——* ..-._.. .... _.._ J ? -r;7 sex me:weretetettgmtretttttttwtsiettt E A DECLARATION From his Excellence ‘ Sir THOMAS fl§'‘1w.’t~e16¢be:>a1°-'%<<8l°MWI5=15¢1*¢l*°lta1%%‘«€lt=l'=éi2i -:sezea:cteasa:sazr=Wzv»a:~aaw:~tbt«ea*e»~»;tstse1wit;tst«wtaMer¢ara:ea:« -—&-p-r - miffioners of Parliament refi- 4 \ 35?’ ‘L’ ,, $ ‘.4 3. :3 -4 a 3’ .’ Q’ n-' ‘. . _} 1- "‘. %:;%.%C@ 13%? ‘' \ . ‘p. a < , _ V f ‘ h ‘ , ‘.'J_ '_‘,_"-. .. .-' ., , 1 : .;_‘ ~:-.:._ '- L.-_:«_ _ ‘.3: f." ,1 3-: t‘._.__- 3 A £ }‘,,...1;.;"»" ‘ff'3*v M! [II - :'%-34-“‘i-.“l Ex 71 (3-WI» "r..«r.%“’-5'4"" % _ , ‘. ‘ .- ~.»_‘ ~ /;x.< \ "J: ~ , /‘,I.I.l _-!‘‘,’r v‘-—_ 4 . .' ‘ n ‘ ;- \_7 "‘ f" K,’ _4;,_ .‘ » ' * 9 cxt‘ir.<:.a.§1c».1°r£s§cf1ici€s‘«§:§. 1«*I§?2~%ia«rmy,. ' u 4- r r ‘ . J U IA . ‘. 'v- ~ Wfi‘: *’ j‘ V6 ‘L C .5 .*v_‘‘'' U W? t . 1'. .: - w‘- : ‘ ' ’ V K . " " V : ’ 5 vi, to ether with t%hepref . ' 1 V v " : ; .." _ ' .- 2v, 5 ; .- ' . . , « - ’_ ' . . I 1 .1’"".. mé}wantséf%- j:Sdtt‘ld:iety . . ’ ‘ 5 3,; ',;,;» _‘'f‘'‘ _.;'l'_ ' 3 , .. He. cxtpea ,‘ jva ~ ’ ‘ ‘ ' } ’I' ;'z_ ._ _ _ v__\ fons1'h':1t‘h’airé coh‘ci:rrédw‘ith us, 'as‘;11fo -:h‘e , fuffcripgs Qfhthifl Count;-ye_s‘§I;1 fiCC‘QU2fféf, 1ahd“‘thé‘n3ec_e‘fl?ftics of the Kingélpgrlc $.01}-_ 3 gpcedy {apply of m :e_lat1on to the dlsbandmg of forces, the fendmg over pfothcrs for the §él"1]efe0f ‘Ireland,’ and for the *{uppl)mag"» Of’,t§1o(i:‘Yf0r-3 ‘_ 1- i, -~ >4 : :i’;‘. ‘ages A J ofthé Army a f-othcf Eqrcgs and Ganri»; aw . <'37) % J - .ces that are there already, fan as to prevent thg Vdxofedifiétnpcfs’ lately gaifefl ‘vthemj-)até‘< {ugh as.» we *a’rcand have been: very fc'n{1’pIe'ofan& 19% pwefled with the coafideracion anthem 2:‘ . % % fl %% Yet the cam the Houfcs have fo n1anyw2vycs exp;-efi for providinga prefent fupplyofmonyés, in ‘relation to gllohefe "affairésihavc-%made’ ushithcrto filent as to that poihr in exp_e&at'ion to have etc this time; an- fweraialc efi'e€c[.thercofin aéiuzrll fupplycs; But finding that notwithfianding ail their Fcafc, ct rhc negle& or delay of-t hc43ff'e an y‘vhom the‘ J Oufes’, have ‘de- pendeiiki £Ah;zt3particu!at',it,11!Eirc is‘ fit'tlo1‘oi- nothing sag. vt»er:o~ea°éete&*t&n*=rcirt; ’éndJsfs5e¢i&1* ms deiayas made by the Lord.Ma ‘V ’ "énA.an‘d ‘om-’ Cduncell of-thc¢City'o‘ _f;‘a7zdon', in thegdvancigg _ d'- that‘ {um}-né which the Hofifcs have démafidcd ;df thaii1 upontfhe‘~fecuri~ty dfthe Ar‘rearesV({‘o “long }fin;_e')'" { due fiiomdhe€it~y tdthis Army ,and for that ca:;w’vI:¢"rc;3f upon all (or mofi —-other places have long} fincé indzaeir p_reportions;)L ‘V/Ve are enforced tomgtke this a'ddreffeTtoJ1‘hc3Houfcs'inreIationtherénntQ; ‘ . -Fitft weAcatm<‘3tbu?t,<:onf1der the notor‘i‘ous ‘féédi-% 'f neifleofthat ‘Count 'to£§,the advancxng of farm: ;grear¢ fi§.mm’es For the mi*fi Lofa, new “Wa.rre_ rand‘ proffcugpg on ~01‘ ithe <1été;%fi¢if¢hx¢v9us.pra&i%‘f¢s} ’and.é!«:fi%5'1¢Sf%4a« L { gr?“ *h;£”*¥§mm*;;:t a;gd.§j*%rU!Y-% AI§1§A%=§‘~at;s%r!1exri,p%:¢¢ t ctpuate war. _Ct erem, wast e ogtgyipg 3,‘ Armyes commmg mto thefe ‘parts : fo tl*sc’11_"baJcFc¢§za‘rd’33' ” neff¢_to the raifing or advancing of the money? now \ re- .% L ; A 3 % .qu,'{ed "1/N1?‘-¢: :13 Yd" HPOI! ‘hf’ With teh0f3iP¢ftff0fi5f f'0i11“‘WhO¥i1 the faida rzems are due, and tbofee 4n;e~.~'h0.f¢ .<1,cfa,u1.r 1'.."a~i.1~;‘7’z€i$;fhatthey:have e 11:.i”‘%‘°'J“°-;1:?¢i.¢%";€ ¢i‘1?€fe%D°te‘<1fl"€;fl§d i1t;!1ote€<9lle~5fc.d.e Andi: ' f".3‘v-'5}-..1’9"‘ P W:P°f¢=d?3t .3.‘1¢3fl’~‘‘ 3” Cfiré the fummeeercquireds he notpé1y:d‘:'i"n eat the time .Ii1i_1mitted» .by'>;the H’ou.{e5_e , };here.may.;be 32 preiportiongble penalty. impofeclby way. Of {G365 the filflifmfi r.§q‘u-ited_for: fo long. time as theepiyment fighereof £11311. be further 'd¢1a‘yd_e Next fofafmetiche :35 the’ Lord ‘ Mayer: Aldermen Tancf Com; ween-"?<>u9C¢1’» may Perhaps conceive th€mf4'e.lves,nofz.- V {O much :0E>e1e,1§',€¢‘ (flrhértoexefiuteethee authority gmnee them by the;ParI1a%ment for Ieavying ofmoneyfu fion 0.; e thers, or to advance it themfelveseby. way Qflgane in behalfe of others until! it can be Ieaéyed) as they won“ be to Provide what {hould jufily be Charged upon t'hem_’ felves: We therefore humbly; offer (at leafi) in cafe. the fumme r_equ’ired%upoh the arreares be not paid in by ’ the time limited. ( 4) efixitedgfor the fen-vice ofthe’ ParIi.am'¢m: arid fu pp 1y 9; t A e '1-(That 11, Tihat’thegH0ufes would be pleafcd fpeedily to aonlider of the tlelinquencyl of that Court and C’oun’cell,{n thofc things that were lately done by them as atcourtgandfet {sch Fine upon them for the 3 fame ashtfh%allbe agreeable IO juflice, which tnoneyl ? bteingl4chatgelahl»e foil pro. erlyt,upont themfelves-lwe prefutnethgyk;wiI11;notv avclthetlikc cXcufe‘_not«tto M L,%a’Ptly',finC¢l it is moi} e3videt1tLt_hat for the {prev l A d)’ bfingihg. illqf e‘h?