«:?a»i;~?z:3 Eizfiy 7:33.. I C f.4-I fix. R D V I IN? 1:. is . F3, W L‘ (M ‘ A" am Ewc., Vifisount Her:3]‘bmr!, Lo1"’?’e;‘.'~‘3x‘»'l”’ 2/:=¢’_/§'&'ec*m A ‘ " % -n —.....mm H... at» Mtwivumqu-uvin §“’2¢bz?{,%@w£ Zfy (,?rci«3rQ}‘“2“a°72e How is «if Pa*6:‘fre.§§.‘ %fl”&% Lmwuam, %% W» ~43?‘ W xflvfil.‘ «Mn; or ‘ "W ll‘ I 4 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ¢ v “ . Y W .- s,'M.iAs%a.ef:m.my R, and 1:. 1% mi? ./W35’ ]”3e73j%7’£’? :11‘: 0% $2” A a:?~a»:;:u§?’e:.«z::;2 ;1g’:ga1ia'1if%.1).m.vj2~.m2s Churchiz1F16ct—;Pcm3:{. W;1«'3»<1;.cR W ‘*1 A ‘ W? FAPLE s- wag? mad K E S S E X ifiw WC“ , "Wu -w J N am“ . ‘ ‘ ‘I ¢~%§§A ‘£:;n'm.*z::w1v:: C:up::;1mc4 Lord Gencmll ":"”'£ $3 ¢tZ’::<::Abbe’y%(1lmrc§*azzt4z1V—y’Er;zirz,/?e2*, at t%1cP~;%~1;ag5rsificenf ,3?“ . 94.359 rt» . 5" % am r « ~=’%.~ «:2 .44 W a¢»~«s~..:x«~..-. . vE¥%”»w . . *«Ww:;,75r«ii~Ai~¢i’~w»**Wew~érwiwvV*»3i;?Lfm=E;;;aa.:;::A:;;;f&ag“.35?s‘§fiéa;$.;95WA~§té+J:é«i:A¥.’g.~fi%Aasm; A T.'eI—I*E Rm I-IT H 0 NORABL The Houfeof PE E RE es eAfl"embled in MIAMENI;“ ePxigI1r"HonorabI.e, ‘ e eflm perfamaee wbflertzzice I ‘ ‘ * am able tot/9e mem029z0ftbe.re~.- I. V e ‘ n0z‘2mea?Lord, deceefied,AndA te "““A ti9eC0mm;md5'oft/9etRigbtH0- “being to tfozér Seermme.‘ fl2«zJtoye0urL0rdf/aipe % pa/aofi: Order I brmeedwentmedupon ‘t/913“ A»-» e D warble and N 0!)/eT»riumVirate mbic/agczrue A eP»eeel?*e The EPime”I)@diC3t0rAw Pu5li64ti0n¢V:;VA1! véaevz (‘57‘°"Cf»’}’¢f7/10/9%;.W£v0k.¢:ei-=4 % z/:erm‘oi*0flg’var?%w12;gni{:M0t/J @5¢0W i§V¢tea K3; in.§au.d€, V% P1” 9¢f3*‘t%i itwifl fafiidilmfl :» -'0 fl ac--VA . 42%» T fidwzejfié Ewyzlésb Ziej~2»fifi;§i’?69? I/are Roéesyou 229e4re,i sémf tfiazr it 13* mi 4 meereborromgd gnim wfiic/5 m:zl§9e:y0zz H0?~f~’»0mé[c{, hm. t/93 reflg; 5z*zmV ar ‘rebomzidiizg nl)16lC:%:0_f t/fizztzzzpoyz you, wbicé wem.fi;fl0utfl"0m-ym But tbziy Sara»-A monmill teac/9 }0u,z/Mt‘ Titlerof Honour are writtenirz a'ufi‘;,M%z272;*l Vt/5:1: P rinse; and great men may? fix!/_, weir vmjrlwnrgggmemtgc are martallj and mi! in stz"m3& e“ ]%y;;;;I[45A 1-..%,.4% _ «5WT0m&C/?y 1 hive?-grozvne with T£70rn.r mm‘ ;“; aw vr Brim: [jg/sit 10fz?z‘5*m01jy2v19ic/ajbiypgjfggr 3un~fét:i§??ur/iéet/fie Mbén%wMcb%wm41; fii rfiegreei : oglmjv zbzztlr ma -‘z2§::=2:€ “ 2722 I/fiefi- 72%? “P?/W 0fi’5’fw0rr’MWifl lofe calm:-.% »‘1ec:zy, and ‘U ¢ P0/Wm‘? W filmggrrzce flaw WV W The E%ifi1e$»Dedicdtory.% * '1P0fl+7?.fl?””J‘””’ Wniwow" Wow 4gem fv‘ t/veflvmk ?¢fl45Ww¥z’11 "?"’)’)"”Wf4’”"" wards ‘Immortality M any at/9er%.Cbm'~i0t 2'26 J=¢l9z'%.r world. Vltms‘ muck M303/Bing wbemme% Vgam flyrzafimore *{}fd.i7’1d7¢1“b97_1 Azflwcfzid ~ of fame % great 0128?, AtbzyztA%i»téIeA}I#reig11“ed and die?d.4TkE' 35' ~ Lorclgiwe you kmrtméfmtedwit/9 {gal far God, vtoget/931” %mitb cl rigbt ‘temperament of A %i.;ounfl;'lx_, knowing t/Mtyou are _0*z/er apeople 1 wbo(.z15Tacitus_[zzz'tb) »ne%c>»tot§; fervitutem .pa‘ti%p¢fTun*t~énec tota1n1‘libertat*em, dndfif your fizll do co77¢e~I9efbre 3:011‘ flee, or rwp the fiuit of your lal20ur.c..'. The Lord mczlie you Méliwfifdy idkecffifififiwwitbyozg, and «lame A zflonouréebindeyau, oyrazyetb V * ¥our‘Lordfl1ips mofi humlile afid aunworthy"iErvan1:,;in anfl for RIQH ARE 'N;E“'5; % '— mania... « A \2€',Vé}Z€1"£j.“ 23, Vo'5;;;z;; 1545‘; "‘°_1-{dared by the Lords in Par1ia1nentafTe1m~ b1€da‘That this Houfe gives thanks -to Ma- Pier Vizm for the great;pains.by him taken yePc€rd'ay in the Sermon heepreached at the ‘folemnization of“ the Funer2iII% ofthe Earle. of EflE.x5d'ec;ea'fed :;-¢A:nc1 Vhee-§ is hereby dcfircdm to ?rint_and;=Pub1i4%fl1;theV%~fi?m¢, Which" is n0t‘t§t) be Printed by, any but by Authoxzity. under his own ,fiandj’*~‘ 370. Bmmzze Claric.Pqtrli4me;z;ormm, ‘~? appoint~"%AbelRopfier to pA rint.%t¢his S¢rm01aa%. A i A‘ h ¢ Kicbard.:Vz'7ze.r;. '1 they Ftmerall %Ciff. tIi*E4 L 1» MAC HEI) L Ac:-he S0“1€ffl.11iZati0119Of' ’Iiiono+‘ ff: % :3’ M : Eark» of*Ess¢«E:X,%;8cc%. Right‘~HonIa7ér6lé»;&{’é?.% A W M J A _ H % S that ; L01; ferit f.<>{1:-ch in attach» sf-":~ M . -.,\ ,....-«. A M "‘\‘M“ ,2: ‘:A"~‘~~‘.-«~“.:£-7-‘-47» $4 “W ,‘.“§,.\ R - . »‘ -‘::~ ‘-35 .. "g V», vc»,*V -kw '$§~A,§ V" ~.~~‘r \ cg? ipartigmlarél mama »§;fla;§g.A1 6 <;41iA,d;;,~ { gm gw: wthm “:[:?m3b9§5.:”;’_thf¢n.‘*' M 4: U “fix s gt‘ 7 %Athe Family %themth¢r%;‘~;H0uf¢a4 .‘ s .\‘u_ I .;« r M ‘ 4'5"-"»:%’\‘ _ ,, .. V «N N. V though fewer Pcépsfjonat/van Wasalfo takcng AA1,5§,,;g;¢%%%V,14_.42.A So doe the tracksor wgfiggizz gpm % pearlng ‘ ; §'+‘t:;* 311$. *1: 3f??? A 1 A which manrier of progre‘ W'W‘=n:v'wwu--nu j A A at wt/aewfmzemll of I 01’: Bmzere % Sa§n.l4.. 45. % A hand, doe fpeake the very.VV.m;wm.’ Vltmifi‘ Wtbat is‘ taken. And {hall jonatbazgnkfidyg tad” pearing two? ydlil‘ 16361 youm: two turd VVti{féém removes to A the ‘Fad oAf.».thisAi24e«_sg;m- ordhjary ‘infd j ma=gni4Hcent TTfh;e7 ABC. cocheons which are the Index 49)’ the :z«"a,~;.«2ly do {peak firfk, an-d1t%el1Athe name of that;?hvanom*abIe" F;1111iI§,’ %Vwvh'ii::h }t*his£2.m¢;%~:%A;4mZ:3sfga.%%Am1. tAhai%‘s+A:G2b3e fie1d of’ amen , %Vcha%1?g§ed Wextfh ‘éi am?;;y% fHe~rf:,3 ha- noured With fo grea9t“a confl11encei‘0fz1azz“:es and titles of honour g_r-anmd either by the Sword . Vor_HG0Wne,F Whether Honourablfié, Worfhipfull, A A A 5 ind that ian thi$;fP1aV"7ce ‘._,-“I where amjorum gmz&tiwfr22v¢. ha?ve thc11:Sh1*i’ne§%_w{l‘iere the Lion: of England have u:i’ua1i:y4pL1to'dt tT1eir exrwiar , and Maj$efli»e and hlighneffe have laid up _What Qf,Morta,1it;y iJ1;heyp.hac1W, d_0£h_prl:j)¢- célltaizt-1r1e*‘4 wt) *P1=%imcé;d, » or “~g1**6:a1f of ;hat%VFa1i(; wbJ&om%»nt¢be‘:$Lotmtb% ; ‘ ‘But then ‘i: e %Mi1itz“ry‘% Eqfiipage, the mbur.4V ning Drximmc, fh‘e%j_braokEn%‘; 5.2 .:;the iizflg--A mac; and ‘ Infiruw A A;“m:e'sar%erfed , anél in- a. moumfull pofffie {AT A e%Ti'ufi%cI1JE-':0n in a déad mdlmw; .