‘ 1 IT OF%T~H ACMM I ss IONERS OF yx‘ H W ‘ ‘ ‘_ II ‘ 13."; ” 4..§' ,' ft: a NV‘ fir.” “:"i J~‘”"L ‘ -e-“'*'ar‘T_'.'7i'%, Tm " Vvé ,.,'°«~»« “A3 .‘ M é é é ‘ udF""" %_ w.M,;4.a%% % L .4‘. f % Givefi m1m1yt0theH¢,ur¢sQf PAR MA ME t1»e‘I?‘1<0 T smw ‘ printgdffiricécrt Boflm :l:%%, dwellin at the fignAié;e4d Aabféad againfi wbcmefly ,%.%di72te$:rity,” with conffarzt fiitlijcule A zzfgflk to"tb.e>glarA}*» 'q_f God a7zd fi“go‘od bf bis Peofle I V : foaming ‘clearlyzt%¢darfio0dfifomfiW¢ry ‘¢go0f1 A“VVinteIligenwc¢% A ' the canfé da dawn berefmeljnand A at it reverVa3%zvithaut.4;zydzj:gu%:me1zt*%77}_flaiing111:; . A =§1ize§fidn atberwayef than iris indeed ,‘ orig by Vf4c9l0.}flfi1ig; zz7‘z'%tI9 afe€z':cl_2:v*ord:5 ‘which IfJeré% %zm{tf0f A tine’, judiqiomfieddergbkartily for thy fatitdfizfiioizg f V -J _ Awith1%MtbE$4C0pyWofhtbrcefi P%4p‘A§‘r.r? AAgi*v¢?z% ; into] .tbe['4;Hai4f€’£. "Aof%;P4rliam¢izt%d.I7y7the iCommg'fi"zaner&%~qfScotland , A AA A \wbicb%tbcL%lrtfi;day _féll.iIzt0 zfiyqbarzdgr Pray,>tbe¢A.1‘0 . A V‘ takein gbodpart tbio‘ weal;_.expr‘cflien”;Orntlqgpzgblilag 4 M ‘goodfi'oizi'bim%wbo""coz2]i4ntlyA‘4 prayetfb :fo‘rt79e,. W€'1fd1‘¢ Y W‘ V A af,Jérufa?lcm% 5% «ml 2:2afiZ»e,tb% thee ‘to /,ie?)e in%it’bappi.l)I % $ * V ma 'Prqfizeroufly5. Adzfeu. ~ThePcate o£the(11_1e&ion conce U) ‘r ‘ a ‘ VT V-4?» ‘g’; '’‘z x *3‘ .»_. A : x .. . "'."" ,, 4, \ [F\\&‘§’§ .1” ‘.1; w \§$* .' ; We *1‘ M §_.W 43%: \ E Propofitions of Peace. % He 4 Cpmingflionérs of Scbtlmd have for A _ nine, Mjt:>neth5 , fiver ifince the twen- . » gglge for1hr1¢r _P1f0'pofiti-ons agreed upon be- ‘ , tween the Kin domes, prefented to the “ % d ~King;3t,0xfir§ erial ~ were ftéfwardfldebated upon at ‘Z.).x'l2ridge.’ ~ A” w_, P I116 fixthof Iafi}, M V :inAA Lanfwer to “the -Scqtt{'fl2~ ~Comw1niffione1-*3» 4 declare +:_. ;Th;it u ., rningthe . ~‘ tieth of lime 1a&,4 prefli-:d% -the fiending of _,A and whereof fhe mbfl: ' S j%Prop<$fitions-fl1a41l%befern: fpefidil 3 fhatAthey%int¢§§dta A ‘A (Q : §%.Afie;: pine 1\{I§)n¢th$ t£1é'I-ioiife$‘%deIiven1:; the A A n1i£fi§)_ners%Aupon _I_;hof both Kxzigdomg. - V:-hey may with knowledge and ?afli1ran<.;e confent 5 to 1 ;th:é tA A “ A LtheParticu1ars,iand take th¢_rnit1to~confide_rat1o;1. ?I,‘§)PQf;f»t“iFD,El.‘5,‘A' itAAAWaSAanAAi%i2v?ér§d,JtheA Hczufes nptArcfo1.. A % vedwhat part1cu1a1?s.t0fend:’;A»ndthe Commzflioners of.‘ A .$fcotla72d deny”:-§t{)*3cié)nfi?~rif%-A ti11A”theyAf, be acquainted With. A “AA 2 , Ci)t’1cerning the é M 5 ~» 4. 9 w , ‘V ' .n}~ A be former} P"1f0p"Ofit1OI1 agreed upon ;b6IWs‘f:?€ns ~litfa+ of‘ 11116 Kingdomes; fet1edf¢%7€ra113”§i; ‘ ‘ A T j it'felfeapart; % A dc:;mesA,.arid‘ AdebatedA at vxbridge to efiaeéiéil» y %~bec;1uf£-itdoth nec;r1y~unrte:the jiingdomasq“ A A4 ’ The HoufesinatheirnewwP1?opofitio1jg .; r 9-» V 7lTT;heA%Co1nmiffi0ners:defirefueh i1*€O1{iufléfiOflf atléafi, M as} th upan occafigon - %t(3gfe_jt:I)er%;:*fer -ilafmrefiipns,»an.doppofing=%for:%a1%ne in=Va*fions;A".~‘%:AA * A ’ ~ it ’I}hAe I-Ioufes h_a'oxxrpzaperofrneefecoxxde; domes’ delivered” fi*c:51n their prefent“ V " of w”t”h§s?i1if%2imt Z‘/Ia2”cl’1, eexgireifing our defiere:etd*I<fl0eW wfhe-A e % A teherethefe ’we;:.e% ::‘l1flthe~Proep'o§iti0ns; defifed toeee“’1Te1;1t,,: A “ e eDeEi:1quents,e axld We-‘(F6 f0 €XP€5’W1Y 0fh€1*- It Vvasrfifuffifié A f0L1rth ofre-er¢~£»,e::ha: thefewere%a11,jeXc”eptefi1§h€¥$ e€€§mC§mj « 'hC,.C'1ty“,"),j‘WhiC11., Wfirfie fge;.ed1§yde \ . , , ofitiong hm: ctewe That A 2 21z1dzi3§L"e[1*atii>11s%’ as t‘he5faeI*e”*e$:p“fefTed e A * the difiér€e119e~~G0nfifi$ 2 ebetwixt-'thefe and the P¥0e190fitie9nSeee fO11’i11é-lily’”aeg1’2E‘€d=L1‘pG1fig?d‘0fZti‘f§fi¢h%-e»11§OIi7i21‘l6‘-jbjfiilt im:eref%~ ofbozhlungdomes, A and tenato theleufing ~f3f‘thé Bon.ds= and Weukxaing of the finewsof ’0U;1‘ h21ppy4'1~Inion' : e , were not