we '§¥s%a:?22?2S?a:%ea%s%?as%£s%s:a%s§*aaE’s%%a¢a%<2%§42%§g% ; gfieteemweiétemaieaeegg @;gDE.CL,A,_A1‘IOB3_,g;@ £4: REm2;.EsEi:%i"MT10N J Froin His Exeeiliezneyli, (. Sir Thomas Fairfax; t And the Army under iiis comznand, F Huméb ttendrea’ to five Tar/iament, ‘ Concerning the iufl and Fundamentailt Rights and Liberties ofthemfeives and the Kingdome. W ITH o Some /mmé/e7’ropo/alt 4mz’Deflre.:v§. 4 ']@Nn .1641 epzppoyntmmtof £2135 Exce‘ ,- S:r'TH()M-As FAIRFAX, 8} tie with the Officer: and S 6*z¢ldie> J‘ his Army. _ e Signed John Rufhworth, 'SeCr(t£=zr}',_ . L 0 N D , L‘ gig.‘ Printed for George W/:-ittingtan at the ew Anchor in Com hill, ' e ‘ neete the Exchange. 1 6 4 7. eeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeae «ye ’$$?$$$%%?¥$$%$?§ l -_e,"~ ‘ , I 4 V i‘. ' 2- .‘-»> l it In : U/vi ;_~..-.;?"éae,h:f ...(‘%1’z.1‘c!’r’t'iw‘is)xiIbir’h¥ out taho%fe”AC1€1_a‘Y‘et%s;Whieh divefs havhe'ifofi’n‘d;ias p’reih'diéiaI fdthetrg O1‘ ‘mbI_‘e,%th€:h’ifj’ they ha"d‘_bC,en‘ gtotrallyfdeniédothe -performance of N5*§Wi’t1i.5Fi fldwifweae hépé) Tfeeihe i.Tt1*aingcé~oI‘;h unlisafonhblé W ‘rat.i§tia1‘f7a£¥d ‘i%s:e.n,: ecofifidiar me cjonrequjc{i;c¢i’asr';,i;i; ptefi=:dc°¢caféi,=*t‘g.L jtheiiiri oown,r— and ' the I§i:fig.ac3ms, (:.‘fhie11i’as”’ our) '0 r . 4 . if _( from a deepe fence of the highconfequence oiourpreiient -a cafe, both to our {elves (in future) and all other peotpie)we 111311, before disbanding, proceed,in our own and :l'1C Kingdoms behalf, -to propound,and pleadfor fome provifionjor our, and the King. do rns fatisiaéiion, and future {ecurity in relation to tho-Ce things, «».e{‘pecia1ly confidering,that we were not a meere rnercinary Army, hired to {erve any Arbitrary ‘power ofastategbutcalleiforth and conjured, by the feverall Declarationsof Parliament, to the d:fence of our owne and the peoples juit rights, and liberties; And to we tooke up Armes,in judgement and eonfcitnce‘ to thefc ::e-nds, and have fo continued them, and are refolved according to gyopur fwirihjuit defires in yonr Declarations, and fuch principles as we have received from «your ifrequent iniormations, and our own common fence concerning thofe our Fundamentall Righ rs and Li- berties, to _afl°:rr‘and vindicate, the jufi power, and Rights of thiesr Kingdome in Parliamen-t for thofe common ends pre1;niferd,a- gairrlt allarbitrary powe-er, violence and qpprefliomand agai;nPc3all rparricular parti~es,or initerefis whatfoever. The fair! Declarations {till direétingius to the tq iitable fence of all"I.a.w-s and conflrtc-.1tpi-I. one as difpencing with tnevtry Letter of the fame, and being fu- preame to it,when the faiety and :prefer~vat_ion_ of all isrconcerned, and ‘afluring us, that all ‘authority is‘ furidaenentally feated, in the office, and but" miniPcerially in the perfons, neither doc orwill thefe our proceedings (as we are fully and in confcience perfwa- ded) amount to anything, not warrantable betore God and men, being thuspfar, much fhort of the comm_on proceedings in other Nations;,to t‘hings'of an highernature then we have yet appeared to. And we cannot but be fencible of the great complaints, that have been