---ti‘ ’ -3=3~‘='3- 6%? A - PROPO L3 IT I ONS A§§LORDSandCOMMONSg§§ ~$’=‘§ , , , , P3,, £3 Aflemblcd 1n Parlmment V . ‘(C 6:’ For a fafe and well grounded Peace. sai&aE?sata”4a‘§?4§?eat»§&$"zsa‘Eé%sz.a’ gokdemd by the L/ords Aifembled in Parliament , % court he forthwith printed and publi{hcd- *2: A _. V Prefented _ ;=,»z. ,, . To H15 Majefiy at Hampton Curt, theféfi feventh ofSeptemb. I6 And now to be Treated on in the me of Vvight. 5 5.45 in e &°Q.t;c;£t»wmme$. e Dz'c'eM4rtz'.r,29 Augzg/2, I 648.‘ ‘P do W ‘ A That the Propofitions {em to the King at Hampton I012. Brawn, Cler. Parliamentaruw. gg Imprinted at London for fob» Wright at the g5’ ‘°.. Kings Head old Bayl » domes ofEng1zmd a emmsmmseaama fe your Mzijefly :' the Lord: and Common: Aflenthledjn the Parliament 0 ’Engleand,z'n the nnme,nn:l on the hehntfe of the King- : ; domey of England end Ire- land, and the Comnezflionery we the Pal inment ef Scotland, in the name, and Toitthe hebnl fe of the Kingelomeof Scotland, Do" ‘humbly prfefenthnnteyonr M4/'e/I} the etefire: and Prepvfitione: for a [cafe and uaelt gratmded1’ence, agreed upon by the Parlin- manta‘ efhoth K ingdemw ‘ref peéiiwely : ‘Untéé which zgeegle pray 7- your Mczjefiz°e.r Agem; And thatrthgr. and all [each Bills ma /hell. he tendered to your Méjefty in pnrfuame o thenz, or any 7of them, may he E flaélg/had an Enaéted for Sta- tute; and .453 of P kzrlinnzent, hyyonr Maje/tie: Royztll_Afle_nt . the Parliament: of both Ki:ftg- ~ deneer refpeétiwely. t . I-Iéreas both Houfcs-of the Parliatncnt ’ t‘of'E9n lamihavebeen neccflitated to une- » ”'~~dErt' ea War‘in theiraiufi ‘and lawfull- ; -defenhce :eAnd afterwards bath King- nd Scotlancgjoyned in_ Solemn: League 2 and 2.} %3l‘3‘3 ....z v and C0v¢ena.nta wcreesngaged E9 9r9f6§H:=i.th¢ iiiamri That by A5fof"Pa'rliai%1énf in:cachifiingdeméeerfieaivelsé, all Oathes ,i Declaratigzxisz _apd::P1rOC1§.n1§ciQn§ ?i1%,e1ietoforeA had, or hereafter coibe had againit ibci£Ei*;aorieeei“th‘éAreieofiiciheg > Houfes Ofthé Parliamentiioffiflgififids efllex Pa?7FIiasnij¢3nt¥=eéfi3°€‘*i¢‘ Kingdiome of Seoila7}41,,é.n_d;th¢:1a£e Conventiongficf T ~ ‘Scotland, or Committees flowing fromthe»Par1iamcm,;g;r.;i C-oxiventieniixi.5catla2zd,; be their Ordinances andprpceleé-ea.i dings 3 or agadinjfi any for adhering unto~t‘herI.1%; s3reexe_cuting az1y«Offic‘e,“Pla'cc, or Chénjgey i :3; derived fx om them; And-éallt]udgeznents5%:Ihdi~eT "“‘eéi;i€;gi i Qutfawriesg Attainders, land. ,Inquifitisone.s5-iinA- any; thefaizd Caufésg; And all Graunts thereupon made or had, or to be e mac‘ie‘:or»ihajd, bekicclared Natl, Afuppreflizdiigfickfdrbiddezg. .,~ And that this; .be¥*puh»liqu_eIy intimgted all _P,arifl1_ Qhnrg ches within his 'M_aiefti¢s ‘Dom;i.nipnS,, arnd“ a1l“5‘0t‘hé_ri‘i_;pIacéS .; neédiull. i T i q ’ . T!rmc.‘his Bgflajeiiggagcoreliagitoithe1audable5"exampic.of ' .1’x0ya11;iFea'ther ofihappy m¢m0ry; maY».b°: Plédfédiiiité » fwéhie‘ a?i1d“fig'r’1£'the ieéie "SOIer‘11nee.Lea:‘gt1e’h-and i-Coiréiiitilitfgg e ., Andfnhati a:n}A;5f.Qf _Par1iament,bbrPafl7_3d;in;b-0&1!Kinegdomé 'refge¢tiv§Iy, fer e;1iogni“g2g1stheV§akiz1‘g‘ehefeofih§fal1%%Vche "SIi.iiFh1-3 . .‘j'e&s",ofthe three Kingdémes “-3 And.the”Ordina11ces ccinceraé ning the. inannersofata-ki.ng»1:he fame in bothifiiggdpmesg bg, c9nfirn1ed;4ibY—ze,Ai5?$. ‘05 Rlfliamenti:r¢fP=§iie¥€1¥:.iWeb, tin-‘h A ge;1altics.él§ By Winutglallggivicc o£_h0th‘7Ki:1igdomes fhéiilbe igreed; uponwe ~ ~ e ~ M a Bill be »pafi’ed f0I?,-.-t1!1€‘..'j1_lti‘:aC’I% abolifhing and taking ayggyiqf asllfirchi-Bifl11qps,* Bifliqps, 1iheii',Chai;[1eéll€2rs; find Coh1ifl7arieé';’ Deanes, V and 5ub«De£me$,’=‘DeéheS hand?» Chaps i zerg, Arch-Deacons, Cann_?ns, angi—~Prebenélari’eei~;igngf ail F cfien;orse,a.nd Sacirifisai and3”al’l Vicars ChOfili,_gd’1e}~*Ci-iprefiera, 1 ~ Church,and all other their under-Ofliqers, Cvhaungers, Chancellors, reafurers”, Stibi-Tieafufersg Séuici-i .,-v.. f, , thefigiiijifch A sgfflnglfmd-, Dominion of W 6164' {And oufiof the O réh " «old.Vicars, and new Vicars of Cciijegiéace ‘ J gf Ireland, with fuch alterationsiconcerning the Efiatesgof PreIates«, asihall agree with the; Artiicléeof the late Treaty » " .- ii . iofithedateeatenburgbg 29-N‘o2gember,_1643. and jfoynt’De- Vela raiidfifiofb-oth Kingdomes. That the Ordin‘a ncegstoncerning the calling: and fitting of the Aflembly of D-iyines,be confirmed by A8: ofPar1iament. That Reformation of Religion according to the Cove- nant, be fetled by A€’t of Parliament, in fuch manner as both Houfes have agreed, or fill” agree upon, after co=nfu-l- tation had with the Aflembly of e Divines. 