on1y_not-able Pledges ‘and Evidences eqfifeciprocalle kindnefleforflme time, A to the difcourageinent the e(;)mg%-A m(')r1 Enemy_., but were alfoe powerfull mezmes for eeeconfeir wring’ 311d perpetuating our common Peace, and e~B1f0fher1ye A A Amity for a11eGeene1'at;i0ns to come, .A to the difpairing Qf31_-1, e A . A our Enemies _., eVer_etO"4prevai1e bytheir plots 0: eattetnpts zzgainfi theft: {of neerly and firrnliy united Kingdomes- T1135 ‘ebulcl not But be a matter of re entrnent and eunfpeakeable; A %greiefe% untous, angi to the Kingdome 0f«3C0t14125l5 , had% We; not grounds of afiurance 4 of the intention; ofboth I Houfesw to the contraryg both firom the inviolable League and C_c-e-eve " % Venzmt 5 fwherein we hzv.-*e% :z11 fivorne, to e;zclea'vamf ‘t/but . ibefc Kingdower may rez;2aine.r0nj0jned 2'“mzAfirwe Peace zzzza.’ ” vnimto all pg/ierityv, and f1‘0mMthe'1r _Le_tteer Qf the X34.‘ Qf g A Noz2e7iz[2e:?"5 I64.5e.; etoeethe Par1ia1nent‘Of8c0t%lm_2d, _€jXpre fling,_ g A their dfiefire ofe. nearer union, and c0nju1‘1€‘ti0i1V,betWeenethe X » Kingdomes : We coemethereforeetoethe fiartieularconfide-— V fame" as e£o1~me1=1y,,e orto that ration of the Propofitions; We doe firfi of a1%1fde5Afi1*e, That %A V the%P15eface, Title, and Con4C1uf0ne %<”)f~the eP:gp0i3:iQ:1sf1;_a;yiAe A ” A In 1;};_\e‘fi“rfl.' Article We elefifie thefe hW0t‘3.s[_ if/he Pdrfgwizegzt flodtti i§gdé7a¢€#_']hA be added after thefe wordse [cart-zzzezzu Ation ofEfI’ate;A~i¢z Scatlmgl a11d~AWeAAh'd0A”e aree to the firffl A A feeondgthierdg andfourth Propqfitlons; 9 " ‘A 4 4 the fifth aAAnd fixth Propofitihons, We'deefiere to {ac hwhat the Houfesh have a1re*ady;1Agreed upcm concerning ' Religion, and then”wAe {hall give in our Anfwer about thheefté Pnop70fitions. ‘A A ‘f A ; * A ‘ _ - A A LATQ the:7-;,V'8,A9fA)', 4 IO;,A'*'I*I,Aand A12. ‘ *PropofiAtions Wee» doe agreegthe clauf'e‘ fet downe in the II. Article of Athe farmer [»eePrOpofitions5~and omitted in thefe, c0nce1*ning 'theAratifying~theeA<‘3csh ofthe Convention of Efiates and Parliament of 2S*wtla2zd,_ being added to the 12. Propon- A ee>The Tr h..t§f‘at Eden]2urgbAthe2A8. A of N02). 1.64g.“v§11eich xaziiscoxnprehehied «in vtl1e former Propofition agreed 4 upon V A A between thev§Ki;1g4dcii£11e7s ;*isexc1udedbyL thefe-~’wo1*ds in ' this 3.“‘Prép0fit1onAA[247zd w/Jeremvzto ~tZ7«r:;/hare obliged byi£7e*Aafizie/2iidh~eTreatie: ']At'or~ the Kingciomes were not? 0-bligedh by ehar14y*“ bf ~the*f0'rmer T1~eati‘es rto maA.ke’*ajfu”bfe~ A ‘ quent TteaAtygand therefore We defire the faihdtffrezgfjfhtjf‘ ‘ $~che«28. of A41? 6}43“..AeAtQ etherAwAwithA the ~Ordinapces of A afaAme5~ may~2be~exp1~efied an the PropoAi1t1oin5 for whigh.h,W?e “ V ofFer_thehReafon§ following :- 6: A A A ~ ad» __‘4;,,z \ 9 r w ‘-Theofhtliehe Parliaiixenteh¢fAH¢zg1m1h»re- ‘M A eeiifed AA-};aaft—lieu1zA1r itafiruétioxls f‘1*?(3)Ah1Trh1h* eth1,§A1e~‘ A two? V l41oz1hf¢sA ht?) A“ ‘treat%AhWi1;fihh;the Kgjihri‘AAdo1né?QfScatAmdg‘tttmee min the ngaifi. A e “ hcoificmce tom-;.“%,pm. . thtixe9fin fuchlnanfzeffls And h A are ;iQf"‘5IT?f1#9?da_ acaordmg W ' ‘Y ha,‘ A... . ._§._ ‘ ,1: W, ,,, 11. O '2 ~ due v 5‘ .,_,,- . ...,,‘ mm. A w2irt‘€‘ ht03tl*ie§ ends A expreflflcd in A t§PA?’ the A‘ “ Qthat e1fémightfaI1A4"o11t fo1'W”ai:1«tof;thhe fame; A » ~ - (3%) direfiipfi ofthe H'o}1fes§; %_;they ”%ar€'%;%A¢$zprefly% 1auVth01‘ized, to A f¢F‘?1§%11P9¥1f0IT1€§Q?11'§a€V~’7ith th€Kingd0I%£I¢:,0f Scvffwda. *to manage the VV.:%1r,%thejoy%nt advicefofthe4C0mn1ita;c-es; .,0fb;OthKif1gdQI1T€S,aI1d_tO prevent %thc“ev111s‘and mifchiefi Accmsding to thefc infirufiions feivenw Artic1¢s3re“mutui?A izHy,‘ag37eed upon at Eciefzlzmgb the 28. 