Kipmz %% V V higtxireg Culgfldwardflarlgy, az'1%Fi:l An»--V % % % V 5 EV ‘7‘1"1€i*‘PP0imm€m0fhi‘5 15?v¢€6lwir%r V3"'I’wm«s% x*Wr/&x, and the Cwntmefl of Wmrme V V Signwaw A me carn£~iz1%g;m~e xAhe4AVR«mI;A%%Eac¢¢3»ar:g»«a;i¢;%4 nan. """">wP mam» aainfi Dem?! HM’/W Efqvir¢, W A flaw» Sir :1/«*3!/id??? f L(W'5aSVir%f9Pfi Cfammr~A% 4 wig,“ Sirwwi1giamV/Waller5 %ay:mr4?,;A V i A A Kn’§ghts,.wMhjor GemraIlMaf]£e,7ob::»Gg;yg,W%M4 u,4AEfqt3iwgWR&c0rderbf LéudwaWa!t«‘r Lmg; M A “ A 9’; M‘uhe¢.HpnAorahl¢Hmlfc A A QEGOEMMONS. * :i A :a%wxzm mm ¢G»c~wge Wb2tti»%t#é¢g4A:sritim u ‘ ‘ u-«aw “ ~_m-mm ;;»- 4, . i L ‘r " ‘ ‘ I .. " ‘ o . ‘ ‘: q fl t.'f»_, L . . — 2 « . .Iew. A , I H ‘ H , .. H I ‘ V In :h§3a111e of hies EEK-c<;rfiency 3 ‘ F‘ TH OMA 3 FA IR}; A 2:, And the tzffmyimd mf h is Com-—4 %._.%4mand ,¢;awg:a§t1€I%3’t»; Dezzzzfl P};o!le: Ef211'UiI'€ ,' % Sir Péyifxp S%m;9Ze.%:*o;¢,;Sir Wwizzm Lezm:,Sit* jbmz % “ % C fqrworxfjfi Sir 2'»!/.;5z:"f;iA,mz Wmflez»~3V Sn jafwz Lflfnyw am-d, Knights, Major Genemil cx’Wj!¥e, jam V 9’/yiymge Efifazirc, ‘i{ecord<;~1~ 5:22.53 L9nz{«%*'.m, Waiter VLAMCQ Efqt1%ir€:,QQ1.Ea:3wm;z{A‘H¢r1?y,amfi .zfE.’"£';£7£9-* Nzmzz Efquirc, wmemms c£c11cHa:;ar.ame % " 1-ionfc%ofwC%oMMo N5» ; AA Iafi, iiha‘. Hezwzé: m? a {3§1argg,em!erca de”iiva%r4¢d in theV*N2xme at” cm: {aid Anny, mam t§.1r:.? “J0m~m§f’§3 hleldl correfponclency and lintelligcnlce wit la the Enemy againfi the Pa.rliamenc7in manner Following, (vim) He the f3id“M‘H9l7e: beingonc of the fpeciall Come amfiionersl for the Parliament, to prelfint’ ;Prp‘pufis:ions of both Haulizs E0 the ‘King at Oxfml, did prlvlacelyl-land con*traAry to his irmflruéfions , at féveralltimes make hw‘i:sh “ addreflés unto the Kings party there tzhen inArmcs am- gzfirilfi {he Parliamxent, namely , unto the Earle of~L_yirzd— ‘fiyl, the Eagrlfl Isl? Southampton, the Lord.S.:w.€l!l,:and:»:c,- eh:-ws, andldi:l{6r:rel:«l§r‘pl0t and advifi fluemlagainfl the V Parliamehlt; and did in aimate unto them, lcxrlonc of them, that the {aid Pnopofiuom then ‘fem; mam his Majeflyfby the lP.alr1iamenr, were un:’ealfr*icie andpowen. And thellfatid lM*HalIlu*ba;f<;4ll A lllthalk ?firi:l.pei*foias, or omencff. them, ' afilirc Attltelliving, thd; kmw allmll as he C.Lhe aid M‘—‘Hal!g.r kflgw; V (is) ’ knew ,; M his Maiefiy Wonk} Vtakeé hié " Hérfe :md {be at; Lone danthg next day, or words ta phat: Asfr'»'e&.f And it being Aafgaine demanded,“ Whetlwr-( if che%Kingfl1ouId‘~be w'il§i2=;>g M to come) it Wouldbe accepted of. He the faid5M’Hev1leI thereto anfwered ; that certainly is would be—muCjh mp? poiédfl; but yet he the {aid M>"HalIe.r wa$ Conficient, thaz: °*h%ewand his party (meaning {ome (if the members abovaw amnmd, andmshers) fhotfid Acarryir, am} wiihed -the King to put. it upon that tryall. And the {aid Mr?.’Ho1Ze.¢ was defired by the {aid Earl: of Lirzd/If}, "Earle of Soutbamptzmg, and Lord S.-miii, or one ofthem, that he.-‘wouid bc plea- fed to draw {ash an Anfwer in Writing to the {aid _Pme~ %poficions5 as he dcfired the King {hou’1d{'end, anMd~ iziie {aicl x Earle of Southampton (who was that night mlye in the ' Kings Bcdch»amb$er)wou1d pcrfivade the King to»%can~d~i{é:end unto it, and themizpon the {aid Mr. H0112: withdrew and either the fixme day, or the*nem. day following, the {aid I\'§'r; Hallo: a§p0rdi2)g1yca tried in his'hanL_d, gmtgch.:~: fgxiid Lords, * c;ir“bne“% 0f them, a%Papcr%Aready wrimm, ~which (“as he Viéid) wazfuch an Anfwcr Ito the {aid iPmpofitiom as be bad drawn: for the King .to;fl:nd to the Pariimamt, which was niken by the faid Lords,.o-2* une o£t~he=tn,am&.carried to the H King,‘ to be confideredof, andfo n+m.::h therezzaf as“ ad%%vi;fe~;d' gm“: Kfings comming to Landon was laid by _-,C the King farming . to; afive:s1:~tAt1re V him fzlfe ;)§buc the ref: of the :13-xid: Pager the “Lord Digbép (whovwrixe thcifings Anéfwemo t“"hA6faid Pam» A g_pe;>fit:‘i0n6).made ufe ofin theffltme wc%:r=ds§1r the W {ah}: Sir P!E?