalmzollaellc-lpezéaaexaleczmhlolae . V A l A T ' :9. O&o011;; mu; cpmamn Beam: and Security in mlariomlzo the King , and of V each Kmgdcuitne t0O}thCf:_d1Wf it 5% drmc in zealm rm Reiigion , in [loyalty to the A King, an¢l,with.:unani1nitjr zzmbfigfl out fclvbs. And, as the Pythagorcans did none: V HNu.,,getg;;m'.; the: number'Of\Two with the mark of%iI?f&mY,as being the 5:1} number that dfirfl - zzuitacau p n ‘Iv. nan.-ms znEa¢mia;_9arr'from unity 5 f0, which focvsr 05- the Kingdonxesfluzll firft violate the Unit 0 613» W“ W” Awhich. £5 ::bm1?.md6upini=omtCovcflant5~ma)'appiIyitroflaemfciives%:%%But%ifwe {ha E ;% + mus mums c dmmdm ab. aah¢mu:aA,m; unity whi¢h«%§s%»%bui1dcd%'upon the firm foundation of Verisy, in our 7 A ,1-¢;1¢;;gm?:o1{1c1igion,nhc-Kimg.andAamongfl:our felves,itwi11be a ‘thr.ea~fa1dx:ord % % 1mthi‘KingM“<1£>m1*es naa~y:,§e;~pcr&f'cV&-1y~am:. % « % ‘A ~ % Having thus$%i$n thug hrVftjip1acc%jiaid agmunci for unity afCounfe1s and Kcfalun ‘ rims, ;If%£ha11«in the nc\:>;cMp1ac.~c‘+huMydcfire and pxisbtt?-‘H5 ,% That whatever may be: *gmg;’12go%Pofi¢>ions m:Dcb::¢te+§ co1)c£:rnin.g‘thel(‘ing, itbc not mif-conihmcd ,” Aasif Am n-£ :he K.:~im%gdmms% Aware am j cmmiitiqns upon the other, or Ifh=lI:V%w¢ .«.~;14».:%.-:5... % folumy w4¢;t;;1;1p&%%tcs%;ax;,3fyr%@,§:¢;%% “gfiaifcz Amorethen to another‘; but .that (a‘11»fcveraa1* ‘ waiesfbiaing amicaLb;1y:debatedV‘nnd~w£ght1y pondercd,) That which may ferve moflz? whiksh zs:m: cafi1%1ve:d«up<::n.i»And9‘noWI‘comc t«0;theQt._1c'M0n-53¢ fglfc, concernmg she‘ ‘ ifpam£fing%4oEj$?H‘~is Majc;f%ies%%1°crfox1~%3 fix-It «Negativ¢1y,%anc‘l.-when Pofirivcly. ‘Nags; ti.m1%y’t1g¢%Q_;;g&;on:V%i~sno-3; oftlwg: p‘c:xv}'cr%a%nd auzhmity ‘0f7th€,H.OLlf€S_0‘f ‘Pa1rlim;i&n::" in pafirxg»«mf »pe3ffo}n, o~rh‘%}u~dg1ng mt’ :my~c af'c which is ~oFfing1e conccrnméms‘ 1 I aow%EnHg£and;:"Nor Viavthe Q_L_;e&ion!huw» aim K~ingPcrIbn:ti:::ty lbc po;fi*.dw%q€d'efEtzffa' A ~ VA by. mywazme of the ‘gdmmazs alncithvtr is the A gig efi?ze,5w~%$b;»¢w;V :% fAz1d,»as it Lit: ncimé*%xer.good Logick nor good Di_vin3ty to argue‘ : ;2,.ya17é%.adrneflZ"; fa fuml a;m,vinthis;¢%;1Fe it I's»fa~r worfc policie for either Kingdom: * ¢ % w d~i‘fp.!1tEWhat%%.f1"1¢y%\%mfi:y»-»¥d03~n*th£§%héV§ght oftheir power, wlacnboth are confi,1Icinig’: ucfkion Apropcriy de zm‘a;c’9‘ pafligbuzi AA ‘ % w%}mk1~is~fi::ef£7co Abaicflxnaér” for‘:th¢'E}c,,;v;1c£:‘ and Security of ‘bot11:. }And~thc relation of V % % bmhAIii.zagciomgcs:.auaiaigglwdggjcfiyganéiiat?’ each Kizqgdomc to other being righc'1yvcon..~ ’ fidercd, as«he1%‘is..“Kirngco% b%t:rtTil1g,%a"s#:~lacit?Ir2 ‘am Subjefis-toéjhim, as“ both a%rc4 ‘ingagcd% in the fame (1;aufc,and%1wwéiwbc'£:n%i1ifrhc‘Fa:neA War, and varelabmiring under the/fame] % % D2n»gcr;}%m;‘;£?%3E¢mi&&mg4%thefame !R¢1mk:}dies,%and%1h0uIi:I~*havethe “Fania: ‘S ecurity 45 We * V dn%%%%ho,1d.5rt%hm:aha»xiiffi‘;1g4jqfl;h;%;:V {Kings ‘%Pcrfon .%d<:-9:11 not }:roper*ly*bc‘1ong to any A 7 Anmazzksfynh%:;:1&ing3%bmefi§~huti$A~«1jaWxt$y~%~&&“?bo£h;%A And afiicr .Scozlmzd ’»$bath “fufI"er'cfd?? 7 %&%hm‘t bf*nheVda.y Lémii forfizkcn their ownc pe:icc4f'or1cV5'v”e$%"of%%t=heir V h:ma%%f¢c%Vthei;-%%c§wn%h%auf"§3;:n%%firéR%to quench rhe3~r%s:1§£:cr~fo%muchVe'xpcnfc A af7thc§r‘%%bloud%1in¢*all thc%thrce£¢Kin§gdpmes,~ after we %h'-ave game: along wiyh you in % ‘ -‘ M M, 7,fl\“1lth€ hnrdihip 9!? §Vth?a'75Wéi.r, W*a_gfi~(fjss:i%tia§<§u§: AvanigyVbeic fpoken) havebecn fo ufca M 1 F j M1%%§t1%:t!wisi?