0fAN6:'::ez:«2£».V% 16.43.. bya ‘Cqmznittee of bath" Kingdomes,;afier advifing with M ;i11ci‘%Ag€nfis,ahd oF&¢:r‘s 11°-at from; the Scrfimflv‘ Army» and A .f;:f1:i0us .deAbz:t_es3 and’matu1*efde11berati0nupon ‘the Whole Vma.:=:s2r bet_w2:2cin_ the Cofllhmitteefofboth Kingdomes, as is A ‘a§»ck:io:«v1<é:d.”g:e”din.the Prefixes of the T rezfity. ; % in the. fourth Artxcle of that Treaty two things‘ are a.g1'ced 0:1“: lit That he-': whQf dQ_th orfhafl c;Qmmand'~iI}f,Chief' % “ o\f€1?t11"e%%V}S’f;?0tt"2flIArmy, joyrxt confent “both ‘ :C101heé;, ' {hall alfo comn1and#j:h;e xeff Ofthmé A Britifll FQrc“€:sV in .i27ela2za’, 9 #2:. Folfthé of that VV§iIr§,_ jQmc["»%Aprqfe- A 1:ut,ing~.;the ends%4¢X~Br€fl€d ‘mLt11¢?”Covenant;Vthat Lkthfiféme “ 'F§i1?éddm€S«* W A;L » J . Thefe :A1f .. ' V ' %tidés‘b¢ifi81%véigféed13PC2fi ‘kid. the _ Hou{es1dfPar11ament ,» and ‘fix, them raft_1fi4¢4 and ;. .m .approv¢d i;athc.AXeio@"t¢sof~i>s>:1; Hpures9f%rheniz:ch at1d”é:léa{rerith <3fAp;~~iZ/.‘L ‘‘ A - nu . III the Vows @0fthe*ninirh%.0f A ¢0ncemi12g.th€C0i§imand imchififea andt:h¢¢» '1nanagving¢of the, Wa%r1‘%e»% Withillé "advicsi 9f:b0ii;¢;Kii1gd01n.¢s, is .«zz¢r1m.t:i:w %ra%t;fi.§dA»gl9yA.A Eeifleg; H91%f§§s 1or@fc%“:a;:~ad§V % torbe‘ C0nfi&I‘113§%4:bY%th£:1§1fig~~~rs - % 4‘ ~ ” w—TheA¢%C0m miffi9ner%1¢f % é’ri9nS% from thefifiatées<>f§Par1iam@I%fi "f9F'~.d%¢»*P€rf€<33ifl{g;~Qi? ’ th1SwT11¢3t5’»i1nd H9‘?¥.¢§:A<1?§Yif9g%¥¢f§rf§.§‘_t13Q,‘ 7 anti . W " _AAivgconfidératibiijc§ftfié‘Co1iimittec of both 1;ingaJJn:s, 1’ 35??! %€V;d9Ii€”Aby §0yntVV~.ad"Vic¢ With4;the%¢"Cdmmifitees;Aébotli » Ihat thcvotes of {he 9 of Maméby direflcion of time W H After?‘ flee debate Aandctggil daiibératifiifi film third “anti * & % fourth A»rtic1;es cf‘ thfi Tmsaty at Eéfenburgh wera agreed % vupQ7g ,*1~nd_ pgrfcfisd by flzcm; and 2*¢por:edto both H‘(9u-i ; % ‘ 'fes,%Who mtififed and approved the fame in 'th%cir‘vo%tes QR :he=!v%:Ao£;4p%2~;z. % Ccncerning the comn1andAi11A*chicFc, thcf.C_WO1;dS -“&k%€_!f-‘,.(§fi_". A agrccdupon , That the E211”-le oFLcm%z~L ’or'dGenemIl of 4A ‘A the Sc_otti{h',fOrCes Ireland °b€i,-mg nmvf {by thé Votes of A %both1ho1ii'és agreed to be c:om:mand';er in chiefeQvér"a1l~: A4Ath¢,.%~ {mes %7~2is Lwe?HBritti£h as%A Sootté ,' aécoi‘dingV to the famth Afticléo£thcrefi11t~0f vthe ;Committe€¢-a of’ both kingdOm€S'paHéd both houfcs , j be defired With a1I»m*n—«« "Ven1ent:fpeed~&by théadvice of1:h¢ faici Committees”, , toy" %siominAa‘tc :a%n<:1:- appoint .a:«Clv4ecl*‘AA 1:9» 1"*eavé:AA that’ I(;ing}AmeiAAAx wherebyt+ it: $vou1d..h2me“ Wholly: AlbtAAAto.**rlm am1iisa“mJdnt§%‘ Eng-:2. % 3”mzc’I,~ifthcK.ingdmrie:of SrbtfamiAAAhad»n0t‘ ime£pbfet1;”and:: bvtaxinggrfiat” fuma‘ 05 monesr "upzz2d; 1@Vymgvpr0AV1fiOns2', hadraxfedf ‘c@n:£id;e1:ab1"6‘ fig: w1i‘e‘s andA?fe‘m:A.thé1nAoxzseAr“f'£§rfthc fAi%efer'xtL’fubfiffei:1é:~e«f A 0 7 t I” e S€°Ql?t1"flT Army , M.unt111;; ‘the Par '.i.jamAem Afiagqlgnd A " ihm1Idjbc able‘ to:f'end&thc1nAA fi1rther: fu2Ad::% *we%d@fir“e Tréaitfyiima ;beV*i::1-4 "*fettfec”l »wi1E-h the dfh at T_1~?e_a:t1<=;s; jm th1sA:Pmp“o H t:1on;rtAbein:§~ * 7i:n&flsr;ea%f<5xi%ab1iethe AA; 4%t11a§:ie‘and"«cz‘d.- J. ofitifon, we defirwe o AT‘%Ef‘eciV Afiflia sfwtlsr‘¢#lzitIe:r = paft now added, 2 we TmC1h’:‘?~f1‘1*%e%%t»?1'1?:t’t ” L311th¢LArticl¢s~cQnccrnir;g the i’e?t1ii'1"g*Ofj ?Re1igiAon*Ain fitléiis ifingdomze “iina§y“bfe Aextended At0 iFrel4nd , accordxng to thc ”'%*C’ovenarit. " ’ ” % I. 4 The M5 i‘~Pirdpofiti0n fcdncerning a1in*qu~euts we have ~Vhd¢Asf¢;;§wéa.A'%% 4 A A I ‘?=1*o€th«e1‘w2s~ana tj*~P91:_'0pbfitidns‘ Weiiio agree; I A I 8 Propofition, w*e?’fin’ci1 To ~m‘ateria1.AltAdiffe1veri- ~ "c”"e"si fi:"_c)n11€h;a‘t Wh~1?<:h*was«‘formerI§r agreed {tat 0I1;C;0I1c‘ef«.. ?t‘1*x‘é"NIi1ii&tiaV,A¢ asinay %Abeim:ttter 0£l‘Oflg" VebaAtc:wh~at $ "rnajy“be: zzonduciéble are the fecurityAof:A bflfth King- " do»mEs,"”:1:f1E1”fo I‘ét”afrd;the fendingAoi7thb P4rop1ofitio?ns% and , ’L‘1o;5“f¢;,‘% the,pref¢ht ‘6p’p”;orft1mity ofgobtaining his Majcfiies ‘;¢o_tffent;fore‘he "bé““c§ngagedi1nfomemheirsdefigu which A 3 maybefiminé‘t¢%1iir:df¢1fe,5m;d”a.