§l§fi;?’ %:3i;:d ms .fl~vienAds, in ,Eh,fi_,$.¥,"»€');£3;5,d a‘pini0n%<.;§E:;h%a zygarxym 05¢ ],:;:rrd.T ah was then the Kimigfi u Cfrarri£'cm;).a2':, %i §':~e[IV£?*z£.~! VéC.~;3i;;F§%% 3i1d7!Pb££§p pwould ;éAcze‘I‘as% much fur ,hisLca%;":§f‘%i‘1E4;_§.i§*%e11*:cifé':-.35‘. fricazfla %I*;é:‘«:'e «#1-zzizh the Pa%rIia:r;.mt. P;ndV {aid E“:/§f%:f.¢ H.§L’e:54A and ;’“33-ir .§PIgil;;0g_ Smjzieg-an%zhc_,_Vmorgi.%‘t0% §;ngyzg:%ia.ta. «:1~,:¢¢,=“5§ac.;:;u we fa€?vou,r-0ffI Em M€na*mw did mi fiwir Wnii aucs>:s‘::z‘i%y'[%w,‘i;;hcwg my tdireéhon m;h€Ae%;A~ PariVV:a§m@n$A£:g; .d:j1'3fW Cthtéri‘ ._ 1*w;*w2I1tt:mns mm ziiofcwmmtimccé im;_v:he p3“ecc%d:mt %ArrEcfmig, iph may “ :affim~:}d: v..:;é:%re 5:95» fiieir §uc§g‘eme’nt.2=. fizior t?.‘!e‘E§_r§;; m ,, wand A for Vthei_Par3%.g;::mat*‘;L%0 deilzegzembcfng 1}) m=",;,j%;,*;“n up A ““‘fent4 ‘‘ ‘i E > :1 _vW . ‘x “wt “f=‘nrA themAprivate1vNii3¢f*i% with0“3%,¢,an?% wth9ritsv=' 0fP4‘;1iament 7:64 wétfdxiimthé; f'af12 é;,. 1 ". “‘,,v.\ ' “II... A :¥hé*¢?éifl Mix V§¥%%llé»!4 .y.Sir PW? ’St4P1em4 9 Sir @ N.W*2z:zm 1,ea»z;, Sm }?ab;aAczpzmr:bie, Sirj*WilZ£am Walk}, % Sirja I522 .1!/[zJy:2;;r?d,' geneballiA\LM;2j]£e,Mr. 3 M‘,-,. % Lang, i3oi«loi3e1lV Edmmz %H=¥*'1€}%~ ind "Am"/amt)’ ’1'\? 3cl9oll: in {fie % MfJn:hs‘ M;r;17,%.dpr‘ill, 9',‘ jafid Wade Iafi’ pafl AM, ‘and 3: other. times inf ;p.rof'ecution ofchjé ggiil defigms in the fave» ‘mH%g%er1era1(lwheadé“ m¢riti40ne}:1L., have fr¢cqL1e¢ntly‘ Aafi%mbléd L Aand m::tt~togcmthcr at she IJa.eiy‘C;irlil{:.; Lodgings in %%Wh¢ii:é- H.333 Sc Ex?) qt hgrigmlaccsgwimth Ci‘ii*cfs"fC)§He"rpé_tf0nsfdiraffefied '. techs Scarfl wichmt¢*%a%1y.4 au¢fI0riw’A%<>‘ P3"“3m*“t:31°0P hoVIdmg;4 ¢o;1raipr.)r'xz,fIencic wA;th7 the ;Qj;e:c*ne ‘0f.Englmrzd um i“i1VFra22¢e.f and ~~herv~‘=paI1tic?pem%t’s With‘ a:=a incem: by iéicix Mfecz*e.c A andus cla:1d-Jtine treaties %an;mnA_,_=.;’& ‘chemw fclvex 1211) pm: cond?%%tior12s79-rpurxA me Pariiamén-t‘ aild to bring in :1maKiGgAYP0I1 rh¢ir A <:wmc_t¢a%rm¢S%%‘: a'1d.%%haVi*v@%a ~Vgi‘W# .ApoWevA~vp«A>n the: s*e+iTFu%rs= 65 the” KiI*3d°%m¢5% tfiercwicin main%a;:a.i‘.’g)e;§ asgud Vex1c~:~u:=agc;j by Pcixlmns IafifiQjt‘h%e%;4wif7; the %Q:%ees1*es:d@%Par*w Fr-whee‘, ther¢bvt04 b€ger€~3«"‘f¢c~0fid émf hmcarc blpodie Am in this K'ir1gdOm95’and they or 1“ownfie,%%+:yr AA of phem .;{II:u1:ed she Qgeene 49000 if p :r az2nvm;;i§iH~:e * Awoul“d”a%fl§ if Lhepfa cm: daliémga 3F‘dJ*'~h'-ii % they Afwjbuildfiioe moreFo«~cheKiha wen theAm:y".~vou1ddw»*an&é.h:nr%h%ey would find: out fénie meanescd ti:ef’n:uyV‘% the Army chefzé V firieuds. A A ‘Ha: injfmther perfaanccj ofihe fame evifl defignes, they A (Take fifid Mr. Halley , Sir Philip ~Stap!emn , Sir W355*4mA% Iserver, Sir 3%/an C lmmartbie, Sir William Waller, 3l1d M3«10T genamll ‘ , byche coxxabinmzion a‘forefaid,V% zvich 1113 the V V % A page Tpace of mreemottnee mt atztnom tf'CJ3¢)t: A _ f ‘thy’ anthmitietéf Parliament :Invitedthéyficotx“4‘:3tzid%'tot“her ‘f'd2w*a’i4nforces to . come into this Kingdome in afloflile‘ manner, to atbettandtt V afl-ift them In the profccutingafid‘ cfiéfiing of ttheir {aid de- ; fignese .A'z« «thr: iii?!