f D The Heads of the [aid Propolalils,» containing the { 4 DECLA A % FROM ‘ HIS EXCELLE NCIE S” Thomas Fairfax, find his Councell of Warre. Concerning their proceeding in the Propolalls, prepared and agreed on by the Coun- cell of the Armie , to be tendred to the Com- miflioners of Parliamezztgrefiding in the Ar- ‘ my, and with them to be treatedonby the D Commiflioners of the Army. 70 GETHER WITH particulars of their defires, in purfuance of their for- mer Declarations and Papers, in order to the clear- J r ing,and fecuring of the Rights, and Liberties of the‘ Kingdorne, and the fetling of a jul} and lafling Peace. e‘ l a /TOWHICH ARE ADDED D Some further particular defites, for the removing, and . redre-fling of divers prefent preffing grievances,es being alfo compri- {ed in, or in neceflhrie purfuance of their former Reprefentations and Papers appointed to be treated upon; f____'...._..... y%£&%$% ts (3) at %$$;.§.§$t$§%t£§$.€%:%é.i.t%?S* :~.u -'- 2 T [Z_f~*T“ 3 t::;,: A Declaration ‘, F R0 M H1~36‘XCELLE5‘(C V S"'I’HO= FAIRFAX, And his Counce1lof\W'arre. T Concerning the Trapofallr of tbe flmgy f publzrflzmg the Heads tlaereof. Intreour d-rawi back to Reading, 5 5:’ wee have applyed our‘ {cities with aIlidili- ”' a gene: to frame, and hafien an intire body " ' ‘f a would tender to the Commiffionera of Far- " ‘ expreltin our former Declarations and Pa- pers,‘ for the fecuring of the Common Rights, and Liberties, and a prefem fading of the peace of the Kir»gdome.% In which bufintfle, nqtwithfianding the many interruptions and diflun bancc~s,with h daily advertifemmts of the mama and treacherous przfiifes and t A 2 { prc- e / _ _,__ ._. .4 ."—--~.. _ 14.. for fetlmg ‘of 4 peace, and the grounds '/’''''‘I 5 of all the particular Propofalle , which wee " ’ liiament refiding with the Army; to be trea- f ,5‘ .-med on in ‘purfuance oftbaofegcnerall‘dcfirer“, A e (4) preparatfozis of the Committee of Militia, and others in aud'a«= bout the Citie of Lmzdoaz, and ev-1fewhere,ytend.ing to a new Warre ‘ have 'occafior1ed', to the diverting or retarding of or proceeding therein, yeg) wee have made a progrefle as fpeedy as the nature and weight offuch a worker would admit, and having finifhed the ’ f;,n1_:_,=, v.{e_‘e ha,dve_ad¢.iiVetred i_r' g,3!1c‘:.bflta& of the Heads thereofeuntot the {aid Coztmtifhoners of Parliament to he treated upon. But the late pernicious Engagexhent {er on foote in the Citic, and (much u1t3ie;)that%p;rodigTous vioIence.do11,e to both Hqufee of Pariiament 612 Monday lafi,‘ having Wholly taken *us ofl for pzefioat , and rendred all proceeding inthe Way ofaTrea(:ie there- upon :I_1eerI'y" \"ait3e’and~b hdpelcf-E5‘ hunt-ill it {hall pleafe God ,’ thee Parfiiament hedrighhted and ‘vindicated againfl: that violation done to it, and refiored into a.dCon"ditiori of freedome, {'0 as the nu- quefiioned Members of itmay repaire together with fafetie, and proceed accordingto their iufifreedome- Wee have .t_hought good in-th emeane timesto make this: :‘p’uh}ique tender of the Heads of the Propofalls to the