=Amtatt:¢r ?0"f”maw mi-ou‘[1“e A % % m‘ary?b'e {Cdnfid?e?1?ed»,- ~th1'at”:1:hefo§'Am€{1‘ P:ro— " ' Wxtidns; %a?ccm-Adrng '$thE¥1nt€§rEi’c~(55-bt§‘thAKingdomés, did Afettle a_poy?er% ‘Am Cqmrgxlffidfiers , A g of 4.‘ axxifmggs ‘raifjcjd*§vv*itl1%x3iiavt%it?‘Ir¢i'idftlie mg” amsgozhe I tins abtééave *exfAp“1-cf‘. “ H‘ V‘ “ ,‘ ‘ \ ‘V. “r_ I .‘ “ _ _“x“ I " tgriz A» ~~ « \| A. ..4. A. ~ AA 0 ~« A ' » ms ' -. ‘ A. V . . O "‘ " z 1 V I I 1’i70ufieithat could be *rAaifed or f::u:nen_ted {between timer »Ki‘ngc_losmi~s»5 ortfo any Pg1‘03je&4iof_Incendiariccs, towivide the Kixigfrom‘i“i1t1yijof“ihisiKingdoines , ii01"ii0I1€ Kingdoxne’ from anothiere. A Andwjci fee nioq-eafon whymhat. whichxatvi ‘ Jthe; frhmifig -iiiO‘fI’hCfC.PT0.P0fiCi0USi=~, wfasi %c,fi6s:m¢p,<:§— "\"fitfi¢inS‘.ji thei“ I1‘iifli.C9f1€¥.$" iWer~6iiiflitefibiléiifiom iime to ‘ .ti1n;e by the i‘i0uf€8~5 and towrcceive and .obfcr$ti;i_thciridi$ ;ire€i:i¢)nsiiand iniirn¢7!iQi1$ai ” i ‘ “ "’ " ii i i irer3rx§fidicraiti0ri:~i0.f the; manifold: troublcs ‘and C.~11fl'1'a&1Ofl5i :~ini;:3:;e£e tim€S57;'iih%?.€; zindineccffafilr i1r?Tfi*11*iéd fér me“ fafeitygfiéndféfiulfity‘.0ft1?¢f'3Ki11g€1@fi§5:A as the R111 hé were iwxlilmg be notaige ii by *invd1'vii:ge‘T4th em 'a’ga~:"iti 'i;:t;oa§ Bfloudy wa rre, to tnaltet 1-hem twlce m1f'e=rablaeawh er.et1n.we'aretready moi} hea1 t1:-= arlya toecofic-urrea: So “doe we thinke,_ it iseno‘ttthei.rinetc*nti%' . on, to:diveI‘t the Kihg h1s.]§oPter1ty and Crofvne for all; ’ time coming, ofall_a_power,r1ght, and mtereft 1n t_he_rnat-=~ 1-ter of Militia, fo as although they benever fo W1l11n_q to follow fheifl dvifeoft-heir Parliaments, yet th ey .£ha1'l“~fo_r ’ye,ve‘_-"'be,inCaP{l-b1C,'e and in no timetcomming be admitted to jgyne with the Par~1iaments,'f‘or reflifiing their ene- mags’-and prtotefting their‘v%SuebjeL°cs5 the apprehenfiont a ~w1iereo%f,t'may tpreleéng athee Kings anfWera§ndhinder.’his t menfem, and "( as mTaya~eafil.y be colle€ted:i"from%thedes- -bates ’2et;a‘Z)?x£-xiclig) may be interpreted to be a fundamenw A ~ T311 3].te.1.'3_ti-Qfl of the ~Government; ccmtxrary to the refo:- -lutionsa. and’ decla rations of both Kingdo1nes,,; mid; natifia _agz;eea.b1€ to theC:ojvena11t5i ; maybe Inade 11fe*of?by~t‘dui* ~£1dYC:1‘fa1:it€S;; for?fuchxanocczifiontofquar‘1~el1“in;q5 .asthey' } neve1~e~had'before,» i may. be made~a.mear1e ttogbritpg the acommon ~c?,aufe andtourca riage mto;;contempt,8c:ufed by ,ou'r tenemiesflasta motive for. pwrovoking f<;irei‘gne;{Pri‘m;e*s 3, nd ~Sta;:te;s to enga ge in arwar aga1nfh1s.; both jpa rtswere .Pmvidedfor; in the; A former «Prd pofitiofi M upon the one t A part the exetcife and ‘ex eeutibn ofithez Militia was »no_t; i ta‘ A A be inahthe pofiver ofthe Iiinggvetupone the oth‘er part_‘awere ’thetComm1ffioneI_'s m wllofe hands 1t"‘Wae”tO‘*betfiuflcetdg to’havetehenrComm»1ffi<5nt?frQm'K1n ande?PartIia;mtent;ande it coridefcenadedt upon ragga :, thatthe tifne ihoiildt ;be;f1l=iIn:ited’t‘;,ttoi. *feven*yeates;,tt‘a1andf afifepex-piration A A tofxthatatermeto ;beTetled:a’ndte esarter¢ife'd iAnr=fuch‘fimianne1= A .Majefiy:, ;amd eethe; :P:£11‘Ii3.