-M?-t-H01195t my 1aL¢19f¢ the {Rid * ' 'Qg%:m3hc‘of ltd "-ihd fTi11fii France: ‘Vadvififigi*thértt.%a4 mtmgtt othe-r4 Lthitxigfi tlfpéetiily to fend the-, rin¢et,intotAtSoatt-Q Inna? to mammtntpt this Kin dome: in tht: Head“ offah Ar%my;; Am! td-id fénata fp%e'c'iaHMt:1 eager to her for fuc’h ends ' a!fid' A pttrpofes..‘ Apd; the £1fid% Mtxj.%%?—Hallé:‘, SirtPI9iIz‘p smpzgxon, Sit‘ Wi1ZiamtLgwif§ Sir Iobn‘Clotnra_nb;],‘ 3:: p2’izmm‘rVarzer , 32; John Uwajnard, Mr. Gfyz, R/Tajor %g'e‘I"1eraiH Mafl'5j5' Mr‘. Lwg,oo11one1 Edward Hm-zgy and Jlntboryv zvicbazu _, have tinder?-handgof their own: accord without authdrity bf %Par1iat31cnt l_'iflted,;or cau{ed,tor procured4 to be lifted divers 1CAommhmdct',s and Souldieré, endcvoring thereby to lea'tyV,A and raifi: a new warm in this Kingdome“ to ptrotecftithentl . felvas in their vnjttfl opprcffions ‘and fafiicus defigues ,“ and V have at fcvcraltlttimes$vr.3ith%in the fpaceof two"M«:mthes Iafi pafi invited, incouragcd, abetted and téoimtzefledtmultitudca ._ ofrcfotmadot Qfficzerst an‘t!VSpuldiers and other rudegperfons A mmultuoufly atnd violentiy to gather together at Weflmina _ "fier, t0.@gi*ig"ht and aflimlt the members bf Par1iamcnt;‘in atheir paflégg to ;and%%fjf;*qt;1 thehogfe to GEE-.r xtiolettce to the houfe it fizlfc , ldcki11g‘thedot=e thereof tipon thqm, and fa ttimptifqning them , and by fugzh violenccg out-ragtest and A tthma:;m«.; awe and gnfotcethc Patliatnent. A A " 4(.7J f.¢-rzme ta:dMr;Haz1e;,;s:r r1;;z;p.s¢;.-pzmg, ape! Mr.iGl)g2z1'savebccuc, and are-obf’rru&ersf and prejudgcrs ‘ V off?:x’rcraIlPetition-s to the Parliament; for redreflé of pub1iqueA Agrietanccs, A and the faid MaPccrHOI1e.r, and Sir Philip Siapleton in the moneth of‘.Ma;N1afi% pafi, did A abut}: and;:afi'ro11t"divers Petitioners; who in a case-: able mannervthcn attended the Committee, w érqof % CoIor1ell‘Lecwas Chaircmans not one! reviling and repmaching them, but violently haleing, ;mdb0y-Pce- A éroufly afiéulcing them, and offered to draw their {words upon Mayor Tulqdqy,*and others ofthe Edd Peti- tioners, andwichout: any A auchoritzyf or. power ‘com- V micced Nicbafmr ‘Ian: on: of theTPetiti<;>n<;rs 5. and {bone afterwards by A the procurcment of the Faid Mane: Halfw- and% Sir Philip Staflctan, and upon their mif3-inForrnati- AA o11%tQt;hevhoVufe, the: {aid Major '17ulecIa}, and Ni;-ha» ) la: Tewc,wcre imprifoned not being permitted Eb I‘ ” c forjitI1£:n1f?:lves5 and thd faid Maficr 91,»: ibdut’ three ~ nxcmeches finc_c, caufl:-d the {aid Nicbolor Tm tin be: im- prifoned in flqewgm, and to be detayned a longfiinc theriz, for no other cauflr, but “forhavinga Petition a- M A boucwhim, which was to be prcf?:ntcdj.t:o the houfis. V “VI. % M A A Thapthc,faic1 Sir fébn % A Clotévwtbi, Sir,Wil1£4m JTF§'+§11,e,r,> and_M’a'jor Gen:-raIVl%Ma_gSc have lately inpxfoe B “ A “iécuti-on flzcution of the {aid wdtfigfizges in the {aid general! heads merftionedgagainfi the kntiwne Lawes of this Rcalmeg, A and rules _anql Atjticlesy of Warre mtgde by%ParIi_ament; V by an Arbitrary tpowert, timptrifonedéfomc “Members pf the Wxtthoutany ttatxthority, particularly Enfigne t‘I\Té'cI3é>/.rtwhc}iE1’PoCI{ets ttthey with mttetwtthority, ;;a11f’E>d [o'”b:£ matched gmvd fevesrall paperst to be taken {mm hjtzt to the _ liberty of every ‘Stzbgeét, andgcauftdt itiatt rizvetfént .3 Pfrifbnet fi'o11tg " the head t Gl}affi3I ‘S‘fO A without‘ the 7authot1*ity or prxvxtyo A the em»- ”m1I,,; ‘rat? thdtcititcfet Ofiiccrsofthe Army commanding in tabiénct. . * t_TIi2it3Zhitdr‘abot1ttt the mm% within; the §'i1”ai‘tér§T% Aqf the Army; ~ttt:~tt%himt=*thc:faid C0idn¢II~HAfl*l.g_r§; ab)? a:.per;-fl fl?1?';fifitn%fl1¢55Wth€£¢bYiTtW$5 imformcdt1thm:.,C;oIoet nell Havrlm ?C?