4 For as much as both Kingdomesere mutually obliged /by the fame Covenant, to endeavour the neerefl. Coniunéiion ancfflniformity in matters ofReligion,That fuch Unity and Uniformity in Religion according to the Covenant, as after ‘Confultation had with the Divine: of both Kingdomes now ,afle.mb1ed, is or {hall be joyntly agreed uptfm by both Hou- fes of the Parliament of Erzgland, and by the Church and. Kingdome ofScotlaml’, be confirmed by A823 of Parliztme nt; of both Kingdomes refpefiively. e i t J I ‘ That for the more effefittallt difabling Iefuitgst, Priefis, Pa - pifis, and Popifir Recufants from difiurbing the State, and deluding the Laws ; and for the better difcovering, and {pee- fdy‘_convi&,ionof Popifh PLeeufants,, an’0agt’h be eliablilhed b‘yiA& of Parliament -to* be adminiiiredi’ to them, -wherein .th’eyufliél abiureyand renounce the iP‘o’geis Su’prema§cy,,thet Do- "arine ranfubfiainti;ation,i.Purgat9l'Yi iW‘Orflfippit1g’ of the ' pi(hSuperPcitiouS and: Errors; and refu Confeérzited HoaPt,Crucifix’ese*nd Images, and a~1loth‘er Po- g mg the faid 0j.tt'h,be- ing tendred in filth manner as {hall be appointed by the {aid Aft, to be a fufiieient Convifiion ofPop-i{_h dffcécfufaney; i Q An Aétor of ‘iParlia;nCut fore“éiiiica'ftionof ‘the Chil- dpeniof'Papi{is by Proteliantsyinefhe Proteflante Pieligion: , Au? Aétor Aifistfor the true Leivie of the penalties againli em-‘m,whith penalties to bee 1% vied’ fiand difpofed in {uch mama» aisiboth HD0538 fl‘tfiH'§3gr§'¢’ bu, vi(herei~ngto pmvi» That . That an A&.or13&a be#pa;I{éd in E_«’arI%i.ament:~. Wherebychc s>mé’eifes 0:? Pa{p.ifi% - .ag:%i::ilV%chcF Swe-% be; prevmmi, % and the La%v€'esA agai1_fl1&¢;§ gxécuigd, a;&;.§{&gr[;§pg;13% taken tr: [Lp1=-¢i‘vcnt4AwL?tl;,‘ei'. gr %%,Hea,ihigi2fg; 3 EH}: o£1,~emd. The like €0.52 th¢a:.g1éngd§ome[ o‘fLS,¢.gg£a:g@’, con_Ccrn;i1vaig:th¢ foure 139.1; Pf€C§!:i_i:1?gg,T 3 imankngr ias .A[.th.%e Efiates ofthe, Par1iw8+§ae11;:=:Atghere.f’na.1;1 t.:hinke~~ ~ ? M ,1 . Th:a£ft_h,ae~ King%dQg g;‘g;.;.:;xis*RQya11:*aflcfl¢wtQa.ngA{& 4‘ due; obfervacion Qftfhc’LOJ:;ds Day. _ ‘ And to ‘chef: Bill: for the fuppreflifon“ bf Innbvaiionkf Church?-is: and inand about the Worlhip ofGod;.} AndVfor hem, s1dvancf=m¢w: ofithe Pr¢?e¢Mg;~9fG0d§ holyWordin.a11:%paxitaofchhKi11gd~Qmc.= ‘A A j ’ nefices by Spi ric11é.ll- Pe:fons%and%{ Noh~Refi§1,Ven%cy., A And to an A8: to be framcd‘_ and agreed upon Houfes of Parliament for the aaeformingi and;Aregu1ati§mg of bochL¥n“i$':€1?1iti¢*s: 05 the Célledgas. ehefierg-and E3t..0.n. And to the BiI1i‘againfi the%e4ni0yingvthje; _ cofucb, A8: or ;A8cs .for’ raififig ofMohiés ihé % mengjandj fa£isfyi—nga;of the Publiqgeg Debts and Da~mages[ of cheifiingdgmm arid other: Publiquc%*117¢8a as» “M11. hereafteié be agxsgsdg by; .bQ!11.i« Haufesg Qfx. A a1*l'%“r;;ein:=;¢ éinfl ih.ati;f - :1 4 ¢ 3 M. the Kingdoe‘nor give his %AiTent ‘€’11¢i’¢“fltQa;’ Vthcfi i«t2%13:éiti$ domby both: Houfesiof Parliament, t:;he;, fame: {hail {as validto a«11%1nt§*1E3:and PWPOES asgifytfiffidxfilkAfiéfitlfiid‘ beene givm «A ; % The; 1i,k3;«fQr tih~5,“,Q£S?9fl‘z.”d”? ~ V Andthac ?his[VMa-kfiy gi§v~e%: aflfi¥anC€A°fi 1113- ii . cm Ear1iamL¢n€=~ of Scot1avd,~ tomflfia‘ a~ckn0W1n’dging;and ratifying%th_c~A;3(s ;0fCpnvbntign of§Efla”t€$%T%P£‘3¢atlan%da % mlled by the; Cn::nc=é1,1«. t¥Ie;{:P¢?~¢€é«.%3+!1d A the Commiflioners fqggthc ,~G;dmI;1vQniA ifiuflihfiglifis i@nd.A1Tem~»: .bléd‘the two and twentieth day (if fame, I 543- and wfeverall; ‘fiat. éimesconicinued’fincei; aindi of ii’arI?1i§;n\i=‘éijti“oif° *th~at ifiirigg» flom'efinc‘ei Corivéned. o T i 3 That_tb¢oLoit'ds»an’éi ihtIi$§‘PirIiéomcnt of Eng» V lmdflflfimbled, {hall dufing the fpaceof ‘twcntyifyeg resgfroim the fix-1% of fail}, *I;64.6.i‘Armé,Tra"ifie* éihfl ‘Dif<:‘iplipe, oncaufe to b‘eTA»rmed5 Trained, and’ Difcip1lin‘ed_, all the F ‘orccs 7 of the Kingdomes ofEnglmzd5 and Ifepland‘, and Dominion of ~ Wales, the U165 0fGu!ern]I}, anti ‘Ie:~fg,andithc TOWne of Bar- wickuponv71'we*ed, ‘al‘ijeady‘ ra'ife,d botihifof Sag‘ a*rid‘La nd Ser-_ vice; and {haII'fro*m'ii:ih1é'ii to i'itifi17ei the ’faicl -fpacie ~of twenty Yearés, Rpaife; A Lea»vie,oArme, T'r’*21ine‘and ’Dif2:ipIine, or “caufe co ibe”raifi:d5 Leaviéd, Trained, and Difci-i plincd*,a’ny othei'_Force[s for ‘Land amt Sea Service ‘in the Kingdoniesj Domi~niO1i95iif§nH__ i31éic}i<:s7“aforéf°aid,pi as in their , iudgemerits :t‘hey~ofl'1ai1l from 7 time‘ to ' time * during ' the ‘(aid > {pace oftweneyyeares think: fit, and appoin'I: ;Aa11d that nei- M thin‘ the King, His Hei’r¢s,‘or‘Succ'eH'ors, nor any iothier ‘bun Inch asthall Aétiby thefiuthority or approbation of the'i'aid Lords and C0f!1‘!110fis;fl1a7ll dufingiché faid {paw ormcnxy A yeares, exercifé any “of the Powm afoifefaiél. “ V o i ofthe Pstrlidnfrétxtithereffrallflzijnkepfit. 6 That raifed 7;,1nd5“*le1ri*ed§ for thé mainotcnaiiicé A Land uféi of the{air»jF_orc¢é for ‘land ipfeifsiiéeg am} of the A if3“diF° F.