—($a;uf¢:¢. %Aand%3:hat~%:t1rcéI§ir1ghut§1W4ca&4himfe1fif£n:o the hands Ao£:1:e~sco;~A % %‘ ‘ E _ t¥ii}x;a»'z‘&rri:y:‘%,‘bfGo¢l~upon~th<=: joygmc e_nd~cavours‘}onFJjboth" A A ‘ T “ IKin%gd<:wns w: wedfzqnae» t?0'=‘f£hc hhzysfijtmf dgpeace :,%Wc mane: ex‘pea3 zhearrhc ho» jj‘ iwumfblt Houfasfffiévil%think?31:32grc%eaBlév%with«éoh4fciencc or”-~hwon%c:ur5 m~€wirh;nhe Ajuw % T ‘flimflfthe AI-ir:mu%f:e$stI§:1c d1ePcri' c§n%qf1:he King flliqulql be rdif pcsfcd of by them a9 W my mall whim: Emu: %By%?%u%-any1tbab?%fig7§:?i7hfBiipgddms alone‘; but that what ever {hall A %¢ 9 % M}£b¢j%j;‘§f0lvEdixi»xi;is%%m:gy%b¢*flnne%‘ .;an{»v’ic:¢ of ‘~~1*so4"e»”}3,¢,,as may ferveAmo‘fi For ~ A ‘A . % ;pwEace,{ecurixy,and”+‘happincfié ofbozhfiingdqms. Tm g . <2s: ooooooooooooohoooooooooolooooooooooooooo _The Lord Cbdmellour of Scotland his ficand ‘Speech :‘“At :2 canférozce iizetbe Painted A K Chamber, with a Committee of ball: Honfes, O6’cob.6.. 1646. narch of both Kingdoms % but by Joynt advice of both, as might fervo mofl: for the peace, happincifc, and IE:-' curdity Ofhis Maj efly and both Kingdoms, which we fortified with Favcrall argu-- mcms from the inter-oils and relations which both Kingdoms have equally to rho l King, and from the Covenant and Treaty between the Kingdom, as tho heft way K to prcfcrvo our un_ity.w Burfinco your Lordfhips doc adhere to the Vote of tho Houfcs,asrhat which you cannot part from five dohumbly rdofirogrhat your Larch- ihips may be plcafcd (in time conveniennat the clofe of this Conference) to report“ the diffcrcnco ofour judgment to tho honourable I-Ioufi:s,who u on better reafonsl horhmay, and (we hope) will take their Vote into fhrthcr con xdcrarion : And for or with rcfcrvation of our judgcmrnc, that the difpofing of his Mnjcflics Porfonedorh belong to both ;and not to any one: of the Klngdoms,cfpaciallyin fuch a junfiurc Ofarffalros, as both Kingdoms {land ongagod in this caufc 31 {hall dcfccnd partiu cularly how the Kings Pcrfon fhould be difpoftd“ of to the hcfl advantage ofborh K Kingdomcs,“ and for attaining finch a happy peacc as all good men lhould clofirc. Bur left we lhould walk in the dark upon obfcuriry of ambiguous words , I [hall dofirc that the word of difpofing of the Kings Perfon may be rightly undcrllood, and the Ftrure fonfc ofirmay boclccrly known : For , Dolm oer/Emir in univerflzlibm. ' For, To difpafé ofzbe Kings Pcrflm, zwlbatb Haujés, or both 1(_z'ngdames‘.rj72az¥ think fit, mayin fame -fenfo hero dopofe; or worfc 2 But: bccaufi: the word [Difpafe] may and-A \ min: a more benign: interpretation, as when tncn commit their cllatcs and childron, ~ or that which is dcztroft to them to bc dif ofod of, (Which 38 dbutto ho advifed) ‘ by thcfz: who have ncarofl: relation to r em , and in whom they rcpofcmoll: rru&:*I*fl1all‘f'pcnlr oftho difpofing ofhis Majollios Royall perfon inrhwarfonfcy (which I hope) iaaslfo thcsfcnfo of tho '1-loufos. K ‘Nor don llknowranyr orhcrway howohis Majolllcs Pcrlhn canrhe difpofcd of , hut: than he be put either under row K flraint, or he at frcedomc with honour and