°19r1¢ll had.. draWi2ct13i&tPx¢-A gin‘1éhtt‘t0% atrcndtzvoitsg and hadgcanfi-zdi the {aid Pctir $30?“-$0 5° feat! 5“.1‘M¢L1.1‘33§73 0fiFa]. Eh &ttwth¢§.hK53§tfl¢d tot'cafhirb out Of.tthc“Mufler$ fubfcnibe it, ‘tfiati "mae~taefig"i. totttaémfityt che§i'ciu= was to en {lave the Parliament and Kingdoxgcfi ‘“ B 2_ i . V %¢r,¢##). :4WlAtb¢flid C to) ‘%[(:iF the.-P1rI~iam€n~£ «proceeded Anon. tofomc High Rev ‘H folufion) Qrco that as b,,y_the_fi!id;qI€tt€f(rC‘v. lauion " %th=ereuAnto . being Ahad) may A appcare 5 f and although, {the M .fub33fl€e cf A the {aid 1?.iétt:er4wa§mo{% uigtme, and no aut:.hor;,thcr¢of appeared nor couldbe predated .a1though Macommittce Wasappoim:€dT‘for' etxarni-na;tion%i; Vthcr_eof,f[% audit Was. much reffiuzl the autzhoprfhojxld dif7:ov6red'V;.;yet the‘féiL ;TC?01oncIl . H4P;1€}'g;$ir Jabs C1a"tMrtbj,A and Sir, Flfilliang VValIae+ ,_did‘fQ; a~Y()'TIV achereality of :11; ' filicf Lettgcr, and that _th¢ Cflntdmf-3 t:11¢.1‘!~‘0£ W011”, .mad¢; gbfid as that: thgr¢_ : ,; 3:167» .y byigther Vfalfé-,, fi=1ggcflionsA. of theirs a-gain ,A;th;9AA[ y; proAmn~1recl;tehe%LHoui’e%( Icmg %%deb'a§e; held? till gibbuiz. :o£thc::%cliock,at:$ nighc).y.%to.V order that a Commi§tt¢e&,q£4 fiva: Members; ( whereof the faid‘ Mafler Halls: was one) fhould prc-V * pare a Declaration to bebrought in to the Houfe the next mornin fignifying the I-Ioufiss diflike om: Pro¢°¢§§‘iI1gs*0 ;;th¢ Axum upon thacf]Penition ascby the faid Ord¢r‘dat¢d } day of A A _ A A 1"aPr,.A rnayappeztre; V vpan,%m5icl5féttlz:1zg%* of if/Jew fluid fiafimflifor }:at,nz'g5t,',_ Vwqfl of tbe Ilcalicrxf departed, am: co:z¢:ei-z;ivig L natjkimg M»a»14wa»e% ‘ -A tbs véexbdaj, dnrl ‘that fltéii thy ~m5brA\bwe at fig: debate concerning 1513- fm-5 " Fit * i§tHmyE~ fbw+ continuing 136; A C -atpatz dgfparcb tgffiam,‘ Ivzt*’z‘zE/ Ales. (nu leg 5;) tbefiue cirm‘2inatim¢ mt}; mfizrtlfier Aprw fémtimz 0% tl>e_flt?d’evi£7dqffgne:r hzvirgg of biz}:- félfi 22>:itbo3t%tfie1Cammi§tee) prepared 4 D¢¢'lg;+ - Vrationggainfl \ 1/ac Pétiffaizit A eo1ztr;t7y""tog tbs infmtim wd"dirr&:ion oftbejfi-id order, and‘ amrrdrj to the rzflc: of Iqflice 47241 nfimll A 0fI’£rli.df1:¢‘f,_‘72-Vt*_,_ did tfief 1zig;5t%abm1't.<)fcsv4 Aan,s;« thereto (1F%?they had any) andhavé Beenkp1ai~z1lyw, told that if they did not; proceed cffefluallsr to”? dbé” %ic,r they fhould be accounted the authours and dc-- V vi1ép5-of»,%Athe faMid% Afhliéhoods , and reparation w?o11Id%‘%$ atbbfdingly be der.t1anded agai.nPc them 5 A 2”etmtb.ey have zgotlo tbir dajpr V %}9r0ofi'.r1 oduced A an} . proqfér” qr ezfidence. ,to_«-a j o_f Me, fkid M i7gf2;4r~ Mariam, ‘b7*firgge[iio1i;.,4 w:6€ff€{2)/_.%itb_e Pdflid? mar:t;vmi3r:l% Me Zflflfil? M léeflire 725' declared“: ‘2zor.V=+cm:!d % they or _ my 0f % w‘3émée% /aitbcrfa perfmgzdgd to giz:e7fii7t to tée _/kid % C'omwi_ti¢e ani}ic!mrge.agai;2fi the B/kid Cfligé;-5 9f the Ar.w.:]w, 1v»5i€g5.4 t;3.8_}/Vh.%?/5r1I1¢_tl2Verz¢inr fince « pmcsxredtto »5e;fént_fI9rm‘ afarafaAi%d,‘£mt £w{2e.?";/geld fiver: of tbcgm in at “long «gjamd 4cb%zirgea5!e M4- ? ¢e;zdm.e ;z¢po;z‘”tlv"e' Hoztfia, whbazzt any tbiizg Zztiéi ta tbei14 ciuzrge, ztiztill xix Hoafé H944“ Plfizg/Ed to dififbarge %t/aemm. X.