‘-‘S f°’-“3“‘” R"V3°¢o1 iiifi and 5? Qifili and meagnes as the faie:l'iWLords;an‘iiCommons Ihallii {ram iéirne J time (luring the faid‘ {pace of twenty ycares ihinke 5!: and for ané 3% 1"mi¢¢.raiféd 1i€§iV3°d3“"?F“?f1‘3"’€*ié I~:f13aH 7w‘t1medm‘17ng,’t’hé fétid:*Tpa¢eb’f’cwent3r 'yé‘afe$,L:pp pfoyedamannagedg otdén‘edaxa’c1’dil'p¢?I2:§di ‘by tfieifaid I;ojrd3 A and.Commons,in‘ fllgfh fort, i xyfaiqs‘ mggfiés uavcmy:y§a$res; ‘have ‘ ‘ , 3’. T9 as . they. pfhé-ll irhinké fit; .;a,1i'ci ‘f An&~thé»lik¢ forithe Kingdoiiie or psaotzgmdg iiféiie: Efiatééf ‘W F i appoint; “and? notpoiherwife. Tbétcall the; fiicl‘ ’ Forces} both i -And éh-efaid=Lo}’~ds t 1. To fupprefle all forces raifed orto be raifed, Without: authority and content ofthefaid Lords and Common, to the difiurbance of the publique peace of the fKingd_;omes of England and Ireland, and Dominionttof ;\._V4l€J‘a, of ‘Guerzzflej and Ierfi},' and. the ToWue,of B;zrtviclQ:tt%t;pon-;'l:weed, or any ofthem. ‘- a . e e 4 T. ’ 2 To fpprefle any forreine Forceswaho {hall invade, or in- deavour to invade the Kingdatns Qf'E_7z'gl47zd,a;ncl :Ii~ela}zd%,Do-y l minion of Wales, the Iflea 91fn'é;*Imp10yaet I‘d¢r:. Manna 9 Dis“.- banda 0? ¢¥iVr%fe..t«71Ii3ii.<>f cti£gP5or”€¢S by ;Sea’; :°ir;Lan 5: of the Iiingdoghés of E 1aiz2?;a.n;dZZre{and=ihc inim fV4(e,g,I§]§s C or‘ exe'fciTé”any .9 ‘ WCC '5 iF1i€§1§i4 P9W¢r3aaAonaauth9ri- ‘ L’ ' ties‘ C7) -ties in thesprecedent Articles mentioned and expreified robe .-during the {aidrf pace of twenty yeares inthe {aid Lords and Commons 3 Nor doeany Act or thingconcerning the ex-s ecution of the {aid powers, or authorities, or any of them, - without the confent of the {aid Lords and Commons firll had, and obtained. That after the expiration of the (aid twenty "yeares in all cafes wherein the ‘Lordsand ‘Com-3 mons {hall declare thefafe.ty of the Kingdome to be concer- u need, andfhall thereuponrpafle. any ‘Bill or Bills for the rai- armingr training, difciplining, iniploying, manna-e ging, ordering or di-fpofing of the forces by Sea or Land,» of the Kingdontes of England and ilreland, the Dominion of .eW?al‘e>.c,3 lilies of 'Guernfe_y and Ier_[E’_y,, and the ToWne,o'fBar- wieke upmr "l‘weede,.. or any part of the (aid: Forces or con- cerning the Admiralty and Navy, or concerning the leavyng of monies for the railing, maintenance or ufe of the faid Forces for Land fervice, or For theNavy, andForces" eforifieatfertvicegsorrofany part of. them; -And ifthatr the Roy~a"lI-=Aflen;t toifuchc Bill or Bills“ {hall not be %_iven-:in-the I-ionie of: Peares wichirr inch time after the pal mg thereof by both Houfes of Parliament, asthe laid Houfes {halijud e fitand convenient 3 That then fuch Bill or Billsforp ed by the faidlzords lander-Commons a‘s_ aforethid, and to which the aRoyail= ~?AflESnt notjbe given‘ as is herein beFore'ex- rprefl'edx,{hallnever'theiell'e after declaration of the faid Lords and Commons 1nade~in that behaife‘, have the force and firength ofan A3: or *A&s*of Parliament 5 And {hall bee as valid to all intents and purpofes , asif the Royall Afl'en_t - had been given-thereunto; n r y 'Providedi,ithat nothing herein before contained {hall ex- tend tothestaking away of the ordinary legall power of’ ' Sheriffs, Jufiices of Peace, Mayors, =l3ailifi‘s,Coroners,Con- {iabIes,.i-leadboronghs, or other Ofhcers of Jufiice not be ingfMillitar'y Oflicersr, ‘concerning the adminifirafion of Juflice ('0 as neither the {aid Sheriffs, ]uliices,oF Peace,May- tors, Baylifis, Coroners, Confiables, Headboroughs and o- ther Oflicers, nor any ofthem, doe leavy, co-ndufi, imploy, -B or C C 3)” d or command any forces~whatfoever,by colour or, pretence of any Commillzonof Array, or extraordrnary command from his Majeliie his Heires or Succeffors,without the cons fent of the (aid ‘Lords and; Commons. ‘ And if any erfons {hall be gathered‘ and affembled togea-' ther‘ in warli e manner , or otherwife tothe number of thirty perfons, and {ball not forthwithsdisband themfelves being rcquiredfthereto the {aid Lords and Commons, or command from tliem,.or any bythem, efpecially authorized for that purpofe , then fuch perfon or perfons not ('0 dif- banding theml‘el’ves, {hall bee guilty and inturre the paines of high Treafon, being firlt declared guilty of their offence by the faid.'Lords and ‘Commons; Any Commiflionunder the great Scale orother warrant to the contrary notwith- fianding, C And he, or they that fl1al_l’off'endiherein,.toy be incapeable. of any pardon from his »Ma}e{ly,his He1res“orS_.uccell'ors,»and their Efiates {hall be difpofiedias the (aid Lords —-and. C‘om-r \ mons {hall thinke fit, fand’not{_otherwi1E. Provided that.the City of Lardon,_. {hall have and injoy all their Fgights,Liberzies and -EranW.chi1'es Cuflomes,and ufa-- ges in the.railin.g,y and ‘iinploying ;theF9rces of that~City;. for the defence thereof, in as fulland ample manner, to all intents and purpoflzs , as they have or might have ufed or enioyed the fame atany time, before themaking of the {aide Ail: or Propofition ; To the end that.City..tnay be fully af-~ ’ fured,it is notthe intention of the Parliament, to take from them any priviledges, or immunities in railing or difpofing of their Forces, which they have or might. have ufed orxin. ioyed heretofore. The like for the Kingdomeof ‘Scotland,’ if the Eliates of the Parliament there {hall thin kc fit. Tzhat bygA€’c'_ of.Parliagmentyall§Peeres madellrrcethe: ' A day, C’ 9 3 day, that Edward Lord Littleton, then Lord Keeper ofthc Great Seale deferted the Parliament; and that the laid Great: Scale was furruptitioufly conveyed away from the Parlia- ment ;being the one a_nd.twentieth day (}fMa,y, 1 542, And who {hall be hereafter made,{hall not lit or Vote in the Far. liament of England, without content of both Houfes of Par- liament: And that all honour, and Title conferred on any « without iconfentof both Houfes of ' Parliament, fince the twentieth day ofMay 164.2. being the day that both Hon- (es declared. That the King fedurced by evill Councell, i n.