~.5_‘—A ?_7; Vow . ' é D?EC.LfA 1% of His %Ex¢c11mcy A 1- homas Fairfax» HE ” V HisCou N c ELL of WARRE, . V cs" 5 ~ . \ *--+ ‘-W " % p A Béh’alfc of t11eInfejl%V;es ajné the whqle :'>:€z%%%@%E2%%@@%e=Es%% K o -..’>. - > , zzéti . I I ‘.1 'v:‘‘',..'_'Z k‘/"‘ 5’? %§2@@@?¥‘%@%@@@@@@%§i?9B§?3§?§§35§%? * ‘V 5 2~ ‘ . , . . ' \. . r . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ -' .. | r _ v ‘ ‘ .._ ‘- -' ‘ .. > . , ‘ _ . “ ‘ ARMIAE :5hcWi:n‘g€§hc"gr0uhdsdfthei; Pr_‘cuf<§1-1:’ advgmcc towardsihe City of 47 .4 ' By the appointfmentfof his E~xce%11ency%Sir. THQM~As‘E\A1RFAx and his Counccll of 'War1'c. Signed Io. Rus HWORTH Sear. ‘ I :1 LoNDoN;% _ Printcdfor george Whittingtak, '1 6 472 oo~ ti}! it A _§el4ral2i0}z.fro2fl% Excelienqy Si?‘ t oflewaifaitflx, twndtbefouml ax’ oti:l.W2ii'r@.e't ~ '- nifold difpeofationslof Gods providenccgand the grounds then declared , to advance to-t 7 l ‘Wards the City of Lmiamwe held" i-tour dur- ty, tolyeel.d~"=thekKingdom,the fumme of thofe defites which we had to {propofe on behalf sf it, out-Ielvesjwherein we fhould acquie'fce1: ”’ And _l-1aving‘received~ fztomthe Ptarlimient, {came hopes ofdue‘ fatisfz&ion therei-n,and efome affurance from the Lotd'Ma-yor,Ald.°:rn1cn, and {fommlon—Coun‘cell-ofthe City ofLondwg,of their ready concurrence with us in thofe thiogs,&: alfo great refolmion ptofellcd by them of their care at-Id tender- nefle to prefbrvealltl-1cRlghts and Priviledges of Parliaman“, fafe,free,md inviolateedjrom attempts of all-kinds, We doe ap- j peale toGo,d,\to theCity,aod toal mcI1,what —a fpeedy-comply 4 aace to their defires forour removal 10 afucther »5.:’ftance,Fouod t in this Atmyfiot preventing all feares, ijealoufies, and other in- convenicncies to the Ci:y,and to give clear --tellimonyéthat wee had not‘~i_\in_3; in our bl-caFts,bu: thoughts of peace, and the good — and welfacelboth ofPar1iament,City, and Kingdom, notwith- {landing many falfe 8; fcandalous reports railed, that we fought V ou1fifi;lves,that we had vile and wicked ends, t and that nothing woul;:i:_fatisfie the fouldietbm the plunder of the-'Ci»ty, the come ~ itary whetcafelltl mmifeltly appe*ar,w_h,én they folrt=adiiymat- V V A 2 l .,c.h.€ A "4- ‘Hen-this Atmy waelfortmerly led by the nu? l 0.. -‘,...-...-.4._... . ‘ 1) . ' chad Baehrfiffifi hopes of fitisfaétion in Eheir Defires efpubliite . concernment. V — A r o i ' Having then upon the afoz=c_faid..confidenvccr’foe withdragwnege, and eutoi a jolt fenfe of the Countries ('ufi‘ering_( by (parted-vi’ ting) removed the Head-quartcrvof the Army above 49. g1'i1€S -. from Loiidon, and difperfed the 1'63 wellonigh zoo: miles foi " i V ‘ the moretafe efaii pgrts,nnd that ‘wc.miightegive the better Fae A tisfacfiion to the Kingdom.And being in this fccure way, and ‘E labouring afterthefuddtain fettlernent of the Kingdom, we had even brought to perfefiion the _particular propofals.%.fie'(in§h“1ded T in the geoerais of our firit Re‘prefentatio‘n)to'be fen: to t5§,_P;}r; liament,for Va fina11,¢QI1C1flfi.0Di9f311 -Ol.ll‘-=II‘ __3. In the nix: place when" the intcrelt of the Common-‘ §ouncel,i~n their change of the Militia {hall be claiytned as the BE‘reh."right ofthe City of London, ( which they never had my colt us E0.p.