fat-"cry. As for the way oflrellrainr ,_ I look upon ll: as it looks upon us, as a remedy more déngcrons than rrhc ldx{'cal°c:,ancll as a mean to draw the war offorain Kings upon us (ofpecially the Prince hcinglin orlxerlliingdoms) ~rathor chemo quior our .rr011blcs or home. And therefore l'uppo- ling that none ofrhe Kingdomes will take any way concerning his Mnjollics Per- K f’on.,% burfuch as may confifi with duty and honour, and which may lefién,‘ and nor nncrealé our troublcs,I {hall layhfide the way ofrcllraint, andvfpcal: of the way A which may he wlrhlfroedome, honour and fafery,-which can be no, other, but that his Ma jolly lhall go into Scotland, or come to his Parliament hero, or fomo of his \ rhoufcs near-abouts. « His going into Scotland is Full of dangers and inconveniences to both I{ing«l-‘ A domes: The Amalelaite: are notyet driv_en%out of thit Land-TIIC 13101151)’ b=17b";‘°“" or Irifll, banded with owickcd crew of Mallgnants", pofl'efl'c the Mountams nod hvgh-2 % Ar lands, which are chi: thong holds, and never conrgorcdparts of K that;-K1fl£dTh€y QWE- V ‘T our loll mooring in this Conference; your-Lordlhipsdid allcrt the Votcof ' K * En: lrloufes, Tharrrho Perfon ofche King lhould ho difpofcd on _as the two’ . Ho-uics (hall -think Et 5 And wcvdid hold, that the King, who is the Head and lM.0r"4 ,ought not to be difpofcd of by any one of the Ki-ngdomofl: K K (W: % ‘max flmr¢ laid Armwus kwin body. :9 1%la72% ,'%%.is%”:fi1=:%‘F‘1'"<:<és bf” thd.Re‘bé1sfthere$‘ may inrwo or three Ahourés {paces come ovVe;;;«;ug‘;lm%*joy11¢, wiph z. and (Smtl4?zd)~4 1101; bcigg ;1b1_¢ to: keep and tntgrtainc gfirheraand thw Aamfu n:¢:=re » V Armies longythgt §I_‘§3gn:Ag%%t;r::itzgit1_1r:A4r:§:, may ra§f‘eA.fucl}%1?orccsjn Scpz!42zd,as may make V way quickly mto firzglmzd. And“ therefore hxs Mzuefiics gomg into Scammd (before; {ciuré pe,_a5:t;A.be fcs:;IV¢d;)'”bc2z1g oEmo£tg1at;gerous c:or_1fequenc¢%:<:>%bo;h Kingdomés .9 VI Q1311 ,17.1?»!f1)h1)£ Offer ID you; LQ,1fdfl1lpS cpnfidcmtxon his Majeflicsi coming%$\to\Lo;ze d0,gg5<:y):-_fOiI1‘>‘°1 ofMhis( haufcs hc:re:<%a3.t2czL;:s,as4 the mpfig _pr__obable way to”px:;o;:u%rc: _a {peer giy anc1~11;t ppy, a g1'ecn1c1}t: , wluclz is aifcz his MaA).¢fi—1cs%o4wn.c1:'1ixcHin%h3s aniwcx no. i E: R:_op_oj}£icionsv.% %An=_d’a 1%th0ughxiQ. p:rfw:a,fi,,On.9Eours could pL‘é&fai1C to; proc;_u.rc.a : mam faghfaétgixy Aanfs-vex for the timfc, thcn what is rctuzmd to Eh: Houfcs of Par». ‘ 1-i'afi'nc:m:,M ycc_(IVafi'm'§e your Loizdihips) tlmflthc Con1mE\t:cc- oF Efizates Vof.thcA Par-~. ligmem oE%wSci:;!;:m;£, andthc Nob1cmcn,w§1oJ were at Ne2azx:afiZe,;did faiclafully. qon.-.% cgibum their bc{t,%cndc1vour.a,thatzhxsMajeffy mgglac ha.v.c:; giv. n ehishaflcnr Eco. :_hm:* Pm§3ciffi»r.iQns%: t3r1d",Vas.vv%ca did th¢n.<1_clivAet.Qur% lzninds w.iLh thzxt p1ainn?:fl‘c:Iand2.% frceclome which was fiu%«fdr fsithfull.» and layali ‘.5u‘i:éj%%cz:l given :1 prcfcnr afiént 1:0: the: h imth.nbt,in hisganfwer r,efufad thram 3 but doth prpmifm ,~ Tim;-hcc Vwi1l.chccrfu1.1:y. grants. Aand-;giv_c liis aifiangz, u.ntof‘a«i1 fuc1LBi1!