- A .That=‘1:he %i‘aic“fMaftc;~ HoHe:., ‘Six: Pbfllip‘ Stqpleioiz, Sir VV;1li4m;,Lem'a , S312 Vdvvgzzim ”VV_all¢r , S,in7g;m %CImmrt/9}; %and Major Gen¢ra711Ba».{afie,A further A pupfu;1ncc_: of "the defigncjs” mkntioned in“ th’e“gcnei'aII he_ads.charged a ainfi them:,; have been grcgt inf’cru- meats in the 0 fimlfiing 0f' th%e reliefé of Ireland; and within t/5:7 'f}‘mce- afyizvo Mozziet/)r’lafl.' JM4 7fi'z£_'fE*l} ~z';gm~.»;.ee the V Haufe that by rim‘:- pracuremtnt t erewerc fifl} C+ampam§e;r afFaot, and ten Trobpqr bf*Horfé4 of t/3*i.rMArri1finga‘gccl fbr Ireland , zzpozz the term%e:%,_: axzdaizndert/;ae% candid? *2bjenVby the‘ Parliament propamzdcd am mzd t/ye um-e[ to delmle t/ae rPzzrlz'.w1ent lvgrein, “ 1‘/org)! , or fbme of them 12} the Acmslaimtion .afI9re- _f}:3d9 a'ic1procure‘dizIem—»0jj‘icer: #1522 in M7225‘ A arm} , “namely, Cialanell.But1e1“_., Lieutenant wlwzeflr jackfdn, Mcttjar Goodayg and at/jar: 44 to _ in their mme: as [fling téemfilvex A for ._II'C1dIid A (M tbe‘fZzid"ter»zs-3 {and condué? ; propmzrzdgaa’) Air/367:-M tbqfé Officen did At; tbs ‘_/Zzm: time deélare ‘t/.wmfl21z:e.Jr zmzvillirzg tbere~A A ‘-212210 ,, avid refolwed fl o't 10 gas firm izflrcland on 422} _tcrw.e.r =1»/.u¢1fi2ez2er5j tbqy V tbeflwid mem- ber: m2derlmnd'afl¥¢ring them:/mt%'t£:az¢gla tliej V made» nfl: of their name: yet tlvqy flmvtld amt gae fbr that firrvice They have lzfkewzj/é im- truly infimzed I/.ve Hoxgfé , "and gi'zJem 7'71 tlvc mm!.c.r4 af man} cotzfiderab/e Officer: of the V /Imxy, ..n.m:el} 5w Captaine Pcnnifathe”rL, wind €4ph:ike_ Barges , afcalamll Butlers Regi- Amentg, Captains Clarke ‘3 and jbmfa ar more V comwzflion 0fi?rer.r of Sir Hardrcifc Walldrs v.RegAfwent" ,% and or/mar, 4: buying lzeerij3d2fcri- 4 Jzed fir Ireland , j;wIm %did% not flay izzgdgt fitlfiriée, azor give any cpnflmt tlvcretfl Mg: ; did t/aezz, 47261114718-6,216? flrzcc utterly dflizvaipad am! denied ¢/2c.f.7zt2:c. A . A A l 74 -AHdab0z;1t_ thcfangc time they alfb rcpo;t;¢d'to the Houfiathe‘ name andbffer ofLieutena%nt‘Co1bncI aringtozgas being then a Lieut.Col; 'of~this% Army,and % * cnga- ” A A $1 i~enga«g'ingM4M for'himfelfc“’and his Regiment For Irelmaafi Whcveas the {aid Farm?» gem had been cafh%‘ejered the Army aymr and a halfe gefore, by which and othar ltheix: Afaglfe «informations "”af1d% reports of “thy: nature t§1_e,13arliament was abmfcd andmifled; intofa conceit ma %_cQnfi«Ad~enee of '3 Pcrerzgth out “of £hc*~A~Army.,-then uppqfedeto bc%i.ngaged and ready for Ireland on Athairh A owngtermes, w%h.enaVsMin trL1.ththefame§ ameer demrm a.nd%4%which4 waifo contxived Lonp¢urpAof¢w: °~C¢:3fi09—%%%a.fii“htmg ‘and neg1¢&ing0f the Anny 33 {uppo_fing%uo iurchrizr ufefo_,r thevm. II WWEAKS P?“ 5? £111‘ 63; RA¢3i“?¢PtS 05 Foot (fire-D Colonel ‘I-Im~bert:,AC0I0nel Kempx,a11d Cplonclq Q'm} m,,, wgcre Byjordnzr of: f”thc" Hdiafe advafiped tbwgwgjgléi gfic ir"ej1ie“"Fe"o”ffre1pzz22Z% 21$ <35. §73’rqai2%é._/‘agééciz/é:4iwn' of}’2>I(‘.a";?cefle.