{€E€Bd to ,, faving by theindulgcncy of the P.u-lia- ment unto diemfince this Pettlialmengin refpeét of the great ufeo _ they5’ha*v’e had of them, and t the ' {many good fervices they have ‘ received ftom.them),».~.. It is time for all the Kingdotn to look IQ‘ ~ their.l3éirthiright-s,if zfuch a claime fhall be held up agaihftboth theHoufes of iPata‘.iair1ent,Tbat upon no coca/ion wlmtfaeoer, nor in = t mtim: of danger and .'z’i§2'rzz£h‘a7z w/§.eztfocz)er,t1::y m Qjizppaivzt t_};2:‘:fe- H shit: _/Zwl/'l‘mv.é 11:/¢paWe‘r of the cfifilitia of London Without the coufmt of the (’ammo%n-‘Cormct.[;’rj]7;cz}dlj when M t/rile Haxafex f/‘ml ~'T fit made?‘ test; paW?r'. common tcafon will texch every mm whofhall bee Mailers of teheB}i‘:th;-riights of the .whoie kingdom when there {hall ‘bee no; Army on Footgwhen they have the confidence to "difpute for the Mg.[tery,~ notwithfianding .1’uch'.an Anny asihis to checke and L A e ballaocc themin.behalf of the K1ngd~tlh};hnd Parliamtznnt it ‘ 3‘; Lattiy,tne Army ,c,li'f(érninge how intimate fomc ofthé new he late Example may evidence t'o'2l‘l‘the Worldg‘ who [.11-111:: be Me{b:1‘s of the Parliaments freed-ome znd Refi:«luti'ons 3‘ And i .. 1' Militia were with fome. of the: I iaccuied Members; “how . for. . ward they were to comply. and :61’ with them in theiro t%nd¢_a.,..e , vouts,to raife a new iWa'r.re ; how irheywrnadef I Sit‘): i9§=Vfotes in order th€I_‘€l.1I'ltO»EOgC_:hCl' withthem 1'I".3'-l"!'C_nlght'. . L i Allwhich,t_he_.Con1tnon+Conncell. and Parliament dil'll‘l{ed? band ufvolted ', hozv notw,i’thfiand'ihgf'§ftetwaf‘ds"they rfecrctly}, p;~om§§.;€d.E'll€iF Dé'figQ€S'.b4}_7:E4f;lVat€ illgfi, _ a’P.,.,,._ peatto have bin fiilil‘werki‘t'3‘g ‘tinder grounid.*:t E u I as. The Atmy,w.¢ Taty,0bfi=rVing this; and'htvingLnorth'_i_‘n'g mot‘: 5 . i.x]fl_lil'i€ir thoughts _.and dcfires, then to -fettle afpeedy,'%faf_e,i and-:'i.t fwel-grounded‘ peace,a_n~dL to pteventa new wane, jotin.d-it V‘ égffaty to’ defire, . it l ‘ ’ L‘ V f 1'hatthe’Mi‘itia might-;be~plut‘into the hands wherciriit Sm;--*4 et5<5§‘¥?“l¥e'.bWh9~»19%S!.fiBPE°!§‘! shenfslrsfi ‘W3 :9: tbs? iAmw--— . 7 ' ‘ ?a'tfliat1ti:et1co- _, ._".;..Jn¢_-.3. ,. _. A . ' R * ,_, ,- ~ , _ « y ‘7‘P31ti£az11tntandkiugdome, to be fobe:fr'-‘minded men, and not 1 given to anyptaétife: whertby a new Wane f1)igl1t:b€-kiI”{Ci=- .1ed. ' o . e To the intent,that the Army being fecured by that meanes ’ from that danger, might with the more»confidence retire fur- I that from the Ci:y,~in'1atge their<:(Luarter (of the gr».~ater eafe of the Kingdom), zjudeintcndi-'who1ly tthefetfing ofiia {me 'peacefin A this Kingdom, and ya fpeedy a~ndtfl'c&uall reliefe of Irelmia, which was aimofi brought to a »P€fiOd,at3d nothing in the fight ofman could have liiudre‘-‘:i,'~hm this cs:-x]2»di pré£}ica'of violence ' e apofi the Pdrlidmefifi,T“%na’Z7"preteflC£'-e;/ the Militia, ‘which accor- WZ ‘ Wgzit na1a72g:r;i&i1n this outtagfous mi:'incr‘,theycofntiuued at the ding to o‘ur’alefZr4,.,\6':ixg rtfiored again: into the>‘hazrid.c qfthe éld Cwm;-gijjisnmghy kin Ordimmtg of hath Houfes, dated the 21. of V Iuly, in purfmmce rhr aforefnid treafamrhl: camhimztion) fr: ; warm? Petition: were ‘pie/mted tothe C omnévn-C’ atmcefl of the C i- _ 2} of L 0 iN'D 0 N , in the mime ofthe Apprentice: and otherxg imparting their Defirex, that the Militia afthe (it; might comi- _ xue in the hand: qftheformer Cemmiflianerx, acqardfpg fa t=hc9-0reg diiermce afthe i4eofA;_la}il4/h. . - i h % A Whereupon Munddiyiij uly- the fi-Xe and twentieth, ‘ the Com» ; , tnoene-Conncel of the City prciknts their Petitions to both’ Hou- 3_._fes fotciianging the Militia, wherein the Houfe of Lords re-= fufetoaiter theiriliefolutions, the Houfe of Commons anfwe- , redth,ey,3wc uld take it ‘into confidcration the fiext rnorninm ‘ ’Notv(viytiiftanding whiyghsi the City and kingdom c‘ann.ot'ibeiig-. - ynorant with what tags and infolcncy the tumult of :Apptenti.. cesthe fame day forced b0th«HOui§S. They bfockt up their doo,Ar.es,t ,{wea__ring they would gtcefizthem in till theyhad paffed . T what votes they pleafedgthey thtltiattned the I-leufts it they gran- ,y ted not t‘hCil‘4dffiI'€S,. knocking,hho‘oting,aud"haI1owing fo atthe t ‘.P4rl.doorcs,th:it manyitimcs the; Members could» not be heard f “to {peak or debate, not‘fu£i'ering the houfe of Commons to di- V . videfor detiermining fuch-Qefiionsyy as were put, crying out tfhntathafe that g-we their vote: againflythem, J’/hmlat he [mt 109:4: to ' t thesis, _'very oiteqand.loud1y;fayihgg;dgm3 agfrfe, idifjzatcb Wei’! houfe door abovc8 hours to§ether,th-g pity guards there pref:-nt i i t i o P?! '1 %‘;}¢‘},s§ City ieleiving themgby‘ reafon wh7ereof the HouTe‘was forced to iVotE F‘ T ‘what that rude multitude would demand, and ‘then adjourned the I-loufetnl ‘ -the nex't'morning'; After which the I-Ioufe tiling, the Speaker and many Members going out ofthel-loufe—,' they forc’d ‘them back againe into the l Ioufe :Many of the Apprentifes r preflingin with them, where they flood. ’ ‘with their hats on their heads, and compelled the Speaker to take the Chair, :5" T and the Honfeto Vote in their prefence what they pleafed, committing ma. \ T Lny other infolencies, as is publilhed by the Speakerof the Houfeof Com- ‘imons in his Declaration, and is too well known byiall then prefent; And ‘during the time ‘of thisiexecrable violence done by the {aid Apprentifes, v ’ Mfeflminfler I-:‘lal‘an°d the Pallace yard was fild with Reformadoes andsother l ' ill—affeé’ced*perlons Tdefigned‘ to back them. , _T A _» Afterthisthe Houfes be'ng Adjourned‘ till ‘Friday following, upon the TThurfday the ~Ap?prentifes printed and polled a paper in feverall places T « ~ofth~e’City, requiring all their fellowes to beearlyat the Parliament the 1” ‘next mo'rning,fo~r thatthey intended to‘adj1ou-Trne yby-efeven‘of the clo'Tc-k,and that for a-moneth. Thus the Speakers with many of‘ the Members of both ‘Houfes were driven away from the Parliament. T g 7 _ y H T T T This in briefbeing thettrue Rate of things as —they‘5have broke rf'o‘rth3with=-' ‘fin thefe few dayes, (which are ‘fo contrary ‘to allythofe pretencesof Peace, and deteltation of a new War of late foifrequentlyiheld ‘this Kingdom , and the deftruélioin of all fuch wel-=alfe6ted~*.peo.ple who, ‘the juPcnefl'e of that caufe,~this Army had engaged them_'felves?in, and“-the