‘ tended to raifewarre againfi; the Parliement‘, bee declared Nulland Voyd., e t ’ A a o Theoslike for the Kingdome of Scotland, thofe being ex- e ’ Cfiptfids W l10f€ P3t€ntS.W€re pafllid the Great Sealc before the ‘ f0:1l“hAOfIfl7193l5_64;4.,‘ W V 1 _ «That an A8: be palled in the Parliament of both King- domese refpe&ively,for confirmation of the Treaties pafled betwixt the two Kin-gdomes ( zziz... ), thelarge Treatie, the late Treaty for the comming ofthe Scot: Army into Eng-T land, and the fetling of the Gariflonoofliarwirlg of the 29. of November 164.3» and the Treaty , concerning Ireland of the 6. of 642. for the bringing of ten thoufand Scots into the Province of l.IlPter in Ireland, With all .o‘the;~ Ofdi- nances and proceedi_ngs_p;afled betwixt the two Kingdomes, and whereunto they are obliged by the aforefaid Treaties. And that Algernon Earle of Nortbmberland, Iolm Eel-1e of. Kutland, Pbilip Earle of Pembrooke and Mottntgomorjt, Tbeopbi- film Earle ofLincolne, Jame: Earle of Satfolke, William Earle of Salisbury, Robert Earle of Wamick, Edward Earle ofMan- V I ton, Sir Henry Vanefenior, Mafier William Perpoint, Sir Ed- -, . .. I l l ‘l .‘ - l 2 l ' cbefler, Henry Earle of Stanford, Francis Lord Dames, Philip Lord Wbarton, F ranci: Lord W illougbby, Dudley Lord North, john Lord I-Iunfdon, William Lord Gray, Edward Lord How- ard of Eflrick, Thoma: Lord Bruce. Ferdinando Lord F airefax, Mailer Nathaniel F iner, Sir William Aimine, Sir Philip S tapi l- ward ( IO a ward Ai/tough, Sir V Villiam Sltricwand, Sir Arthur Hefilrig, Sir Iolm F enwick, SirVVi=l'liam Breretorz, Sir Thoma; VI/'id+ dyington, Mafier Iobn Toll,Mafier Gilbert Milli7zgt07z,Sir zl- liam. Cozaflable, Siflfobn V I/' ray, Sir Henry Vaine Jfuniour, Ma{1er'eHen ry Darl'e)',0liz2er Saint Iolm Efquire, HisaM’a~jefties folicitor Genera1‘l, fMafier Den2*.ell*Hall1?:», Mafier Alexan-e der Rigby, Mafier_ C*emel:'mlHolland, MafierSamuelVaff!ell,~ t Mafier Peregrin Pelbam‘, Iabn Glyn Efquire Recorder of Len- don , Mafler Henry Marten} Mafter Aeldennan Hoyle, Mafia, Ialme Blaki/ion, Mafler Serjeant-eVVi1de, "I5/Iéafier PlI‘€l}d1Fd7-‘Bar-‘ mar, Sir Anthony I r5), Mafier Afburji, MafierlBellim;ba2n,a* ‘and % Mafier Tolfon,Membcfrs ofboth Houfes of the Par1iat‘n'entofa ,, England, {hall be the Commiflionerst for the Kingdome of England, for conlervation of. the Peace betweeneuthe two.-. Kingdomes to ac‘): according to the Powersin that beliaalfet’ texprefl in the Articles ofthe large Treaty and notrothcr-~ wile. L . e That"!-Iis Majefiyfi give His aflentto wh'at*th’e two King- domes (hall agree _upon in profiacution of the Articles of the lage Treaty, which are ~n£)t*yet~’finifhed. 5 a= fin ~' ‘a Thataan Aét be pafledlin the Parliaments_ ofboth'King~ l domes ref e Bcively , e lforeeflablilhirfngethe jl’o’yntlDecIarati’on? of both ingdomesatbearing date the 350. day of ]anitaryV 1643?. in England,an‘d 1644..l -in‘ Scotlarzd with the qt_:a,Itifiea- ti0n3C[1fUiflga. ~ 7‘ ='_53_V -‘ ‘ ' l "A t x;t2:W«»tio»~ That the perrons who‘ mall expeéi no pa:£i§nt_b¢eone1yeaa thefe followings: . I Rllpoftg f V and CountiP%aIati’n‘es of Rhine.’ ' l L Maurice» T T T A % . f fame: Earle’ of Darby, . Iobn Earle of Brifldll, William Earle r of Newcaffle , F ranci: Lord Cattington , George Lord Digby, nl Matthew Wren Bilhop of El)‘, Sir Robert Heatb Knight, V. Doétor Bramball Bifhop ofDerr_y,Sir William Widdrington, Colonell «George Goring, Hem‘) j’e-r‘min'Efquire, =Sir.1{al;2b Hapton,S1=r Iobn Birm,S1r Franci: Doddingtm-. Sir Iobrz Strange- - L A awe: at A ~’’ 1 " (11) ~ wye:Mr.Endymian Porter, Sir George Radclzfié, :53; Mama, edu1(eLa2zgdale. e _ . . _ . Henryfwugbarz, Efquire,enoW ealleclu S1riHemyV4gg.b,m_ e . Sir F rarzci: W irzdibarzkez Sir Richard Greenvill. Mr.Edward Hide, now} called Sir Edward 'l;Iidg .’ ll %' Sir Iobn Marley; ‘Sir Nicbolar Cole. Sir Thomas Riddell, Juniour. SVir:7'obncolepepper. ‘ W ‘ T _- Mr.Ricbard Lloyd, nowrcalled Sir Ricbard Lloyd, _-'2 Mr. Dazgid le.nkin:.~ Siraorgesiradey __ _e D , ? - A George Carteret,Efquirernow called Sir George ['arterer;. % ¢ Sir Cbarle: Dallifim Knighty; r _ r. L R-icbard Lane,Efquire, now called Sir Rickard Lane, Sir Edward Nicbelan . X ' Iébn%A[b6urnbam, Efquire. X i % Sir.,Ed:lvz>14rde Harbm Knight’. His Maiefiics Atcwcney Geo‘ »nera.‘ _ L Lord Rae.‘ C George Gourde», {dn1etirheseeMérquell'e of H wztly. lame: Grabam, {ometimes Earle ofMomro_/Ie. Robert Daljefl, fometimeEarle Qfcarnewatb. fame: Gardon,fometime Vifcoum: of‘/Iboyne. LadowickLinfey_,fometime Earle of Cr4wford.~ Iame: Ogle) , fomecime Earle of Airbjp Alefler Madonald. l I 1 Gordan, Younger of Gigbt.