-I'l’}_@IIéS‘ ofi Ij0thVI§tit1g7d0‘i1i‘eS ‘ wefpeécfivvetl. fl3aDu1d:think€§afit5.: but:by:t11:i3tji;%4fes 'dfPa“AfI4ia’~ .:A’mefi~t 'x'1;pc>.An fe v‘era1 occz-1 fimwrnade th éiAAf aw:-4*A ‘(A-:-is tr!) gobd ~pur~pAbfé, angi whc-:rea‘s in'th'e‘fpi'mer Pro“po{iti"Qns., {eves A" xrrall Articles werefetw ddWhe~“"AW1th fi1utuaA11y”c0nfentA f'0rL aécdnférving the peace, A and inviolabiy for :1L1t:i'rne «to -co me, yet 111 thls “new P?ro’pofit1‘UnA.a1t:houA'gh the darr- . A=ger!béno¢1eH‘e; 42rn‘d4the?ne"cefli*Aty n0:.1eflE;urgent, A there is mnotfo much as mention ‘made iof“A1:neaf1e?t;o‘be 111" ad or g¢ourfeA 11:9 ibe cakmfer confervingV'Vthe“péacé. be“t.vv“erenA"th‘e =Kingdomés,4 ~m:1dAV*Vbe_t3>vix‘t the Kim’ A mid Aeitherkifthem, ~:{b11i:;_ all paffed infilence :, ‘ A‘1‘1w‘I.1'ic%x M A tions We offer to thewvifdome ofthe honourable Houfesa V éthzit they mayco ntintgrc in~%th*e'irArcefolutio"n A:to%fE3ind the for; vmgerr PArop,dfitibns. as they A were VA‘p%:*npofe4d at ' Vxbitidge A, Ineceffary confiderae ‘ which will be frée of debate; A are more IiAk“e1'y_to be ob-A 4 ~tained~ ofthe Kings Mafefiy; and wi11fer?€'e mor%ejfoVr~vthe palace» and ‘good corrcfpondénce A roftAhe;AKindomes,_ tfpVe~ %b,egprov~id_éd%for. M T . V ‘ Acially Vth:atA~th%e:c-<5nfervatio1_1ofpeace forIch¢V’fi1ture.:m{%ay _ Toat~h~e~_ 19.. ax-41_d no. %Propdfitibns‘we%"c1deA égfée; j , A To the 21_.Pro pOfiti0i1 we.doAagr ee% t¢h1s‘addj1__t1on, A The like for éhe,%=K1ngdomeAAvofAASaatlaml conlcicmmg the mmiaation of the4Lo1tds"o*Eth¢ Cbuncgl-1, M a%I.*ord“s of Sefliaafn, ,_‘a‘M,n‘& Each;equcrAA0“ffice‘r%s Aoffitatcsmxd J11 flxce ' GénAer.all.lmiin fuch Tmaivxmt‘ A_as >th¢ P:qtA1-Iiaimém: A A {Ball fhinke fit. 3% ' A tppo%fit:ienAveo"nt1I1§n*;t hfimélntthe Eamon.’ ~ra;b;1;e.; '&r§"flQtfa§i.5fiQd9'f wi:l‘}.ingf+ andi t to and 1E$§.”¢fi1‘;5a€%‘¥15L17¢fi}%2i'C?3}I;h€€lZ1~y.5 tiafafiion, thy" Ct.Onf€;¥§*L%Qé.Q’ @:L?~<:1:t;h%e;:rw1f¢t 1n;tfu_<:1.1t tarmneartastihtall bcj;ji1dge+ V teat §m0:fl:= .‘¢}§Q¢€dflE.fi*@u35: amdto.ttgtiazet:em~ mo‘ny. of ; V ezrrn¢.4‘t:td‘*¢ziires,t and;7readimefl?a H mneumrfie ‘.§.; tta.iQfm4ah11r.:;« H a1:1t£;1ch:;.}1:mgs 61S~ as%~ug:v_ :1 gkiez-idly] debate, {ha 1 be €a%¢un_dc@nd;1;céab7ieiV L f"'43r%pmcurin;2; ¢fetlin=g and pT1'9'paga_tin.gJfuch p¢a<.*ie; as’ we aI1.,defirc%formi.r4co1nmoi1 h3ppin§fi"€'.»_ t * N >_., 1. . _. “ It’lki%s.€iamlu%nknownVto%the4 iHUf1tju1j;iI5f1EiQfPaf1}« aV1nenI:f;h0W'lQng atimexwe have 'Waitéd%?here‘"Lin4_p3t:i'éx1é¢ ‘ % “and filence fQ1‘ the‘ fetli;‘1go‘f(3hu 1~’¢h.;g0y5gnmen¢%3géogféi" V A “ - dizig“t0: fhevCovenant,4a1id%Weoxir feI'}Vre”'s Vktfi¢WACf6fVW11ich‘ We"fhaV<3m'ar1y‘f {:he:h&on;ot;,n: ‘ofthe P”ar1iament.in thiszmattér 5 1565611 %oufr'care and indufir?‘4t0%r}t=.rdinancesi of P;ar1ia r:neI3ti Wcréibut ‘parts % ©f*the%=VI:5ui1d-i:1%,cg; but‘»\~wer'e’: co‘ ex:pcé1th‘e «Iafl: iOrdVin2§ncfe5 V :which«?.Wou1‘d fuppljf the d¢fEf&'s 1 Vtihef°ormc1?,V. rearing ‘up .'the" :whé>1e44ih0i1‘fc in %proportion ~a;;1d%beai:1fty,~ would ~i11#the&_¢ndVgiveitbA%eveqV}j%udicious eye andzea1<:5us *hearfa full Afati‘sfa&iMg’n, ‘ Wejdoey alfo with thankifiilnéifc ; % . acknowledge“and r6mcmbert:heV.'é.';ea1eM efthe llbnourgble A A ~Hoi1‘fes; gcmo*vinfz~*the%A~Bi::2Ck.ofCommonj~p;'aycr,3111 abolifi2ingMEpifcQpa J. . % A »ofReforr':1ation_,j. and 4.tI1at”V11:$‘At1“;e«::ftimeA«of A th:€11f gr€a“t€fi A A ov¢‘rm:nent,*and7in%%oth€r *pa_rwtsA0f 2»1m»I._‘w,_ ftroublés %and%'da ngersgwhichmakcth their Work the more i acbeptable %tbVGord‘“a4x5id+ men 5% 4_Yc*t are AWE-;' aT;t‘1:hiMs“. 7‘ “ tim‘e4 r§eceiIitatcc1'by ourcovenant, QUI} c9mmQn~int‘e4refi35 A V ¢afnd::Vpu%b1~viqué: tmfig ‘vb m':mjonfiflr:ix>1&:e~ _ ;‘iz*x72:a.te1ri?aI*l %a11dg;%*v6f§Vgr%;éa‘t ‘c"fl'” cdxjfequé§1céj' %O11¢7’i.*.=g A A that *:‘th7miigh;th”e1i3ng7d¢1ay5 tf11”e?f¢&tIL»ing oéffhe’4z§ri1 e.%G0w Q . Vfirfimflflt . K1‘ ~ 5:3. «Ia aha ~'t:~.‘..s;* . fl """) (17) L A the%Ch=m:ch,._ HwerefiegMand& Se&s:a1éeA ‘flap E. vet 7 A ;§; 1§e¢1M3%ari(i~Schifn3: hath éfo much: 4 berm}: Aismyflime: ar9piawenfu1A Jéemedy. :prVt::W§&:é& =t‘hiV'SV a:ft:eIr;fo;% mziferiéé“ of a1 bloody a;txdM.-¥otz£g7 ,Ja : AW;r," Wm;1§ge§*m‘ Wm;f¢< -when the fanmexgvxs , W’ ' it Mwats msk.”e?nMflf@zI ..a.grea1:Vpi1EI€fI‘e%t0~bM d M6iIiVCYC :d~_'5 Csshurchsof 8mt£fmd,aft6r ':thei’rrA11iai1yi'fiIffe rings 4iu:ithis=K§t1?ig4' i dorm and at Homej, .:“gr.