-r,~thc {Md Sm Phxllxp Smp1ezm,fM:. Ho/1;}, - John Clarwort/3], Sir: William Lmzér, and‘ Mdjér Q_¢nerall%:Z!4ajf ey;Sir§Wil1i%a1nW;}z/ler,- and Mr;1Gl4)}3z by ‘ A c,dmlg,ingt%§op éforcfaid: A of nfieir owh _accc$rdAVWith¥ ¥75¢7k"9°W1%¢d%g€-Oi‘iif€€§*i<5i1}iif :H01ifé,0fi3wthc A fix: day} of fun: llafli b"ei;tigSabbdth7dé§};witfib;1fi.fiin1- . mohkzg‘ a Cornh1%itteé,A Acommafid tIiQfcf'_forcesFbas;}: afi- gaxnds far asRedd£ng,With an ck/il%l?in”ten_tWtoVdraw »]c<:s‘togc’c11‘c:r to%_beg”qc’ gs’: i1'¢”v”vV‘V,<éAv7ai*7iih Ezifilzzhd. M 1'2 ~ r’tfhath’th5ed«f§i;‘d Sir ?olm>(7atworrb} in profecu-tion of d ddthed erdefignesfi in the {aid-genreragll chrarges expreffed, hatthin? year x642, 1643, 1644- and fiflm-cotnver~ ted fevbral grreattfumrsttof m0flY (Which by feverald Orr; hers of~~11arliatdmer1t,d"~harxhd~tof ~Vthed Iriflr Cdonytxirttee were defigned for the reliefe 07f»Irela2ml) to_ hm pfiwn paftiuta eular ufe, namely thetfumme of 290.11, wh1ch_ by Q;;.. derof both Houfes dated the eleventh of Feérymry, A 1642.. was to be paid for 20.. Burs of”Sack for Ireland; 700 ii. which the fame day was alfo Ordered for two thoufand fwords, goo li. which by Order of the {aid Irifla fiiomrnittee dated the fifth of April! 1643. was jdefigned‘ for V20; ’p'air of p1ftols,and divers other fiammesr-rof many feverald other Ordersdwhichtm t*he {bird SirM~§’ab:é Clorwar-tlajfrorn time to time r‘ecféi. dred-{for the ujfedddand rei;iefe0f,’1re£;z2s£z’, but were that imployed ~tuv the ufes b . the {aid Orders intended and t=t0"lhdi5 thtif laid "Sir 0/an %Clot’n2drt/511:}? wivare rife *afrefaid; and t at yerm*s2trrgre:r,:ae réeeiv‘e"di*3"fevEra1 harmony; r. and mother prfivifiorm: fore a troop “ofd"h*c5fr1'e pretended hehadf raifed in Ireland, when; as he had not,no‘r’did“mifer'do rt furnifh anyAfi1%hrTr¢v0p ae»he~p»retc1gded; her: the fait1rdSi;I"5;‘~0157¢d Jam-, Worthy ‘*ret§ra;rd~s thath‘“preferse;d aim Dazwécd, and William~ Summer: and others to bee e‘mt;rv;;fted with the Irggaflairs who have kept corre-. 7 dency with the enemy, and have defrauded the State of other great»: fummes of many and,,hee hath been privy to; a {hater in fitch their aétions. ha (19) I3 about Nweméér [aft epan: the fgid'~~S‘ir7%a¢:aé [larvwor tin’ ,“hei?ng the Parliament ‘fent ta Cdmmigfii one;-t‘ wit othershint-oi Irel2md,§iwho+toi hill ti {flower andauthority to treat with the Earle of on» warm’ for the fpace offoutdayes aindinor more,he the raid Sit felon Clotwarthy contrary to the ifpecioaltrufi: repofed in him , held fectct intelligence with the Ffaiidi Earle of ormzmd byoqrpher or*Chara£i:er*v.riithout confent or knowledge of thofe others i:1—com;mifIimt with him, and many weeks after the time f0“Iimi"t€d” was "ex ired, and about the {time time hee the {aid {eon ‘lamartlay held fecret ittteliigenice with “George A01-d ‘1),;g57thcnf‘in Irelmad beyond the time réfikedi wiithottt the confent ofthe faidothear Uozntmiflim t1i€rs,and‘in 0rd€1“l:h€t€t1ntO,th€ fatd Ormandaftd Dig--“ L 5; latclyo itnployed one Slingxlyt. to_~come_ into this‘ Kingdome abqouta defign conceromgot th;ePrmce as he: tmcndeth- 14 '1*hatotti¢raid"tsir mud Clotwérjtby Mr;‘Hat;;,nm ml Pbilii Stapleran by combination With“ the "id? Oftht Mer££)ctsoi.bcfote,in further‘profccoutti0n 0f°“Ih¢ A cfxfinesl “.befq;_¢~mcnt1ohied; wen ktiowuagjthat; the d 1‘ u . .13» Lyle tttIéf€;t;Bf¢fidiCflt.t0512*:-[audioW35§b0f§:faitbfifl (div) and vigilant while hee was t,ruf’cecl in..the {Elma Ki’ng-J- tlome, and had now this lafl: fpring made provifions‘ ready to march into the fielcl, and that the Lord Bar~” ronfi of 8230/9211 General of the Parliaments Horfe lflz Munflvr, and C0.10neIflSir zflrt/am‘. Lofim perfons of" honou.r.ancl reputation,andof great fot¥_tt1n~es in the faidt I§lii1g40m€a1%¢€1Y came l??