‘s (;u:Ith%c%dc:fire% of ch: mo HoL1fcs)«an.dr .P;1'Op0fitiQn3 ," ym:.h‘c. Ar xca’fonabl“e“:dcmands for Scatlazzugwliich {hall bc.rc:z1;1y f_Q1:1thC goo.d;&: pcam ofl..hisA ~ ’TqV;AM1ic’h%eiid he defimh and4p1:opoI%th,I?.»har he, kzomc fto%‘L‘0r1a1an&. (.61: may oflfis houfes th¢1'£:- abouts) upon f'écuriVt)I,Tha%t,hc.fl,1a.1l bx::...tI:‘xerc.w%irh.honour, fixfeefidmc and fafazxy, as the heftamped"cntftoA,yr%ocure;a happy. agz-eemcnt»hc%tWfi¢n« his ’M:«ijc£i;~‘i and his Pm'1iame;it,»wh3cI1 we. d%efirc:mi1y~b.¢e wcigh¢d%Envzhcb:x1lancae: % o;£»ri%ghteous judgcmmt , an bufim life of ab: .grea3:c,{’c:” 1¢:onf:q_u.e1icé wlfich can fall within laumdnc c':0nfid¢ratid%nf,nn1d«wherein‘the*,g%lo1:y nfAGndJ4% is n1ofi:%‘conccr_ncd.»:of any bufincfifc undnr heavdna’ For L1p0n’d AAblcH?:d;agre;émcm:%;bct%wccn :xl1c;Kingw. and his:.I?z£r1'iamcnr;Béezligiohzantd Rightcoixfnzaflh 9“ Truth and Pjcacc, which rarcgthc cbmpehégmd height ofa11~1aappin‘¢flT:,V will bae;c£’cab1i‘fl*xcd%,;%co the é:crna11rfnme‘and« % g-lfcaryj! ofgi-eat Buritaine , a,ndltI1'c% great comfort ;oE.all tl:v:ProtLefi':1nr ChuVrchcs.:i» % End qpon o1ir"wdif:igI:Aéémcng ,“ all :hc€ca1a,rrii:ics.oE a-blpudym and%uzmMaxura11“%w;1rm? willimr:xzontimied,r‘and-%nozl1?ngsl1car'dnor feczriin C hutch nfimismrc:.%bu%g‘,xcdnfufion. God »h:1th~ 4bmu;g‘hn both Iiingdfaimcs tluomw the-fi1rges%% andmwcsrjofa bniI’c]erou«s“= 'tc1nj:c&,inm":1'1e harbour ofaT”’pcacc, 8L hath fcaf:1:ex'ed"moft parr?‘bf;our.Bnemics_,8c now our work ishow to cbme ar-3fhore, 8: eflablifh :1 right peace. 1»h0p¢;:..it ‘is -as. far '* * ;ff%dx;;*oLir*dcfirwes~'an’d intencikms, as it is=.againPc~ou1: Covenant imdj Profefligns; to % za:”"§1;:=;%ng.2:fuxifdammcwzlgmzerxiiimhr.Wc havcncczd ;:o.%mke‘hecd,t«ha6I%wc; run ngziaframi “ one exrrfazng into, another 5 Dram Mfiulti vitant '12:’ tin, E22 cmtrarin w.czm*m‘z::~~ : IIkhcr“éf'ox:&: ~ m§3;gfr5'f?ELLzdj,3«_~vv?c_>m7>I?g1 ’h_<:vIV§{"-%tbT3%CL1r3§ Vi:Ht~.* w0Lf11‘d3w\f1ich;A dint ,fins:7a.nd"% flat: 'cQur.if;7§l1s *0:f*5‘fl1€i‘3‘AVhfiVE -madfi b€tWé¢nt12e~»’Kixii.g and his Pag1iamenr,%‘toL%%111:1;:Au pxhc breachgi « Aeahdhm:%V‘%n1aE;e"im4wIdem« » ‘% . % . ‘ "V V % % _ ~ A ~ It: haitih Beienv%uzn§m:rfaI1y%.m:k;1uw1c&gcc}5ThatfitIiv.:sKi:ag~s%%rez11Wall;tfmm%.hm Pm:- 1 ¢ % M 93$ A A liamcm .uM\4 ». h if’ .1 h . liaméfit, is “theitfifiiédiahté"élh€i 1ch;x"efe‘ C:j1ufe‘of%111iAt@hhE€V§hI:'fl', fchiéféfhhhh i;‘:,;i!hah{’x';3‘E.ij has ¢£z*Ia¢%%k‘inhgdomhehs: jfhézx 'h‘fs“I‘(1§'L.\e1‘fl£‘:é§ préfefifibéh‘ 3:; faynmgh,§&1¢:fi’.’i}§h.hP::"}Iia+; fiicnt muft B: the Bcfi, jthlfl V Y.5zfz‘_1'r.>‘;-:<;hur~V£§¢:fi§I1%:§ _, ;I:t:'hi§ £1: nizhcirhé arid lefl‘e 3:tjt1stjl1e3";"§§é%c:ihnx;h<;1r"i,. . far »C‘372t?h?_‘57g$ Ihwghvantrary ; fC6ntrario~k j‘ Thhe King defii‘é1i' fo thfiéh fa hi”: I’4‘1*1‘iéinénji3fiof :6 “hhvé Eh _,f tum conu-aria red, and have thefe d‘ifl3é“u1tie§ eiqilaifieé whichh§'ii§é;'”%hihs’chzihfctié td EAhéfihP5§o.p3 "“" ‘?°?‘5=t tions gs zheynqwfiatiahhz %Biit;1ik¢v9‘~i(ehhth;c his hcdxiiiiihg may we :1 ri:~;:h‘:iial»I c3iifi;.’" ‘1“°“"“'* d_enceh”Bchtv§'ee‘n him anyihhhhi Pariiamenjt: Ifthe lgfi _wc,~r‘c dhdhé, Vthc_fi:R;9e¢*?u1a Wrdffifi: be perfornhcd 1, and 'alIféht){’e mountaines hf ‘&iffitiiYfi;’c$hhhWbtiidhhheétffly hé icti{'<3vEd,h andbécorne valféys. “ h A j ‘A A \ 1 : I V 5 g _ Q ‘V Your Cornn1hifTioi2¢:%srb:=d no fioxiriéffdhfhgwfihaihy fdtiiuch as, haérxh“ vihat istheuieanhing ofahy hdfybhiuc a‘eaaands ;; fififjhhéérkéglh