<:a1:é_r «wzmgrgr 3th’éIi5 itn:. ;v4zhi¢hVitAxazsswi;-géa; Mwhiéwweagég 'mAe=" =Vm:wé mm ; V A ; H T _ fly,’R;1djM V t«t34a1iifAf'a«I’£§"aMMf q “ M‘ ‘ ‘ .. _ ~ “ M, ‘M v -M v r . .3 1 5“. W‘ ‘V ‘ ., z. . I’ . d an % Snfiswhich are‘n*0W.mu?Iti~p1 % 9' ti) 1*}!!! pl’¢filg*'bfA M_Qr_tifieation., and ti) ’Tr”eatifes 0f:‘tr1‘1e" “% P}ir:=ty:V’and Rra&ir:aI‘ Divinity 5 The -maJk.ing% of Way to. ',‘Vthfer€lief _i'5md del%i‘vcratic§evof% the poor afliéted Churches: flb%I037d, 6"¢'-A. A_ 1\ 11";-Whi€haré exprcifed in their Decl'aration— ‘a?nd~iR.'efo1ut1on , _m ’ anfwcr to the Declaration of M the ‘Ge-' :x;‘§11E_fifln)(1Ifi‘EnI1?:I‘;>‘“1.§*;e51j“;;kgetherA with "3" r Apeslogie »‘—(iv‘hichébout"t‘hé~§ likepurpofe thcmufes of.Par1ianx¢:nt .in4rhat4their Dec1a;V Iflaktiflfliuda-’=d%‘1hI1V颀fl3*TY%):‘»fthat:»it£‘=wou1dé%be the » fin J a—r1d:~: %a1Ifc¢of,1~:. C C,_hu%!‘¢h_%¥ Of” Efiglml 'A%1drthc xfofi-owVt:>f an the é R{eformedV Churéh¢s:%,;:particu1%a'rly Vef} the =~Chi1rch 3*~ef;~ ,3;-oxmdg ‘if «aftcrfO" ma“‘nyi*i pr¢:pgré1t;ionsJ%,~% afld fo Solemn, ~ . Léagueand: C<;>ven:inti;is*A:endtredA ifita,-for cmdjefavouringthé neemft +G9n131n€tIon;€ and 4w*L“Un1formity Aiw-R‘ J "{an‘d»- Cvhmh-1Govcrhment;¢ 5aI1e1’*i:heextirp§1tié>nA H"eri:fi&1-*and- A Sfihifin 5 Not onuyan w;n:sA~o£v Blaf urlnéicli :i3_p1§aded~i fa§;;Aii% fiou¥é H" % f ‘ “ Lxbenyof‘ 5 . r..44.‘ .“ .‘ 2,‘ ? V_ V . ‘ . Q":y‘l ‘ T” , . l v -‘_. ‘ ‘ .‘ ~' “ ‘"1.-. 3: p, Q . ‘ ‘. V”, “ - A “gr, .. \ ». ‘?'~ K.‘ 1 ‘ ‘ -‘ ,_-_ . vi .‘ ‘._ ..V ", V.‘ W’. V‘/K.’ .‘ , -:‘w_,,‘ :v_t_‘ _m L." E”. I ‘ W { 5' *' ,3‘ - .g~ ‘V ~ . I‘ ‘ ‘ A p’ . _» M‘ 1.,‘ qr” - (r9)l xended ,. 4 ané which did not enter into_ inynianseminde in A the beginning, Such “a violence asthe hély Scripture it felt‘ hath fufliered from pcrverfe anelsheretical fpiritsg And this Church after fo long a time ifuirther from Ilniformity a... mongft themfelves. and with other _ Reformed‘ Churches; then they were,_at_t firfi Whfirliit Was liuidged fo n-eceffary. Againfl: thefe fo dangerousand ,dcl‘tru&1ve evils, we ear... neflcly defire the ‘Honourable Houfcs to provide effectual ' ttemedy , And wepray God’ fo to Blefle their endeavours, that theurninc of Religion in bothttliingdonas [with the hqtrid confequences.thereof, Whichis the work 10? Satan . and his inflreuments, contrary to the Workl of V God and his A Servants, may While there is yethope, bewifelyi and 1:pee-+- u dily prevented,‘ V .. . M The other macter1alPoint whichwe dc-fire‘ toioffer, ié .con,.cerning -the late Ordinance of Parliament 1 14§M4rc[; ,1 645 5 the Direé°ci_ons, ‘21t{§'-Il9.I6A|.S5Wl1iCl1 in difcharge ofitehneigr duty jito God, in purfuanceeof c theCOV;enant , and in thankful-nelTe*to God -for his mercies , Theiyhave. afra- l<:)":ng confultation -refolved upon gt -And wherein there A di,vcrs‘evlidences*Q_f the Piety’ and Wifedom of" the Hone-' table H on (es, For which not onely the Church offinglaiji, but thenChurch ~oFScotl«md,andi all the Pu§formed- Church/es,’ have caufe to bleflethc Lord; Yet it being acknowledged, i that there maybe need ofSttpplemcnts and Additions, and _ haplyal‘fonof.;,alteratious in fome~things,. And it ‘being Tfup-‘ pofed_—1:h;it the advice of - the Afl‘e'mbl”y' of Divincs, Where-' wehave bc_encaffi{»lant,;isV had‘thereun~to , , And we being? ~ ecntrnfied by; the;~.;Ghu4rCh of nscatland , in mattcrslithiit‘ con: cern" them fo“—«‘necrly~ uponrthcxr‘ common; Intereflj 7:“ - i-4ngrfom¢.l}.z,Itiealars»lcontained inethe Ordinance, ~e~F~ier9r.-,t l~¢°nfm=re1net:th¢~l5urdination of;“*,th;<=‘. n ' A A 1:) 3 v hla"ve:taken the fi't¢ed0'm. to prefent but lthoughtsicénicema. fie) af A f0V"t‘?hc4I?T‘atIia:m ent :‘ Am =q1i=e~&iAom:« tIf1v@;%;;1?a%;tliae{r;~t Visafupcriour ‘to..,a;g1z1"tAhe‘ A{i’embl:i;csA of thaw Cl§x1a?r*¢h%1nP.1ace, Dxgn-:—ty, E~Ion.eur, Uandearthly, power. 