,» V, .- ' « H ‘Eh, ‘ . I Am‘ ‘ ‘ 4.‘ - ' ‘ , ui , ., .~ ya}: x ' i» ‘V V‘ \ ‘ A 4‘ k I ‘ ‘J ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘H, , 5‘ |‘ ‘ ‘ "I, i ‘H V‘ ink‘ :.:Jf,'3 . : gr \ , V‘ ., “ wk‘ M _.. ‘ ’ , ‘ H I‘ H, X .rJ' ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ 4331' 4 i ‘ . . . u ‘ i ‘ v His A~né:~sTi.isi fligracic/>113 Mcjflfige ‘ M H I 2» 6 i ~=....i. ~S:-the daily €:'{p5eé’t3t‘ion of the Commihg of the PrGpOiitI}fiS‘ih3Ih"i11ad€ his Majefiythis long V % 3’ time to foirbcéarnc giving his Anfwer untca them,‘ ‘ A 13:) t1‘ea.ppe:iranc.e‘o{ their fending being ' 7 more for any thing is can Ilearc, rheniitwas at A iflmdcrdale hath iflffflfl at Landem above thefe Isa daycs, ( whofc Mi ‘moi conzminfirfim {lid to be the on-ely flop ) hath caufcd his »Majei’cy th1iiJ3'1lf€§”‘a13rici-pate their covmmingg to him, argczljét wroniideringhis Com-i1tion,that his Servants are dcnied~aC~i .’icc{IEait“o him, all but iveryafew, and theft: by appointment, not ‘his mwnc Eleéiion , and that it is declared a crime fora» A ny buzrtim Crjmmiilioxuers, or {uch who arc particularly i pcrmi tfffdtbjl zti”;w:m,tO Conver feiwirh 1:1 is Majeflzie; or that iany. Letters ‘éiiifiiwliid i:,w:*:iqive11 1:o,0r received fidrnhim, may bee yv not truiy ai1mthi'1eis not in cafe fir to makeiCommiIIions, imr give [‘:'f3EI‘1fu?:‘.A|!£i:rs’VVfinCe‘Mh€‘iS-riot mzifter of EITOIE ézzrdinary Aétions w-hiitiu am thcé undoubted Rights of any frc:e-box:i1c A ~iman,;ld()w»n‘:.ieane ifoever‘ his birtihbé".?i:And ceirtainlyhee V iwouid {kill be filcm as mthis‘ fubjeéiz, umfill A his Condition .were much‘ mandmi, did he ncmprc»fe=z~re fuch a right under» flanding ibictwixi: Him aid his“ Par1Aian*%cA::ts of bfotih King-2 r»dor¥I1es, whichimrzyy ma ice: a firmcrnandi ilafiiiz:igi‘Peacc~: in a}=1iHi~s fD@min~ions, biefiarciany pa.rticuiaz* of’ihiisk mime or any c~:m"h~ ’ ly blefling. and i"i*e1*eforeHiis ‘iM:2jcfiyih*at*hi‘diligently im- "i'né1cion,dth115 M5” 61's the firfi P.ro~l ,I;'hC;)t‘“_y|§’,C clear unto him,dcfirin=g themlalfo ltqdqhfider that if A gdpgofirian-. llhTlhatx:tpon his M"ii€fii6SC®mfnin%’t0 Lvfldwghee ~ h 1;m11hm:h;1y j0_yhe4linla1'1l th_a;fl12ll Comjctrig the honourorf A mslzwo Kingdwme-s on»th¢ Afl%mb1ylaf ~Eh¢l$E&t¢s0f frag: A hm}, orief flue M ox4D£guti¢s,of cAither I§Ei«ng4=' R V A :i:domc~;_;"‘pg'réi?ii113‘f‘1Y‘ "s‘whi%chfi15edefircd in that Propcfition" § up0n -can fio;Ie‘nce"t1§at all Of them rcfpeélivciy A A A wAiththcfame tcndernc-{Te W111 lookupon thofethinga which A cpnccrne Eais?Ma‘}ef’:ies%honpu’r- V ‘ A V _ ~ A In anfvver to all the Propofiuo-us cenccrning. Rclagzong [Majefiie hpropofiztlag, that he will canfirmc the Prcsbyre-=. wxi3‘H~~GOVCri1m»Cfl5a