-. re W‘ .... wxjouaght fogreat faWatU”im V , A A gém " AV A a1rmc1yi%fal1en 1:: for ~n0t fyeé kn-ewthat A is 3 and ‘st TI*&"a‘e1§V~ M 2 ;m.. ‘ ‘ ‘ » 3rf¢a4Wt'5‘ man‘L faflem %Vthis my /t/:eRig£vtAHAé2;2WmzA1iA1eRbbértflzrl afmam, -é-c, .4 L 7 2A SAM. M38. A Khgw j/eA{3 zzjat that there 21¢ 4APrince,mzd 4 great man: A A AA ‘fallen f/bi.a7‘dAa}r fizz 1]'r*aelA.s?“ A A AA ‘- H I *3‘Texf 'Pref'€IIw 3’ou1wiAthAAthe Herfe ; of Abne-rA;,A a P1*in:ce ands a" great man 1%. _ji fallen in "If mel : » This day P1-efentg A ~yAw;Wifih4aparale1l Herféof a Prince, 92 great —man fallen; in England 5 'ofAthe1n maggnificently att:ended~ with AthicA d7rQ‘0pin*gA flatelineiik of Apublikc and univeVrfwI5l‘V1a- mEntatiori;.AA A A A A A AA A Th:.‘?1t’I fégt fol eliights about the H*e1*fca of ;45n:er,, y0u1~AmAa‘y» p1'eafeA toca11toAmindeA: A A A A‘ A A I; . A - 2. His‘Projeé’c.‘ ‘A A j 3.AI~¥isFa1i1;d \ A 4.%AVA A A A A % A ,’éE~WasACaAptaineAof thefloflgorflyla ¢nAmm,A Lord AG?e1=r%c;~ra~11 of the F0-1‘ce%S~0f Ifmsel 5 it A_ AA fa much beeaufe he toucht Kingszml A A ‘V : i:nAb1ougd , being C0ufin*_Germ;;me‘5, as in wref eat @’i”AA’t“?1i4s4AAP1i.‘g*}1~A¢of1'frr'!'a~n4d7Dtlf1a1%‘%heiA5caAIIVAed4A,[A Pr2A7za~e, and 4 gram? »a~¢m,. A A A :2,AHis7 which heh-ad uAp0nAAAthe Anvile ‘hisA~deathg,WasAArhe re*t:I3AL?:mement 0-AF a1IIfMfel A M mmiun—A%tEievAS¢«epter AoAfV1>“m;Ai“al 5 hereinA his %PrAoje€i: ha’ncurr*&AAw&thA Gbds,-5 Bwétk rifainhim , froxn A A‘ -A A A A B 2 A A an W—'""""YV ~—-w-r-a-up-m A ‘ ,:Se"lrmo7zlPreczcFJel::ll Funeral! ‘an ill or fofpiciousground. Iflabofloetbdothbut queflion j him for falniliariuffxgégllqffig-.l*5lCOi§§<3t1iriéll A l u... counted a limdeof Crimea Mlzjghités) and this heats his bloudfa for great Irtflmweizty will mat léearelrz cbeeégl a11d?:h¢reu_p0r1 his Sto. mack brihgs hixfh off ll.,o_.,1Cv”l9‘z:lV *飒@,fifl3 amall great‘Spirit:9 or ani;r4zMtie.r,” of gr-emf mm (lt:’<»02¢gb‘ibg}zl.’2lem0t czzrrééiol ~£2y~lG0:vfi2;e7zzfe) to bring t_0bi7"f/J,‘/{1l2Y"J‘:402397Z3‘ p;z¢rp.:0fe5‘ _ A teridédzrcvengeg mall :ernu1a1:il:1l75 the fpirit of Cmlfizr-ahad .1?ampey» ’Was« in 30ml»: before] it was‘ in them lz“ ;H<é could not abidel_o a 'lcJororiVall or e--, quall. Let great Commanders loolm, to, thigag» 7 ] Anabitiml is “?Pi§13lne7ti;3*§h3-ii xmxltz havrz Whole” 4 Orbe ‘go lit‘ lfelfeg =* and» i:simpht1ent of Comfort. 4. H13 Funemll 5 and that was fplemne and honourable in Hebron;, nowlthefroyall City, and A V formerly the Sepulchrall Qf_~g€_{[7§f¢£,l4?7£3 ”1famc:,€§°c.. At Whicha Da‘2'»'J2‘cl Wajs _c/giefiéjzmazzmer D - for hee followed the Bed or“He1*fe, vmfl: 31. and bee was the Omtazlr that made the fpeech of’ Lamena A tation _.~;, as,h¢.h3sdllbef9F€dOfl¢l.f0Yl«SW41;=t1i:ld:7g2r- wt-thmg '«S%’.’Z7?z?iT'“I2I«1l9»r’ NOW for the He1'febefdr63r9u,1etHu[sllli‘?:ehoov§%g farre it parallells with thlsm the Text. 1'. The loP7rincewo%r great man fallenthis mdayin V England Was C%;Plt3i~I1€ L;0rdolGelz2o¢mZ! HYS lof;lth.Lc%:IiIo;ft» of Efixglfind-lw?lh€r¢1s ngreeméntiagthe Qfliga aiidiiitie 3 thfi l‘Tl.efXtl¢9l11‘d=l n0tllb¢lP1*0pert0llanY fallen A the"Rig7bfH0n0/fimlyleRobertfiarle ofEfi‘eXa&~c. i fallen undergurlvlexidian unto this day: tju4tA unto this new fia1fA ,createdV :.by, th‘? Paflisfim em, and arifi11g.in§:thiS Horizon; ab0utA and ncweclipfid 0rfa11d.e.n.: 4| 4 :2. His projefiis written in acopy fairgr then theoriginall, %andg0es faxjre beyond thm-_,of ,4-v1_._l,... ézer-%T he 1’%‘3;d1l¢‘3¥11‘?1‘t hifiéis Tbihééwhatélike ir1Abth.t A«J;i‘“erAe;;is:x1~c>> effe1ninat€' ;fP.i11’kA4 that rai4f@th the fp4iri:% this great man i1;1t_o..;1fla111e -:,vn0 fuch-% cauf¢,_of.Ahis A V tingétgexxysrnt‘ 9»: but the «defexapegof thQ3f¢ p,upi11 ‘ ~I twinnesg the twii‘b1¢€<-iingvfif%¢~rs;r¢:ir13rtt~by%th¢ ljmnddo£fo:nW¢+unw@rth;n andd v+111an9ms;d¢f@r;o1*»of l1»r;m,,V 4%xn%adc*b¢o1d.:Aby iranq1ii:{“1‘1inent ,azs .37 mr by? V théhiufi fury ca? .1111 0pp1‘efTed Sen_a€e as Caeflgiffv did 5f*;I1 ,1‘ b'Y4itf1.‘l»‘§¢.-"“;“cjT.tS ;and firata ems of atrm. _g3‘uguflw.ygwifh};;fcsg.*.,,aifiure death. ITI§i‘@ dyed ‘ « +;.HiS 4%*5:"~1§1?4A€*?€%.1;,1fQrA4Vth¢ f1‘¢%t4¢%9«f”it%cermi111Vy cw 1‘11¢e;P§:“??Z”.1.?.~.3§7I‘e%%€?~1'7é*thfiT1WQsHOu§-" fés 5fPar1iéune11t3 the m 2mof?’:11i§:E;1Kj?gIa.11dintwu A %g1obes,V%~p03§zrin%g out their }fbr1*oWes,. and paying pheirkifT€S 6fH0n‘ourab1e.farewe]w1Q to %his tutelzuj V M A 1‘ I 'I§1;g“,E?.x;;;1,%g%s:s% of thcmLaJ;$3;"th?:§ 7§?111am.:a,e~r W it}%1i?1111isx 117* V 4:4 wafiermm Preatciéed at tl3a‘”‘Fzt"nerzzlZ%$"AofVff M V t h=,isAday in b1Aac1{eVVzmd4n:1ou%1jning.;M x A h’onou~ r afi?d in blfoudég do quarter with his 4hf;%,'I‘fé' The f1'oWre;of1zheA7:t=emdWned* city of Maya; (farre fL1rpafIing’themeann“eI7s :)F_)11a%;zAer3' Helarm) doe t1?aAi41%e—Ath7€ir tnfaresafter his H\€rfeL , and are come: I fidiput non‘ I’1irn~fl1c?irVc2?7JiAcztr;z caranamgtheir CiV’iC2fll15 crcrwrm of Honour , propiVer~fermra%:V‘ci?éxefi,} ' for their flvved Citi7zenAs. A A A A A The 1'-V'everenVud«g€Sand‘ the W0rthiesA of that A gowne A, A doe prefem: the mou~m1ngteares‘ ofthe that-1®éerf*‘e A larwes-, tha»tA»pa%y Athis AAtribute% Friar _thei";1* fi-cedoxngf from éilflé Amrtinomiasnfipwrerogative. A A 2 3 The h0ri’aura~b1'efeuPd‘fery, ”tIfiof:i." great ‘natiriaes which while they Wore his; Orelige theAA fiel"d55V <:o=wk;1”A?AAh:zave*da:11121~1ée'c1~ death it félfc _., d‘de;n0AWV* in chiangevofccslourlweepeoven h“i1'I’1’A;(”_.‘-1I%1(‘i1AAi%%“V?V"1’1;c!.AC mam vveepesinotin-wfuchVchafiger bFWeavB‘éf?) could? take 2». lion by the%bea»rc“1, ’yeE?dve¢”p éA§~2it 4 ~ A V 9 The "ge.wn4ea~1%4fo% hath its mk¢Awith merwoga A i<1q%%.1:Ig1is ’g1;*eat Army of m_durnie1*9; The‘ 4Afi’enfl51’§:‘ eéf'Di*vi~n es! Whofe praryfifs bee Fo¥1netirI1es’ A am ;reAq«uef’ced5,, 'n€ec:17é~n0t4 b‘e'diPcreined f‘0r*tiT*iu‘c*;w%i‘r «contributions of t¢a1*es8>£ g1‘i€f‘,% they, Wrap u;pinv a cloth, -,M.;thatydoieztmotonAe1ymme~to fill M V fhéfiii‘ €YfiA;$TA;, AAAA«'b1%1»t tAQ;;£mptyAthem P I xriuftcon cluid A D . _ wfay a9’t11fé of thfi. 1+WiAfsacu1mm:AAatt Romy; P/’"' "7" " ‘*3 Afiwhich tat once tin at hundmd yeaxmpcme I A qmdflec that wlsiobye flzw laefom: , mar flmll fie... 2-»t%rfi:e mg-mfzatew. A M A . Q ‘ f . ; A . if Wt tit 1:13? mpeiyed that Aémzemr 'E:mera1l.,11atth same F’0).”i'E;%t eO!Ai1"*tW0,*Qf53¢a~W9Jb0VfiAAu35 ttDa'm1diflattmawrzzerg, ” ‘David 1M gr;ataur.A. I fay The I:e;a1*:.esof_ amid wane at this time in great part compurga- A A t:01fsVofthat.fufpici.o1*; which hfl might A lye under Qf»hflAVA‘m;g 8, tfi“g31':g%iI1A Eat Whelfein _"7’m12 had his hand ._,, «which kindflaf ma17e$W€ have izotz, um- uld wifh to have, AAth0Ugh.