tbf§;iijf_f3E:{i';é hf hchg; ‘Kings 5 And cercainljr_f<5xi1_é fthingé hiig'ht h_1';%ju*{Hyh fn"1‘o§edh_ .,1:i§;hA;¢Maj¢fiy‘;,¢ are nccenary;£or tlié Cf6Wfi’é aihdhziviehll grdunded Pjéa{q Ffihéhh ta h‘:ii(é ‘thhé AAHAéAadh¢1ij;vi4é£1*£rbhfl1‘tli¢‘h‘B§d)f§ no‘ hahiregtéhhh "‘Kfn‘g divujgd {ram hhifih». hfihtlidméhhi ,; :h‘chh jt¢prh¢fént‘a:iééf% ‘B93 f pf kingdoms, where :11’ héidthé E'I”*e3a.”d“ nht \t"b“i§ ”c1i”vifibd'"d’ividc&'$brbthér‘éfflh ‘ bronhcr,hthchfarherhhagainflhthe«£on,v andthe Con»-againfi the fatherfiand 0oa«ntmyma- hgaipfc Cfiountreyh? This divi{i_cm is the.ca11fe 05:11! aux; Aorhcr, diVifiQflS‘Tfg _Tgkch-this away and all our other :divi_figox3s;a.rf§1;at‘an'end.A ;A%bl4£¢fhca_tI,M(u tollitizr vefigbzs. The ’ King doth 7( with :;lI“ca1':ie{§i1efl‘eh ) dcfirhewhtohbejoynged with you , and Pcands more in need of reconciliation 5 and I hope will (accdfdihg t8 hhi*sh’pitof’4é‘fI'ioTWcn~ dgavour irzhrahrhcrhthfin diyifintfs And tr1,1fl:)»f“h e*wifd€9m—bf the horiQu}!ab1kfH”£;tu*- jhshis fuch as they w'”i,l*l dqc:-fo;;:o¢;%1=mdh;tathem;= be? §:€,,w,ncilec!“toAh~ thr-L: Ki‘;1g5s~5rth¢nmh£Li* H hvide am ongft our fezlves. h And that argument not :6 addtfiithof '.‘th€ hhI{ingsh;c’omiwtg % whis Parliament; becm1fe:- hishprefctrcermhifbrccdhdivifihiyeishgxn égrgumem: cade- barrhe him pcrpemallyhfrom his Pahrlhiamam.‘ :Anc1‘miw“chiehc2atfeh’is“a1:eredfi-cimhjesfhzrt iyzhwhasgw bah irfwas thc>ug;inc~t;nfit;himghau: :hei;I$ing~h£hquld cemimo hats Paggiigmhnt, V ,h¢,€aufe”th&n he had forms in the fields, garifonfs and {hang holds % to rcturtfi to: ‘ h ,2. V ow h the Parliament and the Fence of the kingdol (26) Now he hath none of.the'.'c~ againll you’ ,% And his defile _o€comin¢g to his Patlixé ’ “llincnth, cannot be but with rcfolution to agree and {hay wxth you , for if he<:l‘wr:rcl D-- >4 '7": once with you, where can he gee fromqyou at % they were elltcmed cntrriies to who advifed the Kmg to withdraw from hlslPatliament_, what ellimation will tht world have of them 3 who willnol: V '_lf'uffct him to rename tohisPatli‘atnei1t, when he pfilirstolcafi himfclfc in your V atrms? Nor can there he a. more rt-all tcftimony of out ‘ rtygfpefc “anti affcéhion to ' England, tl1en‘that‘we clefire he may be with you, ;-mclbe adviled by you, neithctcaln ,, you have any greater hrmounthen that (after yam hate: dilhpated your Enemies) his Nlajefiy iswilling to rctutnc to you : And if fo kind an offer ',{h.tll he tefulhld, _l Where his pcrfonall prefent and the King~driv_t;n to del'paire,it is to be feared, thcfe l:ingdo‘mes_% will bel‘invol- vcd ihgrtat difficulties than ever, and we lhall be drilvtrnf ozztt of th_¢j halrbourtllahd l entrance of a peace, intothc ttmpefi of m:w“and bloudy wars. . V ‘ For althoughlScatla‘nd ht: molt willing and dcfirous that the King llmtald returfn till his Parliament with l1DflOl1l‘.'t , fafcty, and freetlome, and that he mayh remaine Mr; m~aylTctveVn1of’ct forth: ficutitylaxfid happineflfe cf his p;le%op1e,-, yet“ if any fuch coutfe {hall be taken or any-A demand mhdc »t0rfl1'cndrin_g of his Pcrfon, which ‘Cannotffland with his l1onchxt" af1d{1fafety,’ oi: whith camnot tong Ah fill with our duty, atllegtzance and Cqvcnawnt, not'with tht: honour of that Amiy,to' ll xiihom(in time ofhis éattttmt danger) he lud‘ l1is"rc'courfefor fafcty 3 it canh‘ot‘h5 M l “ sexpeficdthat we can hletapablc of 170 bale an Aft. l And if_(tO lhun thlsgmd avoid] octafion ofquattclling between thelltkingdoznes) hefhall got. to Scatlaagd, and re...