Confideration of the whole Kingdome, wherein .thot1gh all circumflancea requifite to be determined in an a&uaH-fetdcment, be not fdfully and perfefily exprefled, as upoga.thq.Trea\ty.i;_1.tended(if nptiotervrupted, as before,) they . mihghtfiieedily l:aveQrbe‘eut,h ‘yetafll meuhmajefeetand upderftaud' i in thefe the effef} and-T bottome of our defiree , whereupon wee heaveffincerely fludied, that a prefent peace might be faded; which fame thing, (with and after fuch vindigatiog ofthe Par-x liauteat, astmtay agaiue render. it into “a capac§tieto‘e£¥ahlifl:t;th§;: tame, )'wee {hall {till faithfully endeavour to theztuémofl powers, and accordingly {hall expe& the cheerful! am! concurrence of all thofe who are or {hall be fatisfied, concern-, ihg the in cegrftie of our in ten tions to theyeaoe and welfare Ofcheg. Kingdo_me,in the(e.P~rop,o falls, or who fball for theemaine) dc-:3 fire or .approve ,of;the fame things iwithue =tin jordcl‘-to a iettlg£* ment. : ' ~ ‘ ' ’ Arid to thefe Propofalls urhich whee here firfi tender ae necefTa- ‘ ry tea Peace, and upon Whichwee defire the fealetof peace, the,r_e11itution.oftbis Majefcyand others to their flights , and it; ; . 3&1‘ __.{ _____,_ /++.\_____..# - ~ ~ Caleb:-unlike Azzgufi 2. (5) an A& of Oblivion to be pafi,) wee cannoe but adde the further expreflion of our defires in fome other particulars, which(chongh not [0 cfientiall topeece, as necevifirilyeto precede the feeling of it, yet ) being matters of very publique , and ( mofi ofthem ) of general! grievance to the Kingdome which wee every where finch: the‘Out-eryes of, ) and being contaiped in, or pugfuanee of the fame things ‘exprefled I in ‘Qua? former Repreienetatiogs, and Papers : Wee {hall defireg That (the Paflianient being fee free no time may be 1011 for a fpeedy Confideration of them , fdas the former things for the prefent fecling of peace beenoi: delayed thereby. ' % _ " 1% 5 4 7'3 L pf 39 E 1-, 2 Na 2 ~ _»Sii:’ T H 9: FA 1 R F A19 and t_he Counce1lofVVarre. e e_76e:7Qt/Woertb; e 2 %Se%cret$ary._ Signed by the Appointment V \ - 5 . s . . L I‘ ' T ' \> > - -- . . , ‘- - 4 - .. , .'. e - . __-. ._ v‘ .e _ - , ’ <', ’ 5 1 . . 1 .‘ .- A ‘ e ‘ , -j , . , . ar * " ' ' I , e A 3 e .1 ~ » - — V ' V 5 V -. 1 ‘ ' _ ,_ ( ‘ I . <6) eeeeaeeseeeeeeeseeeseeees The Hyeads of the PRoI>osAL LS a,grcc"d upojn‘.hy'ihis E.r"e Sir TH 05 F A1 RFAX, and the iCounce'1l of the Army, to be tendered to the Oommiflioners of Parliament, refiding with the Army, and with tFjem“ta be treated on by the C ommi fiionerr aftlye Am}. i CONTAINING a The particiularse of their defires in putfuance'ofthcir for"m‘ieriDeclaratti:ons and t Papers: In‘ order to the clearing and fecu- , ring of.thei Rights and liberties of the Kingdome, and the fitling ajufl and lafling peace. fires ( ‘fore the removing and redrefling of divers prefent preffing grievances) being alfo comprized in, or necefiarj purfioance of‘¢bez'rformer Reprefintatiom T anéitefaperr appointed to be Treated upon. J : I-lat ( the things hereafter propo- , Ted, being provided for by this Par- W) A