¢Da¢ZJ_1'd,J' anly inthc oratorwba-aid, thattmade -ttheIpete¢hWceA are ex... oefedadsgtt rand lam glad that filth a State as this Aifigtiflfflfiflux éanclt Adczficicnt in nothing, but .thm: Awhiamm mytpnoomfetvxce 1ies..A . By this unparzillelling parallell 5 youmay V by fmvtthat my , dgificoutfe will be divided between tw«p,Am£~;letAGamerzall:t: and tfirftt let us coxnelto the £3 0 Twat; ttwJ?m=ein~Dawid t »f3methingoftf1e~ .p.. dmad%9 tanldtfomethmgt tothc livif:g.% V Of t/ac dead. That a Prince and great»ma*niS fallma thistiayinlfrael. A ‘ A A ‘ ,- , T«a«AttI»e.‘li»;Jizzg. «Knowygetnat. It concernes you.f:‘:;"Obn“’ A”? to.knoWf, ttor I wou‘1dAhaVfe youAAAAtaketnoticc% ;bot:ih5 of it 3, and that I amttweake this day._.,1:hough an». anointed King ,, andfthat the formes ofzeruiab are- hard »f@teA, fcatthat Icannot &.'X€C1SltA@j11~fl?iC€:A ’ at prefent upon the bloody hand that hathggivtem finokmt ‘A f A A ' A? A M ’ Concgrw A —..—...___ ~ ---U egg Sewzoééé iiimhealmkermrqlz of; i ~ Gelfim-A ‘:V A0rAChead:, A AA AA A srloe fall f (1 Pzfime and vlgfédteii AiT"iifiiC(5nAcerning that which is fpoke11r..dffh*e‘ ‘irdeadg you «teahres Oif‘i:‘~1Aris~1amen"‘faijié>n.;4 "!1>%inz:¢’%*I::*;2g gram” A 4 ‘fir-mzA°fd'I1é7.z:,. zizéd fallen‘, fmmel; This ‘day in r2zel_ hath the Emphafis in‘ ‘him In Athienick oftirne wherein? Ifiiael was prion the point ofre... ~ " e :11: bythe’ sigehey 7andis%¥fefu1li czontributi- ens ofthis great “man, who feeined tc”)biei” the only Pilot thaticould have put the {hip into quiet harm bour, or at IAeafAiaAAiveryiA' reatifieerfa-imalirwin the Worke. ‘A ”Th1Asday‘_1s:hee A;,111e:ri‘5~rax;1d =iifo¥i£ not more alienated by his‘ £311, yeti] reimaineth in“ dirfiraéiion unAfettlemen’i:“ : and tiairdzzy wherein I cannot give them jufi reparation, if they fhouidrdemandiitflof rmee 3 if any {hall deny-ithrat‘ there is acc,henti‘?r<>i= :e»mphafisi in’-. the word ‘tlaizsi day"! IfijaeIAAé:i(Ere* nibraeriibgomsw the reflexion of light ?fi‘()i"11"the‘fl:bry”3_f‘&thati will cleare it. I‘ A A *Ifl1a1ln()t crubq *1 arm have *iritc§=A1ite,. rail Sciiyllaibicallh1i?hi1ts,,A_ ‘ieefi '~=IA-b’e; "‘ f it»I;1eiir~ AA b r gizi wekb “~a§é’~g«‘~m%‘ v 6ii€T'«:Z3 but will draw fipitlie mrattéri i’1A"*?1to*thi~s chemn of biA.r}7' 2ifigeAi2t}A 145251 *i‘1fl:fz£l7lzeh E" t£iéjA7é7filA@;}z‘«i€?fl7A of A medgri~mEfim;«ofrzfl-gzelgW:/Wof rind fqlewne laz22e7zt;ztibiéi A A ‘AipointlWi11*o}jen'«~;h)fl AA[A3it1ft§}5 f;A1nd"fi~ithbfe A Awordsg‘A‘eI€%2Adn»; yea“: ’2"z~”§‘t in 9b1=i*?iiag“ §th*e*i1;:g.fe$ “ofit,'1.n~itiieTiir’e:ir. A iPrz'mfe A A A Thfifubjeéi of this lamentatioxf iski “Ps+z‘7zve A mdczgreat 7922112. T A A Treafonagives this titleto‘Cap1fains;inAVVar3 and _......... tbeazg/JxzgmaumzgzeP.obercEmofAEi1“ex, em, W I pmm to am; Eqg%1%1agAwearés” 3 "Afou£:ds the am mafct11inA*ebr;§tnph b1‘4%lurcIeAAIhOo”ting fmm the Pcem A of Ma;efl"1e. But the Scriptureb which fpeaks no generally to. 1316“ a. 1*! headfhlp empower, am‘: 9*: 3% Whe_therAM111tary_ or Senatorlan 5 yea” though ‘a7 A man be but the fore-man of his rank; A A A ?% 9 *G5"ezz$A man 15 a note of fome fingu1ar€~min;€ncic_ above the%ordin;1ry treesA Aofthewood ," audits ami... A D tlcgivenw ‘even to aAN¢zbzl that hath three thQufandAAAA!x Sam-25¢,» flnseep mdja thoufm1d‘go;1ts 5 which AisAthe«1nea.n~«‘ ‘eff mnkof ‘ greatneffe. But WAhere 21 great mm“ is added toga I’rz‘nce.; , it A maywell import as1n1.1thAAas mmgn:ficent,aA1nan , of powerful interefi , great valoulj htbnourstblje A atchifivementsj, A noble aéfivity inhis place; Ma; gm» is an addition or hatc:h111¢r1tby whichAAAléAA -’€4m1er,1?am-peyv, carom: , Szc. have be_,enV fima-"-*'V med 3 far their g?reatAfeWVices orexplpits. AASo* ; th';atA a : man hi‘s¢o“rb4 *6r%p1ace he‘ ’f¢bA i‘1‘3",,AA AAi3 mpceps%% but by his AinVfl1iénce af1:¢:1;AA*Af»§2am#sA of wvorth3“Aray_ing_from M him upon théj Afublunary ” A Commons h~eA»is .mgnwA;~ it‘ fmgelleng " Con}un€’r1r)‘n,a\%Pr_mceAand great A'ccord;11g A) ' ~ tofiyle of honQur,w1th.us_., a man Axmy ”bq“r10:.. ‘ bleby bm:h% ,, difcent *,Voxb1ood.V And. rlawugla, V I B_cn0ne_of thénéwswimerx ,, tha’tcQn15dAA‘Wifl1 “ P1'incs Cat}ton’dA4A intowthc-2 commonl-level “.3; A I“ V may put cm inmindfithatL2‘1rztiiqW" of RM “ % is b1i¢t‘%Va'VAMw04;(i"‘eM_cS¥’%4%TiiI1g;€ g roW1ng‘upon,,th¢ back: A A of“ wo:yt11AV%Aor¢vertue And if man carry C A_n0i: “IO h Q e§4Semén1§fea:bcd};tthe Fvzmallofh not the hhfiiiim-igini;z1h~ vertue {With him , which fi1*fimad€hhiS R;a¢ehe110b1e,§hh he hishhhbut hficrwer "by Achmgeaof T011-efldegenemted ~1r1't»tt2jj ;.1;; ‘W‘;<,f,"Q;-“I9 4 e g§h;w§ng; nothi.ng*”iriA bu; W5.;Vh;*2::A;:):*e*z13;;;;:_. Mter, Wikthout th;e%jf-01‘3'1r1Asmc~‘§, hfl‘a;2:p; ,0? _}NnbIe.... A M Ii¢i»‘?é~ I Add yen kmw 31:?:é:5‘:? 05mm» . . “ times the C1“Cfat1JF€0EaP1f1>flO£if_4_h;IS hf&IlQyW.f,;VVhi~ChV h when there Is no xntrmfecai ‘vm1*tI1‘;_m bEI.‘\th€’4 e mp 36 N05,-;_L fi,.1gporte1'0fhheit 3 is C as C/§m:2~2~.9r2 1'::1$it.h)flb1.1tT‘\To-* mm. H bxlatybyh Parghlnente Itsa bh1‘;we%%c0n1oc1at10n9 when? eg goddnefiflehh éindh z:€’::"iVitye that nlakes you \ great; ishas high haéethe place which1:ha;?kees you V Princes ~:h for ‘if that crazy fancy take a man 3 whichpoflefi fome great: ones 5 they would behectdled Godsa andperfonate an offentation h ofe~gr_eat11efl”eaboVe men it may beW1*ayp1*iele . and madriefie 5. buteecatj ‘never {by far. deceive the.£enfe of underlingsa hhhbuht that they Willfay as the Coblerdid to Caligzxlzz ,, in thaeflajge gnd . 