‘j l lent his expulfion out of Englazyhand ctavh thelzglfliflancfi ofthnt kingdhme for ts-:_-A-l Head) maylbelfitmly'dhfgrvcd and continucclto all %pol’cerityj.__ » Covety qt; histight to this Cr‘ovs”mic gf Hat mayin. a‘ fliort’ ‘tix1f1€‘:_._t‘;1]ifC filfih F°?¢t¢5tlI1l'.l Scotland and Ireland _., as wlthhitht affifi ‘me of Floraihe Ptincts, ,” thefé kingabmtsll may be: made a field of bllould,‘and the youngefi anuovngft us not live to fee the end ofthefifunnaturall watt. But if ch: prcfent opportumtyhc Mwilcly managed l,l aw" thathwt; maintainethe jufl ptivileclges csf Pa tliameht: and liberty of the"hSuhjle&'h"i both kingclomcs, with that wifclpm: and dlfm-etion‘,‘ as that may ‘ be git-tr; to God W (whitht 'i“s%Gocls, gnd g_o"C:Ef«’W what is Ca.-fmat, ifwc feage God *aqcl the King,_and doc not meddle with them who are given to cl1alttgl:”;,Ihat__fam¢ divine providence and wifdome which hath‘ brought us throughhtmany,difficultiéy, will alfottach us how” tdcfiahlilh thefe kingdomes inlpeaccg-,l1A:1nd' the; K’i*ngs”Thrdne in rlghteoufnt-flea V h':ttthe gtcatbleflingofa contlantland friendly conjunélfion of the two king- domes’i(‘rtotwu}txited byiallcgehante and loyal! fubjcftion 1: one Shovcraignc and ‘V _ u w "E1: hard Chanlccllomof Scot his l:lV{l!Spe¢Cl1,.~ At a Ctm ferchhe in the Paintlecl V t 1 Chamber with a Cotxltfxtitlcfi of both I-Touflfcs, amber to; 1646. 5 ‘My Isqrclé gantl Génnlcmffh’ A l A l A A V A Tait drmcbope mill bringhzzr Cmzfirlmte .ta"¥jbmm?fi:lzs ta: be reported in tin; Ham-I5 A and tbertfwrc I flaall flame my Ivifhmrfiz Hmd tArgzm:zmts with that futcinéinéjié has Wybringlm/inmtfitnaclo[?:.**_ A “ A ” At aur firfi meezingphefnb} 6£«af‘0m'debatefwas,.WbezIJe7‘ the lRightila»d?Pawer of :12 l.‘ ‘yofingthe Pefijfimg (me King‘ itflalely an the t-rm Hoilfés as tbeyfball tbinlgt fit , or in the $wa‘Kiflg;domt:.3 krmltgzt MY lafi mectimwe ‘bad flame arguingl about tbgfazm: queflian,\bm - 4+ ~:‘."I“ JW?‘~ yazerLorel{h3p: 42.: 12:1: njfevjt. M? Van: vfthe hoaxes, ml;-he/ay an‘,-e/pee:-of htheiinferefi 4 and relations which bath Icngdumws have; equally to the Iizezg, ejpeeially in zhegprhlimt j;m. ‘ am-g ofafi-“ghee, when hath Igingdemesh are wired in the fame League, and covenant , heme V ‘edparded th_eir1i*vcs in thefame War, mhlabauring zmder __th£{fflME tlaazger, arefeelfhzg the ' fame remcdzer, aezdflarzd m need of the fame Peace anzlfichrzlty l ;, azzdhoth Kingdgmgg M-% 2 - , mend by 0m_jCo'z2e22e.{ezt, ta pwjhréve malty, and are ohllgcd hyfizygzhty lhezzfzépsze afmflmzg mgyzae any peacegeeffizteen, or agfieezheezz whatfizewerl, wathhget hzzmeela:adw5§e~a?2_dcehjE1zt ofharh)“3 That the Perjhzz ufthe hlfimg cmnat he d fjvafled of wethout the l. Jaynt aelvzca and corzfmpe of V hath I\‘_i2zgd0~mE's. I e But as we; doc aclhznwledge that England hathjwizy of énterefl with s:or.1.md3 fa doe we fiill or that theyfhall have parizgy pfpawerihz dzfpafhzg of the King .