liament) accrtain period may( by A 1‘-‘*s6tof Parliament)be let for the ‘ :. ending of th*is*Par'liament, ( fuch the fame A6’: provifion ;t'o”=be orgy for the fuc- .V S9319“ To WhiCh;,La$cigfldcfl fame. further particular de- period to be within a year at~mofi,) V ( 71'-ii)“ e'CefT10I1 and coenfiitution of Parliaments in future as ' u followeths h 7 . ‘ .' Hat 1’arliament::.nI\ay Bfennially xbe ealleel, ~ - ' _'_-,3 meet at a certaineday, withwfueh provifion for 3 the certainty thereof, as in the late A& was t _'-'3; _; _ made for Triennial!-Parliamentr, and what -1 further or other provifion (hall be found need- ‘-"~~ « I full by the Parliament, to reduce it to. more :eo-n - - - At} certaiy 5 nd upon the. pallir-jg oft-his, the {aid ‘A61 for Trienni- , call-Pai-liamemrto berepealed. . ' 2. Each Bienniall Parliament to fit 1205- dayes certaine Cunleflé ‘adjourned, or diliolved fopner by-their own content) afterwards ~d-iliolved fooner. to be adiournable or diffolveable by the King ; and no Parliament to fit ‘pail 240. dayee, from-‘their fir-fl meeting or fome other limi- ted ‘number of dayes now to be~agreed«on :-upon the expiration whereof, each Parliament. to difligplve ofcourfe, if not otherwiie 3. The King upon advice of the Cot-ilncell of State in theinttt- c‘ Valle bewixtBiemeiaIl-Parliamentr, to call a. Parliament extraordi- V nary , provided it meet above feventiedayes before the next Bi- ennial! day, and be diifolved at leafi fixtiedayes before the fame, A “fé as the courfe of"Biennial.l'-elefiiona may never bee inter- - Gomtnit.tees. . wpted- ; .4‘ .' Theta this Tarlizxment and each .l'u,cc¢cd.ing ;Bie_rmial1- Parlidmentgat or-before adjournment, or rdiflblution , thereof, b may appoint -committees to continue duringthe intervall, for fuch purpofee aa‘are_in any of thefe- Propofalls ref¢rr’d to fuch _That the p Elefiihpe ofthe Cornmflons for :1:9'ar- Iiiiinentr, ‘may he dif’fribI3§d to all Counties , or other-apafrta or divifiona of the Kingdo. e, according to forge rule of equality or proportion, {'0 as all Counties may have a num,ber< 30f Partici- mmr Members alloweétito?‘ their choice, ipropotftionable l to. the : refpe&ive‘ Rates they beare ,ii1;\the common, ‘_ch_a,.rgee, i_a_flA_d.:b_u[‘n then:-'o£the Kingdemegaccordirtg tofomg; 9;h¢_[.[ul¢ of tqualiity 7:‘: , . - - ,. 5~a."<..u.-I ~_ . for proportion, to render tfieHou‘fe of Commons, _(g1s%nee1fe_a-s may be) an equal! Reprefentative of the whole, and in order th-ereunto, that a prefent confideration be had to take offthe Eieftions of Burgefles‘, for poore decayed , or ineonfiderable "Townes, and to give tfome prefent addition to the number of P.arlz'amem Members for great Counties, that have nowleffe then their due proportiomto bring all (at prefent) as mere as may be, to fuck 3 rule of proportion ,as aforefaid. 