made generally to us of the Kingdome, from the people where we march, ofarbitrarinelle and injultice, to their great and infuppdrtable oppreflions, A i - _; , . V ’ And trulyifuch“ Kingdomes, as have according,both_ to the law of Nature and Nationis, appeares tothe vindication and de- fence, of their fut’: rights and and liberties, have proceeded much higher; As our brethren of Scotland ; who in the firfic beginning of thefe late differences, affociated in Covenant, from the very. lame grounds and principles (having no viflible form, either of Par1iaxt1¢9_t9rKine so. saaeteaeqts them) 45% as shay were thsttig ‘I 737‘ ‘o -‘ s ( 5 ) . >1 _g. erein iullified, and iproteéted by their own, andthis Kingdomee a fo,fo we jufily {hail expect to be- We need not mention the States of the Netberlazgdr, the }’orJ . :1: air, and others , all proceeding upon the fame Principles of’ fight and freedome; And accordingly the Parliament hath de- claredit no rcfifiance of Magiftracie, to fide with the iull Prin- ciples, and law of Nature and Nations , being that Law upon; whichlwe have affiltedyou. And that the Souldiery may lawful+ ly hold the hands of that Generall,,who will turne his Cannon againfi his Army on purpofe to deitroy them ;' the Sea-men the , hands of that Pylot, who wilfully runnes» the Ship upon a Rock, a (as our brethren 0fJ'cotlomdargued.)- And fuch were the pro-- -ceedings of our Anceftors offamous memory, to thepurchafing‘, offuch Rights and Liberties as they have enioyed through the ., price of their blood ; and we (both by that and the later. blood of ~ our deare friends and fellow- Souldiers, with the hazard of our own) do: now lay claim unto-.1 " ' ‘e A ’ i f Nor is that fupreame end , (the glory of God) wanting ‘in t-hefe cafes, to {ct a price upon all fuch proceedings of Righteouf— nctie and Jultice, it being one witneffe of God in the World to - i carry on a Teftit-nony againft the I-n;"ul'tice and unrighteaufnefle of~.::_ men,and againlt the mifcarriages-. oi Govertnnents, when cor-1 rupted or declining from their primitive or original! glory, g t Thefe things we mention, bot to compare proceeding. and 4: to ihewthat we are fo much the more iultifiable, and warranted. in what we do,by how much we come flaort oftthat height and . meafure of proceedings, which the people in free. Kingdomes and Nations have formtly pra&iccd.. i i it Now havingthus farre cleared our way in this pb‘ufinefl‘e,we. J V {hall proceed topropound fuch things as wedoi humbly: defire, ‘. for the fctling and Iecuring or our own and the Kingdomes com. amen right, freedome, peace,and ftfety, as followeth. _ = 1., That the Houfes may be fpeedilypnrged of fuch i tnem; ‘hers, as for their Delinquency, or for Cqrruptiopns, _ or abufe to l y the State , or undue Eleflions, oughtfngt to [it there : whereof ’ the - * 65 ) . _ -- -.'-the’ late..e1e&io'tastin ‘Carnw4ll,Wale:and other parts ofthe.Kin.g .j dome afford to many examplesgco the great prejudice of the 9:93 .-~pEee,efteed<‘anJetin th‘e’faid eleétions. 1 t L o 2. «That thofexpetfo¥ns,who_ have,’in vthe«unju{% and high pro?