great and wonderfull mercy of. God in continuing them together, _we all iu re our {elves doth now“clearly app’earto’all mens eyes “and apprehenfions, T and will everyday more and more be acknowledged, even by thofe was “have heretofore made aquel’tion“of it. T y _T _ F A i And if when this Kingdom hath efpenrt fo much of its blond and t“reai7ure;- "s-hath paft through fuch unheard of dangers,and overcome fuch difficulties [0 a -many yeers t"ogetheir;,All‘that theymuftnow hopefor and relt’in,mul’c only be what the King grants in his Meflage of the 12 of M4} lafi: And‘ if this “I-nuft be impofed upon mens judgements and confciences by an oath;’?&Tnow tntred into in a tumultuous and unlawfull way, and by -outrage maintained ‘ in defpight and contempt of the Parliament. If ~ rather then this fhould n61: be accompli{hed,t_h§ lfarliamgnt felf mult be violated‘ and forced inao t ; » A s “ " ‘ ~13 ““ °"“""” “ 3 “‘ ‘ 5.2.: _ _ A _ would not comply with them the-rein; fo as by what now is com.e to light; a }|aI'ldS‘Of‘filCh'9_f the Members thereof as have; {ecretly abetted and hsfomenii jted thofe praétifes to that end ; That thefe hidden counfels and work-_ei.s of‘ M ‘ darknefle might, whenthey come to their ful.lbbirth,have theimage of high‘; ;_fl_auth0riEyei§l.thC face of them the better to gaine;credi»t thereuuto , and fecure the authors ofthem from punifhment; For th,e,evidence.of all which we refer our felves to the particulars in our Charge againfc the , 1 I Members, compared with thofe paflages; of late broke forth; before 1 rehearlt , unto which we {hall now only addel (and leavetpit to the coinfideration of all wife andgoodi men) with what Artifice and boldne{Te';he_fe Members have ferv’d thfemfelves of thofe horrid tumults and violcncefafafi their own creating (in. fiead of Lfhowing their deteftation of them) againe to intrude themfelves into the publike managing ofaflairs, and i11€.V lfiably to embroyle the King; dome ina new war; which their own revengegand the compafiing ‘of their - former p1Qts...and delignes makes them fo gf€C.dlly.£h1[fi after. If theft: things (we fay) miufi. be thgiend and up—fhot of__a1l,,,~ what‘ :then remaines to this poore Kingdome and all true hea.r,te.d Engl1fl1m,Cfl,, p but to joync toge-. V !_;her as one man with their co«unf,els, efiates and ii.ves,li.n this way, as ‘our lafh * refuge under God , which he by his wifeand gracious providence hath pm.‘ A g vided and referved by keeping up this "Army even to a Miracle,fo to prevent . and haPP.inefT¢, if itbe his blefled will? 1 Thefe -things‘ being ferioufl‘ ,cohilidgred by us, wee have thought fit in the name of the Army to declare, that all fuch M.emh_;ers of ‘either; I-Joule Oi-P31l;li‘8—m,e_nt as,ar¢;a1ready with the Armytfer the t17ecua,tit.ieoftheirt perlons, and for thefiends aforefaid arejnirced to abfent iheffliiiivfs from . WePtminfien,_thatbW€.e {hall hold and efleemothetn as perfonsitjl Whom the ' ‘Q ..-nu...-u 'Pl1_b.]i§k.