the Affcmbly of ,Divincs at Wgflmzzsflag ’ “I‘_3l;}d thcDire&ory,f3r three yeares, being the time fer downe A :,be.not hindr€d“ffomme,laefter the nu» happy troubles ,land the due performance of all rvheagtee-A l ments which are now to be concluded ( which his defirccl) which his lvlajef-‘tie alvvayes underl’toodA to be the cafia, and A hopes that hefeitr he isnot miftaken , his Maajefiie ewillTAgi7s/e laboundarm fatisfa éfion, :0 which end he is willing by Alét A. of Parliament, That the whole “power of the Militia , both by l ‘ Sea and Land fer the {pace Qftetme yearea bee in thehandsl of {ash perfons as the two. Houfes flaallA nemiaaatea giving .-them‘ power during the {aid tetmetoa change the faidpete A efcansg, andfifubfmtitute otlaets inthehr: places'at plcafure, llatzldafl- V‘ tC1‘Wa1“€l$-.t0 teturne to the proper ehatmell agame , as it was I Ainthe timeslof‘QI:f:eene Elzlfiaéet/5 and King lame: oft bjeflfed A memory. A. End nowl hi§MAajef’cie c0ejure.s_.hliaaatwe Houles of A. 5Parliament, as they “are Engltfhmenaahd lovers" ef Peace , by lmetduric they owe to jeftie their Kglngj 5 and bygthea A AA A ofcompaffiom theyh»av..e to their fellow Suhjeélcs, l that A thanthcy will accéptlolfl%_th4ishis Majeflzies amt, wheréfiy we " l tigyfu11ncvves~tt.<§F lPeacevm3y be tréftored to this languillaing Kingd,o:ne,~ his ‘mzjeftic will grant the like to the Kingdom l of 4 Scotland if it bcdclired, andto ggtee to all things rhatarc prgpeundcdltouching the ctmfervzng ofpcacc betwixt thew lltWQ.:lKiflgdQm3S:;. » A M Q A $1: To11;chingIrela:ml,~@tlier thinslbcing» agreed, His Majafiiel "twill giveufatisfafiion therein. As to themutuall Declarati- A A l ~o_t;‘s, r@p,fcd.to be el’eab.li{hed in both‘ Kingdomes by Aét of l"Pa1:liarnentl:,t+ And the lModifications 5 QuaAli»fications , andl A jBra'ncht:§ which follow in; the Propolittons, His lo/Iajefly lapel prafeflés, that ll-Ife doth not -fulficielntly l1fld€I'fl:3fld,‘_flQf; A iii able: tolrcccncxlemalny thmgsltcontamed In them 5, but this ~ Hfittwcllllmoweth,lTl2at ta, generaflw All of Oblivion is thebeli l§@nd®fttPca¢e 5 M and tl1atélftelslifltcfii~x1e Troubles , the wil?- l l .fiom’corf thisand otlnér Kingdomes Iuath ufuallyland 1:3 ppilyv ".in4allages.gramted generallmardons gwhereb the numerous difcontclntmetxts all many Perfons and Families orlierwilé "C.Xl.f3d to ruina, might not.beVcomc fewell to newdifordcm l Qt; fwdesw future troubles. H..islMaje2lly therefore dcfiresg t;ha-tlhisl;two H:w*l“esof Parliament would fcrioufly clefcendj’; ’ .into,thel'cl confideratitans and likcwife vtenclcrly 1ook—:.upon»=l h's Cbndition hereinfind the perpetual dill1onour7thattmultlé l ” " ‘ €;€:l:1V£t0 him, if He [lull