-S - tceedizngi; againftithet Atmy,_appea:ecl to have the W111 , the confi, . dence, cre-dit,;antl power,.to:abnfe:t‘hei?'ariiament,:tnd the Army, . gandindanget the ‘Kingrfomtin .cattying on fuch things agapinllt us Zj(Whil€ an Army) may be fome way fpeedily difabled from doing - the l1'ke~t0pt'. wotfe to us (when disbanded, and dii”petll:, and in the , condition of private men.) or to other theWftee+botn people of England -in the {1m6COf‘ldi.£iOn‘With.L1S,-and that for that put'po_fe; A the famepetfons may nottconninuefin the‘~fatne power (efpecially . as our and thelfingdoms Judges in the highfipclrllli) butmay be -(made incapable thereof for future, .— ~ , And if it be queflzioned who theleate, we tho~ugh,t not fitpari-‘ 1 ticularly *-to’natI‘i‘e' them in 'EhiS‘0ui? mprefentationunto you, but A-{hall very ‘fpeedily givepinttheir names; andbefore long {hall offer what we have to fay againlt them,to your Comrniflionets,where-t wehope fo to carry out felves, as that the world fl1all,{ee~=we ~aitne at nothing‘ of private revenge, as animoflities, but tligt-ju-fl ftice rngy. have a Free coutfe and the Kinggdpome be eafed, and fecu- cured by difinabling fuch men (at lea&)from places ofjudicatute who defiting to advantage,‘and fet up themfelves, aucl ts‘-:eir’p'arty in a generall confuiion have indeavot1red.to put the Kingdom into .2 new flame of t warrc, then which nothing is. moteabhotrenv; IONS. 4» T . @ .1 -» : ' But becaufe neither the granting of this alone, would be fuflir cient to fecure our own, and the Kingdoms rights, liberties, and fitfety either for the ptefent ageoro poltetiety, not would out p to. -tpofing of this A finglybe ifreei from; the fcandal. and appearance of faétion or gtdefigneenely to weaken A 6116 party, under the notion of uniuft or oppteflivc) that we mayadvanceianflotpher (which may b.§iPP§19§°l mars 9%: gen) We W265??? d.‘91%E§:e n uT.(-:51’ )1 ~ V ’ p .: 3 ;'I'-’nac indeed wee» came: bud mam, ntEit‘fiIcf1‘,> dear:-d~ race __ be rpreferred covnhe green,poWer'=eand"e1¥l1fliof—ehe 22:‘ Gofnmmnéwéaifhg a5_ga‘reapdpr@I{edn;‘a«e‘¥eaf’¢,«féij';m6f%§1l righ teo'fiE- to -,5Aa\3»dof’fuqh.weéacannoe but in’;'bur: ‘Wifhes~* preferreithofe, thaunppeare a&ed . thereunto by ‘a principle ofCon{i§ient:e‘i)‘£d9"I“':’e;4 gli idnfin; them. And accordingly wedoe and ever {best} ble’flE”God in ‘.f-rt:fiofi:.mea1iy fuch :Worchies , ,who,~.through hiieprovidence, havebeen el_1‘ofen-' into this Parliament; Andu,to‘fuch endea- ~vo'ur'erGun3er God ) wee cannot’ but attribute thaéivindication, T u. in part‘) ofchef peoples Rights‘; and Libertiesyand ‘thofe begin- uings of ‘arjuit fieformation, which the firfl proceedings of tfiis 1- Parliatrieutféppeared to have’ driven at, and tefidedfflda euoughjbf “~la‘Ee%‘obfiru&Ed;{it§i*iracher-diverted to othe‘t'»%n’é1§3‘éi‘t‘18‘-‘i‘i’itere{1_’ by wfiezprevainliag o'f‘~‘other operfona of oth1e§_e.§Ph?éip¥es~” ~a‘n=e:P¢o:iai- *"fian‘3_3‘1.-::1';..‘.U. .. s%;g : e 1:. :£‘J=‘i"2‘; _ »‘-4" 'f‘-'_ #5311: yet ‘wee are fofarmfrornedefigasiiug§'1€1r$eempIying,co have I iin9é§1Ul’uté or arbi:rary'powerIfia;e‘dE’e‘r0fleH¢a , in ipe‘rfons,wHatfoeve;gés €H’§t_,’ (iéwemghé-. ‘ ’*i;6«noB:aine E i駑éuv'e=e‘eatnnot wifh to l2i‘pa~veu1it~fthis'Kingd"dfi1é5ifr7P§rlf§inems ‘(right- ~'1y confiituted, that is‘,-fraelyi, ?eqge1ly?fué:€eHive1y' dfofend,‘ at-1 “ cording to its originitll intentione) dt‘-nag? eyer fiaiide and havedits " co“urfi=._.