- and we doe afiirmeyrhee zheferjhafz afzhe. K_z?1g,‘»'239l90_‘255~ I(_hzgaf;Scoaland as ‘well has of Eng\an6,eznd A12: I-1 and hand Mozzmgahlafhoth-Kéngdomés , hcgmzoz he d'£fl2eféd ofhy my ;¢;;¢ I oj‘l'the;1(j21gc_lome.e aloha {hilt Wight erverc. is to he done coneernzhg the dijpofihgl of {he}; A Majge. 1 h Peerfan, ought to he alert}: by jny??Z admire em! cammim cozzfént gfhathgzs may fame hzoflh ~ fhr the Pea_ee,flem‘iry, and happineflé‘ ofthel _;2g and Kiezgdomes , which we didpmzelhy _@izxep*elll Argzemerzts :4 T u whzeh there was nothmg anfimred in efihéf; hut 5 That theI{_£ezg . hem: mthiez England , his Peeflyn was to hc,eh'fpafi’d’af4s the two Houfésfhizll thihlge fie,” a}_ed?ha; the..%1(ihg l2ei;2gj%e'wieh[thef5eattéf79,21rmy, amlgthey bi:-ihge paid ‘by the l,P.zrliamer.;{t of En.g1alnd37l2eAlisein efl?v'f V571 13?? Prime?‘ ofthe Hahfifst, and-uhght‘eeaeehe he almh difpafihg, " in A tZ9f‘e..f2zh1“e~vi*my q:¢%if_lie lzml eomefp the .ArmyeafSir Thomas Fairfax ', or any -hqthw ofehgl A V l Pegrliamcnts. Armex; To whech wefhall 2202 need to make my rep '3; other thm meg {mm A ' made aheacly, That the Kings prefleezt refdehce m Epgland, fear nq locality, cem talge hway ” e thg__3;e;_zlh;ty;pfozlrrelaeeom fhrhverly mentwned by us, fizrre lefle can zt talgansay thejngagg. -mghtsl¢ih«a§fliyhlj4flaz§J‘b§tw£em the Jeingdomess; and hhozaghgthe Seaztijh Amy he pezi*cl=lzy:- ‘ «Q l ehe.Parl£ezme;¢zt" of fi1;g1and,yetlthey are the Army of Scotland, raifcdfbr pmfz'za7ice of the 1" ends voftbre. C0WW%‘«5.and are up M-’.,;07e'\d9i‘£’d and dhieéleell by “the Parliament: or committee: efhoth K_i_ngdames_: Amltherefizrethey eamzat with "ccmfiieezce , duty , mr homer, deliver , the perfon 0 fl7"K‘mg mmgmt in‘ “Wile owe/ént, mhe difika/Ed of M the two. -I~1azefhx’]hz1ll V thin/gel fie :‘ lmt we hm: declareal and aloe /till declare, That we are content ‘ that the Perlbnh l ofthe hI(‘£hg=he ~d2'/jzlgfezd af1(1he word pif ofiad h.-:5 he talgén in a right‘ fizrrfle) zzemay lfgzyv.-jg >1 V ngp,&fc3r"tl2e *Peaee,fafIet_y, gcurizy, honowr and happgnefie ofthe Khzg and hath I(_ingeIames 3 e ‘ land deal offer tayemr Lpreyhzps canfidemtiazz his Mejeflics eomznghto or were Londori , » the mallprabahle memes nrprocm-e at [peedy and well~groM;leel Peace. And facing your Q lLardfl2ipslhmve done ‘us the honour to meet with em h in_1hz2¢ f7 ée_anel brotherly Confi-rencea wedee expehijthat you well cancwrre and agent tn the: Prapofimm , or propazmd abeteepg ~ l,gxp£dl£‘fll‘]€0‘Y4 the gavel nfbo-th Ifiingdomes. e A Bubjfzehe lznaeaurahlc H on fies wzllrzat admit efthi: Prnpafitianz hm‘ next defiee ie(thet it may appleareg no lawfhll and poflihle memes are lefi.‘ zenaflhyed ephgch may procure "ha happy 1: agreemént be_twixt;the Ifingaml his Parliaments, anelfiwrh our flrrzher exonerazian) That: cammijfioners may yet once more he fmtfirom bath Kmgdames to his Majefly, thljhew ihe lvxeezhiwtg ofazlr Pregafilions anelto ufli.-rt them , and to heme the King: doubt!