-’ Colonel! IobnCocl{ram;: _ l Grabam*of'G9rrbie. i ‘ M r.Iobn Maxwell, fometime pretended Bifhop bf d And all fuch others as ‘bemg proceffed by the Efiates for? ‘ Trea{'on,e{hall4be condemned before the Aft ‘of Oblivion be r ‘ pjalfed, r 2;Qz_£alg'fieatz'on.r A tnow are,or fl1aIlbe:aé’cuallylriInArmes, or voluntarily . ’ afliiling LL Papifis e and”Pi>pi(l1 Recufantsg who have b?eene‘,’w (I 2) ~ afiifling qgainfi the Parliaments or Eflates of either King. dome; and by name, . V The Marquefle of Wnton. Edward Earle of Worcefler. Lord Brudnell. ‘ Carell Mollinex,El'quire. e Lord Arundell of Warder. Sir Francis Howard. Sir Iahn Winter. Sir Charle: Smith. 531‘ I ohn Preflan. Sn‘ Bazill Brooke. Lord Audie} , Earle ‘Of Eafllebaven in the}Kingdh0x'ne o'f Ireland. . L William Shelden of Beelj, Efquire. . a Sir Henry Beddingfield. 3. Qfalzfication. % H “ LL ,per['ons who have had any hand in the plotting. ‘ defigninggor aflifling the Rebellion of Ireland, t except fuch perfons who having onely afliflcd the {aid Rebellion,” have rendred themlélves , or come into the Parliament of England. a 4.. ;Qtalzfication. A That Hnmfrey Banner, ' . I Henry Lingen, Efq. . Efquire, j Sir Hen. Fletcher. he - Sir Edward Ford. Sir Rich. Minfhalh ~ % h‘ A Sir Iohn Penruddoclg. Laurence Halefledi . L Sir George Vaughan. Iohn Denbam,Efq: Sir Iobn Weld. Sir Edmund Fortefcue. Sir Robert Lee. . ~ Peter Sainthill, Efq. sir Iohn Pate. ‘ 1 Sir Tho.Tildijley. Iobn Ackland. ' Sir Hen.Grifi5th. , . Edmond W”mdbarn, Efquire. ‘ Michael Wharton,El'q. Sir Iohn F itzharhert. ‘ ' “ Sir. Hen. Spiller. » ‘ Sir Edoo.=Lawr,ence. . L Mr. Geo. Banyan, now called Sir Ralph Dunon. - A Sir Geo. Ben_yon.' I ‘ r A Sir (13) Sir Eda?» Walgrave. Lord Cbolmley; ’ Sir Edw. Bijbop. Sir Ibo. A/lon. . Sf.W il. Kuflellof W orflerjbi re. Sir Lewis Diver. Tbo.Lee of Adlington, Efq. Sir Peter Ofboume. Sir Iobn Girlington. Sd"l149lTb07'71l971: EQ- Sir Paul Neale. Sir Iabn Lucae. .Sir William ‘Iborold. Iobn Blane} Efq. Sir Edward. Hxdfey. Sir Tbo. Cbedle. Sir Tbo.Lyddell Sen. Sir Nicholas Kemifb. sir P-billi Mufgrave. Hugh Lloyd, Efq. ' Sr.Io.Dig£t of Natinglmttjlaire Sir Nicbola: Crifpe. Sir Robert Owjeley. Sir Peter Rimm- Sir Iolm'Man_y. n ~_ And all {ueh of the Scottilh Nation, as have concurred in the Votes at Oxford , againfi the Kingdome of Scotland and their proceedings, or have fworne or fubfcribedithe Declaration a inll the Convention and Covenant ;And all fuch as have aflifled, the Rebellion in the North , or the ’ lnvaliontinahe South, of the (‘aid Kingdom: of Scotland, ' or the late. Invafionmade there by’ the Irtfb and their Ad- her_ents,, be removedfiom His Majefiies Councells , and rellrained from comming within the Verge of the Court,’- and that they-may not without the advice and content of both Houfes of the Parliament of-England , - or the Eflates in the Parliament of Scotland nefpefiively, beare any office,- or have any. imployment concerning the State or Com -- mon Wealth 3«And1°n cafe any of themlhall offend therein, to be guilty of high Treafon, and incapable of any par-s don from His Majelly , and their ellates -to bee difpoled as- both I-Ioules of the Parliamentsof England, or»the Eliatcs of y the Parliament in Scotland refpefiively {hall thinke fit : ‘And that one full third part u on full valueof the ellates of‘ the pe rfons aforelaid, ma e incapable of-imployment as» aforefaid, heimployed for the payment of the Publiquev Debts,and Dammages, according to the Declaration, 1. Branch.- That the late Members , or any who pretended them-~ havec felveslate Members of eitherfloule of Parliament , who - have not onelfy deferted ii the Parliament, but have alfo (hated, ull Afiembly at Oxford, called or pretendedby A in the unlaw fome to be a Pariiament,a'nd Voted both Kingdomes Tray- tors, and have not voluntarily rendredthemfelues before the lali of Oéiober, 1644.. be removed from His Majeiiies Councells, and be reiirained from comming with in the Verge of the Court. And that they may not without ad- vice and content of both Kingdomes beare any oflice, or haveany imploymem: concerning the State or .Common- s Wealth : And in cafe any of them (hall oflisnd therein, toibe guilty of high Treafon, and incapable of any pardon His Majeiiy, and their efiates to be difpofed as both Houfes of Parliament in E72gla7zd,or the Eflates 0fthePar1iam€i1t i Scatlcgnd refpeetively,-Ihallthinire fit. V ‘ y . A 4‘ _ ‘Q.«B?y-47“-I3. 7'-A ’~"f .‘ ;i./‘f’ ‘-' That the late Members,or'any who‘pretended*‘theemleIve§ Members of either I-Ioufe of Parliament , whohave lfatein -,the~unlaWfi1lIs alrcmbly at Oxford, called or pretendediby fame to‘ be a Parliament, ’ and havefnots voluntarily rendred thetrrfeivies f before the elali of Oaober,‘ .71’6eA;4. ‘bee ferhbyed from-His Majefiies Councils :£*efirain”eti¥.Tfi‘ome'pom~ ming within the Verge of the Court; And that theywinay s not without the advice and content of both" Honfes of Par-. liament, beare any Qflice , or haverany implcfymem con,’ ' * _c_e.rning~ the State or~_Commpn=-Wealth} And in (rate an ' of .th_em'Ihall ofiend therein ‘, .tobe‘e fguilty of‘h~i‘gh Treéizhn, and incapable of any pardon from His dMaje‘£iy , andtheir; ' efiates to be difpofed as both Houfes of the Parliament bf England {hall thinke fit. ‘ y _ ‘I e . 