5,: A Ci vMi1% pmvem Arxm «thc . »Gmd;on% %ea«rth’;. é:;h;;1:t MM fier$:~;x1t€: an ely S‘ex.'v>am:.s«,andAmbafiixdqurs. ._-.,;~ K.h]€1I,’{h‘€ TY1agi.Pt«1=;3 tr€!‘i;3 Cg;/50%.: uwriufé ta£r:4£x4; and xnay by ara1:1~1,oriry c1. “ Mi%.nifiers aniAVA£Tezaib1iesMof. rtha §h11ii'.C}1.g, ti-? ‘P€;‘F"~fi‘)I‘1E the duMt:i<:s+Awhich% C%1rifi;r€qL1ire3%QfM . Like.—2‘s~the. 1\/Iiniftlersan-:;4bo»und;tQ rénderya xeafon €EC,€;‘éQ.B‘f) t: Of?%t:h;%$ir p1‘Qc€¢dingsQW€r~«-W£:«n¢, I,1Qt~o~nely»» no ,b€J~e&i€:?17cifed:T;1E§<;1t:fi::.f‘:.ical1y.3» fit-= foxfne ‘may inter-A. g_rfetit~ to‘;b¢»fu€:~11,afiH¢3dihip«andSupmnaacy in t;h;cChL11#c"h5,_ g§fgtne:tim2?s,%was'inthra Papa , and hath’ bee-nM 1~‘-et.ain\€dvA~ir1e . fcummn of. ehe J-high-- 5; ggm , ‘land ;fmmda.t£0fl{ of % Athem cormpt mm ,A rcor-xw jxxeig;ern@r;;ts@rf;:a1l fucli ha: fQugh¢t4aVfzer£ur~ H VR}efm+’at'i:Qn L ~ * I ‘%'E;.d::~b§*Qa%1{e*%:Ait‘[ isv2rgeainfc- the D0§.°c‘1?ihi11~¢ r;of<:V?m%x3 9EMV%-%2h¢.~%: ed M Chu r.s:éhe‘s:,; ~n,cxt::—s *Eh¢; :G~pd*;‘Wharrqh A xssirhe M R.u1§»+§w; a~,r~¢ pmpofecii Ctiwcnafnt e2:a.ri1pl€=0f7 cfamxa t~*in.. .-” fl A 4 N , ‘ -I ‘,1 ,.w 2 43”", .‘ ' W“ ‘ . « ' v."‘ V ‘ ' I 1.- wt “ 4:51’ ‘ H " ' \ ‘J V » ‘ .. 3,. . , ‘ n . ,, V ‘ .,, R. . -,__ 1. . V’ Q as‘ “ . ‘ 1, V y.se%A;dcfimi:i*1ie—+V:C&mVmiffianers.V % A " ' ” is t:a_km;;;tx:x*fim;J§%=;cr;mnfidcra§xa. - j. 4” » V _~w- A A from }efus‘~€hx%iI¥, Wham‘ %3PP0i‘-I1téd=Ahis;owti‘_Spii*itu~al Oflicers ,7 to: whomhe hath ~éotnmi__ttemdI the kéyébf-~ t:hfed, that-fi‘)mee~few Civi1+men,. having n-oea1li%ngfrom God, A c‘m~ be morefable to judge (if ’ fmattersQfthiswnature, than the A fl°emb1i?es of theflhurchl feipafated for thework of -t‘1~a«e7‘Gofpe1 ,’ 0+5 Wh*iCh.tI TiS'iS ”n*O~ fmjalfpart. The f..1m%e C1hu~1*«CheSV, andVp2u*~ti'cular_ly the." ' Church of SciarA¢nd%,V which all tAVhi~s\jv"me—;'ha~ve= been In ex:-» dpefltaition of" gm-zat pu—rit'yr and per‘feé°rion of Reformation < “in theChu-rchof Eéagi/.m-31,3 may have "th<:.irA O‘W[1j€‘a10t1‘fi€‘f§-~ ,md«f¢ar$_¢ that in‘ t:h%‘e%‘+%%11at!u*re»of the thiynvg5t1ii3»%ymay be the ' . laying Vofa» new-~f0‘un*dat%i~onof an-P1ig%Zh[ Coflmmiffionjor «pifcop.ac.y 3 upon which the {i1perfiru&u1'c‘afterwardA3,ed; “though,coVntmry»%vt0tVhe« prefegmt pubhke —1ment1on%si,A wmay’ 'b¢“;e3¢fiAe,% And for 21 new p'art1t4zom~wa~11%;‘tod%ividVewbetWixt».A V ;~t11ema%nd?the~C~hui=ch Oi7*E’r¢g1Qaz1d, and» to-Axnaké a prefem: S*ch~ifin ‘and~:‘Seiparati0nL for Wrenifing t“h'e7 4b.€$W€lS_ ofdthisg _C_hurch.“ % A ’ ~ % » ~ T*hi1*d1ya, I C once1‘ningAAAthemeeting of th»e:&N¥ation ,’ , W€“3~C1j£1?lOW71€d“ge~ th1aAtr*~wt':h~e$A !S“~upr€»%m€f AM2. giPtra%fte_ .‘ whdA+~isV=‘rd1anA ofbciath Tables and a Nur 63- P?atAIi1e‘ri¢of€th«e‘4%.* A ‘ jh-iafclfij may hall 21 Na:iona1%:"Afi%;=AmAb1y43 Aw?h'er17«~ in hi?S~ hi“e=f'h}‘}}‘l it L ne:c*eff2t1=~y~5 nci;%%AtA»¥1V‘eA% Chutgclm ifl}3V= _% g~1%1§’féfpe‘ h»u41n+fl?it~y%~ mobey» his capI~~li¢, fqrx {t41'ib " gi5A*@*r the¢P”eace~.0i:tah@K In gd0n1s,LW~11lem~ . Vdi£u:1rbed%"~5% E%ut:1c;~ I‘1S=«W’Vl*E»h&H ,to~be¢ ar@kr10w1edgec14¢ .; .:Powep.¢y£:the»i;4a«giftzatc%;iisaaccuAmu1ativ¢ or ‘ ,. .,. fi=‘ar*“ % move‘, ; «Acme; .:*W«e&~4éuherefor;e”2A%— lmove _., Thit the liberty? which the chmh hath rm (22%) Chrifi bc"notref’trai1’1efd in cafes of:l7"uCh' -extraordinaryner; V ceflity’, as Religion in all filaces hath been and maybeh lub- ljeéfuntogthe fafecyofthc Church beinghere the S.upremc; Law , and the hlonourableol-Ioufeslof Parii:zme‘nt ,; 1)iWing' ‘ their liberties inlarged, virill be wiililng to inlgrgethe l.ib_.er.h-— i:i.es of Chrifl: and his Servants. And We.defiree,A thatas " V theyhave intheir Wifdom appointed certain times.f0r_-zt-11¢! {nay al m'eetin‘g of the'infer'i"or"Aflcmblies of ,th_e Chu;rChl,V;lo:th__qrl3 o be pleafcd to appoint fixfed timtgs for othe.me»eting‘ ofthc National Afli-;inb'ly; others;/ife;whatf {hall become of the mill-ad%miniPc1'ation ofProvir_1cia.l S nods ,. zandleofi appeals from them to the National Affcm ly? ‘May hot Provincial Synods within 3'. lhort’ time 1'urliI§1to,~Comraery opinions and praélices, and prefume upon 3. Provinciiahli Iag- depepzdency to hold them without coutrole.