‘ and diflieul» L ‘ \ ties, and-defires, who; ma_yfua'therinei:mte, that (ifhie Majefiy fhdll natgizie a fi:ti:7fh- Efaryx, anfmer to the Propofitions) than both Kingdom: will without; matlgiezg aegyftleh farther ' he applicatitm whim, ealgefieeh eeurji ea they [hall jzeclgeh fimfi fbr thepeaee and fimity rlaeeffiingdemesa 220143 at the opening ofthie cehfirenee Izlid begin wihtbhan I7lN9lbZ3§"’lfl7h’_fMIl1,")dfitl: lag; j d.:b.’e defirefih uzzityiee relatéonea Religion, the King,‘ omdlamongfi our filth: ,<flI 1771311 fl’ he cm cw} himm fl1;M€:'didz9'l%'*§: fW.t‘hehfi~rflV afReh'gian,if‘ hwéhdoe hemmw am‘ vows: toi GYM ‘ taperfmm; the»1,.andjh.zIl¢ndem2our really, whfidm’ 1575 W14 'fi’1"f-’9"9{h‘ A; V99 Kflfbmfdtian of’ Religion, and mzifhnmity Mcnydiflg In our Covezzant, we may hg«r;4ihlj _ that God ° crazfamg .t/:Ii£"g1.'cat worke, whereinh he hath hmom'ed ms :41 he afhzhs, wtthhhzshlefling 5m: if inplape of z.mifa3fa_ deelpfygmghged, fa thmviisnathing can Amnlgch an filfhfrhidahle ta am~‘enemz'f¢s~,h ¢gnrjfg;hrh)¢ch*h‘4 aidihghme zh drxvthezg. as‘ zhchch. iveifhing £7261 canti72z:irzgth:reqf; «and AI dahefhy thhzzti hnwa hzar2*’~ ??ar¢£2£hlivldh l'7bE‘vQ1Wfi'l1m‘ the other, "hz.ctf:¢‘chh‘h as dcfire to ff ‘ha trazahléd firttréjrk, ‘mo! are M rea ll; memiesta hath. h Gad hath hlefi the jaynth e7zdez;'r30mi*s=ofhoth N dtiohii‘, 5z>t’b* iii om! V ip, and are came thmughmmryrgvgat: fwme, amt now‘;hhwhenhagvehhareicame into the *ha‘r-w hour, it would hvgmt jhame zahoth filo Wit‘ upm the mks afdiwfianh ( devoiathoh hove“? d§‘3ffiC€,3I'€ in cauda) and yzmr Lomgfhépsh my be cohfideht rim: Sco:1::ncIwho'haz3e :“(?ee‘m-'- 3 came I,Jaqgarzhtaa{gregt,foh fletzrling ofRn£igion:~and lame to their Brethren, wil!flfclg'foj’hfi V K and _fi?‘771”l}U'0;)!07J9, (fish mg you holdhthrprirzcijyiw‘ bfyamw Covenant) gash 220;f2::zra‘h2tarfZ2ah' -mm‘ wz‘hll.»:rz;»e:«~ her able to hdiwidc tlwmwfimmyw, ahd~wee~doe ezupefi :hatr2czp:'amlZ amirjfhhh whichvmuy pW‘_fl£*l’-lt'4t£'hl.1¢J!i’?1t‘5£1!2:l}', ~ h h h h h ‘ W n_-.____ j " The I.{Jrd’hChhan¢cc1lour of swarm: hihshSp"eech,h come: h “ * A ’ " Kingshhmajeflie at,Nh E'W~CAA'S ThLE:-t u hh aScotland,mdmhehcbmmime tat acqmkintzhemh with the §’ropafz‘tim:5 *d}1d4t0Zd§1*Thd'th“ hbefhme thedclfw£ry3ofyam%a2:fi'ziwe53oyoza wohld malga the fame lg2zo”*rm;e=’ t0;j"thamz~hh.h 2fhe¥7ti;m2 “h “ afligflcfl tircflaygh afrheh °£fohz'mifl3mers“ihr?_/3; [ham A‘av!d%th£WnfE’qzmz%*e%¢f‘yhW<“M2zjefii€:§Jsh gm w:;:reprcfewz;i?a;3th33?5hMzzfiflyhibmw ?fet€fl'Eiryhhhit.il'6;;‘:C¢5itIJe‘ic6*?1d§ti0I¢«afdfl9z2i'83 ?nawfl:hz;1;~and h hr A»: Majeflieh ‘mm. plévafédhan«'Momzday‘:lzzfi‘,.ta call the Lords hofyqm j27*i»uy Catmféll h h n 0]‘?-fi‘tiJfihfM0fltT_;é!21hflD2’i5:hfi;¢“£3§"5» eizber f51rvh’hhth::g{ pmsfimatiarr 09;?‘ rztinehafhyar¢?'‘hC7‘o7iWz‘a3Id-‘A ‘ Kflzgdomcs, “#%+*:?"«W@h§974[d not he anfwemhfz to: God, 7202' gfo that rm]? repzfed hin‘:'w5 Ihzleflh-‘w h inflzhgrygzfgn) zhharzsyour M=a;'¢fiyfhomldh njjénma um Phapafizfohs= , an2l'th2a"tIthe A dmgh‘ andhlcflhafyhohr refhjizll will be _remediler,and bring mjuddm mine and defl2-Minn: A Share : ll peace and A retiree Scotland. I lStr,'2:oe have feoeiog to thefropofitions. We dare not fZ2_y,=h:tttheyt1re,highei' he from men our power and option to remedy it) then we doe approve of : But no eAmtooesfirrlouriogotheelifiemy 4 _ _ A A . W Phrlzements, our mo]? humble and foiehfztllt odwee 2:, Thot your ‘Moyofiy. - (29) 4 Ijhollxohegihy firflohiththe lexj;%;,;ll7rorhiohiorheelorgee ; ooeljholl em /ghee zzhrroreloof A h nor/elody.lTl2o e1t'fi“oereoees.heoomeeh your Moje_(2ym;ed yoortmrlhzrezeree (mloiolo no mgholcngmgv ‘ better then your. Mojeltiee fl:/fie )*oreI