1 : %g;.‘_Bmnc/J’. ‘ t . e That thelate Members,or any who pretended themfelves “Members oFcitherHou{e of Parliament, who havedefépt- ed the Parliament, and adhered to the Enemies thereofland have not rendrtd themfelves before the Iafi o{'0(‘?ober_.,I 64,4. be removed from His Majeliies Councels , and be refiraind -from comming within the Verge of the Court, And that they may not Without the advice and confenc of both Houfes of Parliament beare any Office , or have any im_ yploymenx C is ) ployment concernringthe State or C*o‘mmo:n- Wealth : And in cafe any them (hall offend therein, to beguiltieof high Treafon, dnglincapeable of any pardon from His Ma,‘ ieliy} and their eliates to be difpofed as both Houfes of P‘.u:— liament in England {hall .thinkefit. T 5. Qt_mlzf5z'catz'on. ' Hat all judges and Ufiicers, towards the Law, Com- mom, or Livill, who have delerted the Parliam¢nt,and_‘ ‘‘ adheared to the Enemies thereof, be incapeable of any place of Iudicature or Offiee towards the Law, Common or Ci- vill : And that all Serjeants, Gouncellout$,a.nd Atturneys, Doéisors, -Advoeates,and Proéiors of the LaW,Common or Civil], who have defertedthe Parliament; and adhearedto the Enemies thereof, bee incaipeable of any praétice inzthe Law, Common or Civill, either in publilte or private, and _ {hall not be capeable of any ipreferment or imployment in the Common-Wealth, without theadvice and content of both Houies of Parliament 3 And that no Bilhop or Clergy- man, no Mailer or fellow ofany Colledgegol’ Hallaifl either 5 _ of the Univerlities‘, or ellewhere, or any Mailer gfschgglc or Hofpitall, or any Ecelefiafiieall perform, who hath cjgfi;-:- ted the Parliament, and adhearcd -tovthet.Enemies thereofi llsall hold or enjoy , or bee Capéable Ofany prefierment or imployment in Churchor Common Wealth; But all their {aid feverall preferments, places, and promotions lligll bee utterly void ,. as if they were naturally dead, Nor lhétll they gtherwifc ule their Funfiion of the Miniliry without advice and conlent of both Houféfi 95 Parliament ,5 Provi- dad, that no Laps lhaliiucurrc by ;{‘-Jstll vacancytuntill fix moneths pafl, afternotice thereof. V '4 i T V i 6. Qas4:17fi‘c4fi.m. . l-iatiall perfons, when have D6693 aéiugllji in Aime; ae gainli the Parliament, or have counlellecl, or volunta- rily affilied the Enemies thereof, . are difabled to be Sheriffs, ‘ jufiices ofthe Peace, Maiors, e2'i0£l1ewhegq(._)ffieer§ gf any n ,Ci‘tie.or Corporati0n,C0mm§iT19fl£E6 ofygr and Ieizngggr, 4 C n or R‘ (I6) or to fit or lerve as Members, or Allifiants in either 9f the HoufesofParliament,‘ t 1; MT ‘ - A lnthis Kingdome withbu: th:'ec:!h}l'entlgf? Parliament. % 7- Qtalifieatian. He perfons of all others to be free F ll F ‘ 5: ynotwithfianding any Aft, or thin; clongleirnfigfilclolhcgeflllgf mgthls War,they taking the Covenant. . . 8,.Qgtalzj5'catio_zz. e 4 . He eflates ofthofe perfons excepted in the fix-Pt three re. cedent Qualifications; And the efiates of Edward Lfhrd Littleton, and 0f V V illiam Laud late Archbilhop of Cam ,_,, 5ur_y,to pay publique Debts and Darnrnages. l e" 9. 1 Qtalificatioh. I.Brancb. I he I " That two ful-lvparts in three, to bee dividedlof all /the E- flates of the Members of either Houfe of Parliament. who have not only deferted the Parliament, but have alfo Voted hotla Kingdomes Tray‘-tors , and have not rendred them- ‘ felves before the firfi ofADecember,' 1 645. {hall -be taken and employed for the payment of the publique debts and.dam- mages of the Kingdome. . {.3 V y y , 4 . 94. B1'dflC].lf y , by ' That two full parts in three,to be divided.” of the Eflates ’ offiich late Members of either Houfe of Parliament, as face » in the unlawfull Aflembly at Oxford, and (ball not have rendered themfelves before the firfi ofDecembe‘r, 1 64.5 . {hall be taken and employed for the payment of the, publiqpe debts and dammages of the Kingdome. l ' _ - ‘ 3. Branch. . V ' That one full Moity of the. Efiatfs offuch T l?er{'ons late dcfertecl Members either the Houfes of Parliament who have y (I7) defertd theParl.iament,and adhered to the EnemiesthereoF,e\ ._ and {hail not have rendred themfelves before the firfl ofDe- ' V amber 1 64.5 .{halI be taken and employed for the payment of h ' the publigne debts and dammages ll of the Kingdom. 