3“J1?T10‘1i' ahhT;h??h 11¢; W33 :w2eeemW~fiewM :3 481‘ eat Dmficzrclueh >13 “th',"'e“ ::h€’cm.ghof your power and p1ace37:'ei‘w11ichem:ikes you great. I cannot teach A you to be Princes 3 Fortzmzmz .93 5* but I can te11y0u-,hovsf to be great anene‘: not great in A theglafle Wh‘C1$P3T3H11C31ffi3tt? holds before VfO).143,hb1;lth1fld€€dA§ and that is 1: us :q Fill the Tphere of 4 your afiivitygche Church ax1dhState_.,the Town or Countrey , with the powerful an& A benign influences that How from intrinfecal worthh ' hmake the rim es; the A better» for, 4 you, : Cflflfiraifl by ¥°‘1T’mi1“P1€ 370111“ ifl«f€1"i0L1rs t0 know —-—-u-wg ” tlfiaziigkt f;fo:2"az¢i~able‘f{’0b‘ert wof EfTe:5ge§ve~. ‘V 3; 1; , A %1;;,oWGOd‘~%d5A%.dand reform%their Families. Let ' not” Profanenefll-.‘V hide. it {elf under the Wing of Vyéur patronage, “ mgr leffen it felf by the V g1*eatneffc.ef your ex;-2mp1es.;%» Impartial and ifpecdy juftice," with fweet refrefhing Mercya will ‘make you» great men ~ir1A’ the Common... Wealth «.3, Zeal and Syncerity for God and his A ¢Houfc,:% v§ri11rnakey.o1i‘fgrfc*at menin the‘Church.. A He thgtwlllbe a ~great=iVm‘an mufl:draw~I;1is lines to the center% of pubhke good : prlvate ends never make a"g1=ea.t1na11. A M 2. The fubjeéit afthxs Lamemzation is,‘ one Prince -guozzegreat mm. Yce are mlléd Casfomeifnm terpretr the Wo1‘d, ) %i}Je— % C'amem'~of flit.’ peaple 5 the, shield: ,, the amp, t/9.: swzmmr.r4, 'theS/Jep- Ksam-I4-38. ‘l1e:».«m:i.r of the peoplé, %t}3é J?/.{im'fler:Yqf Goclfiar J”dg'2°'?’ Gao:l5 Benefaéforxa @'c..%NOW thcéfall of one great iTreé,:1nakies% a great gappe inthfifl hedge ;,~the Eclipfc Aof7;cineAA~~«o»f t:A11e~ greater %‘ruling% Lamina. fies wbenights the world. Our L-ives,Liberties,8‘ve. it 4').-.:;: AA A as Agomfe ‘*5§ouA»%w%g1rmat ~A*1l V4”?Honours"~, AAA:'l“’itl‘esV4 ,=,A 721:0 :t.2he Acomitréiryg, my §»wifeAIVi~flA 4 aahere « is not . “this AV»~»¢72a't?11s"~:’I*xea‘c1A rwi fnagmAentéS A A~"c>>wfA 4 P0evt1'y« , “and -fiaoh Afluff Amer Awmuld rate’ flat it fbefqreybuas * aa AIh1r1‘din“g Adifh ,7‘ with a 4%PriAmcesAmad, great‘AenA4:d iaimd fdme mf , V ;A:yu¢ La:nm~ éflre %m2m;ntbV his“ mi>ndm_., ‘W!’ "1°’7’{?‘”'T4A4~Vl:;;t »é}’l1a;;rg%ed% all »{af‘b0'ut him *th7at1:hey sflmuld te:mAi1e Dear!» V; which yet yam of :, for way, of all Tfh-6‘ cam:A»&AAth e} h@ufew.;A311 this while , Athat you I y. renoWned#~indu~fi:ry ..and~ze{a19 “have given4%‘VpAr’0vocationAs to ther‘men , mm flea 50f Mankinde Vthat; Ocean worlds %%dqividVed the two =. 1'/96 4%. vf.N0w/9 +and.,thence if ye "hold ydurA*&Way Vupwaird youA" ??i be 3 found the fans of C0i;l1mon4AAd11fiA‘: Adzzma/.17, V And you that,,;a1'e thehigheflc duflr, rai'fecl ;by4“'a A puff of winde ofejflonour above other men ,A «are laid, lilm» the f"1‘*na‘l1T V~dufl:3,—AA with An*e‘A dro A of rain. 4 There is a: great girfiiier icif :“a5}l??‘t"h'iiA1gAs, that can thunder the» : pro1iAdA pero1“ 1r' urider his bed, and Write; the greatliing at Athree or Afox;r~W0rdS into [tremb1ing4: That can ‘fend a %E~:lgr§“to fetch J~th:e ~.T:cEip1e before .*his TriAL- burial: , and make< Va ha?irJ1- ,' or the ikemel of “fa. {pear 1' That% as mA0r:taI as Golia/;r fhis wholeworld into nothing, ;av~gi~ewi:%bubb1e with an ea 16 Vy0u(‘11p¢,3 “bya Faver. rwccnflfiep and” d€:2th.A _f:.r ; (you «Will A Afinde »your4 In -‘the rfaqéturza or nAmAl*- A JIx.Z';«£'z-- A A;/J6 Rigiat Havzoflmble Robert EarIafEfl‘ex~, gt v M I 5; % ——__.. ..w......._—-m fie} TA _fl21~vant 17’ :5/.ril% blend; A Evefy man ‘hath A 41 y _% I £{a fy‘\"Vi§;-:hfi¢h'l oalied His“ dgzy % and dead; ne... 9: 85m. 26. W, veer n*{ak€é~ iiemrxu. Q New (J13 A z’¢¢ve)2t:¢m‘ iii}: Lbalzwa m.«::~§i’Am.A~ ~ A M 4 1..A« A4,. %The~ fuI_3je*é’r of thism La'men4tation isa, A P1:?‘An§4ceiLzmd. Aa grcA.atAman fiiHenA;in‘ fhe»~t.i11'3eAAfi(jf his; genciy‘ and A Aufefulnéflts . F01‘ ¢ the Iéftlemént ofihe ‘ci.ifirz:€i‘ions«A0f~ Ifldel. .:'IAhe keyof‘AtheA I 3 flofy 1.mh"3acl:1]$~zzel.., ‘It was ,2: time what the .p1'Qn1iFe. of Coc1~f*tV4o4Daz2idx was a°mheM:bAi1f:h“, ::1nd»lf%:l"fl§;fé' ’ igml:ale center of l1is‘” private e'“nd.s 3H£:‘»%;l:as'l:a llllm°:*r;;*.e:l1a.t wvauld {Cc”?li’l‘Z€3I‘ the drunlmrcls {roan their la bexmh, ‘amdldlcl not illnclerfiilalncl tlize language of a. llbottle or~labaslk¢;elt5 HefWals-~aMlie/law/xi46,whofe A =l.kirl;dnell"es:.. .lweregre2.t lwlaiwrzla Fe ‘llflulevved to the .:;Hc;~ullTe of God, ‘and the Officesltliereofls He Wasa lllvlinillzerllthat izoulcl not only thunder inhis Do- A , Vfirine, but lighten in his Life 5 A He wAasA a. Papi- 1tm?[(agreat“lLawyer) but he woyld not defénd A I.mpcrialll and arbitrary exorbitanciés, A though he .d:y*ecl ms: it § He was a man that aplpearecland flood \ for the truth, and for God in the wolrfirimes, when theSummcrfW#dl'W€1‘€l hidtlenlin their hollow lTrces ~:.lI—Ic wasal man hfirme larld ‘fixed, and A [ludjed not the neutrall at-:: of putting offthecap toAone, and making a leg to mother. And is’ not tlixisa .bravle Eccho, are notzfuch:menlw'ortl:1y l0fllltl1eljHo- A naurablerednesof lfmczl 9 A A A A 01: ellé llmelllatll reafbnl to mourne for the lélalélellmfle mud ~ f%.uplc.lity of *tl1eir owne laetarrs. And for the State and Hangm- «ofmoummg, it is an ancient folemnity crefiited ;byAtlme_.,manclgreat examples, ycza, andl:zImo;ll the common llénfe of manl:inde.' Forbotzh E sgjyptiazas‘ ~ A :md7I lié21elit'esconcu.r1fe in Wcjepling for I2zc¢3}é»,wvl’fofe V Exeezjuieswerell per'f0rmedA in great Equipage ’ l'w*l:2ez1: he was €£i1‘i—€i‘~:l out ofEgypt;&I not to in {lance 1:}. * cw-1eAtoA the ywérds, %Dae.wrA yakmw, %by?%che£?rl1and"; % D2 Vm Wjwtigifiaf Hwzvmméleflfiobérr E4rz¢%q,vme,;,acc. 1,9“ imnore ex;aAmp1es,itsVfa1Id of Hez»c’I€’iM_,d1at ajjudah, A A %| % 8C»;3.:I1;4}.biCaI1t5 of jerufalvem, dwham honourat his 2 Chro-swsr dmh_,,% and laid him up in the highefl Cali of the Sepuichers of mwfaixfons: futh is:chec0nvié’c«ivc Majcfly of gmdiaeflegthat t;!9.::isL:i01atrous~heartc:d A people foliow their great Refarmer to his gmve Wim humour. Izivalile dot!) Bflllafwimegmgabmut mpwgat. 