6_. That effizfiugll provifion be mladefor future tfreedome of Eiefiionsg at1d"cex’tainty ofdue retL‘t«rz’1’e‘s." t ‘ 1 A ‘ 4 d , 7. That the Houfe of Commons alone Imve the p‘otv”er from time to time, to fetdownetfuerther orders and rules for the ends oexprefléd in t-hetwolafi~precedingArtiéIes, {'0 as to reduce e the Eiefiions of Members for that ' oufe'5 to more and more perfefiion Tof equallit‘y_ in thegdeiflribqtion, ftededome in the Elefiion, Order in theéproceeding thereto, and certainty in the lfieturnes ,_which ordevs and rules (‘in that cafe ) to be as Lawes. ‘ 7 . . e 8. That there beegliberty for ente1jing,dif§:ntain the Hoof: of Commons with‘ provifion , tfiat no ”Merh"be.”r “be cenfura'b'Ie for oughbfaid or voted in the Hgufei further than to exeiufion fromfthat tttufl , and that onely by the judgement of the Houfé it iel e. * to 9. Tguac the judicial! power, or power of finall ]uTdTg'ér}'nerie in the Lbrdsttahd Comniofis (eaihdth’eir of E::pofitio§1,'and A ppiication’ of Law )(WithotJt furtfier‘appedle) may be”eTeér'ed:« And that no Officer of Iufiice, Minifler of State, or ot'fljer”perfon adjudged by them,may be capabIeofProte&iOn, or pardon t the King, without their advice and co‘n1'en_,t.A » g e_ _ ti » ‘ L '10. 'T'ha't’the Right‘ and kjbertieof theeJCo1iir11§5f)5 of Engiggd, e may be’cIeaféd ‘and vindicated -,,-?§st‘to'a 'di'ie'Eii¢mpi1Qn from any «judgement , Trial! , or other {_pro‘c’eedix;ig ; egg';ta’izi,fif_tI).ém, ‘BY Eh? u‘ e ‘Houfe of Peeres, Without the Acopcutringjudgemépttofthe Ho 1 W °£ C9‘-“m°“‘t' =11'° fi'°'.3’,d“ L?" 'd°‘t,h°F‘ Jfldgéiiiéntad lélftéiicéq‘ 70? -proheedingiagaihfi_theh:,dthet‘*tgi ‘ ‘ ,4 tn ibv ctuiraquaflsa on d I It 'itigTtO"th’e'L'aw oféhe Efiiiid. ' ‘L ' {:7 J _ a it The fem? M *6 Pr°¥id€é ‘.1?t?<¢:SE3Pd~~-J¥1‘R¥T‘13¢" may oboe chofen by , and for fcverall parts oeadiviifions-— of each County rcfpeéhvelyg in fome equal way ( andy not rernaine as now at the diicrcrton of an under-Sherjffe to be put; on or —of'F,) And that fuch Grand Jury« men for t__l}e_iry tegggfiive Coun- ties may at each Affize bpfefene thehames of perIonsy¢t.Q be made Jufiices of Peace; f'rboym,timc to-rimc,,.,:_astythey Cputitry hath needc For any to be added to-the cammatiem, and -at the fummer Afiize to prefent the names of three perfons out of whom the Kinge may prick one co‘ bee Shcriife for the nex; yfa-fen _' ' .e K. b .‘ II. -Forthe future fecnrity to Parliaménts ahd the Militid in genera-ll in order thereumo, phacit be provided by An‘! of Parliametit. , ‘ “ - ‘ E A ’ L «_ If172eat tbeepower oftbe Militia by Sea and Land duringttbbe Ijaaceefioft-en yeare: next enfitingfball be ordered and dzflaofed bytbe Lords and Common: Aflmnbledjt and to bee Aflembled in tbe“Par- liament‘ or Parliament: of England, or by fucb perfims as tbeyfball nominate and appoint for tbat pmpofe from time to time duIf_ing_.t})€ -\ faidjbace. / L A L ' ‘ ¢ L z Tbat tbe faidpower fballnot be ordered, dz'j}'>ofi'd, or exer-. cifed by tbe Kings Majcfly that now in’, or by ‘any perjotz or jzerfom by any A14!/aority derived fi-om bim,‘ during tbe faidfpace, oraat any time hereafter by bi: faid Majefly,Witbout the advice and confetzt of tbefaz’d'Lord5 and Commons, or of fuel: C ommittee:,or Councel intbe interval: of Parliament an/zeyflrall appoint. % ‘_ 3 That during the fame Jyace often yearex, the [aid Lords and Common; may by Bi!