1 3 e e 10. Qguzlificatioig. % » - e That a full third part of the valuetofg the Eliateslof all judges and Officers towards the Law, Common or Civill, and of all Serjeants Councellours , and ' Atturneyes, Do€tors,Advocates,and Proékors of the Law,> Common or r Civill; And of allBi{hops , Clergymen, Mailers and Fel- lowesol-‘anyiColledge or Hall in either of the Univeri-: t ties, or elle Where; And of all Mallets of Schoolcs, on Hofpitalls, and of all Ecclefiallical-lperfonswho have de- ferted the Parliament; and adhered to the Enemies thereof, } and have not rendered themfelves to the Parliament before t.hefirfirof'December,164;. {hall be taken and employed for the pa'yment"‘of"the publique debts and dammages of the Kingdome. T " t i l = That a full fixth part on the full Value of the Efiates of A the perfons excepted in the fixth Qgalification concerning ‘ii _ finch as have beene a¢9cually in armes againll the Parliament, ' or have Councelled or"vol‘u’ntarily aflifted the? Ene1nie3 tahereofi and a re difamed according to" the {Bid ~(l1_al’ification; be taken and employed-for the paymentof the publique debts and dammages of the Kingdome.~ e t e 11. _g-Zn4lzfic‘atz'o(n,i. V e.e _ e That the perlonse'and Ell-afteseo*l’a‘lI;Coi fi§on€eSduldier§,‘ and others of the Ki ngdome‘ofEflg‘lg2i2d-‘,ljivho in’+La,n:ds or b Goodsbe not WorthtWo'ibundré"cl >~‘;5ounds"Ilerlitig3: And" the perfons and Eflates ofalI'Com'mon foul‘diers and others i ofthe Kingdome of Scotland ,ewhro*in*Lan‘ds: orfipqds bee‘ e not worth one h=undred§pounds {lerlin‘g*5‘{¥ be’3at‘;1ib’ertyiand ; .=.; ;i.'.“3’:;;é§'5 if’ di£2:h‘arged.* ~ t 4 \ . .' . ; VIA. J.; :13: ...«."».-;_:‘ 5. 5_ 3 I Fhis Propofition to {fatal astto*the-Eniglifh,rland the I 2 Scots‘ 3’-'" \ 7*: ( 18 ) Scots likewifé as Ifthfe Par1ian:ent‘of.$'ea1Iandorthei§fC,qm=~ _ miflioners . {hall fo thin-ke fit. That the firfi of‘ May Iafi, is now theday liniited for the i perfons to come in, th7at~are éomprifedwithin the former ‘ _Qga1&fioations. Provided that all and every the delinquents wh-ichby or aecordinglto, the feveralil and refpefiive Ordi- nances or Orders made by bothgor either of the Houfes of . Parliament, on orbefore the 24.. day of April! 164.7. are to be admitted to make their fines and compofitions under ghe rates 8: proportions of the Qlarlifications afoxefaidgfhall ac- cording to the {aid Ordinances and Orders refpefiively bee thereto admitted 5 and further alfo that no perfon or per- fons ewhatfoever. (except Gmch Papifls as having beene in. Armes or voluntarily aflified againit the Parliament , have by concealing‘ their qualietyh, proeured their iadmiifion to; Conrpofition s which have already campounLded.o;+{ha11. hereafter compound and be thereto admitted by both Houfes. Parliament at any ofthe rates and proportions afbrefaid, orfunder re{pe&ive1y Ihall beput so pay any other fine than . that theyhave or (ball refpeétively Focompound foxfexcept for fuch eflates orafuch of their eftates and for fuch values. thereof 3refpe_&ively.sas_ have beene or {ha 11 be concealed or omitted iengflnee particulztrs whereupronthey compound) and that alleand every of fhallrhave thereupon t-he»ir~Par- ‘ dons in fuchsmanner and .-Wform”e_as is agreed by both Homes‘ 1 ofParliament. _ rw: ,» ‘ L: Th'9&mA&"b¢ .‘P3fi}d.% B¢b‘50£*he Ki"8'— dome, and the penfonsiof ’DeI inquen$§; and thevalue their Eflzztes maybe ikhowne : And which ‘A&*fl1a1~la,ppJoimtr in what mannerthe Confifcations anld;-vfltioportiom before mentioned may bqet.lea.v.icd,“ and applied to thed.i{j'aharge»of°» , the {aid Engagenments. ‘ A .. . The like for the ‘Kingdome of s , ifithei e Parliament, or fuch as fhall: have power from them {hail ‘ thinke fit. _ Th?! anhfi of beapaifed, éwdeclarer-andnmkgi ,,.:s;, a ".35.. -.i voyd the Celfation of Ireland, and all Treaties and‘ Con-:, clufions of Peace‘, or any Articles thereupon with the Re- bells, without confent of both Houfes of Parliament. And to fettle the Prolecution of the Warr of Ireland in P both Houfes, of the Parliament of England 5“ to be man- aged by them: And the King to aflifl, and to doe no Aft to difcountenaance or molefi them therein. a e That Reformation of Religion according to the Co- venant be fetled in the Kingdome of Ireland by A&ofPar- liament,in fuc-h manner as both homes of the Parliament ofEngla71d, have agreed, or {hall agree upon, afterCon- ‘ fultationt had with the Aflembly of Divines here. ~ That theDeputy, or chiefe Governour, or other Go~ vernours ofIrelaiad,and the Prefidents of the feverall Pro- vinces of that Kingdome he nominated by both the Homes of the Padriafnentl of England; or in the Intervalls of rParliamcvt, H by fuch Committees of both Houles of Parliamenst, as both Houfes of the Parliament of England P {hall nominate and appoint for that purtpofe. And that the Chancellor, or LordKeeper,LordiTreafurer, Com-t miilioners of the great Scale or Treafury, Lord Warden of the Cinqueforts, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Dutchy ; Secretaries of State,Maiier of theRo1ls,]udges~ of both Benches, and Barrens of the Exchequer of the filiiingdomes of England and Ireland, and the Vice Treafi1- irer, and Treafurers at Warres of the Kin gdome of Ireland be ,nomin.ated~. by both Houles Cf the Parliament of Eng» to cotxtintie Q:am;diufi benegeflerz°2zt,’, and» in the In- ~ tervial1so,f_Parliament by the afore-mentioned Gom- miltees, to beapprovccl, or difallowcdby both Houfes at: their next fitI.i=Qg- The likefor thelfingdome of Scotland,‘ concerning the ntominationof the Lords ofxhe Privy Coun<:.e'll,' .Lords'__~- of.Sg£fio;;, and Exchequer, Gflicers ‘Of State, and ;- tfienerall, i«nfuch.memnea':aa the «Eflates‘of,Par1iamen;- ~ thereihall fit. I liberties» , t A t thereof ’ (20) lthereofiemay be in the ordering and government of the Lord Major ,. Aldermen, and Commons in Common‘ Councell a{l'embled,,or fuch as they {hall from time to" time appoint, (whereof the Lord Major and Sheriffs for the time being to be three To be imployed and dire&- ed from timeto time in fuch manner as {hall be agreed a on, and appointed by both Houles ofParliament~ ‘ That no Citizen of the City of London, nor any of the Forces of the {aid City, {hall be drawne forth or compel.