55$». t0*pr0v'e out 0-fthefe fo1emnities,tI1at they%arx:;Ld0ne ‘ -W 3* A 4d4.}wwmd’M m'm.w.V Was find no Law ofiacri-4? A fices for the dead’, thefe e‘xp1~e{fi.ons are but civil! imzfcéxes oH1o::1<)ur:;ab1e forrowes : a debt owing to M '0rt11;ies Wliileqwthey liv’d3 and the remaindttr paid A at their death : Like the after-~beamesoft&hc:fiun, wluich follow him to his bed 3 andwcrwere umi9?or~ thy heim$QfA_their fa;mouAs 38:5, if out of their own gpcgpds w,%eAc0;m'*~AA1d: not allow them anfwerable interp- mfint A and if? anyflynicke" in his morofxw {hall fay, tlaat it ‘ma'trc:%m 1101:, /mmizsg ~z'mflm6lirm'pu.. trcfmt, Let him enjoy: Philofophicall rotting in vvhat_di~tc:h§11e %p1¢::afe :3 We know-,,\thcre is the burial! (Rf an. A~{Tc’w;the. ggéavcz-sA Offihe common people, vI.:I14ic.:I1; is {_7uméthiA* >a'f;mve*chat.;, r fand higlnerw yet, I;her€t}isa;‘%burAi'4g1“I=I inA’the' City of zbgwid, but ~not”in 2_ Chm the Saepulchers ofthe Kings,;- and amongfi the Se- VpuIC:11€:rsofAt11e ‘Kings: There are lowerand h-igfhex: Qejlls. \IHonc1urwi11“fE3l&l0W after vvcisrth and merit ‘even into ‘i1:?s%grave.4% doenot’ lay up the “cm-~ kaffc of every C;o1'e-fl1i’p vmh% that refptzét as that of ;Dfrake4:% was -5=~ thoug,h‘go21fbfl&dIy the Que mufk Welljasthetm-‘~¢i%%' A f if‘ S:omucl1A‘f0Vr: t11eropcni.ng ofthe pomt Now! 7-vhfifia 4.2 O Asermah Fred}:/Jed 4; the Frmcm/1 of tin; A ~ A A to fexiiéinwtfhe ufes of this point e _ I. Kmwye not, You Princes and great men that ye mufi fall. 2. I;'m;wM ye am, You lower Shrubs , that rhea Cedars muft fall. T F? 'yOA11~that are Princ§s.and_gArAegt mejmf I ” AA ay 0 you,as Xerxes wecrp1ng,fa;d of his‘ mp: army; within%thef*eAf‘eWAlufiers of -.r.4 , h . be one of you ftandinga bu)tA:e:IiAAAAAa;"a1A1:ezf1:r(Aanc‘IA£AAli:}cA:A;zc:¢Ai A fet this deaths-+~Ahead"befAote you:For‘I have’ no other ~ dxfh, not I4 likely evcér‘ to Aentertaine fuch aw go great guefisu While; I live aga-ine 5 FiF1‘EaAHumb1e you, and give me Aleave £0 follow the charxot of your greameffe _., wj:h:A:+“,.;m,, ;,9Pm:w,m~ 4 “rememberthaty~o1fmul’t fall. Grcatn’eflé hath” need 0f fome“ corre<9cives;Y~ouare fuch .Pi<9t‘ures,4that: if" A A ?fl€fi3fid0f thé One fide of you TM are Gadr but 1f heloake upon you on the other fide 413,, “,1. mi?” ’A3nAA‘iA m“”5% AdY“~’A A175“ A W973"-“A I thisV-take; Ytau tine’ flep~1ower5 nary ywee? may goe. lower yet. ,Fm_.5 A man bfiifl in hO;f30U ~'.th'A‘ d ~ ‘ -‘ *. V lzke Mew éeagfz‘: that (‘A.A7l§.A;e::flAAnar¢e1A1.;1tIa1n1C§:2%c{1$} P?-‘d5 isthe A fhirr of t?,hefoule,WhEchit4 putsoé‘ la{’e~VA:whcm?it4rfh¢ift»s: And evcry~rifi4rzg groundof A authority er powermzakes 1-HE: inthoudluts T175 Verybrambleaif it get {match ofvauth01‘*‘irie win be talking of his Lhadovv. Ohvthat you hadthe m€€kfifl€fi?:V0f that Mofir, whofe fac%e éid~ {hing ~ ‘ but 113 kfléwfmt that‘ (I fpcakerhis bya1zAufi.¢,h) ’ A the skinne éfe hisf:&c:e c:3id“fl1ine'..% wow .that but gvgry tgnthéthgughté ofyemgir i4fipg—4%Aw~35.43Ct0m%, A gpani-« Rig/5: Hammraéiefiobert E4izegfp,f1*€x,3;¢,A Pauied with done thought dot" your Afalyling :-A And ‘ yer yourhaveu more reaibn ro haveAd¢g1!:h iflyyfiugy oyesthen other men , becaufe the * Véurité Glafléu A A and Chiuametrall of yourfine, andtender b‘o4-,AAAy V dicsmril not abide to great a frrokedasothcrgertheu Pots-of courfer mettall 5 Iwill not Arofferro you» A rhofe complements with dearh,wheréof wee: ready u ‘good Pzore, inufeorarnong great men; as the boy o rrlmt cry”d,Memmta ted martalem go: that,ofpr¢fgm- ting feverall forts of Marble to the Eulpercmr upon his Coronation dayf,.rhat lice might.thcm5 chufe which he would have for his "1Tombe,d8zc. d d But: let me preflé the fenfcrof your fa‘1ling condi-r A riou to humble you. I doe not mcane by hh1II1i1i'"x~ tie amorall fa1.milAiaritieA0r curt:-zfie toward thofe. V of 10W¢1'ir*F3flk€aWhi€11 V61? is agracefull+€Q1?1<1¢f¢§n-}i cy” of Greatneff: : A Burl moaned; ad fioopin roAAAthc A, reproofizs of the Word’ of Gods broug t unto. ouby the Miniflcrs thereof, who are but earthen; A A veflélls like your fclvesA:.Syubmiry_yourrhcekqiro A 1’€3P1'00f5’-53 for your ownefinriesyandor Ofi ryourdfamri-re lies. Let nor our owneiuiquities take IZ».n7uId five fru%itfui1y?Thé night will c*o m~e, haw flimld ‘ Ilabdur Whileit isday? wifh Well 1:0 filings that aregfihbut (Bmecagitare :2’ t9ém~f’fBm722dN h;1§;goA0d thiz1%k&r4L4is butAaoodV"d::z2atn¢;r; .nz:>t1iing%%mcrp -fédsgd and du?s the heart vvhéI1‘0fle CoVm@ §té)V‘ayé"g ‘ thVa17ifiI1i*§AA fl negleefit c;~f jfilltlhw opportunities which u,,then you God’; rrmfl: become Saints, - A (for all Gods are not Saints). the death of Sainns is gmore precious, than thedeatlaof Gods 5 Grace; is 1' peciall baile againéfte dearltz, there is no Gal} and A Vinegar in it to be dtuxxke by them, whom Chrifi hath a1ready,dr1m1 W1‘ PE!‘ or’ Q;whiAch;.(t11Qug11ouéx'fanlvsztionhfedm:AoI:RwAAo::ks) A fignisfif: th,us:,%1nu.c5* "iI€wkamé2V0f.,73 { ~;1gw,cr%. fl1r~ufibs.;A_=.A ouvare to: _k=nowA :your%%%gwrca%t~ ,1“ jcgmakc ; 4~may%~fai1.%.iI1sthe§:x.zeryéfiimeuof theirmfe£ulheHé%A " atIldA:i.,;ffi‘Vice§%fb1?§fy:0u1*Ag;O0d..$ In;%i:heir~A IVofl’e, bewaile “‘ \yQi1Ij;JfinI3e3 ~.-.: f1: Athough% 3a7c“:su_} feeIe.notA"'th@ ikroké while mhe :»A And Vfx-afh and ig‘If€&fle5* yet af‘tm..;- A y0d::wAiH;fir gji Amthe.wamtf’0§'fi1cl1 as are Wertliy A AJ}Lafl;fiinenEs5xvhmwA~we eXpeéfi:~i.r}f;eyv£hQuIdA%doe “great L"1;17;\r113g%s, God by tak 1ngAthem;a”wg3a5AA mrerru pm the - A A % : AI?utjA.mtr.Afham1‘br§L%ym%ur%»trm&j§a:1L ncésflgaor , A:£iMhe«fi31*men0fi*ma‘n,fn:vVhompbm1:E%1$;nV{fiAI%vatfi:n; ms,?,hreAarAlas g‘meth%.£9Arr11:; rand aim t1mt~ very "day 35,. tiaAx3uagiat:s%:;,'re1i'i P,/§zi.”fz»4;%61*53¢,4., even his projes. A and iMc,1mti.wI1§yf@a1‘%jy€®u;£Ag0»g;}d3die»in;the wom :“,,.-,1 ma 2¢m;%:+-,ab;mt%iVmca*.5%Alwweaa ; A _ bxesilih; t%2iiw»{mm;:1*andACweV»xiare‘% laid *?=fl3.