aiqefiies n H T 0 Bothfioufes of P A R L 1AiiiiiM E N ?i',fro1n the jfle (fl/Vig/9t,,N0Vemb.17. 164.7. ‘Defiring 2. Perfonall Treaty at Loud on with ihc two Hcmfés of Pgr‘1ia=ment.. Declaring his Rcfolution concepning Religion , C*hurc’h»-A Gnvernrnent, the Militia, the Arreares of the Army, the ‘Com’: wf \ Wards and Liveries,and other things, in order to the ‘fettle-~ V men: of the Peace of t1‘i€ Kin g.d‘om.i ' A A ?{s:;:zd in the Hozifle of Comrnomg out n 5 . 4 O 9 . ‘ ' ' . A ‘ I ‘ -~ .1 x~_. . (yr Ia ;.," .3. i , . , ' V I < 3. '* ‘:3‘ ‘ 4' 1 ~- . ' .‘- r. __i »,‘ . , ' ; --_u-~~ i -‘*~.‘v. v .4, fr ; 3., \| N?» .. In I ' M4... - .. \ P‘ « /7‘ ‘ '3-‘ ‘ .‘t"w'a ‘NV "~*’..ii~ . '. ' ‘ ‘ .;-,2;:§«,"se~. -.;gr: 3*‘ A ions which en (2 . , ‘W. ' K ' i ‘ V ‘ ” . e ‘ r ~ _ _ ‘ 9 ‘ ' AA’ 3 * ‘ ‘ , ‘fih _ “ i ‘ V ’ W,‘ A , yr - ’,. , -M 9» I .. -' 4&1 ,.x -‘-1. ,‘ I .'<~ ' 2 ' ‘~. vw. -- ~ \ s i. '- V.‘ -‘ .. V I V w . iv, 1:" ‘- -,v" >-, , ‘ ~ “ W-_',..~: v. 4 i i ‘H . . , §' ..g g. ., .1; ‘ ~ /..’.‘« V i ‘. ‘ V‘ .‘ V , - A‘ Wu, ‘H I . ‘ ’ i — 1 ‘ ‘; V“ ,_ ,‘ ‘ K4 " ‘ i “ W ' ‘_ :V , ‘ ‘ H ' .. V ,y, \ ‘I ‘ . w -—~ “ . “ ... i » v ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . . V » , _ . 7 _ , . 1 fl‘ . ' -'‘o''-:K\\?.“T':':'’...'7’?.’’''’_.e7.: ‘ i M .~:n of all Interefls, may befi conducc thereunto. A p A A ‘ “Andi becaufe‘Re1igi0ni is the beft A arid cheifeft foun- i elation Q"f‘Peace5 jl-lis iM”ajef’cy will begin fwithethzlti cular, ‘ , s A A M M V That £0‘: theabolifhing Arch--bifhops, Bifhops, sac. ‘His Majefty cleerly ‘profgifeth, that He cannot give His confent .t11ereuntQ, ibothhiniigelationfyasiHeeise afilhrifiiani, and a K mg : Fox:ithe4 fi'rfi, is He i‘avowes1iit‘hates He is‘ * A fatislfied in H~1s‘~I Judgment, that this f order was placcdin the Church bytzhe’ Aipofiles themfelves 5. zindi ever fince their «time, hath c<:+n¢} tinucdiinia11ChrijPci‘an Ch‘i.1rches throughourithe w0rld,~un-‘ till this“ lzificenturyj ofyeérss; Add inthisei*Chu1‘c11e i..n>a1_1 times of Change and’ Refoffriatitm, A it hath been iiupilléld-byi A the wifdome “of his finceflzours, as thegreat preferver sf A 2 A. Dovffcrinew I).°o6i:rin£3 cfiplincfixmwd rdfi‘ In the f¢r\v1cc~ofGod VA: -.1: King athis Corcnation,4;.4heA%hath rm only taken :a;.So‘e1cmne~ “Oath, to; maintainthisOrder,, but His Majc-P:-y% and Hi-is.P1-c... ‘ decefléours. in their - confirmations. of the Gr?-:_at \C'ha;1‘tcr ah have in-{E erably Awovven. the right olfthe Ch_urcI1in~to— thé Li.- ¢ bcrtiés the *r<=1’c ofth<=dir% 5ubie~‘~?=5_ =And Y“ '1?¢i5LWi11ing»itT 'b¢'PFOVid¢d that the 47pfsii‘*:”iP5 perform f tall D utiesof 1; heir iVcé1W1§§S 3. 5&5 ‘W57 PW@1'f* # -a \.