‘ a C led to goe out of the faid City,’ or Liberties thereof for Mil itazy fervice, without their owne free jconflent. e That an A& be pafled for the granting and confirm- ing ofihe Charters, Cuflomes, Liberties, and Franchifes of the City of London, notwithfianding any Nonufer, p Mifiifer, or Abufer, That the Tower of L 0 ND 0 N may Abe in the Go- vernment of the City of L 0 N D0 N; And the chiefe Officer and Govern_our thereof from time to time be no- minated and removeable by the Common Councell: And ~ for prevention of inconveniences which mayhappen by the long intermifiion of Common-Councells, itis defired, thatthere may be an ABC, that all by-Lawes and Ordi- nances already made, or hereafter to be made _by the Lord Major, Aldermen and“ Commonsin Coihmon-I Councel-l Aflembled, touching the calling, continuing, directing, and regulating the fame Common-Coiuncelpsi, {hall be as effeftuall in Law to all Intentsand Pnrpofes as if the fame were particularly Enafied by the Authorityiof . ‘ Parliament : And that the Lord ’Maior,_ Aldermen, and Commons in Common-Councell, may adde to, or Re- peale the (aid Ordinances from time to time as they {hall fee caufe. , ‘That fuch‘ other Propofitions as {hall be made for the C City, for their further fafety, welfare, and Government, and {hall be approved of by both Houfes of Parliament may be granted and confirmed by A8: of Parliament. t » That all Grants, Commiflions, Prefentations, Writs, Procefs Great ‘Scale of England in the culiody of the Lords‘ and g . ' . ,2! . g Procefs, Proceedings, and other things pafléd under the others Commeflioners appointed by both Houfes of Par-is ~ liament for the cultody thereof, be, and by A& of Parlia- ment‘ with the Royall affent. (hall be declared and Ena&- S S t ed to be of like full force, and effefl: to all Intentsand Purpofes, as the fame or like grants, Commiflions, Pre- fentations, Writs, Procelle, Proceedings, and other things under any great Seale of England, in any time heretofore were, or have beene; And that for time to comethe faid. great SeaIe now remaining incuflody of the (aid Com- milhoners, continue, and be ufed for the‘ great Scale of England 3 And that all Grants, Comtnillions, Prefentati-' g ons, Writs, Procelle, Proceedings and other things what- foever palied under or by any authority of any other ‘great Scale, fince the 22*. day of My, Anna Dom. 164.2. or hereafter to be paired, be Inrmild, and of no effe&, toall Intents and purpofes: Except fuch eWrits, Proceffe, fand, . Commiflions, as being palled under any other great Seale, then the {aid great Scale in the Cuflody of the Commif- fioners aforefaid, on or after the {aid 22*. day of 1144}, and before the 28. day ofNoveml2er,Am2a Dom. 1 643. were afterward proceeded upon, returnedinto, or put in ure in: any the Kings Courts at W’eflmz'2zj1er : And except the ~ Grant to Mr. Jufiice Bacon, to be one of the Jufiices of the Kings Bence. And exceptall A615 and proceedings by vertue of any fuch Commillions of Goale Delivery, Aflize, and Ni fl prim, or Ojer and ‘Ierminer,?p-afled under any other great Seale then the Scale aforefaid in cuflo- dy of the faid Commiflioners before the firll of 0&0- ber, 1642,. l “ ' » And that all Grants of Oflices, Lands, Tenements, or Heredicamcnts made, or palled under the great Scale of Ireland unto any Perfon .or Pe-rfons, Bodies Politique or- Corporate, fince the Celfation made in Ireland, the fif- ie teenth day of September, 16439 fhall be null, and void. And that all Honouls and Titles conferred upon any perfeg I . perfotxor perfons in the {aid Kingdoms of Ireland, fince ;,the i'ai’ci Ceffation, {hall be null, and void. -’ That the feverall Ordinancesthe one Intituled,'-=An -':O.'diI'l§¥1CC of Parliament, for abolifhing of Arch~Bi{ho; s and Biflénops within the Kingdomc of England and Domi- T A Walei, and for fetling oftheir Lands and pofle{'- fiorts upon Tmflees for the ui-‘e ofthc Common-wealth ; The other entituled, An Ordinance of the L0: ds and Commons Aflembled in Parliament, for appoining the {ale of Bilhops Lands for the ufc of the Com mon?-wcalr~.h be confirmed by Aéts of Parliament. 1.. ,.-........- ..,_........,,- .-.. .....-. ....... -- .-......-.... hF1N1& RARE DA 4 12 1647 . G55~ unurn at noon - counnu ELL SPC FIRE RARE DA412 1647 .G55 01070217