é2t A on the. gro.und,God 4_z_§f_;i1V:»’mog lea enj<_>ythat1ong, A 1aatuiV?upon.x1iI1e med, whiche ' AA #%«e3cé.?rnpAIt::>ifato ébfiiéqmhéég £1121 tliereby Au; ......‘ .4, v-:1-rm‘ __..._.._ wfaiéh i?i'i*e‘- {Q7 yrn4uch;%7fi9h?1éAA ‘ Iiian A£ma£eAcmArTigquwd, afidAA1t%;"Aifla:;i1A1, Wither 2-ar§dA3th‘%"i h 4 many 11i1ex%me mt l~ike1yAiEé‘bl’;2'i%*é&¥§”b"y1 ie V ‘ Aflflflfidfilmfi ofithe‘ lc, yer¢our~AfadAAexperience teacherh"‘us,= Athar%wefme411 t much ‘mour fyveéf-% ‘ 4 % ‘Shall ncéw »co%in“e%V to éhe p%a'raiéIVI? He:-ii; bfihat « v Prim; zt1ndAA_grgat=ma» A fa1len'thisAday 1nM‘smg1ana§, of whom, +t4110ug*h‘%i4m0d'efi?" it‘? fél~fe[ Avsfitliéut Abluming Af3ak‘itramflgnif£§é:ntA=‘fiil6; N yecih"av3e“ii§fiy thoughts wzgvtdti the tdoA*and‘¢‘;fi-0; not«bMbfi*H§ ~’éaffiAc to be modcfiatouf dfiithc V Anguztiéi1tAsA’~AthatA ’Aare"AA’fo r A ‘“fp¢ec“h, A=—or filence : Not bccafu{é:;t*Ahe. r}1Agttégfwi1Al 4fuVi~pa{l'*e" théiworkmahfi1+§p;andA»thé"}%;qpx I % % %fn,eWct¢Af the fu%}e&A‘ma= A wiflfié¢Apermry0Em9 butbedam{é?w¢:t1ahAm2eiundai Auéfl;sVé1a%2r*‘ 1“all1E:1Cc}rii*i%ia3{?e”i‘&kés~A *o7'f"'t”‘hi:AAd&a*8§ A‘A?a4rAe _vér§7 Aoften “0Ci%mi§'@1£‘t1«i‘®I1sbf 4 Vpbyfon toe thej Aliving ‘ 5 A for many »1“fp"e§‘a1é’锑 Tmtliingi fQr7?‘thefi13°%riTl“ ‘the A I A A"*ih*tb Ah0pE,A%VVt1MtV A‘t§‘:¢*y’ may" p?r‘eH£3A >257 hackny A Fuuerall tbiA‘Ca1‘ry «them to Heaven when xhcéy Adies ” efpébi&I§.y»5 *if»%{*;ucra3fo4rv§z1aorr1shome cmuw rough f ‘%emUnrghfiAWhi31é~%‘tAi1¢§Mi~Lr*ed, "be ;fmc9oth-fi!e4d Awkhen tfhcy dead o;1m1Aa:;naiar »tr1av"b‘e (aid, 4 %That: ':iA:0u‘gih%c0txtrnrm~g~r;ive$ have n0Vini‘cripri0n, A yet ?~M;1r§j}ei_A7f A“ombes * are l1C)f &vi.t!mzé1t fqgne” Bpi-~ 4:31’);“H«3r6£f.::11Tiéxaz:flplesA fhouid g<§e *‘w;itAH ag AAcé*; n"n‘%Vp ?£m*;i;=:h? a “rzozfiépet, f D .«,z~;iid;1fF0rc1pd« ¢ , iAs»iHéhc>4rL:1»iryt<>AV.;s’;aaiMné! Jfflwmr, A2Ama;lA (vvh is to ”?bc: bbferved) he Admw not any line in their pifiures E 2 ‘ with Iizgéf Harwawraé/e R4obAertAAE4r2e'afAE:rfeic,&a. ’ _._.__..._..—— 1g,aSkrm0fl1’?€4A€écd,at tbel Fwmz/1 of we A ;AtQ(3j likclYAAt0xhe ;iI1.i,»th:i4s; gtésaty a ‘ u A %CO;31@".3;% Whifih Y€t~ [ he might have" -dAonci;5 f9rA4bofhA@ :lh%em&%+had.4AA rooA much W fhadowé .jf»h¢ u%.fed'-it but hedealt with them as fiigfivflui. -,A » when Ahadgbun v<>x1q.ey¢.%;. he lnfm. %%%A1;a1re~ faéed» émd T59 bUri%%.;t116%dcf£Amitie&iQutx!;hé:bc~ holders fight. A A A AA A ‘Neirhér is r:hiS«aILkwhich4 mrmrs me fiand fljp;p¢r.y §place,_b}1t: §:l1c;yarioI:1s*fenfes— and cenfurés «muIti{rudeA =% S»orr1_e:A4Vth»a;t .'.h3§€¢3." found? .df;Hi,s Drums andffrumpers , w4ill»17.ot% patiently éndurc »theAA Ewba refoundingto their A diila ffcfied Aeares. Agd_fQm¢4agaivnc:; are igxdifiiézresgrtly Content to heaire V*»fomeg¢Mwo;dsof,his Epitapvh . becaufi-.aA1~;= be.- 1. A ,. gVinswwi;h [}A'£A£f].4€£fi,AAh€1‘€M1]€3,1?y€S5 V as Cmzra/1.4 fajé to tfienithgaft defi red g, ‘that fame honours_mightbe A fpcmzupon his Brother «gem ,% now%deadoutA .[0f his W divuswciféith 1%) Amado fi¢nfitV'==#w:,%honour him as yoti will , fqas Anqt¢; live. ,The mail. wvzoyces will dAoubt‘ieflI-3 vote , that it is; §n,eed1eHé: I {gt up a Candle to,the S1:nne,,far”1Jis fkory is ya-t~a;. live in an rr:e13 s nnemories, and At;heA Pcagew whereon 1Ie,AVVa<9réd ita1is.Y€t%Warmfi-r Thfi truI;hA‘%.;.is 3,‘ I had raw $’th£:frAA have 1 1'1ifl~"«1 I'A(») the Iaiftgryzm, whichA~I hopewthe V ~ AH.onoAuz';2b§e Hou fies h2.1W:: befpoken , a11d f(1)%AAA:~hac _ figmcr that {hall be%thepMw ofthis ;a5!c&é.iA’e,r.M But Abccaufe his name vsrouid fometime have pafl%d me A ¢::1Ae%3r€;§hrough eiI1_Guards:, and prob:.§Al:pLy ,%11ar1a¢no; és yet Joli fllat Vartfue-5 and phatthisdstate andpifcv {¢ncc_fApcakcs, him with morccloquence, then Ifljfo ‘d A W V igmr» _..u.._A. ‘ .uuu-Innate: uxfidlun ufl-amt-‘ea w~.....-_...._._, w‘A,‘:u- V“(Nv1’vP’\"§"‘h‘ Q‘ .- n “M ' H :- ~ ‘ "—"'"""' A A Md ‘eight Hanoamldélédeflobe ‘--w.‘ ' ~-u§.7»Av u'lv'~aue;§‘y«-Av,pm AF‘ .‘ m..,,‘.¢~,u‘m M ,A -A ‘M Ea;zaeaesaa,s;a;"l 29 that I can but lrunne thehazardoof being an itnpere feét interpreter by word,»of that honour, whliclli your: {elves doe fpeake by figneAs.e_:,l And Afince death hath put him beyond pride, all beyond envy, 82 my feslfbeyond flattery,wha'fifwe make’ aAfl10rt Index of his fiory , and audit his dcbenmrlllaein the meaneltlime, not drawing him in full proportxona but as AEz£+kilel Apourtrayecl the Citiel of Jerufalem upon a Tile , which will indeed be m’oree_fuitable Al to the pofizure We arexine 5 for deepe *fo1zroAwes_ make no longforationsl , ALwes loqmzmtur am: A ,A ingmtc: .j?epcnt.jr «A “e”l »l Ad. AA A» 4 N»»-. * A A Since then itlmufm bef0,j4é7ae[f alga; I;{hAall‘AiA ? impofeupon my felfethis lawll.,A1 not .to buildaAahisn Monument of common flones , nor trouble my felfe and you, to gather fuchfiowers to call upon A his grave,” as grown: in common fields , not de? fcend or fioopea,toaanything_3;vhic.h is beneath He.- raAz'cafl.A A A A4 A , A A A j A ‘ 4E1z2rlNa.5ilz'tz'elandw»6-is Na6Llene_{s’eA, though they might each of -them adorne his Monument, aye: the~:.third., whichlisllhislflxce/lam}, is the tranfcenk A dental, “ A "A 4 [ A A A A A A ‘A Foréris Naaéilitie He was fprung of an exceede- ingfaAireAan ancient Stemme, which dothbranch V foArtAh« into the great and Noble Famllies of the 4 A Princes andgreaa: ngxen of-.England;, A and he was the L A third of this Title ivhichl was it-1’0cuAlate;i1‘;to that : V Stem,by .Qt_.{—’"wl&A.E1izaéet/.2 of famous rne1jno1=y,Bmr- A ?TiWtle‘s of Hlonlaw dye as walla: Amen; and becaufe A A ‘his. A I6I1,0W;fled A. flreamea C31’ ‘Yes, iris name. no Iflurz-A A * A A A -1.3?’ A t ex} ‘ " 1‘ x . ~w+ithoutt%repide2t’i0i1 or ivariation , 11ad’con{%-antly and peopfe Gf E:ngie1at1d%4’;:§anflwA ha::ppi1y'}pitcht yam A A L A We %;S'mi‘wn Prmrbed 4: the lwmerz/2&1! eff:/If A A thCt»V\,If1*13*1l0mitAz1H:ma;tt€%rV¢Of I:-Iera1d}’y,, 23% not becomming» me at this %time atxdplacc. A % A A A’%%Ha£5'NNa?