>; "the lh,,Chri..l sflian‘. [Churches in all ages ‘have ufedlthis‘ as an 3 A flecefié-ry%1ne;m‘for thcflniform fetlxqg and 9rfe£et’v1x1ge_9f,;. Religion and Piety,'f'or een'furin‘g;2in<:l 'pi,1rgg;ii1i1hg;.’éo>,ih1_l_t:pf A hgff, relies and erirours ._,’ andfemoving fql‘T<;anldals’_, fchielimi _1;y~,._ ranniy,.prophancne{{‘e1,l ahdlfucihevilé ‘as by Divin‘elP_reoVi3;;i_iv denceand‘ predificion muft bel, W a_n_d_ would brim V certain, dcflr_u€tion andedefolagtion ,u1;ion‘Ch1irch¢s, i.,by.th_l5__ l poWe~rful remedy they werer1otjoured‘or prev.e_nte_g:l,_ V V A 1 % .4 fl 1.;There be divers other ’particu1a_rs in, theoDire’&ionsa13d‘ol_;L Ordina1ice”ofPar1iament ,' as thelgivingof the sa¢r;;;n¢_ne, to form: perfonsagfifinfl: the cloinfcience ofthe Mi.ni_;li’cry:eA;%aro¢x'l_g1_;: Eldcrflfipa Conéernlng piablicko FL¢p€I1t3‘1°¢a.. ..,=iIid lf1ieh1i¥:<:,§l5l which by conferenfée or lotherwifc as fhallfsrcm good ttI1ougeh‘ onely as preeparatoryeeaned orderato the? ~fl1orther~.econzfidémtioné of the ouifesr; Weber; 'W€‘,j‘J11ai"vVa“fe_7lF”l:%‘#'-“ ' oufl y.;t”houg11‘t*uoponoe etmhis way of proceeding , :-the .*P:r.p:ofi-K tmns;be.i mg the ozdezmzmedis «oi? hock Ki:-1 gdoms ritoe ‘fbfi oesfenetam themmemf as‘ the mean'é«for.;fetiing 121 well. .groun:%:Vedoe:Pea.eee, ’:md:irT1¢Cim11y4iiiothe t:rra?ét~er7of the fore ‘the§~fu11.fecu=rit,fiye A % of o *o:K;imgdom~:aves,;oPom%oWn- tioggiee ia*Isk:.pofii:ble,ofatie€a» A «é?cim1 ;Af0*’€fari;oears €onfifleWi~:t:~h‘+,;ourfCoven-ant and ‘ 4 , ;q¢1amti»orrs)e ‘We-eh’:e&y;be?by;=God-s*ai T‘ =f?rar:ieeoe a view‘ 1 A ggzjgfhmmftime::efi7eé’guated. Whereas mzhenwxfe‘ If ofhaxlle \ o, 1‘ .. 3 .A mspxefent 1:n~rwmmngto’theo%Hsonfesg liecéwfi xrmoéplyese m:hlme: manners; me«mt1£h« »‘f15*:» “ sgrmt; eiexluf pred iousgtime, A -v V| I. J“ G" 1;”, ~,, :. A V _ 3 %;emA atVanddiegrantingof~%them4Vwillbeax3iA ¢H‘a%E‘tu§i3Vh~a=§$r% fm‘giv.%i4ng fatisthéfion ta"b‘b-th"%Ki%n.gd0ms. This we have: j udged %n%ec§e£i5ary for ums‘ t»4o7ofi‘cir as thezm m&expeq1i:i;>us for a t%%tai”n%in fhoffi ends, and that g‘ht‘C.§¢a: t' %(‘£1;*zV‘z‘Ath%e%%;%p§1VrticuIa_rsi A {:omm1§m‘i¢ated«4unto{ A-w5A [:by V won cfizhei .ch*£2ir» L;ord_» uV$‘%;:6that9th(3y kneiaf Wh%eth?eVr it VV§35?fli itghe.in:¢nnimr$bfrAh%e:Houfeés to‘ fendwto tfie Kingthc Ordi. *9 ‘AV and that?~1%h€“AH-’Ou~fesAthemfelvés were to be %¢0nfu!%t¢d~%her‘ea4 & : ‘i;3";‘* t"hercf0ré‘?Ati1at*t4he ,%%Pr”opofition. "concemin “R.Cfi-.5, A A givfl (%t%h6;fét17inVg% iW1i€reoffhou1d&by€? ‘aritd i§fAthe * c; icf¢fit**? A ofthe defire§VofKixagdoms,. andforwhichprintipale asd1fl:tn&V.knVQw1e8ge%a1'1d %a$%fu1Iafl’L1ran“Cie ,of, the: partic1i4-‘AT % is pd1fi”bIe~,‘ -bein“Nam¢ ofboth Kingdbms ‘demagl- % aedot?theKin,%andAwichknowlcdgc grancedbyms i that accoriwg'tathé%joynt*cc1m:ion ofbotjh 4 A A Peace‘dm”‘ay “ha ei’tabmhec1 upona % W! fi1re%fotmdamgrxfo1jthc%p;efen4t and future “Generanonsg” A TV 3 % | . & ”5~0Yn"% for confidcring "fuck Articfégs of ‘ that a‘4%commiu¢e maybeappoamea % 6&5} Pxéffirmatififla md uni 01‘mi¥§’ 9fChu1‘éh-g@%&rnm&nt,: airs %a1rdea.dyi agreed» upon" by bmh Houfiss , ?- that having ioy'ntcc>nf¢nt L,th€%3'111ay 126 fi: 11-1&t§¢rf0r th¢&4P=ropofitiu:: A % offifilig-3@"fiiI«3,-~1:Q7at;1j1e; mg, . iAn§14%'vthercfor¢ A E511 %d6fiI*¢~tAh€ %"1i<5I10s1rAe;bL? Khexrr Wifdcm ta e>éP*=d¢ Ofthls d1fiieu1%ty»'T POfitio1.1S1T13Y bewith “all h-aIn1;9%*i°uS :% \4. 646é;j