é And therefore vwee“fl1all apply ‘oundefires -, chiefly‘ to tuck fining” an? (by ~having?Parliau;ent"s‘-fetled inffuch :1 4right~~Confiicu- ~ tion m‘ay~»give mofi hopes ofjufiicéhnd Righteoufnefie, to How A downe; equally ‘to’ 5115 in thatius’anciencChaE1ne1l5 Without any Overtureis, tending~ either to overthrowsrhht ‘fiou:i'd'artion of Order 4? and Government in‘ this Kingdom; or to Iiwgrofleifhat power for V .. “5pe‘rp‘etuicyuinco’tne hands ofi anyfl‘-particular perfons’.,orp party ‘iwhdtfoevera. 7- 11'» ‘ 7' Andforedp1aI:ep'u‘dpofefihdugh eé”vree*ha*ve~f;ouned it doubted ’ by many men , minding'fincerely*I;he publiques good,’ but not: _ weighing ('0 fuflyall1confequencesofthings) it may and isnot un- like to prove; that, upon the ending this Parliament, and the B Ele&ion to‘); ‘fifefiion of_~NeWssfl1fi.Co9 Gfitutionfi of fucceeding Paixliamefiiii, ( as , t0.th¢’p€§fQfl8\E-kaed ). may §\x!erve- for,theh:.ewor1e%:g.iany~,yvay_es : .y,et.finGe fl'¢?i¥het »§mt1ee;[3.i¢.f?e{;,t-purging of this Pirli,2irnem3.~not.‘:»in et»he,;E1;e&iott of Nt!v}.;Wec;.eanrx.bt -.promi>fe.t .CD§“.e0uf félveiu imdm e " ol_§;1,g<1otne,A2int,a(fgpr_ence of«ju&1ice, or other pofitive good {tom the hmcfis of neen: 595 §§10f§.§vho »for-fprefemt apfpeare .mo&71-ighteous«~ h A ..a2fsd .fI1<,>£‘t.£fo£ t5he<:Houfe themtelves erqaysbetixya _t;a- t .,P,3.~C¢.i‘.i§.:»rtQ§3#-~°£‘[ubiF&i0n~'35 Wielleas rules and mey.vfé>..glie incli- ned t,o' ¢on_fider.%of other mens cafes, as 'what may conic; tQabe.theit owne. Ilfisfwee fpeakeof, in relation to the~Hou{e of Commom, . as beingentrllfledg on the peoples behalf, for their interefi in that _ gr_eatea.ndeI'tzpte;1me power of the ComunorrwcaIth:,(tz2iz-;the;I;,e- » giflative "power, with the power of final] judgementplfilhiczh; beitjg, ' finite own ~natur;e,._fgfatgbi;trary,and in 3"_‘I'l}&Bgfl€l'~ u5nl_irtaited‘»( un- leflejn poiqc~of1imet)is moi’: unflc—andedangeroue Qaeptothei peo- n interefl )top_be fixt in the perfona of theéfamemen duringlife, . . ;or;the3i~rfownhLpleefu1:es,. ;I$}ej;11¢;,..by_thetorigiqa1l Qogtfitutiogfof ! . a lhslfi :- lfrtiz‘ *l”thi~s-State,-rwafg *lt;» or ought it-tercor1_t;inpuap_pfo,W nor deceit (' wl‘aere;=7 -ever it is ,‘and continues (0) render ‘that State any better then’: meerc Tyranny.) or rhepeople lli}bjE4_é_1‘ed to ,it,.,m.any better then ‘vgaffans : lp_B_ut‘ in all States, pbere there isény face of CCl)m'tnlon freee d’cxh1le,laiidp’parti‘Cularly ip"il13s>Sta‘te.0fefizgland-{as is molbevi-' d‘ent" bdth b *mii3‘ " 6fitlve‘Lawéé =a'na‘1ancaen'£ conlfint cl-in [tome T L2, p ‘Y }’P . 