/or‘I0rdz'7za2z,ce raiye and difpofe ofwbatmo- pies, andfor to/oat Force; tbeyfbabll from time to time finde necef-R fary,a5 alfo for payment of the public}; debt: and damage: ; and for ad other the pttbliclgufeu o f tbe Kitzgdome. : T . ‘.4 Atzd to «the end the .8: ‘ '. . / ’_y%ez1’7‘e‘}_~”I;Zé?t13)(a§t'i_ico;2j"'e7'§’P of‘1_-“E§rZig;na‘ .v.t‘e’d7‘ of"t!;e.‘€,"”oié.*ric’efZ aff$‘t;z_te, 01: "te3"/P: 315" l?Iéii¥\b%Vr‘f*oFea/]E[}’;é$1t:‘roj: £*'z't?;er’ AHo‘dfe bf ’1’ré‘r'lt2z?71i:é’fit"t‘{22--.: ~:izzezsezfecmir»>BzeémagzparzzmamecM4. _ % * ' "“ I‘VI;I\.‘ " Pdrrkfie pféfixzt. farm OF fd‘ifpo‘Fn§ the M§11tia.i‘n order e ‘ re«ahep;s.e¢e*eei:d—1‘af¢ry of ‘this;Kingdo_mp andjthe fer}/i'c%eof' ~ rf’,,‘el5i2*d."‘!5r; ‘J '.7,;>.:’.:”I.':-».; .‘LJ 3:'-*.‘.'‘ ‘ . - ‘V’ “1‘:"1"b;g‘t“f}JeF€*'E‘E ’c‘a§n»%:;g$z;§e;: for‘ib‘e ganizrazgv wiizi-a‘eVic¢—. %2:4d771irall R’§'f%e-’)4d{17ifallv, j2‘p_v2 id bee: agreed on, with power for the _ fofmilzigg "fregufkfingj dpfoinfing ‘of: Ojfieerxg mid provixdizzg ‘fof‘fl}e NM‘, L2ii5§dforeorderi1§’g !1J2fa1}fe,to :m‘d‘in flae or‘dz’miry f_érjvg' c’e of the Kirzgdern. /Ind TIMIfb8T€*{J€(If-uff1Ci€i2t_P7‘0fUifi07Z and c’fi?1b3lz]‘b¥. ?i1€:71t;__for pay a_np[ maymeenazzcerbereqf. _ { ., . ._ i" That‘ tlJe‘re be5 :1 General! for command gpee Lam! F6rc'e5.-- i~b}1’t kffe ‘to bee ‘z'7$j12i_}‘/‘I3o1‘})"i7zA Englaxxdg‘ Ire1and_;;;;zl1 Wa_les,’botb for. Fjeldazzd Garzfozz. L ' ’ ‘ “ X" ee1‘tie;‘ ‘ ?gf=‘Trz?z:“72 -‘- .. ed Ezgnd: 'a22cz'>flzz:>.1i;Ii;zri“e5e #19‘? 1'12 pay,;)._ 1cz2itr’q fiowerfor tbej2j1‘up'@'fti. ‘ b?Zi71;i;;_7C0T?'fi‘i?Zg;fegAz,§Z4ti7zg',flagnifizggazéddifiipbvzing of t})e’m._ j » ' ‘1“b;2t ‘tbe’re‘beee'zz C‘o‘u7zcel« o_f.;'St'dtc w'z’tJ)'j>O'v2er etofuper’inte7zc_l " and direéf file J[.8vCr4ll,.a_7Zd.P.(1,7f\ti_Cul:1r.,P’0‘Q?§f{'.0f.t.{)e«Militih'_fdfl‘ f712e7ftio729?d‘ "thee j>*ea‘Ce”4fi7Zl1fafeT_y of I Ki22g‘d_o7ne_k, V ?‘an“de.of " Ifclafid. e L‘ ,“ e %e ’ ' "5 e7’l7mt' ‘the ]?z171e C0u'i1cell711~a+v.‘ ,3:.1?J€PO‘P9€7‘2M'.t]JE:‘ Kings =prjv_y. . Comzcel, ; férrjzz ‘zi?f1»e__ izegdiiaftiénsi “pro?/i¢Zed,e_ That The » 571dkiizg~ofwa9rE*e5r*'p}2}:Ee‘\¥7itI} ;’22zz)3'i215l;e’r Kingdome or 'StaIf5Tf7a‘:_z/1?2ai bee azitbcawtbe azlvice :m‘d‘cb7_zfem bf 'Pzérli;zment.__ 67 Tbawrbe fa,§dg35*mer‘of tbe,eComzceAlleof State bee putinta tbe; hen;-z‘d5of‘trufij :in£:1e'abZepe‘rfd2z5e,noxv1id/jee agreed on, a7-idtbe faimee - n 17? faizx to’ co2ztinz_;e¥i7;;‘i}mt_‘paper fi«l‘>Cri§ eeegefférint, for a«Ceré'- «. i fain 3T_er7‘v1%en6t“‘exceedirzgfe2¢pez2 ‘_7e4rs. _f 7: Tbattbere bee afuflfcient eflabli/Emeiitnow‘ pro‘vided.%;foT.tbe f:_'zl2zr_y .Foerce:%eboeti:b iii England -and CIre1and,‘tbe e{idbli{bme22f to, éodzztinuee until] ~1152o.%M9zzetb:_aftertbetgmegtingofetbefirflefiicnniall ’ 1’,arjlian21:n;.-_ 7 _ _ _v _ _ . . ‘ ‘ f 4 .‘ ; paffed' fdr~difpo.fing;the1*g»rca’t e0‘t¥ic;cs"fe_: tefi yearsbfy the Ildrtls and Co'm'rn'o'n‘3 in‘Par1i2tm€nt5 or by fuch‘ S¥9m”E"7E¢¢€3‘a5the€7?1§3=0;1.aPP}°i¥?§‘ef L ,;:..{;I :23.