“19n€Y ‘€931’? ‘W155 the 731' * ’ ‘ rears th§2ré’\1{é’,f1t:SIi(5t[in;t;hg_e tfaidtMafor,AIdermE h A ‘ i3<' .C,OiJ:ncéll "éi'th’er authprity to, _le;vy~it or ab’1_' ’ ,t”(_)iAadv'2ncc ‘ way of Loan till itcan “L be l'l’eivyedt_5 ]no1i§ the perfons frcmyv.h.om the ‘ar- dmvat:t:~a,bi11cy to Pay them, butthe on— t ‘l§fa’t:’_l_,tf ‘(mil défcfi liesi in Vttheiwant of will '_ ta the .. ing; both in the one and imhc : other, and want of power in the hands ofwillin m_e_-n to en- force it, without which wt: fee little .0? that it _wil iAn_Fan4yl tollcrablc titIic:_be effeétcdg‘ 6 there- ffiere ofetf ' A i i A m. that inE;;re:1{e nichey be not broiughtin (by the time l'z'mitcd the Parliament. would be pleafcd to « A V . _ t i give 3 e . 4 A (6% xi ‘ L lgivce leave an& power to General! (with {the ad- for the levying of the r 131:} arrears, together with A vice and direéhons of the fiommnttfec for the Army‘ fuch pena1§ie§land,fine q_s ghc HOu‘&S.‘h?ll finflcaufe e ‘ aasimpofe as afotefaid; ' or‘ Cat 163%) lflie‘ pcha. ¥:1€e.sl.l,a.l-.: l , . 9 i§cvv$edby*tlle70rEiiiEs:ln€e§’Fd:’that’fa5f rfzr,rhcL‘Ar“ J . I _ . » .,~r:.‘r,.,._» '_ 1: -,:"l.3..*v:' ’ wfi than nfrxrem¢<1éx5?°»“hé3fe ’gt<3i1n_cI$ Bigtheoffieafoiiiatid evidence the fpeeches of emany imche City, ‘to -Beliéyethgt; in this [on ewitholding Of HIGHY, 33° fléfignesf > alid hbpeé,o' Lthé Parliaments: g)nclourWene1nies,a;re :sot§3iIefthe:Ar,ifiy int0.d{3¢‘PP¢r$; and Ch§7C§>~!m‘ :1 fiame,v»fh'§!éby at lrgéefilerq h§;n«- A ‘ * det land ihtér1'u7p°t 211 ‘ lroceedlln‘ sto _f€XeGut1on . of Parliamentary jullice, or _ eetlement _of_thc_ lKin¥gd0Ifl,3*iF1’?d¥?XP°{¢ “)3 .P3?,l‘l"?‘l°°‘ ‘3g?;“»“.‘;¥?¥°' rumultuotféVi0lé“‘?é§,°f?§‘1.1Wh!Ch1‘9h§d-a3?¥;“*?’??‘ ry ewiiclcntaddglgrglifit}€5?31f‘nOH’P¢5<1¥fX’P’?"‘E°??d’ big fame ruchllvzgggovs ,’alnd% ef?§&t1,a.ll¢§r§!I§ed1esas ;o1;'cfaicI.‘f Q“ ; ‘ 7/ «man lse—.~e1,.,_ , t ._ a gt 7* =*1By‘the zip ”?intmér;3;e)0«f% ljns Excellency Sir Tim»: Fair- _fa.1cV:1_ndxhe Councel ofwar. V e:. ~- ? -3 .°.' 1 1 (7 ‘ ’ I ‘ 2 ."gnc3 lkuflnrorf/9 5€,C.fCf3efY_ '51‘ . I l A Nafrativc ' % 3‘-efl‘1‘ WW V V jlc was-commonly reported and generally believed that he ‘ .71." . , ,, .’. .‘~ .1: - V \ . .. I r . . J.‘§7\{mfr4‘ti*ve 0]":/5eSou1Jier: cIenwa; % % A‘; war tanwdx,tbeeLordLauderdaIec '% mlae Coat?at”'VVoburne,7‘inlu- 1 T Z4/3‘, ‘pri/entedto bi: Excelfemy. Sir Thomas Fairfax eundereet/J2 % V ii/mm! Calqnel VVehalIey,ai:~d/br him finrtb ‘tl2ef‘Commiflioner: qf Tarliamen: in tbe ‘E/1 rm _y ; with u Jetter from bi: Excellencjcancer-A} e we fling tbefime. .