thus abandon (0 mglnyfperfons of c ‘Gonditicm anl“'l?brtutmé~”thét%hltVe irlga léd tliettz V and f0rHl%m,0t1t,"fa fcti*l.'e“0fl11;tyl,ar; fpV;¢opot1;:§ls as a very: ‘acceptable teflfltttotiyvqfftlfitfixfafllefiidrt toJTh;gtt Egg l tall Aaof Ohlivi0nl‘andl ;{geetPjwa»rdon bcfortvvitlxpa jAt?c ciowarliatrtcnt. Toncliirlg the novvgreatlSeal,His Maje- gfly is very willin to confirme both it ahd all thc;Aé'l:s done l ‘by vettuc therem umriltl ltlaisl.-p"ref'éntl~time, fo that it be not «thereby lprefléd rm make voyd thofe Aétg of his clone by ver- - me of Ms great Scale, which in lwnour ‘and ju {lice heis (abl- ll ligedftol ,maintgine5 Andt~hat the lGoven;nmcat that;-y with 1' 1 Ed by 4 333 A sf may in his,“ Marjafiyfiaccordihg A tin; =*r%+h“e:: ‘r%cm-if: VA .- L;zw.A Cenccrn~ingthC% Q‘ x1wn.miom&;..Aén'the?n:Atti “”1,&:»," ifiifi Maififiy vv*hc11d1”1<3 Q1311 dome ta Waéflmiwflak 6wi1.:l graoxfie V jssfiyi win iv’iH§ngIy cezfibnt to the . A&T0r thc?c®ifi§rmiév»i¢ “ his ParVli_aVmcn‘;t all that; HI he may: . witheut d&fi."r‘oyrin;g~‘ the 31 ta:-V2..*:¢i<:>.r.9;.s» wfll1»icVh% aré jmfieifary afar tgzhei ;AC::rc3vvl?n~..f” I-iA_i7s%7M»4:21E%f~; 9f the Privilcdgc-:siandM Cufiomés 0%.f*t“h£ "C3i4fg}§'%€bf:%1;&aé“a’£:k¢;§nd all chm is mentioned In the “ *Prop0fir1ons for tghjeiriparticud let advantage. A And nowthat H as MVa;e£’ay h-wth. shufs, fax: dcavolured ta comply Withtghe defires of h’isY§rAW40“:f bf Fariiamcnt, rm chcemd thac this agraexment; my be fixmana Eafiing, without the Ia-afi: face or queflian of refimint blw 5 mifh At};-ge fame, his Majcfiy earncfilydefires %refcntly}:.b§'e; admitted to his Parliament as Wgfimz'n_[}cr,wit%h4Vrha£ H®"f11‘7': which is due to their Soveraigne, thcre folemnly t<§%conEir&i‘é % aha fame, and legally topaffiz chjc: A615 bcfare mencionedéand 10 give and recafiivc as well f;-tztisfafiion in all the reimainifig particu1;1rs , asmcewife fuch olzher pledges of mumzgll lévégi truft, and con fidcncc as {hall mofl conccrne thé good of him; and liis people 5 upon which happy agréemgnt, his“ W111 difpatch his Dirc&~imas to the Prxfmew,h1s S~o5n,m raauf»? 4*? immcd%iate1y:tq hirn,a,nd.wi11 undcxtaka‘fom*1is%A%nca encé thcrcugto. _ * V FWW SPMW 49" %L-ml: HM? “(pm V temporefiofic cammawicdttdtq Mv; Lard; ; %C"amifvmm.r in Ifmréggmant pf England Vwefimi-n?cer,, m¢d”tbe‘%Commtfl?am:f: of 4 Pgqrlipzmarir af scmxand; 1% A T E I N .1: M ‘ W‘ ‘ M; M» 1;” ,1 V‘ 3, Q 15 -9!. . w"'va.». or A ‘F . W. 1 3.. Moi’: Gracious MA Y‘ the 12.“? from H 0 L D 5.1: 3 Y, A 4 A To theLOR D s and Co MMONsitj1 the? Parliament of EN G LA N D, Afikmblcd at WESTMINSTER And the Commiflioners of the Parliament (£5 (3 OTL AN D‘ \WithhisAnfwer 5 . to tha Prcapoixtxons.