&2eneflTe was of a {ugh a1id‘h0n0uré.b“1é<'51€‘ ma fc:%u1i:n*t: %4t‘e*fo*‘111“ti0n , of an % ir71vitinrgAVfami1iwarity ‘%vati0n V; Hewas a mmoffixgd principles, and ofa ma »flate1y:p4rei°ence 5 1t4o4o Vg)et1efm¢us4t0$ béu crucll __., t4%greét%1a‘A be Courtec1‘d';%h~1s%mmpafie flood right to tshaiz [?o’lc-5 'z:heg0«:;>d of his Country, =whi%ch.he kept-in is Eye .V%vothA when he were the ‘ Gewne, a;:S"vvord:: =IH?e wasfidé44R%amama Jami-% -Rammz, 0f=R0man faithiulnefié, and ofAnti- ‘Roriiata faith: ‘Senatour’ tixatwhonou~red his .Robes.. ‘“T~he;ter.1res“of Engiand, of his Iervants, of his tenants, doe {}3e;a~ke‘him in :1 bc:ts":*::1* I:"mguage4 -then themofiyé10<,]uent»:~Marb1e is able V:-Though te- Ana‘n1t*s «teaa:éls*be4noA"cot-Mme ndatian to a Lwzng land- lord, yet %are¥they credit to the dead. A . V The Cllaracfihgr of his .Excc*fi’em'y , may %b:e:tha*t =WVhith*fls2tz&id fomtime avétio 5%éficx,thegrea2’t man iW;ifl% Text; "H mt ‘ti mi: ia1:A4‘~z2:z:lz’;m‘t mA7mmf’tv1rvis like %y:m—m :2/I Ifl~m=Z ? wh'en the rm was come? that %—.1'mw:r Temple mufi be openfd here in E11g1a.nd , by the Porter t7h':aft 01‘siy §mt“i:2; thr; kc:y‘0f“ ’i\t$ 4 Ne4c::‘sifit§e, and t%1z0‘Ie0irpIm1e"{ii’m:s .%(béfbr?‘m“fpz,;kei'1ii€:®L ib*ef§- A 4 "tie%3ndPt'01p‘e3:'tA'icwere to Clwfé ¥th€@§r C£m::,x?‘d§;a;n, ‘~C!‘231‘:.3pi%c>zta "mad 'IVimi.c:x: ~ A J ym1V the l"IOI.kQKM'33h.§e 'I‘=ru flzees,§00kr:d outfor a Dxéfazvr, m whc)':x%—v:~E1"a.1%::m you might d:3po%i1te,theeve21-y Ew‘§mg\,A{a f‘;nd".; apchis t:i.me,,when..y0u* had*.a£fign*ed %him»this~% "I”T'11eater to aét;This4Apamt:AAup0n D’ was the 11ig%h1¢Pc—“hI"1@1arto%him\.%,% than he wouv1c1*undertak~c5. % 1.30: .1?:i§10i;t.'”a-1;.” .: isp lwmawith f0“ g:rcatAaV~fmaug1:*.t5A through the tempeftuous %A%amd«¢%% A Sca~s?w::hi.cI1 elmnbqg9MvE@~fiN£>1lwafintgafiaaehwic ,% wh'mtl1is~ % pc:;o‘ne~vK~inA4gdome,%. s:m1:% fpr;theVmofl partghow dtavvacam Buf'feVand7Steelc;,A mxtilil ta~ugh~r' byahims '1 in 4 A4 w11o1:n;A%wtlf1atA: $un£ieht“L Ghimzl» wagd valaxm Eigagslamdf M ( w114¢1m—”*4:had A.leftr~ifi?ss& ;: eénutflcents in at1daAot4wher? parm of the worl*’i7 5 but of 17atér~ tzisrms«;a:lAmof’ss4 exnafmlate and grown: obfolet) was M. cpnaantmfid, andby .rmn{i'ni%gration had layd itfclfe % W85 ' ice; andfizrt 11~im-afi rfl»»£@o.simgV‘i~m nhe, red»S"ca! .ra‘Her-A A V A p¢;l;;§:»,,% 1’XOI::i:i?? ~aéi'vinT %;n:1a,;nA xfefolvcd A» Wihcn 0-V pbe;g11u‘i:xg in fufpcnce fixt when fomw fka.rs;A_offi pgzimri pg, _.and,b;fihind;A;the;hedge.: N"foné Refer-_b- mation, and groanedzunderbpreffubres i1‘1:«*Re1igbiQnb,i he make by the hand, andWthey~hi“m.~ ‘Such as were Patriots, andwould=Pcand‘u pbbforb common“ bLib¢r-- A ties,Ahe tooké-by theéhand , and they him ,and ‘f0 became. £116 borid+i=or4~bkno”r of both {as the*~Ax1~é§ treetaf the world uwpon.whi"ch bbotb thb, P0‘les».doe move 3 And thi§A=mufl:'bc his honour alone for c-% bver, for though Ia/Imu alfo; doc.-badmirab1yA when Itmrbyrheim-bmies.b Thus he entefld, ar'1df'or'his department upon’ A 1 I16’? C0mesAto1it,~ 1 yet it.iis*-.Mofi-5 that fitrfflcfads forth the Rage, :and tbeflexpcrience he-e‘gax{e ofhim1Ielf’e,l b V A Whoknowesnbot 3?: b7§Such‘wasbhis parfiswa/I «vatamh, as if: nothing but Ste<:Ie”h"ad gone :19 his'compofig-5 A bri0n:;~~:bT*he ibnflantesb are félmousbs bIn'4thaAt grezifé Battella at bEdgc-:-~hi1I,b where” tbis.~Kingdome;Aha‘d A -"her ~fiI‘&b3"ifi5‘bUPQ1‘1}a"tSabbath day, r(our’wars %have;nowbfu1fi11ed«b:ab¢ve ha1fcbbAj%b:ib6veek¢;4of years) »Awhen he had 10% 2.: Wing Aye: “he; -flew about’; 15: *73I&/Y9AAbJ.fi,t;{&:'.ff7?W1775 mmm ,2: dam‘ an mi/cs em; 0 Héé vfhewed his Army them what a man tbey had - A«advcnti1red*with,;in their firfi: Voyage 4, No, I prge, A ._[:qr:g;r;,bbCa pfaiflcgb V A *~A§v@rd,,<fi:q#i??55?’i‘7”? with bévhoféb Steele ( it's ha A *b'd~ifpa1‘a5gemef1tt0..13.y; that )”b‘hisfoAt everfipmoius butonei whofle Valour gaverhe A chicfew V t/it Rig/5!._I{a;¢0r¢r2¢6le;R0be4rt%7E.:m'e af AA ‘ ch1e&;insVwrpmdkuxaaitcage; %~2md% fd‘:thz= ;c miiwas ‘ £ita43d>ing:,?J?;tc>phec,yog2a: cfic‘m;€$“(%rLgIU1t»I-%1o«%VT %norablcgf:‘re%m*%chat.day:h:¢gmto:mkc aycxu? for ; I;4m1.ifielca'v't:At‘o mhcxlargc Map of his Stgory, thofc wmanyfi mexnorablm: ahclr nviié’cc;>rics w11ich1bcarclhi§V.; name fomvenggreézt plagcs ..dQ;e ;nQt§a1WaysA.V%Vfind c any'[rgo1n% in :3; Iitt1‘c:Ma7p,»zindtflia1r1~»iyxfianéclllinlbut? in:*d11e~~; other partictxlargthat'fiim:m1s *LEXpcdition to Glazw.ejier,whcn w:e~~w.eré a‘t,::1=v¢1;y1ow;Wat‘er, and“ thié .Eag?le;had; t11¢cn:é;ifo:’r1*xoLfltdcI hisFf¢ac%11;c;:s5 I l1:wihVd%~ir;1pc‘§i‘th:crxi;..with;L:rrc}1§0§w!mci:IfIis:3»:>I DON. an “did gh; AA Ithe“ grcatefi%:‘p"am :tAh:m: 4flbAitc2 V 1gn gig ;w:h;m‘1:cLn1‘c»at%1n¢<_.§ .:frIom; 'f;11z1c«§I?1¢opick, fouosht; lEliSJ}A.v.&ay‘7\"b&C’k:J ;:igaim ~ul1r0iJgI71§‘;vIi7unger% agmd hzm: fluipsr: and b‘éCflL1£éI§ this I ;‘Rt:7treat I"fl1Ql1il4dj 111: be like an%%cr_:1pcy.fic1d withdL1t ibme .chi£xg¢.,H“€: .fi3€3;'C§‘C,”? :.r£<;v1:;th;at great .4A!rIi1y*n;cé:ndN awécm, §l.fl§i_‘§Q'yOu_“£j1f1i$ ~::;eri" re‘fi:ue{” AA .P:vL’ad/swim?t£ie.;Fmm‘¢l11.vfj __..._.-5 . ' ”H’E1€1icWi ‘Ch€‘;P 01‘C.hC Lan*d"~fiee1% by a[ me§‘cen’ary Campaff:-H1ee=~ VV c?*fpo.izfc San an‘d::Lib ertits 0fE?¢gWidgm’gandV;was¢.f1:cMved5 mwliéemre fidemgmtfbl-wre Aizing/1272. ,.4 ‘ A s ’V~:%%%2-‘%m(z¥:s‘* f[”"o:: 0n’?: vth¢*ma*rk b A y the Asgnc{p¢ 35; 0,1: * p432i~‘1:'t’ii=:1=,..;_ 126 be‘ .~fe1:v¢ mumicoér cut knot; v I?‘g1fi»)refight.of’¢dange1%s phis: »‘.EYe.S" awergvopen, Mbéug 4 w M VA;:«cé"y£s *we~1*-c flfmt :tg”a‘infl: 2=;1;1¢1"r?nprA aoms%A,;;cjf3f&arV‘ anVd:ttm- Hz; zomgmrwefpeaacothe-spu1diery;“fi1¢1;Aasbe- . xzamc 21 brave <=:fi.-ain %wou1%d?4—nQt4 ;Tfi’:1'ki'flfly His \\ fill dit‘;c>«hcsT,or flop v anonawj»thchem.44%% P*A"%m1¢1”54-%H.¢ }1};e.<5f 1:0 ,%na1§€’5aVmd wounded vafi"oz:c_1e7d‘h‘0noxab1c. 2, ,.». ‘ »-.a»Mm-e.- V Eric: fin; t/aeiltzgwbtiaiiorxoztrzzéleRebeittflarleofEffc::,&7b.iiW tva1out.His count/en:1m:e paidan.d ttrmci iiis i'ouidie::t ,vvheni01t14tir13Cs the _ W€tI‘lt€Ci both : and no jwiontiei’ tiifi his I Schoole nbrc .fucl1 at gallant I Ilfiifltfyz :wi'1it:it whndi fuc112ttiMafiertanfuch an Ilfhen w.