“?P0f€lYi11t0 tthis I_&"VViO‘I'€mE in-A terppfitibfil 01’ thfifaid Sir fdw G10fW?W:tMT‘- /Hall": 2257,, Sir Pk£[£P“L?tgP[étbh, by tl1el”pra&’icc‘ %1‘tidt‘l'7t'o?ttibi:1:g,..: tilonl afotfefaid, the faidl Articles have been obllrlu‘tcS’l‘c*‘d; ahd thebul"inefl'cl tiot fufferéd to come to :71 hearing l and the faid Lord L1:/2" lhaltilly called out of Irelnmlg ggd ; A 1-,h¢: pqwgr and cotn&ma.nt“l of the ‘Parliaments fiircesin that Kingdom ctommltted =0 itlw lfa1dLcard= Ymlaegmin totthe lofle of this fummers "fifty!-C6, and the“ expense of muchtttrctafulreltb make nczw preparatlonsl-: and whereaé the faicl Lord Lifle‘ vl)éil‘1g‘l‘0”fudd”€f14l'y ycallcd from. thence as. aforefaid, A alicl‘l,d’e[ilgne: [ and‘ dc; putel SiI“H.o£Vdr&J ‘Wzzlleir Knight," ‘lMa;fbr Q<§;¢j11,’e,fr:tl Mfwpf that Forcesztheré (a of’? known. ir1tegti‘I€52"§‘{i"’cil"c”«f§'i:t«-ll rage both forhis fet*vi~ce in Ezaglmzd and Irelmad, and of confiderable Fortunes there) to take cm: of the: faid Lord Lzflex PorcelsAtimllyW1ahc pleafurc of the Patlia... ment may bee further khovbn 5 but thelfaid~Lord41'n—. cbequin tipqn the reccittof a letter from tht’: faitl Sir‘ falm flvtwarfbj ; at/afzég 2}r1,cLSir ,7?bi1ip' Srftpfetanawl 4:5r}oh"C of .them t(o1rf;om fcirttt: other perfdn libyt their, "lot; léftheir §llfi@§§l3iCnt,,priv.ity"pVr Mproculrement) did A cxpfit;flte,,thl“a§t h¢¢?"h*a.d“Qrder4qt* %d“:Nrer:'f1dtn lfrom‘ =lLa’n4'a;¢; " ‘M1 ‘iliiléiiilfttliiél?T.f§W?r¢4’ttll!¢.ltlTfié1éP4%’5i‘1d¢nts t:(t1rrdélr. the ‘faiclflofd bf‘I}'»§2;‘I:ieqz;;E;¢‘ ham < g;~~c,;1+i~ij1~zg;. ~ V hmdecli (ex) fifindéd al'l:3m€?H¥ lthat lhave “flue-vvcfcl “tllemfélves 'opprowi {ice Tyrapny a X V :1. That" their {aid William L;-wig; ~beimg:h<-retoforew duringi « A ‘thefe troubleag Gavemour$of. Par%tfmout‘b, a AGarrifo‘n%4%'f:é_r$; the 9 rfarliament (ism which time bee received. % m_uch%.of' Awzim pub-A» L_icke- mgrure, for which hewlxatta not yet given me a,ccompr.} did vwhilc” he was governéur there, frequently hold a:orrcjpon~ dence and intelligence with m‘e::1es:;;:;gs party, abaut the dalivcw ry upof chefaid Garrifan, infomuch as altheugh Sit Wiifmrn »~Wa1ie7r and A%‘dwe1's”‘ct~héts in that Gatrifon‘ xvAci'c<::prec1ai‘me& Traytors cm the _King,ye: he%(' by the Kings fpeciall command) « wax fparegigthe King raffimming tha«t= the (aid Sixiififfmzz Lewis wvas his frietid, and that he was comficient he WORM dc-J3 him % good fervicgc, m‘ m%wrhat% eflcfl ,.. and although. he * thmuwa.€'.‘a A Par1iame‘nAcjma%nA, and GovemouroFfPo2cI{§nomb,:%:% as %afi:>:efaid,4 and-Ahis ‘cf-Pcatejn the i"ai&»County ofBrecofz.A:%(bei11g%ofthe value wwofww ab 0ve>. fix vhu‘ndred* pounds." per 4921? )r was three yAe52x1:»:7s ;in; the Kings‘ qumeirsgyet the {ameT7wasVVna*¢er f5que{’c=red.¢ fizzd £'m=;:%£:% «the Par1ia.:m=:n: hath pi*evai1ed,,C01.HerbertPricVé;:%}3j‘€1;ha*%/img fibeenVeAG ov%crnour 5:»? B_r-ecI<22ock fomhe Kingdagainfi: the Piwién amc:;nt% being,‘ fequeficresfl, the %{>: ‘Sir .W'z'!/inn: *Léwi; his »fo1%icai‘Atations rats‘ the Com%.n4it:ee%%fprocuredthe pérrfonall£:' A %theJ'aidA%Co1.%Frice ( whilclaxche %Com«A11zitt¢%e¢of the Coun;y%:*l1aé* %%‘“3*%f*ound out“ a-n&4%c:wfed to be brought to Mofg;,a“n%Az1u£2reje5% Iiiorafct A%\Ait1,_:“E1rAe%£‘a3*zA; w bwrc-.fiorc&¢ unto him without any. fatisfkxfiiaxu C0 the State and hath procured his zhefaid C xapf¢tor2¢;MrmHw£w £7e:;,4an& Sir ziflizsm Lem: ",‘-or% e:§peé1:t:.*dv from 'flzc~:,1m:.;;nE":.}E.* Emile’ offimlmd ~%fhoufl1=:§giv€ his Vow fen: Lmzgimm‘, Qrwufcci word-S‘_:[Q £1134; ¢1m.::;',% , which %a1fo was fe,coxm’:~2::? i>;y:.;:ifxr2 Mfaici Mr; Ha z’fxr injwcrda, am:i~° agrced~$ urzcq, by the .,,»"§=.