> the“_King la-y at,‘Waézme, the Lord Lauder- A dgIle('an1c one morning about {ours or five T of .tlze"G_!eckta the Court, 101} :19 time, but prefently made his “repair: to His Mae whom he had much pri“vate‘Cemmuni‘cation; had‘ come epl-iafl: all the. night before. ‘But Whether fo 0: A e ~ ‘not, I’-know nor, bnt‘“thisl know, that his early coating, and hafiy"'fpea!a;fl2c of 13:56} widm ma:-T hand the Soaldigrs and the [mid Landzrdailc rcafon§mg:‘:A very calmly togctheg, his Lordfliip rtellingdzem he wasgr :2ub;1iLreP§r§¢n:4§?2§. SM fie! fim $19 %§r9n~=a W ; % - % 119* In i % é ~( 9)‘ % it would ‘tefléfi apen the Kingdame cf scnlwafiini cetfl to divide. the 2» Nazism, the Soutdierl add him. they » found he ma:-ay times suited as 2 private psi-fen , as when inch; psintedfllilmbejt he undercoake for ali T Swiidnd ta » engage as o:1sA1mn.%aga't'nfl tl;e» Amy, (which as they ~ . am: ) :he1?had n@.C9mmi1Tionfartr@ifi.%:%¢e Smcc o€S'm=a{ Mad, what thcy did was infiefcfenccto the Lord Lag. mderdalrf, and not to thescottifh Nation-;and.A had his Loni- .‘,-fihjip fhcwcd thétii any Commiffiwn .. 'P3fl?=...or wamnr,v { tcflifying‘ his bging fem: or impbyed thiche rats .a vublike pcrfon from theS.:atts oF.~S'.catl.¢m§,or t~heitCoIt1amiflioncts,, ial conceive it might have fatisfisd; ’The~Ea;le of Denbigab endéavoured ,wi:h- all the-~B.eafo.ns and Arguments he cguld ‘to’ pcffW‘1d~e‘ them !:0‘lct the E2t1r:ofL4ud:rda!e :{{'ay,a.nd nocmcddie with him, and my fclfc Commana T A dcd them Tome to their Gjumd, and the; raft to be gone.- .,But from commanding, (the difcontent being very high)? _ I was Finforccd“ferthepcefent _., to fa1lta%pé:Miding,. I N confirmed‘ what: ‘the ,-Earle of 19:26} befarev had mam chem, ma innighr be ceaftrued as an injurie :0 ch: %. State ofSca:Iaud; that '1: worm be an opfcnce to“ the Pacli. » * games!‘ at’ Englmd~, and added that is was a cénrcmning 7 of the Ganeralls power,’ when thcy would net obey com- mand: ,. and wauld expofe both thcmfclvcs, and me to ; danger, but all in wine; for indeed chathonrid violcn «fa .._lacely done [0 the Parliament , and ‘the ferccd flight 6 ch: Aofboth Houfes whereby that highefiz Auchcr-i. ty of the Kingdomc fee ‘ to’ at 2 find)“ it Pflbavsh the City new ‘parts of the Kingddmc imfo 1 mm—fErofl3":nin% at? —c:ms£u£ien~ .: f_ ,3-rldlicamious workings‘, and weakned (for prcfentj the_han.{s of 1'1 man in Authority undzr the Parh’a~ merit, {'0 i: wmzcd not its inflaence Qf llke nature upon L. j grmy and Souldiery threqgizouz the Kingdom, 19 as % % Oftficers could not (at that time) have the like command % fit. :h¢ir.§~v.tz\