(1‘.ufl‘ of the Kingdom is fiilliremaining, though they cannot for the efent fitas a Parliament with, freedom: and fafety, at Weflminflergand by fijihofe advice and counfels, we defire to governe our felyes, in the managing the aforefaid cvils,and toprocure to this dying Kingdome yet a fetled peace e there waighty aifaire‘gse,and_torthat end: we invirethem .150 smake repairs to this i Armie to joyne with us in this great. caufe, weeybeiflg 1'-€’iE>1,V€d', and do hgerehyjaithfully oblige oure;felves;to fland by.them therein. and to live i r and die with them againfl allotOppofitiontwhatigever, and in particnlan wee do hold our {elves bD.llnd_t0 owne that honorurabple a&of the Speakeiv offlthe Houfegf Commons,',who uponthe/grounds hee himlelfeexprefled in. his.Deiclaration fént unto us,hath aétually withdrawn hirnleife.-,; and here. upon wee do further ingage ‘to ufe our utmoli and fpeedy endeavours, that tee and thoté Members of either,Houfe, th_at:.a‘1“e. thus; inforeed a any from i ,xhc*ir attendance at hiefiminflst W vr.1th’f5s§¢!9r:r€ EP‘}¥€EE¥3=i? fit timers.’ ‘"“'*:‘ K “ °* and - ‘V ,. s‘9- - (9 la ‘ i - ma againetdifcharge their trulhas altee and a‘I.egall Parliament,-and in the i } mean: time we do declare agalnfl that late cfnoice of a DEW Speaker by {mm} L _ mentnpweclipféd and darkened ; Wee hold ourlelves boundbyour duty Gentlemen at Weftminller’, as contrar} to all Right Realon,_La.w and Cu. name; and weeprofefl‘e‘_our.fé1ves to bee molt clearly jatitsfieclt. all out judgements, and are glfglconfldent the Kingdoms ..will,here*in:.coneurte. with us, thagaschingg now {had there is no free not .legal:l,.Parliament fitting, being through the aforefiaid violence at prefent iufpendedt And that- th§:tOrdets, Votes” or Ptefolutiongtfotced fromthe floules on» Monday l thezé. of julyalafi, as _alfo all fuch as {hall pail: in this A{l7:mblylo£ lbme few Lordsand Gentlemen at Wefiminller, under what pretence and colour goever at: vaid and null,dand bought no,tto,he.,fuhn1itted_untoby the free. orne Su ‘ex soflin Ian t And the?! we mayfinevent that flattery tlefilgnecl upon nsand the‘N-cation; - that ,the,Kingdome.may be relioted to a happy State ofa vifible Governe- t0,God and the Kingdome; to bring to condigne pupifl1ment~the Authors and Promoter}, ofthat unparalleldviolencetdone E0: the Parliament; and in that to all the freerborne Subjefis of England,’ flilat are or hereafter {hall be; and thereforetwetarettefolyed to match up towards Londo;z,.VZl1eEc_» we do expe& that the well-affeéted people. of that City willdeliver up unto us; ( or otherwife put into fafe Cullody, To as they may_ be brelervedto a legal], Triall,)the elevenimpeached Members that have againe thrult themfelves. into the management of publickfalfaires by this wicked defigne. A ’ And that all others will give us fuch Aflillance therein, that the Meme. .. bers of both l-loufésmay receive due incouragettttnt to return: to Well-. . m.i,nIier,. thereto fit with all fteedome, an-d. filo st-to, petforme their..,t_t=ul’t, asl. «. (hall conduce to thelettlementt of this diliraéted Kingdome; and to infli&» {ugh punifhments upon thefe lateO,fl’enders asfllall deter; any for thefl1l£l.11'€,. . ‘ to make the like attempt, ‘ l t ti ‘ ‘ Our liveshave not been deare unto usl-‘ct the publiclt good,._andt being“ now refolved bythe allifiance of God, to bring thefe delinquents to their deat- feryed punilhments , as that then which, there cannot be any thing of more 1 publick concernement to the Kingdome, Wee truli ( it fhallcomte to that,,); our blond {hall not be accounted too deare a price For the accomplilhrnenc ofit. And if any in the City will ingagethemlelvetagainll us to prote& t thefc Perlbfls, and (0 put the Kingdomeagainetinto a newand milérable ? t Warre, The blond mull belaidvto the aaecount of fuch. perfons, asothe Au- at ‘R thors thereof.