‘ ‘ a~mdf]q I M . W‘ A‘ ‘H u Xnc Free; kings “liar éxcrcife M Of 111 fdiamfl; °i¥d‘“at*‘9“%s thb c_onfcn:t .05 yI1e1rPresbyte1*s: 2,, And W111 Powcrs: in 1‘1y_11f1"‘t':(I!]-iIl1~g‘§' be f<’>Ap1ir7i=x1it%:*d",;~ bé*hoftgrie%v—ougv £4) 't eAr'1i.dbr A (3;Qm§fcienc'¢s_.§=; A H38 Majcfiy 5.45;. zfieafonwhy IfE[c«%a1.o;=;;:5 %5V;jLr;~d: thofe of H1s]11dgme"h;t, flnould V % P1;”¢fl‘c:’dto-3; Violatipm ofth;-xrs. 1\‘I’:o‘rc;an;I—I«1s Mfajtfly con-5. fintto’t1?€€*MiéI!ati0I1[~0?f ¢am1'<>t" be d¢111td ~‘§O7b€; afinnc of %-t;11e;%I11g'I1¢:f’cSé;r:Q1‘11etIge. ;-,as; filfoj; that it éhé-interiaziéhé p~iou’s.V Dd"no1js,_who;.. ~ have laiéiiya héa;szy7 curfe% up7or1~ ufih. ‘p~r<:>fai1e; fV”iQ1"at§0ns,y which H15 Maiefiy 15 V¢r~Y" u”W%Y‘"11rI‘*¢"?0%* ‘JW-1¢¢fg0‘¢i%s4J And be-~ fides t;h§%1n~attc_r;, ;Hj1S~ f1)é‘:~f’c _ Y,"4ibe%I“€’5V-E5 Li1;tio.jbe~ " “ ad pr¢jud‘icfé“ to "t%h%e~ ‘godéfl L*tiiéi11§"7*€'fF % 'fI1£z-} Vin thc.bénefit of re~nu1t1g Leafes at mugh cafier Rates,’ ehem; if%»t%1b%fc- ‘ ‘ : ”weVré~i,t1_ th%E:5:~H‘3.f';%.€is %Qff;31‘ixfat'c~_Jméh3 not “ K?.ti¢s:b§7-tac~x=»$«f%n "Gsovtrnmerit l*isAn7911%"1{T€?‘éi.i‘11ir1%g:” and $54913 4 ”§Ffi”“¢i“7t away ,3’ Which¢ jngwi lie open to» th"7;c~ "CA‘h‘11LITr”e~n‘ ‘bf P¢:1bns%.A 4Yic;t%1+1isMaj‘e£ty~ coxi£i‘aex—1ng% :hc;gr“car% V II x: W .‘ ‘ w 1“ A TTrbfcnt~ A Vdiflcm:pe1+s;. ‘Mccgm:e%1(m'ng%% Chu11éhC[Di;{'ci "1i«r"1~4j:':;‘_4,“‘4 A A A AeA{Z:;h“3 ?30;n A «ufion as; much as 1-znafi f-(if 'the*%f;;7tf§-Fa§’€ff-. , ~@"n;cxf,o I-i ufcs:,, coma: ithit *-{aid 'VGbv;fl5rj114A mentbee legally permuted to Rand,’ mz:heefame¢cond1t;n‘ it now isfor th’1't‘:Ci years 5 Provided; eiheae an eihofe oefhisjeL1dge»ment (or any other who .ea.~i 1 n‘4ot4 inAé:oi1I”c‘i-'5 erace fubmir. t:hereunto)be not obliged to comp1y4ewit‘h1}?ref; b"yte_i-iall‘ Go}ve~rnmem:, but have free praétice bFe.heir‘o5Wné \ eP‘irf0?feflion, Without receiving any prejudice thereby; anci A chm free conihltaeion and debate ’bChad,VVi‘£hDeiViirlCS a:‘W:ePcm~inffer3 . ‘ .. W «. C ‘ , ‘ ! ‘W. , n. ‘ ‘Ana w l heluiliiiairbothilby SeaandLland,f'or and during his whole ReciFne,_ihallpp pordcred and difpofed byhis two Houiicsl of Pat pia;meint,poreby_I'uchperfons as they {hailappoitntt,elWiti1 do tlitnitcid for fuppreflingof i Forces within’ this King; a ‘ Tdoiiie, to thedifturbance of thepnblilce Peace, andagainfpt forraignclnvafiong and that they {hall have power during a ~his‘fai-d‘Reigne, to raife moncyes for the purpofes afore-A ‘faid gandthat neither His Majeflty that now isgorlany other {byany authority derived lonely from him) {hall execute 21- ~ my of the {aid Powers during His Majeities {aid Reigns,’ : butfuch as {hall 