‘ ., u « v i i *- ° Ir1fiii11.This Camill ‘was. a fecond Itonzzielz/x/3*. {His Monument needs no inifcription , for htsEpi~—- A ?itJflPhiS1VYittCfl in the Heartstoi, Men. Nothing but 3 4 S 9.9 X; , tithe Gireat c11€.nVa.1iant, the ;Fu[ithfu11,%i,thc Parliaments Eflex; the E/]2:x. of fiiéglaml‘, and the Tmrelar thereof :. who addeci ;.t0hi,sNob1e Coronet all the Military Crowns. Saving thatttwhicin is C3-116d N41/#1, or the Sea.» Clfowné , which is due to another innit tN%’o_b1e ‘iWorthy, more Faithfull than the C1.j¢fl‘.1:€f1th€VVaE§ 1thcntheMa£’cerof. A A V V A .i i “A A A ‘For his death, theiFor1O1‘1:rI1opet,titfem: outbew i Eotcig, Was but fli i htydtithe«Phyficians. thought liimbailiibleié .~. but éathilay ainxbnfzadp fun tbcdy, and fuddenlyifurprized hint w"ith.a dying flieep, and now We are eretéiingitof his Monument? Acne ofthe 7 wonders Qfthe iW0r1d waste Tombe, ;md~i ifijthct;Nob1e~iand,F%1110nseMen who ibught if under his;tBitnneri,flua§1l pleafeto be R2: in for his fup “V porters : it will be fuch a Squztdt'on«M0tnumen1t as; will have no brother in Ezzglarzd, untilltlle time do i ‘ tome (andl wiihit mz1yibyeIQr1gefi1‘fl:)eethatthe iiicnflt ~tr€n0Wmedi’iandticxcc11¢ntiCliampion1:hatnovvgo~ vemsithe SWQfdt0fE?9.§14nd1,;ttmufii lay tthist bones by , and then there will bc:;the Alplmand omega M it~nf%fi1ehia»St9rytats nflaali w1:enderGo;dtfetzrfztZZ in ‘ P?’4J',f‘?‘ 2» daifig r¢WI¢d6rrt:byiitthc firft hand of him isrhatledustlirefighthfitlnitreddcn Paths Off-11¢ A A 4 "A F 2. denieffe, K V kve;~a«»¢,o‘.»2v preaVa%e»aa22zzwezvaazzz-rzz/W‘, % a pm. umnmmz 5 é£c71rhVc‘fi"é, ah d by‘ tfwfecazud lian4dyof'F1i1n ;‘I1;it“1'1:;tlf1 m:1dc'Vi«.f?cO1?y (W Iiich Horg2wf halls »,«rpa’Véf§:.cg%\;~;‘@A -$1.‘ ‘:1 jars}: %%"onabot~h [id'és;)4t”0% cliaangé n;£n1Vee ,5 who 1F“ he flmll i1;wqbut« one'£’tOne"Out%(5%f'féfiCIj 0rAfi1f0fi§:>; VHC\:1d"£takcvn by his _A1‘I‘i'1M€§ *,* %'t<)'A%1'r‘1;15‘ke‘ his T0I11%b*e,i} ~~VxT7iH be firth Monument that ‘VcxrVerj”z“"flo13e of it wiv1I‘fpeak 2» }~Ii{’tc>1?y?, and fomea Mir:;c1;e,~ %VorAi£cha;. Czlnuot b7c:.." : ”It:%wi1lbe an-c>i1gI1,,"Atlaat”l1éT_<: 1ay”hié.He:€d 1=3p0nAan inmaortall, Tur'fFtak€nAoL1t bf%Nafeééy¢-flciqz’, ;God thought «Mafb, ms"rat11e4r nmdc himbthc fittéft ~ .n1;mvt0 begin,and 1_ead¢ Ifi‘acI_fort_11;anc,Ih,§honofd :’}~’ir,j/lmz with E116 c€>p1c*tin*g ofthc WQr]<,A11Ve1"thEr doth .j,fcy72zm. ecIipfetI14e%wor:l1A ot‘2v1aJC¢;5no1~ I-“I-s»VtI*1‘c W&>'1fcI1 m;~';7-‘oJ’7:.zm; and {'0 cr.:Iving pardon oFmyTboI‘dhefTe . witla your p_aticnc__c. I Afih:lYC€l1dCVQ1.Ir€d* 1:9 fiaczikki Without’ 1*efl.e;’xig§nii~f. upor-xvany, Nho1*”did I means to trcad: on .the~ few or“ t‘oec3f 1fian;*;4t'h¢1*éb‘y? ’t<;) mii?2in1y*f'pr:cch? :hi’ghe1', "a'$V“ khQ$vi%q1g A% “t:h':1*tfit‘I‘1i’$ , §?x'ince.and rgneat man ne4é»dc?cI’»4no’-t to pul-1;*d’ov(7"n4 the fioncs of‘any other mansVMo1"1’umcnt4t0 build h’i‘§, who had cnowin fiis own (LL3arry~ ,, as_bein*g_‘( £162": 4211:: honourable .Par]iamenIt )*tbzz3t flr;‘Z¢'7é;=4;¢’ fikfiiix whomwe paife to%_ouVr»p0Pcerity* thetonvvc T zifi%ccfS;Aic5:f . our liberty ahd filfety. Etimzti mtamm‘, ” ' qwiiéafl . ~~c‘ei2*Atm* .46 iflzls‘. A I have no %m0rt°: but this, H66 IiV€d7“a A . gm! Geg2w*41//A? 5 A H66 4 died ~43 Geézéevfzi/J gm! 5?“ 7 Ai?inf"d » therefme a Vlamehtatiqn tqall 1fi»~;2¢li“;?an»&;1A%%¢fo Iéiivé AA 1«1itn~inI1is’4Bedbf H0nour_.;,.‘ah'ddraW;;hé TCt51iftaifi‘1s, andptitout the 1ights~; " ” “ A ‘ ? .r nglya Word: 4p2;1*t.‘ing»;, andfirA{E‘}n%y «=%”1:*qnz’.é* to‘ . yon, wémajz know how-‘g1*ea;~rij1étré¢??%tha1;’si’i?:i*Ii1¢é, A ‘é35.7=35;. by thfl va¢uity‘.01iv~o1dVcplacifiiv 1~ea»~es bchmd .1..v-fa.“ _ ... « ....‘ H ' 3.. .... IA n,.....—— " it_; We look upon jzeouos theme that willendevoua: ’tolpreventtl1c #:2451525?/2.byl»aétintg from that Noble 4 ;p1‘inclpl‘e-ewhich moves I30-lthfiU11-lVlC1'l2lllandCO”m-: TmJon?g00d~3 the llofle wee have ltxfieinedt is _,ply' ":llth€n1Ire1VeS t_to~*eop_y it out r; or. “fdttj1c ymmg News l«S‘p'3.w1‘l{s flaall pledfe to-gonzo feliool to l1istMonum‘ent_, Z26 R?Eft}2;;*a2¢rl~:£;l‘e4lR'olm*t Edrltelaf Eflex, den, t A %ttheirlti'1?‘TOkIis’,p{fce%MiZe:5miZitmje,Galéaeffi Eletéz» e they flnall be ta~ug§gt,elgo‘gsI pp‘ excell , wfide‘ dr armzir, How to ha'ven1ettleint lmeir ]Coat.,, as 'well,as Com V 101.11.‘-:3 How to Catrylthemfelvee Io, as they rnay llew genre exercztz¢m:2z0n;em¢{f,@g‘l Army and ‘ not ptelfe, filence mut1nie‘s»,l,le or petfwade the foul» diery with one Word .,@z'rz'te.r,e andin a word how to beam Eflemt not a Czeftr ,_ who converted his Arms againft the Senate, and therefore hath a. blots: in his Copyto this day. ‘ I rnufi conclude withyou the molt A Honourable: Senatet of England, It would be too much~~pre»v M fUlTlPIlOl1.- Asermamprm/mjl 4: tizefiurwrallaf V' ‘ fi;:mpaic$n‘in“mee tothan%k you f°or~this~‘H0zmur 05:" yéur prefencc and forrows, Itsa great thing to be %macIeimn1orca11,%byanimmorcall Parligxmnt, All the honour W1‘liC_h belongs go: our fervamts and iz1i%1'L1mcntsrcd0undSt0 you , ‘W at théy get 01:‘ W A ceive A is A blimz fl1andcd;bythcm V1307 yC:uA the Vcliwnersg flmuld wee writicAit1<;awn~but fifty to them 5 tahm there is a. hundred due , due 10% WGUM bcydurs. It was a.Afta*tc?1y d¢p01'cmcnt; m €I‘it@.l"Cflit1} the mcvvs ofzzhis great Charm ionzmd Scnatour~hi§d¢asch9 aw the q1dARamam Life cc cx1tm:t:a.1n fad tydmgs , *w#m mix vzxq/Wm, andm ‘hanour ycur frmw wichsan ‘fidjaurnmcngz This ia the Awfaym bgecdnma , fixes. Its homur than brmds a ibuldm , Tam hey» nour Out: wf‘ his cyw, and yen cu: affthe S §3l11’$ fmm ;I1r';shee1s .. My wifl1esiarc,~firFt , that ymx rxaay mm havc 0ccafim1.0crcatc any~ma than mxhave gimme by the rmmm Excellency» fecmmiyg sham mu mum them rmy be fugslz %mm with Wham .i11Ifa¢ any you may41,a yoguxvhws andthirdly, wthm: yam may halve 4 ¢ ~ appincflhco pitch upan them, yfiumm, M 1 s.