3_ _ the people havea right to new and: {uccell-‘xve Ele&1ons~unto that great‘a‘nd fuprcame trail, at jcertain.,.perioda of time , which _is,l'o ellentiall and fundamentall to their freedothe, as it i$,cannpt, [pr ought not, to be denied them, or withheld from them, and “with- out which the Houlé of Common: ‘is of very little concernment __to the interefi of the Commons" of 'E_;__zg-land... ec we; would not be mif-Tunderllood , in the leaf}, to blame ‘ thofe 'Worthies of both Houfdlg. Whole zleale to vindicate tAheLibe’r'tieslp0f'this lNa‘ti- % on, did procure that A& for 'bcdnhTlt'imi'lat3ce o£’_‘rhis'*Pparl}ialment‘;' whereby it; was fecured from being p‘dilIc3lved’A2it rhe‘Ki'n‘gs plea- =furc, (lasfornjcr Pgrliamentsp had,bcen_) or reduced to fuel: ‘a’ ‘Cer-' tainry, ‘as might enable tl1enirthe better to allbrt and vindicate the Liberties ofxhi-§,pNa:ioln, immediageely ‘before fo highly in- vadedarand then.a1f,° it» much °"6élné§fEd- > Andeecheere: me take togbe the principall ends ‘and grlopgltidg‘, ‘for “v'vhlch‘~,i‘. in! that exi- gencyof time and affaires, it was procured, and to which_-weed a‘(:‘-- A knowledge it hach.happilyl'b_een made ufe Of 5 but Wee cannot vthinke it was by tlaol'e5Wort'hics intended , or ought to be had: «ufc of, go.e¢_h¢=perpe_d1ating ofthar {upreame trull and powerr Tijxe the perfons of any during their bwue pleafures, orto thcdebfaro ring of the people from their right of Elefiions totally new \ when thofe dangers or e»x'=g-sncies were path and the affaires arid _ Iafcty of the Comnaon-Wealth would admit ofifucb achange; 58 2. ef?H“Vifi£» ’ Having tfmfs clawed our ground: and Izzte.e5tz'o7z's a(z2>r‘zte‘aj3 1 ébpe) from allfcézkp la; and mifmzderfidndizzgs, iiz’ nélmt‘ T fqllarveswe [ball p]rocee.a'e’furtl9ertVo propofe what wee.‘ s W25/J 43/’3”9etI'bV' t=6efet1i?igse>2d‘fe¢¢4rzT22g. of auiuowze 5" and the K ingdomes t‘I§z'gb_ts ann’fLrz'éjéKt£€S: (t/714021;:/.i_'t/Jeirii .s *élesfi;ng.ofGad)i to p0_fl€1/‘l.t_y.;'.dh6£; tbereferegapan allit/we 1 in 3. (other deterlraiitizite. V time triaybe fit, for the‘ continuance of this eahde future Parliamentgbeyond which none fhall continue5,Aand_'upon which “new Writs may of courfe iifne greLI;_w‘z%V’.s _pj*emfg'fed,Vwe fartleejf [humfily }z%Ie_/ire M» fi)llam- t out,§nd' new ifilefiionsifuecemvel talgeefplatxjaceording” to the in- tent ¢r‘:‘&,tr¢,Ba;1_fc3,« Ti=ién.ji;1I‘iP;;:~ iamepcg, A"11‘dI3.eréin we would not B: fimiiauuiderfgo bd to defir'e'a”prefEnt or ' fuddaitj difl‘ lutienfot‘§his»Par1ian;¢m;btxeon1y(as=isexp;-ea beef-‘ ' g;_;;~,¢)i that Cer‘§aii;te\per1iod?‘n1’ay ibefct; for determining ’ ofjt, fq"a§jt,m:1y,not retfrtaine :(a‘snov§f“" eonfitmaBle‘,for ever, ‘ ;or,dg “ gfehe,p1earu%,e‘gr iéhgpmrce; ‘ ‘ defilfémfla A ’ . may lieifueh as may give fufiicient time for provifion of what is ‘ embargo; And dvéefhotiid ;. "ta die period to Ezejnow fete for ending this Parliament, i ‘ “ _:.iiWanting_,andn¢C!§H}iry to ibeepiaffed in point of jufi Re'formati- r ‘V O. on,ii.an_d_for furtjherilieéuringfhe Rights a’ndL‘ibeirties,'iandfec- } ilingseheibeaceicodf the Kingdome. In order to which wefurther’ ‘ fhlflmblyflefferc A i 4.‘ That fecure provifions future Parliaments,‘ to as tile}; not be adyournable or dif- 2? be made For the continuance of folveable at the Kings pleafu re; or an to that wezyes then by their owne confent during their refpefiive periods, but at thofe periods each Parliaments to determine ofcour {e as before. This we defire maybe now provided for (ific may be) ['0 as toput it out of all difpute, for future, though we thinke of right, it ought; not to have beene otherwife before. ' i i And thusa firme foundation being laid in the authority and confiitution of Pariiaments fog the hopes, at leafi: 0? GOm‘fl;r0:§ ~fi".