2.6’: by the confent and approbation of the twoHoulTes of Parliament : Nevertheleffe His Maiefty in-4 A tendsthat'allePatents, Commiflions, and other Acts con» cerning the Militia ., be made and aéted as formerly; and _ thatiafteri-Iis Majefties Reigns, all the power of the Militia A i ihallreturn entirely to the Crowne,as it was in the times of M W @t:cn.2':'vlVz'(5¢6et/.v_., and King James of bleffed memory. 4 i u i , i ii Afterlthis head JDF the Militia , £l’l¢ confideration of the ‘l hrreares due to the Army is not improper to follow .-,"fot l l is gthepainneintwhercof, and theeafe of hisF’eople,His Ma-v hall not be fulficient, His .Ma}e[ty i1‘1tCl1.d5- to give way fifty ‘iswilling to concurre in anything that cant bedone \ without the violation of his Confcience and Honour. V Whercfbreif his two Houfes {hall confentto remit unto aim fuch bcn€fit"‘”0ut of Scqucf’cration_sfrorn Michaelmas ilaii, and out of Compoiitions that {hall be tnadebefore the ~ concluding of the peace, and the Arrearesof as have i l beienalready ma_de,th~.e alfifta.nce of the Clerg’ie,;jarid" pthe, Ar» rears of fuch Rents of his own Reyenueitas hiispitworflohfes {hall not have received before theeoncludind ofthejPeace, ll e.Hi§Maje[I:ie will nnpdertalpce within the fpacopof roihteene i A Moneths, the pairnent of four: liundreditphou-{and“pounds for the fatisfaétion of the Army: Andif thofe meanes V (.0. a‘.n.4..t (J tothe tale of Forte-Pr Lands for that urpof'c, this laein’ the Publique debt which in His Maje iestjeudgernent is fir to befatisfied; and}-‘or other pnblique debts already eon- lZI'i1@tCdV'_r. upon Church Lands or any other Ingagements, I-IisMajefly. will give his confcnt to fuch Aét or Aéts for raifing of mjoncycs for paymentthercof as bothfloufes llhall hereafier agree upon, fo as they be equally laicl,i whereby his people ( already too heavily burthened by rhefelatc dillcmpers) may have no more preffiires upon them ‘then this abfolute neceflity requires: ' And for the A further fectrring of all feares, His Majlelty will confent, that ‘ at-1A&of;Parliament be paffedy for the difpofing of the: greatoflices of State, and nameing of Privie Counfellors f forlthollatvholc Terme of his raignc bythe two Houifesfof Parliament ., their Patents and Comrniflions l being takeni from His Majefly, anclafter to returneto the Crowne, as“ is expreff inthe Article of the Militia.. For the Court} of Wards and Liveriesgflis Maicfiy very W¢1lk“0W€5llthl¢ confcqucncceof taking that away ,by turning of all“'I‘nc‘--_:. nures into commonSoccagc, afwcll in point of Revenue to theiCrowne,y as in the Protection of many of his Sub-» l jfcfisbcing Infants; lN‘elverthelcfl'c if the continuance there» of fiemel grievoiis to it His Subjeéts, rather then he. lwil‘l‘.’ faileon hispartin giving fatisfaétion, he will confentyto an A6’: for takrng of it away, fa as a £ull..A..rce.ornpe-nee be‘~ lT'etlcdr.upon His;.Majclly and: his Succefforsa Tnaperpetnity, and that ‘the Arrearesinow due~berelErved unto“him to» wards the payment of the Arte-aresvof the Army. a " *And that the memory o1ftleh~~cfElatc- diltraétionsr may be; Weho1I‘yiwipedaway,HisM‘aj.l:P€ic will Clo!-tlfent toaan A6ft= of iPar‘liament"for thefuppreflingand‘rnalting null “of all aths, Dec-larationsand Proclamations againfizboth or sci- tl-1e.rT_tIr;Ioufe V of Parliament,‘ andyof all InCli5fmcntsr and o»;- Piocscdinasllasainfi any nsrfons for adhcring 1m=~~ A mam; and H13 Majefiy Pr0p0{73th»,~ (asA;hcdbeficxped;engL wtake away ai"1AAf6cd:s of fu£Li1‘€Adiff¢i‘€nges ).;h;a: Atherge; be 1‘ A an Aét of OAb1ivionA :0 exwnd :0 all his Subjeas; A Ar;AAs foxf Irdand, the CcI2Ta,ti0nAth§rc is long fince dezggy Annincd, but: for the fiiturefl all other things bsjsing fully an Agreed) His Majefi-is will give full fazisfa-fiion no hisi Aiicsconcerning-,; aha: Kingdoms. " I AA ‘ A A; And His Majfifiy cannot confent in H990: 3.; ];z§§’cig¢% ta avoid ,3?! His owne Grants and A<."cs% pafit under His ‘G‘EE'Afi»tA «Seam fine: the two and vgwentiath of1\/Iay 1642... or to theeonfifmingfofj all t%h¢%1§:%flT5 an%%djGfants pafif«:dL1nde%r that-made by the two»‘I-Iouffés, yer. Hiswiajefcy is confident, thatiupon perufall of pa5£:ivc21}ars,H€" VA V ihall give fix}-I fatisfafiidxi t%::'°His two;H0u1-"cs, to what my be rea~% fQ7tJL='8.Ab1Ay‘d€fit’€d int1hacparticAtita$r; 2 A u A AAAAA;nd4Aflf;AQ.:W A}-I%isj'efi:yfcoAnccVi7vc3s cimby I ctffcts ( A :5 Hz: “is r¢21d§,i:ItAo %mAake goqd; upon theAfetI:1ementAof a Peacc)AHe%ha:§hj; clga rly mcxmfciteci,tcn;io11s to A givcbfull fee urifiy fie! Afa£i'sfAa¢i:Ii9I1;AA A A r;ri:m'.%prcisp*o£'éon Hispart,H%a carncfiriydefires a.p¢xf0n,a.ll 1’rAeaAAt‘i;Q M’*~” ,\A A Lo%11doA:1Auyi§ifi;his two AHou-fes, if: Honour, %Fre¢c1x;>m;¢anAd fiafegyg «‘ tiff ié§lI%%%I11%téArcPcs,For{% what can jL1,filywbe A»d¢fixr¢d in 9rd[erV_4toA ghe fu3‘.ur§:A hafippiqes O51-£5 I?e?"qpfe.An*d fotthc ,p;2*rf'e:&i‘n pf‘ thAefcAc%‘oAn*ccffi‘o;i§,L A aé1«a1fo~ For Inch 03thf€%fAt1aifi"g;.%: as ‘Amaiy be f>~ropo*;edA3the *9EW7é5) Héf}dfe'§5 3cf“oiv {Ma j«1fPc_3Zreé?TohAaBAIe9defi1afid5 a33AAH%s§Maj€:f7cy fh-ai g;eceIi‘aa~:~A ixgbcing Aing his judgement the moft Apro *,ewra;11%di:1;1C1_§'CC1AA:0r11y A to;‘é;ne é::1dAAAfet1Ar:d Pcace,Aja~ndAixnApo;1b,1e w“i:;m;% i't:[1:4o% ‘rCCQ'£;i.éi§,1“:C_i" f*,,»;mA:.Azj;.,a,»;v of ;1ae@1é;«zrti;z:g*