*.is:~‘§.%%: Eéiii, §‘f€'z1’jT§?*?39'_;ji Lewz&;as%appeared by. his prefence and geihxre, and. gialggufifmci Wilfiam Lam.-V did ex«ercife,:_ the £':.a:; §»apm*~'.xez: in a.cau{?c. of faI;:::: A Gunter and o=::hers., 7;“ T°PhawtVthe%*fai¢:i~ Ma*fi.!: 1: mm}; 2xTi.a}9o»£f£A a1;:§fi:53:4¢1:°;%1%*.%i3'f3»®%W? g*éaAresVfimce he.was(b§* the ; .C_o4mz13i:tc~.: of * pxt£A&f»:%].V&dg«:-3:);E179 that hEWW:1S“i10’t 3., *Mex:nb@;::? fir: xojfigr. in timrifioufc by ,,reaib;;; h%is’,. i~e1:e€tidn was ‘ voyd , yethe aha“‘{ai&“‘M1‘VN®C}}¢1L7$ d;c;T£%l1_;‘no;c a Membar, has by Witt .ya..:1d-.;;:%,3;c::;:a. g%Ai«m;::he% %We&4ZCm;un~tries:m:::md:«:;:W:!= AL;»h,i.s¢;;A;i@»g11p;i.§;;%Liz;-avgs.«a,11;:i;i;i;;;;.é~ *ti*:i~i%eé‘t.i’praE}ifr:s i1Vati1Abr@ught im:A grgcurc rcin hem by:-mg.:g%xc_’i:§~ m;;4afbxefai¢1a*taktn rewards A fgorf fzzfxvfigg _m2;;J.; them-;?,A% ;gzbOtl!;L Members~m@;@ am. 0? C0»mvPa1!,m2 purvpcflc {Q 1' Vumwhe 4défignes‘and«pr%a£tifcas me:nt:iomed%, and A;%c3;i:xA7r;:kc:4as~ féaicin in :1ar:éfa4‘€}.‘«‘§"+V Wing :z‘d.iAn;mcc hE*V:th€;sfaid%;1wiF%% NW0!/5-;C§0;Eb ,11;Q,$.i3&%“fi%;pLa.C§:*.%. ,m:;i11e%Ta:wer fa2:ga atierflcd V Liwha *¢had }:be,,G¢%n¢ra!!s; prarcéhom; ‘C%V£Ih¢&§ié‘A % AA Hm-{es iwerc?*ta.kcn frpm hisVPi9Vw) az:d%’%others, f‘6V“%AA4ths2 Vgr£:€aw:%? A f A “fiaifes and apprcHianV ofgtha pc:ap!£:.% and tea ‘the’ grc9t‘¢¥i'flm‘«»f murof the Pariia-mq:Aar,%_wh01f¢ Afervice he wncverah¢1c"H¢ngg;fj‘% 1c:.1'c;¢, hath not hicjhefvm gifvgrxy %am aAccamp;:14 ghzew gr: $f+§:’% fwmmas of mo%ney', amd%azh¢.r¢h1m:g-s, hth;u:% Ahmia @:»;Wafl;%_§«&*é MM"£y,_as=afore faii. Axxm A%{ai‘d Mafia: Lo2igaFt¢rw.a:-d 3 a:p§:+:::Ap2:e~t::~r%3e:ze .,§} f‘f:;1:n§§. 1m.fl?:sA fufl€i»ned4Aby the %éIh%.c_§i1y59;11d mme ‘great: 1-1i:1cI*da»z:g. M the $tace,did proqwrc.<>f §he.:Houfe;a gr&acAmVmv;n- wealth and the ciifhanwr of the E=£csz,:;£"e:». T xx 77* V *§*hg;vg§1eA a;d,Mr...WLar2g4c.ra4,%purpofe ta drive on tiigmfiefigrws in me {2idV;f2vera11% éhargese xprefllsd hath for ithe fpacs ofzwcza wars I2i‘Pt pm zafually prefficd & urged fev¢ra11Memvbers%migimy V sgheir votes f.1ch waycs as he pleafed, and mthax: and and pm:-« ;p0f{: dam cenikamly place himfilf nr.-erthe clears of the Hmxfs ‘V T t%u.tA%»vhe:1 anydebarcis concerning any dcfigne wherein hm _ V ’ Agarcly isimgaged, he the Jfaid Mr;‘%%“ L{mg?h;ath11fed much ramps-= < mg and vggggncgg co fudh ”oFhi5s ts wnc~A~*party a3 Wmzld gaseous Q? tE1eI{cm{"c*ar1d hath perfwaded them to continufc share 1 “ ma‘ their ‘V0555; and :he~tI1c faxdw Mr. Vlnmg-m cafe any «finch have A ~~ A 1;) .3 V VI « , ;gc3;.ne . Elie @£¢§2Li&V Artickg W;ther:3faret4he‘V‘;fai v 7 , _ :5, "1 ‘:55; ‘U ' 1 4 Hm¥& §®rth::;'m Whm Kim h‘Tri11’“s$:17£?§$”w§%t'i‘%¢L%f£Ba%t¢ mamas ne;ger;§o ‘be: put m.4s:§*.e.e vorc,'aii'g1gS Atiae faié my arm 1*eac§y9 (in mnvcm-iem igime) ca z11.:&<.c':r gmd, by pmafe upm » ®3E£§ga$§Sh@£1.G\urab§e Hmzfes flaa11c§iAre&.-.- And fr that bra %1‘€af0n0§7i§fs§:} ftra;2tme£¥;rio§aizme, a1‘A;d.0£i1€ir4 mere xv.e.ightyag-%J fires cf gt??? ,m'rny, _ they cw§d not fa £3313‘ and 3€£@&7fl*'=¢:?“ Army fiill refmwf g1fi2i"tf;}f311f: iibércydéezmdd‘ babe:-T AztwiVc1Ye%s agaimfi vthe i‘aid ~M€‘mb@m% star A may safigthcxn aa,%;% :.»z.1ny" J,%tima‘%w*A%be§o;re“% their .1'*£;ia11sa%s‘ -:Q£mfi®flA éha1&%¢f¢rm‘ % . . _ V ¢ Y theargoinzm-emu Qf «hm E‘:ccc13enc%.A4Sim film: icgorunfll of "“VVarre@ }’vgi?cf4x,W%_ ghts V