~_l.-.....-4- (I3) \ i and eqizall right and freedoms toour {elves and allthe free-born‘ \ people of this Land {we {hall for our parts freely and pcheerefully commit our fiockor {hare of interefi: in this Kingdome, into this fp common bottomeof Parliaments, and though itmay (for our particulars) goe ill with us in one Voyage, yet we [hall thus hope _ (if "right be ‘With us)‘ to‘ fare better in another. Thefe things we defire may be provided for Bill or Ordi- V nance of Parliament to whichthe Royall Aflent may bedefired: when l1iS.Majefile in thefe things, and what elfe (hall be propofed . by theParliament,;necelTary for fectiring the Rights and Liber- ties ofthepe0ple,,and for fetling the ‘Militia and Peace of the Kingdome, (ball have given his concurrence to put them pafi difpute, We (hall then defire that the Rights of his Majeliie and his pofler-ity may be confidered of,and fetled in all things,fo farre ' as may Lonfili with the Right andlhreedome of the Subjefi, and with the fecurity of the fame for future. ' t .5 Wedefire,that the right and fredome 0f.the,people, . me- iprefent to the _Parliament by way of humble Petition, their gr-rie-t. .g vances (in fuch thingstasr cannot otherwife be remedied then by Parl1iamcnt)'may be cleajredr;and yindicated, That all fixcb grie- vances of the peoplenaay hefreely received 8: admitted in to con-,; i fideration,and put intogan equitable and efpeedy way,~_to be heard, A examined, and redrefled ( if they appeare reall) and that in fuch things for which men have remedy by law, they may be freely left a to the benefit oflaw, and the regulated courfe of juliice, without interruption or checkerfrom the Parliament, except. in cafe of . things done upon the exigency of Warre, or for the nfervice and benefit of the Parliament and Kingdome inrelation to the Warre, or otherwife, in due purfuance and execution of Ordinances or Orders of Parliament. A e ‘ " 1 i More particularly (under this head) we cannot but defin°,.that allfuch as are imprifoned, for any pretended mifdemeanor, A may belputinto a fpeedy way fora juli hearing and triall, and fucha as {hall appeare to have beene uniufily and unduly.imprifoned,may (With their liberty ) have fome reafonable reparation according to their fuflerings and the demerit of their opprellors. _ , " B‘ 3 _ ‘i 6. That‘ e(r4> ‘*6 ’That fthe Iairgéipowereat gsven to 'thefCommitteés*or Deputy Lieutenantstduting the1a’_re timesbf W.trre and defiraflien, may e _et be fpeedily tékent intoeonfideration, That fuch ofthefe powerg as appeare‘t1ot.necefl3nry to becontinttef6,~mey' be taken ‘away, and {tick ofthem as are necefllary may‘"be put’into_a;regt;I1ated* way,an'd T lefttoeas little hAtbitrarineHe,' as the nature and nneceflfiltyof the things wherein they are converfant wiil bea‘re. L M -7‘ We could wjfh that the"Kingdotne might'both"be"r,ighted8c phbiikejy fafisfiedtin point