‘ a w ' V ’ % ‘ l ' V F a A031 ltfily. eB¢g§q1f§titit§h§p_Iaine Engine ofoursand; the Kingdom: e-1 7' " ’" i"”" 8 g; ‘ ”“ n¢mlS31‘-3‘ .-<...__ . gg 7 ‘ - t by _ . enemies,‘ to rendef us odious by époiieffing the mindes or men, that we gape . only after the plunder ofthis gfieat and wealthy City, as the experience of 4 the contrary catriagein allTownes that weehave’ taken yeeldeth nnto us a Tetiimony beyond the examplc“‘o=f any A1'my,'l'o wee do from our hearts declare, thatwee abhorre»~the'-thoughts thereof, and we doubt not but the , "» world {hall fee our a&ions anfwetable to our profeflions, and that we flialrl ; T not cauie any man to fuffer but by his owne default 5 and that God will ma- ‘ hifelit we have only in our eyes, tthatailullice may have a free court"-2, the Pat: .. liamentaefree fitting andevoting, anda ful vitidication of.the.. late v-iolence « ~done to them. a ‘ ; " e ‘-.A.;-‘bl. as for the City of Welhninfler, the Borough of Southwarlte, the ‘‘ Hamlets, and the tell of the {uburbs and out-parts, as wee are infotmed, ; at that theyeare not fo ready to engage -themfelves in a new Warre as tome 6, would have’thf'em~, fo wee are l'enfible‘of' the "hard condition that they are i brought into, even bythcm that claitne a lfllght againii bash‘ H;-‘ails of L Parliament, ( at iitangeéclaim againfi a Patliamenmhough more yrcafonable t againli others, ) not to be fubjeéted to a"’Militia Without their owne confent, , and yet will notbe contented, unlelie they may have others {u’3je€ted unto. /' them,'andlay»~what burthens they pleafe upon them, W‘lIllO‘l1?: allowing them a any part of vote or eonl'en‘t with them 5 In which points ofcommon flight; ’ V and Equity wee {hall not be wanting'( in a due way ) to affifl them for the vobtainzng of their iull defireaand»imn1un.itics, it being our cheife aim to iefettle Peace with Truth/and Ptighteoulheflé (throughout the Kingdome, that- none may be opprefled in hisejull freedome andliberties, tmnch lefle the, < Parliament it fe1fe,Whichthings beingthtly fetled, lwelhall bee as ready "al? {'0 to allure unto the King his jufl Rights and authoritie as any that pre- t. r tend it never ['0 much, for the better upholding of an ill caufe, antlthe l «countenancetof turnultuous violence againli the Parliament, the which our ‘honefi, jail, and neceflary undertakings, as Wee are refolved to purlue with . the utmofl: hazzard ofourelives and fortunes, fo w-e doubt not, but we {hall “find Godsa.cct1flomed,goodnelTe andaffifiance Withustherein, till wee have « brought them to agood and happy conclufiontforethis poore dillraéhed and ~ _ ‘,;.L':-""—'_;'-,.5-‘i ._ i~langui-lhing,Kfitgdome. ; , l”tINISt, RARE DA 4 12 i 1647 . 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