-- 1 ». .w..;.1 Via sffhztt an Aft be psifed} £c>'r7m¢axb3iii1{_=, and; ;m.:'fking vbyd I all De_clar:tt‘io'ns ahdt otherptroeeeding_s.:ig,hi:a£tthe Parli:m‘2eut5 or that hE1x!fe;;3,‘fl:c.dby,0£'911DdBi‘.:fi€ir>fiL1EhOf§Cy'iEI:EhC: late; ’Wa;;1'e§,—otitt.re1tmiidtnxf<2‘> it; c'AhtDth&£;thé Ordimntesfot iindempnity may be confirmed. st ;: L‘ j _V I 1.; Tt;a;t.an 'A=f’c be pgzffedfdn ma;ktgrg';x~o1d a11~G:ants,&c.‘ ?!.[f1d‘C‘:1‘;!3h<:“Gr::at:3§a1,that’;sRI_aSii;_eifiY§yf:d::aLvI&)l.« from the Pap- I liart1enTr;fm,ce'th_e£tirne3 chaflit q.fla&tfo:éénv:e }(ed .:tw.a«y . - (E accept: P '5 _n. o \ Ii 3: 3 S‘ :2. 83‘ 13 if E’ B E» ‘£2’ ? 5* :18 . Y ‘ ‘ . . t max’ - maavtaitean owaialle beupa r’cmcL¢:t:1aeute..m*atcrsateat:a.;1;t by the au.thOfity§G£b_OEh};fi0L1{}3S ~of;ParliaW.nentmi ,;;1 o t . VIII. ‘Ihat.at1;v¥&'be'pa£fed fo§;j.onfir;nation:ofs the Tree-e ties between the two Kingdomesqib Englazztk-and;Scotlézzzdféild ‘for appointing Confervators of V the peace betwixt them. ]*X.T-hat» Ihe Ordinance for tak1t3§:3«W%¥~ the (Saute of Wafds and .t»Liveti€s bciconfirmed by. A6’: 01'.-’P'¢\,l_.'1Ai,3.Q‘l€‘t1t5_ Iftovjded his Ma }'ePcies;R avenue be not da1nnifiteg1,.t1;_e[e.in, , nQH:ho_‘fe- that lafl; held Offices in the fame. left} w-i.12b913Is ;2et>a.r.at.i9n f9gx3e,othett Way»: 54.. >e- "1w,=a=~x;;:r--H . =‘.-.‘. mi‘:-“.*”«‘~ * --4X.; -‘-An to dec1are~votc{ the Cef-fgtq4ot_ttqE;IteI4_zzd, t’9ac.. and» to leave the proiecutionof that Wagtagtg t_ ;_,J-Q3-'_d§i_ and ‘(Sam-,-_, monsgin the Parliament ofgE2zgl;a;2d.§ ,i ,, .. A ,1 _; -xI Ari A&totbc;tpa.fl"ed ~a1l«.99et.ci.x: ptoswex. authority and ju‘tifdi~&ion of‘B_1_3.-j can Qfiicers whatfacwer, extgn jag ta» 395* emu mmlttes up-: on any; and to r@ea:leta,LL};aV$&9,e’.\V-kxerqtry Eh? QRVi1l'-M6:?,ifira- cy. hath been,;o1‘~j$bWnd, tupcgtt; aI1¥'s;Et§§1€fis1£?&§§ta1l‘+_cen£u«re to proceed (ex oficzo) unto any cmll penaltles agamfi any P\€I;fQDS ‘ fat‘cn£used.t -ti; V ~ t ca ‘- » ‘kw..-._.‘.'‘‘A=:E';3 '-‘fkgt “-f:e:"\ J ‘ XII. Thatthetebeta-.;re_peaLe. ,©f'a11:19+.<-‘f8_~,.,c>.;tt‘;C1~l:m§- .. % ‘ ' ‘W6. ‘Thanh; reelesemelcoterfi of ’ Lew, anelthe Qfieer: of it, may he flayredeteeel efttd reformed,“ M» then: 4!] fair: and que§'l‘im1.r of Right 2”7i1<¢?7y’5l2e'r;’e:’g;’~e eleere and eertainee in the iflkee, and not fa tediem new ehatrgerrhle in the proeeedixgm no\v,‘in order to which we /hail" e er fémefurthereperrticfiletrs hereafiere. i t t A 7'. tTl.2ett Prifaner: for Deht; or "oth‘e7~Crea'itor: (Who hmyeE— ,/7‘ater to dgfeharge .m'¢y not hf embracing imprifimnsent or am 22} other weaye:>h»a-ve advantage to defraud their creditors,» hat that‘ the Efiatee afvall men may he fame Way mettle liahleto their Deere, (ere Wefl eu Tmeiefmeas are Commifllan: of Bankrupt) whether h the; hetimprifmedfor z't,+ar 5301'. And that [each prifarzere fer Deht, Who herize not wherewithite pay, er at lefl elee yeelel up wheztl they have to their-Creditorgmezy be freed from :'mprifmment, or flame wet]; pravidedfor, fa ’eee—»neither~they~—m9r their Families meyperifi £2} their » impri/ivnmerete. j ' ll 8. Same pravifientta he ‘made, that none may he eempelleel 6; per 7mlt£e.r,o77j at_herWt_',—’e~ta emfwer emaeqzee/lien: teseeling to the ez€¢?t¢fing_- of themfilvee, or their aeerefl Relee:z'a—:ee in erimimcll ceafi-'5 5 V glad no mam life to he taéen .zway~m2der .twe witageflee. % , 9; That eonfieleretien may he hgzd of ez1lStezt:ete:,.emel the Loewe, of C H/lath?!’ of C‘ orparettiemf, impofing any .0 athee, ‘either to repeezle, . or elf: té qetallffie andpv-ovide ezgteinfitheflzrixeg fa fezrre rte they lacy 5 exteudfar lemflraed lathe molefleztian or enfiaarhg ofreliglom and 5t?‘““f“5"~'I’,""Pl‘a weer’;firez?e4;svvzfeewit1_iv~Rc/ézim ~ * e ~ e 32 194E: ‘mi t ( , 3., That according rothe Ext Head _inthe.DecIa: "ration of the Army, the large powers given to Com. mince; “Deputy Lieuten-ants during the late times of watre ard diflraélion, may be fpeedily taken into confideration, to be recalled and made void, andthat fuch powers of that nattrreasflrall appeare neceflfary to be continued, may be put into a. regulated way,and left to as little Arbitrarinefli: as the nature and neccf. fityi of the things {W herein they have eonverfatrt ) will beare; . . 4 . Thatfaccording to the feventhflead -in the faid \Declaration‘an effefiuall courle may be talren; that the kingdome may be righted and fatisfied in point of Accounts for the tvaft futpnmes-that have been levyqd. 5. That provifion may be made for payment of A11“. rears to the Army,and the raft of the Souldiers of the kingdomc; who ‘have concut'red.with the Army in the late defires and proceedings; thC.‘l‘€Of:: Antlin the next place, for payment of the publique debts and ‘dam- mages of the kingdome, and that to bee performed, t firft,to fuch perfons whole debts or dammages (upofl the publick Account) are g-1‘€21t3aIflCl‘th€lI‘ eflates fmall, 7 fo asthey are thereby reclucedto a difficulty of fub- fiflence ;&In order tO__all. which, and to the fourth par- ticular lafi preceding, we {hell fpeedily offer" fome further particulars, (in the nature of rules) which we ‘hope will be of good ufe towards publick fatisfaéli-_ on. - Augufl I . 1"64~. Signedéytbe Zppointment af bx’: Exce!z’em'y S1'rTho§ Fairfax, an ' the C.9m*3ce/lpof Warm. . Rufhworth, Secret, rrzvx s, RARE DA 412' 1647 . A395 - UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - COLUMBIA ELL SPC RRE RARE 010-006070137 University of Missouri Libraries University of M1ssour1——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner modei Scanning software Opticai resoiution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes ADec1arationfromFairfax1647 15 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi coior, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in originai document. Page numbers 7 and 8 repeat. Derivatives - Access copy Compression Editing software Resoiution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with LZW before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop C55 600 dpi Grayscaie and co1or avaiiabie on request. 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