of'.Accounts, for theevafi fun1;mes(tha_c have been Ieyyed anti paid, as zlfo in divers other ‘things wherein the Common weaith" maybe conceived to‘ have becne wronged or abufed ;"But we are *‘loath_.to prefie any '-‘thing, that may;ten‘d to lengthen out'further"dHi>utes br conteflatione,‘ ‘butrather filch as may tend to a fpeedy and generall compofure, and quieting of men: minds,in order to‘Peace, For which pu rpofe we further pro- ' pofe. e % j _' . % .' % . , ‘*3. That (publigue Juflice being"firfl;-fatisfied by fome few ex- amples to pofierity out ofthe worttkfirexceptcd perfons, and e-» ther“Deli'nquents,‘having pafl their Compofitions) fomeeourie may be taken (’ by 3, general! A& dfoblivion or otherwife) vehereé V by the feeds of future Warre, or fewds, either to_ -the prefcnt age,‘ e or poflerity, may the better be taken away, by eafing that fence of prefent, and fatisfying thofe fearett, of-future‘ ‘Raine or Unflo-% ing, to perfons or Famiiies, which maydrive men into any “det- fperate way/es forfizlfe prefervation or remedy, and"‘by tak'u_1g’a- way the private rentembrances and diflinfiion ‘of parties, asfiarre as may {tend Wi'th_fAfctj to ‘the right; andiiberties weehave ‘hi- A :thert0 fou ;-ht for. “ ¥ There arefbefides thefe) many~particu“§ar things wh'zc'.1 wee, « eouidwif-h I0 be/done_ , and fame to be undone , ail ‘-3 in order efliil to the fame entis,ofc+jn1mon fight, freedome, peace, and fltfety. But thefe fprcqpofalis aforegoing, ‘being the pr‘inc'apa?l .-things weebottome end infifl uptm, weefllall as weeihave {aid before) for our-parts acguiefceg for other ‘S/¢rtEcu'3ars‘in the e‘t"Wifdome and Juftice c»f‘jPerIiaments, And whereas it hath _;:been {ttggeficd or iufpefieehthat in ourlate, or prefent procee- ' «dings: .\_ r71 dihgs,our’defign is to overthrow Prcrbyzemor hinder the fettle- ment thereo.F,and to have the Independent government {at up,we doeclearely difclaim-e,and difavow any finch defigne ; We once iy defire that according to the Declarations ( promtfing a pro--- vifion for tender conlcieiaceis) there may\ fomfifzfiefiuall courle be taken according to the intent thereof", ‘A'n"Cl\hat fuch, Who, . W upon conf;_ientious. grounds may differ from the eftgblilhed” T forgnesg rg1a)rehoty_(fory that) be _deb(tfed§ffogf1:§he;col;1mon ' -‘ Rights, Liberties, orBenefits belongiiigtqually to all, as men and~Métnbe‘rs olllthe Common Wealfb’§‘fV¢1hile.ihéyal”ive foberly, - ’ homejHy,1andinopifenfively towards othegsgrand. peacefully and ‘ - I . 3 £aidrai°11ylcoward.;.:ae.state; : s L Weahaxe thns‘}freeLy. ‘and ycIeareIy'decIared__“ehe depth‘ and ‘ bottome.of'ourihe‘art§ and"defires’in order to oldie Rights, Li-'+ ' ‘ berties and Peace of the Kingdom_e,j, -wherein we appeale to ‘all- men, whether we feelte anything of advantage ‘to our-felves, - or any particular partie whatever ,.to the prejudiceof the“ W{1Ql§,8;,Wl1q_.tl1.2er<.,f, ' z ..I ..‘_ —« I .. '~ ' ' 313; .” '1 .3. .“'. . { -» '3 ‘In: I54‘-.9 ' «. '>' V ‘ ., . ,_ v’ 3- .. _ P, » " 1 ,, xg _. .‘ 1} -,. . .. ..r-1 ()3 (-“.w.-,.;‘-' 3; .‘ T iézzédg -1-: g -29‘, -0 ’ . 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